Prologue: Birth and Taken

Third P.o.v


Lady: "Come on, Kass, push, push!!!!" The Lady said while helping Kassandra, who is about to have a child. She has dark brown hair and E/c. Kassandra struggles, leans forward, and push.

Kass: "Nnngh ARRRRRRGGHHHH!!!!!"

Outside the shack, a man with H/c and dark brown eyes is pacing back and forth on the snow, while his friends are trying to calm him down. His name is Cormac L/n, leader of his village and a respected and honorable man.

His best friend and right hand man with black hair and red eyes, Zeth,  was holding a bowl with purple and red liquid on his left hand, and his right hand extending towards Cormac, trying to calm him down.

Zeth: "Calm down, Cormac. It'll be over soon. It's not the only son you're going to have."

Cormac: "I know, but I'm afraid that this child will die like the rest, after they were born." He said with sadness and anger while looking at the bowl that Zeth was holding. Zeth took notice of his stare, and tried to convince him.

Zeth: "Don't use the liquid on this child Cormac." Cormac looked at him. "This liquid is the reason that your deceased children died. Just because an old man said one of your child will make a difference in the Capital by drinking this, doesn't mean that it'll happen."

Cormac: "I can't take risk Zeth. Everything that old man said about the near future, it happened. If he said that one of my child will bring peace to this world by drinking it, then I'll keep doing it until the child is breathing." Zeth gives the bowl to one of their man, then grabs Cormac by his shoulder.

Zeth: "Brother please, this will be your tenth child. Let this one live. But if you keep giving them that liquid, then there won't be an heir to the village." He said serious and sort of a whisper. "And if you keep getting your wife pregnant and killing her and your child in front of her, she'll die. Not because of you, but of sadness and taking no more of this pushing and struggles." Cormac looked down in sadness. He looked at his friend's eyes and was going to speak when he heard a baby cry.

Cormac looked at the shack, then at his friend with joy. Zeth looked happy, but worried that his friend might make the baby drink the liquid. Cormac moved towards the shack and signalled the man holding the bowl to enter. They both entered the shack  leaving Zeth with disappointment.

The moment Cormac saw the child in Kassandra's arms he kneeled beside her with a smile.

Kass: "It's a boy honey." She said with a smile, and offered it to Cormac to carry him. The moment that he took his son into his arms, he took a small cup, poured the liquid in the cup, and lifted to his son. Zeth enetered the shack and saw what was hapenning. Kassandra's eyes widened, and was trying to move to her husband to stop, but she was weak. "Cormac, no. Please. I can't bear to lose another child." She begged with tears forming in her eyes.

Cormac looked at her, then towards his son. He thought of what Zeth told him, and on what the old man said. He thought of his wife losing nine children right after birth because of that liquid, but his pride got the best of him.

Cormac: "I'm sorry Kass, but I have to do this." He lifted the cup towards his son, and made him drink it.

Kass: "No!" She almost fell off the bed, but Zeth ran and hold her from falling.

Cormac put the cup on a table and observed the son in his arms. The child's skin turned pale, his crying stopped, and his heart beat decreased it's speed.

Cormac: "Fight it my child, fight." He whispered into the boy's ear. The child moved his feet, his arms, then his head. His skin returned to his normal S/c and his heart beat returned to his normal pace. Then, he started crying. Cormac's, Kassandra's, and Zeth's eyes widened. "Yes." He whispered with amazement. He looked at his wife and his friend with a smile from ear to ear. "Yes! Listen! His crying, and a nice pair of lungs!" Kassandra smiled with tears falling from her eyes.

Zeth stood up and went outside. He looked at everyone who were waiting for the news.

Zeth: "It's a boy, and he lives!" He raised his arm with a fist, and everyone cheered and roared with their fist raised.

Cormac was beside Kass while she was holding her son with all her might.

Kass: "He lives." She whispered and he nodded. "He drank that foul liquid and he lives." She was so happy she couldn't believe it. Cormac caressed her hair and kissed her forehead. "What shall be the name of the child?" Cormac thought, and looked at his son with a smile.

Cormac: "Y/n." He looked at his wife. "He will be called Y/n L/n." She smiled. They shared a kiss and cherished this moment of their life.

It was night time and Cormac was heading out of the shack to meet with Zeth. He was heading towards the door when he stopped. He turned around to see at his wife and child sleeping peacfully. He smiled at the scene and left. Zeth and Cormac were sitting on a wooden log that was surrounding the bonfire.

Zeth: "I'm so glad that your son lives."

Cormac: "Yes. I'm so happy myself."

