Chapter Nine (Part Two): The Absolutely Not Happy Un-Fun Time

I wake from a small moment of rest to chanting. I had been moved to a different cage during my sleep, and the door was opening. I see Jonathan's brother and fellow Fire Dragon Rider, Ryan, and get up quickly. "Don't touch me, you mother f-"

"Easy kid, I ain't gonna do anything... I came to wish you luck... And to apologize..." Ryan says, holding his hands up. That gives me pause.


"I came to wish you luck and to apologize for my brother's trespasses... He's an asshole... I know... but he's just had a lot happen to him... plus, Jakaress is way too prideful for either of their own good, and it rubs off on him..." He explains, lowering his hands to his pockets, eyes not meeting mine. I realize, rather surprisingly, that he was being submissive. And I get an odd feeling that he wouldn't defend himself, should I take out my anger on him. So I don't, instead I go up and hug him.

"Oui, buck up, kid... Just because I hate your brother doesn't mean I hate you... You're Ryan, aren't you? Siroa's rider?"

"You know my dragon?" He asks, blinking at being hugged, very likely not having expected it.

"How can I not, he's the only nice Fire Dragon in existence. I seem to find nice people quite easily... and cruel people even easier..." I comment with a harsh laugh. "Not like something like this hasn't happened before to me..." I sigh.

Ryan frowns at that and tilts his head. "You've been in a cage fight before?"

"No, but getting the stuffing beat out of you, yes." I say sadly. "Foster care... Eleven, maybe twelve if I count men as well, families... All of them with their own little quirks..." I say the last word venomously. Ryan raises an eyebrow, then pats my shoulder.

"Sorry, man... Hey... If you don't get clobbered to oblivion... Maybe we could hang out?"

"Depends on your definition of Oblivion and Hang out..." I shrug slightly, before there's a voice yelling.

"Where are you, Ryan?! I told you to bring Tyler out! The Show's about to get started, you idiot!"

Ryan sighs and shakes his head. "I hate this Show..."

"That makes two, Ryan... Come on, let's get this over with..." I sigh and walk forward, Ryan following. When I step out, I'm stunned by what I see.

Imagine yourself a Colosseum. Like in Greece. Now, Shrink-Ray the crap out of it to fit in your average industrial parking building for cars, about a good one story and some change for the roof parking. Now, have it like a Colosseum and have seating go down to a large square area in the center, protected by a large metal cage, the floor of that cage made of some hard-packed sandstone or something similar. And imagine every one of those seats filled with yelling, chanting kids and dragons of all varieties. And in the middle of that cage...

Is what seems to be a new version of a Terminator. One such Terminator that would make Arnold himself run in absolute terror. I swallow hard as I look this behemoth over. His muscles bulge more than Atlas holding up the world, his biceps could easily crush a cannonball if he flinched the right way, and his chest looked like a mountain range. And, I must say for certain, the world's rarest Abs have made an appearance. The Twelve Pack. The Impossible Pack does exist! I look over the rest of him and realize that there is metal bits and parts on his knuckles and elbows, knees, and over his mouth like some sort of mouth-guard. Holy crap, this is a METAL DRAGON RIDER?! I blink and he does the same, then speaks.

"You want me fight this? This puny little thing? What he weighs, 9 pounds?... Does he even lift?"

"Please tell me you're the trainer for the guy I'm having to fight?" I groan and the Terminator Dragon Rider frowns.

"That my trainer." He says while pointing to a string-bean of a Forest Dragon Rider, who gives me a 'Hey, it's weird for me, too!' look. "I... I fight you. You no look like you fight ever... You lift?"

Oh boy. This IS going to be "Happy Fun Times" indeed... "Er... No, I don't lift... I'm a Light Dragon Rider... I didn't even get to do any training... I got called to the Principals office first day..." I comment and the Giant grins.


Well, shit.

"What is your definition of Fun, because I feel we have very different meanings..."

He doesn't speak, instead punches the palm of his other hand, grinding the metal knuckles against the metal plate in the palm of his hand and grins more. I am certain that this Fun he speaks of is not going to be close to my definition at all. Just as I turn to say something to Ryan, Hayden calls out.

