Exposing Flaws

Y/n P.o.v

Chelsea, Lubbock, Bols, and I were close to a shack that was meant to be Night Raid's recovery place, for now. It was built yesterday so when our fight today was over, we would go there to be nursed.

On our way, Lubbock was leading the way, Bols and I were in the middle, and Chelsea was behind us to keep her eyes on Bols. I assured her again that he wouldn't back-stab us, but she still didn't believes it.

Anyways, Lubbock asked me how was the fight, and I answered him with every detail I could tell him. He was disappointed that he wasn't part of the fight. I checked on Chelsea a few times if she was still behind us, and, to my surprise, she was still following us.

Bols: "So, your plan is to make The Jaegers turn their back to the Capital, but not make them fight with the Revolution?" Bols asked me. I was telling him about redeeming The Jaegers, and he seems to understand what I'm planning.

Y/n: "Exactly. Just like what I managed with you."

Bols: "What about the others? They will be difficult." I nodded.

Y/n: "I know. But, I won't stop until I manage to help all of you. I'm just glad that I got to you in time." I sighed.

Bols: "Me too. By the way, is that why you joined The Jaegers? To see if you can redeem us?" I shook my head.

Y/n: "I wasn't planning in being taken, neither I was planning on redeeming you. But a month passed, I've kind of got attached and knew some of your stories. Then, I've decided that killing you wasn't an option for me."

Bols: "Then, I'm happy that you chose NOT to kill me. And hope that you don't kill the others."

Y/n: "I won't." I assured him with a smile, but inside me, there was doubt.

Knowing that Seryu had her moments in killing for 'justice', it will be hard for me to try and convince her that there's a future, and the fact I'm with Night Raid. Wave and Run might be an exception.

Kurome. Well, Kurome only want to kill her sister, but she still loves her. So, I'll try to make amends between them.

And Esdeath, her sadistic and lust for war is a major problem. I don't know what to do with her.

Suddenly, Lubbock stopped in front of me, getting my attetntion away from my mind.

Lubbock: "I'll head inside first, before they see him and kill him. I'll try to soften up their anger, and listen to what you two have to say. Ok?" I noticed that behind him was the shack.

Bols: "Sounds good to me." Bols nodded, but I stared at Lubbock a little surprised.

Y/n: "This is the first time I hear you saying something smart in your life. Are you sure you're not Chelsea?" I looked at him, then behind me. But, I saw Chelsea was still behind me. 'So the one in front of me IS Lubbock.' I thought in realization. I slowly turned to him, and was met with a irritated face.

Lubbock: "THE HELL YOU TAKE ME FOR!!!??? A DUCK IN OPEN SEASON!!!???" I covered my ears and wiped away the saliva that came from him.

Y/n: "No, more like a jackass to be more precise." I chuckled at my own joke.

Lubbock: "Why you little-" He jumped on me, we started to deliver small punches to each other, and rolling around the yard.

Minutes has passed, and we kept on our showdown, but it was interrupted by someone taking both of us in the air. Lubbock and I were trying to reach for each other, but to no success. I looked at the one who separated us, and it was Susano.

Y/n: "Hey Susano. Heh. Mind putting me down?"

Susano: "As long as you both stop fighting."

Y/n: "Oh trust me, I WILL stop fighting. But, I think that you should hold him for a little longer." I smirked, and saw Lubbock scrambling with more anger. I looked at Susano again, he nodded, and let me down. But on Lubbock's behalf, he's still being held by him.

I looked at where Bols was, and saw Akame and Bulat aiming their weapon at him. I sighed in annoyance, and headed towards them.

Y/n: "At ease guys. He's with me." They looked at me, concerned.

Bulat: "Y/n, we might not know if he-"

Y/n: "He's fine." I went in front of them, blocking their weapons. "He is not a back-stabber. I'm sure of it." I gave them my determined stare, but they hesitated.

Tatsumi: "Come on guys, Bols isn't like that." Tatsumi stood by me and looked at me with a nod, which I returned it.

