6: On the First day of... Whatever this is...
---Tyler P.O.V.---
I sigh softly. The questioning was going about as fast as my grandmother driving on the freeway. Which is to say ungodly slow. I just could keep saying 'No' till my jaw falls off my head, but he was intent on boring me to death first. Typical Interrogators...
"Look, buddy..." I say after another fifteen minutes of 'No' pass by. "I'm absolutely healthy, no health issues that I can speak of... Where's my dragon, why am I here in this room, and what happened while I was out? What happened to this Avery girl? I wanna know, okay?"
The man frowns, peering at me over the top of his glasses. "Mr. Landin, please try and cooperate. This can go smoothly, but only if you answer my questions. Now please, let me continue. We are almost done, then I'll tell you everything that you would like to know, alright?"
I sigh loudly and shrug. "Whatever man... Just hurry up alright? This is boring me to death more than staring at drying paint." I complain and the man laughs, shaking his head softy. "Well it's true. I've had to do that before for punishment with a foster family I'd had."
"Wait... You're being serious?" He blinks and I nod. "That's just plain cruel! You must have stood there for at least two solid days!" He exclaims, looking absolutely horrified. "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy!" He says and I shrug a bit, not really wanting to talk more. The man decides that this is suddenly marked within himself as a terrible punishment that he was asking a bunch of questions, and proceeded accordingly. "Maybe we should take a break, don't you think?"
"You don't say!" I say with a smile, and he lets me up.
"You just have to go talk to The General tonight when the others are going to be training. He wishes to meet you personally."
Happy gone. "Wait... I have to meet some scary General Dude?" I ask and he nods.
Doomsday has come early. I just hope that I can find my way to get to Saber... Speaking of which, I really hope she's okay.
----Saber's P.O.V.----
I slowly open my eyes, groaning in pain before frowning. Where was I? Why was it so dark? I meep and pat at my face, and I find some sort of obstruction. I bat at it again and get it loose, moving it from my eyes and I blink. I was in a large room, with a small light bulb in the center. At least I wasn't in one of those cramped box things. I had room to run around in this room. I look over myself, ruffling my wings and flicking my tail. Yup, they're perfectly fine. Legs, fine. Body, slim and perfectly okay. Head... I need a mirror...
I look around my new surroundings a bit more interested, and I spot a few things in the room, three making the most of my curiosity. Number One was a bunch of food, thank gods! I am soooo starving!
Number Two, a tall mirror, about as tall as Tyler... Speaking of, where was my rider?...
And Number Three...
A Man in a uniform. Just standing there in the corner. With what appears to be some kind of weapon. I back up slightly, watching him closely to make sure that he doesn't aim that weapon at me. I may have to strike preemptively... Protect myself...
As that goes through my mind, an audible, rather loud click, echoing around the room, and the door near the far corner of the room is slowly pushed open. A male in a solid black uniform slips into the room and the door was promptly shut behind him. He stands rather still, back pressed against the wall, simply watching the me acutely for a few moments.
Around his waist was many different gadgets including a pistol, walkie-talkie, and a funny looking device that could no doubt do a number on a living being. Great, more weapons... Wait... AM I GOING TO BE EXECUTED?!
Finally, the man opened his mouth. "Hello Saber," He says. His voice was calm, almost monotone and his face remained expressionless for the time being. "I'm here to talk to you. I do not intend to bring you any harm as long as you do me none." He kept his arms held behind his back in a less threatening manner than arms crossed in front of his chest or resting on his gun per say.
I blink slightly, surprised that this man knew my name, then I softly snort and nod, letting the man know that I understand him. It is the very least I could do... And he doesn't want to hurt me. Even better. I decide to sit up, but instead of just getting up fast, I make my movement methodically slow, as to not give the man a fright.
The man's eyes follow the movements I make almost meticulously. His face continues to remain expressionless. Please, at least blink... "I'm here to discuss your actions earlier. When one of the dragons here attacks someone, especially someone of Colonel Avery's status, there must be actions taken. But since you are a new dragoness here, we have decided we'd give you the run down first. Here it is not acceptable to attack ANYONE. No one here will actually hurt your rider, so you have no reason to hurt them. You shredded her shoulder pretty badly. Do you understand that is wrong?" He finally showed a bit of expression by simply raising his brows in question at me, looking for some sort of indication that served as an answer, obviously. FINALLY, HE ACTUALLY MOVED SOMETHING ON HIS FACE!
I give a low growl when he says 'No one will actually hurt your rider' and narrow my eyes. I clearly am trying to say "Say that to the woman who electrocuted my rider" before hearing his question and pausing...
Okay, I shouldn't be thinking this... This is my rider I'm talking about... but...
Okay... Maybe I overreacted a little...
Okay... A lot...
I slowly look down in shame. Yes, it was wrong of me to have done what I did. But, it was instinct! Avery...Bubble Gun Girl, whoever she is, electrocuted my rider! I had to protect him! I... did I do what was right, or should I just have stood there numbly while Bubble Gun Girl shocked my rider within an inch of his life?...
