Chapter 4
All I heard was a splash and then someone screaming my name making pressure in my chest and then I spitted out the water that I have drunk.
-Wh-where am I? –I asked.
-Kitty, thank God you're ok, see I told you that we will be ok. –Said Jasper with a smile after he hugged me. Then I remembered what just happened, we have jumped from a cliff to save us from a bunch of dealers.
-Where are the police? –I asked looking up the cliff but not being able to look well thanks to I didn't had my glasses.
-They are up there, I heard that they got some of the dealers but the boss and some of his companions got away. Oh and sorry for what happened to your glasses they umm, broke when we fell. I'll buy you new ones ok? –He said showing me the broken glasses with a sad smile in his face.
-Yeah thanks... wait your motorcycle! -I exclaimed.
-It's dead, but don't worry about it, I have like two more in home. - He smiled proudly and he rested in the edge of the lake. –Sorry for getting you in this shit again.
We stayed quiet for a moment after remembering that horrible summer, the darkness of that place and then the bright white lights where the things that I could most remember, and the worst.
-Sorry for saying in school that what happened that day was your fault. –He said, but I didn't respond.
-Shut up. –That was the only thing that I could say, I was now mad, I wanted to cry but I didn't wanted to do it right here, it wasn't the place to do it, not near him. –Just shut up and forget that day.
-No, look we have to talk- I didn't let him finish because I gave him a death glare.
-Fuck Jasper just forget that day, every day of my life I have to carry with that memories, the least thing that I need is you talking about it every time we see! –I screamed. We both stayed quiet, we were mad with ourselves, it couldn't be helped, and so, with nothing else to say, I started to walk away to home.
-Hey where are you going you're all messy and wet! –Jasper shouted at me. –You're going to get a cold like that, come back here!
-Shut up and leave me alone! –I responded aggressively. I didn't care if I was completely wet or if I had mud in my clothes, all I wanted to do was get home and sleep.
I was now finally in my beloved home, and as fast as I opened the door, Lucky appeared and started to smell me.
-Yeah little boy, mommy is a mess I know... My phone!!- I exclaimed worried. I started looking for it in my muddy backpack but it wasn't there and then I remembered, when I was looking for Jasper's keys, I left in the edge of his locker my phone... how was I so stupid for leaving it there, now I'll have to talk to him tomorrow to get it. "Good Kitty, very good, you big dumb ass!" I thought to myself.
I looked at Lucky and his green bright eyes said the same thing that my mind: take a bath right now. I started walking towards the bathroom with him walking just behind me and when I finally entered the bathroom I turned on the hot water, and then I started taking of my clothes, once I finished I entered the tub and I left the hot water calm me down. I looked to the floor and I saw my mp3, I didn't doubt one second and I plugged it to the stereo that was on a small table where I had some bath salts and some soaps. Once I plugged it, the music started sounding in the small bathroom and in one second I was completely calmed down, but there was still something that in just that moment had got a meaning. Jasper never told me why his brother went to jail; he just told me and Zack that he had problems with bad people and drugs and he had been there since that incident on summer. I started trying to remember Jasper's brother two years ago that was when I met him. I remembered many things from that day, but at the same time not all of it, I don't know how that day finished, if the police got that son of a bitch that hurt me or if his still somewhere out. My parents said that they will tell me when I was better but, even one year later they didn't told me anything, and for that date, I was completely different of how was I before the incident. All that I could remember of the ending of the day was me with Jasper and some guns, a guy around twenty that left Jasper go, and me, with my eyes closed with force and then, everything went black with a shooting sound. Just remembering that horrible sound and once again having to be part of something like that wasn't really something good for my poor little heart that thanks for the experience of that day, was now completely weak and with a big fortalice around it so no one could ever touch it or hurt him.
When I finished taking a bath and relax, I dressed up with my pajamas and with a cup full of coffee I turned on my laptop and I disposed myself to look around for something to read but in the same moment I was going to read, I got message from Maika.
-What the hell happened, Jasper called me from the hospital, he is ok, but he said you were with him when the dealers started to attack him, are you ok, where the fuck are you!? –Great now I had to deal with Maika's questions, well let's finish with this from once.
-Maika, relax, remember count to ten; don't let that fury control yourself. –I sent her.
-No way dude, my bro is in the hospital and YOU were with him. Are you hurt, do you have amnesia, are you bleeding!? –She asked in a message in less than a minute. I started laughing of how worried she could be for me, when HER brother was the one hurt not me.