Bols: "T-T-Tatsumi?" He said shocked.

Tatsumi: "Hey big guy."

Bols: "Y-Y-Y-You're from Night Raid too?"

Tatsumi: "Hehe, well yeah. The same time as Y/n joined as well." I looked at Tatsumi, and he was giving that childish grin of his.

Najenda: "What's going on here?" I turned to her, and she was standing beside Susano with her arms crossed.

Leone, Mine, and Sheele were standin on the porch, looking at the situation.

Y/n: "As you can see, Bols is with us, alive, and he agreed to leave the Capital behind."

Najenda: "You know, that he is priority target to the Revolution. Knowing them, they wouldn't like that we spared him."

Y/n: "Then you can tell them that he is dead."

Najenda: "And what about Kurome? And where would Bols be staying? Because if he is figured out that he is still alive, they would certainly kill him on sight."

Y/n: "You can say that Kurome has fled the battlefield without a trail after the explosion. And Bols would stay at HQ with us." Their faces were full of shock. All of their faces. "He is a GREAT cook, so he would gladly help Akame and Susano in the kitchen." I suggested.

Susano: "We might need another set of hands in the kitchen when Akame and I are hunting for food. Meaning, that I do not have a problem with that." I got surprised that Susano agreed to me. Then, he dropped Lubbock, which he fell face first.

Najenda looked at Susano surprised, then turned to me while saying: "Did all those ideas came to you right now, or were you thinking about them on the way here?" I shrugged with a smile.

Y/n: "I was actually planning it on the way, but there's a condition." Najenda raised her eyebrow at me.

Najenda: "Which is...?"

Y/n: "His wife and daughter. I want them at the HQ as well with him."

Leone: "You can't be serious Y/n!"

Y/n: "I am. They have nothing to do with the Empire, so I want them at HQ to protect them."

Mine: "What makes you think that they are in danger!?"

Y/n: "I have a hunch that if they're not safe with us, they'll get hurt or worse. So I'm asking you, let his family stay with him at HQ, I'm sure they'll be grateful to see that Bols is alive."

Najenda stared at me with seriousness, like she was looking for a flaw. She looked at Bols for a few seconds, then at me again. She sighed.

Najenda: "I might need proof to show that Bols is eliminated." I was happy that she agreed to have Bols by our side as a cook.n "But I'm still going to keep my eye on him because I don't trust him." I talked too soon, but I nodded.

Bulat and Akame lowered their weapons, and I sighed in relief. I turned to Bols with a small smile, and he looked at me with a little confusion showing on his mask.

Y/n: "Bols, I need your mask and a little blood."


Esdeath P.o.v

Esdeath: "I see." I said with disappointment to what Kurome has reported about Bols missing.

I was in the Capital with Seryu, Run, Kurome, and Wave. We just returned from our mission, if we can call it that.

I couldn't believe that Najenda has lured us into a trap, but next time, I won't fall for it.

Right now, Kurome and Wave were reporting about their encounter with all of Night Raid. Well, Kurome's encounter with Night Raid. She said that her, her puppets, and Bols have fought them, but they had to retreat. After that, she said that she tried to search for Bols, but she didn't found anything.

Esdeath: "Tell me, with whom have you encountered or their description."

Kurome: "I've fought with my big sister, the purple haired four eyes girl, a pink hair girl with a gun, and Incursio's wielder."

Esdeath: "So, you've managed to survive against 'One Hundred Killer Bulat'. I'm impressed."

Kurome: "It wasn't Bulat." I was surprised. "He was fighting against Destaghoul. He was with a blue haired with horns man, and the General Najenda."

Esdeath: "Then that means, Incursio has a new host. For him to give it to someone else, it must have been important." I stated while analyzing with what she gave me.

Kurome: "There's one more person." I looked at her with more interest. "It was a hooded figure, very dark and its' face was like an endless darkness." I got confused, yet surprise.

