Chapter 2: returning to Earth

A/n: Hello, my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story! Now just make sure things make sense, The reader and his girls arrive back to the planet around the time Sayo and Ieyasu have arrive to the Capital and taken in by the fucked up rich family. Now with that settled let the chapter begin!

Y/n's pov

Months have passed since me and the girls have killed our targets and became Blooded Hunters, now we received word from our clan's chief that there has been a Bad Blood spotted back mine and the girls home planet. Right now Me, Emerald, Zoey, Rackera, Mor'ira and Sister Midnight were preparing for the hunt, though I do wonder how D'yne and his group were doing since neither me nor anyone has heard from them in some time.

Sister Midnight: You ready? Cause we're about to arrive on your home planet.

Y/n: Yeah, I am.

Sister Midnight: You alright?

Y/n: Yeah, just feels weird to be coming back to home planet. After being away for so long.

Sister Midnight: It's quiet alright. You and the girls were born on that planet, but of course those who are blinded by their own dark desires, took the things that you treasured. But now, you, Zoey and Emerald are now young adults and Bloodied Hunters.

I nod to her with a smile, then placed my bio mask on and followed Sister Midnight to the holo deck that Emerald and Rackera were looking at a hologram of Earth. Most likely choosing a place to land and avoid anyone to find the ship.

Y/n: Found a place to land?

Emerald: Yup, which is an isolated area just outside of the Capital's walls.

Sister Midnight: Really?

Rackera: Yes, from the reports the Bad Bloods have been targeting Captial troops, civilians and members of Humans called themselves the Rebellion.

Y/n: Hmm, seems things have changed since me, Emerald and Zoey were on the planet as kids.

Sister Midnight: Indeed.

A door opens, which we turn to see Zoey entering the room with her bio mask under her arm, along with her gear on.

Zoey: Moi'ria is preparing to land, so get ready to hunt.

We all nod and get ready for the ship to land, as well setting up the cloaking when the ship lands and the device to hide it's detection from the Bad Bloods. But for know I need to focus on the hunt at hand.

3rd pov

On the planet Earth, the ship that Y/n and the girls were on lands in the dense forest and cloaks to hide from sight, then the large doors opens up with a Cloaked Y/n, Zoey and Emerald exiting the ship and into the forest. While Sister Midnight, Rackera and Moi'ira stayed at the ship in case the Bad Bloods were to try and sneak in, Y/n was using his thermal vision through his mask and sees a shed like structure far from a large mansion.

Once he got close to it, he sees two guards standing at the front door and some individuals inside. This caught Y/n's interest and calls Emerald and Zoey.

Y/n: *calls Emerald and Zoey with his wrist computer and bio mask* Girls, I've spotted  a group of people in a shed with two guards outside. I need a small drone to see what's inside.

Zoey: {Got it, we'll be there right about...}

Then a thud was heard, which Emerald and Zoey landed on their own branches near him and Zoey begins to type into her wrist computer.

Zoey: Now, setting up scout drone now.

Then a bird shaped like drone detaches from Zoey's armor and flies towards the shed and flies through an open window, but when Y/n and Emerald got visual through their like how Zoey can with her drone made their blood boil in anger. As they see three people dressed as rich people, with five guards standing around them, they see a young woman with blonde hair and a whip, which was being used on a girl tied up by her wrists.

While they see an older woman grinning while writing in a book, looking at young male in a cage with pants on, but no shirt and some slight scars and bruises. But they weren't the only ones in the shed, around them were countless bodies of tortured men and women alike.

Emerald: Dear god...

Y/n: *calls Sister Midnight* You seeing this... Midnight?

Sister Midnight: {Yes. If your going to ask me on taking action, then go ahead even honorable Yautja hunters would not allow this to continue.}

Y/n: Got it. Emerald and Zoey you two go in through the windows, I'll go through the front door.

Emerald/Zoey: Got it.

The three of them split up as Zoey recalled her drone, Y/n landed on the roof of the shed just near the front door and sees the two guards.

guard1: Hey.

guard2: Yeah?

guard1: I got to ask... this job suck, doesn't it.

guard2: Damn straight. Even working for this insane as rich family, I would rather work with the Rebellion.

guard1: Or being a space soldier in a boxed canyon?

guard2: As stupid as that sounds, still better than working for the Capital. We should just quit and leave an anonymous tip for Night Raid.

guard1: Hell yeah to that, let's get the hell out of here and rat out this insane ass family.

The two ex-guards then drop their guns and leave the area, while Y/n just watches them leave with two wrists blades out about to kill them. But hearing their conversation and willing to do the right thing made him rethink on killing them,

Y/n: [Huh... I'll let them go, but that space soldier comment did sounded quite familiar.]