"I understand you are protective and when one harms your rider, you feel the urge to protect. Avery would not kill your rider. That is against protocol. It's not something anyone does here. I can assure you that. All I ask is you keep your behavior under control. Your rider is safe. You may be reunited with him later." The man states, before turning around to leave, waiting for the door to click once more before he slips out of the room. Once again, and rather unfortunately, leaving me with the motionless man who stood in the corner.
I watch the man, listening to his words and it starts to ease my worries, then when he tells me Tyler's safe, I snort gently and bow my head, before watching him leave, and for some reason, I could only think of a song lyric from a song Tyler was singing when we were trapped inside that train car. He was NOT enjoying being in the room most of the time.
'Now you aren't here... All I feel is emptiness!'
I softly chuckle to myself at that, then I look at the motionless man, and I walk towards him, careful not to look threatening, and I point at the food at his feet, then at myself, ears perking up. 'I hope this guy understands me... Or things are gonna get way too tense and stressful...'
The man in the corner's eyes follow my movements but his head does not. As I gets closer to him, it's easier to see that he is visibly shivering in fear... In fear of me... He knew what I'd done to Avery and the fact that I was in the room with him must be terrifying him.
When he saw that I looked at the food and pointed to myself, he kicked the food over to me, giving a little nod. He didn't look like he'd do any speaking.
I tilt my head. Hmm... The man is absolutely terrified of me... I wonder why?
Sarcasm, as my rider told me, is a wondrous weapon.
When he kicks the plate towards me, I tilt my head, before stepping over it and lowering my head in submission, moving forward a bit more and gently meeping, trying to let the man know he doesn't have to be scared of me. I gently lie down, and despite some discomfort, I roll over onto my back, smiling up at him and meeping again, wiggling my tail and ruffling my wings.
Why am I acting like an excited puppy, you may ask? Well, it is absolutely simple! Because I want the guy not to be afraid. If no one is going to hurt my rider here, I won't hurt anyone here. I want him to know I'm harmless. Plus I kinda want to be pet... I kinda want to be pet on the belly...
The man blinks, staring down at me as I moved. He flinched when I let out the first few meeps as they were unexpected and as I rolled over on my back like a dog would do, I knew he couldn't help but smile. He slowly knelt down, finally moving more than an inch. "Can I pet you?" He asked. He didn't reach to pet me yet, seeming as though he was still waiting for my answer.
I listen to his words, and I purr softly, nodding and giving him a wide grin, tail waving more. Maybe the guy was actually warming up to me!
He gently touched my belly, petting me, thankfully gently, like he'd pet a dog. He seems like he is slowly becoming more relaxed. I could tell that he hadn't noticed that I ate, because he seemed to be wondering if I was even going to eat the food. Probably because I had come over to do that in the first place.
I feel him touch my unscaled, unprotected belly, and a low purr escapes my throat, eyes closing. I oddly liked the feeling. I never let Tyler touch there before. Guess I should get him to...
I could tell the man was uncertain, and I gave a faint shrug before squirming and trying my best rendition of what I thought a Dog sounded like, giving a small bark noise and arching my back faintly to push against his hand. I am pretty certain that I'm enjoying this a little too much.
When I see him look at the food plate, I smirk at the fact I had consumed the food while being in Light form, which was invisible to normal human sight. However, that was far from my mind... I was more concerned now by where my rider was. I gently meep and point at the mark on my right rear thigh, trying to ask him if he knew where my rider was. If he was really as okay as the other person says he is.
When he finally stops petting me and stands up once more, I whine sadly- wanting him to pet me more- and returning to his place. He doesn't seem to get a chance to answer my "question" about my rider because the door clicked and someone entered.
I sigh as I watch the next house-guest enter, wishing that I had more time to play "20 Questions: Dragon style" with the guard.
Another male entered, carrying a cage of some kind. "Time to reunite you with your rider," he said, setting the cage in the ground and opening it, gesturing inside.
When I realize the man has a cage, I get a bit nervous, shuffling back a little, before sighing when I realize it was likely the only way, walking forward and crawling into the cage, curling up in the very back, nervously preening one of my wings. At least there was a up-side to this cage... I was going to see my rider. He was taking me to my rider.
The cage door is swung shut and the cage is lifted up. It swings a little before the man gets it settled in his arms. "Thank you, sir, you are relieved of your duties here for the afternoon," the man carrying me says to the one who had been watching me.
I give a soft yelp as the cage around me sways and I cling to the wall by my talons, eyes huge. I'M ON THE OCEAN! I'M GONNA-
Oh, I was just being lifted up. No problems then. When I hear the other man say that someone was relieved of duties for the day, I move to the front of the cage and I gently put my paw out the door a little, through a gap in the bars, reaching to touch his hand, wanting to say goodbye, then watching sadly as the man vanishes from sight as I'm taken from the room.
... However, after about three, maybe four minutes of walking, I hear a voice outside...
