17: Truth Comes From A Liar

-Tyler's Point of View-

"Hello, you've reached the inbox of Fox Shields. Leave your name and number, I'll call you right back~"

"Hey, Fox... I dunno if you still have your phone or not... Probably not... I miss you... Damn, I miss you... You probably won't get this message... but if you have your phone... if you do get this message... I wanted to tell you that... Fox, I love you, and I hope that, in the end... We can be together again... not just as friends... I... I was going to ask you this before you left... But... if you ever do visit... If I see you again... Would you like to go out with me?..." I ask, before looking at the phone. "I... I love you, Fox... Please be safe... Gods, please be safe..." I plead, before hitting the Hang-Up button, looking at the phone I was holding.

Suddenly, I'm actually pretty thankful of my father for giving this to me. If not for him, I'd be writing unaddressed letters, hoping to get some kind of contact before I were able to send them. Guess that he really is looking out for me, huh? I sigh quietly and hug the phone to my chest, eyes closed tightly as I sat alone in the house that Fox used to live in. My dad moved me in so I could take care of it for her. Now, I spend most nights looking at pictures and leaving a million phone messages on her cell. And curling up in a corner, feeling rather dead inside. I just... I couldn't shake the feeling that she was in dire straits... Like her life was in danger... I don't understand why I feel this way...

I just hope that my gut is wrong... Then again, my gut has yet to be wrong...

Hopefully, this time is the first time it's wrong...



Fox's eyes snapped open, icy irises flickering around as her pupils adjusted to the low light. She could still feel a faint pulsing in her neck, and of course the vast emptiness...though that was all she could feel. Her arms and other limbs felt....numb. For the first few moments, she couldn't move. Couldn't think.

But, slowly and surely, the few thoughts left in her mind surfacing once she began to stiffly sit up, locks of red silk hair in a mess as they tumbled over her shoulders. Her lips twisted into a frown. It had been a setup. She didn't know what for, but Blagden's yelling and her sudden 'unsafety' was all suddenly potently suspicious. 'Great job, Fox. You couldn't have realized earlier?' Her mind prompted, and she huffed in frustration. She reached down after looking around the room, hoping to find her pistol. But of course there was no holster there. Of course they wouldn't let her keep her weapons.

She let out a soft sigh, managing to grab the of the bedpost and get to her feet. She felt weak, but she didn't really care. She needed answers. Fox took this time of sluggish movement to brush herself off and evaluate her surroundings. She took a deep breath and ran a hand through her hair, wishing that there was a window so she could at least get a look at where they were. It occurred to her that she hadn't said goodbye to Tyler before she'd left...he'd be worried, or at least she thought as much. Her lips twitched, and she gasped as the Train started to speed up... And didn't seem like it stopped speeding up.

Her jelly legs buckled underneath her, and she went down, groaning and cursing as she landed. "Stupid legs." She grumbles, before hearing  that there was yelling outside her room, heavy footfalls, and then the wall slides open, a man holding out his hand. "Colonel Shields-Colonel!" He yelps, rushing in. 

Fox was immediately alert, her brain clearing the fog and giving her her senses back. Her eyes narrowed and she grabbed the television remote, brandishing it as a sort of weapon. Once the man entered, though, she relaxed slightly, lowering her bludgeon slightly and frowning. "Recruit, what's all of this about...?" She huffed slightly, then stumbled in shock at a sudden, loud explosion.

"We need to get you to the Secure Car. There seems to be someone trying to-" And he as the explosion rocks the train, letting out a gasp, and looking down in horror at his Dragonmark, which was turning black and withering as if in agony. "Drae-" He starts, and falls on his face, the Train Car shaking slightly. Outside the hall, an automated voice starts.

'Train Derail has occurred, Brace for impact. Trail Derail has occurred. Hostile forces have begun to attack. All security forces, arm and defend. All Security forces, arm and defend.'

Fox was dazed for a moment, then dropped her weapon and rushed to the side of the fallen male. "Come on...don't die...hold on..." She murmured, listening to the voice and cursing. She dragged the man into a corner with herself and huddled down in it, grabbing the remote. Just in case, but even as she were looking, it was obviously too late. The male was dead by the time that she checks on him, blood trickling from the side of his mouth and Dragonmark still. Then...

