5: Save a Dragon, Ride a Farm Boy

My first impressions aren't impressions.

It's a farm.

It's a big. Freaking. Farm.

"Seriously? You take dragon riders and raise them in a barn?" I frown. "I don't see why."

"I don't see why not." A guard replies and I frown. "Let me explain it to you. Listen very closely.

You see, other military branches are for public stuff. Major wars, humanitarian efforts, that stuff. They go to the gym, they rep, but they're making muscles, in my beliefs, and in S-11's belief... The wrong way. You see, building muscle involves manual labour. A good de-weeding run. Moving compost from a spot and making a more stable, flat area that we can use to build a greenhouse. Building a greenhouse by hand. Running 5 miles through the snow and ice.

Here, you'll be doing things that require muscle structure and stamina that you can't find in a gym. You and your dragon both. You'll be meeting with the lead girl for your company shortly after we arrive, so I suggest you don't make any smart remarks. She hits harder than any Kick-boxer."

I swallow hard and nod. "Okay..." I hold Saber closer and look outside more. I have a feeling that I will not enjoy meeting Mrs Kick-boxer one bit. Saber meeps quietly and nudges my shoulder, wanting up. I set her there and she curls up, head against my neck and seems to try to get comfortable. I relax a bit, then look outside.

My eyes widen and I gasp, staring at a group of Dragons flying around just above the ground, a few breaking off and shooting into the sky, before rolling and plummeting back down towards the ground. I watch with wide eyes, entranced by their dancing. It was quite a beautiful sight.

I get yanked back to the dismal reality, when the truck I'm in jerks to a halt and all the doors fly open. I get out and I'm surprised that my eyes adjust so quickly. Even more of a surprise, there's about forty-or-so kids just standing there, staring at me.

"Another one?! No wonder everyone's losing their heads down in Washington!" A blonde girl groans.

"Are you joking me?!" Another female calls.

"What's up with his hair?! Is he a fire!?"

"Oh shut up, Marylyn! You have enough fire dragon riders as is!" The blonde girl retorts. "Hair says nothing about the dragon."

"Says you!" Marylyn snaps back.

"SILENCE!" A guard yells and the kids all snap their mouths shut. "Where is Avery?"

A boy with greenish brown hair comes forward. "She's with the other newbie."

"Fine. Congratulations, Marylyn, you're giving this boy the run around. Kapish?"

Marylyn, a rather tall red head girl, groans and goes to say something when another girl steps forward. My vision sorta tunnels as I see her. "Fox..." I mutter in awe.

"Don't worry, Shane, I got this." Fox calls and Shane the Guard nods, then turns.

"This here is Tyler.... Last name?..." He asks, and I shrug.

"Landin." I reply and he looks like he just peed himself.

"This here is... This here is Tyler L-Landin." There's an immediate audible gasp as the world loses twenty percent of its breathable air from the shock of the group. "He's... Uh..."

"I'm guessing I'll be staying here with you all, and training along side you all. I'm sure that we can all get along relatively well." I finish for Shane and he faintly nods to me. I look back at Fox, and she's grinning a bit. Yep, I remember that girl.

She was wearing some rather nicely paired combat boots with khaki Camo jeans, but her shirt was normal at least. A simple grey shirt with the logo for S-11 that I've learned so well in the top left corner, and over it was a rather cozy looking windbreaker style jacket. Her hair was still as red as I remember it, and her eyes just as bright. Fox Shields was standing right in front of me like a big cannonball of a shot from my past, grinning at me like we just randomly met up at the local movie theater.

----- Flashback 4 years prior -----

"Tyler, you home?" I heard and I feel a tap dance in my chest. That red headed girl from across the street came by again!

"Yeah! Yeah, I'm home!" I call down and open the door to my room, sliding down the stair railing and stopping at the front door as she stepped in fully.

"Wow, that's some kind of new record, Tyler!" Fox said with a grin, laughing and hugging me, which I return. "Where are your parents? I though they were going to be home today, and I need Mr. Buckleys help with the old family car."

