(Dairoku's POV)
It has been a few days after Sheele comforted me and... well, since then, her and I have gotten a lot closer and Kuraime also accepted Sheele as her elder sister. So right now, I was grouped up with Sheele and Mine. We had completed our mission and was heading back to the hideout. I was in my Hellhound form as Sheele and Mine rode on my back.
Mine: "That Chibul guy was way too wary of attacks."
Dairoku: "You could say that again Pinky. But in the end, it didn't cause too many problems." I said, causing her to get annoyed at my nickname.
Mine: "Are you ever going to stop calling me that!?"
Dairoku: "Hmm......... Nope!"
Mine: "Why you-!"
Sheele: *giggles* "My goodness, brother. You sure love to make fun of Mine, don't you?"
Dairoku: "Can you really blame me sis? Her entire outfit and personality is basically asking for it."
Sheele: "Ehehe, I guess you're right."
Dairoku: "We know. We just don't care"
Mine: *irritated* "YOU!" Sheele and I began to laugh before I sensed something...
Dairoku: "Something's coming!"
Suddenly, something landed right next to us, creating a slight shockwave that knocked us off to the side... As Sheele and Mine landed next to me, with their Teigu ready, I began to growl...
Mine: "An enemy!?"
As the smoke cleared, we could see it was... two girls... one with ginger hair in a long ponytail... she wore black clothing with silver armor, like Ogre... and she had a... small white dog that stood in its hind legs... The other girl, had blonde hair. Her entire outfit was red and orange and looked like a phoenix... on her back were two large bladed boomerangs that gave off a strange vibe... Were they a Teigu...? Or Zodiac...?
Dairoku: "Who the hell are you two!?" I demanded, but the ginger girl took out something that looked like a wanted poster...
Ginger Head: "I knew it... It's the same face as on the wanted poster... You are definitely Sheele of Night Raid!" Then she looked at Mine, holding Pumpkin... "Judging from the Teigu she had in her hand, the other girl is also a member of Night Raid!" Then the girl with the red hair looked at me...
Blonde: "A hellhound... One the wanted poster, it said he could transform into hellish creatures at will... So that means that Hellhound... It has to be, The Harbinger, Dairoku."
Ginger head: "Hiding myself and waiting night after night was definitely worth it..." Suddenly... she gained... a crazed smile... "Finally... I've finally tracked you down... NIGHT RAID!!!"
Lauren: "Imperial Guard Forces, Lauren Kirumi."
Lauren: *normal* "In the name of the Imperial Capital, We will send you straight to the afterlife!"
Because of their power, when Teigu Wielders and Zodiac Wielders clash, 'Death' is called to the field. Even in this battle that's about to begin... WITH NO EXCEPTIONS.
(3rd Person POV)
Dairoku transformed back into his Humanoid form as he, Mine and Sheele faced these two girls, known as Seryu and Lauren...
Mine: "So you both know who we are... Why are you here? I don't think you came here just to die..."
Dairoku: "Don't get so cocky Pinky... Those girls definitely have Teigu or worse, Zodiacs..." he mumbled
Seryu: "No matter what happens... I will deliver justice!!! For my father who fell in the line do duty to villains like you!!! And for my beloved teacher who was murdered by you and your friends! YOU WILL NEVER BE FORGIVEN!!!" She yelled in a vengeful tone as Lauren just stood there, her arms crossed with a dark expression.
Lauren: "Cut the dramatic chatter will you, Seryu? Let's just kill them already." She said in a bored and expressionless tone.
Mine: "Heh... She's right. Let's cut the chatter!" she converting Pumpkin into its auto mode and aiming at the girls. "The first to strike has the advantage!!!" she announced before firing off a barrage of bullets at them, but before they hit, the small white dog rushed in front of them, but then...
Spiteful Dragon; Balance Breaker!"
Dairoku: "Shit!" he exclaimed as Mine stopped firing.
Mine: "Did I get them?"
Dairoku: "No..."
As the smoke cleared, a golden scaled three headed dragon emerged from it before disappearing. The small white dog turned massive with a vicious scowl as Lauren was covered by a Golden armor with purple glowing orbs and eyes and two massive purple energy wings...
The massive bullet holes in the dog closed up without issue as the Lauren in her Zodiac-Armor, began to hover in midair and she equipped the two boomerang-like weapons from her back...
