Chapter 3: Attack on Baphomet's army

A/n: Hello my fellow readers! Here is the next chapter to this story, sorry I haven't updated this story in a long while, but here it is! Now let the chapter begin.

3rd pov

In the bed chambers of Vydija lair, Y/n slowly wakes up from his sleep feeling more rejuvenated froms having a good sleep, but once his eye were fully open his vision is right up close to Vydija's bare breasts. This makes the young man blush from the sudden sight of the demon woman's breasts, he also notices that the said succubus' arms were wrapped around him breathing calmly as she sleeps.

Y/n: [Huh, despite her being a succubus, she's kinda cute when she's sleeping.]

Then Y/n notices that Vydija eyes begin to move and slowly opens them, which both human and Succubus make direct eye contact with one another, Vydija then smirks and brings Y/n closer to her breasts making him blush more. Which the Succubus giggles from the Human's reaction, finding it cute.

Vydija: Do you enjoy, your nap.~

Y/n: You... You could say that.

Vydija: *giggles*I could continue toying with you, but we have some business to take care of. Or more accurately I have some business with that Baphomet.

Y/n hears that name again, but when it came from Vydija there was a lingering venom in her tone of voice, a tone that someone that wants to kill and maim the person they hate the most. Due to Y/n having little to no info on what happen to Vydija in the past, he decides to ask her some questions that he has.

Y/n: Um, Vydija... If I'm not intruding or being too nosey, who is this Baphomet? Those sinners that tried to take me to him mention him.

Vydija: To make it as simple as it is... Baphomet is a bastard who is a die hard loyal follower of Hell's old rulers. I'm sure you already know who I'm referring to.

Y/n: Right, Lucifer.

Vydija: That's right, before you were brought here Baphomet return with an army at his side to reclaim hell to it's former rulers. Not only that, but a Bitch name Agretha sided with him and to add insult to me, Baphomet ripped of my wings.

Y/n: Damn, so who is the current ruler now?

Vydija: That would be Nimrod, after the Beast and the Red Queen left Hell to wreak havoc on the Mortal Plain. He took up the mantle as Ruler of Hell, but I'm sure you can tell what Baphomet would do.

Y/n: Dethrone the current ruler and devour his soul?

Vydija: Something like that, but for now we have to make our move.

Y/n nods to her and Vydija activates a portal, then turns to Y/n who has his weapons with his scythe strapped to his back, while his sword and gun are strapped to his pants belt straps. Then Vydija softly grabs Y/n's hand and the two walk into the portal to their destination.

Y/n's pov

After we exit the portal, we arrive at place that had some remains of a castle like structure, with sinners strapped to the walls. Then the many scattered bones then attach themselves together to create a group of skeleton warriors, I bring out my gun and sword while Vydija pulls out her golden daggers by summoning them. The skeleton warriors charged at us, Vydija moves to one end of the area and used some invisible force to bring some of the skeleton warriors to her, leaving me with the remaining ones.

I quickly point my gun at the first skeleton warrior and shot it making it scatter on the ground, while I notice some parts of the area having a dark mist flow up and into the gun. But I don't let that distract me and return my focus to the other skeleton warriors, one goes to swing it's weapon at me, but I dodged and swing my sword at it and managed to hit it making it scatter on the ground. Then I block a strike from the second one and parried it, which the bones scatter on the ground.

Y/n: [Now to see if the bones will pull themselves back together.]

As I guessed the bones were coming back together to rebuild the skeleton warriors, meaning that there must be something keeping these things together and continue fighting. I look around and notice a bundle of bones with a red glowing, with that in mind I point my gun at it and fired another shot destroying the bundle of bones, but it seems to have weaken the skeleton warriors.

Y/n: Vydija! Find some bundle of bones with a red glow, it's there source.

Vydija: You catch on quick.~ I'll make sure to reward you later.~

With that me and Vydija split up to look for the remaining cores to beat the skeleton warriors, As I search for the cores while fighting some of the skeleton warriors that try and stop me. As if luck was on my side I found another core, I bring my sword down on it which does seem to effect the skeleton warriors and I also see Vydija now with a sword and destroys another core. I then notice what appears to be the last core, I run up to it and point my gun at the core and shot it.

Thanks to my good aim with a gun, I hit my target and destroy the core and see that the skeletons now fall apart and unable to move or fight. I keep my weapons out incase if any more enemies come out to fight, I then notice Vydija walking towards me with her sword still out and Vydija did one thing that caught me off guard, she kisses me on my cheek and makes me blush from the action.

Vydija: *giggles* That's just for doing a good job.~ The real reward will come around later.~

Y/n: I... see, so where to now?

Before Vydija could answer, we hear a battle cry and turn to see a group of sinners armed to the teeth charging at us. We both ready are weapons, I block a strike from one sinner with a sword and quickly cut his head off, then dodge a strike from another sinner and swing my sword across his stomach killing him. I then swing my sword at the sinner with a shield, as I anticipated it the sinner blocks with his shield making me smirk and point my gun to the sinner's head pass the shield and blown his head off.

Y/n: [Hehe, never try to block a close quarters weapon if someone has a gun.]

I looks over to see that Vydija has finished off the sinners that try to attack her, but then we hear an inhuman like sound Vydija look towards the sound. Which I also do the same to see a demon with red skin and appears to have some woman like features for the chest area, while the head looked something similar to a venous fly trap. I tries to charge at me with its claws, but I shot its leg with the gun making it fall to its knees and finished it off by using my sword to cut its head off. I look to Vydija to see that she has finished off with what's left of the grunts, wile making her way towards me.

Y/n: *looks at the demon* What is this thing?

Vydija: That would be an Onoskelis, they are the most common demon in Hell and are entirely female demons. But they are most feral demons, though they do get aroused when they have their victim, but it will return to its feral nature and brutally kill their victims.

Y/n: Damn, that's got to be brutal. But also kinda expected especially when you're in Hell.

Vydija: Damn straight. Anyways, I manage to extract some info on Baphomet's next move, he is gathering more troops and preparing for a soon all out assault on Nimrod's castle.

Y/n: I see, should we move in now or what?

Vydija: As much I would love to go in with everything we've got, but we still need to prepare ourselves as well. Baphomet is no fool he is also biding his time as well. *opens a portal* For now well rest, and then will move to the camp. If lucky I could find a weapon for myself.

Y/n: Alright, also your pretty badass back there.

Vydija: *smiles* your no slouch yourself, for a human.

3rd pov

Both the Succubus and human walk through the portal going to Vydija's lair, while the pair were unaware of a certain female demon watching them from a distance. This demon has large pair of wings, horns coming out of her head and eye sockets, while being bare naked with gold accessories on her body.

A/n: Sorry no pic for agretha, cause it could be flagged since Agretha literally has no clothes. Also how the hell can Agretha see, if she has horn coming out of her eye sockets. 

female demon: So, the bitch is still alive and appears to be having aid from a human? How is there one here and still alive? No matter Lord Baphomet needs to be told about this and maybe... Have that human as my personal plaything. ~

She then spreads her wings and take off into the skies, to warn Baphomet what she has discovered and the shocking reveal of a living human in Hell.

To be continued

A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, please let me know what you guys think in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.

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