4: I, Bling-Bling Boy


The Man in Uniform leans forward, causing Saber and I to both lean back. "What's the matter, boy? You look like you've seen a ghost." He comments with a frown.

"Are you a ghost? I mean, come on, you just appear out of nowhere, and the power to the lights flickered... Are you... Are you some kind of half Weeping Angel or something?" I ask, hugging Saber close and she cuddles up to me fearfully. I could have sworn that I heard a voice, for a split instant, say 'Don't let him take me... I don't wanna leave you...'

Military Man frowns. "Weeping... Angel?... What are those?..." He asks and my jaw drops. No way, this man knows nothing of the power of the Weeping Angel? "What? Why are you staring at me like that? What is so shocking? Are these Weeping Angels something important? What are they, kid?"

My heart stops. He knows nothing about them... I look down at Saber, then back up at Military man. "Remember... Don't blink... Don't even blink.... Blink and your dead. They are fast, faster than you could ever believe... Don't turn your back, don't look away, and don't. Blink... Good luck."

The military man looks a bit worried. "Why are they weep in' if they're gonna kill me if I blink?"

"They're quantum locked. If something looks at them, anything living, they turn straight to stone. Can't look at each other, and they can't look at themselves in mirrors. Oldest defense mechanism in the universe. Just 'poof' and they're statue-ified. And you can't kill a stone, but of course stone can't kill you..." I decide to play with the man, leaning forward with a haunted look, and look him square in the eyes. "But then you look away... Then you blink... And oh yes it can." I say and he looks around, giving me the opportunity moment to duck, hiding.

The man goes to look back at me, and he yelps, jumping to his feet. "RIDER!" He squeals, eyes huge as he backs away from the table, inching along the bar cars wall. Eyes locked on where I had been. "RIDER, THE WEEPING ANGELS ARE GONNA GET ME! HELP ME!"

I grin a bit and wait till he's looking away, and I roll out and creep up behind him. He looks back and freezes, as I do the same, hand reaching out to touch him. His eyes go massive. "Go away, please, Im sorry I didn't know what you were!"

He blinks and I move a bit more. He cowers and stares at me in fright. However, as he blinks again, and my hand touches him...


I jumps back and my eyes widen, looking at my hand in fright. "HOLY CRAP WHAT HAVE I DONE?!" I exclaim, eyes huge as I stumble back. Saber looks up at me from where I had left her, meeping gently. "I DIDNT MEAN TO ACTUALLY DO THAT! HOW'D I JUST-?!"

There's laughing from behind me and I spin around to find the Military guy hugging his stomach, doubled over, laughing almost hysterically. "OH, I got you GOOD, son!" He bellows and I slowly laugh as well, then just laugh normally and shake my head.

"Weeping Angels are fictional. Don't exist."

The man winks. "You sure about that?" He asks and I feel my jaw fall open.

"You're just joshing me. They couldn't possibly exist." I retort, but the gleam on the mans eye makes me want to take that statement back. I swallow hard and decide to play nice now.

The man goes and checks the cooking food, before looking back at me. "So... Tyler, is it?"

"Yes, sir." I say with a British salute and the man rolls his eyes.

"Don't get cocky." He warns and I drop my hand quickly. "Now, what was she making for you? It looks like some kinda broth for your dragon, and sausages for you, right?" He asks.

"As far as I knew, she was just making chicken broth for Saber... She apparently was in the fridge and nearly froze."

Saber nods quietly at that, shuddering in fright. 'Fridge bad...' Her terrified look says.

The man nods, chuckling softly before continuing what Shara had begun, humming to himself. He'd glance over at me and Saber periodically, like he was worried she and I were going to jump train or something. I gently rub Saber's belly, worried about what we have coming in store.

"So..." The Military Man comments.

"Yes, sir?" I ask, looking at him as he looks over.

"What's your dragons name? Has she shown any tendencies for anything?" He asks. "Does she have any weaknesses that we should know about? Power failure? Hunting issues? Mobility concerns?" He dead-stares me, frowning.

