(Quick note.Your character is gonna dress up as SCP-049.I have tweaked the design a little.Due to the character having that analytical golden eye.I am putting eye magnifiers in the mask.You can color the mask whatever you want.I am keeping the glove design but not the syringes.Thanks for listening and I hope you enjoy)
Night Raid was in hot pursuit of a masked man.He was covered in blood and had a stolen imperial arms with him.
???:Lubbock cut him off!
The green-haired man sent wires out of his gloves.They formed a grid pattern in front of the masked man.The man turned to reveal a (F/c) plauge doctor mask.The team gathered behind the man.
???:Yeah we caught him!
Some girl with paws and blonde ears yelled.The masked man chuckled and turned to the group.
???:Your really think you can capture me?
???:Well then I will just kill you.
A girl with pink hair aimed a weapon and fired.The round raced toward his mask.He leaned his head to the right as the round raced past.The masked mans fist illuminated in golden light and a shotgun appeared.He aimed it at the wires.
Lubbock:That is not gonna cut those wires.
???:I know.
The man fired the gun and the beads from the shotgun shell strategically bounced off the wires sending them at the group.They managed to dodge it but a large man in armor stood there.
???:You think this will hurt me?
The beads punctured his armor in the arms and one in the stomach.He hunched over and a black haired girl rushed over to him.
???:Bulat are you ok?
Bulat:Yeah I am fine.
???:Your coming with me!
The girl that looked like a cat rushed at the masked man.The masked man visibly sighed and pulled out dual revolvers.He aimed and waited to shoot.The cat girl was a mere two feet away when the masked man fired one round.The cat girl disappeared and reappeared behind the masked man.However the masked man realized this and pointed the other revolver over his shoulder and shot.It pierced the cat girls shoulder and she flew into the wires.Another shot rang out and the masked man ducked as a round bounced off the wires.The masked man ran at the girl and with a swift kick to the stomach she was out on the ground.The masked man stood up and looked over to the black haired girl.
???:You are highly skilled.
???:Sorry I cant say that about your friends.
Akame:You may call me Akame and if you return the imperial arms I will consider letting you live.
???:That is quite the funny joke.
Akame drew her blade and ran at the masked man.The man juked to the side as Akame thrusted her blade.She swung it upwards and turned back to the man.
???:Thank you.
Akame:For what?
???:My escape.
Akame widened her eyes as she realized no one was left to block him.The masked man turned on a heel and bolted in the opposite direction.Akame gave chase and yelled.
Akame:Lubbock Bulat stop him!
Bulat rushed at the man and Lubbock started setting up more wires.Bflat trusted a spear at him and the masked man grabbed the spear and flung Bulat in the opposite direction.Bulat flew into Lubbock and the wires retracted.
Akame:How are you so skilled?!
???:Its kind of a crazy story.
Akame:Tell me!
???:Now is not the time.
The masked man rushed at Akame and disappeared in a cloud of black smoke.
???:Behind you.
Before Akame could react the masked man punched her in the spine.She coughed out and she fell to her knees.The man walked in front of her and raised a revolver.Akame looked down.
???:On second thought.
The masked man cupped Akames face and lifted it to meet his mask.
???:Your too cute to kill.
The man removed his hand and walked away.The man walked up to a hill.
???:Going down.
He pretended to press a button and took a step off the cliff falling down.
TimeSkip Your POV
You woke up and looked around.You could bairly see through the slits in your mask.So you took off your hood and removed the mask.You took it off to reveal (H/c) hair and stubble.You ran a hand through your (H/l) hair and winced.You looked down to see you were impaled on a tree branch.
(Y/n):Ha just my luck.
