Prologue: The beginning for the human Hunters
A/n: Hello my fellow readers, here is the prologue to this story, now let the chapter begin!
3rd pov
In the woods outside of the Imperial Capital's walls, where Danger Beast would crawl around and wait for their next meal, but a large Danger Beast falls dead on the ground with smoke coming from the torso area. Then clicking like sounds were heard, along with a loud thump sound upon hitting the ground, then an invisible figure moves closer to the body of the Danger Beast and reveals itself. A large humanoid like being, with armor around it's body and a metal mask with a lower bone jaw attached to it.
This being goes to the head of the Danger Beast and dig it's hand into back of the spin, then ripped it's head off effortlessly with a loud roar, but this humanoid being was not alone as two more invisible figures came into view, then reveal themselves with their own trophies strapped to their gear. One of the two other humanoid beings has a longer looking cannon, on it's shoulder and it's mask lacks any attached accessories and has a sharper pointed edge at the bottom.
A/n: Best I could find of the Falconer that makes him look like a badass.
The next humanoid being reveals to have little to no armor, but it's mask has bone like tusks attached to it's mask, next to it is a animal with tusk around its body and waits for it's master's command. The being with the lower jaw bone attached to it's mask looks at it's members of it's species, and strapped it's trophy to its back.
being1: *unknown language* I see you obtained your trophies, my brothers.
being2: *unknown language* Yes, we have. This planet's creatures are a good challenge.
being3: *unknown language* Agree, even my hounds had a good time tracking them.
being1: *unknown language* With our hunt finished, lets head back to-
Before the humanoid being with a bone jaw attached to it's mask could finish, a loud scream could be heard in the distance and make the three humanoids look to the direction, then the three of them run to the direction of the scream. Once they arrived to the direction, they changed the view of their masks to see heat, once that happen they see two dead adult mean on the ground outside of the house with a bunch of armed men with armor on.
Thanks to their masks, the three humanoid beings are capable to hear what is going on at a safe distance, the one with the bone jaw looks to see a large looking man in armor looking down at two wounded and defenseless women. While the other two humanoid beings see two men holding down two female children, and one adult armored male beating down on a male child which just from the sight the two humanoid beings clench their fists.
large man: *chuckles* Looks like we got a good haul boys!
armored male1: Your telling me boss.
wounded female adult1: Why are you *painful grunt* doing this?
large man: Why else? Because no one will ever dare stand up against the Minister, hell no one will ever know your names.
Unknown to the group, they were being recorded by the bone jaw humanoid's mask and the three humanoids see the large man move over to the two female children, then the next thing that came out of the large man's mouth made their blood boil in anger.
large man: These two young ones would make quite the good slaves.
male child: Get away from them!
armored male2: Shut it, brat!
The man was about to punch the child again, but the large man grabbed his wrist and moved him aside and crouch down to look at the child face to face, while the bone jaw humanoid can see the small male child concealing a sharp weapon under him. Which makes the humanoid being watch with interest to what the child is about to do.
large man: *smirks* And what are you going to do about it. Your just a weak little kid, unable to play with the big boys.
male child: This!
bone jaw humanoid's pov
With one quick moment, I see the child use the sharp weapon to stab the large human man in his left eye, the moment the small human child stabbed the larger human male's eye the said human male held his left eye in pain and kick the small human child in anger. The larger human male leaves with two of his men, while the rest of the armored human males take the two wounded female humans and human children inside the wooden house. I turn to my fellow Yautja brothers, who then turn to me.
Yautja brother1: *Yautja language* What do we do, Brother?
Yautja: brother2: *Yautja language* We can't let these Human men, do unspeakable things. This is just wrong.
bone jaw Yautja: *Yautja language* Then, we'll show these men, what it means to be true warriors.