Sheele: "That thing's a Teigu!"
Dairoku: "And those Boomerangs and the armor... That's a Zodiac..."
Mine: "Seems like it... But that Teigu is a biological-type, right...?"
Dairoku: "Looks like it... I think I saw it in the book... Magical Beast Transformation: Hekatonkheires... We gotta be cautious."
"Vengeful Dragon; Balance Breaker!"
When Dairoku transformed, from Barbatos' back, suddenly two large dragon-like wings sprouted from it. He then equipped Yoake in its Bladed tonfa mode with a reverse grip and flew himself up into the air Lauren did the same. Without another word, the two disappeared in thin air and began to clash in the air.
Sheele: "Brother!"
Dairoku: "Don't worry about me! You two, handle the crazy bitch and her mutt!"
Mine: "Didn't have to tell me twice!"
She shouted as she prepared to change Pumpkin's firing mode. Seryu reached for the tonfas on her hips before aiming them at Mine and Sheele, revealing them to also be guns.
Seryu: "Tonfa Gun!"
She announced before firing off a barrage of bullets at the two assassins. They dodged in the opposite directions and in the mean while, began to prepare their Teigu, Sheele freeing Extase's blade from its scabbard and Mine converting Pumpkin to its high energy output mode.
Seryu's thoughts: "I don't think attacking from this distance would be very effective..." she thought before turning to her Teigu.
Seryu: "Koro! Prey!"
The dog-like Teigu, known as Koro showed off its fangs before spiraling mouth first towards Sheele, who just stood there, with Extase prepared. As Koro made contact, Sheele slashed, cutting open the side of its mouth and causing it blood to splatter.
Sheele: "I'm sorry."
She apologized as she swiped the blood off of Extase however, her eyes widen from horror as she heard menacing growling behind her... She turned around, only to see Koro towering over here, its wound completely regenerating. But before it could attack, Mine blasted it back to Seryu with Pumpkin.
Mine: "Don't you remember what was written in the book, Sheele? Biological-type Teigu have a core hidden somewhere in their bodies. If you don't destroy that, it'll just continue regenerating." Mine gritted her teeth. "It doesn't have a heart so even Akame's Murasame or Kuraime's Ketsuekime wouldn't be able to kill it."
Sheele: "It would seem we have a somewhat troublesome opponent this time, huh?" she commented, sweat dropping a little. Just then, a loud clang was heard as Dairoku was sent flying back towards his teammates. He converted Yoake into its sword mode and stabbed the ground to stop himself as Lauren descend next to Seryu and Koro. "Brother are you okay!?" she worryingly asked
Dairoku: "I'm alright, sis... so far at least... This Lauren girl is really tough... and her Zodiac is a dangerous one..."
Mine: "Really now? What is it?
Dairoku: "Slasher of Realms—Rerumukattā... Those Boomerang Blades are as sharp as Extase and can cut through Zodiac-Armor and Armor-Type Teigu easily... But those Boomerangs also have blue spirit energy stored in them and can use it to enhance their strikes... And Beast of Spite—Bale... She's basically the sister unit to Barbatos..."
Mine: "Sheesh... Talk about a pain in the ass..."
Seryu: "Koro! Arms!" she commanded as Koro growled and its stubby 'arms' suddenly lengthened and grew into massive muscular ones...
(Play song)
Mine: "Gross..." she cringed before Dairoku sensed something coming fast. He quickly got behind Sheele and blocked an incoming strike from Lauren with Yoake, who tried to attack her from her blindside.
Dairoku: "Back off from my sister!"
Lauren: "Damn you... You ruined my kill!"
Dairoku: "That was the plan all along!"
He pushed of her before their thrusters roared again and they flew up into the air, trading blow after blow, creating powerful shockwaves within the air.
Lauren then delivered a roundhouse kick to Dairoku, which connected and causing him to fly back before he converted Yoake into its gun form and began to fire off fiery bolts at Lauren, who deflected them with one of Rerumukattā's blades before throwing the other at Dairoku, who dodged out of the way, but as expected, the blade changed directions and began to head directly toward Dairoku from behind. He knew it was coming and just as it was about to make contact, he backflipped out of the way of its flight path, before resuming to fire at Lauren who continued to reflect the shots with both boomerang blade. Back on the ground, Mine and Sheele were preparing to attack again Seryu and Koro again.
