Chapter 64: Kill Esdeath Part 2

(A/N: "Perfect Theme song for Akame's new form and the upcoming fight")

Dairoku: "Cardinal Midnight Promotion..?"

He had his eyes closed as he leaned against the wall, Yoake holstered on his rear waist and Rathian standing by his side.

Athena: "Yup. Think of it as my next evolution, like Incursio. Though, no other user of my armor had been able to achieve it."

Dairoku: "And how do I achieve it?"

Athena: "Well two things.. You need to embrace the demon within you and you need powerful dark magic, which only Lieselotte or that Selina can access"

Dairoku: "Then I'll go find Selina.."

He said, leaning off the wall. He was about to leave the area, only to suddenly come to a halt. He felt a strange presence around and was on guard. He looked to the wall on his left only to be confused. Part of the wall looked fake and there was a strange energy coming off of it. The Vampire approached it while narrowing his eyes. He slowly reached his hand out and touched the wall, only to feel a strange energy rush past him. Soon, everything around him was black and white and he fell onto his butt. He groaned a bit but upon looking around, he became surprised.

Dairoku: "The Hyper-Speed Dimension..? But how am I..."

???: "Ara~ Well this is a pleasant surprise~" His eyes widened as bending over in front of him with one hand sliding down her leg, was a certain blonde with.

One Lieselotte Sherlock.

Dairoku: "Liese..?"

Lieselotte: "Hey Dai-Kun. Long time no see."

Dairoku: "But how am I even here..?"

Lieselotte: "Hmmm. Not sure. This place's been acting strangely recently.." She said shrugging as Athena appeared next to them.

Athena: "Yeah, no kidding.. But this works out for us."

Lieselotte looked confused before the dragon explained everything to her, about the war outside and the Cardinal Midnight Promotion. After the explanation, the demon witch had her arms crossed.

Lieselotte: "Mhm.. I see now. Well no worries, Dai-Kun. I'll help you and transfer a portion of my magic to you"

Dairoku: "Thanks.." he said before he rose his eyebrows as he saw her fiddling with her top's strap.

Lieselotte: "Though I may need to get 'physical' with you. You see, there are a lot of ways to transfer magic, but the most efficient way is by direct body contact, if you get what I mean.."

A smirk slowly formed on her face as she lightly ran her hands along her own body. Dairoku blinked before his face became a dark shade of red and he panicked.

Dairoku: "L-Liese! I already have a girlfriend!"

Lieselotte: "Hahaha. I know, I was just teasing you. Besides, Akame would have killed me." She giggled nervously before shaking her head. "Truth is, there's a way that's just as efficient. I'll just need to take some of your blood and power and mix it with my magic in the process."

He sighed in relief. He wouldn't lie, Lieselotte had quite the amazing body and if he wasn't in love with Akame, he'd probably do it, but he wanted to stay loyal to her and her only. Lieselotte moved over to him and got onto her knees before suddenly hugging him.

Dairoku: "L-Liese..??"

Lieselotte: "But first... do you accept who you are?" He became confused before she explained. "You have to accept your inner demon and abandon your humanity from what Athena told me, correct?"

Dairoku: "Yeah..?"

Athena: "Well to shed some light on that, it essentially means that you have to accept everything about yourself, including DEATH. He is the your demon, the side that you don't want to accept.. But in truth, if you ever hope to unlock our true power, you'll have to swallow your pride and acknowledge his presence "

Lieselotte: "Exactly.. You've always belittled yourself, called yourself a monster, a demon who only caused pain and suffering until the day of your Retribution. You've rejected yourself and only accepted what you believe. You still want to be the old Dairoku but the truth is, he died long ago. So tell me... do you accept who you are?"

For a while, the Vampire fell silent. All this time, he never accepted that side of him. He never accepted the voice in his head, telling him to kill and kill endlessly. He was so riled up from the things DEATH said to him because he hated him. He was the reason why he was suffering, why Akame suffered the blunt of it all. But if what he said was true, about him being the one to save Dairoku from Murasame's curse, then in reality, he owed the god.

He hated to admit it, but if it wasn't for DEATH's power during the execution, then they'd most likely not survive. The Sinful Harbinger transformation was what saved them. He took a deep breath before he closed his eyes and nodded.