Esdeath: "Interesting. Any other description of this 'being'?" She put her index finger on her chin, like she was thinking of something.

Kurome: "Well, there was one time that he was talking to a crow. Besides that, he helped to defeat Destaghoul with a single punch with the other two."

I started to piece the information together like a puzzle. A person talking to a crow, with a powerful punch, and has a dark appearance. 'It can't be him. Can he?' I asked myself, thinking of the only person that could do that, but that was imossible. He is dead, or was.

Run: "Do you know about this being Captain?" I turned to him.

Esdeath: "I have my suspicions, but I need more proof to identify him." I looked at Kurome. "Is there anything else about him, like purple flames?" The only thing that she did to convince me of my suspicion was her nod.

There was no mistaking it that the being she was talking about is Y/n. He is still alive, but my question was: 'Why was he with Night Raid?'

Run: "Have you encountered with this being?" I looked at the others and I was going to say that it was him alive, but something held my tongue. Like if something didn't want to tell them about him.

After Y/n's 'funeral', the boys were saddened that they have lost another comrade. Kurome kept her stoic expression. Me, to my surprise, I actually felt bad about him. I usually say that those who diess are weak, but I never thought about those words on him. And Seryu, she was the worst. She didn't ate, didn't sleep, went on the killing spree punishing those who disobeyed her demands, and was a rebel towards me a few times. Luckilly, today was a good day to make her express her feelings about her current situation, but to my dismay, it didn't worked like last time.

Esdeath: "I have. He helped me once. Beyond that, we have never encountered again." I lied. I didn't want to lie, but if I told them the truth, who knows what would happened. "That's it for today. Dismissed." They bowed their heads and left.

I was sitting on my chair, leaning to the side while using my elbow for support, and I was tapping my finger on my thigh. I was thinking about the Y/n been associated with Night Raid. To think that one of my underlings actually work with the enemy, it only makes me want to find him and kill him the moment I see him.

But somewhere, inside me, doesn't want to kill him. 'I have a headache.' I thought very annoyed.


My thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. I looked at the door and said: "Come in." The door opened and revealed to be Zeth's personal maid, Kassandra.

Kassandra: "Good evening General." She bowed her body towards me. Then, she straighten herself, and looked at me with an emotionless face, as usual. "My master has returned to the Capital. He has sent me to notify you that he will report to you once he is done with the Prime Minister." I was a little confused as to why he is in a meeting with the Minister. He should be reporting to me first, then I report to the Minister. But another question was roaming my mind: 'What is he planning?'

This type of reunion has occured a few times before, but now I'm asking of his intentions.

Esdeath: "Thank you for notifying me." I nodded. She bowed her head, and started to turn around, but I stopped her. "I wish to speak with you for a moment before Zeth comes." I stood up and walked towards the table. She turned to me, and I ordered her with a finger to get closer.

The table was to my left, and I put my hand on the table while looking at her. She walked towards me and stood a few feet away.

Kassandra: "What do you wish to speak with me, General?" I didn't have time, so I went straight to the point.

Esdeath: "Do you know where your son is located?" She flinched and made a face of confusion.

Kassandra: "My son is dead, General. As so you know, he died on the ship by Night Raid along side his comrades." She said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Esdeath: "I'm not talking about Zwei, and you know that." I gave her a glare, which it didn't make any effects on her. "I'm talking about his half-brother. Your tenth child of the L/n, Y/n. Where is he at?"

Kassandra: "I don't have any memories of this so called Y/n. Neither of this L/n fam-" I created an ice-dagger, and pointed it at her neck. This caught her by surprise, but it didn't scared her.

Esdeath: "I admire your bravery, and the way you can fool the Warchief. But you don't fool me. Now, if you value your life, you are going to tell me the whereabouts of Y/n. Right. Now." I demanded for answers. She glared at me, and she was trembling. Not of fear, but of anger. It showed through her eyes.