Everything goes Zero-Gravity, the Train Car falling on its side and skidding across the ground, spinning like one of those amusement park rides, slowing to a stop.

There was the sound of grinding and twisting metal, groaning and snapping, before the car finally ground to a halt, the lights flickering meekly as people started groaning and moving around outside of her room. That wasn't the least of ones worries, however. A moment after the car stopped, the door is ripped open, and the guards open fire outside, before getting shot in the head by someone outside.

"Anyone in here? Any prisoners in this car?" A male with blonde hair soon appears in the doorway, looking down at Fox, and his eyes brighten. "Looks like it's your lucky day, huh? Gimme your hand, miss!" 

Fox got up quickly, gathering her muscles and leaping up to grab his hand, using him to haul herself up to the lip of the car and climb out. "What the hell is going on here?" She muttered, brushing herself off. 

There was more gunfire outside, and the male frowns. "Come on, it ain't safe in here... Guards could come in." He states, before looking back at her. "Wait... you dunno where this train was going? You don't know where YOU were going?!" He asks, eyes wide in shock, before he ducks, pulling her down out of sight of someone peeking in the car.

The boy waits for a moment, then speaks again. "They were sending us to them... We were being sent like cattle... to a fucking slaughter..." He says quietly, before peeking over the lip of the doorway. "The Guards... if the train were to be taken, like someone was trying to do before... They have orders to execute every last one of us... Or secure some way to get to the other place... and trust me... from what I heard from a Dragon who got out of that "other place"... You don't want to go to the other place... Execution here is a lot nicer... and shorter." He states, before crouching and handing her the rifle that he has. "Head for the wood-line and stay there... I've got to check for any others, then get the dragons out before whoever was attacking the train comes back..."

"Who's them, kid? Where were they taking us? I was supposed to be being transferred. To the California division for some undercover work," Fox shook her head. It was all she could remember about what was supposed to be happening. "Kid, who's attacking us? And why?" Fox asked, obviously quite confused and disgruntled. She pursed her lips, and took the rifle, holding it as if she'd handled one everyday. When he tells her to head for the trees, she frowns. "Oh, no no no! I'm not going to hide like a coward. If I can help save some innocents, I'm coming. The name's Fox. Colonel Fox."

"Kid?... Do you even know who you're talking to?" He growls faintly, before moving his collar, to reveal a star. "Brigadier General Kane... General to you... Nice to meet you, Colonel." He states, before looking out again. "I dunno who it is... Think I keep track of every Dragon Hunter group by name?" He grumbles, before ducking again. "Dragon Hunters attack because Dragons. Duh..." He snorts, before pulling out a pistol and loading it.

"If you want to help, so be it... We're all in the same boat anyway... They weren't transferring you... None of us were being 'transferred'... We're out of S-11... We were being brought to a secure location, one that doesn't even got a name... And when we get there... Cattle... Slaughter... Get the image?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. "I was being 'transferred' to California as well. Everyone is suddenly getting transferred to California, aren't they? Colonel Fox, once you're in Alaska, unless General Stonehenge says you're being transferred, and escorts you there personally... You aren't leaving Alaska..." He looks at her. "We were being sent to our Execution. All of us."

He sighs. "I reached my 100 years of service three days ago... I get moved to Cali... I was excited... First time I've seen a beach in a hundred years, who wouldn't be... But, this morning, there was a knock on my door. I answer it, and everything goes black."

"Those sons of bitches...can't even give us a straight death. Make it seem like everything is fine and dandy before slaughtering the lot of us." She grumbled, pursing her lips again. "This is why I was going to leave S-11..." 

He frowns and nods. "That's exactly why they did this... They knew we wanted out... I was looking to retire after a hundred years, like I was supposed to be able to..." He shakes his head. "I have a long life ahead of me... I wanted out, so I could enjoy it..." He crouches and nods. "And they can't even give it to ya straight up. All this cloak and Dagger shit is bad for my blood pressure..." He sighs, before hopping over the doorway and landing softly on his feet, rolling forward and behind another car that had nearly crashed into theirs. He stops at hearing footsteps, raising his gun, before stepping out to see a Guard.