Zeth: "Now we have to know." Cormac looked at his friend confused. "Between your son and my daughter, see who might be the strongest." They both chuckled

Cormac: "Who knows? Maybe she'll be the leader's wife some day."

Zeth: "Are you asking my daughter's hand for your son?"

Cormac: "No. Is just a hunch that our children will be together in the future." He nodded. "Speaking of which, how is your daughter Akame and you wife with her unborn baby?"

Zeth: "Aoimoku is hanging there with her pregnacy. Give it eight month. And Akame is growing well, eating much. She doesn't leave her mom's breast a second, but what can I say, she's four months."

Cormac: "Yeah, they'll keep growing." They kept looking at the bonfire for ten minutes until Cormac stood up. "I'm going to sleep. Goodnight Zeth."

Zeth: "Goodnight Cormac." With that, Cormac left to his shack, but Zeth stayed, looking at the bonfire with seriousness.


Seven years later.

There, in the middle of the village, are three children. One boy and two girls playing. The boy, Y/n, was with the youngest girl with black eyes, Kurome, running and hiding from Kurome's older sister with red eyes, Akame. They were waiting behind a shack. Y/n took a peek and see if Akame was around, but didn't found her.

Kurome: "Do you see her?"

Y/n: "No. Maybe she went towards another place."

Akame: "Found you." They turned around and jumped from her sudden appearance. She had an expressionless face.

They started to run away from her, but she kept chasing them. Y/n looked behind, only to see Kurome on the floor, holding her knee and crying. He made a hard turn, and ran straight towards Kurome. He kneeled beside her and Akame was rubbing her back.

Y/n looked at her knee and saw that she had a cut. He quickly rip a part of his clothe, put some snow on it, and was ready to put it on Kurome's knee.

Y/n: "Kurome, this will hurt, I want you to hold it, ok?" She nodded and grabbed her sister's hand. Y/n put the clothe with snow on her wound and she winced and screamed. He took it out, and rubbed it as gentle as he could so he could clean it with the melted snow. He put the clothe with the little snow that was left on her knee, and he wrapped it around it.

Cormac, Kassandra, Zeth, and Aoimoku were watching the scene. They all smiled because they knew that Y/n would become a great leader and a respected and generous man they'll know.

Akame looked at Y/n. He was very concentrated and gentle with her sister. She couldn't say anything, but smile at him. This smile was sweet and she had a tint of pink on her cheeks.

Y/n kissed Kurome's knee and told her that her knee will be alright soon. Kurome smiled and hugged him.

Kurome: "Thank you Y/n." He nodded.

Then, their parents arrived. They both separated.

Cormac: "I see that Y/n treated your knee. Are you alright Kurome?" She nodded. "Son, come. Your mother and I want to show you something."

Y/n: "But will Kurome will be ok?" He asked concerned and their parents couldn't help, but chuckle. "What?"

Aoimoku: "Don't worry sweety, we're here."

Zeth: "Go on kid, and thank you for treating Kurome." They both smiled.

Y/n: "Ok. You're welcome." He started to walk beside his parents, but he stopped because he was been called.

Akame: "Y/N!" He turned around to see Akame running towards him. She hugged him and he manage to keep his balance while holding her. "Thank you for treating my sister."

Y/n: "You're welcome. And just in case, I'll always be there for Kurome and for you. No matter what." She burried her face even more on his chest and embraced him tighter. She let go and back away a little. "I'll see you in a little, ok?" He started to run towards his parents, who were waiting, and he waved at her.

Akame: "Ok!" She said with a smile and waved back. She went back to her parents and they were smirking. "What?"

Aoimoku: "Nothing sweet heart. Is just that Y/n is a good boy and, I don't know, probably he might be your husband."

Akame: "Mom eww. I can't marry him, his my best friend."

Zeth: "Yeah, but your mother and I were best friends, and now look at us."

Akame: "Dad! No! His just a friend."

Zeth: "Ok, how about you Kurome?" He said while lifting her up and started walking towards their shack. "Do you want to be Y/n's wife?"

Kurome: "EWWWW NO!!! His my best friend too, I don't want to marry my best friend!" Their parents chuckled, while Akame's and Kurome's face were disgusted.

To Y/n.

Y/n was beside his parents, and they also had a smirk.

Y/n: "Something wrong father?"

Cormac: "No. Let me ask you, what do you think of Akame?"

Y/n: "Well, she's a kind and good friend, and she's a great sister.

Cormac: "And Kurome?"

Y/n: "She's funny and sweet. Why?"

Cormac: "Well, is just that you three are very close, so I was thinking if one of them might be your wife some day." Y/n's eyes widened.

