Chapter 25.5: Aftermath of the Battle

(A/N: "That is the most carefree Akame smile I've ever seen. And I love it!")


Kurome: "Dairoku...?"

Dairoku: "Hm?" He turned around, only for his eyes to widen when the Onyx-eyed girl lunged at him and...


The vampire king was shocked, confused and unsure of what to do, but what was stranger... is that he didn't pull away... After a short minute, Kurome broke the kiss and looked at him, blushing but smiling.

Kurome: "I'll see you next time. But you better not go easy on me again."

Dairoku: "Y-Yeah... You too."

(End of Flashback)

It was a day after the battle with the Jaegers. In total, one Teigu User lost their life, Bols from the Jaegers, but two Teigu were destroyed, Rubicante and Gaea Foundation. Since the battle, Night Raid was laid under the radar, taking time to recover from the battle. Dairoku was inside of the room he and Akame shared, the aforementioned girl pacing in front of him. He knew he couldn't keep what happened between him and Kurome a secret so he came clean.

Dairoku: "And... that's about it, yeah."

Akame: "...Kurome kissed you...?" He sighed and nodded.

Dairoku: "I wasn't expecting it... I knew you said she liked be but I never thought she'd be that bold. It... didn't feel right to me... It felt like I unintentionally betrayed you, even though you told me that you particularly wouldn't mind." The scarlet-eyed girl was silent and halted her pacing before she faced him.

Akame: "Answer this. What do you feel towards Kurome?"

Dairoku: "...When I fought her, I thought I had the resolve to end things right then and there... But when I had her on the ropes, I felt... sad... hesitant. When I met up with her when I saved Chelsea, I felt happy to see her again, but when she kissed me, I was... heavily conflicted... Part of me says, I shouldn't... but the other part of me doesn't want to see her more heart broken than she already is."

There was a brief moment of silence as the vampire released heavy sighs and held his head. He tried to forget about the situation but just couldn't. He noticed Akame moving closer to him before sitting next to him on the bed. He expected to feel some kind of slap or anything from her, but it never came. What he didn't expect was for her to cup his cheeks and kiss him. Immediately after the contact was made, all of the vampire's worries were quickly washed away and a comforting warmth took over. His arms made their way around the ravenette's waist while hers moved around his neck. This lovely embrace lasted for much longer than they anticipated as the ravenette climbed on his lap to further deepen it. Finally, the need for air over took them and broke them apart. Their heavy breaths mixed as they looked into each other's crimson eyes, lovingly; this kiss wasn't heated or anything, it was just purely filled with love and comfort.

Dairoku: "...What did I do to deserve that?" He got a cutesy smile from her as a response.

Akame: "You were honest with how you felt. You didn't try to hide anything and you came to me, expecting some form of backlash. That just shows me that you truly care and I'm glad." The vampire was a bit shocked but ended up smiling at her. He moved one of his hands up from her waist and to her cheek.

Dairoku: "Of course I care, Strawberry." She giggled lightly and nuzzled into his hand.

Akame: "Though, because Kurome did that, I'll have to fight harder next time. I've finally decided and if she wants you, she'll have to go through me first." She said confidently, causing him to chuckle.

Dairoku: "So you've finally decided to let your selfish side show?"

Akame: "E-Eh?? N-No! It's not that-*sigh* idiot..." She pouted, flicking his forehead a bit causing him to laugh out a bit. "But you're my idiot and mine alone. As much as I love Kurome, I won't allow her to steal you from me."

Dairoku: *chuckles* "As you command, Red-Eyed killer."

(A/N: "Finally decided on what to do with the whole Dairoku X Akame or Kurome situation.)

After the couple's moment, they left the comfort of their rooms and entered the hallways of the base, where they ran into Susanoo, who was leaving the room of Chelsea.

Dairoku: "Ah, Suu. How's Chelsea?"

Susanoo: "She's asleep right now, however the injuries she sustained won't allow her to continue as an assassin."

Dairoku: "I see... What about Mira and Saber?"

Susanoo: "Saber has entered a type of stasis after her Trump Card deactivated. Estimate time for her to reawaken is next week. As for Mira..." His expression darkened showing the couple that bad news was incoming. "She's fine and breathing well. However, Akaruime struck her directly down her spine. She has lost all motor function in her lower body."

Akame: "W-What...? She's paralyzed...?"

Susanoo: "Yes. But it should only be temporary. Estimate time for her to regain motor function is... unknown unfortunately." That... was as bad as bad news could get. They were now down two assassins.

Dairoku: "I see... thank you Susanoo." He nodded and went on his way, leaving the two crimson-eyed assassins to themselves. Hearing a sigh of despair from her lover, Akame embraced him in a comforting manor.

Akame: "You did all you could..."

Dairoku: "Right... Speaking of, how's Leone after...?" the ravenette downcasts.

Akame: "After Mira took that strike for her, she hasn't been her normal carefree self. In fact, she's been a lot quieter... And the last time I saw her, she was drinking. But it wasn't out of joy... She probably blames herself for what happened to Mira..." Dairoku was surprised as he didn't know Leone could even get remotely to such a low state He sighed.

