"All right. Let's go." Mom called. Charlie sighed before took his present and got out of the car. Neal glanced in his car mirror to see Jackie curled up in the car seat.
"Jacqueline" Jackie groaned but opened her eyes.
"Are we there yet?" She asked before a yawn escaped her lips. Neal nodded.
"Yes, Merry Christmas" He tried but Jackie was already gone after he said yes. They had never had a good bond but after he talked to Charlie the other day Jackie had ignored him completely.
"Oh, sorry I'm late." Scott apologised but nearly fell over when something hit him in the stomach. A large smile appeared on his face, already knowing who it was.
"Hey snowflake" He chuckled and hugged his daughter back. After the divorce, Charlie had gone silent and was more closed off while his sister, Jackie, didn't change. She did change however when her mom remarried to Neal. Oh how she hated that guy. He always tried to take the fun out of everything. And what is the world without fun.
"Do you want to come in for a minute?" Scott asked Laura, his ex. She shook her head and pointed to the car.
"Neal's waiting in the car, so—" Jackie finally released her dad and ran towards the house.
"Why doesn't he come in?" Scott asked. Jackie stopped and turned around. A very fake smile on her face.
"'Cause, Daddy, he says you'll just end up saying something snotty." She said in a high voice. Her father rolled his eyes but Jackie had already turned around and assured her brother inside. Dad's home wasn't cosy at all. He wasn't home that much. A couple of pictures on the wall but that was it.
Jacky shrugged of her coat and gloves before she walked after her brother to the Christmas tree. She frowned upon seeing the tree. It wasn't even decorated nicely. Charlie placed his present underneath the tree just as dad walked in, barking like a dog.
"There aren't that many presents over there." Charlie complained. Scott smiled it off.
"Well, that's because Santa isn't here yet." Jackie rolled her eyes but patted her brother's head.
"Neal doesn't believe in Santa." Charlie confessed.
"Well, Neal's head comes to a point."Jackie laughed at her father's comment.
"He's smart. He's a doctor."
"He's not a doctor. He's a psychiatrist." Jackie explained, not a hint of laughter left in her voice. Scott sighed.
"Take your coat off. You're stickin' around, aren't ya?" Charlie nodded before he started taking off his coat. Dad nodded before he left them. Jackie sighed and crouched down to Charlie's height.
"Charlie" Charlie sighed and looked down. "You know that you don't have to believe everything Neal says" Charlie looked up.
"But he is smart" Jackie resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Neal smart? Don't make me laugh.
"So if Neal told you that I am the easterbunny, would you believe him?" Charlie chuckled and shook his head. "Well then!" Jackie smiled and ruffled her brother's hair. "Let's place some cookies and milk down so that when Santa comes he has something to snack on." Charlie nodded before dropping his coat and running into the kitchen with his sister. Jackie had just opened the fridge when she heard her mom scold her father. She rolled her eyes and sighed before she turned to Charlie with a smile.
"Why don't you do the milk. I'll go and grab the cookies from the pantry."Charlie smiled, unobvious of the fighting. Jack smiled at her brother before she walked to the hallway but remained in the doorway.
"Leave her out of this."
"Don't you burp me, don't you change me-"
"I'm the dolly"
"Why do you guys always have to fight?" Jack sighed as she stepped out of her hiding spot. Her parents turned to her. Her dad quickly turned his frown in a smile.
"I, uh, swear we're not fighting. It's your mom's singing." Jackie shook her head, not in the mood.
"It sounds a lot like fighting, doesn't it?"
"Did you find the cookies?" Charlie called from the kitchen before he joined them, standing at Jackie's side. "What's going on?" He asked looking up at his big sister. She just shook her head, she had tried to keep him out of this, making this a nice Christmas for once.
"Well you see, Neal and your mom, they don't believe in Santa because they were real naughty. Which is why they'll probably get lumps of coal in their stockings."
"I don't think Santa works like that but I don't think adult like you would understand" Jackie smirked at her brother's words. That's her brother. Scott fake gasped.
"What are you talkin' about? I believe in Santa Claus."
"As do I" Jackie smiled placing her hand on her brother's shoulder.
"Maybe it's time you left. We don't want to keep Dr Pinhead waiting." Jackie chuckled. Scott walked out of the room. Mom rolled her eyes but crouched down and opened her arms.
"Come here." Charlie moved forwards and hugged her.
"Do I gotta stay?" Mom sighed as Jackie crossed her arms. Charlie always liked Mom more while she liked Dad more even though he was never around.
Charlie and mom whispered some words before they let go. She stood up and turned to Jackie but she remained where she was, awkwardly.
"I'll see you tomorrow" Jackie nodded before their mom walked out of the door.
Long story short. Their turkey burned and dad took them to Denny's. There they ate their awkward dinner before they returned home. Jack helped Charlie into his Pj's and changing into her own. She sat next to Charlie as dad told them a Christmas poem.
"And Mama in her kerchief and I in my cap. I'm dreaming - "had just settled down for a long winter's nap. Of a white - "When out on the lawn, there arose such a clatter, Christmas - "l sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. "Away to the window I flew like a flash. "With a miniature sleigh and St. Nich-- and Prancer and Dancer and --- to all a good night." Dad smiled seeing both his children asleep. He stood up and had just turned off the lights when a voice spoke.
"What's that?"
"What's what?" Scott asked turning around. Charlie lay in bed with his eyes wide open. His sister was luckily still asleep.
"A Rose Suchak ladder?" Charlie whispered back.
"It's not a ladder. I said, 'arose such a clatter.' It means, eh, 'came a big noise.'" Dad explained.
"What?" Charlie asked again.
"Charlie, "arose" is a word that means "it came," and "clatter" is a big noise. Now, please, go to sleep. Shut your eyes." Dad pleaded but Charlie's eyes remained open. He sighed and walked back to the chair and sat down.