"Hey, you! Stop right-GUH!" The guard yells as Kane fires twice, one to the knee and the other to the head. Thankfully, the guards didn't all have dragons. He just hoped none were coming out.

"Fox, come on... They will have heard that. They're coming for us, now." Kane explains, before pointing. "The Dragon Car is that second to last train-car... About 300 yards from here, straight line... Good news is that is not too far... bad news, there is minimal cover..."

Fox had her gun propped up and ready to go. Fox's heart was beating pretty quickly, adrenaline pumping in her veins. "I'm ready when you ar-" Cutting off when she spotted the guard and the two bullet holes that promptly appeared in him. Fox shook her head, then hopped up and rushed after Kane as he took off running from the cover of the second car, staying at attention. 

Kane moves like a pro, firing twice each time, one to the knee, and then to the head. He drops one mag, loads another, and fires again, and as he lines up with another guard, his gun jams. He doesn't waste time, flinging it like a throwing knife and it beans the guard in the forehead, allowing Kane to tackle him, rip his gun from his hand, and point-blank the guard in the chest, then shoot at the guard to his right without even looking. "That Train Car there, Fox." He points, before continuing his onslaught towards the Dragon Holding Car.

The poor guards weren't standing a chance against this man... And he fought like nothing Fox had ever seen in S-11... This man fought so unorthodox, it was kinda questionable about where he learned this fighting technique... Unless he was trained from the gecko as a cold-blooded assassin or something. And no one in S-11, besides Justin 'Timber-lake', would have been trained that way...

Something about this man wasn't quite right...

Her eyes narrowed, and Fox back up, shooting two guards as they came towards Kane while he was down. She nodded and ducked, hurrying over to hide behind a twisted piece of charred metal, catching her breath and clearing the area in front of her before rushing out and heading back towards the train car. She hissed as she felt a bullet graze her thigh, and she snapped around, facing a man with a pistol only yards away. She turned her gun, but when she pulled the trigger...


"Damn it! Empty!" She hissed, throwing down the gun and rushing to the left before snapping back right and tackling the confused man. She wrapped her arms around his neck and yanked him down, smashing a knee into his face and yanking his hair, hard. She then disarmed him and shot him in the hands. Fox was soon up and running again, shooting and smashing her way along. She saw the way Kane fought and frowned slightly. But that wasn't their concern. She was glad that he wasn't afraid to kill. They needed it. She soon reached the lip of the car and took a deep breath before diving inside of it.

While Fox ran for the car, Kane was a pure demon fighting, not missing a single shot, now upgrading from pistol to Carbine Rifle, using a Three-Round burst setting. One knee, chest, head. Once he ran out of that, he used a fallen Guards shotgun, the Benelli M4. He keeps firing, before kicking a guard back and pulling the trigger to hearing a click. He sees a round in a 'spare rounds' holder on the stock, and he shoves the barrel of the weapon into the mans chest, driving him onto his back, loads the shotgun shell, pumps the charging mechanism, and blows the mans chest open with the last shot. He grabs the downs guards weapon, tosses it up, and catches it with one hand, literally doing a one-handed port-check, and then flipping the gun, catching it, and head-shoting a guard that had gone to get at Fox.

The Dragon Car had three dragons, and two Riders were already there. The third, not surprisingly, was indeed Blagden, basically squished into a corner. He didn't look wounded or harmed, but likely pissed off about being in a confined space. Fox immediately calmed down and rushed over when she saw her big wyvern, taking a deep breath and stroking his nose gently. He nudged her hand and grumbled. One of the other Riders, who had a pistol, sees Fox.

"God, what's going on out there, sounds like an Army is attacking! Are they back? The Dragon Hunters?!"

She smiled slightly, then sighed, shaking her head at the riders. "I have no clue, to be honest. But I do know that we have to get get out of here." She stated, motioning them forwards. "We don't have much time to move, and we need to fight them off as we go. You up for some combat?" She starts, but it seems that she's spoken too soon.

