Chapter 20: Killing the Hopes
POV: Y/n (Kakoshi)
About a month has passed since we all left into the unexplored territory. For a majority of this time, I was thinking about how I would deal with Kurome, even to the point of asking Sheele for advice. “Sheele, what should I do?” I asked, “Well, you promised to keep her safe, so do so.” Sheele answered. “But ‘ere’s the problem,” I started, getting off our bed. “I’ve promised to protect ‘er, but she’s a Jaeger, an’ She’ll ‘ave to die eventually, maybe I can talk to someone to have ‘er life spared, an’ just have ‘er live either as a POW or be classified as KIA, when she’s MIA.” “That’s not something I can help you with Sweety.” Sheele said hugging me. “By the way, where is Sleipnir?” “He’s in the Capital.” I said looking down. “Oh, how will you get him back?” Sheele asked. “Good question.” I answered placing my fingertips together.
A few hours later I was fixing dinner with Susanoo and Akame, I was concerned, so I brought it up to Akame, “Hey Akame,” I started, “I uhh, kinda made a promise to yer sister, an’ I’d like yer advice on this.” “Go ahead Y/n” Akame answered. “Okay, sooo…” I started, “I might have told yer sister I’d protect ‘er through any situation. An’ that includes death.” “Well, if you see the two of us together, I will kill her.” Akame answered, “But one of ya’ll’s gonna die.” I pleaded, “I’ll try an’ get her to surrender an leave, I want ‘er to live, she’s like a child to me, an’ I don’t want that pain.” “Kakoshi,” Susanoo started, “I don’t know what you are talking about, but you need to keep your promises.” “Then Akame,” I started, “let me keep her alive, I may be able to talk her out of fighting.” “Fine,” Akame started, “But if you even start to fail, I will kill her.” “Deal.” I said taking the filleted fish out to the table.
“Suu’s food sure is good!” Leone said, “The fatigue from training just flies away! Thank’s Suu!” “Suu,” Tatsumi said holding up a training sword, “Let’s do some training tomorrow!” “Like I said,” Boss said, “Susanoo is amazing! Do you understand…” “I’m surprised the Revolutionary Army lent you such an amazing teigu.” Tatsumi said. “Tatsumi,” I started, “Us organic type teigu need a master to be active, I would be asleep, however I was given complete control.” “What Y/n says is true Tatsumi,” Boss started, “Until now, Susanoo was sleeping, but started moving in response to me.” “Nice, Boss!” Akame said. “Well that’s it…” Boss said placing her robotic hand on her chin, “It must be my charisma…” “Hey Susanoo,” I started, “Why’d ya wake up when Boss came in?” “Najenda looks exactly like my old master.” Susanoo answered taking dirty plats into the kitchen to be cleaned. “I see.” Tatsumi said. “I’m sure she was a wonderful person.” Boss said. “Suu, what was your old master like?” Tatsumi asked. “Yeah…” Susanoo started, “HE WAS A WONDERFUL GENERAL!” “HE!” Boss shouted in disgust. “I’m guessin’ they had similar auras, that could’ve jump started yer systems.” I said watching Leone laugh her ass off. “Buhahahahaha,” Leone laughed, “She looks exactly like a man he says!! As expected of our Boss, who’s often called a hunk!!!” “S-sis,” Tatsumi started, holding his gut, “you can’t laugh that much ahaha!” Boss just looked at them with the darkest aura I’ve seen. Tatsumi tried to talk his way out of it, when he and Leone got hit in the head.
“Tch,” Lubbock started as I walked up. “Everyone’s completely gotten so attached to Suu… he’s stolen my position from me!” “What position?” Sheele asked. “Lubbock,” Mine said “You’ve always held your current gag position.” Just then a feline walked in the room. “Oh,” Mine said, seeing it. “It’s a margue panther kitten. These guys aren’t scared of people, huh.” The kitten then rubbed up against her. “What is it?” Mine asked, “I’ll tell you up front, I’m not going to give you any.” “Here ya go little one.” I said putting my cake on the floor and setting the kitten by it. The kitten grabbed my cake and then transformed into Chelsea. “Thank you Y/n.” she said in a provocative tone. “Chelsea, I am in a relationship, an’ I’m happy.” I said holding Sheele. “Mine, you have too many openings,” Chelsea said, “It’s openings like this that are why Sheele was hurt, if I were an enemy, all of you would be dead.” “Naw Chelsea,” I started, “Ya ain’t familiar with my skills, I noticed ya were a bit heavy fer a Margue Panther kitten, plus, that was idiotic.” As I said that, I saw Chelsea gain a grin. “And why would that be?” She asked, “If ya were an enemy, ya wouldn’t’ve tried to take us on at once and ya definitely wouldn’t let an enemy pick ya up.”