They, nod to me on taking on these dishonorable Human men and are poor excuse of warriors among Yautja standards, my mind went to the three human children if the two female Humans were to die before receiving any medical aid. We'll just have to see how things play out on our end of this, me and my brothers activated our advance camouflage and begins to make our way to the wooden house. Once I got to the front, while my two brothers take other ends of the structure for other openings, I see two of the armored Humans standing guard of the front door.
armored human1: Hey.
armored human2: Yeah?
armored human1: Have you heard about those murders back at the Capital?
armored human2: You kidding? Kinda hard not to hear about those, like how they find either Imperial soldier skinned and hanged or finding the body, but no head attached.
armored human1: Right, I mean sure some of the higher ups are brutal with killing. But to skin a human being, plus it's not just Imperial soldiers. There have been some bodies of Danger Beast missing their heads.
armored human2: Yeah, tell me about it. I would not run into whoever is responsible for those killings.
armored human1: Well, I'm going to take a piss.
armored human2: Whatever, just get back when your done. The boss hates it when we slack off.
With one of the armored humans moving away from the other, gives me a chance to kill these to before entering the wooden house along with giving the signal to my Brothers.
jaw bone Yautja: *Yautja language* [Time to hunt.]
3rd pov
After the Imperial soldier came back to the wooden house, but he doesn't see his fellow soldier nowhere in sight, he then carefully looks around while bringing up his weapon in case a Danger Beast is around nearby.
Imperial soldier: Jeffry? Jeffry where the hell are you.
????: Over here.
The soldier quickly turns to the right side of the house, thinking his fellow soldier was just patrolling around the house and walks to the side of the house, while lowering his weapon not knowing what is nearby.
Imperial soldier: Damnit Jeffry, I you had me thinking that you... were.... killed by a Danger Beast?
Once the soldier turned the corner and sees nothing, his fellow soldier named Jeffry nowhere to be seen and confusing the first soldier, due to just hearing Jeffry's voice minutes earlier. But then the soldier hears some clicking like sounds from behind him, which he turns and takes aim with his weapon, but sadly the weapon is knocked out his hands by an invisible force and then the soldier is grabbed by an invisible hand. Just then the invisible being reveals itself to be the Jaw bone hunter, which makes the Imperial soldier eyes widen seeing the humanoid lifting him up and seeing the height difference between them.
Imperial soldier: Oh, shit.
-meanwhile in the wooden house minutes earlier-
Inside of the house, the male child is seen leaning his back against the wall while the two adult women were being held against their will, with the two female children tied up with rope as the other male Imperial soldiers were trying to have their own fun. One of the Imperial soldiers tires tries to force himself on one of the wounded women, but once the soldier's close to the wounded woman's face, she hits the soldier in the face breaking his nose.
Imperial soldier1: *grunts* Bitch!
The soldier in a fit of rage, pulls out a dagger from his belt and stabs the wounded woman in the chest killing her while the two female children scream out to the now dead woman.
female child1/female child2: Mommy!
Imperial soldier2: God dammit Gary! Why must you do that?!
Gary: Hey! Bitch had it coming, besides we still got one more.
Imperial soldier3: He's got a point, plus we could alwa-
????: *Screams*
This got the attention of the soldiers and pointed their weapons at the front door, unknown to them the male child was slowly making his way to the two girls tied up and use a knife to release them, as the Imperial soldiers focus on the front door and wait on who or what enters the house. One Imperial in the back of the group, turns to see the male child untying one of the girls ropes which he goes and kicks the boy back.
Imperial soldier4: I don't think so brat. Your just a glutton for punish-
Before he could finish his sentence a hound like creature with tusks, breaks down the wall and pounces on the soldier who screams in pain form it's bite, the soldiers turn around to see their comrade on the ground with an unknown creature biting him. Before the soldiers could shoot the creature, it then moves back outside through the same hole it came from and into the darkness of night.
Imperial soldier3: What the hell was that?!
Gary: No Idea. Its not any Danger Beast I know of.
then the front door breaks down making the remaining soldiers turn around again, but this time they see a body being tossed to the ground with deep stab wounds, the soldiers immediately realize that it was one of the two guards that watch the front entrance. One of the soldiers then slowly make his way towards his comrade's body, while doing so carefully looks around in case what ever did this to a comrade in arms.
