Chapter 1: Being raised and trained as a Yautja hunter
A/n: Hello my fellow readers! Here is the next chapter to this story, Now enough out of me let the chapter begin!
3rd pov
After The three humanoid hunters that took the three children into their clan, the boy named Y/n proved that he can fight even at a young age since the three hunters saw him do so, while the other two children whose names are Emerald and Zoey had yet to prove themselves. So to do so the two girls were assigned to hunt a creature that would prove themselves, while being under the watch of the two hunters the hunter with the tusk attached to his mask name was G'sauve, while the other one was named Nyk.
While the hunter with the jawbone attached to his mask named was D'yne, who took up the position of training young Y/n everything he knows as a hunter and some tips for young Y/n to take to heart. After some time in the woods of a foreign planet the two girls had some tough moments, but through it all they managed to make their kill their targets which impresses the two hunters watching them. Then after ten years of training the three children grew into young adults for human standards, their true test came to hunting Xenomorphs a race of alien creatures that can give a Yautja hunter some trouble in a group.
Y/n: Alright girls, you two ready?
Zoey/Emerald: We are.
Y/n turns to the girls to see them in their Yautja hunter, Zoey made her armor with the help with a group of female Yautja hunters known as Valkyries, their armor is a mix of silver and gold colors along with reinforced metals for the armor and mask.
While Emerald's Yautja hunter armor and mask, she made the mask to resemble more like a Xenomorph face, which she took inspiration and honor a mysterious hunter that she heard stories of form other hunters. From them they told her that they called her the "Serpent Hunter", who is said to be the most skilled hunter and master of weapons.
A/n: Kinda like this, plus I like the mask it one of the more unique looking ones that I've seen.
????: I see you three look ready.
the three Human Hunters look to see three female Yautja Hunters, making their way into the main room of the ship they reside in, one wore a mask with its laser sight on the forehead and wears a cape around her. She is known as Sister Midnight among her fellow hunters in her clan, and is ranked elite along with the three hunter that took in Y/n and his two childhood friends.
Y/n: Yes, we are Sister Midnight.
Sister Midnight: *chuckles* That's good.
????2: We're here to wish you three luck.
????3: Along with warning you three, that scans say that there could be a possibility that you could encounter a Praetorian class during your test.
The two that stand side by side with Sister Midnight are also members of her elite hunting group, one has dark skin like tone along with her armor having a dark like color tone that helps with her hiding in the shadows.
This female hunter is known as Rackera, the most unique weapon she has is her wrist blades due to having three blades instead of one or two blades, while the last female Yautja was one that has similar skin tone, but lighter than Rackera. But her armor is a more silver than dark color tone, but her most noticeable feature is her red dreadlocks.
This last female member of Sister Midnight's hunting group is named Mor'ira her relation with Y/n, Zoey and Emerald she tends to be the one to cheer them on and wish them luck on hunts, then Y/n looks around to see that he can't find three certain hunters to be seen.
Y/n: Where are G'sauve, Nyk and D'yne?
Sister Midnight: Oh, they'll meet up with you three after your final tests. But for the test ahead of you three.
Y/n\Zoey\Emerald: Yes, Sister Midnight.
The three human hunters then grabbed their bio masks, and head towards the pods that will launch them to the planet's surface, once the three were in the pods the said pods get launched down to the planet below the ship they were in. The pods split off but still made sure to keep within close enough distance to stay as a group.
Zoey's pov
Once my pod has landed it opens allowing me to get out, Once I was out I activate the comm link between me, my sister and Y/n that goes through our specially made bio masks.
Zoey: Come in Emerald, Y/n can you two hear me?
Emerald: { I Hear ya loud and clear Sis.}
Y/n: {Your coming in clear as day for my.}
Zoey: Good, now remember all we have to do is kill at least a Xenomorph.
Y/n\Emerald: {Got it/Yes ma'am.}
Once that was clear, I turn off comms and was about to activate my camouflage on my wrist computer, but I quicky turn behind me upon hearing branches snapping and see some trees falling. Then I see what other hunters call Serpents, but this one that reveal itself was a lot more bigger than the warriors I read up on.
A/n: It's the Raven xenomorph and it's the best pick I could find.
Zey: Well, this is new.
The Serpent made what seem to be a mix of a hiss and a roar like sound, then charge at me raising its claws at me, once it was close enough and bringing down its claws I sidestep the claws and bring out my wrist blade to give it a clean slash. But once the blade made contact with the Serpent's skin, the blade didn't go all the way through for a clean cut and this Serpent pushes me away from it.
Zoey: [This Serpent's hide is tougher than normal. A special varient maybe.]
The Serpent then let out the same hiss mixed roar at me and charge at me again, while I raise my wrist blade preparing myself for a rather challenging fight ahead of me.
Emerald's pov
I was traveling through the forest by jumping from branch to branch while invisible, I was trying to search around for the Serpents to pass my test, but I then hear something in the distance and which I follow said sound. Once I managed to find a Serpent, but it was rather large with its head like a crest like the Queen, but unlike the queen it wasn't as big as the Queen and its head seemed to be more armored.