Kassandra: "I value the life of my son more than my own. If you think that threatening me will make me spill out his location, even if knew, I wouldn't tell you."

Esdeath: "How foolish of you to protect someone as weak as him." Surprisingly, she pushed my arm away, and stood firm in front of me with her head a few inches away from mine.

Kassandra: "Y/n is not weak. You don't even know the meaning of weakness."

Esdeath: "The weak is the one who can't survive in the world."

Kassandra: "The weak doesn't accept their own failures, and lives with their consequences. Y/n shows his smile, even in the baddests moments, admits his failures, and fights for what is right."

Esdeath: "What does he knows about what is right?"

Kassandra: "He is trying to help you and the Jaegers to live a better life than this! What else do you want!?" I got confused of what she said. Her eyes widened, then covered her mouth. Like she said something she shouldn't have.

Esdeath: "What do you mean trying to help us?" She lowered her arms, and looked at me without giving an answer. I was going to ask her more, but the doors opened and it revealed Zeth coming in.

Zeth: "Evening General." He bowed his head, and search for me, until his eyes landed on us. "Seems like you ladies are having a lovely chat."

Esdeath: "We were. I was just asking your maid and wife of to how to conquer a man that I'm in love with." I lied, just out of the blue. If something happens to Y/n's mother, he wouldn't forgive me. 'Again worrying about Y/n. This kid will make my head turn into an avalanche.' I thought annoyed.

Zeth: "Oh is it about Tatsumi again?" He said in a manner of irritation, which made me sent glares at him. "M-My apologies, General." He turned to Kassandra. "Honey, you may wait outside. I'll be outside in a moment." Kassandra bowed her head towards me, then to Zeth, and left.

Once the doors closed, I threw the dagger at Zeth, but he just parried it with his arm.

Esdeath: "Your reflexes has improved. Now, why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be outside the Capital, verifying the allies to the Minister?"

Zeth: "I was. But one night we were ambushed by bandits, and they took our resources. So I came here to get more. Also,..." a white dove landed on his shoulder. "...a bird told me that one of your underlings has died, so I came to attend the funeral."

Esdeath: "There won't be a funeral until six month of missing or if there's proof that he is dead."

Zeth: "Impressive, but I'm also here because Borick invited me to his party. Or have you forgotten about it?"

Esdeath: "That would be four nights from now." I stated as an obvious thing.

Zeth: "More reason for me to prepare myself sooner." I felt discusted by his remark.

Suddenly, I felt something. Like if something will happen. It felt good, but also bad.


Y/n P.o.v

Four days later, and all of us were at the kitchen hearing the plans for tonight.

Before we get into it, lets talk about what happened during those four days.

First, after Bols took off his mask, which he had blonde hair, blue eyes, and a small scar on his right cheek, we made a small cut on his arm, and covered the mask in blood. I sent N/n to put it where he was almost killed. After that, he was working, alongside Susano, in the kitchen.

The rest were healing their wounds from the battle. Unfortunately for me, but fortunately to Leone, I had to take care of her because her arms wasn't healed yet. Despite her healing traits. A few times, when I was checking on her arm, she used the other to pull me between her breast, and tried to steal a kiss. Luckily, Akame or Mine would be there to take me away from the situation.

Speaking of those two, I also had to check on them as well. Mine was a little irritated that I had to check on her. One day, I entered her room without knocking and saw her getting her bra hooked. Once she saw me, she screamed and went to grab Pumpkin to shoot me, but she slipped with her blanket. I managed to hold her with my hand on her bared waist/back while holding myself with a pillar of her bed. It was like we were in a dancing pose. Instead of screaming, she became nervous and her face got red while looking directly at my eyes. After that incident, she was trying to avoid my gaze for the other days.

Akame, well, we had small chats while I was changing her bandages. There was this one conversation about my feelings towards other women. She seemed that she wanted some answers. I answered that there might be some that I have interests. It was meant to keep the conversation going, but she took it very serious and she wanted to know who were they. I managed to 'evade' the question with another question, which was if she wanted to be one of those girls. We all know that she hides her emotions very well, but she confirmed my suspicions with her blushing and looking away with embarrassement which I got red myself. That was yesterday, so tell me how she is acting now.