But before the soldier could do anything, he get's lifted up by something he can't see while the other soldiers see their comrade being lifted in the air, by an invisible force then something gets stabbed into the soldier with blood flowing out of the screaming soldier. Then the soldier dies and his body gets thrown onto a table that breaks upon impact, the other soldiers start firing anywhere to attempt to hit the invisible enemy, but one of the three last soldiers then gets stabbed in the back making the last two soldiers which one of them was Gary.
See a set of invisible blades being revealed by the blood of their comrade, the body is then thrown aside as Gary back up carefully, while the other soldier just sprays his weapon wildly trying to hit their attackers with his weapon. But something his thrown at the soldier's direction and sends him flying into the wall, then pinned to said wall and losses his weapon in the process while the soldier grabs a hold of the object that hit him. Which slowly reveals to be an elongated staff, after the soldier dies all that's left is the three kids that saw the attack happen, Gary and the last wounded woman.
Gary: The hell?! *grabs the male child and points his weapon at him* Reveal yourself! Or this brat gets it!
male child: Let me go!
wounded woman: Let him go!
Hearing the soldier's request, one of the invisible attackers reveal themselves which happens to be the humanoid with the jawbone mask, which Gary's eyes widen seeing the unknown humanoid and it's armor. While the kids and wounded woman stared at the humanoid in awe seeing nothing like it before, but the wounded woman snaps out of her awe and quickly grabs a blunt weapon. Then attacks Gary with what little strength she has left, the hit makes the soldier stagger and loses his grip on the child, but turns to the woman in anger and fires three shots into the woman with the humanoid about to attack the soldier.
But it then sees the male child grab a knife from the floor and stab Gary in the side of his torso, then brings it to fully across the man's toros making him bleed and scream in pain from the wound but is then quickly silenced by the jawboned humanoid's blades that were coming from it's device on the wrist. the male child goes to the critically injured woman which the humanoid assumed to be his mother, while the two other humanoids reveal themselves and release the two girls from their bindings and tend to them for any injuries.
While the jawboned humanoid walks to the child and his mother, who then turn to the humanoid as it crouches down looking at the woman and uses its mask to identify the woman's condition, while it was doing so the male child stared at the humanoid getting a good look at it.
male child: Can you help my mother?
The humanoid hunter looks at the child, then back to the mother and got its results from the scan through its mask, getting results that it didn't want to see while the other two humanoid can read their fellow hunter's body portion knowing that the woman can't be saved. The woman softly grabbed her son's hand, who then turns to his dying mother.
dying woman: I'm, sorry my child. But *grunts* I'm afraid, that I won't make it.
male child: What do you mean? *tears begin to swell up*
dying woman: *turns to the humanoid next to her* Please, can you do... This dying woman a request.
The humanoid hunter nods to her, to show that it understands her every word which makes the woman smile softly at the humanoid.
Dying woman: Can you... please take my son.... and the girls away from... this corrupted kingdom.
With her last breath she dies and goes limp, which makes her son cry seeing his own parents die in front of him, along with the two girls seeing their own parents die as well by corrupt soldiers, the hunter then brought the boy into a hug knowing how hard it is for him. But what the hunter didn't expect was the boy to lean in and wrap his arms around the humanoid hunter, crying into its embrace while the hunter gives soft pats on the boy's head.
????: I'm, too late.
The humanoid hunters and the three children turn to see, an older woman bleeding from her left arm and left eye, with her clothes looking roughed up from a recent battle she was in with someone. The hunters stare at this woman seeing how badly she is, the boy sees her and knows exactly who it is.
male child: Aunt Cinder!
Cinder: Y/n? What happen here? Why are our...
She stops and sees the bodies of the Imperial soldiers, knowing what happen to Y/n's and the other two children's parents, but her focus returns to the humanoid hunters and tries to talk but her falls her kness coughing up blood.
Y/n: What happen?
Cinder: Had a run in... with one of the Minister's Generals.... I don't got much time left, Y/n come to me.