Mine: "It looks like we don't have any choice but to do that, Sheele."
Sheele: "I understand." Seryu pointed towards the two and shouted,
Seryu: "Pulverize!"
Koro blitzed towards the two assassins at a surprising speed, all the while throwing high speed punches towards them.
Mine: "What the hell!? There's no way to dodge that!!!" she exclaimed panicked but Sheele quickly stepped in front of her and held out Extase in a defensive manor.
Sheele: "Get behind me, Mine!" As Koro made contact, Sheele began to block all of his attacks with Extase, using it as a barrier thanks to its immaculate durability but she couldn't hold it for long... "K-Ku... S-Strong..."
At that moment, Seryu took out a whistle and blew into it, creating a high pitch noise. Mine was alerted by it as Seryu grinned madly at her.
Mine: "And she's called for reinforcements... This is what I would call..." She smirked before leaping into the air and aiming Pumpkin directly at Koro's head, "BEING IN A PINCH! LET'S DO THIS!!!" She fired off Pumpkin at Koro's head. The shockwave was much more powerful than before as Koro's head partially melted away.
Seryu: "Its power increased!?" She exclaimed, sounded shocked. Mine landed back as steam escaped Pumpkin's barrel.
Mine: "Shit... It's already started regenerating... What unbelievable life force..."
Seryu: "Don't underestimate Koro's durability!" She proudly stated but from the smoke to her right, Sheele emerged, ready to strike
Sheele: "The Teigu are just tools. All you need to do is kill it's wielder to stop it!" she shouted as she prepared to attack with Extase.
Seryu's thoughts: "She was aiming for me from the start!?"
Sheele's thoughts: "I'll have to use it... My Trump Card!"
As she roared the name of her Teigu, Extase's blade shinned before emitting a blinding purple light, forcing Seryu to shield her eyes from it.
Cutter of Creation—Extase
Trump Card: "The metal for Extase's blade emits and bright purple light that is often used for distraction and blinding the enemy."
Seryu: "The metal is generating that bright light!?"
Sheele: "It's Over."
Immediately, Sheele began to thrust Extase's blade forwards towards Seryu at inhumane speeds, but somehow, she managed to block all the attacks.
Sheele's thoughts: "So the wielder herself is strong as well???"
Koro noticed his master getting attacked and was about to run to help her, but was stopped when Mine shot a shot through its abdomen with Pumpkin.
Mine: "You're fight's with me!" Then she began to sweat a little, from noticing the drastic decrease in power from her Teigu.
Mine's thoughts: "It may be too strong for me to take down, even in a pinch... But keeping it occupied should be enough... I can try to find its core by process of elimination!"
Back in the air, Dairoku and Lauren continued to trade blows with one another before entering a weapon lock. Lauren managed to kick him away from her but immediately, Dairoku converted Yoake into its gun form and began to fire at her, forcing her to deflect the shots. As she deflected the last shot, she moved and barrel rolled to dodge the other before the blades of Rerumukattā became engulfed in a blue sparkling energy before she threw them both at Dairoku. Seeing this Barbatos' left forearm produce an energy shield as both of his legs produced thin red beams, shaped like blades. As the boomerangs were about to make contact, Dairoku deflected one with his shield before deflecting the other with a beam bladed kick.
He then converted Yoake into its sword mode before charging Lauren as her Rerumukattā returned to her, before throwing a strike her way, which she blocked but immediately, she kicked him to the ground. As Dairoku landed, he looked up to see Lauren closing in fast. Just as she slashed down on him, his thrusters activated and he flew up back into the air to dodge it, before Yoake transformed into its scythe mode. Dairoku made two horizontal slashes at Lauren, who blocked both before he flew up higher and Yoake's scythe blade completely straightened out into its War-Scythe form and the reverse gripped it and aimed at Lauren before throwing it like a javelin. Lauren managed to narrowly block the attack before Dairoku swung the tail on the back of his helmet, colliding with Lauren and sending her crashing back to the ground.
Lauren's thoughts: "Just as I expected... He's so... strong!" she thought, as she attempted to slow her fall.
