Chapter 12: Aiónios

Aiónios walked the streets of Manhattan, using the mist to conceal himself from mortal eyes. He didn't have any particular destination in mind, he just went where his feet took him. He stopped when he smelled something sweet. He turned to his right and glanced up to see the familiar sweetshop that his mom had once worked at when she was married to that jerk Smelly Gabe Ugly.... sorry, Ugliano. There is no difference in my opinion, it sounds alike anyways. He sighed as he continued onward then stopped dead in his traks when he realized something, I'm heading the direction of home.

He hesitated then wairly continued on his path. His brain kept repeating the same question over and over, do I really want to do this?

He didn't know.

All he knew was that he wanted to continue forward. He didn't want any harm to befall his mother and stepdad Paul Blowfish, no, no that's not it, no, it's Blofis. But he just wanted to see them, see how they are doing.

So Aiónios continued forward, a smile under his mask as he followed the familiar streets to his old home.

He first noticed the moonlace flowers on the windowsill which caused him to sigh with relief. They still live here, good.

Then, he saw the door open and a woman with long brown hair with a few streaks of grey in it, but she didn't seem old at all. If he were closer to her, he'd notice her beautiful blue eyes that sparkle and change color in the light, and her smile as warm as a nice summer day. She wore a blue shirt and jeans with matching blue shoes whuch caused Aiónios to smile, still the blue. He knew her as Sally Jackson, or Blofis now. She came out with a... a baby carriage? Then he saw a man following right afterwards, a smile that met ear to ear as he charged out of the door and wrapped his arms around the woman's waist. She jumped but turned and stared into his eyes as his salt and pepper hair blew in the breeze. He wore a light green collard shirt tucked into dark blue jeans. He was Paul, Aiónios' favorite stepdad, obviously because of Smelly Gabe Ugly.

Suddenly, the Sally tensed as she glanced up and looked directly at Aiónios . Their eyes met, and he knew that she wouldn't recognize them. She turned to Paul with concern written all over her face. Aiónios held up his hand and time stopped. He walked over to them and looked down at the baby. She was a girl with Sally's blue eyes but Paul's salt and pepper hair. (A/N: I'm just guessing how she looks) She had an air of innocence that Aiónios envied, after all, he's seen Greek monsters his entire life. She was in a pink, unicorn onezy which Aiónios thought was so adorable.

He took off his hood and mask and touched the baby's head. She immediately looked up at him and cood. She reached towards him, a smile on her face as she stared into his golden eyes. She looked about one, which caused him to frown, isn't she too old to be in a carriage?

He immediately shrugged it off as he picked up his baby half-sister.

"Hi", he said in his lightest baby voice, "I'm your big brother. Percy".

"Pesy", the little girl babbled as she smiled at him. Tears stung his golden eyes as a smile came across his lips.

"P-er-s-ee", he sounded out as well as he could, due to the dam (lol) lump in his throat.

"Persy", she repeated with a giggle. Percy laughed/cried as he said, "Yes! Yes good job!"

She giggled as she repeated, "Persy, Persy, Percy". He smiled as she got the last one spot on. He placed her back in the carriage and whispered, "good bye baby sister", before he placed her back under the spell. He tucked her in and wiped a tears from his eyes as he walked away.

When he was far enough, he snapped his finger letting out a pulse of golden magic. He again shrouded himself in mist as he walked away with bitter sweet tears in his eyes thinking, I'm a big brother now, but I might not be able to see my baby sister again.

Third Person POV switch, non-specific:

She walked out of their apparent building while pushing the baby carriage. She smiled down at the little girl in side as she thought, oh Percy, if you could only meet your baby sister Estelle! You'd lover her.

Suddenly, arms wrapped around her waist causing her to jump with a yelp. She turned around and faced her husband, Paul Blofis.

"I love you", he mumbled as he stared into Sally's eyes.

"I love you too-", she suddenly felt ab presence and stiffened. She turned towards the street and saw a dark figure a few feet away. Even from the distance she could make out Piercing gold eyes which caused her to shudder, yet also felt familiar. Somehow, she felt he wasn't a threat but... she wanted to make sure he was from that world.

She turned to her husband and asks in a hesitant voice, "um... Paul?"

"Yes?" He asked, hearing the concern in her voice made him nervous.

"Do you see that man?"

Paul glanced up, but saw nothing. He glanced down nervously at Sally as he says, "no, could he be from... the other world?" He asked, hesitantly.

They refer to the Greek Mythology as, 'the other world', because there is too much pain there. First Poseidon, then Percy. They both couldn't bare to say it. They wanted to forget and raise their daughter as normally as possible. They didn't want her being able to see the horrible monsters beneath the Mist.

Sally nods then gasps, "he's... he's gone...".

"Percy", they heard the baby babble from the carriage. They both stiffened, how?

"Big brober Percy", she babbled.

Tears stung her face as she glanced at the area the strange man had just been minutes ago.

She remembered what Chiron had said five years ago, about Percy being the new host of Kronos. She had to wonder, was that Percy?

As if reading her mind, Paul asked, "why is our baby saying Percy's name? And why are we being watched by someone from, the-".

"Greek Mythology?" Sally says with a smile which causes Paul to jump. He looks at her as she turns to him, the biggest smile he hadn't seen on her face since they got that message from Percy on a pay phone when he disappeared for months.

"Because Percy", a lump formed in her throat, though it wasn't due to sadness but happiness, "is alive!"

She tells Paul what she saw which causes him to smile. He really is...

Sally walks ahead as Paul turns towards the direction of the sea.

This is kinda awkward for me, but... if I'm going to thank any gods for Percy being safe, I should thank you... Lord Poseidon.

With that thought off his chest, he ran after Sally, yelling "hey! Wait for me!"

Sally laughed as she ran faster for a split second.


Poseidon was sitting on his throne.


He hasn't been in contact with Olympus since they decided to hunt down his son. The boy is strong, he'll be able to withstand father, he thought, grumbling.

Then suddenly, he heard a whisper of a prayer in his ears.

"This is kinda awkward for me-", he recognized the voice of being Mr. Blowfish. Sally's new husband. He sat up straighter in his throne, intrigued. Why would he, a mortal who barely truly know about our world be praying to me? He thought intrigued.

"-but... if I'm going to thank any gods for Percy being safe, I should thank you... Lord Poseidon".

Poseidon shot up from his throne, hope plastered on his face as he gasps out loud in his lonely throne room (his wife and son where training the mermen), "my son, is alive?"

He immediately sends out his mind, in search of his son. Desperate to find his favorite son, please Percy, I need you to be out there.

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