"How do reindeer fly? They don't have any wings." Charlie whispered.
"Fairy dust?" Scott answered but it sounded more like a question.
"That's from Peter Pan, Dad." Charlie groaned.
"Horns- " Dad started but Charlie cut him off.
"Whatever. Their, uh, antlers give them-- You know, ther-- ther-- there's a slipstream effect-- The air go—" Dad tried explaining but was cut off.
"Their antlers are like fairy dust" Both men turned their heads to see Jackie wake up. "They can use it whenever they want." Charlie nodded.
"But if Santa's so fat, how did he get down the chimneys?" Charlie asked again.
"He sucks it in like Grandpa." Dad explained making Jack chuckle.
"But what about people who don't have fireplaces? How does he get into their house?" Jackie was about to explain it when their dad beat her to it.
"Charlie, sometimes believing in something means you means you just believe in it." Dad explained. Jack rolled her eyes and sat up more.
"What dad means is, is that you don't have to see something to believe it exist" Charlie smiled and closed his eyes but opened them a couple of second later.
"But you do believe in Santa, right, Dad?" Scott nodded.
"Of course I believe in Santa. Now, please, go to sleep." Charlie finally closed his eyes and Jack sighed in relief. Scott watched them for a moment before he left. Hopefully to get some much needed sleep.
Jackie's eyes snapped open as she felt a body on top of hers.
"Jacks!!!" A voice which she could easily recognise as Charlie's.
"Go back to sleep Charlie" She groaned, pushing him off her. Charlie groaned as he hit the floor but scribbled to his feet and shook her again.
"There is something on the roof!" Jackie's eyes shot open as she heard the thudding herself. She quickly sat up and turned to Charlie.
"Get dad" Charlie nodded and ran out of the room. Jacky quickly walked to her bag that sat in one of the corners of the room. She opened it and took out her navy blue hoodie. Better warm than sorry. After tugging her hoodie over her head she grabbed her reindeer slippers and placed them on her feet before running out of the room.
At the top of the stairs she met up with Charlie, took his hand and ran with him to the front door. She was about to open it when Charlie stopped her.
"What is it Charlie?" Charlie's eyes remained fixed on the door.
"What if they are thief's?" Jackie smiled at her innocent brother.
"Then we'll do just like that movie and kick their asses" Charlie smiled and nodded. Jackie slowly opened the door and stepped outside with Charlie. Once they were fully outside they saw their dad standing next to an unconscious man in the snow. Charlie released his sister's hand and ran towards his dad.
"You got him!" Dad groaned.
"Charlie, stay where you are." Of course Charlie didn't listen and ran towards him "Charlie, would you listen to me? Stay up there!" Jackie rolled her eyes and walked towards them, hugging herself. It was really cold and she was in her jammies with a hoodie. Great....
"It is Santa! You killed him." Charlie said in disbelief.
"Did not. And he's not Santa." Dad explained. Jack stopped next to them and eyed the man.
"Congratulations dad, you killed Santa" Scott send her a glare before he bend down.
"He's got some l.D. on him, I bet. Fella, if you can hear me, I'm just lookin' for your identification. Once I figure out who ya are, I'll-- I'll give you a lift back to the mall." Dad patted the man's pockets down before he found a card. Jackie crouched down so she could read it.
'lf something should happen to me, put on my suit.
The reindeer will know what to do.'
"Yeah, right." Dad frowned but their heads shot up when they heard the sound of bells. They all stepped backwards to get a better look. Their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets upon seeing the reindeer on the roof. Yeah you heard me right, FREAKING REINDEER ON THE ROOF!!
"Whoa." Charlie breathed. Charlie and Scott walked back towards the man while Jackie remained standing, staring at the reindeer. Freaking reindeers and a giant sled. Her eyes moved downwards as a ladder appeared in front of the front door. A wicked smiled found its way onto her lips before she took off. She passed her father, hearing him mutter to himself.
"-Reindeer on the roof. That is hard to explain." She quickly made her way up the ladder and apparently Charlie had followed her because she heard him speak.
"It's the ladder." She couldn't hear the rest of the conversation because she was already up the roof.
"Wow" She breathed, seeing the reindeer up close. One of the reindeer in front of her looked at her with large eyes. She smiled and walked closer before slowly reaching up to pet his large nose. He or she moved his nose up so it touched her hand. He sneezed making Jackie laugh. She started to stroke his nose. It felt like soft leather. The reindeer closed his eyes in delight. After a couple of moment Jackie was joined by Charlie.
"Dad, isn't this neat?" He called as he started to stroke the reindeer too. Jackie retracted her hand and started to walk backwards, to the sled.
"Charlie. Jackie! Stay away from those things. They're reindeer. You don't know where they've been. They all look like they've got key lime disease." Jackie rolled her eyes but ignored her dad and stepped inside the sled.
"Dad! Check this out." Jackie laughed as she stroked the sled. Charlie seemed to notice her because he was sitting next to her in no time. "Its Santa's sled"
"There's no such thing as Santa's sleigh." Scott sighed. Jackie shook her head but Charlie shot in her defence.
"Sure there is. You said you believed in Santa, right?"
"I did? I do." Smooth dad, very smooth.
"What about the reindeer? These are Santa's reindeer, aren't they?" Charlie asked.
"I hope not. These are, uh, a gift. Probably from the cable company. We're getting the Disney Channel now. Merry Christmas." Dad smiled fakely before he tried to get them out. "Now, hop out of there, please."
"I don't wanna go." Dad groaned.
"Jackie tell him" Jackie shook her head with a smirk.
"Not a chance." Dad huffed and stepped inside the sled, grabbing them.
"I'm not kidding. Let's go!"With the last words said the sled took off. The family screamed as the reindeer started to run off the roof. Dad was thrown in the backseat as Charlie started to swat the rains.