Dairoku's thoughts: "She's definitely skilled... She's forcing me to not hold back... Though... I can't keep this fight dragged out for long... I should avoid increasing my strength..." he thought as he caught Yoake and chased after Lauren
Back on the ground, Sheele chased Seryu through the park, swinging and slamming Extase to attempt to cut her, but she managed to block and dodge the powerful strikes. Unfortunately for her, she lost her balance and her grip on her Tonfa Guns was also lost.
Seryu: "Oh no!" She yelled as Extase came in hot. Seeing no other option, Seryu put her arms out and Sheele slashed right through them, severing them completely as Seryu yelled in pain.
Sheele's thoughts: "She sacrificed her arms to prevent a killing blow!? Either way... it's over with this next attack!!"
Suddenly, Seryu gained a crazed grin and pointed her 'arms' at Sheele; turns out, after her arms were severed, she had gun modifications underneath.
Seryu: *crazed* "JUSTICE WILL ALWAYS WIN!!!"
Sheele's thoughts: "BODY MODIFICATIONS!?"
Seryu: "This is the Trump Card given to me by my captain! TAKE THIS!!!"
As the steam escaped her barrels, her eyes widened to see Sheele still standing, perfectly unscathed... with Extase held out in a defensive manor and steam radiating off it... She had blocked the bullet with Extase.
Seryu's thoughts: "SHE BLOCKED IT!?"
Without another word, Sheele twirled Extase around before slashing upwards, completely severing the gun modifications from Seryu and causing her blood to splatter everywhere.
Seryu: *in pain* "Guhh... I'm... not done yet!" she exclaimed as Sheele got ready to behead her.
Seryu's thoughts:"Koro will overheat and be unusable for a few months if I do this... But I have no choice!" She then turned to her Teigu.
Suddenly, Koro grew even larger and its normally white fur became a dark red and its fangs grew even larger and sharper... Koro, in his new form then unleashed a loud howl that forced Mine, Sheele and Dairoku to cover their ears.
Dairoku: "What the fuck is that!?"
Mine's thoughts:"So she had a Trump Card as well!"
Magical Beast Transformation: Hekatonkheires
Trump Card: Berserker
"Hekatonkheires transforms into a more bestial form, its fur and eyes turning a dark blood red and its fangs becoming much larger and sharper and its physical abilities become increased. Upon activation, it will release a howl that will stun the enemy."
Just then, Koro grabbed Mine in its arms, causing her to start panicking a little.
Mine: "Damn!" she exclaimed in horror.
Dairoku and Sheele: "MINE!"
Seryu: "CRUSH HER!!!" she commanded as Koro began to squeeze the life out of Mine, causing her right elbow to snap and for her to scream in pain. Dairoku was about to fly in to save her, but his elder sister beat him to it, and severed Koro's arm, causing the twin pigtailed sniper to fall to the ground. Dairoku sighed in relief.
Mine: "Sheele!"
Dairoku: "Awesome save, Sis!"
Sheele: "I made it just in time!" she cheerfully said with a blush
Dairoku: "Now, let's end this, together Sis!"
Sheele: "Right-"
Dairoku and Mine gained expressions of shock and horror as blood flew out of Sheele's chest from a bullet wound...
Dairoku: "S-S-Sis...?"
Where did the Gunshot come from...? From Seryu... who had a smoking barrel popping out of her mouth...
Seryu: *crazed* "EXECUTION OF THE JUST!!!!!"
Sheele: "M-My... body... won't move..."
She stuttered as her body continued to fall over... but then... a blue object shaped like a Boomerang flew in and sliced her left arm, severing it completely... Then... another, but it stabbed her right in her abdomen... Those two... came from Lauren... who had threw her Zodiac, Rerumukattā... She caught them as Sheele's body lifelessly fell over... a pool of blood forming underneath her...
Mine: *distraught* "Sh......SHEELE!!!!!!!!" She yelled with tears streaming down her face. Koro walked over to the downed Assassin, ready to devour her but, a red blur rammed into him, knocking him over violently... It was Dairoku...
Dairoku: *distorted* "Y̡ou̡̨...̶̢͢ ̀͠Yo͢͢u͘...͠ ̴̸̨T͠͏̕ha̸t̨̡...̶͟ ͏̷T̸h́a̶͢͢t ́wa̕͜s҉ ̵m͘͟͠y ̛S̴̀į͘͢st̸e̕͡r̴...̛͠"
Then... much to the girls' horror, he began to laugh... maniacally...