Dairoku: "I... accept him. I now understand, that no matter what, even if Yoake becomes broken, DEATH will always be a part of me.. and he's a part of Akame too since she uses his other Zodiac. All I think about is protecting her with everything I have... From every day onwards, I always want to see her.. that long blackened sea of mystery and purity that is her hair.. and those captivating crimson stars she has for eyes.. Seeing her drives me further and further to push myself to protect her with my life. And I will. So yes, I accept all of who I am.

At that, the two girls smirked in satisfaction seeing his left eye turn into that golden clock that began to tick steadily.

Athena: "Well then, seems like Phase 1 is complete. Now for Phase 2."

Lieselotte: "The magic transfer." She leaned towards him. "Pardon me.."

She said in a slight whisper before she gently bit onto his neck, causing him to hiss a little. She hummed as she lightly sucked on his neck before pulling away. Right where her lips were, was now glowing sigil which was similar to the one she had on her chest when she became trapped. Soon, that sigil stopped glowing and faded as Dairoku's right eye glowed a bright red.

Dairoku: "Amazing... This is magic huh.." He said, feeling the powerful energy surging through his body. Lieselotte smiled.

Lieselotte: "Mhm. And that's not even half of my portion. Now you should be able to-" She stopped herself as she hunched forwards, clenching onto her chest before she lets out a scream, one of pain.

Dairoku: "Liese!!" He looked at her, worry plastered over his face as the female's body fell into his arms. From her body, dark magic began to spark off of her as a faint red glow coated her body. "What's wrong with her!?"

Athena: "When she transferred her magic to you, your vampiric genes transferred to her. Normally, Vampire energy and Dark Magic don't mix well and usually ends up clashing. Because of how strong and resistant your body is, you're fine and will be able to control both sides. But someone like Liese.. that negative reaction will start to eat her out from the inside and destroy her!"

The Vampire's eyes widened as Lieselotte groaned before coughing and laughing weakly.

Lieselotte: "Ahaha... Well look at that... But, at least if I die.. then I died helping you guys out one last time.."

Dairoku: "Shut up, shut up, Shut Up!!" He yelled, stopping the witch who looked up at him. He stared down at her, looking into his eyes as his golden left clock eye began to glow brightly. "I promised you.. promised Selina that I WILL get you out of here! So stop talking about this 'one last time' bullshit! I WILL get you out of here, ALIVE! Bet on that!"

The blonde looked at him, here eyes widening in surprise. Not only from what he said, but when he mentioned Selina, she could only picture how sad she would be to find out that her elder sister passed. Before she knew it, Dairoku had rested her down on the ground before the Black Vengeful Gauntlet appeared on his left hand, he held his hand over her chest before closing his eyes.

Dairoku: "I was too weak to save Sheele... I was too slow for Bulat.. Chelsea lost her arm and most of her strength due to me being too slow.. Suu had to sacrifice himself because I took too much time to get to him and the others... Mine fell into that coma because of me. If I didn't get captured, I would have been able to take on Budo at full power and she would have been with us... And Kuraime.. Akaruime... I couldn't do anything...! But, I swear on my life... I'm NOT letting you go too! If I have to lose myself to DEATH, then so be it!"

Athena hummed before gasping in slight surprise as her body became surrounded in a light red aura. She could also hear a faint sinister chuckle that sounded like DEATH's voice, showing that he had heard everything and was planning. Although she was wary, she slowly grinned and looked to Dairoku.

Athena: "Well would you look at that. You're feelings are strong, Partner. Now.. Say the Chant and you're wish will be granted." He closed his eyes as the red orb on the Gauntlet glowed before..

Dairoku: "I, who is about to awaken, am the Black Dragon Emperor who took the truth of the King up high holding the limitless hopes and impenetrable dreams and walking the path of Revelation. I will become an Emperor of Onyx Dragon and I will lead you to the Path of both Hell and Heaven, shining in the light of the Blackened Star and Crimson Sun!"

What was witnessed next, was a blinding red light along with the sound of a roar and of magic bindings activating. The Blackened Dragon had fully awakened.

This was the Cardinal Midnight Promotion.


Kuraime: "Ketsu's Trump Card.. Frankly, I'm not capable of using it as I am now, but I know its capabilities. You must accept all lives taken with it and succumb to the curse itself. Upon doing that, you will discard your Humanity.. You will become a creature of Hell, Death's Servant. You will become Death's Reaper and there is no. Turning. Back."

Akame's outfit itself had changed from the typical sailor uniform to a black and red sleeveless dress short-skirt with silver accents and two long black coat tails flowing from her back. Along her exposed skin were red markings shaped as flames and the Sclera of her eyes became a pitch black while black makings circled her pupils. Her long black hair had a glowing red light underneath it and two hooks floated beside her. Hanging from them were chains, and attached to those chains were two massive claws.