"Corporal, can you please come here for a minute. I'd like to see the dragoness you are transporting." A voice calls, and then I yelp as I feel everything stop, except for me, and I smack into the other side of the cage, giving a soft hiss and curling up, giving a weak glare at 'Mr. Corporal'. 'Ow.' I try to convey. 'Give a longer distance to stop. If this was training, I give you a minus 5...'
The Corporal turns towards the voice, and walked forward, turning so that he could see into the front of the cage I reside in "Here, sir. The dragoness Saber."
"Ah yes, the Light Dragoness..." He says before gently undoing the door, holding out his arm like one would to a falconer getting his falcon to land on his forearm. He looked rather roughly attractive, if I were a human girl. Like that one actor that Tyler liked a lot for his movies... Hugh... Jake-Man? Jackman? Right, Hugh Jackman.
He looks me over as I slowly moved out and onto his arm, and he smiled at me, revealing small fangs, and he tilted his head. "Hello, Saber. You must be wondering... How I am speaking in a language you know by heart." He says in, oddly, my native Light Dragon dialect. "Don't worry, I'm quite friendly... My name is General Mardu, and I'm basically the commanding dragon of this base. I heard about a new light dragon in town, and I had to see for myself... You are a pretty little thing, aren't you?"
I tilt my head, before deciding to try and reply. "Thank... you sir... I... guess that Light Dragons are rare around here?..."
Mardu chuckles. "You have no idea."
"I... can guess..."
The General laughs gently with a smirk. "Oh, I don't doubt it. You seem to be a very smart young dragoness."
I smirk a bit and puff my chest out a bit, standing a little straighter. "T-Thank you... General Mardu.... sir..." I say with a smile and he nods.
"Just wanted to tell you... Nice shot on Avery... She should not have done what she did... But you had over-reacted a little. So... I suggest just you lay off being as protective as you are... Just... Lay back, relax, and let things happen as they may. Trust your rider, and he will trust you."
I softly nod at his words, understanding what he meant. "Yes, s-sir... Th-thank you... for seeing me... Mardu... I mean General..."
He chuckles, then gently moves his arm, and very softly strokes my jaw and chin, making me purr loudly, then he lowers his arm and I take the hint, crawling back into the cage.
"You may leave the front door open. She will cause you no issue." He says calmly a moment after he stands up and dusts himself off, before nodding. "Carry on, Corporal." And he walks away.
Even though the General says he can leave the cage open, he doesn't. He still shuts the door in case I were to fall out. I wish he hadn't. I wanted to feel unrestricted...
He continues on down the hall before they come to a stop in front of the door to a examination room, as it says it on the door. "Your rider is inside," he says to me before he knocked on the door.
After a long pause, the door opened, and the man of my un-dream-napping dreams stands there in the doorway, frowning at Corporal whoever the guy is. However, once he hears my cry I let out and sees me spinning inside the cage and then rushing the door, pushing my paws out for him to pick me up out of it.
The Corporal holds out my cage after nodding. "She is yours, yes?" He asks my rider, who grins as he takes my cage and swiftly opens the door, and I charge out, launching into his arms and burying my face into his chest, nuzzling him happily.
"Yeah, Yeah this is my little sun-beam of a dragoness~" My rider says with a chuckle, then he looks at the Corporal with a frown. "I don't think we've met... I'm Tyler. Tyler Landin Monroe."
The Corporal starts to introduce himself, "Corporal Lew-" and he does a double take for some reason. "Landin? General Landin? Are you related to him?" He asks, narrowing his eyes.
Tyler frowns a bit. "General Landin?... I don't think I know who you're talking about... I am going to meet with a General later... But I don't think that any Landins I'm related to are here..." He shrugs. "My dad was in the military though... He was a Colonel... Died about eleven years ago... Afghanistan." He says and the Corporal seems to zone, blinking slowly. "Uh... Hey... You alright?... You blanked out..."
Corporal Lew shakes his head. "General Landin had a son. Looks just like you. I swear..." he trailed off. "You have to meet the guy. Kid, I think your dad is alive. He joined this place eleven years ago. Maybe his death was faked... I don't know but stuff seems to fit together here. Maybe if you meet him later you will recognize him. He's pretty much everywhere so you're bound to run into him at some point and I'm sure you'd recognize your dad if you saw him..." Lewis shakes his head once more as if clearing his thoughts. "This isn't something I should concern myself with. It's your problem. So, I'll leave you and your little dragon on your own." And with that, he spins on his heel and walks away swiftly, leaving Tyler staring in disbelief, and me wondering.
The man from before. General Mardu... I know that a dragon can't possibly run this whole place himself... Was there a Human General as well?...
Tyler looks down at me quizzically. "You believe this dude?"
I shrug, helplessly unable to tell him my thoughts about the situation. He shakes his head and sighs, before looking around. "Well... Guess this is the First day of... Whatever this is..."
Yo people whats up! Sorry for the long long long long delay! Many things came up. But now, I have released a new chaptah!
Tell me what you think.
AND TALK TO ME PWEASE! I wanna know what Reader-Author love is~
I want you to show me~
Lol, had to. Talk to y'all next update.
-Riley, with help from -Cobalt- for playing the role of Corporal Lewis.
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