-Dude, if I had amnesia, how the hell could I be in this chat calling you from your own name? –I asked her a little pissed off but still, happy.
-Oh, you're right, but are you hurt? My bro said that you fucking fell from a cliff! –She wrote.
-Yeah I'm ok, I just lost my glasses but Jasper said he will bring me new ones tomorrow at school. So don't worry about me, worry about your brother, how is he? –I asked. Where the hell came out that preoccupation?
-He is ok, all he had was a big cut in his leg but the doctor took care of that quickly so, no his just in observation. Oh, he told me to tell you to not say anything in school about what happened with the dealers. –She said.
-Don't worry; after all I don't have the need to talk about it in school, I don't know if you already noticed it Maika, but I don't like to be the center of attention. –I wrote getting a little mad.
-Yeah you're right sorry Kitty. By the way, how do you feel? –She asked me again.
-Maika, for the last time I'm ok. –I respond.
-No Kitty, I mean emotionally, it's the second time you get in something like this since, well that day so, do you feel ok? –She asked. I was getting pissed, normally Maika knew when I had enough of questions but this time, she wasn't stopping, she was touching and touching the open scar, and it hurt. –I know that you don't feel comfortable to talk about this with anyone, and much less with your parents but, you can talk with me with no fear. No matter what happens, I will always be here for you. In 10 years, 20 or 60, I will be here for you. Maybe you don't feel you have a family anymore, but me, Zack and Jasper, are your family, and we will always be. –I felt how my eyes got wet and tears started to fall. How the hell could this girl make me feel so miserable and happy at the same time?
-Maika, I hate love you so much. –I taped while I wiped away a tear.
I closed the laptop and looked through the window, the rain had stopped, but it will surely rain again soon, so, I went towards the kitchen and made some spaghetti. While I doing it Lucky didn't stop walking between my legs, purring and meowing, Lucky was the last thing that I had, he was like my baby, just that a fury baby. I found him one year ago when I was walking through the streets at night, I was very mad with my parents so after I knew they were asleep, I got out of my house through the window and started to walk, but when I was going to cross the street I heard something move in the bushes, I started to walk slowly towards the sound with a pointy rock in my hand just in case it was a drunk man, but what I saw wasn't a person, it was a baby black kitten that had his head stuck in a gate, me being the lover of animals that I am, I started trying to get the poor kitty's head out of the gate, so very carefully, I jumped the gate and from inside it, I started pulling the kitty, his sad meows stabbed my already hurt heart, but I wasn't going to leave the poor baby just there so, leaving behind my hurt heart, I started pulling him out again and suddenly I heard a 'pop' and the kitty was finally out, I let a deep sighed and petted his little black head and looked at my clock, 2 am, it was very late so I stood up and started trying to climb again the gate but the I felt something on my leg, the kitty was playing with some strings of my pants, I sighed and carried him looking for his mother but I didn't saw her or any other cats. I looked at the kitty that was now fully asleep in my arms, I sighed once again and started climbing slowly the gate. And when I was out, I looked again at the kitty.
-Looks like we're both alone in this world, right little guy? So, how about you come with me and that way we can be alone together. –I asked the black kitty at what he just responded with a little meow.-You're lucky someone found you stuck in there... Lucky, that is going to be your name, Lucky. –I started petting his head while I started walking my way towards home.
As days passed, my parents discovered I had Lucky with me and once again we started fighting but at the end I stayed with him with the promise that I will take care of him all by myself, and I did.
I remembered all of this as I saw my now, big black cat playing with a plastic bag that had fallen to the ground, and I smiled at the sweet memory and kneeled down towards Lucky.
-Thanks to you, I'm not that lonely now, actually, I'm the lucky one to have found you stuck in that gate you idiot. –I said playfully as I petted his head.
Once my soup was ready, I served myself in a plate the hot chicken noodle soup and some salad with a soda and sat in the couch and turned on the T.V. I started looking for something to watch in different channels until I saw the news, they were passing the note of the drug dealers, but the worst part was when they informed the people that the boss and some other guys were still free, I started sweating when I knew this so I turned the T.V. off. My mind started driving mad until I heard Lucky meowing to me. His fury face reflected kindness and innocence, almost telling me to calm down, that everything will be ok, and that this time I wouldn't get involved. I just wished that that was true.
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