Simply put, she had released Ketsuekime's Trump Card; Starchasm Nyx.

Esdeath: "You are a sly one Najenda, keeping a Secret Teigu up your sleeve has never been how you do things. It's you, Akame. It was always you. From the very beginning, you were the countermeasure she'd been building up against me. Even in this battle, you were the only one able to wound me..."

Akame (S.N): "My final target will be Esdeath... I will Bury you!!"

Death's Calling—Ketsuekime
Trump Card: Starchasm Nyx

"Cutting one's self with the blade of Ketsuekime shows that you accept all responsibility for all of the lives taken with it, and that you had fully embraced your inner demon. After the transformation is complete, 'Starchasm Nyx' is a massive physical enhancer Trump Card, like with what Susanoo and Saber had, increasing the wielder's speed and strength significantly. However, once under the effects of this Trump Card, the wielder's speed will continue to increase for as long as the Trump Card is active. So basically, they keep getting faster every second no matter what. 'Starchasm Nyx', like Yoake's 'Sinful Harbinger' Trump Card also gives the wielder new weapons. These Chain Claws called 'Requiem Claws' are able to extend outwards, grapple, grab and rip opponents apart. The downside to this Trump Card however, is after the effects are over, the user's appearance and the curse will remain, even if Ketsuekime is destroyed."

(A/N: "That's how she looks. Only difference is, add Red Flame markings to her skin and change her eyes' sclera to black while adding black markings around her pupils.")

Esdeath: "You've strengthened yourself with the curse's power. So that's it, isn't it? This looks like it may be an entertaining fight after all."

Upon witnessing Akame's transformation into Death's Reaper, Esdeath's excitement for battle and bloodshed only strengthened as she looked at the Vampiress. Dairoku who stood on a nearby roof top clad in his Cardinal Midnight Promotion Armor, looked at her, then at Lieselotte in his arms. He gently kneeled down and rested her on down on the roof before touching her forehead, casting a magic barrier that would protect her from the fight.

Then he turned his attention back to Esdeath who turned to the struggling Spectator wielder in her hand and aimed her ice broad sword at him.

Esdeath: "You are all in the way!"

"Super Sonic Booster!"

Her eyes widened however as two black and red blurs raced to her, ending up behind her. Dropping the man, she rose her ice sword and blocked two scythes from hitting her as Akame and Dairoku both attacked together.

Esdeath: "What!?"

Akame and Dairoku: "You're the one that's in the way of the new world we're trying to usher through."

Esdeath: "You both.." She slowly began to grin brighter. "You've both thrown it away.. abandoned it. Your humanity, that is."

Feeling the large adrenaline rush flowing through her veins, she pushed the two back, ducking under Akame's Ketsuekime swing before kicking her in her stomach, sending her flying back. The Vampiress gritted her teeth as her Requiem Claws extended and grabbed onto a building behind her, latching her onto it.

Meanwhile, Dairoku continued the attack, switching Yoake to rifle mode as he fired off multiple shots towards the Icy General who swung her ice sword around, destroying the fiery bullets before the armored Vampire blitzed towards her, forming a Fire Broad sword in his left hand. They both clashed the elements together, causing an elemental explosion that destroyed both of their swords.

As Dairoku slid to a stop, his armored eyes glowed as Legina who was on top of a nearby roof top, pulled by her bow string as three small green portals appeared around her. As she unleashed the arrow, three more energy arrows launched from the portal, moving towards Esdeath at blinding speeds all the while changing trajectory rapidly. The Icy General grinned as she rose her hand, causing a wall of ice to rise and block the arrows as Rathian crashed down onto her. She narrowly dashed back, dodging his large great axe which caused an eruption of flames to burst from the ground underneath him. From the ashes behind Esdeath was Jyuratodus, who made a swing with one of his hell swords, forcing the Icy General to unsheathe her Rapier and block, her grin growing more as her pupils became small and her expression turned more crazed.

Esdeath: "Yes! Come on! Give me more! Entertain me!"

She broke the weapon lock and kicked the Blade Demon Knight away. He along with Rathian stood next to Dairoku who converted Yoake into its scythe form and growled.

Athena: "Partner. You're body is not ready for the Queen form yet. The armor will deactivate soon."

Dairoku (Barbatos): "Tch... All the more reason to kill her now."