Anyways, Tatsumi checked on Sheele, but he was spending more time with Chelsea than Sheele which it made Sheele lonely. But Mine kept her company most of the time.

Lubbock was doing the chores along with me and Bulat. Lubbock finally told me that he will put his pants on his place, and confess his love to Najenda. He told me that tonight he will do it, when he finishes his patrol. I told him that if anything goes wrong, I'll hear him out.

Back on the main topic, tonight, we all will patrol and find a way, routes, and plan on how to kill Borick. Well, not everyone. Chelsea and Sheele will stay at the base with Bols and Bulat, Najenda will be reporting to her superiors about her plan, and I will be spying on a party tonight at Borick's mansion. Thanks to the intel that Bols gave us.

Najenda: "So Y/n, be careful. If they find out who you are, you won't be walking freely."

Y/n: "As I remember correctly, I can't walk close to the Capital because the guards and the Jaegers will recognize me. I just have to use sunglasses, and a hood."

Najenda: "Right."

Akame: "Her point is, try to come back alive and unharmed." I nodded.

Y/n: "I promise." I smiled, and they all returned it.

Najenda: "Everyone knows their mission, so good luck." We all nodded. "But for now, let's eat." We all dug in to our food, including Bols by my side. 'I hope that we get her wife and daughter as quick as possible.' I thought.


It was nighttime, and I was looking through one of the windows of Borick's mansion. And inside, there were women in some sort of trance, maybe prostitutes. In some sort of throne, there was Borick with women surrounding him. It was repugnant to see all this women with this pig against their will. Infront of his throne, down the stair, there was the Jaegers. Run was with a white tuxedo, Waves had a black tuxedo, Kurome had a red dress which made her look cute, and Seryu was with a nice green dress that made her sparkle even more, with white gloves that almsot reached her shoulder, and Koro wasn't around her.

Then, my eyes landed on the Ice Queen herself. She was wearing a yellow dress that showed her cleavage and black fur from her breast, around her shoulders, to her back. She looked beautiful.

I suddenly realized of what I thought and shook my head while my face heated a little. 'The hell am I thinking.' I thought in irritation.

I looked through the window again, and saw four people with different characteristics. One of them was a girl that had tanned body, another girl with some kimono dressing, a huge man with big beard, and the last man had some sort of stiches on his body.

N/n: "The Four Rakshasa Demons. Now bodyguards to Borick."

Y/n: "They will be trouble. I must report this to Najenda so we can kill them first, then kill Borick."

N/n: "Agreed." With that, I wrote a small note, attached it to his talon, and he flew off.

I looked through the window again, and saw Esdeath and the Jaegers leaving. 'I have to leave.' I thought. I jumped off the mansion, turned to crows, and headed towards the near alley. I turned back to normal and got deeper towards the alley to get away from the mansion. I got my hood on, and I was near the exit. 'I wonder if Kyoko is working today.' I thought while thinking of getting some food.

???: "You're good at hiding your presence to others, but not to me." I stopped. "Cheating death seems to be your daily routine, Y/n." I took off the hood, not wanting to hide anymore because I was discovered.

I started to turn towards the one who discovered me. Once I was fully turned, I was met with those serious yet mesmerizing icy blue eyes, her blue hair flowing with the wind while her yellow dress doing the same.

Y/n: "And you seem to have a knack of exposing my flaws for me to make it better. You do care for me." I said with a small awe. "I knew you were a softy on the inside, Esdeath." I smiled at her which she returned as well.


A/n: Sorry I'm late. I had a writer's block and it was a pain inside my head, not knowing what to write.

Anyways, hope you like it. Vote, comment, and stay tune for next chapter.

Stay cool, and thanks for reading.

Drako Auditore Out!!!

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