He then jumps down making as little noise as possible, then gets a devious idea on how to lure out one of the guards, first he knocks on the door and stands still to be completely invisible.

guard3: *comes out of the building* Okay, what its it this... time?

The guard comes out and closes the door behind him, and looks around the area wondering where the other two guards went.

guard3: Great, where the hell did those slackers gone off too? I swear, if there doing anything else than doing their fucking job, I'm going to personally end them.

The guard turns around, only to be grabbed by the throat and lifted in the air. Then the figure uncloaks to reveal Y/n holding the guard, but for the guard all he sees is the metal mask that he hasn't seen before.

guard 3: Oh, shit.

Ieyasu's pov

What the hell is even going on, ever since me and Sayo got separated from tsunami by bandits, but we managed to make it to the Capital and got invited to stay with this Aria girl and her family. Only for this sick in the head family to drugged us and Sayo being tortured by Aria, all because Sayo for being a country girl has more beautiful hair than her.

Before Aria could lash out another strike with the whip, we all hear aloud bang against the metal door. more bangs were heard until the door fell to the ground, at this point the guards pointed their guns at the opening, but one was looking down at the metal door to see the body of the guard that went outside only without the head.

Gaurd4: What the hell was that?

guard5: Is it Night Raid?

guard6: *starts to panic from staring at the body* No worse...

????: *distorted laughter*

Then from the opening an object was thrown into the torture shed, the guards shined their lights at it to reveal that it was the head of the guard that was just killed. I glanced at one of the guards was slowly walking back, but then stiffen up and was pulled up towards the ceiling and into the darkness. But then the weapon was dropped and hit the ground, the guards and Aria's family turn to see the dropped gun.

Aria's father: What the hell is going on?

Then the same guard that was pulled up to the ceiling drops and reveals his throat was slit open, though the body seems to hang there like it was tied up. Now the guards and Aria's family eyes widen, as they seemed to know what is going on.

Aria's mother: Oh, god... It's like those murders

Aria: You don't think...

Aria's father: I want those bastards found and killed!

Just then another guard gets pulled into the darkest part of the shed, which the last two guards and Aria's family turn towards. But couldn't see what was going on, but can hear sounds of struggle along with some screams of terror. Then the guard tries to run back to the others, but around his waist seems to shot out some blood and goes limp.

Then the upper part of the guard's body, gets moved off and the lower half falls to the ground and reveals the person that killed him. Standing behind the lower half of the guard was a female warrior, with silver and gold armor with a shield on her arm.

A/n: With the shield.

Guard5: Oh god...

guard7: what the hell?

Then some thing landed behind the second to last guard and shove it's fist into his back and ripped out his spine and skull all together, the last guard was about to shoot the invisible individual or creature. But a blue orb of light is host into his back and killed him instantly, this leaves Aria and her family defenseless.

Aria's father gets grabbed and pinned to a cage, then what grabbed him reveals a male warrior in similar armor, but different design.

Then the still invisible being reveals itself and pines Aria's mother, then starts stabbing her and peeling her skin off. While I got a good look at this other female warrior that had a mask, that resembles of a creature's face.

Aria tries to make a run for it, but the first female warrior quickly throw a disc like weapon and pines Aria to the wall, but not harming her as it hits her clothes.

Aria's father: Please, don't harm my daughter. let her li-

The male warrior doesn't let him finish and stabs his wrists blades under his chin, once he was dead the warrior removes the blades from him and turns to the two female warriors.

male warrior: *unknown language*

The two female warriors nod and go to Sayo, I was fearing that they might kill her like with Aria's parents, but I was relieved as they untied her bindings and seem to do some medical procedure. Then the male warrior used some kind of katana like sword and break the cages bars, then puts it away and makes his way to me.

At one moment the male warriors mask eye holes flashed, then pulled out some kind of metal container from his back and pressed his hand down on it, which opens up to reveal a multitude of what I can guess are surgical tools. He then grabs some kind of syringe and a vile of glowing light orange liquid, once he loads the vile and turns to me but what happens next shocks me.

male warrior: *distorted voice* You were poisoned. This vile will cure you of that, but you might pass out after injected with it.

I nod to him as he injected it into my arm, which I can feel myself feel the effects of it and making me about to pass out. But I see the first female warrior walk over to Aria, even if I couldn't see what happen I could hear the sound of a blade being unsheathed followed with Aria's screams, which gets cut off silencing her.

Ieyasu: [At least she get's what was coming to her.] *passes out*

3rd pov

Once morning came about, the next shift of guards came to check on the shed as they couldn't find the family or the nightshift guards, but what they found were skinless corpses hanging from the roof of the shed which horrifies the guards. While a certain blonde woman sees the carnage and was shocked to see it.

blonde woman: [Damn, whoever killed them did our job for us. Best report to the boss.]

To be continued

A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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