Meanwhile as Akame was recuperating from the kick she took from Esdeath, a glowing green hand reached towards her. She looked up and was surprised to see Legina offering her hand to her. Taking the assistance, the Female Demon Knight lifted her onto the roof top with Rathalos landing next to them.

Akame (S.N): "You two..." The two Knights looked at her and nodded. Seeing this surprised the demonic Vampiress before she nodded as well and her Requiem claws retracted onto her back.

Esdeath slid directly underneath the large demonic axe which was swung by Rathian before she reached up and dealing a palm strike to his chest, sending him crashing through a building before she swiftly swung her rapier backwards, blocking the blade of Jyuratodus.

Esdeath: "You, I sense you're the hot-blooded arrogant type. How about we cool you off for a while, hmm?" She said as suddenly swept the Blade Knight from under his feet and while grabbing his forehead, froze him solid.

With Yoake transforming into its bladed tonfa form, Dairoku appeared behind her, his energy wings retracting into his armor's back before slamming his Zodiac down on her, to which she blocked by creating ice armor on her back. The Icy General lets loud a low chuckle before suddenly turning around and making a horizontal slash towards him. Dairoku leaned back, dodging the strike before his left hand glowed a crimson color.

"Solid Impact Booster!"

An upgraded version of the Rook Gauntlet Pile Drivers appeared on his arm before he threw a heavy punch towards Esdeath. She retaliated with putting up an ice wall, however it was immediately shattered upon impact, taking her by surprise before she grunted, with the gauntlet being rammed into her gut.

Esdeath: "Y-You...!" She gritted her teeth and formed an Ice Sword in her Right Ice arm before making a swing towards him, only for Dairoku to retaliate by throwing a kick as the bulked armor from his Rook Promotion appeared on his leg and he broke right through the sword before knocking her back.

Dairoku (Barbatos): "Eat this, Esdeath!" His wings appeared before two large cannons popped out of them and began charging. "Midnight Blaster!"

"Fang Blast Booster!"

Unleashing crimson red beams from the cannon, Esdeath's eyes widened before she grinned as the beams consumed her. After it was over, she was nowhere to be seen. He looked around as he knew that she didn't die from that.

A sharp pain was felt in his side as the Vampire grunted and hissed in pain before he was sent flying into a building. It was of course, Esdeath who had only suffered a burn wound to her left leg.

Esdeath: "That raw power is so amazing.. But I expected more from my student."

She began to approach him before hearing a noticeable 'whooshing' noise which caused her to turn around and make swift slashes with her rapier, destroying arrows that were fired at her by Legina. She was about to dash towards the female demon knight, when Akame appeared in front of her before making large and swift slashes with Ketsuekime before throwing the scythe, causing it to spin like a buzz saw. Esdeath brought her Rapier up and blocked that dangerous strike before redirecting the scythe, causing the ravenette to catch it. Soon she leaped into the air and just as Esdeath moved out of the way, slammed it into the ground, creating a small eruption of crimson energy.

Esdeath: "Oho? How very interesting. But let's see how you handle this!"

A large ice pillar suddenly formed underneath the Demonic Vampiress. Esdeath watched as everything seemed to slow down as Akame barely moved out of the way of the pillar, slicing it into pieces with two slashes before leaping over the stub and slamming the scythe down, right as Esdeath barely dodged. However, she hissed a bit in pain as blood red spikes erupted from the ground, slashing off two of her fingers from her left hand.

She looked at her hand before quickly forming ice fingers to stop the bleeding.

Akame (S.N): "You've become quite accustomed to coming up with emergency treatments on the spot. Even without stopping time, you were able to attend to that wound in time. You've been called the master of torture... and up until this point, you've scarred and engraved agony into the lives of countless lives... So this time, you'll be the one who is tormented."

Esdeath: "Hmph! And is that your plan? To try and get a rise out of me like that?" Akame's expression said it all. It was a look that said 'are you sure about that?'. Esdeath lunged her arm forwards, launching multiple icicles towards her. "Pointless! Come at me normally!"

Immediately the ravenette sliced them to bits, but as she was distracted, Esdeath appeared behind her, preparing to kick her in her back but Akame immediately sensed her. Using one of her Requiem claws, she grabbed the ice general's leg before throwing her away. Landing back on her feet, Esdeath laughed in delight.

Esdeath: "Wonderful! This is truly shaping up to be a good fight. I don't want it to be interrupted by anyone!!"

