Chapter 57.5: Love and Bliss

A relaxed sigh escaped Dairoku's lips as he resurfaced the lake. He had been swimming in it all night, mainly to relax and make himself feel refresh. After the previous day with Kurome, Wave and Lauren, everything just felt.. amazing to him. The moon was slowly reaching the Midnight stage, showing that the time was nearing quickly. Though, he frowned a bit, hearing a distinctive voice in his head.

The voice of DEATH.

Soon, everything around him went back and he couldn't see any, but felt something soft press against his back.

???: "Guess who~"  Hearing that beautiful voice caused him to chuckle before saying.

Dairoku: "Well what kind of monster would I be, if I didn't know this was my dear Strawberry Shortcake." 

The voice giggled and her hands were removed from his eyes before moving down to around his torso. He looked behind and it was of course, Akame. She was wearing her white two piece swimsuit and here expression was surprisingly much brighter than normal.

Dairoku: "You seem happier than normal, babe."

Akame: "What can I say, darling? Tomorrow , we can finally end things with the Empire.. and Kurome's safe. How could I not be happy?"

Dairoku: *chuckles* "Yeah. I suppose your right."  He turned around and placed his hands on her hips while she ran her hands along her chest, trailing the scars along him before she looked up at him and smiled.

Akame: "Kiss me. And since were alone here, let's go all out with it." 

To that, he laughed before following her request, kissing her deeply on her lips, with her returning it gladly. He gently pressed her against the edge of the lake and pinned her, with either Vampire showing signs of stopping this kiss. Besides, considering that today was the day, they had to make the most out of their time and do anything just in case if anything happened, they'd have no regrets.


With Dairoku and Akame returning to the base after their midnight swimming and make out session, Najenda immediately requested that the male Vampire create a large banquet for everyone, which happily agreed to. So that's exactly what he did and after some time, he came to the dining table with a whole banquet of foods and beverages.

Najenda: "We can worry about tomorrow, tomorrow... so let's just kick back and cut lose today!"

Tatsumi: "Day-um!!! You went all out, Aniki!!"

Chelsea: "No kidding!"

Lubbock: *gulps* "S-So much..."

Mira: "Thank you, Senpai!"

Dairoku: "Yeah, yeah. Don't praise me yet. Eat up!" 

He said with a smile and so did it began, with everyone going nuts on the food, with Leone of course immediately going for the alcohol and booze. Dairoku hummed and smiled before his eyes landed on his girlfriend, who was surprisingly eating... normally. She was being slow and gentle, actually savoring her food rather than devouring it all at once. Though he should be concerned, he wasn't and smiled before sitting next to her.

Leone: "Hell yeah~!! This is what I'm talkin' about~!"

Najenda: "Drink up! I don't wanna see a drop of booze left in any bottle."

Leone: "Damn straight."

Najenda: "That free-spirited optimism of yours.. it's during times like these that it really shines through."

Leone: "What's this now? You're giving out compliments?"

Lubbock: "What!? Are you okay, Najenda-San??"

Najenda: "I'm fine. It's the night before the war. I guess I'm just talking crazy."  She said with a small smile as she took a sip from her glass.

Leone: "Okay! If crazy's how we're doing it, then I may come clean now! I've actually been sneaking into your secret stash of  booze!"

Najenda: "I thought it was drying up rather quickly... Ah, well... I can let bygones be bygones."

Leone: "I'm not done.. when you sent me on missions to the capital, I'd end up blowing all the expenses on gambling."

Mira: "That.. I'm not surprised..."

Najenda: "Well... the assignments got completed so... I can let bygones..."  Leone suddenly transformed using Lionelle and continued with a nervous drunken blush.

Leone: "Hmm There's also that time... and oh yea, that time... I should come clean now while I can..."

Najenda: "Just do me favor and reminisce about them AFTER the fight is over!"  Lubbock was laughing a bit nervously before he squeaked from someone hugging his head from behind and pushing it into her chest. It wa Levi, of course.

Levi: "So what kind of secrets you got that you wanna get off the chest, Lubo~?"

Lubbock: "E-Eh!? N-No!" 

