26: Solstice

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The End is not Ready. The End is not Coming. The End is not Welcome.

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//Writer.EXE has Failed, or Stopped Working. Do you wish to restart?


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Hello there, it's me. I know that this is not what you were expecting from this book. I know there are quite a few who are likely going to be greatly surprised by what the end of this story will come to be. I'm sorry. I returned to this site and all I found was pain from the Blindside. This plotline has caused me no good, but simply a great illness spiritually. I've asked around with friends, family, and close acquaintances, and they all say the similarity of one thing. All things, good or bad, must be put to rest. Now, let me put some things to rest before we put the casket in the ground.

Tyler and Saber will be coming back. They are coming back. When is Unknown. How is Unknown. Where is Unknown. All that is Known, is that they will be back. And hopefully in full potential like I was hoping to see come to fruition with the person(s) that I was writing within this endeavor. Which brings me to the next part.

To the one I started this adventure with, who I will leave unnamed for your sake and out of the remaining kindness of my beliefs and nature.

Wherever I went wrong...

Whenever I strayed inaccurately...

You could have told me, then and there. You once told me that you wanted some tips to be a better writer. Well, here is one. Voice yourself when you're seeing something that isn't within a certain parameter; with the setting and lore of the situation. If there are discrepancies, then do not be silent. Explain these issues to the individual. Do not let them wallow in the errors. Do not cut them off. It simply intensifies the issues at hand, and in the end, causes Rifts and Faultlines to form. A Rift, a Faultline, that -in the end- I want to close.

I don't know if you'll see this.

I don't know if I even care at this point.

But I forgive you. I forgive you for what came to be taken cold, harsh, and very inconsiderate.

I'm not saying who you are. I'm not saying any of it.

You will know, when and if you ever look.

This is my forgiveness.

This is my reconciliation.

This is my apology.

This is The End.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tyler Landin------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The phone in my hand never connects the call. It simply shows "Dialing..." before a notification appears in the bottom center of the screen. "Call could not be Connected." and it goes back to the welcome screen. I stare down at the device in disbelief, blinking for a moment. I had full signal, it should have gone through. I frown, before sighing and turning it off. I tilt my head back a bit and take a breath, gazing at the roof of the truck I was in. Still steadily driving along, driver and passenger still muffled and bickering. I listen to the vague bickers and smirk faintly as the Driver remarks how "talking to you makes me feel like I'm an old lady at a Knitt-Off". I don't catch the response, just chuckling and shaking my head.

I have to admit... Maybe this wasn't gonna be so bad. The Wolves. Man, now I was going to get to see why that saying was even real. Being "Thrown to the Wolves". Maybe this wasn't gonna be all that bad... But like hell, I wasn't going to go out without a nice fight. I look around my surroundings, before looking to my ankle cuffs that held my feet in chains to the support beam in the middle of the truck-bed. Tilting my head a bit, an idea floats into my head. I was a Light Dragon Rider. I had seen what Mardu could do, what my dad could do. I look to my hands, taking a soft breath and let it out, before doing what I can to reach for the power that I once felt. The feeling of the tug in my gut awakens it, and I feel a weak current of power. What remained of my power from Saber.

What remained of my little Dragoness.

I hold back my tears as I make a sort of finger-gun, sighting it by my thumb to aim at the metal chain connected to my feet, and the bar. I move my finger back, focusing on the power remaining and consolidating it to a pinpoint spot on my pointer finger. Readying myself to unleash. I knew that, when I did this, I would have, at most, twenty seconds before they notice the fact I freed myself. I would have to get the door open in that time as well. Raising my other hand, I open my fingers and splay them, doing a sort of Iron man pose while crouched. 'Please, whatever god overlooks stupid stunts... Bless me with good luck...'

With that, I let the power surge outward, pushing my thumb into my pointer finger, and everything goes white. There's a shudder of my surroundings, then an exclamation from in the cabin of the truck and I grunt as the truck stops swiftly, throwing me into the metallic wall. Oh, damn it, I'm an idiot! I hadn't made sure that the Camera in the corner was off first! Grunting in pain, I get to my feet swiftly and look out the door. I'm able to hear the driver and passenger stumbling out, the sound of a rifle being loaded. Grabbing the chains I cut off, I grip them in my hold and crouch as they move to the back, and the instant I see their shadows; I act.

Launching out as the rifle comes peeking around the corner, I wrap one part of the chain around it, yanking it down and to the side, firing into the asphalt road surface. The Guard looks surprised by the move, and tries to pull me in with his grip, before I launch from landing on the ground into him, Rifle, Rider and Guard going tumbling down the embankment. Stars flash as my head hits a rock, the guard grunting as he bonks his head with his own rifle, and when we get to the bottom, we skate across the icy surface at the ground for a short moment, coming to a stop with the rifle in the chains I had in my grasp, the guard not too far away from me... But far enough.

The biting cold wind whips across the ice, chilling me to the bone swiftly as I struggle into a kneeling position, yanking the rifle into my hands and gripping the chain in one hand, rifle in the other, leveling it with the Guard across from me, before hearing a yell of the Driver. "TYLER, DON'T!"

Looking back to him, he was holding a small handgun, but I knew I was well in his range. "Don't do it, Tyler! Put the weapon down!"

"What's the point?... I'm going to die anyway, right?" I call back, the Driver looking rather conflicted. "That's what's gonna happen, isn't it?... I'm gonna die from the Wolves."

"Now, listen here-"

"No... You listen here. I'm going to go my own way. You're going to forget you ever saw me, and you're going to let me go my own way." I call back. "The transport was attacked, and despite your best efforts... You failed to protect me, and I was grabbed."

"It's not that easy, Tyler!..."

