8: Fighting Fire with A Wombat
Life could be worse.
I could be sitting with some Zaps, getting Dew-trocuted by them...
Or the Fire Dragon riders, as I call them the Red Hots... and getting turned to Texas Toast...
... But I'm not there. I'm actually sitting somewhere I least expected to be welcome, as it turns out the little group of Un-Misfits is actually quite welcoming. Amazingly, I actually remember their names.
The girl of our little band is Song, and she doesn't seem too keen on talking about her dragon, after I had asked. Something in that look of hers told me not to push it.
The aggressive-ish, seriously awesome guy is Dustin. He has a Pizza-Lovers of a Sand Dragon. Pretty nice guy, a bit too straight forward for my liking, but the world is small. I can come to like him as a friend... Eventually.
There's the water dragon rider, Emmitt. He's the coolest of the group so far, besides a person I know already, Nathan, who is also sitting with us, just staring at me like I came out of an Apollo Capsule from some long lost Lunar Mission. Emmitt seems the nicer one of the crew, too.
Then we have, as it turns out, my new partner, Justin. I don't really know much except his name, but he seems like an awesome guy. I actually find myself looking forward to working together with him. The dragon with him may take some getting used to, since he seems to hate the first thing about Saber and I...But he'll come around, I know it.
Eventually, everyone cleared house, leaving me, Justin and Dustin. I listen absently to Dustin and Justin... Ha, I listen to the "Ustin" clan... Heh... talk to each other, then walk off together, and I sigh, sitting alone with Saber. "Well, Saber... what do we do now?... We're alone... I don't think that we have duty to do..." I say gently and Saber hops down, snagging some of my overloaded pulled pork pile and purrs.
Holy crap, I haven't even eaten anything! I chuckle gently at her as she gives me those adorable puppy eyes. "Yeah, you can have some... I gotta eat too, though..." I say gently, and we both start eating the mound of pork. Just as I finish and go to leave, the moment I step outside, I feel someone come up behind me. I look back and frown, recognizing the person. The guy who was tormenting my new partner, Hayden or something. Johnathan? No... Yeah, Hayden.
"Hey, you... What do you think you were doing, just sitting there?" He asks, frowning.
"I wasn't just sitting. I was eating, talking to my dragon, and now talking to you. May I ask what you're doing, interrupting my conversation?" I ask calmly, then yelp as he grabs the front of my jacket, yanking me to where I was about a quarter of an inch from having my face in his.
"I don't like your tone, Glowstick. You wanna say that again?" He growls and I see some kinda porcupine behind him. What in the HELL is that creature?! He notes my look and smirks. "Oh, you like Jakaress, huh? Yeah, she's my dragoness. A thousand times better than your... Furry... of a dragon... That isn't even a dragon in the first place. Stupid thing doesn't deserve the title, all feathers and no scales like a proper dragoness. Pathetic." He spits and rage suddenly explodes through me.
Okay, rule one of my book... name-calling. No. And saying that Saber was a Furry and she wasn't a dragon cause she has feathers. Second? Saying Saber is pathetic. This guy is asking for me to murder him. But, one look at 'Jakaress' and I know I wouldn't stand a moment in a fight.
"Back off, Hay-Bale. And take your pincushion with ya. You look for trouble, and one day you aren't gonna just find it. It's gonna find the both of you." I reply in a calm, firm tone, very much unlike how I was feeling, and Hayden's scowl deepens to a snarl.
"Now your gonna get it, kid. Jakaress-"
"HEY!" A voice yells just as Hayden gives an order, and he turns around to Colonel Lewis whacking him in the forehead. "WHAT IN GODS GREEN EARTH ARE YOU DOING, SOLDIER?! MY OFFICE, TEN MINTUES!" He snaps, without letting Hayden speak. "MOVE IT. GIVE ME LIP AND I'LL PT YOUR ASS TILL EVEN JAKARESS SCREAMS FOR MERCY."
The two have a Staring Death-Match, then Hayden huffs. "Sir, Yes, Sir." He spits out, shoving past him and glaring back like 'We ain't finished' and slouches off. I relax and bit and check Saber to find her looking quite hurt.