He yelped with a blush forming on his face. The ninja only grinned and turned him around to face her. His eyes had widened as Levi wasn't wearing her normal clothing. She was wearing a normal white shirt with a black tie kinda like Akame. Despite her not having a very big chest, he was able to see her cleavage and it was clear that she wasn't wearing anything underneath. She also wore a black mini skirt and generally looked like a normal hot school girl.

Levi: "Oh? Whatcha staring at, perv~"

Lubbock: "A-Ah!! I-I-!"

Levi: "Hehe~ Adorable~"  Lubbock didn't know what the heck was going on as his face seemed like it was completely on fire from Levi's advancements. No one's ever seen the Ninja be so aggressive with.. anything before. However, she was soon stopped by Najenda grabbing her ponytail and pulling her back.  "A-Ahh!!"

Najenda: "Keep it inside, Levi."  She said as Levi's face whitened in terror.. until, Najenda leaned towards her ear and whispered.  "After the war.. let's both give him a good time."

Levi blinked in surprise but grinned as she nodded and gave her signature peace sign.

Lubbock: "H-Hey! What are you two scheming over there!?"

Both: "Oh nothing."  They both said with a smile, furthering the green-haired male's confusion.

Dairoku heard what the two were whispering to each other however, thanks to his enhanced hearing as he chuckled in amusement. However, his gaze fell on Tatsumi who was strangely eyeing his quiet girlfriend. He was about to say anything, before Tatsumi's expression displayed one of panic.

Tatsumi: "Something the matter, Akame!? You're eating so slowly, is something the matter!?"

Chelsea and Levi: "What!?"

Leone: "Yikes! That's a pretty grim look she's got on her face there..!"

Lubbock: "No way! Are we sure that's even Akame!?"

Mira: "Akame-Senpai, are you okay!?"

Saber: "Are you sick?? Tired?? Anything?"

Najenda: "What's wrong Akame!?" 

Dairoku just sighed deeply and shook his head at the team's overreaction. But in all honesty, he couldn't really blame them. If this was the old him, he'd probably be panicking too.

Athena: "Hahaha. That bad huh?"

Dairoku: "Yup..."  The ravenette looked at them before giving a slight bitter smile.

Akame: "It's nothing, sorry... I apologize for spoiling everyone's good mood, but I was just reminded of everyone.."  Everyone looked at her in silence as Dairoku wrapped his arm around her, the Vampiress leaning into him gently.  "Sheele, Bulat, Suu-San, Mine, Liese... Kuraime... And all of you."

Akame: "It's thanks to everyone that at this moment, I'm still standing here now. *serious expression* Our final mission.. We will Eliminate those who have rotted and corrupted this country, at any and all costs!! That is our sworn duty as those who have survived!"

Dairoku: "Amen to that. Tomorrow, we're freeing this country, even if it takes our last breaths in order to do so."

Akame: "Yes.."  She leaned off of him before..  "Now that I've gotten that off my chest, LET'S EAT!!!"

(A/N: *sigh* ".....ADORABLE!")

She immediately picked up a large bowl of many nutritious contents including all kinds of meat and fish, which was specifically created for her by Dairoku, and began attempting to devour the entire thing at once. Dairoku sighed deeply but laughed a bit. Everyone erupted in laughter, with Mira shaking her head and smiling while Najenda  and Saber sweat dropped

Dairoku: "And she's fucking back."

Tatsumi: "Hahaha!! Now the food gates have opened!!"

Levi: "Never change Akame-Chan!!"

Najenda: "How very Akame..."  Akame paused, noticing Tatsumi laughing.

Akame: "It's funny, isn't it?"  She questioned, putting the massive bowl down.

Tatsumi: "Huh..? What is..?"  He asked, wiping the tears from his eyes. To his surprise, Akame politely bowed her head to him.

Akame: "I'm sorry.. You've always been so much stronger than I ever gave you credit for."  Dairoku gently placed his hand on hers and squeezed it.

Dairoku: "I think we all underestimated you at some point. Bulat was right about you. You have grown to become a true man."  At that, the brown-haired teen chuckled lightly and scratched the back of his head.

Najenda: "Says the persons who's steely resolve and unmatched resiliency was far greater than I could have ever hoped for.. so makes sure you both come home alive too.

Dairoku: "Oh you know us, Najenda."