Dairoku: *distorted* "H͢͝͏eh̸͢͞é̡hé̵͟...͢ H̛͘A͟HA̵H̛̀̕A͞HA̷H͞҉Ą͞!͢!̸͠!̧͘!҉ ̶͘͜ ̸͟Y̨҉-̢̀͠Y̡͟o̡̕͡u̕ ̡̡͝j̛͝ùs̡͝t̡͠... ̵̷͏k̕í͟l͘͢͞lé͠d͠ ̕҉m̸y͠ ̡s̸̛͘i̧͢s̶ţ̷er̶̢...̸̸̕ ̡O҉-̸Of ̴̕c̛͠͠o͘͞ų̀ŕ̢s͜e͘͜...͢ ͡T̢͞h͜͟͡e̵̢̡ ̕͡m̸͟͢o̵͢҉m̨͏̸e̡̢͢nt̛҉͏s͏ ̶I҉̛ ǵ͜e͡t̵ ̨̨͞ç̛ĺ͝o̕҉şe̢͟ ̸̵t̵͡o͡҉ ̶̧h̛e͞r̸̀...͏̛͞ ́͢y̢o̸u͏̵ ͢͝ķ̷i̕l̢l̕ ̕͘h̸è̢̡r͜...̡ ͝J̧u̢͜҉st҉̕ ̨́l̕͢í̸͝k̢̡͢e ͏̵́w҉ìth̸͜ ҉̷͜Cǫ҉r͢͠͝ǹ̕͢e̶̢lią...҉̛...̸̧͡ ̧T̢̛s͟͏̕u̶͟ku̸̢s̀h͞͡į..."
Mine's thoughts: "D-Dairoku......? They... broke him......"
Barbatos roared dangerously in response. As Koro got up, it tried throwing a punch at Dairoku but he spiraled around its arm, cutting along it with Yoake in its scythe mode before throwing a powerful punch towards the Teigu, knocking it flat on its back. As it was down, Dairoku rushed over to Lauren and Seryu, the latter blocking a powerful strike from him. He was significantly faster.... A darkened Aura surrounding him and the female voice from the Barbatos Armor began to sound again.
Lauren's thoughts: "His power... it's increasing!?!?!?"
Seryu's thoughts: "Gahh!!! What kind of monster is he!?!?!?"
Dairoku: *distorted* "Y̴ò̀͞u҉ b͞é̶́t̶t̵er ͏̶̶p̶̕͞r̵a̶̵͡y ́͡fo͏r̢ ̨m̶̨é͡r͢c͏҉͝y...̵̕͘...̛...͞ ̀B͏E̵C̀͢͝AUŞ̸̶E̸ ͝DE̵̵A͏͢T̶H̀'̧S͟ ̧͜͝HA̵͡R̵B̵̢͠I̶̕N҉̵G̶ER͏ ̡͡͠HA̶S͞ ̶̶̶C͡͝O̶͘͜M͟͝È͞ ҉T̡O͠ ̨͢͞CL͢҉̛A̧IM͡ ̢̕͘YO̵͠U̕R͘ ̛͠S̢̛͟I̢̧͝N͟͢S̡͜!̛͢!̡!̕͞͠!!̀"
As Lauren was occupied with Dairoku's rampage, Mine got up, Pumpkin in her injured arm, but just then, the Imperial Guards appeared at the scene.
Mine: "Shit!"
Male Soldier: "Over here! They're battling!"
Female Soldier: "Call for more back up!"
Mine's thoughts:"This... Is the end..." She accepted her fate, with tears still streaming down her eyes... However...
Suddenly, a bright purple light shined through the area, forcing everyone but Mine to shield their eyes...
Seryu: "What!?"
Male Soldier: "What the hell is this light!?" Mine faced the light... to find it's source...
"Ex... tase..."
Mine: "SHEELE!!!"
Sheele: *weakened* "You... need to get out of here now... Mine...!"
Seryu: "That woman... she can still fight in that state...!?"
Mine: "But you...!" She tried to protest... but stopped as Sheele turned her head to face her... and smiled...
Mine: "DAMN IT!!!" she yelled in frustration before retreating...