"Hey, hun, don't listen to that dumb-ass, he just can't handle your awesomeness... I think your feathers are beautiful... All that maters is that I love you, okay, buddy, and that you're perfect in my eyes. Screw the others..."I whisper to her and rub her jaw. She sniffs weakly, looking up at me and I gently pick her up off my shoulder, cradling her in my arms. "You're an amazing dragoness. Don't take his crap serious." I nose her and she gives a sort of giggle, dragon-style, and noses me back, purring softly, the warmth in my chest almost burning. I smile gently at her, then look up. "Thanks... Wait, your the guy... Colonel Lewis, right?..."
Colonel Lewis grins at me. "I was your little dragoness' guard," he says. "Don't take to heart anything that idiot says. He takes his own frustration out on others. Petty little man." He says to Saber softly, then looks back at me. "And yep. Colonel Lewis."
Saber hears the familiar voice and meeps cheerfully, peeking over my arms and purrs, trying to climb out and visit. I watch her reaction, then I nod a bit. "Yeah, I remember now... Lewis, right?" I ask as Saber clambers fully from my arms, hopping from my chest and landing right on his shoulder, meeping happily and headbutting his cheek. "Seems like you two bonded a bit."
Lewis chuckles and strokes Saber's cheek. "Yeah," he smiled, "I guess you could say that. What have you been up to, little one?" He asked the dragoness. Saber purrs softly as he stroked her cheek and closed her eyes, then put her paw on his cheek and looked into his eyes, and the two stared into each others eyes. Aw, that's kinda cute.
---> Saber's P.O.V. <---
What Tyler, oh my dear rider, doesn't realize... is that when Lewis looked into my eyes... I may or may not be mentally connected to him right now... And he may or may not be able to hear me. "It is good to see you again, Lewis~ I have mostly just been watching everyone else do their thing." I purr soothingly, before giving off a gentle laugh. "What have you been up to, my friend?"
Lewis smiles at the wonderful creature-oh, that's me~- he had in his arms, staring into my glowing eyes. "So she speaks," he said to me quietly. "I have been just doing my job, you know? Keeping everyone in check as a colonel should."
His gaze went to Tyler when he speaks, "I guess so." He smiles like he knew something Tyler didn't... well he does know something Tyler doesn't. I, very easily, could talk... Well, once you get enough stuff in you to look me in the eyes. Upon Tyler's questioning quirk of an eyebrow, I just give him a rather mysterious smile, then I continue my conversation with my dear friend.
"Have to have some way to talk besides a bunch of Meeping nonsense, hmm?" I purr softly, then nod at him. "I do not really know much of this Colonel stuff... and military things... I was actually rather worried today, speaking with General Mardu... Tyler nearly had a melt down when Mardu walked in... Heh, you should have seen his face~!"
Tyler seems to be getting a bit out of place, as he finally speaks up. "Hey, maybe tomorrow we could all hit the chow hall together after training?" He comments.
I grin at that, rather excited by the idea. Someone new to hang out with besides Caedmon... He doesn't seem to like me that much, that one... 'I really hope that they have the pork thing that they had tonight... that was good~' I hum happily.
"Right," he chuckles. "A meltdown, eh? I do wish I was there." The corner of his mouth turned up into a slight smirk as he imagines, rather accurately, if I may add, what Tyler had possibly looked like in that moment.
"If I do not have anything going on tomorrow at that time, I'll make it my mission to meet you there," Lewis replies after that wonderful thought, glancing at Tyler. "I typically am around doing something, but I can try to get there."
I grin a bit more and softly laugh. "Yes. A Meltdown. He was so red-faced and jumpy I know he must have been waiting for someone to pull out a gun or something!" I say softly. "Major freak out... Nearly happened."
Tyler nods softly, noticing the slight smirk. "Alright, man-I mean, sir...Thank you, sir, it would mean a lot to me... I don't really have anyone else to eat with... so..."
"OUI! You have me, rider~" I cry out playfully. I doubt he hears me anyway. Heh.
He shook his head at my commentary, still smiling. I can tell he likes me even more. I think I've done my job well.
"I'm sure people would be happy to let you sit with them, Tyler," Lewis says. "You just have to be more outgoing."
'He was outgoing... And Outgoing got him kicked off the Light Dragon Rider table... the Lightning dragon table... and, as you saw with Hayden... the Fire dragon rider table...' I let out a small sigh. "He's too outgoing... at all the wrong times..." I comment sadly. 'Much work to be done in that category...'