Akame: "When this is all over, let's all take a boat to some foreign country together. We made the promise back at Kyoroch, remember?"

Tatsumi: "Of course I remember. We said that we'd go together with Mine and Liese."

Akame: "By some chance... If by some chance that actually comes true... I hope Kurome would be willing to join us. If that trip actually ends up happening... it would be the most amazing trip ever..."

She closed her eyes as she imagined the scenario. A large ship would be sailing through the ocean. Near the back, Najenda, Levi and Lubbock were, with the ninja leaping onto his back as Najenda chuckled. Leone stood with Saber and Mira, while admiring the scenery. Mine was clinging to Tatsumi's arm, dragging him around the boat while the Jaegers, Wave, Kurome and Lauren along with Lieselotte and Selina, stood together with bright smiles on their faces. At the very end of the ship's bow however, was Akame, like a captain. She looked out into the ocean brightly with Dairoku standing next to her with Air on his shoulders.

It was the perfect dream.. something that they could strive to achieve. Akame came out of her day dreaming as Dairoku picked her up, placing her on his lap.

Dairoku: "It'll happen... We'll all be there on that boat... us and our daughter..."  He said, giving her a encouraging smile to which she returned and nodded while leaning into his chest.

Akame: "Yeah... our daughter..."


After the feast, Akame retired to the room her and Dairoku shared. She was sitting on the bed, with candles lit in the room. Despite her Night Vision from her Vampiric genes, she preferred the room to have some form of light in it. In her hand was a small little booklet; it was written by Dairoku. It was a diary of sorts or a log, that documented certain memories during his time with the Elite Seven. Akame would feel her heart break, seeing how much he blamed himself for the deaths suffered back then, especially for Cornelia's. And then she would take notice of the times he wrote about his feelings for her, which made her feel even worse. He had loved her for so long, let she never even bothered to take notice and recognize him. All she was focused on was Kurome and only her. She felt bad.. guilty.. for making him wait this long... And the fact that she almost lost him once, all the while not even giving him a chance...

A knock on the door startled her, causing her to close the booklet and put it back into the bedside table drawer.

Akame: "Come in."  The door creaked open as Dairoku entered, sighing a little.

Dairoku: "Too much drinking going on down there.. I'm not gonna get myself caught in that crossfire.."  He said, closing the door before turning around to face her.  "Whatcha doing, Strawberry-"  He found himself being cut off by the ravenette suddenly hugging him tightly.  "Hey... What's wrong...?"

The Answer he got was his girlfriend pressing her lips against his while pinning him against the door. He soon melted into it and wrapped his arms around her waist. He didn't understand what had gotten into her but returned her feelings before the two slowly pulled away. He looked down at her and gently stroked her cheek.

Dairoku: "Did I do something wrong...?"

Akame: "No... Nothing of the sort.."  She shook her head gently before she glanced down.  "Dairoku... I'm scared..."

Dairoku: "Of what...?"

Akame: "Of the fact that anyone of us could die at anytime... I don't want to lose anyone anymore... I don't want to lose you again..."  He gently lifted her head up by her chin to make her look at him. Her crimson eyes were had hints of fear, regret and sadness, something that he never wanted to see in her.

Dairoku: "Hey...  I survived the impossible.. There's no way I'm letting anything kill me now.. I've got you and Air to return to after all.. I know this kinda contradicts against the promise we made to each other, about us killing the other should we become a threat.. but even then.. even if you were to kill me, I'll still-" 

She cuts him off again, this time by slightly forcefully pushing her lips against him. He was taken by surprise but returned the lip embrace. As the kiss went on for what felt like eternity, the ravenette took hold of the white-haired male's shirt and began attempting to take it off, only to stop upon feeling his hand grab onto her wrist gently. He broke the kiss and looked at her.

Dairoku: "Are you sure about this..? There's no going back.."

Akame: "I haven't been more sure in my life until now.."  He took a deep breath before nodding.

Dairoku: "Alright.. but first..."  he gently pushed her back, confusing her slightly. She watched as he slightly opened the door and peeked outside, looking around as if he was looking for someone. Soon, he came back inside and closed the door before fully locking it.  "There. Leone won't be able to interrupt us again. Now then.."

