Chapter Twenty Seven - Reflections Of The Sun.

A/N: I can't add the song since there is no video for it. But it's a really gentle almost romantic acoustic song called 'Reflections Of The Sun' by Colton Avery from his album 'Waves'. It's amazing and if I could show it to you all you'd see why I feel it suits this scene and Malec in general.

Also sorry for the late update. I went to another Pride event on the 15th and I was tired from that. Then my mum outed me to a bunch of people I didn't want knowing at that point. So yeah it was a bit of a mess. Then I went on holiday and wrote this whilst I was there but couldn't post because there was no wifi and there was a lot of unpacking and stuff happened again. But hey I updated, you're welcome! Enjoy! :)

Chapter Twenty Seven – Reflections Of The Sun.
Alec woke early the next morning wrapped up in the arms of his husband, Magnus' bare chest pressed flush against his back, the warlock's arm draped over his waist resting lightly against his abdomen. Alec smiled slightly before wiggling himself slowly out of Magnus' grip, slipping his pillow in between his arms when Magnus reached out with a mutter. He leaned down brushing a gentle kiss against his husband's forehead before exiting the bedroom, making sure to stop Chairman Meow from breaking in, using his bare feet to nudge the cat away so that he could shut the door. Snatching up a black sweater that he'd left lying over the back of the sofa and slipping on his tattered old trainers he headed up onto the roof of the apartment complex.

He drew a quick opening rune on the door when he reached the top of the flight of stairs slipping through a narrow gap and closing the door behind him. He let out a gentle sigh as he neared the ledge walking nimbly along the narrow piece of concrete a little way before sitting down with a leg dangling over the edge the other crossed underneath. Reaching into the pocket of his sweater he pulled out the book that Cortana had given him at the after party of his wedding. He had started reading it the day they had gotten back from their honeymoon but had only gotten a few pages in but he was definitely enjoying it. He'd already discovered the highlighted quote just by briefly flicking the pages open and shut, that was clearly Cortana's favourite, but decided he wouldn't ruin it for himself by reading that whole page and instead had settled for the agonising, possibly pain filled wait.

He was just getting into a really good chapter concerning the Hobbits Sam, Merry, Pippin and Frodo arriving at Bree where they entered The Prancing Pony and bumped into Strider when a hand rested gently on his shoulder startling him out of his reverie causing him to jump violently. Glancing up he smiled as he caught sight of Magnus, the early morning sunrise highlighting the yellow-green of Magnus' eyes. Magnus sat on the ledge opposite Alec, staring at him. His eyes flicking in every direction as though attempting to memorise every single of detail of Alec's face. "How long have you been up here?" Magnus asked, his voice hushed as though he was trying not to break the calm of the morning. Alec frowned he didn't check the time that morning. "An hour? Maybe more." Alec suggested, not entirely certain his answer was correct. "What woke you up?"

"You mean besides from the man I love disappearing when I turned over causing me to worry I'd turned him into a pillow?" Magnus joked, the corner of his mouth tilting up into a smirk causing Alec to chuckle. "This." Magnus stated reaching into the pocket of his black satin dressing gown to pull out Alec's incriminating phone. "Your Parabatai has serious attachment issues it would seem."
Alec laughed, "What did you tell him?"
"That sharing was caring." Magnus smiled, "He was then inclined to detail me with every curse word available to his early morning vocabulary along with the threats to steal all my glitter."
"You do have a lot of glitter." Alec mumbled thoughtfully as though he was seriously considering letting Jace steal some of Magnus' stash. "Hey!" Magnus exclaimed, pointing a finger at Alec, "Traitor!"

Alec shrugged as he took his phone from Magnus, scrolling halfheartedly through the messages Jace had left, including one telling him how much he hated - but not really - Magnus. He was half inclined to give the phone back to Magnus so that he could reply to Jace but decided against it. The last thing he wanted was a prank war on his hands by the two biggest children he knew. He sent a hurried text back to Jace before turning back to Magnus who had turned so that his legs were dangling over the edge of the building, closer to Alec so the Shadowhunter quickly turned and did the same, leaning his head down onto Magnus' shoulder. "I take it you still love me then?" Alec teased. Magnus turned his face towards him using the hand that wasn't holding Alec's to tilt up the Shadowhunter's pale and angular jaw, forcing Alec to look at him. "Always." Magnus said seriously, pressing a gentle kiss to Alec's lips.

