Chapter Thirty - Coloring
A/N: Hey everyone!! So I'm a friend of Tyler's, I'm going to be pretty much running and updating on this account for a while since Ty is really ill and he feels really bad about not having updated for such a long time. All his recent updates have been me posting for him and signing with his name, so please send him a lot of love when he does come back, he's had it really bad the past few months.
Also sorry if my writing isn't as good as his is (I had to finish this chapter for him.)
~ Sam
Chapter Thirty – Coloring.
Alec and Jace worked as a unit, moving swiftly over the debris within the dark abandoned warehouse, they always had each other's backs whenever they went into battle and this time would be no different. The moment the two hunters had set foot into the building they had had to deactivate their sensors with runes, the demonic activity in the building making their equipment go haywire, doing nothing to abate the worries Alec had about calling for backup. He thought about talking to Jace and trying to convince his Parabatai about waiting for backup, but he shook his head, he wasn't supposed to be afraid besides he'd kept up with his training regime, so it wasn't like he had fallen out of practice, but he still felt like a liability, like he'd get them killed. Jace looked back over his shoulder, grinning at his Parabatai, "Will you stop?" He mumbled, waiting for Alec to catch up with him, "I can literally hear your thoughts going around in that large head of yours."
Alec shoved him teasingly, "The only one with a large head here is you! All the hot air from your overly large ego has made it swell to the size of a pumpkin!"
Jace grinned at the older boy, shoving him back, "Finally! He speaks! I was worried I would have to go and find a demon and cut off its head just to have a discussion with someone!"
Alec laughed, shaking his head, "What would you call it?" Jace frowned for a moment, thinking as they walked before he grinned, turning back to face the dark haired Shadowhunter. "Mr Headsworth!"
The two Parabatai laughed for a moment, leaning against each other to stay upright as they struggled to stifle their laughter. "We should not be laughing right now." Alec gasped through giggles, one hand holding onto his aching side. Jace shrugged at him, "It's always good to laugh. Even if we 'are' in a dark abandoned warehouse surrounded by hundreds of demons." Alec nodded, biting his lip to control his laughter as they continued forward into the dark warehouse being extremely wary not to draw too much attention to themselves. The last thing they needed was a bunch of demons finding them and the warlock getting away once more with the book. It didn't take long for the two of them to walk around a large chunk of the roof which had fallen in before they spotted the demons, the moonlight from the holes in the roof being enough to illuminate the size and number of them as Jace and Alec stowed away their witchlight stones. "I count five Raum demons," Jace whispered, "it looks like they're guarding that room." Alec nodded in agreement, watching the demons with wary caution, knowing that if he and Jace weren't careful they would be easily discovered in their hiding place and then their plan would fail.
Catarina sighed as she dragged a very drunk Magnus out of her car and up the stairs to his apartment in Brooklyn, magicking open the front door so that she could haul Magnus over to the sofa, dumping him unceremoniously on top of the sequined cushions. "Stay!" She snapped, pointing a blue finger at the male warlock when he went to stand back up, still mumbling about Peru. She rolled her eyes as Magnus let out a whimpering noise, burrowing himself under a faded black hoodie that was resting over the back of the sofa which probably belonged to Alec, walking into the kitchen area to start brewing some strong coffee for herself and Magnus. She paused on her way out of the kitchen with the mugs of steaming coffee to quickly refill Chairman Meow's bowl with fresh food, so the poor animal wouldn't starve before she moved back to her friend, forcing him to sit up so she could sit besides him.
Magnus sat up with an irritated and slurred mutter of complaint, resting his head against Catarina's shoulder still wearing Alec's hoodie like a shawl around his shoulders as he grinned at his friend. "Tonight, was fun!" He said, taking the mug of coffee from her when she passed it to him with an eye roll that he was one hundred percent sure that even the dead would be able to feel. "It was... interesting." Catarina mumbled, taking a sip from her mug of coffee, clearly displeased with Magnus' drunken antics that night. Magnus pouted, fluttering his glitter covered eyelashes in his friend's direction, "I'm sorry."
"Embarrassing you." Magnus stated, sipping his own coffee.
Catarina raised an eyebrow at him, setting her mug down on the coffee table in front of them, "Which time? The time you demanded the DJ play 'Single Ladies' so that you could steal some poor woman's thigh high boots? Or maybe when you asked to meet my friends and then tried to flirt with one of them and then cried when I told you, you were already married but he had more sense than to join in with your antics? Or maybe when it was when you enchanted the bar table with all our drinks on to fly you around the room 'without a glamour' might I add?!"
Catarina shook her head with a sigh as she pinched the bridge of her nose, "At least when Alec got drunk he was a lot more manageable then you ever will be." She muttered. "You act like a hyperactive five-year-old who has eaten too much candy." Magnus set his own coffee mug down on the table besides his friend's, wrapping his arms around her for what was meant to be a hug, pouting up at her when she glared at him out of the corner of her eyes, "I'm sorry." Magnus said again in a small voice, smiling when Catarina smiled at him, "You're lucky I love you."
"I'd be worried if you didn't. Everyone does." Magnus giggled, receiving another glare from his friend as she hugged him back, "Don't push it, Magnus."
Alec turned to look over at Jace, barely able to see the other Shadowhunter in the dim light available to them through the hole in the roof of the warehouse, his blond hair shimmering like a pale halo. "So, what's the plan?" Alec mumbled, glancing back over at the demons to make sure they hadn't multiplied in numbers whilst they hid in the shadows behind a large section of debris. Jace shrugged, "If we do it quickly we can kill the ones that have been left on guard, we'd have to be quiet, but we could do it. Then we sneak in through the door, keeping low to the ground so we aren't spotted, then you can go talk to little Miss warlock then we bring her with us, grab the book and everyone can leave, and you can return to your happy little life with your husband."
Alec grinned, "Sounds like a plan!"
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