Before he could finish, Akame grabbed him by the arm and dragged him, literally towards the bed. He managed to break out of her grip before Akame yelped, finding herself being the one to be pinned down, this time onto the bed.

Dairoku: "You really are needy today huh..."  He mumbled he mumbled, causing a blush to form on her face.

Akame: "S-Shush.. I'm just.. trying to make up for everything I did to you..."

Dairoku: "And what did you do to me?  Akame looked away, her frown growing slightly as her mouth trembled slightly.

Akame: "For letting you shoulder all of the burden you suffered when we used to be a part of the Empire... And for not noticing your feelings sooner... I... I-I.. When you told me on that night... I broke.. I led you on for so long and didn't even give you a chance.. and for you to die in such a manor.. I.."  He leaned down and planted a gently kiss on her lips silencing her. The kiss was held for a few seconds before it was broken and the male took her hands and gently squeezed them as he hovered over her, a blush on both Vampires' faces jut from the position they were in.

Dairoku: "Hey... I don't hold anything against you.. Sure it was difficult.. but so long as your happy, nothing would make me change what I did. You're my everything Akame.. I love you more than anything and anyone in this worl.. and I'll prove it to you, right here and now."  He said. The ravenette said nothing but stared into his red eyes, her own starting to glow with his.

Akame: "Then take me..."

(This is where you can choose to skip ahead or not.)

Dairoku responded to this statement by pushing his lips against Akame's, indulging in another passionate kiss but after a short while, is lips trailed from her own and down to her neck. He began to kiss along her neck, sucking on it in between a series of kisses, causing her to begin letting out heavy and hot breaths, accompanied with soft moans which she attempted to suppress by biting her lip. However, Dairoku knew her too well and her methods failed. She gripped onto his shirt and tugged on it, causing him to slowly stop his assault.

Akame: "Off. Now."  Hearing her demanding tone caused him to chuckle.

Dairoku: "Sure thing, leader." 

The ravenette blushed but giggled a bit as she pulled off his shirt and discarded it on the floor. She became captivated by his firm and well built chest and began slowly trailing her fingers along it, then around the scars. The once scar that caught her attention however, was quite a noticeable one around the right side of his chest... That was the exact area where Akame stabbed him with Murasame through to kill Gozuki. Seeing that nearly brought a tear to her eye but Dairoku gently grabbed her wrist and gave her a warm smile. 

Dairoku: "I know what you're thinking. But I'll go to even further lengths just for you.."   Akame looked up at him before smiling a bit and nodding.

After a short while, Dairoku grabbed hold of her red tie and remove it before discarding it onto ground, like she did with his shirt. Akame watched with a small giggle as her vampiric boyfriend began to remove her sailor uniform, starting with her white collar shirt by unbuttoning it while the Vampiress slid it off her shoulders, before it fell off the bed and onto the carpet, leaving her in her skirt and white bra.

Akame: "Take it off." She demanded, tugging on his pants which caused him to chuckle.

Dairoku: "So demanding."  He joked.  "But, take this off too. It's only fair." 

He said, tugging on her short skirt. She pouted a bit but stuck her tongue out playfully before complying. Dairoku backed away as she pulled the zipper down on the side of her skirt , loosening it up before she lifted both her legs into the air and slid the skirt right off of her lower body, discarding it on the ground. Dairoku watched she slowly exposed her body to him before he remembered his side of the deal and unbuckled his pants belt and buckle. He stood up before sliding down his pant, leaving them on the floor.

Now the Vampiric couple stared at each other, in their underwear. Akame's blush only grew as she could feel his eyes on trailing up and down her body. Sure, he's seen her in her underwear before.. but this time, it felt more like he was seeing right through her, that he could see everything.

As the Vampire hovered over her, his hands went astray and grabbed onto Vampiress' breasts, causing her to squeak slightly but hold in her moan. However, the way he'd squeeze and grope her upper body, made it difficult for her to keep quiet. Akame fumbled and stopped him briefly, moving her hands behind her back to unhook her bra before tossing it aside, fully exposing her beautiful mounds on her chest; they weren't overly large, but not small at all either. They were really soft and the flesh was as smooth as butter. Her tender pink nipples were fully hardened from her arousal, just from the teasing he gave her earlier. After eying the beautifulness in front of him, Dairoku lowered himself to her left breast and began to flick his tongue against it, all the while massaging the right one with his left hand. Akame's heavy breathing and moans became more and more frequent as she held his head in place... She felt this kind of pleasure before, but never had it ever been as amazing as it was at that moment...