Ah, Sugah and creme, this hit the fan hard. "Uh... Not that I know of... And her name is Saber..."

"Ugh, Star Wars..."

I blink and frown. "Uh, no, I was meditating and I felt a push, then that name just came in my head." I retort, and he gags.

He sets the tasting spoon down quickly. "Did you just say that you heard her while meditating?! At such a young age, that should be impossible!... Well... She seems... Different... Than other light dragons we've seen in S-11... Maybe she's a new breed, who knows... We'll be watching her..."

Why does that not sit very well in my gut? I nod faintly, holding Saber close and stroking her neck gently. She peeps and looks up at me with those big, pretty eyes, and I sorta zone. I come to as Military Man Baps me in the head, frowning slightly.

"You listenin' rookie?" He grunts and I nod.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm listening, sure!" I chirp, rubbing my head softly. "I'm just a bit in shock still, I guess... I mean, with this... Everything... Happening to me... It's sort of overwhelming me a bit... I'm scared... God damn it, I'm terrified."

The mans eyes soften a bit. "You sound just like your father, the day he met me..." He says quietly and I look up.

"Which father?" I ask, part agitated, part curious.

"Robert." The man says and I shut my eyes, forcing myself not to remember. My past forces me...

--- FLASHBACK: 11 years earlier ---

"Tyler... Tyler wake up, bud!" A voice calls and I grunt, brushing away the hand on my shoulder.

"Five more minutes..." I moan, shifting a bit and then yelping and jumping up as a pillow bashes my face. I'M BEING ATTACKED BY BABY PENGUINS! COUNTER-OFFENSE!

I raise my pillow as my mother - my real, biological mother- Vanessa, laughs and brandishes two pillows. I frown playfully. "Not fair, momma! I want two pillows!" I whine and she giggles before tossing me a small one, before it becomes a flurry of pillows whacking each other, laughter echoing.

I look at her after the pillow fight ends and smile. "Love you, momma..."

"I love you, too, Tye-Dye." She whispers softly and brushes some hair from my face. "That red spot of hair really is quite big now..." She comments with a smile. She had an identical slash of red over her right eye, just like mine. We called it the Like Mother, Like Son Mark.

"Just as big as yours, momma?" I ask, excited that I was growing up to resemble my mother. She softly laughs and nods. I grin widely and hug her, giggling loudly. "Yyaaaaaaaaasssssssss!"

She makes a gentle humming sound and strokes my head. "You know what Friday is?" She asks, and I nod eagerly. It was the day that a man came home from Afghanistan in four years. Normally, there would be a welcome party...

But it's my dad whose finally coming home. I was about five when he left. Now I'm eight, going on nine. He probably won't even recognize me, how much I've grown! I grin at the thought and hum happily. "Daddy comes home on Friday! I hope that he likes the parade!..." I start, grinning, when there's a knock.

Vanessa kisses my forehead. "Can you go see who that is, Tyler? I need to get dressed." She says and I nod eagerly, wondering if maybe Robert was going to be home early, like a surprise thing! I love surprises! I race down the stairway and pull the door open.

Whose this?...

A man was standing there in his black dress uniform, with a white hat on his head. With him were two other people, a man and a woman, who look at me. I stare back, not sure what was going on, and the man in front kneels down.

For some reason, I don't want him to talk. The sadness in his eyes. The faint quiver of his hands as he gently pats my shoulder. Something must have happened. "Son... I'm afraid I have some bad news..." He says, then mom shows up behind me.

The others slowly salute.

--- END of FLASHBACK ---

I come to in the room I had broken out of with Saber, curled up in a tight ball, with a blanket over me. My shirt was crumpled in my fists, and my eyes and cheeks stung. My chest was really sore, and I realize I'm crying.