Seryu: "KORO! HURRY UP AND KILL HER!!!" she franticly commanded as Koro got up and rushed over to Sheele but suddenly... the light stopped... When everyone looked... Sheele was gone... but Extase remained... "W-What...? Where is she???" Lauren landed next to Extase and disengaged her armor...
Laruen's thoughts: "Dairoku you..."
Dairoku: *pants* "Hold on sis!"
Currently, Dairoku was dashing through the forest, holding his beloved Sister's badly injured body close to his own. He was frantic... scared... afraid... This felt all too familiar to him... Just like the first two times he lost someone close to him...
Sheele: *coughs* "Dai...roku... Put me... down..."
Dairoku: "NO! I won't lose you! I won't lose another important person to me! So just shut up and let me get you back to base so you can get patched up!"
Sheele: "It's... already too late for me..."
Dairoku: *frantic* "DON'T SAY THAT!!!"
Sheele: "Dairoku... look at me..." Dairoku looked down at his sister, only to see her giving him... that smile of her that absolutely broke his heart...
(Play Song)
Dairoku kneeled next to the dying Sheele who was next to a river that reflected the moonlight beautifully... His Barbatos armor disengaged, to reveal his body to be quite heavily injured, with cuts and bruises all over him... blood running down his head just like his sister... There was even a sharp pain in his left arm, but thanks to the adrenaline, he couldn't feel it... He held Sheele's hand tightly, desperately trying to not let her go...
Dairoku: "Please Sis... just stay with me..."
Sheele: "B-Brother..."
Dairoku: "Yes...?"
Sheele: "I'm... happy... now... Happy that I was able to be useful... in the end..."
Dairoku: "Sis... you've never been useless... Just you being by our side was enough... You didn't need to prove your usefulness to anyone..."
Sheele: *smiles sadly* "Really...? I'm glad..." She looked up at the moon... "The moon... is so pretty..." Dairoku looked up at it as well, before nodding in agreement
Dairoku: "Yeah... *sniff* It certainly is..."
Sheele smiled weakly and looked back at him, only to see the waterfall of tears flowing down his face...
Sheele: "Don't feel sad..."
Dairoku: "H...Huh...?"
Sheele: "I feel... completely alive right now... And I feel really... happy... So please... let me see you smile... one last time... Brother..."
Dairoku's mouth trembled as he stared at his sister... but then, it curved upwards into a genuine smile... as tears fell down his face...
Dairoku: "Sis... Thank you... Thank you for being there for us... for being there for me..."
Sheele: *slowly getting quieter* "You're welcome... And... remember brother... You won't be alone... I'll always be... by your side..."
Dairoku: "Right..." He smiled and nodded at her with his tears falling down his face... However, the next sentence she said......
Sheele: "...Huh...? Brother...? Are you still there...? I can't... see you..." That sentence... completely tore him up inside as his smile faded quickly...
Dairoku: *crying* "Yeah... I'm still here..."
Sheele: "Ah... good... Because... This light... It's really beautiful... Those bells sound... so inviting... I think... they're call me... to join them..."
Dairoku: "S-Sis...??"
The light from her violet eyes... slowly began to fade away, more and more...
Sheele: "Hehehe... I have to go now... Brother..." Dairoku was silent for a short while... before he spoke to her, one last time...
Dairoku: "...... Alright... You can rest peacefully now... Big Sis..."
He got no response from her as the light completely faded from her eyes... and her arm fell... lifelessly... and as if to spite him, the thunder crashed before it began to rain heavily... Dairoku checked for a pulse... but nothing... she was just... a cold... empty shell... Sheele... was gone... Forever...
. . .
Her spirit hovered in the sky, looking down on her little brother, who was crying his eyes out... Tears fell down her eyes as she looked at him... but she remained smiling...
"Night Raid... The place where I belong... It was... really fun... Hehehe..."
She descended down towards Dairoku and embraced him from behind...
"I'm sorry Dairoku... It looks like I won't be able to hug you again... But... Please know... That no matter how far we are separated, I'll always be watching over you... Because... I love you... Farewell... My Little Brother..."
Her figure dissipated as Dairoku threw his head back and screamed in absolute distraught, rage and sadness into the night, all the while Barbatos lets out a loud roar and burning red energy radiated around him...
Night Raid Members Remaining: 9/10
Even though this is the second time I've written this, it still hurts me so much... Well... Rest in Peace, Sheele
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