She remembered the type of 'love' Merraid would demonstrate to her and Kuraime when they used to work for the Empire... but to her, that was nothing compared to what Dairoku was giving her

She embarrassingly let out a moan as her vampiric mate sucked on her aroused bud. All while this was happening, Dairoku's left hand trailed from Akame's right breast and nipple, down to her right thigh and began to rub against it. Akame felt her body shutter, as if a cold wind blew across her body. Her white panties already had a wet patch on it, from her being aroused more and more. His and trailed over to the wet patch on her panties, directly over her entrance before he began to rub it gently, causing Akame to clutch his hair tightly from the pleasure.

He responded by slightly pulling down her panties, to right above her knees and then he rubbed his finger against the harden bud in between her legs. Akame suddenly gasped sharply and moaned at a slightly increased volume from the feeling of Dairoku sliding his middle finger into her before pumping in and out of her folds at a steady pace. Akame barely could contain her moans but put her free hand over her mouth to silence them.

A sweet and intoxicating scent tingled her nose, catching her attention and she could tell that Dairoku smelled it to.. It was clear what this was... Heat. Vampires, like animals could go into a heat stage, especially when they were aroused. The side effects of this phase made any pleasure they feel, much more stronger than it should be. And combine with the romantic setting they were in, in their room which was barely lit by a few candles that gave it a 'love room' feel, it was no wonder why Akame found it extremely difficult to keep her voice in. It was almost too much for her.

Dairoku would coo sweet things to her as he bit and sucked on her breast, his tongue gliding over her nipples and all the while increasing the velocity of the movements of his hand at her core, causing her muffled moans to increase in volume again. It wasn't long as Akame felt a quick climax coming before, but what settled the deal for her, was the moment Dairoku also inserted his ring finger into her maiden hood. That did it as she arched her back, letting out a pleasurable squeal as her juices sprayed and covered his fingers. She continued to ride out her orgasm before finally calming down and releasing soft pants.

Dairoku removed his fingers and lips from her and looked at her, to see her face completely red, with a slight bit of drool running down the corner of her mouth. Her breaths were ragged and heavy but her eyes showed pure pleasure and love for him. She wanted more.. Dairoku looked at his fingers, which were still covered in her juices before licking them off.

Dairoku: "Hmm... You taste like meat. Why am I not surprised?" He joked, smirking at the red eyed beauty in front of him. She blushed heavily out of embarrassment and looked off to the side.

Akame: "S-Shut it... Don't keep me waiting any longer..." 

She demanded, ripping off her panties. He chuckled and replied with a playful 'Yes ma'am.' before removing his pants and boxers, exposing his fully erect member which Akame stared at, the reflection appearing in her eyes as she seemed captivated by him. It was almost like... one big piece of meat that she couldn't wait to devour.

Akame waited patiently, yet with a slight bit of excitement as she watched him move between her legs. She slowly opened herself for him, but blushed heavily from seeing him eye her most exposed area; her core. Dairoku couldn't keep his eyes off of her and stared in amazement, just from his girlfriend's pure beauty. He then looked at her..

Dairoku: "If I hurt you or you feel uncomfortable.. tell me.."

Akame: "You couldn't hurt me.."

That was a lie. They both knew it. No matter how tough you think you are, the first time was always the most painful. Akame gave him a trusting smile causing him to sigh deeply before nodding.

With her confirmation, the Vampire began to slowly push his hardened member into the Vampiress, causing it to grind against her moist and soft, yet very tight walls causing both mates to moan and groan in pleasure. Soon enough, Dairoku hit the soft delicate barrier inside of her; her hymen. He looked at her once more, only to see the same welcoming smile she was dawning. The white-haired male leaned down to her before pressing his lips against her, engaging in a passionate kiss. As their lips remained connected, the ravenette's legs wrapped around Dairoku's waist as he pushed himself further into her, breaking through her hymen causing her to slightly whimper into the kiss and for a tear to fall from her eye. When they broke the kiss, Dairoku looked down to where they were connected, and saw a bit of blood running out from Akame's innocence being broken, then back at her to see the tear that escaped her eye. He wiped it away before going back down and pushing is body against hers, embracing her in a comforting matter. After a few minutes of staying connected, the black haired assassin spoke...