"Giddyap, Comet! Whoa, let's go!" Jackie cheered the entire time even when the sled sped off the roof into the busy streets.
"Dad! Climb up here!" Dad slowly got up and tried to move in front but it was to full. Jackie, upon seeing this, swung her feet up and moved to the back seat. Dad tried to scold her for it but was stopped by Charlie as he trusted the rains in his hands. They rode for a while before they stopped on a new roof. Jackie huffed at the shortness of the ride.
"Well, we made good time. Now what do we do?" Dad asked standing up.
"Get the bag of toys." Charlie answered immediately.
"And do what?" Scott questioned, lost.
"Go down the chimney."Jackie answered, catching on to her brother.
"Down the chimney?" Dad looked at them like they were lunatics. "You want me to take the toys down the chimney into a strange house in my underwear?" Charlie shook his head.
"No. You gotta put the suit on first."
"You know what we're gonna do is we're gonna get outta here, because this whole thing is stupid." Charlie huffed.
"How come everything I wanna do is stupid?
"I didn't say that." Dad pointed out but the children just stared at him. He groaned and started putting on the suit.
"Freezing my nubs off out here, and you want me to get into a Santa costume. This is great. A Santa costume. Oh, this thing. You never know where it's been. A thousand malls. Well, I hope you're happy, Comet. Hope you're happy. But most of all, I hope the guy that lives here is a tailor!" He joked tugging on the pants that were way to large for him.
"Nice coat. Well, how do I look? Nice?" Jackie nodded before she pointed to his belt.
"You forgot the sash"
"You're right." Their dad frowned before he fastened it. "This completes the ensemble. All right. Got my boots. Now I've got the suit on. How am I supposed to know what to leave?" Jackie started to hum, Santa Clause is coming to town. Charlie quickly caught on.
"Maybe there's a list."
"A list. How silly of me." Dad rolled his eyes before he took the bag, trying to open it but instead it flew up.
"Careful, Dad!" Jackie pleaded but the bag flew her dad towards the chimney.
"I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay! I'm used to it. I lived through the '70s." The bag lowered him and somehow he squeezed through the chimney. Charlie and Jack watched him go before they looked at each other.
"Awesome" They breathed in chorus. It took him a long time to get back so Jackie fell asleep. When Scott came back trough the chimney he smiled as he saw his little girl asleep on the backseat. They flew the sled to more houses until every house was filled with presents. When Jackie finally woke up they weren't in their city anymore. It was cold again but this time they were in the arctic. Jacky gasped, shot up and looked around her. She was just in time to see the reindeers run off.
"Where are we?" she asked half awake. She rubbed her eyes as Charlie shrugged. Dad ignored her and groaned before they all fell silent when a song sounded across the snow.
In the silence of the night
When the snow
Lies soft and still
A boy, about Charlie's age appeared behind the snow. He wore all green and didn't seem bothered by the snow. Dad started to shout at him but the boy ignored it
You can see a magic light
And hear the ring of Christmas bells
Though the night seems long and dark
The boy took of his gloves and crouched down to touch something. Jackie's eyes widen upon seeing the boy's pointed ears. The boy stood up again and smiled at them.
It is the earth
Just gone to sleep
Slowly a pole rose up from the snow.
"What is that?" Dad asked. Jackie smiled.
"I think it's the North Pole."
The stars that dot
The sky above
"That's the North Pole?" Jackie nodded. "Hey, buddy, we need some help." Dad called to the boy or elf but he ignored them and started typing something into the pole.
Hold you in
Their precious keep
So close your eyes and come with me
Charlie and Scott looked down as the sled began to lower into the ground. Jackie however looked at the elf as he smirked at them.
The Christmas bells will bring you home
Slowly the sled lowered itself down into the ground. The family watched in wonder as they saw a large factory like place filled with toys, candy and more elves.
"Hey, look! Here comes the new Santa!" One of the elves shouted causing everyone to look up. Jackie waved at them with a huge smile on her face. A small elf with blonde hair saw her waving and waved back. Jack's eyes wandered the crowd until they fell upon a larger elf with brown hair. As if sensing her he turned around. Jacky smiled at him and waved and to her surprise he gave her a small wave back.
And now with song we fill the night
While magic dances in the light
To wish you now and all the year
The joy that comes with Christmas cheer
Hear our voices fill the air
To drive the winter's cold away
And so our hearts with all will share
The love that comes with Christmas day
The love that comes with Christmas day
The Christmas bells will bring you home
The sled finally touched down and they were greeted by lots of elves. Dad turned to one of them.
"Hey, kid, kid. Kid, who's in charge here?" The elf looked up.
"You are. And I'm not a kid. I've pointy shoes that are older than you." The elf answered cheekily. "I'm an elf." Dad stared at him but the elf had already walked off. Jackie rolled her eyes and hopped out of the sled. She turned around in awe ass elves walked around her.
"Uh, you guys, or you girls-- Who gives the orders? Who's your boss?" Dad asked the elves. One girl who was working on the sled looked up with a smile.
"You are." Dad shook his head but the elf had already walked off.
"No, no, no. Uh—" Dad scratched his head and turned to the next elf. "W-Who's the head elf?" Again the elf smiled.
"You are." Dad groaned and followed the girl elf.
"I am serious, who's in charge here" Jackie walked over to him, her hands in her hoodie pockets.
"I think the answer is you" Dad send her a look to which she held her hands up in surrender. The elf girl smirked at Jackie but stopped when a new elf walked up. Jackie averted her eyes to the new elf. It was the same elf as before. Brown curls that lined his pointy ears. A green beret on top of his curls. He wore a red and golden tunic with a brown bag and brown shoes. Jackie's cheeks turned a very light pink.
"Hey! Who's causin' all the trouble around here?" The larger elf asked them, not a spark of happiness in his voice.
