23: Betrayal (End Game Part 1)

When the lights went out, I knew things would be bad...

The banging, the whispering, it all got louder as I slowly pressed my back up against the bathroom wall, Hairbrush raised and ready to strike out as the sounds grow louder. I hear the door break, and I swing the brush as hard as I can, and I actually hit something.


"DUDE!" Lewis yells in surprise, holding his right eye and gritting his teeth. "WATCH IT, I WAS TRYING TO GET YOU TO OPEN UP BEFORE YOU GOT IN THE FRIGGEN SHOWER!"

"Holy crap, I am so sorry! I didn't mean to try Braining you with a Brush!" I exclaim and drop the hairbrush while he pushes some toilet paper to the small gash over his eye I made. "W-Why do you need to get me to open the door?" I ask, and he holds out a slip of paper.

"Some weirdo Dark Brotherhood, Skyrim Edition guy came to me and told me to give this to you..." He says with a huff. "Jackass even stuck me with a dagger just about to 'Motivate' me to get it to you fast..." He adds, and I take the slip of paper with a frown, opening it and reading it slowly.

'Dear Tyler Landin,

I am Kieth, leader of the Liberation Front, of which your Girlfriend is a part of. I am aware that she informed you of our existence, so the pleasantries must be cast aside until we can likely, formally meet. We have been working to liberate and save the lives of countless Dragons and their Riders for years, Fox and Blagden, as well as Caedrienth and the Fire Dragoness Ember, being prime examples of this work. We are forty dragons strong, and very willing to bring you into our ranks. However, I must make a request if you do attempt to join us. There are two Files that I need from the S-11 Archive System. Our best hackers cannot breach it, and there is no way that we can get in. But, as Fox has told me, you are willing to come to us.

I know that I must sound desperate, Tyler, and know that I am. These files are very important to the continued assistance and rescue of Dragon Riders like you and Fox, and abandoned Dragons like Ember. I am truly sorry for your recent loss, Saber was a stunning and very bright young Dragoness. Drako is devastated by this occurrence, himself, and has asked that you be brought to us so that he may attempt to at least give you some comfort of Saber's loss. This is why we need you to steal the files from Sector Eleven for us, Tyler. Tonight.

They will not expect you.

Your father has been ordered to have you sent to the Wolves. He is the enemy now. They all are.

Come to us, Tyler. Steal the files, and give yourself and ourselves a fighting chance to bring S-11 down the right way.

Yours in kinship and trust,

Kieth, Leader of Liberation Front'

"Well, what does it say? Kinda deserve to know, 'cause of the Brushing Assault." Lewis grumbles, and I take a small breath.

"It's just a letter from... from a good friend," I say quietly and shake my head. "Nothing much more than that." Lewis raises an eyebrow, then nods softly. I can see the disbelief. The mistrust. Was Kieth right? I inwardly frown, then smile sheepishly. "Anyway... Thank you for getting this to me. I gotta get going..." I state and take my jacket from the door hanger, sliding it on and nodding. "Be seeing you, Lewis~" I add with a grin, before heading out the bedroom, leaving Lewis looking confused and uncertain.

"Yeah... S-See ya?..." He calls out, before frowning. Something was wrong with this, and I have a feeling as I walk away that he knows what I'm going to do. However, it doesn't strike me as something to worry about. I don't have to worry about anything. I just have to prepare for tonight.


I look over my bed calmly, admiring the fruits of my theivery and bartering. I had gotten a black jacket, black combat jeans, some slip and squeak resistant sneakers, and two ammunition belts. I also was able to steal two Colt .45 Revolvers and enough ammo to take on half of Sector Eleven. I take a small breath and calmly start loading the Revolvers. As I do, I think of all the different people that I lost, all the friends that I miss, and the realization that my Father had put me to be killed by these "Wolves". My own father, so ready to just make me bite a bullet. I won't let that happen, not for a second.

I can't help but think about what I'm about to do. I am about to become the Enemy. I'm about to shoot up a military base. I'm about to go and steal files for someone who I don't even know, that my Girlfriend works with to free Dragons and their Riders. And here it is, my Dragon is dead, my father wants me dead, and I feel dead. Too much dead in my favor. I finish loading the first Revolver and load the second, continuing my planning.

The File Room was likely guarded by armed guards, and undoubtedly is trapped so that no one does what I'm about to do. Whatever it would come out to be, I was going to be sure to get past those Traps and get the files. For Saber. For Riley. Sector 11 kept a homicidal drunk bonded to a Dragon who deserved better... And he killed Drako... and through Drako, he killed my Dragon. And now they want me off, too. Cleaning loose ends, I think?

Thinking no further of what I am about to do, I slide on the black jacket and combat jeans, sliping on the Sneakers and strapping the twin revolvers to my hip, strapping on the twin ammunition bandolier straps, and I look to the clock on the wall. 23 hundred hours. Most everyone is asleep. Most everyone is unaware.