Akame: "Okay... You can move now..."  She said with a small smile

He smiled back at her before he slowly pulled away from her, causing both to moan from the feeling of his member rubbing against her sensitive walls before he pushed back into her. He continued to thrust in and out of her as their hot and heavy breaths filled the room. His movements were slow and gentle but each thrust sent a jolt of pleasure through Akame's body, causing her to moan loudly; this amount of pleasure was all too new to the two of them... Nothing they felt before could have compared to this. Dairoku grunted as his stiffen member grinded against the soft and moist walls of Akame's insides. She barely could contain her urges to beg him to just mess her up. She couldn't believe the fact that the two were making love, and it was just like how she imagined it to be, if not better. No...

It was completely perfect.

Soon he slowly increasing the speed of his thrusts, Akame simultaneously increasing the volume of her blissful moans; in fact, all that could be heard was the moans and heavy breathing of Akame and the clapping of their bodies as Dairoku thrust in and out of her. He could feel her walls beginning to tighten around his member even more, which encouraged him to increase his speed more. Despites that, he still kept his gentle nature, which Akame loved oh so much.

A few minutes went by and the couple swapped positions, Akame was on all fours as Dairoku was behind her, resuming his steady thrusting in and out of her, at a much quicker pace. Soon, a yelp escaped Akame's mouth as the sound of a slap echoed throughout the room. Dairoku had done it. He had fully claimed Akame all for himself. It seemed that this action aroused her further as her walls clamped around his member tightly, with both Vampires hissing in pleasure.

He gave her another spank all the while he grabbed onto her abnormally long black hair and pulled on it. The others could probably wake up from how loud they were being, but right now, that was the last thing they were concerned about.

All they cared about, was each other.

Eventually, they ended up switching positions again. This time, Dairoku was lying on the bed as Akame rode his member. There was a clear need to feel each other up more, but despite those strong desires, they both managed to keep it tame. Considering this was their first time, making it special was top priority, along with pleasuring the other. As Akame rode him, her plump and slightly bubbly rear end, which had turned a light shade of red from all of the slaps, bounced and juggled. Akame couldn't keep composed anymore as she freely allowed her voice roam, which only added to Dairoku's entertainment and pleasure.

It wasn't long as both felt their climaxes coming for a final time. Akame's walls began to tighten up again as her moaning became more and more frequent, while the male's member twitched and throbbed inside of her. Soon, an overwhelming sensation of pleasure and heat overtook the too, with the Vampiress letting out a pleasurable squeal, feeling his hot substance rush into her womb.

The Vampires were left panting out of exhaustion and their bodies covered in sweat from their love making, with the ravenette falling forwards onto her lover's chest. Dairoku could feel it... he had came inside of her. He was gonna pull out, but got caught in the moment and ultimately coated her insides with his substance. He looked at her and was about to say something, only for her to gently place her index finger on his lips, silencing him. She slowly looked towards him and smiled sweetly, her hot breath mixing with his.

Akame: "It's okay.. I loved every minute of this.. I wanted it."  Hearing that and in the soft and gentle tone she always used with him, caused him to slowly smile.

Dairoku: "Thank you... Thank you for finding me.."

Akame: "No... We found each other.. and I couldn't be happier. You are all I ever need now, Dairoku..."  She said as she pecked his lips, holding it for a few seconds before pulling away and laying down on his chest. She closed her eyes, feeling him wrapping his arms around her and holding her close.

Dairoku: "Same here... Akame..."  He said with a smile.

With a flick of her wrist, Akame summoned small lightning sparks that managed to extinguish the candles lighting the room. Soon the two Vampires would find themselves falling into a deep and peaceful slumber. Despite the War being a day away, nothing negatively mattered to them anymore...

It wouldn't matter, so long as they were together.. because that was all that mattered.

Your welcome you fucking Degenerates!

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