"He is"
"She is."
Dad and the elf girl said at the same time, causing Jackie to roll her eyes.
"Excuse me. Are we on a coffee break?" The larger elf asked the elf girl. She shook her head.
"We don't drink coffee."
"Then I guess the break is over! Back to work. Thanks." Jackie frowned. Rude much?
"Take it easy on her, will ya?" Dad protected, eying the boy. "Who are you?" The elf's face turned a bit friendlier and looked down, not meeting Scott eyes.
"I'm Bernard. Nice to meet ya, Santa." He introduced before he walked away. Dad of course walked after him, tying to get some answers while Jack walked back to her brother who was still inside the sled. She smiled as she neared him. "Come on Charlie Boy. Lets help dad" Charlie beamed but before he could even hop out of the sled Jackie helped him up and onto her back. Charlie squealed as Jackie led him after their Santa father. They past some elf's who laughed at the siblings before they neared their father.
"Can I get you a drink?" Jackie could hear Bernard ask Scott. He shook his head.
"No, I don't want a drink." Charlie, still on his sister's back, smiled.
"I'm thirsty, and hungry too." Scott turned to them with a sigh.
"Charlie, I thought I told you to stay in the sleigh." Charlie sighed and slid off his sister's back. She crossed her arms, not very happy anymore. Why not make Charlie happy for once? She always tried to but someone always had to ruin it. Bernard smiled and turned to Charlie.
"Who's this?" Scot looked at Bernard.
"This-- This is my son, Charlie." Dad laid his hand on Charlie's shoulder. "I'm sorry. Charlie, this is Buh, Beh, Beh—" Jack rolled her eyes.
"Bernard." She answered at the same time as Bernard. He looked at her surprised before Charlie held out his hand.
"Hi, Bernard." Bernard smiled and shook his hand.
"Hiya, sport." Charlie beamed up to his father.
"Hey, Dad, he called me "sport" just like you." Scott snorted.
"Wonderful." Bernard smiled at Charlie before he turned to Scott.
"Is he your oldest child?" Scott raised his eyebrow before he shook his head.
"No that's Jackie" He motioned towards Jack who was still standing at the side. She uncrossed her arms and send Bernard a small wave.
"She is your daughter?" Bernard asked in disbelief. Scott nodded his head.
"Well we cannot all have the Calvin looks right?" He joked but got no smile out of them. Bernard ignored the comment and turned to Charlie.
"Hey, you know what. I got somethin' for you." Charlie beamed. "Okay, now hold out your hand, all right?" Charlie did as told and Bernard placed a large snow globe in his hands. "Now, be very careful. This is very old, just like me." Charlie stared at it in awe. "Shake it up, Charlie." Charlie looked at him before he nodded and shook the snow globe. He must have seem something because he gasped.
"Wow." Bernard smiled.
"Why don't you, uh, hold onto it for me for a while. It might come in handy" Charlie stared at him, shocked. No one had ever been so nice to him except his sister. He nodded slowly, wonder in his eyes.
"Thanks. Thanks a lot. I promise I'll take real good care of it."
"Make sure you do." Bernard added.
"I will." Charlie then turned to dad who had walked to the door at the end of the hall.
"Thank you" Jack said making Bernard look at her. He nodded before a smile appeared on his lips.
"You're welcome." Dad walked back making Jack snap out of her stare and blush.
"Hey, Barabbas." Jackie elbowed him hard in his side.
"Bernard!" Bernard chuckled, seeing Scott mouth AUW.
"Bernard." Scott empathise to Jackie. She nodded before he turned to Bernard. "Can we take a direct flight back to reality, or do we have to change planes in Denver?" Bernard sighed before he spotted an elf walk past.
"Larry" He called. The elf stopped and turned to him. "Take Jackie to Scooter" Larry nodded happily, his eyes lighting up. "And um, take Charlie and get him some chow." Larry nodded before he beckoned them over. Jackie turned to Bernard and he nodded. She shrugged before she took her brother's hand and walked after Larry. She could hear Scott protest as they walked after Larry but she didn't care. They were on the north pole surrounded by elves!! Sorry dad.
Charlie hugged the snow globe to his chest with a big smiled. After a couple of halls they neared a door. Just like the other one but this one was dark brown with white swirls around it.
Larry walked up to it and knocked. There was silence until the door opened and an elf appeared in the doorway. He looked much older than the other elves. He had wild white hair that reminded Jack a lot of Einstein and small round glasses. Larry and who appeared to be Scooter whispered something to each other until Larry pointed at Jackie. She flushed red and waved shyly. Scooter eyed her before he nodded at Larry and disappeared inside. Larry beamed and turned to Jackie.
"He will see you now" Jackie raised her eyebrow.
"Who will see me now?" Larry grinned.
"Scooter. Don't worry he's not as bad as he looks." He motioned towards the door again but Jackie remained on her place.
"Hold up. Why do I have to see him?" Larry sighed.
"He will explain everything." Jackie remained standing. "Please" Larry whispered showing off his puppy eyes. Jackie groaned, knowing she had to and turned to Charlie.
"I'll be right back" Charlie nodded. "And if anything happens, just scream and I'll come to get you" Jackie sighed and hugged her brother. After a couple of moments she released him and walked inside. Once inside the door behind her slammed shut. It didn't bother Jackie though because she was to in awe of the room.
"Wow" She breathed looked around.
"Sit" A voice ordered from the other side of the room. Jackie looked up to see a large desk with Scooter behind it. Jackie looked around her before sighing and sitting down on the chair in front of the desk.
"Name?" Scooter asked not looking up from his papers.
"Jacqueline Calvin" Scooter nodded and scribbled it down.
"Age?" Jackie raised her eyebrow but answered anyway.
"16?" Scooter wrote it down before he looked up trough his round glasses.