Tyler sighs in unison to me and shakes his head. "If only I could find those people. All I've found is a Sand dragon Rider named Dustin... My training partner Justin... Song... Emmitt... and Nathan...
'Well then, I can't say I've had that problem...' he told Saber, then thinking to himself.
"I guess you've gotta keep looking again. I can't exactly get you friends. Power as a colonel only goes so far and I'm afraid forcing people to be your friend is not one of those things I can do," Lewis explains to Tyler. "At least you have those people. And myself. And your dragon."
'Yes... You're a very kind, well mannered individual...' I hum softly.
Tyler shrugs at Lewis's remark, then sighs in defeat. "I just wish people weren't all freaked out about me having a female dragon when I'm a dude... I mean, seriously..." He then tilts his head and looks back up. "Well... What about you... Everyone here has a dragon... Hey, maybe we could meet your dragon! I mean, come on, that would be awesome! And Saber could actually meet someone who might not immediately hate or try to claim her..."
I groan as I remember those two Light Dragons from earlier. Hormonal idiots... 'That is true... the only one who has not instantly either tried to stake claim, or hate me outright... is Mardu... I wish I were lying...'
Something seems to change in Lewis and he looks down at the ground at the mention of his own dragon. "I mean, if you really want to," he mumbles. He seems to be sort of ashamed of his dragon. Why, I do not know, nor can I tell. I'm not a psychic, folks.
"She's back at my housing," he says. "She stays outside there, out of sight from everyone."
Tyler puts his hand gently on Lewis' shoulder. "Hey, its cool man. I'd love to meet the dragon behind the man. I bet your dragon is just as amazing as you are. No sweat, alright? You just entered the 'Landin Judgement-Free Zone', sir." He says with a reassuring smile. "Saber, you gonna judge?"
'Nope~!' I sing softly, and I'm annoyed by the slightly pathetic meep sound I give out.
"See? We wont judge. Pretty or rugged... Thick or thin... Rain, shine, sleet or snow, we'll be your fam, everywhere you go!"
"Well..." Lewis starts, then nods. "I guess we can go see her." He turned around and started walking in the direction of his housing area.
Tyler grins, then grins more and nods. "Alright, lets do this!" He says and walks by him. I grin a bit and wave at Tyler as Lewis starts talking again.
"She's not very pretty but she's cool. She's a water dragon...." he explains as we walked into a small shack.
'Dont care much for looks. What counts is heart, fight, and a dragon's will. Coolness counts a small bit, however, too.' I reply, before perking up. Another water dragon?! 'A water dragon? That's cool!'
There was a door straight back from the front door and he opens it. There was a massive field, clear of snow and ice... A surprise even to myself... and right in the center was tall grass. Like, vivid, healthy grass that you normally see in some tropical vacation spot.
"Jay!" He calls, and, if my eyes aren't betraying me, the grass move a little. "Come on out."
Tyler smirks at me, chuckling. "Such a vocal little girl, ain't cha?..." he says, before falling silent at Lewis calling out. 'What a nice name, Jay...' he thinks with a smile, glancing around before focusing on the grass, curious.
The Water Dragoness' head popped out of the grass before she saw Lewis and bounded forward letting out a loud mewl of happiness. She stopped in front of Lewis and he pet her forehead.
The Water Dragoness was actually rather pretty... At least, in my eyes. She also looked like she could give that Jakaress girl a good whipping.
The Dragoness, as I can tell just from my senses, has a slightly angular head, her eyes rather kind looking, sort of golden-yellow in color. Two larger fin-like ears come off of each side of her head. Her eye-ridges have small little spikes running over the top, and she has a rather hard looking spike over her nose, likely to use to ram things. Impressive. She has two curved nostrils, and a dozen-or-more sharp little fangs poking out of her mouth, which leads me to think that she may have the jaws similar to that of a shark. Which I find fascinating. On her chin is a small cluster of spikes, and
She has dark blue scales, like the color of the ocean when Ice isn't covering it, her tail having what appears to be a natural armor plating on it that I find quite impressive. Her underbelly shares a similar armor to her tail, and is colored more of a bronze. The Dragoness, surprisingly, for her breed, has wings, the membrane a dull, yet deep copper/bronze color, four small claw-like points on the bottom of her wings, and two sharp looking talon like hooks at the top of her wings, which start from the top of her shoulders and ends down at her rear legs.