Emerald: [Hmm, from seeing the head it's probably more armored than it appears. Let's test that.]
I ready my plasmacaster and take aim right at the Serpent, that has not yet noticed my presence and when I got a good aim at it, my plasmacaster fired and hit the large Serpent causing it to be knocked off balance by the blast. I drop down and deactivate my cloaking while pulling out my combi stick, then the Serpent got up and face me letting out a his like roar, which gives me the impression that I pissed it off.
Emerald: [Good, time to see if I can get an opening.]
The Serpent then charged at me lowering its head to ram me with its head, which I moved out of the way and when the Serpent went passed me, I stab my combi stick into the side of its body which seemed to be effective spot. I remove my combi stick quickly enough for the Serpent to ram it's head against a tree.
Emerald: [Hmm, it seems the body itself is weaker than the head. What about the neck?]
Y/n's pov
I was moving on the ground with my cloaking active, usually I would be using the trees to travel and stay out of sight, but I'm itching to find the Praetorian Serpent or let it find me since they were tougher than usual Serpents. Then my train of thought was interrupted by hearing a hiss like sound behind me, with quick thinking I turn around and grabbed its arms which then leads to me and the Serpent wrestling with each other.
After some time wrestling with the Serpent, it tosses me away from it and I managed to catch myself get a good look at what Serpent I am facing, and I got my wish to say the least.
A/n: Best image of a Praetorian I could find.
I activate my wrist blades and uncloak, while the Praetorian Serpent let out a hiss like roar sound and I let out a battle cry of my own, then we both charged at one another again only for the Serpent swings it's bladed tail at me. But I side step to avoid the bladed part of the tail, I then stab my wrist blades into the Serpent's torso, but this didn't end the Serpent and it grabbed my shoulders and pinned me against a tree. I then see the Serpent opening it's mouth to use its most deadly weapon on me.
3rd pov
-with Zoey-
Zoey is then tossed to the ground by the large creature, as it slowly walks towards her thinking it had the female human hunter on the ropes, but little did it know Zoey had it right where she wants it. Once it was close enough and reaching it's claws towards her, Zoey activated a larger blade on her wrist gauntlet and swiftly cut off the large creature's arm, making it step back letting out a pained roar like sound. Then Zoey sends a swing with her free arm that held the wrist computer, but it then metal start to form around the arm creating what appears as a shield that fully closes on the creature's neck killing it and cutting off it's head.
With the creature dead, Zoey let out a victorious battle cry like sound from killing the creature.
-with Emerald-
Emerald was leaving little to no openings against the creature she is facing, while also giving some test strikes on the creature to see how durable it's body is, which it proved to be the creature's weakness and with many scars on it's body. The large Serpent then let out a hiss like roar and rearing its head down for another charge, which Emerald anticipated this from her just fighting this creature. Instead of using either her combi stick or wrist blades, she pulls out a small circular device from the belt of her armor, then once the creature was close Emerald move to the side and activate the small device.
The device then produce a set of blades around it into an almost complete circle, Emerald then swings the disc blade upward aiming for the neck, once the two stopped in place not facing the other. Then the creature's head starts to slowly fall to the ground with a thud, then the body itself falls to the ground but with the louder thud and Emerald flicks the disc blade twice, which the blades go back into the small disc device.
Emerald: And with that, I become a blooded hunter.
-with Y/n-
With the Praetorian mouth fully open, it uses its second inner jaw to end the young Human hunter's life, but Y/n grabbed the second jaw before it made contact with his head and ripped it from the creature's mouth. Due to this happening, the large creature reared its head back in pain and toss Y/n aside, while the said Human hunter lands on the ground and gets a handful of dirt with his hands heating up. The Praetorian turns to Y/n enraged and charges at the young Human hunter, but Y/n quickly gets up with something forming in his hand that held the dirt he took a handful of.
Then Y/n quickly swings his arm that held the dirt in it, which both him and the Praetorian moved passed one another with their back facing each other, now in Y/n's hand wasn't dirt but a sword made of pure harden glass with a sharp edge. Then a sound of something falling to the ground was heard, which Y/n turns to see the Praetorian's head and body have fallen along with either of them being attached.
Y/n then drops the glass sword which then shatters upon making contact with the ground, the Y/n walks towards the head of the Praetorian and picked it up to raise it in the air with a victorious yell.
-while in the Yaujta ship-
Sister Midnight, Rackera and Mor'ira watch through the holo image of the three human hunters, with them was an older looking humanoid like the three female hunters and the group of three hunters that brought Y/n, Zoey and Emerald into this life.
Sister Midnight: Looks like they passed.
G'sauve: What did you expect, they were taught by the best of our clan.
Mor'ira: You should be proud, G'sauve. It appears Y/n finished off the Praetorian Serpent, that's no easy feat even for a human.
G'sauve: *smiles* Damn straight I am. Your thoughts Elder?
Elder hunter: Gather the three of them. It's time for them to part take in their acopmlishment.
To be continued
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, also just to make sure things make sense this is taking place before the first episode of Akame Ga Kill, so you can say that Tatsumi and his two friends haven't left the village yet. Now do let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys later.
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