“So you can even turn into a small cat.” Lubbock said. “Yeah, I can transform into whatever I want.” Chelsea said taking her teigu out, “Isn’t it useful? My teigu, Gaea Foundation. Mine, you’ll have to lose more of those gaps, or else you’ll end up as the next one killed in action.” “WHAT! Mine shouted, pointing at Chelsea, “YOUR TEIGU WOULD BE USELESS ONCE YOU’VE BEEN FOUND OUT!” “That’s true.” Chelsea started, “Since it’s a make-up teigu, and not a battle type. But that just makes it even more worth it to surprise you.’re surprised expression just now was wonderful.” “Chelsea,” I started, “The thing is, Mine an’ everyone here, has backup, Mine’s never alone, unlike you.” This seemed to strike a nerve. “And what happens when she is alone?” “I’ll come runnin’ after her.” I said peaking Mine’s interest, “I’d never let a comrade get injured. Not after Sheele.” As I said that Sheele hugged me while Mine laughed at Chelsea.
“Y/n, are you ready to go hunting with us later?” Tatsumi asked, “Gimme a few hours, I need to do something first.” I responded grabbing my coat and walking outside. “Where are you going?” Boss asked as she stood by the door. “I’m headin’ to the Capital,” I started, “I wanna pick up Sleipner.” “And how will you get in?” Chelsea asked. “Mimic; Gaea Foundation.” I said glowing a faint white, and going translucent, appearing as if I were a phantom. “Just return in one piece.” Sheele said walking up to me. “Cross my Core an’ swear to live.” I said kissing Sheele, before leaving for the Capital.
“Mimic; Elemental Heart. Mimic; Incursio.” I said using lighting to envision myself right outside of the Capital, going invisible to hide. Welp, I thought, I’m ‘ere, but I ain’t gotta clue as to how to get Sleipnir out. Guards ain’t gonna lemme waltz in, I’ll see who feeds him, hopefully it’s Kurome, maybe Seryuu, she’s worse case scenario though. I then headed for the stables and waited for someone to care for Sleipnir.
After a few hours, I heard someone come in. “I hope Y/n is alright.” the voice said walking in. Thank God, I thought, It’s Kurome. “Hey, buddy.” Kurome said petting Sleipnir’s head seeing that he was excited, “What’s wrong? Is Y/n around?” Kurome started looking around the room, not seeing me since I was invisible. “I don’t see anyone.” she said giving him feed. Mimic; Gaea Foundation. I thought, deactivating my invisibility and glowing a faint white. “Y/N!” Kurome said running to hug me. “I thought you died!” I could see tears form in her eyes. “Kurome,” I said hugging her, “I did die, I only chose to make m’self tangable ‘cause I wanted to ask ya somethin’.” “What is it Y/n?” Kurome asked, clearing the tears from her face. “I want you to take Sleipnir to a resting point just outside’a the Capital, I’ll take ‘im home from there.” “But Y/n,” Kurome said, “How did you die?” “When Wave Tatsumi an’ I fought the treemen,”” I started, “Tatsumi an’ I fell, I was injured more than ‘im, he left to get help, since my legs were broken, an’ Danger Beasts know how to pick off the weak, so I became the lunch of a Tyrant.” “B-b-but you killed three of them!” Kurome said looking in disbelief. “I was healthy then.” I said walking out, “Follow me.”
After a bit of walking with Kurome riding Sleipnir, I went to a random tree half way between the Capitol and the new HQ. “Just leave ‘im ‘ere Kurome,” I said as she jumped to the ground. “Okay Y/n” Kurome said looking down. “What can I do to keep you close?” “Take this.” I said handing her my knife. “This’ll ‘elp ya.” “So you are alive!” Kurome said stabbing me with Yatsufusa. “I will make you my puppet so I never lose you again!” “Kurome.” I said pushing the blade out, “Just move on.” I then kissed her forehead and activated Incursio’s trump card, disappearing along with Sleipnir. “Just let me die!” I shouted seeing Kurome cry.
So I ain't postin' the answer to the clue I talked 'bout in the last chapter, but it'll be revealed in three chapters so y'all just wait.
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