'Meep.... Meep!...." I hear and sniff, blinking and looking up slightly, finding Saber sitting there, looking frightened. She crawls up to me and nuzzles me softly, concern emanating from her, and I unclasp my fists, pulling Saber close and shuddering. "I... I'm sorry if I... I s-scared you, Saber..."

'Meee...' She murmurs softly back, licking my cheek softly, head against mine and eyes closed. I feel a pull trying to bring me to sleep, and, despite the smell of sausage near me, I willingly let myself fall into an uneasy sleep, cuddling up to Saber and sniffling meekly, shivering.

--- Dream ---

I open my eyes and I'm in someone's arms. I slowly look up and smile weakly, Saber smiling softly back down to me. "Hey, Saber..."

"Don't speak, Rothai... Just relax... Relax..." She says softly, stroking my jaw, and I find that I can't resist. I sigh gently, loosening slightly.

"You're beautiful..." I say quietly after a moment.

Saber shyly looks away. "You say that a lot."

"That doesn't make it any more true..." I retort softly and smile. "You ARE beautiful. Live with it."

She lets out a gently, musical laugh and nuzzles me gently. "Rothai, you're too nice..."

"Never can be too nice." I reply, nuzzling her back. I feel that weirdo warmth in my chest from her and chuckle. "Saber, you know that you're my queen, and I'll always give to you first, before I give to myself. You know that, sweetheart." I whisper gently, smiling warmly.

Saber apparently isn't immune to the Landin charm. "Tyler..." She purrs quietly, staring down into my eyes. I stare politely back into hers, and somehow I look away and I'm holding Saber close, who was sitting in my lap, resting her head against my chest, tracing shapes and patterns on my chest softly.

"You know, Saber... I'm really thinking that I'm getting used to this, already... You, me, together... It's like... It's like a really deep relationship..." I say quietly and she looks up into my eyes, her gold eyes holding a curious gleam in them that I don't recognize.

"Mmmhm?" She says quietly and I gently trace her jaw, not knowing why, but she purrs loudly and her grip on me tightens.

"You're my missing piece... You complete me like no one else could..." I whisper gently, smiling down at her purring, shivering self. "You like me doing this?"

Saber purrs louder and shifts, drawing her jawline across my hand gently, like a cat begging for attention. "Don't stop~ please?" She whines softly and I chuckle, stroking her jaw softly and I gently kiss her forehead.

"I'm glad that you chose me, Saber... I don't know where I'd be-"

Saber presses a finger against my lips. "Rider, shhh." She says quietly. "Don't say that..."

I gently remove her finger and take her hand in mine. I just hold her hand, wondering what the future held. Maybe I won't have to dream to see Saber as a beautiful woman such as herself. But, till then, I don't mind waking to the equally beautiful dragoness.

Saber watches me, then smirks. "Rider, naughty naughty, you got caught..." She purrs, shaking her head. "But lets leave something not to the imagination." She purrs quietly by my ear before I feel a talon gently against my jaw, and her eyes are a bit wild and untame. "You won't tame me. I will be wild..." She says softly, then smirks and looks up. "Wakey Wakey, Rothai, we have a spotlight role to play!" She says and grins.


I gasp and jolt awake to Saber smirking at me, waving her paw. Oh, she is so funny. She best be glad she's cute. I glare playfully before noticing Military man standing in the doorway. "We're here... And since you're allergic to the sedative..." He pulls out a pair of black sunglasses. "How good are you at playing blind Billionaire?" I grin.

The doors of the train open. I stumble theatrically into the train station. "OUI, BOYS! BOYS! WHERE ARE YOU, BOYS?!" I cry, waving an arm. "I'll have you know that I will lay off the last person to assist me, and cut their family from my business! I don't make three billion a year from nothing!"

The military man and five others come out, Saber in a cat carrier. Unfortunately non-negotiable. A shame. "EASY WITH MRS ROBINSON! I CAN HEAR YOU RATTLING THE CARRIER FROM HERE!"

"Deepest apologies sir! Won't happen again, Mr. Moriarty." Military man says, striding along.