"Are you or are you not the oldest child of Scott Calvin"
"I am" Scooter nodded again before sliding the paper he had been writing on across the table.
"Sign this" Jack eyed the paper for a moment before shrugging and signing. She placed the pen back down and Scooter took the form back.
"Is this because I drooled on the sled?" Jackie asked, a frown on her face. "Because I had no intension to but you see when I sleep i-" She was cut off by Scooter placing an huge suitcase on the table. "Wow" She stared at it. It was even longer than the desk making the edges stick out, about 2 inches.
"This" Scooter said motioning to the case. "Is one of the oldest items in the world. Older than the pyramids and Santa's suit" Jack's eyes widen. "It holds an immense power that can only be harnessed by one person and one person only." He explained before he pushed his glasses further on his nose. He stared at Jackie with his old eyes. "And I think that person is you" Jackie stared at him before she smiled.
"This has to be a joke right?" The gleam disappeared from Scooter's eyes as he sat back. "I can't be this magic person" She made some hand movement. "Heck, I can't even finish my math exam. The only thing I'm good as is making my brother smile" Scooter shot forwards and pointed his small finger at Jackie.
"And that's the only thing you have to do." Jackie looked down, cross-eyed at Scooter's finger.
"Make my brother smile?" Scooter nodded, a smile on his face.
"Him and all the children in the world" He moved back inside his chair and started fiddling with the case.
"I thought that was Santa's job" Scooter nodded not looked at her.
"Only on Christmas" Jackie rolled her eyes.
"So you are telling me I am to become a person who brings happiness to the world when Santa can't and I am supposed to do that with whatever's in that box" Scooter looked up and nodded.
"Yes" He answered simply. Jackie watched as he looked back down at the case and tried opening it again.
"Gingersnaps!!" He cursed when the lock wouldn't budge and slammed his hand down on the case. There was a slight click before the case opened. "Aha" Scooter smiled and moved to open it. Jackie sat up more straight, curious what was inside the case. The lid opened and there lay an wooden staff. It was made from a brown coloured wood that looked like it had been twisted around itself. The end was curved to make an round arch.
Jackie stared at it, finding it strange. The item that could make children happy was an stick? But then again it didn't matter what the item was but what was inside it. The power that it held. Jackie could nearly feel it radiating off the staff.
Scooter watched the girl's reaction. There had been a lot of fitted people who he had shown the staff but all of them had rejected upon seeing the staff. This girl though showed promise.
"It's a staff" Jackie breathed after a long silence. Scooter nodded before looked at the staff.
"It has not been used in a very long time. The last Santa was childless so there was no barer for it." Jackie nodded this time she wasn't looking at him. Scooter moved closer to her. "Take it" Jackie's eyes shot up.
"Really?" She whispered. Scooter smirked and nodded. Jackie gulped before she looked at the staff again. She slowly reached out and touched the staff. An icy chill shot through her but it didn't stop her. Instead she grasped the staff with her two hands and lifted it out of the case. Because the staff was so tall she stood up from her chair to place it next to her. Scooter gasped, seeing that the girl could take the staff. If anyone had dared to do so frostbite would cover their hands.
Jackie's eyes travelled up the staff a couple of times before she turned to Scooter.
"Is this alright?" Scooter nodded, his eyes still wide. With an shaking hand he grabbed one of the books that lay on his desk. He stood up and walked over to Jackie. Stopping in front of her he held up the book. "This book will help you understand the responsibly the staff bears" Jack nodded and was about to take it from Scooter when he lowered it. "I will ask Larry to take it to your room" Jackie nodded and smiled at Scooter. His eyes shot to the staff before a huge smile appeared on his face.
"I think it is time you go back to Bernard. He might have more information for you. He will also be responsible for your training session." Jackie raised her eyebrow.
"Bernard knows of this?" Scooter smiled.
"Yes my dear. He was good friends with the previous barer" Jackie's eyes widen. How old were these elves. Scooter, upon seeing Jackie's response laughed. "Oh we are much older than we appear." Jackie laughed with Scooter before Scooter nodded.
"Now go. Don't make me kick you out" Jackie grinned before she walked out of the door. The staff was much lighter than it appeared. She looked at Scooter one last time before she walked out. Larry stumbled away from the door, his face beet red.
"I am sorry- I wasn't-" Larry sputtered before his eyes fell on Jackie's staff. "Oh my candy canes. You are him!!" Larry jumped up and down from excitement. Jackie smiled at his enthusiasm before he stopped. "I must bring you to Bernard right away!! Oh I can't wait for his reaction" Larry grinned before he and Jackie walked out of the hallway.
On the way to Bernard Larry couldn't stop himself and asked Jackie thousand of questions. Most of them she didn't even knew how to respond but she learned a lot of them as well. Apparently she could fly now. The staff had a lot more to offer but Larry was talking to fast to understand.
When they finally reached the right room it appeared to be the main factory room. Elves were building toys all around the place. Larry walked off to find Bernard while Jack walked over to the golden fence and looked down. There were at least 6 more rooms like this underneath them!! This is amazing!!
"Jack!" Larry shouted making Jackie look up. He waved her over and she quickly walked over to him. More and more elves stared at her as she walked past.
"Checkin' it twice~" A voice sang that Jackie quickly recognised as Charlie's. Her head snapped towards it to see them at the other side of the room. Larry saw it too because he started to run towards it.
"Gonna find out who's naughty or nice~" All the elves finished. Jackie and Larry quickly reached Bernard, Scott and Charlie.
"Look, you put a "P" next to the kids who are nice and a "C" next to the naughty ones." Bernard explained. Scott shook his head.
"'P' and 'C'?" Jackie nodded.
"Yeah. 'P' for present, 'C' for coal, right" Bernard nodded not really look at Jackie. Charlie did see her and ran over
"Charlie" He shouted before he hugged her. Bernard and Scott walked further as the siblings embraced each other.