Pressing her ice hand onto the ground, the entire area rumbled before large pillars of ice erupted around them, forming a tall wall that kept the Revolutionary Army out of the fight.

Only Akame and Esdeath were trapped in here. Immediately, the ravenette and blue haired general engaged in a powerful clash, with strike they trade shaking the ground.

Esdeath: "This is so much fun, so thrilling, Akame!" That statement didn't sit well with the Vampiress however as her anger flared up.

Akame (S.N): "Fun!? This is fun to you!? Don't you dare lump me in with you, you goddamned war-beast!! Killing you will bring happiness to the people of this country. That has been what I've believed in.. and it's never faltered all this time. Someone like you who talks about slaughter, massacre ad torture as if it were fun must be put down, and I WILL be the one to do it!!"

Making two slashes with Ketsuekime, she followed up with an upward slash that Esdeath barely blocked. However, she soon was surrounded by multiple rapid ethereal claw slashes that she managed to dodge.

The icy General grinned and dashed back while raising her left hand into the air, summing hundreds of small icicles that began to rain down on the ravenette. Red lightning sparked around her as she retaliated, sending a large bolt of crimson lightning straight up, vaporizing the majority of the icicles, however one managed to get past and strike her on her left thigh, drawing blood and causing her to his in pain.

Akame's thoughts: "I've been shot...! I see.. so that's what it is..." Looking at the walls around her, she blitzed towards one of them before bouncing off of it. Esdeath watched as her speed began increasing more and more while she was bouncing from wall to wall before crashing down on her. She retaliated by creating an ice wall that immediately was sliced to pieces. "She's buying herself too much time with her ice defense..."

Akame (S.N): "You're freezing everything around us, aren't you?"

Esdeath: "Hah! I'm surprised you're still able to move around like that in this cold! Not bad!"

She leaped back as Akame made a downwards slash, severing her ice arm. Gripping her Rapier tightly, Esdeath leaped back into the fray, her speed increasing so that she could keep up with Akame, whose speed was increasing more and more by the minute which meant that her Starchasm Nyx was buffing her repeatedly. However, even with one arm, Esdeath was holding her own fairly well. As the two backed away from each other, the ravenette began to pant lightly, feeling the effects of her Trump Card slowly ending.

Akame's thoughts: "I won't be able to keep this form up for long... I've got to settle this with my next attack."

Esdeath's thoughts: *smiles* "You're straining to muster your strength together, aren't you? Very well." *out loud* "We'll settle it with this."

Tossing her Rapier aside and raising her arm into the air, ice began to quickly build up around her. Death's Reaper's eyes widened in shock as she watched Esdeath become encased into a large suit of armor made of Ice; it was kinda like a small mecha.

Esdeath: "What do you think!? You won't be able to cut me anywhere now, Akame!"

It was true. With how strong the ice created from Demon's Extract was, this was indeed quite an impregnable defense by normal standards. However, with her Trump Card active, Akame had the strength to smash through the ice. She just needed to catch her off guard. Quickly, she blitzed away, dodging the Ice Mech's fist slamming into the ground. While she was pretty much invulnerable now, Esdeath's movements had considerably slowed down and with Akame's speed consistently increasing, she had the advantage. She circled the mech, moving at hyper speeds to the point she herself transformed into a crimson lightning bolt before she leaped into the air behind Esdeath, Ketsuekime over head.

Akame (S.N): "I'll just smash straight through the ice to you!!"

A sinister smirk became plastered over the General's face as she purposely destroyed the upper-half of the ice mech and turned around with a new ice arm replacing her right on. Swiftly, she raised her arms and caught Ketsuekime's blade in between her hands, stopping the attack and shocking the ravenette.

Esdeath: "When you put so much power into it, the path of your swing is all too easy to read. Now freeze!" *thoughts* "This troublesome, dangerous scythe... I'll shatter to pieces just like I did to Murasame!!"

With Ketsuekime's blade and upper half becoming encased in ice, one swift motion from Esdeath shattered it completely.

Akame gritted her teeth as she let go of her now destroyed Zodiac and backed away before yelling out. Esdeath's eye widened as she saw her erupt in crimson energy, her Requiem Claws coming out. She lashed them out to the mech and slashed its legs to pieces with wide sweeping slashes before she slammed her claws down on it, causing it to crumble apart.