"My parents are out in town for a couple hours. I have the house to myself. Besides the point, what's up with the car?" I asked while looking her over slightly. She always wore nice, simple clothes. Something I admired, Fox's ability to look good in almost anything!

"Well, I think that it's the fuel injector..." She commented, and shrugged softly. "But I could be wrong. Can you help maybe?" Fox asked and I nod, scratching my neck. I didnt have the courage to say that I was running away that night. I couldn't bear living with the Buckleys... With the nice people they were... They reminded me too much of my dead biological parents.

Fox grinned and hugged me again. "Awesome, I guess I'll see you later, I should probably tell my folks that you'll be over!" She says and quickly races out, me staring after. She never did see me again...

----- End of Flashback -----

"Surprise seeing you here." I say quietly as I walk beside Fox, looking her over. She was doing the same, and I guess she liked what she saw at least, cause she shot me a small grin.

"You're joking, right? I'm surprised seeing you again at all!" She says with a laugh.

"Yeah, I guess your right." I say with a smile. "When did you get here?" I ask and she shrugs.

"About three years or so ago." She says calmly. "Where did you go, back then? Everyone was so worried, you disappearing like that."

I look downward. "I ran away... I couldn't stand how nice the Buckley's treated me... They were too much like my biological mom and dad... Being they both died, dad in Afghanistan, and mom right before my eyes from a colt .45 in her own hand. I had to escape the past..."

Fox smiles a bit more comfortingly. "Well, Tyler, you won't have to run from the past anymore. It won't come after you here, trust me." She says and pats my shoulder. "I guess I should show you around a bit. Wanna check out the place just on a whim, or do you want a guided excursion?"

"Whim. You know I don't usually follow instructions very well. And you know Im ADHD." I say and she chuckles.

Fox shakes her head and smirks. "Alright. Come on, lets go look in the training dome." She says and heads towards a large building, me taking off after her.

The four went relatively fast. And Fox was by far the best tour guides :)3 sm
Ike's at the end and looks back at me. "How are you liking this place so far?" She asks and I smile widely.

"I love this place. This is my kinda farm, ya know. ADHD WONDERLAND!" I laugh as Fox shakes her head with a chuckle.

"You have not changes one bit since we were kids." She comments, hand on my shoulder and I shake my head.

"Like I would ever change a winning recipe?"

"Nah, probably right." Fox says before we both jump at a voice.


I spin around the same time she does. I come face to face with a girl who I think was from West Point or something, how military this girl held herself as. For some reason. I kept thinking that this girl is from my past too. Caroline Garrutti, JROTC Battalion Commander.

She had light... was it flax colored?... weird... anyway, Light Flax hair, that was tied professionally back in a bun. She was so pale I wondered if she were some kind of Alaskan Vampire with a faint tan. Her eyebrows were sunk down under her rather frightening amber eyes, and her lips were pursed tightly. "You have no-"

"Avery, you were not there, so therefore I took control of the recruit." Fox says calmly, face blank.

"Uh.... Yeah, what she said." I say and Avery looks at me.

"You, shut it, I'll talk to you when it's your turn. You-" She looks at Fox. "Carry on. But be sure to show him why we don't let Elk into base. Stupid carnivorous dunderheads."

I stare. "Uh... Elk don't eat meat.... Unless you got attack Elk or something? That would be wei-" I ask before feeling a spurt of electricity go up my back, I yelp, before there's stars and I go down, world dark as I hear Saber screech and then a loud cry in pain, Avery screeching 'GET HER OFF, GET HER OFF!'

---- Later that Day.... -----

I wake up slowly. Unbearably slowly. At first I can't do anything except hear. There's voices. One gruff and a bit... Emotional? Like, when you find out your loved one is in the hospital. Another... Fox... Was saying something quietly, too quiet for me to hear, then a door opens.

Footsteps and then there's a hand gently on my shoulder. "He looks so different..."

"Because he's grown up, General." Fox says calmly and the hand moves to my cheek. I want to ask what was happening, but all that came out is a moan. The hand pauses, before another was on my shoulder.