Breaking free from Magnus' hold Alec slapped the warlock's shoulder. "Ow!" Magnus cried, "What was that for?!"
"Quoting Harry Potter." Alec stated simply, dimples showing full force on his cheeks as he grinned cheekily at Magnus.
"I hate you."
"I love you more." Alec teased, raising his eyebrows in questioning as Magnus raised his hands an equally evil smirk on his face. With a click of his fingers a ward sprung up around them, wrapping around their feet. Alec could feel the movements of the ward, holding them on the ledge, gently pressing upwards making him feel secure that should either one of them fall they would be pushed back onto the ledge. He glanced at Magnus who shrugged and said, "I'll be distracted. I don't want you to fall to your death."
Alec laughed, "We could have just gotten down and sat on the roof." Magnus shook his head, leaning in to whisper in Alec's ear, "Where's the fun in that?" He pressed his hands gently to Alec's waist, leaning in as if he was going to kiss him. Alec let his eyes drift shut, tilting his head to side to accept Magnus' kiss when Magnus' hands moved and Alec's eyelids shot back open. "Don't you dare do that!" The Shadowhunter warned staring at Magnus with wide blue eyes.
"Don't do what?" Magnus asked his eyebrows raised with an innocent expression on his face.

Alec pulled a face at him, knowing that Magnus knew exactly what he was doing. Nevertheless Alec still leaned in pressing his lips to Magnus, at least until Magnus' hands brushed his side again causing him to pull away from the kiss, laughing. "Magnus!" Alec yelled, still laughing as Magnus continued to tickle the Shadowhunter. "I'm warning you! Stop!"
Magnus grinned, "I'm sorry what? I can't quite hear you." Alec glared at him only for him to burst into another fit of giggles as Magnus' hands moved again, kicking out his legs as he fell backwards off the wall and onto the roof, flat on his back. Magnus shifted off the ledge straddling Alec's hips so he couldn't move as he continued to torture his husbands. "St-stop!" Alec cried out, tears rolling down his face. "Please stop!" He kicked his leg out, hitting Magnus with his foot painfully but Magnus found he didn't care very much even though he was sure it would bruise later.

"Who's the boss?" Magnus demanded, unrelenting in his attack on Alec's side, waiting to hear the Shadowhunter beg for mercy. He stared down at Alec watching as the Shadowhunter shook his head, determined not to say it. "Come on Alec. You know I have you beat." Magnus teased.
"Never! Ha! Loser!" Alec gasped out, finally squirming free from Magnus' grasp.
"Damn." Magnus muttered a grin permanently glued to their faces as Alec sat up, running his hand gently across Magnus' cheeks. Alec lent forward, pressing his forehead against Magnus'. Their breaths intertwined as they sat on the roof in the orange sunrise, hands restlessly brushing against every inch of the other. Gentle kisses pressed together every so often against awaiting mouths, bared necks, the palms of hands and the backs of their hands where their wedding rings resided reminding them of their promise to each other. Magnus was so caught up in staring at the orange reflections of the sun in Alec's eyes and on his pale skin, illuminating old scars, it seemed to make Alec glow, almost too bright to look at, like an angel, he barely caught the whispers of Alec's voice as the calloused hands of the Shadowhunters brushed lovingly across Magnus' facial features. "Such an angel. My angel." Alec whispered reverently almost like a prayer, his blue eyes darting to and fro across Magnus' face almost like if he looked away Magnus would disappear. Magnus' heart swelled at the look of complete devotion and love on Alec's face, bringing him almost to tears. This time he heard Alec's whisper, complete attention on every word that left the Shadowhunter's mouth. "So beautiful." He murmured. "I'm so lucky." He pressed a gentle kiss against Magnus' lips. "My angel."

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