She has four rather powerful looking legs, which definitely give off the 'Don't mess with me' vibe, with the small elbow spikes on her front legs and rear heels. Each foot has four toes with talons seeming to look quite a bit like obsidian. All in all, she looked amazing... And I really want to meet her.
Tyler watches Jay in amazement, eyes bright. "Wow... she is quite beautiful, man... Hey, Jay..." He says softly, smiling gently and waving.
I hop up and down a bit on Lewis' shoulder and wave my paw, eyes big. 'Pretty! Lewis, she is sooooo cool! Can I meet her, Lewis, PLEAAAAAAAAASSSSSE?' I beg, giving him puppy eyes so deadly not even Tyler can likely withstand himself.
"You can meet her, Saber. This, guys, is Jay, Jay, this is Saber and Tyler." He introduces.
The blue dragoness looked down at me and titled her head. "Hi Saber!" She purred, her tail waving slowly behind her. She looks rather happy and not as shy as Lewis had said she was. I like her already! I perk up more and flap her wings vigorously, meeping happily and waving. "Hi, Jay! Nice to meet you!" I chirps back, rather excited. "Your riders great! You seem awesome! We'll get along great!"
Jay purrs and puts her nose next to me. "Thank you!" She purrs. "We be best friends!"
I gives off a playful roar, something that sounded, quite to my liking, more Cute than Threatening. "Yesss!" I cheer, gently touching my head against Jay's. "Bestest of friends!"
Tyler watches the two of us, smiling a bit as he leans on the nearest wall and grins at Lewis, two thumbs up flashing.
Lewis smiled at Tyler back and gives a thumbs up, too. "They're hitting it off well."
"I know right? Never seen Saber so excited. I have a feeling Saber is gonna be visiting a LOT." Tyler grins. "Hey, hold up, hold up... Why eat at the chow hall? I know where i can get, like, a blanket or something... Heck, we could have a Dinner barbecue picnic for four!" He says.
At that, I perk up more and my head jerks to look at my rider. "Barbecue?! Where?!" And at the word barbecue, Jay's head shot up as well. "Barbecue?" She looked around. "Did he say barbecue?" She looked straight at me, and I nod vigorously.
"Tyler say Barbecue! I like Barbecue!" And I look right at Jay. "We has barbecue together!" I proclaim, grinning.
Jay bounds across the field in excitement before returning to Saber, sitting on the ground wiggling in excitement. "I can't wait!" She squealed.
Lewis chuckled and nodded. "We could eat here if you'd like, but I can't promise Jay won't just inhale it all," he laughed. "She eats everything. And when I say everything, I mean EVERYTHING."
Tyler softly laughs. "Oh don't worry, man, General Landin can hook me up... I got a feeling I only need to ask..." He grins more and nods. "Saber ate my dinner... My WHOLE dinner..." He gives me the most salty look I have ever seen, and I give him one better, grinning and waving.
"Alright them. Just be prepared for your food to go missing when you're not looking." He laughs, and looks over at Jay and I. He seemed happy that we're getting along so well, and I was rather enjoying hanging out with Jay.
"Well, Saber, we best get going." Tyler says after a few more minutes of talking with Lewis, and I'm pretty sure they just Fist-Bumped. I give a soft whine. 'Awwwwwwww... Five more minutes?' I plead, but I know he doesn't hear me... Not yet at least. I wave Bye to Jay. 'I come back Tuesday! No duty! We hang out!' I say cheerfully, before racing over to Tyler and hopping up onto his shoulder.
"Take care of yourself, alright, Tyler?" Lewis asks, and winks at me. I grin and wink back discretely. Tyler nods, then looks at the two of us, raising a eyebrow before we move out.
---> Tyler's P.O.V. <---
"Enjoy yourself, Saber? You seem to have made someone's day." I ask her as we head down the path towards the dorms, Saber seeming to be in quite a bright mood, grinning.
'MEEP!' She cries out happily, headbutting my cheek. Yup, she likes Jay. I hope that I can bring her over again some time. I sigh with a chuckle, scratching her jaw, before I note a familiar flying Porcupine in the air, landing heavily not too far away. My curiousity gets the best of me and I sneak after them, watching Jakaress fly away after a few moments, and I frown. She had a Rider landing, yet he was gone when she took off. Why does that not sit so well with me?..
Then I hear voices. Familiar voices.