The boy now known as Y/n, separates from the humanoid hunter and walks up to his aunt while the hunter looks on curious to what, the boy's aunt wanted him for and just as Y/n got close to his aunt. Cinder places her hand on top of his head, then a glow started to appear which intrigued the three hunters, then they see some kind of flame like glow flow from Cinder to Y/n almost like the flame like glow was being absorbed into the boy. Once the glow died down, Y/n falls unconscious while Cinder grabbed him and prevented him from falling, while the humanoid with the jawbone looks at the two with a head tilt wondering what she did to Y/n, Cinder looks up to the jawboned humanoid to answer it's question.
Cinder: If your wondering... What I did. I transferred my Imperial Arms to Y/n.... unlike a certain Imperial Arm mine can be transferred to people that were in my last thoughts. And Y/n was that person... *coughs* Take the kids away form here, please... I don't want any of the Empire's men to get their hands on... them...
The jawbone humanoid walks the dying Cinder, and gently picks up the unconscious Y/n while Cinder leans her back against the wall breathing, the other two did the same with the two girls and begin leaving the area and into the woods. While Cinder continues to catch her breath, she starts to hear footsteps coming her way, which she gets up reading her sword that was strapped to her waist. Once she stands, she sees a large man in armor and cape, with blonde hair looking at her with a scowl.
blonde man: Cinder, I've come for your Imperial Arm.
Cinder: *chuckles and readies her sword* You can try... Budo.
Jawbone hunter's pov
A/n: Let me know on what names to give Mr. Black, Falconer and Tracker predators, cause I want to call them something rather than Falconer, Tracker and what not.
After me and my brothers return to the ship, with the three human children with the girls ending up falling asleep in my brothers arms, while I carry the boy whose name is Y/n in my arms. We set the three human children, on a comfortable surface I went to the controls to contact my clan's leader to report to him on the situation. Once I made the call, my clan leader answers and reveals himself in hologram form.
clan leader: *Yautja language* {Hello, my old friend. How goes your hunt?}
jawbone hunter: *Yautja language* It, went well old friend. But...
clan leader: *Yautja language* {What is it? Your voice sounds troubled.}
jawbone hunter: *Yautja language* During our hunt... Me and my brothers, witness a rather troublesome situation.
clan leader: *Yautja language* {What kind of situation?}
I press on my wrist computer and send the recording from my mask to my clan leader to show him rather than use words, once it was sent my clan leader took his mask and places it on his face to watch the recording. Just by seeing his hands grip his mask in anger, seeing the act these human soldiers did to their own and on children for that matter, once he finished watching the recording, he takes a deep breath. But I can tell he is just as angry as I was from seeing such an act.
clan leader: *Yautja language* {You made the right decision to step in, are the three human children with you?}
jawbone hunter: *Yautja language* Yes, they are resting in my ship. But I fear that there is no one of their kind to watch over them.
clan leader: *Yautja language* {I already know what you plan on doing, and you made a promise to the child's mother. As such we will honor that request, and adopt the three children into our clan.}
A/n: I know it's rare that a human is brought into a Yautja clan and learn their ways of hunting, but the way I see it when it comes to being honorable warriors, I can see them honor an individual's last request depending on the request and if it doesn't dishonor them.
jawbone hunter: *Yautja language* Me and my brothers will make sure to watch over them and trained them our ways.
The clan leader nods to me with an understanding look on his face, as we end the call I make my way to the three children resting and place my hand on Y/n's head and rub it, doing this makes me feel like that he is my own pup even if he is human.
jawbone hunter: [I promise your mother young one, I will teach you the ways of a Yautja hunter.]
To be continued
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this prologue, do let me know if I got anything wrong when working with the Yautja. Also the Imperial Arm that the reader now has is a special one and I was working through how the maiden powers from rwby pass to someone who were in their last thoughts, so I worked that into this Imperial Arm while it being Cinder's semblance. Also the type of Imperial Arm it is, I'm making it similar to Esdeath's Imperial Arms but a bit more special. Also I will be dropping the female xenomorph from the harem, cause with the reader being trained as a Yautja hunter kinda doesn't work, now let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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