"Wow what's that?" Charlie asked as his eyes fall on Jack's staff. Jackie smiled.
"Oh, this? Scooter gave it to me, saying with it I will make children very happy." Charlie's eyes widen.
"Like dad?" Jackie laughed and nodded.
"I hope so. Come on lets follow them before they leave us" Charlie nodded before taking Jack's free hand and walked after dad and Bernard.
"What if I don't buy into this Santa Clause thing? What if I choose not to believe it?" Scott said making everyone gasp. Bernard turned to him with an stone face.
"Then there would be millions of disappointed children around the world. You see, children hold the spirit of Christmas within their hearts. You wouldn't want to be responsible for killing the spirit of Christmas, now, would you" Bernard glared. "Santa?" He added before he left. "Judy will take you to your room. Get out of the suit. It needs to be cleaned. Then get some sleep. We've got a lot of work to do and only a year in which to do it." He called as he walked out of the room.
Jackie sighed, not liking the way her father acted. She was stopped however by a tug on her hoodie. She looked down to see a little ginger elf. Jack smiled and crouched down.
"Hey there buddie" The small elf sniffed, not wanting to cry.
"He didn't mean it did he?" The elf asked with a very small voice. Jackie smiled.
"Of course he didn't. He is Santa after all" She reached up and brushed the stray tear away. The small elf smiled and hugged Jackie.
"Thank you Jack" He whispered.
"No problem bud." The small elf released her before he walked back to his work. Jack watched him go before she stood up again and walked back to her father. Just as she arrived a small train arrived with an elf in it. Scott smiled at her.
"Judy" He greeted. She smiled and nodded.
"Santa." She turned to Jackie.
"Jack" Jackie nodded with a smile
"Follow me." Judie said just before the train took off. Jackie smirked and sped forward and sat on the last wagon. Jackie heard her father call after her but the train had already reached the tunnel. They passed a couple of halls before the train stopped. Jackie looked over to see another large door. Judy and Charlie hopped out of the train and Jack was about to do the same when Judy stopped her. "Your room will be at the next stop.
Jackie nodded and smiled. "Goodnight Charlie" She smiled at her brother. Charlie waved back. "Goodnight!"The train whistled and took off.
The train soon drove into another tunnel. Jackie sighed and looked down at the staff that was still in her hands. Did she make the right choice when she took it? I mean yeah it picked her but she still had her life back home. Her school and her friends. Well not much friends but still. Jackie was pulled out of her thoughts when the train came to a stop. She hopped out of the train and saluted the elf driving the train. The elf saluted back before he took off. Jackie noticed they were quite high up. She walked over to the golden fence again and looked down. Apparently this was the highest you could go. She smiled slightly before she walked away from the fence and to the wooden door. There stood Larry again. He beamed at her, his brown eyes shimmering.
"Hey" jack smiled at him.
"Hi" Larry smiled before opening the door and keeping it open. Jackie smiled politely at him and stepped inside.
The room was huge!!!! The floor was made out of a dark wood and the same wood was used for beams across the ceiling. Jack stepped further into the room, her eyes nearly falling out of her head. The walls were a light cream colour that really stood out against the dark wood. On different placed of the floor lay rugs in different sizes and colours but all very fuzzy. All across the room stood different furniture. A large king sized bed with dark blue covers, an round table with ornaments on top of it, a couple of comfy chairs, a huge fireplace at one of the walls with two chairs and one couch pointing to it. A couple of lamps across the beams that hung from the ceiling and of course a large Christmas tree with ornaments and lights. Along the walls stood a couple of dressers and cabinets and on the walls hang pictures of famous cities and such. Along the pictures on the walls were also large windows with view of the entire North Pole. There was also one window that had couches in front of it as a window still of some sorts. At the right side of the room was another door which Jackie assumed was to the bathroom.
"Wow" Jackie breathed. Larry bounced on the balls of his feet, happy with her reaction.
"Judy made you her famous freezing coco" Larry gasped before he ran to the table with the chairs next to it and the fireplace. Jackie laughed at his reaction before she ran after him. Larry held out the tin cup and she gladly took it but finding it difficult with the staff still in her hands. She looked at it before placing it against the couch. She then turned back to Larry and took the cup. Jackie smiled before she lowered herself into the comfy chair behind her. She carefully took a sip, hoping to not burn herself but found it just the right temperature. The warm substance flowed down her trout and she felt herself moan. Creamy but minty.
"THIS IS SO GOOODD" She gasped before she took another gulp. Larry laughed and watched her. Jackie opened one of her eyes and lowered the cup from her lips.
"Why are you still standing there?" She asked. Larry paled and looked like he was about to puke. "Grab a cup and sit with me" Larry stared at her in disbelief. She just smiled and patted the spot next to her. A large grin appeared on his face before he took the other cup and sat next to her.
Larry was really small compared to her, he didn't even reach her shoulders and couldn't reach the floor. Even with his pointed hat he couldn't reach her ears. He looked about Charlie's age.
"How old are you?" Jackie asked him suddenly. "I mean. I've heard some other elves say they were really old"
"I've turned 78, three and a half weeks ago actually" Jackie nearly choked on her coco.
"Wow your old, old man" Larry laughed at her comment before he feel silent.
"What's it like to be the new Jack Frost?" Jack smiled and shrugged.
"I don't know. I don't feel different" Larry smirked before looking at her.
"Have you spoken to Bernard yet?" Jackie sighed and placed her cup back on the table.
"No he was too busy, screaming" Larry turned so he was sitting cross-legged on the couch facing Jackie.
"It's not his fault you know. He's just stressed because of the new Santa" Jackie nodded in understanding. "I really can't wait to see his reaction when he-"
Larry was cut off by a knock on the door. Larry and Jack turned their heads to the door.