"Fox, I think he's waking..." Then the next part troubled me. "I... I can't talk to him... Not now... No, I can't do it...."

"General, why not, he's just a new recruit, right?"

"I want him to meet me at his convenience, not mine." He says and I sorta honor his decision. Gives me some control.

"Alright... Why are you acting so... Parent like?..."

"I'm just being gentle." He snaps before sighing gently. "I'm going to go and check on his dragon... It seems that she left a number on Avery, and she's getting her shoulder stitched. Hopefully she will be on her feet by the end of today... Hopefully."

'That's my girl.' I think proudly. I hear footsteps heading away and a door close. A gentle hand touches my shoulder and a gentle voice, Fox, speaks. "Hope you wake up, Tyler, and soon... I wanna tell you about Avery's meet and greet with Saber." She audibly smiles before turning and leaving as well, leaving me partly awake, alone in a room as I, ever so excruciatingly slowly, wake up fully.

I try sit up slowly, feeling sick to my stomach, before realizing that my arms are tied to the table, and so are my legs. I blink softly, then sigh. "Hey..." I croak out. "What's up with this... Why the love-bindings?"

It's not Fox who answers. Or the other guy. It's a weirdo doctor with a funky eye. "You're bound cause you're my plaything till I see to let you go~!" He chirps and I flinch.

"You're pretty chipper about that..."

"I should be, shouldn't I? It's my job! Now, how about some answers to some basic questions?" He asks and plops down, undoing the bindings and kicking back, holding a clip board.

"Uh... Does it seem like I have any choice? What do you want to know?"

"Many things, Tyler, many things. Lets start with your current self..." And then he floods me with a million questions, all at once.

----------- SABER P.O.V. ------------

A dragoness stood before an army of other dragons, some with humans, some rider-less. She smiled down at the assembly, a sort of aura to her. It was obvious by the dragons bowing that she was royalty. She speaks in some odd tongue and the dragons rose from bowing, heads held high as the dragoness spoke.

She stopped speaking and turned to look back, and our eyes meet, my eyes widening as I recognize her. I know that dragoness! I know her! Because, whenever I look in the mirror, or a reflection...

... She's looking back at me. I step back and then everything fades to darkness, the scene shifting to jumbled shadows and scenes of war. I'm barraged by sounds from all sides, making me was to cry out in fear, before it clears to the Dragoness standing before me, the surroundings having changed to a forest.

'Hello, Saber.' The Dragon purrs. 'I'm glad that we're finally getting to meet.'

'Who are you?' I demand. 'Where are we? Why have you dream-napped me!' I don't even know if that's a real thing, but it feels like it!

The Dragon laughs gently. 'Oh, Saber, don't you see?...' She starts and gestures. 'Do you not recognize the forest around you? The birdsong? The air? The ground beneath your paws? The magic laced in the air?'

I growl lowly before looking around, and my heart aches for some reason, intense feelings of longing and sadness wrenching at me, bringing me nearly to tears. 'I-I don't understand... Where?...'

'You are home... I will not tell you who I am... Or where this place is... Not until you're older... But I will tell you this... You will look like me when you get older... And your rider... Guard him with everything you hold close... Even your life, guard him...' The Dragon looks up as there's a rumbling. 'You must awaken. Go now, Saber. We will speak again. Tell no one of our meeting... It is most important I stay secret.' And everything goes dark, leaving me tumbling into the darkness...

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Theres another chapter of Agent in the history books! Hey y'all, sorry its so short this time! I have so much work I barely could finish. This weekend I'll sit down and pound out the next chapter. What do you think?

Who could the Mystery Dragoness be?

Who is the Mysterious General? Why could he not want to talk to Tyler when he woke?

And What Could Happen Next?

Option A? Tyler POV


Option B? Saber POV


Option C? Tyler & Saber POV

Don't forget to comment, share, and Vote. Oh yes, and thank you to all my readers for your support, your votes and comments! They keep this going!


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