"Isn't it?" I retort, before using my chain to dig into the ice and skid back slightly, pushing myself backward towards the other part of the rocky beach, watching the two carefully. "Let me go, boys... I don't want to have to shoot... Just let me go..." I demand, and the Driver grimaces, before he lowers his gun. "Good, good... Thank you. I hope you boys get home safely... Aidue, gents."

I get to the beach, getting onto my feet and turning slightly, moving up and heading for the large embankment, thankful that the Driver didn't gun me down. At least he had half a mind to just let someone go, but I have to admit... This seems too easy. I glance back, and my eyes widen as I see a third figure by the truck. A figure that had been waiting behind the other door, one with a high-powered rifle. I dive forward for the embankment before a loud boom sounds out, and my body suddenly ignites in agony. Searing pain lashes and stabs itself up my side, warmth immediately blossoming along my hip, shock gripping me as I take a gasp of air.

Pushing myself harder at that, I clamber over the embankment and run as best I can, adrenaline pounding through me as I hold my side, stumbling and running for the treeline, breathing hard. 'Shit... th-they shot me!... Oh, hell, they shot me!' I think, grimacing in pain and managing to make the trees before the third male gets to the ridge and starts firing into the trees. Bark flies off of the nearby evergreens as bullets flash past me, and I manage to get far enough in that the spruce trees hide me from sight. I hear a loud curse as I keep running as hard as I could, stumbling as I nearly trip over a large root cluster and staggering forward a bit more slowly, breath heaving out of me.

My legs... my arms... They felt so heavy... It was getting so hard to keep going. My side was so warm, pain thumping from the wound. My shirt was stained a deep red, it was almost like a deep rose color... It was almost beautiful. I shake my head, clearing my murky thoughts and slogging forward through the snow, before finding a spot to hide, grunting as I fall back into the small opening, shuddering and shivering as my heart flutters and sputters. The weak sunlight filtering through the trees, it looked like it was coming through a haze. A misty veil that was obscuring something from my vision. I let out a soft, shaking exhalation before my eyes widen as a shape appears in the trees, a familiar shape.


That voice... That voice, that song-like voice.

"S... S-Saber?..." I stutter softly, shock starting to set in swiftly. I had to be hallucinating... Too much blood loss? I stare towards the Dragoness coming towards me, her soothing eyes holding a soft warmth as she smiled softly to me. "B-B-But y-you're d-d-d-d-dead?..."

"I may be so... But there comes a time... When you must be a guide to your loved ones..." Saber whispers softly, and I blink softly, realizing how tired I was starting to feel, how weak I was starting to become. My heart was softly fluttering in my ears, breath shallow and rattling. "You tried to escape, Rider... You tried... But it's okay. It's okay, because it's over... It's all over, Tyler..."

"I... I'm dying?..." I realize, looking away and down to the wound in my side, surprised by the fact the snow was already stained with red. "I... I... I fa-failed, S-S-Saber... I failed t-t-t-to protect you... I faile-d-d-d to keep u-u-us safe, I... I p-p-promised you..."

"Hush, my Rider... it's alright... Everything is going to be okay. Relax, my Rider, just relax..." She whispers softly, bowing her head to gaze into my eyes. "It's time, Saeflien... It's time to come home..." I softly move my hand from my side and weakly reach out to brush her snout, my vague surprise being swept away as my hand brushes across her jaw. "Let go, Tyler... Let's go home..."

10 Minutes Later:
Jason Michaels

"I got a bloodtrail! The kid went this way!" I call out to Riley and James, jogging through the snow, following the red drops of snow as it staggers along through the trees. The kid went a pretty impressive distance for the injury he took from my Rifle. I almost wish he hadn't dived into the shot. It was supposed to be a warning shot, it was supposed to miss! I grip my bag strap as I hurry forward, hoping to find the kid before it was too late. "It's getting more apparent up here!... I think I see something!"

I surge forward at the sight of the trail turning up ahead, before I stop cold at the corner that it took, my heart falling heavily. I couldn't see the kid, but I could see a foot sticking out of a small indentation in a nearby tree-root growth. Moving over, I call out softly. "Tyler?... Tyler Landin, i'm going to come to you. I'm not going to hurt you, please respond..." And I keep moving forward, heart falling more as no response comes. I stop at what I see, falling to one knee. "No, no, no, come on, no!..." I growl softly, grasping the boys arm gently and feeling how cold he already had become. I try to find a pulse on his neck, anything for a sign of life. Sitting back after a minute, I close my eyes and rest my head in my hand.

He was gone...

"Guys... Come to my signal location... Call off the med-evac. He's dead." I hoarsely state over my radio to the two, who arrive shortly by my side, Riley going to one knee and looking devastated.

"He didn't deserve a death like this..." Riley whispers. "... He didn't deserve this..."

"I didn't mean to shoot him... I was aiming to miss... Why the hell did he dive into it?!..." I murmur, before noticing something in his hand, curled into his chest. I softly reach forward and pull it free, before looking at it. The exposure was a little wonky, but I could clearly see what it was. Tyler Landin was smiling brightly, a small feminine dragoness cradled in his arms. She was giving one goofy grin, and they looked like they were the happiest souls to exist. I smile weakly, before shaking my head as I look to the others. "Come on, let's get a stretcher worked up... We're taking him back to Alpha..."

"Copy that... It didn't have to be like this, kid... I'm sorry..." Riley whispers, and I gently close his eyes. Carrying him out of the woods, it was almost as if the forest fell silent. As if it knew what happened... As if it knew that innocence was lost. And as we drove back, sitting in the back with the fallen Rider, I couldn't help but look to the horizon...

And I could swear I saw that kid and his dragoness... flying into the darkening sky... vanishing into the sunset upon the horizon.

"...God speed, kid... God speed."


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