"LADDDIIEESSSS ANNDDD GENTLEMMEEEEEEEEENNN! WELCOME TO THE WINTERDOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! HAVE WE GOT OURSELVES A LITTLE SOMETHING SPECIAL TONIGHT!" He yells over the crowd by Megaphone. "We have a very special guest, ladies and gents! A Light Dragon Rider! The one whose dragon is a furry instead of being a proper creature like ours! Tyler Monroe!" He cries and the amount of thundering "Booo"s ring out makes me feel I don't have a single fan in that crowd. Joy.

"And we have a crowd favorite! Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight, in the Winter-Dome, we bring to you The Harbinger of Agony! The Lord of Heavy Metal! The Titan of Steel! The Killer of Kings! LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, GIVE IT UP FOR GIIIIIIIIIIIAANNNNNNTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRR!"

My, my, what pleasant titles he has! The roar of the crowd definitely reinforces my current sinking feeling. Gigantor the Terminator raises his fists and pounds his chest, letting out three brutally loud grunts, then crosses his arms over his head and roars, sending the crowd wild.

I am so a Dead Man.

Gigantor looks at me and gives a gruff chuckle. "I wish luck to you. I told you no leave this ring standing. I make sure you no leave standing. Fun Time." He says and I feel a bit confused, at least until I hear three small, yet loud dings.


Good Bye, World.

I watch as Gigantor approaches, taking only three long strides and then I go flying before I even realize he swung, hitting the back of the cage with a yelp and falling to my knees. My head rang and my world was spinning rather rapidly, and I barely realize that the five Gigantor figures were raising their fists again, this time I move in time, diving forward and rolling between his open legs. I slide across the ground and onto my feet, getting up fully only to get kicked squarely in the stomach across the cage into the other wall, a roar of laughter and cheers sounding as I collapse, panting as tears start forming. I could barely focus enough to move, but I could suddenly tell what was happening around me, and a weak voice spoke in me. 'MOVE!'

I duck and roll to the right, and there's a loud crash where I had been, and I scramble to my feet in a hurry, putting my fists up this time and my vision clears fully. Gigantor glares at me and huffs. "You tiny... Tiny fast... fast very annoying... I angry when I annoyed... No more play... Now you pulp." He growls and I narrow my eyes weakly, limping back a little and thinking. How am I gonna even get a hit in?! I see him go to swing and I step inside his reach, bringing my right fist down in a sweep, then harshly thrusting it upwards into his jaw, and his head jerks back, a low grunt escaping him, before his head slowly turned down to look at me, eyes narrowed.

"Oops..." I quietly squeak and back away. And then the world vanishes in a flash of stars and lights as I'm roughly grabbed and thrown hard against the metal bars, and then I feel repeatedly blows to my stomach and chest. I lose count around twenty-three, the pain too much, and just before black-out, I got a hard knock in the head that sends me sprawling into the center of the cage. I could feel broken things... Blood was running down my chest and right arm... My right arm was numb... My head was bleeding and I couldn't see out of my left eye. I weakly get back onto my feet and I could tell Gigantor was standing over me, laughing heartily. I couldn't take much more... I know I can't... I need a savior... Someone... Anyone...

"TYLER!" I hear in the crowd, and the voice clicks. Justin! I weakly turn my head as Gigantor does the same, blinking.

"You has fan? WTF?..." He grunts and I can see Justin fighting to get closer. I see a Fire Dragon rider grab him by the collar and yank him forward.

"You wanna get creamed?" I hear and some weird feeling falls over me at that. And... I feel the lights overhead. I feel light around me. I raise my hand slowly, fingers spread, and I call the light to me, wanting nothing more than to light the Fire Dragon Rider's butt up like a Christmas tree. And the light complies, forming a beam of light and it flies from my palm like something out of Iron Man, streaking forward and there's a loud squeal as the Rider's pants go up in flames. I faintly smirk, then suddenly the world turns upside down and I collapse, world fading away to nothing.

Am I Dead?


Well, Agent was fun writing. Looks like I'm done...


Sorry guys, but you're gonna need to do a lot more than that to get me K.O.ed! See y'all next chapter, boys and girls...

Whense we meet... Tyler's Guardian Angel... He seems Russian. XD

See yall!

With love,

Admin De ADHD Wonderland~

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