22: The Whispering
I sit quietly, dark hair falling over my right eye as I stare at the floor. The sun was shining brightly today, yet its warmth was lost to me. It did not come over me in comfort and relaxation. It's warm, radiant rays were like ghosts to me, washing over and through me as I sat in my chair quietly. Around me, people were chattering and laughing as they started their day. Justin and Caedmon were talking with Merman quietly, joking and laughing, Lewis walking around talking with other Recruits about their uniforms and things, and it was quite like I didn't exist. Like I was a Ghost. It was just another day for them, one that they'll groan and mutter about by the end.
Not for me.
I gently turn my arm over, staring down at the black tattoo running along its length, eyes filling with pain and grief as I stare longingly down at the beautiful marking. I remember not so long ago, how it swirled and danced. How it glowed so beautifully. When I felt the thoughts of another, so sweet and loving, brush against mine whenever I touched it. When the Tattoo actually meant something. A beautiful voice from an equally beautiful Dragon speaking so softly within my mind, calling for me to wake up. A loving smile greeting me in the morning, and when I got home from training. I remember it all like it was yesterday...
Well, it was yesterday.
Today, I am numb. I feel nothing. The world goes by, and I find no interest in following along with its flow. I find no intrigue, no motivation to do what I loved to do. I find no fascination in what once intrigued me. My dark green eyes gently glance up as someone touches my shoulder, and I see Justin looking down at me with a small, comforting smile. "Hey..."
I just smile a little, not really able to get my voice to work. No words would even amount to a small Hello. Not today. I couldn't even bring myself to nod, which, folks, is pretty sad. Justin sits down gently beside me, looking down for a moment as he seems to think of what to say. Just that alone gave me some kind of comfort. Someone, besides Caedrienth, Ember, and Mardu, cared that Saber was dead.
"I heard about Saber." He starts, then looks at me. "I am so... so sorry..." Justin whispers and touches my shoulder. "She was a great little dragon. So mature and proud of herself."
I look over at him, his glowing purple eyes filled with the same sadness as my green eyes, the same pain. They held his condolences, his comfort, and yet, I could only stare blankly at him. Like I was just disconnected from the world, and he was saying something foreign. He smiles comfortingly and gently runs his hand over to my back, rubbing there, and I look at the ground again.
"She was rather beautiful, too. Kind and compassionate. You and her saved Cade and I. We won't forget it. We won't forget her. I know that we weren't partners for very long, and we burned pretty bad when in contact, but... I can say this with certainty." He says, and I look up at him again. "Being partners with you and Saber.... You two are, by far, the coolest Partners I could ever ask for."
Damn you, Justin. You're melting a broken heart. I smile softly at him as I gently move and place a hand on his shoulder, squeezing it gently. Did he really feel that way? We sit there for a long moment, smiling like two idiots for a moment before he gets up.
"I got to get going. I'll see you later, alright, Partner?" He asks, and I nod softly, watching as he and Caedmon hurry out. The door closes behind them, and I come to find that I'm alone in the Barracks. All was quiet, the only sound being the small squeak of a mouse inside the wall as it hurried along. I was all alone again.
I slowly lean back and watch the sun as it rises up a bit further on the horizon, making it seem like a dark orange-yellow ball rolling across the hills in the distance. I slightly smile and watch the sunrise. Saber would have loved to see this. How it was just gracing the ground, and made it seem so beautiful, the orange color rippling off of it from the haze in the distance. Slowly, I work myself to my feet, shuffling over to the window, and I stare at the sunrise for a good few minutes. The beeping of my old alarm clock wakes me from my stupor, and I look over at my old bunk and cabinet. Moving over to my old sleeping space, I run my hand over the dusty cabinet and slide open the top drawer carefully.
Lying within it was several photos, a few bits of jewelry from Saber stealing and hoarding them, and a large gold coin from god knows who. Gently, I move the pictures out and hold them, shuffling them and then looking down at them as a small smirk forms on my face. I stare down the pictures, several of them with Bobby and I, a few with Mardu and I, and the last four with Saber alone. My eyes brighten as I stare longingly down at her. One was when Saber fired off her first Light-Burst, accidentally roasting a Forest Dragon's buttocks. Smirking, I laugh softly as I remember the started yell. We had laughed for a week at the look on his face. Then there was one of Saber with her first Christmas, a Santa Claus hat hanging off of her head and her muzzle stuffed in her Stocking, a look of confusion and shock on her face as she realized that she shouldn't have the sock on her face. Another was of Saber, Drako, and I. Guess who was making bunny-ears behind Drako?
This guy, that's who.
The last picture was the best. Saber grins up at me, a devious light in her eyes and with her head tilted softly and ears flopped on her head cutely. That was the time we had figured out that the Kitchens were locked by a keypad, and thanks to Saber being able to use Ultraviolet light, we figured out the keycode and busted in. We ate pretty heavy that night. Cake, cookies, pizza, bacon, we were hamming it up more than the Spiral cut Honey Ham. I laugh softly as I remember Saber looking at me with her frosting-covered face, asking me what she was eating 'exactly'. I smile sadly, chuckling at the thought as I stroke my thumb over her picture. "Oh, Saber... I miss you, so much." I whisper. "I really wish I hadn't forbidden you from seeing Drako in the first place... Maybe you and he would still be alive... If I hadn't done it... Both of you..." I whisper weakly, sitting down heavily on my bed.