Dairoku: "I see... Alright, I'm going to see Mira if she's awake. Could you make some soup for her?"

Akame: *smiles* "Of course."

She kissed his cheek before leaving his side for her quest to head towards the kitchen. Dairoku head the other direction, towards Mira's room. He knocked twice, and waited for a response.

Mira: "Come in." Hear voice was quieter than usual, but still loud enough for him to hear. He clicked the door open and entered the room, spotting the blonde haired girl lying in her bed with some medical equipment attached to her, such as an IV drip. She just had on a white tank top and black leggings while Genso no Sutoraikā leaned against her bedside table and her glasses rested on the table.

Dairoku: "Hey Mira. How are you feeling?" She slowly looked at him.

Mira: "Senpai, I can't feel my legs..." Hearing that, just broke Dairoku internally.

Dairoku: *sighs and downcasts* "I know..."

Mira: "How am I supposed to fight, when I can't even move my legs?"

Dairoku: "Mira, it's okay. Suu said your condition isn't permanent. We don't know when, but you'll be back on your feet. And if not, we'll see if anyone in the Revolutionary Army can use Perfector to help you. But until then, you'll have to stay in the base with Chelsea"

Mira: "I see..." she sighed a bit, but she didn't seem fully disheartened. "How is Leone?"

Dairoku's thoughts: "Despite her condition, she still worries for Leone more..." He was surprised but sighed. *out loud* "From what Akame told me, not too well. After what happened to you, she's not her normal carefree self and she's been drinking a lot more."

It was clear in the expression of the blonde haired mage. She was disheartened, sad. Sad for her friend. She knew internally that she was blaming herself for what happened.

Mira: "Leone..." Her voice cracked a bit and she choked on her own words. Small droplets of tears formed in the corner of her eyes. Seeing his student in distraught, the vampire brought her into a warm embrace, where she began to let out soft and quiet cries into his chest.

Dairoku: "Shhh... It's okay, Mira... It's okay..."

A couple of minutes went by and Akame had entered the room, holding a bowl of steaming hot soup, though she was surprised, but pleased to see her boyfriend comforting his student.

Akame: "Seems like things went well?" She asked smiling, while her lover smiled back and looked down at Mira, who had calmed down and was blushing.

Dairoku: "Yeah. Haven't seen this Blondie so emotional in a long while. Seems like she's warming up again."

Mira: *blushes* "E-Eh!? W-Well... Y-You...! A-Ah!"

Dairoku: *chuckles* "I'm messing with you, Mira. Calm down."

Mira: "Y-You...! D-Don't tease me, idiot-Senpai!"

Akame: *giggles* "I can see that. Here, Mira. I've prepared some soup for you." She smiled softly as she walked over to her and handed her the bowl.

Mira: "Ah, thank you, Akame-Chan."

Dairoku: "Alright, we'll leave you to finish up."

Mira: "Right. Thank you, Senpai... for comforting me."

Dairoku: "Of course, Mira." He smiled at her and patted her head before he left the room with Akame.

>>Time Skip<<

Weeks after the battle and the Jaegers were invited to a house party in the headquarters of the 'Way of Peace' in Kyoroch. Wave, Kurome, Akaruime, Run, Lauren and Seryu all stood together, wearing formal clothing, however, Akaruime from the wound she received from Chelsea, has bandages wrapped around her neck.

Wave: "Hmm... It really doesn't feel right to wear clothes like these."

Seryu: "...Or rather, it feels like me and dresses just shouldn't go together..."

Run: "It looks good on you, Seryu."

Seryu: "But if I'm like this, I won't be able to carry out Justice when the time comes!"

Lauren: "Ugh... Heels and I definitely don't go together..." She adjusted her high heels, while struggling to stay standing. "Seriously!! How do you stand in these damn things!? Their killing my fucking feet!!! Wahh!!!" She yelled as she began to lose her footing and fall over, however, she was surprised to see that Run caught her and helped her back on her feet.

Run: "You look beautiful too, Lauren. And if you're going to fall over, then you can use me for support." He smiled at her pleasantly, which caused a blush to appear on her face.

Lauren: *blushes* "R-Right... Thanks, Run..."

(Akaruime's Dress)

(Lauren's Dress)

Esdeath: "Well, it's a welcoming party." The group looked over towards where Esdeath was entering the room, wearing a black and golden dress. "So relax and enjoy yourselves. There might be some interesting entertainment."

However unknown to them, on a rooftop a few miles from the party, the able members of Night Raid analyzed the area. At this point and time, Saber had reawakened while Chelsea and Mira stayed back at the base.

Kuraime: "So that's the mansion of the advisor, Borick..."

Akame: "The target this time."

Leone: "Sure is a nice house... Built with such filthy money."

Levi: "Honestly, I wouldn't mind if we destroyed that house. Being near it... actually makes me sick." From the tone she was using, it was clear that the ninja was very serious about the situation.

Dairoku: "You're not the only one..."

Mine: "We should keep the actual topography in mind."

Najenda: "The Jaegers are apparently in this town as well. We'll keep calm, formulate a plan, and finish them. Don't let your comrades death and sacrifices be in vain!!!"



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