Esdeath growled before yelling out in sharp pain as both her arms were sliced off. Looking to the attacker, her eyes widened as she saw it was Dairoku, still clad in his Barbatos armor as he had severed her arms with Yoake. Her attention however was brought back to Akame, who was yelling in rage as she swiped her claws wildly at her, each swipe getting faster and stronger before she reared both of them back and clapped both claws together, creating an implosion effect that caused the Icy General to yell out in pain as she was thrown into the walls.

She bounced off of the wall and became suspended in midair before her eyes widened as she saw that Akame was already in front of her, with the bottom half of Ketsuekime's scythe shaft in her hands. She gasped as blood flew from her mouth.

Akame had struck her, by stabbing the sharpened blunt edge of Ketsuekime into her chest. Since it was still apart of the Scythe, the curse would still be in effect, even if it's destroyed.

Esdeath: "What...!?"

Akame (S.N): "Heal your way out of that."

She slowly backed away with Esdeath falling onto the ground, her body going slightly limp. It has been done..

The Empire's Strongest has been defeated.

Akame panted heavily as she effects of Starchasm Nyx wore off. She fell to her knees as her Requiem Claws retracted back onto her back but didn't disappear. Her black sclera returned to their normal white color and the black markings in her eyes vanished. The red flame markings on her skin however, remained, but became faint scars to remind her of this moment.

Esdeath: "I let my focus slip from Ketsuekime I had shattered it... and from Dairoku after knocking him out..."  She muttered, her eyes becoming dull as the curse of Ketsuekime raged throughout her body.

Akame: "More importantly, you had exhausted our energy from fighting against everyone else... That was the opening I used to win. Even with all that strength, with just that alone, in the end, you'll still lose.. just like this..."

Esdeath said nothing to that as her eyes shifted upwards, seeing the Dragonfied Tatsumi hovering above them.

Esdeath: "Tatsumi... You're still alive...?"

Akame: *looks up* "He is... After all, he has people waiting for his return." A bitter taste was left in the Icy General's mouth.. but even then, she released a weak smile.

Esdeath: "I've lost..." She slowly stood up, alerting Akame. But she soon dropped her guard as she saw the Empire's strongest staring directly at her in the eyes. "Now, I die." Slowly, she began encasing herself into ice as her hair covered her eyes.

Esdeath's final thoughts: "I lived my life, taking and having everything I ever wanted. And yet, you never once turned to look at me... did you...?"  A flash of Tatsumi's smiling face appeared in her mind. Releasing a slightly sad and bitter hum from her mouth, she closed her eyes and accepted her fate. "That is my last and only regret... Tatsumi..."

With that final thought, Esdeath had vanished. She had shattered herself within the ice and her particle remains blew through the wind, vanishing into nothing but dust, with all remaining is her Rapier and the shattered remains of Ketsuekime. The Icy walls began to crumble and the snow storm cleared up, causing a bright ray of sunlight to shine down on everyone.

It was finally over. Esdeath has fallen.

Akame: "Mission... Complete."

Her attention slowly was brought over to her boyfriend who's armor had deactivated. He was looking into the sky, his pearl white hair covering his eyes. She was about to say something, only to get a sinking feeling as she saw him grinning. Soon, he bursts into a demonic explosion like he did in the Execution grounds. Both her and the Revolutionary Army watched as Dairoku stood there in the form of the Sinful Harbinger.

Akame: "Dairoku...?"

He slowly looked at her as he turned around, his demonic grin growing as he lets out a loud roar, forcing her and the others to shield their ears. Soon the four Satan Knights stood by his side, as if the roar was a call to arms.

'Dairoku': "Finally... I am free. Free at last."

Athena: "No! He's done enough, already! Let him rest!"

'Dairoku': "Tch.. I've never really liked dragons.." He said as suddenly Athena was purged from his body. She crashed into Akame who caught her and looked at her, worried.

Akame: "Athena!?"

Athena: "Stop him..." She looked confused before she noticed the dragon empress glaring at 'Dairoku'. "You have to stop him... He's using Dairoku's body to free himself! DEATH!"

The Ravenette's eyes widened as DEATH looked at them and chuckled with his sword, Retribution appearing in his hand. Making a circular motion with it, he lets out a roar as his wings spouted.

DEATH: "Oh you've got it all wrong, Dragon. I am already free. And now.. it's time for the Blood Bath to begin. Let hell rein over this realm!"

With the primary threat gone, a new one arises... Akame was now in a difficult situation. After battling the Empire's strongest.. she now had to fight the one she loved the most...

In a Life and Death battle.

To Be Continued...

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