"Aww, he's gonna fight back... Wait, I just remembered something," Johnathan, another idiot of a fire dragon rider, says. "I don't even need my fists. All I need is a tiny little flashlight."
Oh, no you don't. I glance at Saber, who nods, happiness gone and obvious anger making her eyes glow a scarlet-gold mix. I nod back, and I run forward, moving with the silence of a Ninja and I hear a crying dragon. Caedmon. "What did I do to you?" Someone asks angrily.
Justin... That Red Hot was messing with the wrong kid today!
"You came here, Landin's little pet... And now you think you own everything just cause you got in easy." I spot the three, Justin backed against a corner and Johnathan with back to me, shining a flash light in my partners face. "No one to report me now, so I'm gonna fry ya widdle Shadow punk."
"I'm not his pet." Justin seems to growl, and I find I've had quite enough of Red Head, and I introduce his face to my fist. I stride forward and pull back, swinging a nasty left hook right into Johnathan's head, smashing the idiot right to the dirt.
"Might want to step back, kid." I comment calmly as Johnathan gets back up quickly and lashed out, striking my stomach and I grunt slightly. I lash out with my foot, round-housing him in the head and he spins like a ballerina, off balance as he goes to strike again, and I deal out a finishing, rather brutal uppercut to Johnathan's chin, sending him flat out on his back, falling over like a log.
I double over after that, holding my hands on my knees and pant softly. That gut-shot was not very nice feeling now. "Justin... You okay?"
A pause. "Uh... Yeah," He says and picks up Caedmon. "Thanks... We are going to get in big trouble, though..." He comments, and I get an idea. Why get in trouble... when one can make an example out of a Red Hot. Saber peeps and points at herself. Hmmm... OH, That could work! I nod and then heft the unconscious Johnathan over my shoulder.
"Well, I think we should.... Have him get a little Sunbathing treatment from the wombat, yeah?"
Hey, Justin can laugh! "That sounds great!"
"Say," I drawl. Oh lords, I drawled... "How 'bout we take our friend on a little trip outside the boundaries... OH LOOK AT THE TIME! Almost after curfew~!" I say and we both smile evilly at each other.
--- Twenty Minutes Later.... ---
We were slapping each other on the back and snickering as we walk to the Dorm House, where the other recruits are lined up and getting counted. We slide into the ranks, and I wait eagerly, knowing quite well that the head rank would be called... OH, JOHNATHAN IS GONNA GET BAKED LIKE A CAKE! A very... very... burnt.. cake.
The Gym Screamer calls everyone to attention, and then barked out 'At Ease!' and we all relax a bit. She starts calling out different ranks. Each rank went by with a loud, clear 'All Present!'...
At least that was the case until she got to Bubble Gum Avery's rank. Highest rank in the facility. Oh, I could TASTE the bitter in her voice as she spoke. "Johnathan, Rider of Jakaress, is missing, ma'am."
You know how there are some 'Try not to laugh videos that just KILL YOU?' Well, that's how hard it was not to snicker.
The Woman looks flustered. Seems like this has not happened before, recently at least... "Is this... an excused absence?"
"No," A commanding voice barked. General Landin walks up behind her, hands behind his back and a cigarette hanging out of his mouth. Mardu was right behind him, and Lone-behold, our dear friend was looking quite like some not-so-delicious K.F. Johnathan today. I had to think...
What does everyone else think, Johnathan floating there like something out of Paranormal Files?...
"We found him in the forest. Past curfew." The General's eyes sweep over the ranks, and I can tell that Justin and I have quite a rough time not laughing. "Let this be a warning. To all those who don't have it in their thick skulls... Do NOT stay out of bounds after curfew." His tone, in my opinion, could have resurrected someone really rather nasty, only to turn him to dust, how deadly it was.
The three slowly walk back to the Dorm Buildings, Johnathan making noises straight from the Walking Dead.
I feel Justin give me an underhand High-Five. I have a feeling this is the start of a beautiful bro-lationship.
Hey yall, welcome to yet another chapter! A little disclaimer, the image is not mine. That is a visual representation that -Cobalt- sent me for her Dragon, Jay! Lewis is also her character, and he made quite the comeback, yeah?
Go ahead and smash that vote button like it's Valentines day (Which it was) and share it like a bouquet of roses! I love y'all, and I will see you all next chapter!
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