I stare at the photos sadly, wishing that Saber would just come into the Barracks. Wishing she would tell me she's okay. That it wasn't my fault. To say that this was all just a screwy dream, and I should wake up, cause I'm late for muster. Yet, it fails to happen. I feel a tear fall down my cheek slowly, but I don't wipe it away, falling still as I listen to the silence around me. The subtle creek of the building as it warms in the sunlight. A quiet squeak as a mouse calls out to its young somewhere in the walls. I close my eyes and embrace the silence, taking in its still solitude, taking a breath, before I squeal loudly like a little girl as a sudden, blaring sound tears the silence to nothing.
I grab my phone and answer it quickly, panting as it did indeed scare the daylights out of me for a moment there. "Hello?..." I call and smile softly as I hear a familiar voice.
"Hey, babe, it's me..." Fox says softly, and I relax a bit. "Thank the goddess..."
I smile a bit and purr. "Hey, Fox, hun~ How are you?" I ask softly, and she gives a tired sounding chuckle, then speaks.
"Tyler, I need you to... I need you to do something..."
"Alright, sweetheart, what can I do for you?" I ask softly, curious about what she was wanting to ask me to do. When she answers, I'm a bit stumped for a moment.
"I want you to make sure you get put in for the Transfer..." She says softly. "Ember and Caedrienth went to the Cemetary yesterday night..." I think for a split moment, before nodding gently.
"I'll be checking on that, baby, you can count on it..." I say softly, then take a small breath. "Did Caedrienth bury Saber?" I ask, and there was a small breath.
"Yes, she was given a proper burial. Don't worry, Tyler... She'll be with you." Fox says gently, before smiling a bit. "I'll see you later. I love you..." She whispers, and I smile softly.
"I love you too, Fox... See you soon... Bye~" I whisper back, then hang up and take a breath. Fox wanted me to check on my Transfer? I mean, I only just put in for it, and to be honest, I figure that it'll be denied. All I could think of, after seeing her momentarily the night before, was that she might be nervous about General Landin holding me up. I smile more and shrug to myself, mood brightening a bit and I look at my reflection.
Damn, I look awful! I let out a laugh, looking at my dark red eyes, messed up hair, and wrinkled clothing. Running a hand through my hair and trying to straighten it a bit. When I come up short, I laugh more, then smile a bit and shake my head, heading for the door. Moving outside of the Barracks, I sigh a bit, feeling a bit better, but I still felt pretty bad. I head for the house, and I pass where I had seen Saber dead on Caedrienth's back, taking a gentle breath.
'I love you, Saelfien... Rest in peace, and know that I always love you...' I whisper into the void that now surrounded my mind. I get to the house and head upstairs, moving into the master bedroom and look at the bed. Untouched, as I figured, and disturbed only by my presence as I brush past it, heading into the bathroom and closing the door. I lock the slide lock on the door and hum to myself, grabbing some things from the cabinet nearby to the shower and tossing them inside the walk-in.
Turning the water up to full heat, I slip my coat off and toss it on the toilet seat, and go to slip out of the rest of my clothes, when I feel something weird fall over me. A cold sensation, like someone had just dumped a load of Ice Water on me. Frowning, I move out of the bathroom after a moment and check the thermometer. A glowing green number greets me and assures my curious gaze. It was still seventy degrees in here, so why did it feel like I'm outside absolutely stark naked?
I frown a bit, moving back into the bathroom and closing the door again, sliding the lock and moving to fully undress again when there's a noise from outside the door, a low thump and something walking. I freeze for a moment, before slowly turning towards the door as I hear the footsteps approaching. The footsteps stop as a shadow falls under the door, blocking all the light from outside the room that spilled under the bottom of the door, and I freeze fully, fingers slowly grasping at my closest implement of a weapon, being a woman's hairbrush. Not much, and I figured that this was a stupid thing to have as a weapon, but its all I have around me.
A moment later, the doorknob turns slightly, and my heart starts racing as it starts to turn again, and I start to hear whispering. I can't tell what it is, but it sounded like a bunch of people whispering in my ear, the door thumping as whoever was outside tried to force there way in, and I back up against the wall, eyes wide in fear as the knob turned the other way, and the door actually bent slightly as whoever was outside tried to force their way into the room. The lights start to flicker, and I gasp, the door banging louder and the whispering gets louder, and a faint crying of fear and grief surfaces from the background whispering. I grip my brush tighter and grit my teeth, heart hammering as I raise it over my head, ready to lash out.
... With a bright flash of the vanity lightbulb blowing out, the Bathroom is plunged instantly into darkness.
Well hello there~! I wonder what is coming of our dear Former Dragon Rider.
Is he becoming Insane?
Is he just dreaming?
Or is something far more sinister happening?
Find out when the next chapter comes out... From The Darkness.
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