Which left me free to exact the plan, and exact my vengence.

'Saber, you will be avenged. I will make them feel as I do. I will not forget you.'

With that thought, I move from my bedroom and walk out of the house, locking the door one final time and slipping the keys into a pot by the door. Turning around to face the pathway to the main commons, I take a breath and look ahead, crouching as I move into the shadows. It wasn't long until I came upon the first of many Dragon Rider Guards, this one a Sand Dragon Rider by his crome-brown eyes. I grip the barrel of my Colt, and leap from the shadows as he looks boredly at his watch, walking to pass me by fully, and I land a harsh strike to his forehead, the Rider grunting like he was asking a question, and flops forward onto his face.

Flipping my colt back over, I holster it and crouch, slipping his handgun from the holster and checking it with one hand, before flipping and flicking it into my other hand. Fully loaded and cleared to fire. I pull the male's radio off his belt as well and push the earbud into my ear softly, listening to the Guards talking nonchalantly about recent happenings.

Moving towards the Commons, I keep quiet, watching how much sound I make and keeping to the shadows. It doesn't take much longer to get to the main Intelligence building, crouching out in the back of the building, near the back door, which was propped open with a box, a Lance Corporal standing outside fiddling with his phone and smoking a dart. I frown slightly, then notice something as I move forward, and I almost snort in laughter before I bring my pistol down on his head to knock him out.

The man was wearing a shirt that read 'Keep Calm, Chive On' with a large chive instead of the Crown. What kind of shirt is that? I shake my head and move over him, checking my surroundings. Thankfully, I keep to the shadows enough to not draw attention to myself. However, the thing about that? Shadows only last so long, and it isn't long before I find a spot that I just can't hide in.

A very long hallway, with lights every few feet. Next to no shadows at all, and those are miniscule at that. I frown and slip the two pistols out, moving as quickly and as quietly as I could. I could sense it, the place I needed to get to wasn't far now. I just had to get down this hall, through those two doors, and take a right, I know it!

"Tyler? What are you doing out this late?... And... Why are you-"

I spin around, one handgun rising as I sight up to the nearest Light and fire, a low BANG! sounding and the light is blown out, the shimmering outline of a familiar Light Dragon appearing. Mardu. "TYLER, WHAT IN TARNATION ARE YOU DOING, BOY?!"

"I don't have to explain myself to you... Or dad... or anyone here... I'm just a write off to you all... Just a Dragon Rider with no dragon..." I scoff, aiming at Mardu with both pistols. "And you come here, probably wanting to talk sense into me, or blast me with light, or something like that? Huh? Daddy's orders?"

"What are you thinking? Whoever told you that is wrong... You're my Rider's CHILD, Tyler! You were my daughter's Rider! You are worth far more than anything I could ever have in my life besides Bobbie!" Mardu snaps, and I scowl more. "Please, Tyler... Whatever you're about to do... Don't do it... Please, lay the guns down..."

"You're afraid... You're afraid, Mardu... Afraid of the fact that I'm unpredictable now... And you have nothing to use against me. Saber, dead... Fox, gone... Justin..." I take a breath at that. I'd found out about their situation only the day before, not even hours after saying that I'd see him tomorrow.

I never got to say goodbye.

"Tyler... please... Don't do this..." Mardu pleads, and I take aim with the other handgun, letting out a small breath. My finger feathers the trigger, before I turn the gun away at the last second, another bang sounding and a lamp goes explosive, the Light vanishing in a large section and Mardu jerks back, hissing in apparent panic. "PLEASE! TYLER, DON'T DO THIS! THINK ABOUT YOUR FATHER! THINK ABOUT YOUR FAMILY!" He begs as I turn away, moving towards the doors when I hear a bang and the sound of a richocete.

I dive for the nearby doors, rolling onto my back and firing back twice, the Guard yelling in pain as he gets struck in the waist and knee, spinning and falling backwards onto his chest, Mardu yelling in alarm. I don't listen to what he has to say, scrambling to my feet and running as fast as I could.


Mardu could only watch in horror as Tyler fires at the guards, wounding one of them and then running for the doors, bursting past them and vanishing from his sight. He felt a horrible pain in his heart at that, seeing Tyler run away. He felt like he had caused the boy to run. He didn't understand it, why did Tyler not care about him? About Bobbie? He looks to the Guard, making sure his wounds weren't life-threatening before he looks up faintly. 'Bobbie... I've failed... Tyler is going to reach the Document Room...'

'Then we just have to be there to stop him... We can't let him get those files... Mardu, we can't let him help them... We can't lose him, either... There has to be some way...'

And as Mardu looks back, thinking of things, all the way to the very first day he met Tyler on the Train coming to Alaska Base... He gets an idea.

Part one of the end.

Part two to be published soon.

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