The gun-fighting outside had gone silent. Dead silent. The two other riders look at Fox and nod, their dragons growling softly. One was a forest dragon, and the other was an odd Shadow Dragonesque drake, the only major difference in the two was that this one seemed to have the smell of dark caverns clinging to it.

"We're ready... but I think the combat is over..." The Shadow-Like Dragon's Rider comments, before moving and peeking out, and their face pales. "Yeah... the combat is over... And we're screwed..." He whispers as he jerks his head back in.

Too late.

"I'm gonna ask everyone in that there car... And I know there's people in there... Come out, nice and slow here, and we won't kill you all... Yet. Just come on out, hands up, nice and high! Come on." A voice calls, recognizable as one voice.

General Kane.

"Boss... I don't think they're gonna surrender... Might as well let Rodney blow the car, and send a message to S-11 that way..." And there was a thud of something hitting something else... painfully.

"That's what that blasted Thor-Baby did, you idiot! He stole our thunder... I want to send a message to BOTH of them." Kane huffs, before calling out again. "Just come on out... Colonel Fox, come on, now... Let's be civil, here... and the other two, lets go."

"He knows you, Colonel?..." The Black Dragon's Rider asks warily, the Purple-Black dragon with him crouched beside the male protectively. "Yeah, I know, Caedrienth... This chowder's rancid..."

"Yeah. He 'saved' me from my car. The lying bastard." She hissed, putting a hand on Blagden's neck and thinking. "We can't just surrender to them. It's ridiculous." She muttered. "We've got dragons, they don't." 

Kane stands outside, arms crossed. "Colonel Fox, I know you're in there... Don't make this any harder on yourself and your friends than it will be right now..." He calls, before looking at the car door. "Don't try to fight back... I would rather not kill all of you." He sighs, uncrossing his arms. "Just, don't make this harder than it has to be? Trust me, Colonel... This will be much less violent if you just come out now."

Caedrienth's Rider looks at Fox again after sneaking another peek. "You didn't know that's Keith Regan Kane?... Like... really big Dragon Hunter guy?..." He asks in surprise. "Former S-11 General gone rogue..."

"It didn't register...if just been drugged and thrown around in a crashing train car, so nothing was really clicking." Fox mumbled, bewildered.

"Well, he is..." He whispers, before looking at Caedrienth. "I don't want to die... And if we fight... their numbers alone, even with our dragons, we don't got numbers for every one of us, there's six or seven of them... and they have weapons MEANT for killing Dragons..." He whispers in fright. "We're mc'screwed any way you try to cut the cake, Colonel... but if you choose to fight, Caedrienth and I will back you..."

"Faeriah and I will back you as well, Colonel... What are your orders?" The other rider asks quietly.

"Tick-tock goes the clock, they sit there and they whisper... Tick-tock, went the clock... Moments left until there's blood shed..."

The two riders takes a breath and slowly pull out pistols they had been given to help defend the train when there were still guards alive. "What do we do, Colonel?..."

"They out-number us, out-man us, and out-plan us. They have us trapped..." Fox whispered, then nodded and thought. She then relaxed, putting the gun in her empty holster. "We won't fight. There's no way to get out. If we go peacefully, there might be some way to negotiate or even take them on by surprise." She whispered softly, looking up and slowly walking towards the opening, hands up. 

The other two Riders follow suit, the Dragons grumbling and following behind them, and Kane smiles towards the six.

"Well, that's so much better, now, isn't it? Now we can all talk face-to-face... Place your weapons on the ground, and we'll make things nice and quick... We need to get you folks to our little cozy cavern... then we can have a real party. A good old welcome to the club shing-ding, I think, yes boys?"

"Oh, yeah, boss, a realllll nice shing-ding~" One man grins, and the three dragon Riders feel their hearts sink rather heavily.

This Shing-Ding did not sound like a pleasant Welcome Party...


Yo, whats up guys, Riley here, and I hope everything's going well!

Man, Fox is really in a pickle, ain't she?
What did she do to deserve this fate?
Or... what is her fate?...
What's a Shing-Ding?...

Anyway, hope you liked the update! Be sure to hit that vote button, comment a little, and see you all next update!


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