Y/n: "Father! I can't marry one of them, they're my best friends. That'll be so weird."

Kassandra: "Ok honey if you say so then ok, but remember, that the world spins a lot, and you'll never know what'll happen in the future."

Y/n: "MOTHER!" He glared at his parents, and they raised their arms in defeat.

They reached their shack and went to the parent's room. Cormac removed a wooden floor that was under a rug. From that, Cormac took out a metal staff, but it was the size of a katana's hilt. He showed it to Y/n.

Cormac: "This object is a weapon. A weapon that if you think of any weapon it will transform to the weapon you were thinking. It's unbreakable."

Y/n: "Is this an Imperial Arm?"

Cormac: "No, but it will be your weapon in the future." He extended towards Y/n so he can take it. "When you take it, think of any weapon and comand it to appear from in here." He pointed to his head. Y/n nodded.

Y/n took it and looked at his father. He nodded. He looked at his mother and she nodded as well. He closed his eyes and thought of a weapon. The weapon that popped in his head was a weird shape weapon, before he knew it the metal transform into it. He dropped it because of the sudden movement.

When his parents saw what it was, they were shocked. It was a scythe with a many skulls on the middle of the blade. Cormac got in front of his son and grabbed his shoulders.

Cormac: "How do you know of this weapon!?" He sounded agitated.

Y/n: "I-I don't know. It just popped in my head and it just transform." Cormac looked at his wife and her eyes were filled with worried. "What's wrong? Is this something important?"

Cormac: *Sigh* "Yes son. The first weapon that the person imagine and makes it transform is something important. The weapon it chose for the first time will define what will become of the wielder."

Y/n: "Then, what did it defined me?"

Cormac was going to answer when all of a sudden, they heard scream outside the shack. He quickly made the weapon turn into a hilt and hid in the compartment. They went out and saw that the Capital's soldiers were fighting the villagers.

Cormac: "Kass, protect Y/n!" She noddded. He kissed her in the forehead and did the same for him. He left and started fighting for with the soldiers with his sword.

Kass and Y/n started running away from the fight, but the soldiers kept coming from different sides. They kept turning and turning, but no success. Then Y/n heard a scream, then another. He looked at the direction that was coming from and saw Akame and Kurome being taken.

Y/n: "Akame!!! Kurome!!!" He started running and her mother was calling him to return. She didn't have another choice, but to run after him.

Cormac just finished stabbing a soldier. He looked around and saw that the village was on fire. His shack was also on fire, but he knew that Kass didn't went inside. Then he felt a sharp pain on his shoulder. He saw that he was shot with an arrow. He looked and saw something he thought it was impossible. Zeth was there with the bow.

Cormac: "What's the meaning of this Zeth!?"

Zeth: "The Empire promised me a place with the best comforts, in exchange of your body."

Cormac: "What about your wife and your daugthers!?"

Zeth: "My wife will be sent to a brothel and she'll work there for the rest of her life, and I sold my daughters to the Empire."

Cormac: "You bastard!" He stood up, but was hit with a hilt of a sword. He fell unconscious.

Zeth: "My lady, I'm honored by your presence." He bowed towards a being.

???: "No need for your formalities Zeth. I know why you did it." A blue hair woman aimed her sword towards him. "And it's discusting what you did." His eyes widened. He raised his hands. He was going to speak, but she interrupted him. "Best place with the best comforts, it's not what you were promised. You were promised to be spared, but I have a different offer." She put down her sword with a smirk.

Meanwhile, Y/n was running towards Akame and Kurome while his mother was slashing with her knife. Eventually, Y/n got caught by a guard and he was struggling.

Kass saw this and stabbed the soldier on his neck. He dropped Y/n. He looked at his mother and she smiled.

Out of nowhere, a sword went through her stomach. Y/n's eyes widened and couldn't believe what he was seeing. Then, he was grabbed from behind and he was carried away. His tears came falling from his eyes. He started stuggling and trying to reach for his mother. He looked at the person who stabbed her and there were three people. One with long yellow hair with two ax, one with white hair with a mustage, and a small kid with horns.

Y/n kept struggling and kept calling her. He saw the village on fire and he kept struggling.

Y/n: "MOTHERRRRR!!!!!!"

(Please Read)

A/n: I'll just leave this here and move on. Hope you like the prologue.

I'm going to keep this here until I finish the other two. Or I'll finish one to continue this one. My first Akame Ga kill! story so I'll do my best.

If you haven't read my other stories, go ahead adn read them if you want, but I know you'll like them.

See ya later.

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