"Come in!" Jackie called. The dark door opened and Bernard walked in. He was holding some kind of clipboard which had his full attention. Larry quickly jumped off the couch to hide.
"Judy told me to see you, saying you had questions" Jackie nodded and stood up. She took her staff again and walked over to Bernard.
"Yes, Scooter told me you could help me with this" Bernard's eyes finally left his board as he looked at her. Instead of looking at her his eyes fell onto the staff. He nearly dropped his clipboard but managed to hold on to it before he pointed at it with his shaking finger.
"You can hold it?" Jack nodded and smiled.
"Yeah. I just don't understand any of it" Bernard nodded before he finally looked back at Jack. He was about her height. Maybe even taller. His brown eyes found her brown ones and Jack was surprised by the newfound happiness she saw in his eyes.
"I can help you with that" He smiled. "I can teach you everything I know but most of the things you have to figure out on your own." Jackie nodded. "I'll make sure you get your schedule for the training tomorrow morning." Jackie raised her eyebrow.
"I thought you told my dad that we would leave tomorrow for 11 months?" Bernard shook his head making his curls bounce.
"Yes, he is. You well return tomorrow evening so we can start with your training" Jackie nodded happily before her smile disappeared.
"What about my family? And school?"
"When you have competed your training you are free to go wherever you want and we have an fully functional school right here" Jackie nodded again.
"So tomorrow someone will come to get me?"Bernard nodded. "Do I need to take things with me?" Bernard shrugged.
"Nothing more than one bag will be good." Bernard smiled before Jack cleared her trout and looked down.
"Well I guess I see you tomorrow then" Bernard smiled and nodded.
"An Elf will be at your house at 2. If something happens in the meantime" Bernard looked down at his board and took out a card. He read it quickly before he handed it to her. "Call us" Jack nodded and looked down at the card.
Santa's Factory
"Thanks" Jackie thanked him, placing the card in her hoodie pocked.
"Get some sleep" Bernard ordered. Jackie mocking saluted with her hand, a smirk on her face. "Goodnight" Bernard told her before he left the room.
"Someone has a crush~" a voice sang from the other side of the room. Jackie turned her head to see Larry back on the couch. A smug expression on his face. Jackie glared at him.
"Shut it" Larry giggled before he sunk back down into the couch.
The rest of the evening Jackie spend with talking to Larry and exploring her new room. Larry had told her about the duties of Jack Frost. Apparently her job was to make it snow, everywhere on the world but just like Dad she would be able to freeze time for a moment so she could do it in one night. All very important but she had no idea how she had to learn everything. When it was about 1 AM they finally stopped they conversation and went to their beds. It wasn't hard to fall asleep after that.
Morning came by way to quickly for Jackie. The sun shone right into her still sleepy eyes. She groaned and turned around but apparently her bed wasn't very large because she fell out of it. She hit the ground with a large tud and a groan.
One leg at a time, Jackie stood up. A large yawn left her lips as she rubbed the sleep out of her eye. Nearly falling over her own blanket, She walked to the window. Bernard wasn't kidding when he said they would be brought home. Outside there was no sign left of the Northpole. Jack placed her hands on the cold glass. She brought her face closer to see the snow on the streets. Slowly ice crystals formed on the glass until it covered the whole window. Jack gasped and took a step away from the window. She stared at the window before her eyes moved to her hands. Did she just? No it can't be right? Quickly dismissing her thoughts she pulled her reindeer slipper on and ran downstairs.
Charlie was already awake and opening his packets. Jackie grinned and tiptoed over to her brother. She stopped just centimetres away from him before she grabbed him and lifted him over her shoulder.
"Opening the presents without me!!!" Charlie squealed as Jackie flipped him over before she placed him on the ground. Charlie grinned and took one of the presents.
"From your elf boyfriend" He teased. Jackie rolled her eyes but took it from Charlie. He giggled and stared at her curious what was in it. Jackie sat down next to her brother and started tearing the paper. It was a sweater? She held it up to see it better. A reindeer sweater. She smiled before a small note fell out of it. She looked down at it before she took it.
Thought it would look nice with your slippers
Jackie's cheeks turned pink before she quickly hid the card.
"Told you so~" Charlie teased. Jackie smirked and tackled him to the ground, tickling his stomach. "N-no, J-Ack d-ont-" Charlie tried to say in between giggled but it was no use.
"Say it, say that Bernard isn't my boyfriend" Charlie shook his head. Jackie raised her eyebrow before she tickled him even harder.
"Stop" Charlie squeaked but Jackie didn't stop.
"Say it!" Charlie nodded.
"Bernard isn't your boyfriend" Jackie finally stopped her tickle attack and sat back. "Yet" Charlie added resting on his elbows. Jackie shot him a look but Charlie only smirked.
Soon they had unpacked all presents. Charlie had received a new scooter, a couple of sweaters, the new video game and a couple of toy cars. Jackie on the other hand had gotten a new backpack, ice skates and Bernard's sweater of course.
Charlie was busy playing with his presents when their dad walked in looking confused, shocked and cold.
"Are you okay, Dad?" Jackie asked , laying her back pack down. He nodded, not looking at them.
"Yeah. Just fine. Just fine." Charlie stood up and walked to their dad.
"Are you having a heart attack? I know CPR." Scott chuckled and looked down at his pj's. He was still thinking that the Northpole had been a dream. Stupid adults.
"No, I was just- S.C.?" He asked looking at them. Charlie smiled.
"Yeah, Santa Claus." Scott chuckled, not believing it one thing. "Hey. Same initials as your name, Dad. Scott Calvin." Dad looked up at Charlie but he ran off when the doorbell rang. Jackie rolled her eyes and walked back to her presents. Why did mom arrive so early.
"Oh, Charlie! Oh, merry Christmas, honey!" Mom chuckled as she walked into the house. "Did you have a good time?" Charlie ran back to Jackie.