Saber could be felt glaring in my direction. I can guess she's thinking 'I hate you' over and over.

"No you don't..." I whisper and she meeps. I smirk and keep going, blabbing and complaining until I'm properly guided towards an awaiting black, obviously armored GMC SUV with tinted windows.

And there were four others. I frown as I get in and the guards get in the one ahead of mine, but as some others get in the fourth one, someone rolls the window down and say something, and the guards go and cram in with me, looking quite unimpressed.

I decide to ask. "What's up with the frowns? Something wrong?" I ask and the guy looks over at me.

"No. Nothing is wrong... Just out other recruit is in the fourth car. Nothing to worry about." He says in a controlled tone. What's up with the bite, Bucky boy?

I shrink a bit, cuddling back into the backrest of the seat, closing my eyes and taking a slow breath. I could feel my heart racing and focus on Saber, promising myself that this would all end for the best. For both me and Saber. I just wasn't sure how...

I gently open the Cat Carrier and hug Saber close, eyes squeezed closed. Her heart was beating fast deep in her. I could feel it so clearly, likely we were both scared. I soon realize, even though I was calm, I was scared, not sure exactly where we were going.

I watch the car ahead of us, and I can't help but think about Deadpool, how he had dropped inside a car through the sunroof. I find myself silently pleading that he was real, and that the dirty, somewhat offensive, yet awesome guy in red tights would ruin the party.

Unfortunately, it doesn't happen. I sit in a stuffy, cramped SUV with six or so heavily armed guards and three other cars full of guards, and a car with a second 'Recruit' in it, making me worry that, if I were to launch an attack, that they'd be directly harmed.

I groan inwardly at my situation, stroking Saber's neck softly. 'We're in the losing end of things, Saber... Please tell me you have a plan or something... Please... If you can hear me... Show me somehow...' I think, pleading that she somehow hears me, desperate for some sort of hope.

I grunt faintly as she pokes my chest with a talon. I look down as she starts tracing something. That's when I realize something, when she peeps. She'd drawn a circle, with a backwards S and two smaller dots on each opening of the S. The Ying and Yang symbol.

She was sending me a sign! She had heard me, and was telling me to be Ying and Yang. Peace. She was telling me to lay low and abide for the time being. She understood me! I smile at her and whisper gently. "Okay... Loud and clear, my little friend."

Saber purrs cheerfully and kneads her talons into my jacket, humming loudly. She looks up into my eyes and purrs louder, a warm feeling in my chest. I chuckle and playfully scratch her jaw, making her collapse and shudder happily. "Aw... You are so cute, aren't you? Sabey the baby-"

Saber didnt like the nickname, a squeal sounding out as she clamps down on my finger, before a second squeal joins mine. Saber gags and spits, whining loudly and two men by me grab Saber roughly, tossing her in the carrier and slamming the door. "How dare you bite him?!"

"Easy, easy! I teased her and she didn't like it. Lay off, gentlemen." I snap and pull Saber out, curling up in my seat to hold her close, cooing softly and stroking her chin. "Don't listen to them, Saber, sweetheart, if I get out of line, do remind me of it." I whisper gently.

I feel Saber nuzzle into my chest, whining and shuddering in fright, whimpering, and I feel a sad tug as I remember my old guitar I used to have. I'm an amazing guitarist, and I wish I had it right now. I wanted to calm her.

I settle for singing instead, keeping my voice gentle and quite. Saber looks up at me, quietly listening.

"I've got my memories
Always inside of me
But I can't go back
Back to how it was...

I believe that now
That I've come too far
So I can't go back
Back to how I was..."

Saber gently purrs and I smile, stroking her jaw as I continue. I get through the song, and Saber was staring deep in my eyes, and I feel an intense flame in my chest. I smile and hug her close.

Maybe, just maybe... This won't be too bad...


Hey, guys, what's up? Yep, I'm doing well, and I'll be working on editing and finishing the next chapter. Till then...

and above all...


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