You grabbed the tree branch and rocked your legs.After a count of three you slid off the branch and hit the ground.You looked around more in detail.It was clearly daytime now and you did not know where you were.You clutched your hip where the tree branch had been and began to walk forward.You heard rumbling and decided to stow away your equipment.You took off your cloths and threw on a black long sleeved shirt and leather jacket.Slipped on some fingerless gloves .You put on black jeans with a chain on the right hip.A a pair of combat boots.You tucked your cloths away in a backpack you had and clutched your hip.You walked out of the forest clearing just as a carriage passed.The carriage stopped and a girl walked out.She seemed rather young but was in stylish clothing.A voice began in the back of your head.
Demon(Y/n):Hooray a new target!
Another voice entered.
Angel(Y/n):No!We need to asses the situation!
(Y/n):Shut up!
???:Excuse me?
You looked up and saw the girl standing a few feet away from you.
???:Are you injured?
(Y/n):Yes but it is no concern of yours mam.
You smiled at her and noticed a boy walking out of the carriage.He had brown hair and green eyes.
???:Are you ok?
(Y/n):Yeah I just cut myself.
???:It does not seem like a normal cut.
???:Let me take you to my house.I have the proper supplies to help you.
(Y/n):I guess that is ok.
Aria:Yay you may call me Aria!
Tatsumi:I am called Tatsumi but you can call me what you like friend.
(Y/n):Nice to meet you both.I am (Y/n).
Aria took your hand and Tatsumi helped you into the carriage.You sat there thinking.
In your head:Aria where have I heard that name before?
Then it clicked.You remembered her from Thomas house.She picked on your sister for being bigger than her.You blood started to boil and you glared at the young girl.Tatsumi kept trying to start conversations with you but you gave simple answers that went nowhere.
You arrived at the mansion and walked in.Aria tended to your wound and offered our dinner.
(Y/n):No thank you I am fine.
Aria:Are you sure?
You remembered back to when she would put horrible things in your food.
Aria:Well at least stay the night before you leave.
(Y/n):Ok I guess where are the beds?
Aria pointed down the hallway and you travelled down it.You pushed open a door and saw a bed.You played down on it and slowly went to sleep.
You heard a rustle at the door and went to check it.You opened it to find Tatsumi.
Tatsumi:(Y/n)! There are intruders attacking the house!We need to help the guards outside!
(Y/n):OK give me a second.
You closed the door and heard Tatsumi run off.You smiled a sadistic smirk and opened your backpack.You threw on your plague doctor outfit and travelled down the hall to Arias room.You kicked down to door to see her shocked on her bed.
Aria:It is you!
(Y/n):My my what do we have here?
Aria:Leave me alone you monster!
(Y/n):I am the monster?You made my childhood a living hell!
Aria:Wait that voice.
(Y/n):You remember poisoning my food?Nearly killing me?!
Aria smirked and looked at you.
Aria:How is that sister of yours?
You snapped.You walked over to the bed and picked her up by the throat.
(Y/n):Dont you ever speak of her!
She made a gurgling sound in response as you tightened youf grip.You roared and threw her at her closet door.She coughed and took deep breaths.You looked out the window and saw a fight outside.
(Y/n):I swore to my sister I would avenge her.By killing everyone who ever mistreated us.
You turned and saw her desperately trying to crawl out the open door.You walked over to her and picked her up by the throat.
(Y/n):You want to go outside girl?
You turned to the window and ran toward it.You reared back and launched Aria through the window.It shattered and she fell to the ground.You crawled out the window and saw them.Night Raid.
You made a be line for the roof,but your hip injury slowed you down long enough for the pink haired girl to hit you in the back.You cried in pain and fell to the ground.
???:Yeah Mine yo did it!
Mine:Of course.
Akame:Leone check to see if he is alive.
The cat girl walked over to you and tried to take off your mask.She kept pulling and pretty much stretching your face.
Leone:Heh sorry mask man.
Tatsumi:Hey what about me?!
You faded in and out of hearing.However you heard one thing before you blacked out
Leone:Your gonna be such a great addition to Night Raid.
You then blacked out due to blood loss.
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