"Great time! The best!"He beamed. Jackie took her new bag and started stuffing everything in it. Her other bag with clothing was already down next to the stairs so she didn't have to worry about that. She slipped off her slippers and tugged on her converse. She then took her coat but decided against it. She was about to walk to dad when their mom called out.
"Jackie, could you take Charlie to the car? I'll be right there." Jackie nodded and swung her backpack across her shoulders.
"Come on Charlie" She smiled and placed her hand on Charlie's back. She took her other bag and walked to the door. She turned back to her parents and smiled.
"Bye dad?" She waved and received a smile back.
"Jackie put on your coat" Her mother scolded but Jackie waved it off.
"Not cold."
"Jackie" Mom groaned. Jackie rolled her eyes but Charlie jumped in her defence.
"She doesn't need her coat mom. She's Jack Frost" Jackie smiled at her little brother as he turned to their father. "Bye, Dad. Thanks for a great night at the North Pole." Dad chuckled before the siblings walked out of the door. There stood Neal, waiting by the car. Charlie ran to him while Jackie rolled her eyes. How she hated that man.
"Hey Charlie, Jacqueline" He greeted. Charlie beamed and placed his bags in the car. Neal tried to take Jackie's bags but she would let him.
"I've got it." She groaned and placed the bags in the trunk. Much to her surprise, she wasn't cold at al. She was actually kind of warm. Just as she closed the trunk dad came running out of the door.
"Wait!" Jackie looked up as dad turned to Charlie.
"Who showed you the workshop?" He asked him. Charlie smiled.
"An Elf" Jackie rolled her eyes and got in the car, sitting next to Charlie.
"How'd I get the pyjamas?" This time Jackie answered.
"Judy" Dad looked at her, recognition in his eyes before he smiled.
"Oh, wait. Wait. Judy was the name of the waitress at the restaurant last night." Dad smiled before mom piped up.
"Some waitress gave you pyjamas?" Neal looked confused.
"What's this all about?"
"Dad took us to the North Pole, Jackie turned out to be the new Jack Frost and Larry showed me the workshop." Charlie explained.
"The North Pole." Neal questioned, using his therapist voice.
"Yeah. Dad's the new Santa. The regular Santa fell off the roof, and Dad put on the suit." Charlie beamed. Jackie sat back in her seat and tugged her hands in her pockets. There she felt the card Bernard's had given her. So not a dream.
"Charlie, we'll discuss this at home." Neal told him before he and mom entered the car. Dad closed the door and said something but it was muffled by the door. After about 10 minutes they reached their home. Jackie quickly took her bags and went inside. If it wasn't a dream than an Elf would come to get her at 2. Once upstairs she quickly emptied her bags and started filling her new backpack. Some of her special clothes, meaning she got them from Charlie or Dad and her blue hoodie of course. No normal clothing because she had seen the inside of her new closed and let me tell you it was already filled with clothing. Next were her pictures and photo's. She wouldn't be able to live without pictures of her families. The last thing in her bag was her phone and laptop. Now just hoping the Northpole had Wi-Fi.
She quickly took her old backpack and filled it with school stuff. She had to go to school first but that meant that the elf would pick her up at school. No problem there.
After her bags were packed she took a quick shower and redressed herself. When she stared at her reflection she was into a whole new surprise however. Her normal dark brown hair was turning lighter. Like a lot lighter. It looked like she had just bleached her hair. It wasn't blonde though. More like a light brown but still.
"What the hell" She whispered, gently touching her hair. Now that she had a good look in the mirror she noticed other changes. Her skin was slightly paler than normal and her brown eyes had turned more blueish. Was this because she was the new Jack Frost? Slowly she remembered the old lullaby her mom always sang when she was younger.
Look out! Look out!
Jack Frost is about!
He s after our fingers and toes
And all through the night,
The gay little sprite Is working where nobody knows.
He'll climb each tree,
So nimble is he,
His silvery powder he'll shake.
To windows he'll creep And while we're asleep
Such wonderful pictures he'll make.
Across the grass He'll merrily pass,
And change all its greenness to white.
Then home he will go And laugh ho, ho ho!
What fun I have had in the night.
She had always loved that lullaby when shE was younger.
One time she had asked her mom how Jack Frost looked like and she said.
"Well, the legend says he had hair as white as snow and eyes as blue as the sky on a winter's day."
How right she was. Deciding against walking out like that, Jackie quickly took one of her old beanies from her closet and pulled it on. At least it hid a bit.
"Jackie time for school!" Mom called trough the door.
"Coming!" Jackie yelled back. She quickly took both her bags and walked out of her room, knowing she wasn't coming back in a long time.
"Why are you taking both your bags with you?" Mom asked, seeing Jackie walk down the stairs.
"School project" she lied smoothly. Her mom nodded and held out Jackie's coat. Jackie groaned but her mom had already tugged her into it. "Be careful its slippery" her mom warned. Jackie nodded and walked outside.
"Say bye to Neal for me!" Jackie joked making her mom crack up.
"I will Hun, Love you" Jackie smiled.
"Love you back" Mom waved as she walked out of the warm home into the frozen streets.
The coat was gone before she even left the next street. Jackie hid it inside a bush before she heard a chuckle. She quickly shot up to see Larry standing behind her. Jackie beamed and hugged the small elf.
"Larry!!!" Larry squealed.
"Jackie!!!" Jackie giggled and placed him down. "Why are we shouting?!" Jackie grinned at the goofy elf before she frowned.
"I thought Bernard said he would send someone to pick me up at 2?" She tugged her bag higher on her shoulders. Larry took her other bag.
"Well, we thought it would be better to get you earlier, there is a lot to do" Jackie shrugged. She had already said goodbye to mom, sort of, and Charlie would already knew where she was going.
"Alright let's go"
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