14: An Unbreakable Oath


It was 7:45 in the evening...

And I was lovesick. How strange of a feeling to have when you are supposedly too young to feel love, as Tyler believes that I am. Speaking on Riders, I haven't seen him yet. I can feel a strange sense of dread coming from him, like he was just handed a whoppingly huge Un-Happy Meal. I can't help but feel that he deserved to feel like that, the anger and spite of what he had done suddenly burning through me again, and I cannot stop myself from crying, curling up against Tyler's pillow and just letting out my pent-up emotions.

I couldn't have Drako...

I was forbidden from Love...

A dark, sickening feeling slowly filled me, and I found myself wondering what it would be like to be a Wild Dragoness. Not having a Rider. Being free to roam the Alaskan woodlands as I please. Love whoever, whenever I please. And I found myself wanting it. Longing for it. But, as I thought about that, I realized... That wasn't me thinking that. It was something else inside of me, pushing for me to let Tyler go. To end my bond with him. And I knew it would hurt him.

Even though he hurt me, I couldn't imagine intentionally hurting him. No, never... I couldn't possibly do that to my Rider. I can't. With a low growl, I push the darkness back within me, keeping it from taking me over further. I couldn't dream of doing it. He doesn't think I'm old enough, that's all. I'm old enough, I know that. Maybe he just needs to learn that. I smile faintly as an idea crosses my mind.

My rider, he was a rebellious little human being. So, what is to say that I cannot be a rebellious little dragoness? I grin and look around. I would have to plan my movements. And I knew that tonight, I would see my Drako. Tonight, I will see him, and I do not care the consequences of Tyler finding out I am. He can't stop me. No one can. I quickly move from the bed, taking a breath and leaping onto the window frame. I slide it open and leap out of it, wings flaring swiftly and I turn hard, cutting all forward momentum and dropping like a rock. I smirk to myself, angling my wings as I fall, and I sweep back upwards from the drop faster than I jumped out my window.

There were four places Drako would go.

The Training Dome, his Rider's small house, the Forest, or the Dragon Den. I look over the Dragon Den, and I know he wouldn't go there. Jakaress was standing outside of it, looking around for something. Likely looking for me. I close my eyes for a moment and my body vanishes from normal vision, the light around me cloaking me from sight. I open my eyes and smirk down at her, hovering over her. I thought for a long moment, then grinned as a thought came to me, and I sweep back towards the barn.

A Recruit was working in the Goat Pen when I got there. He doesn't notice me as I walk forward, and I slide two buckets in place of the fuller ones that were sitting there. I carry them as best I could out the door, set them down from my jaws, and I take off, picking them up in my talons instead, and I flap my wings harder, carrying the two heavy buckets towards the Dragon Den. Jakaress was now talking to someone, her back turned. I almost want to give a yell so that she looks up, a mischievous grin flashing onto my maw and I laugh to myself, hovering over her. As I hear her speak, my eyes narrow.

"So, Johnathan, you're saying that you want to beat this Drako dragon up over the fact he likes the Furry?" She huffs. "I won't help you with that. I like Drako, and I am thinking that I could... persuade him to like me." She says, and I snarl under my breath, which causes Jakaress to pause. "Did you hear that?"

"Fat chance, Porcupine." I mutter, and release my crappy cargo, the two buckets tilting and the goat-cow-horse-sheep poo falls towards her. She looks up, and her maw opens with her eyes, and that was the precise moment of impact.

"AR-CK!" She gags and then convulses a bit from the shitty mixture getting a fair bit inside her mouth, and she retches, then vomits all over the person she was talking to. In the effect, she barfs all over her Rider.

"JAKARE-URGH!" He cries out, and then gags and turns a sickly shade of green himself. "UGH! Where the hell did that come from!?" He exclaims, wiping his face as best he could and looking overhead. I was thankful, in that moment, to be invisible.

"I bet it was Saber. That slimy, little bitch!" Jakaress snarls and looks around. "But... where is she? She can't become invisible... can she?"

Oh, yes, I am very glad I can become invisible. Thank you, Jakaress. I drop the buckets on them, and I take off swiftly from hovering, flying towards my lover's Rider's home. When I get there, I can tell he isn't there, and won't be tonight either. His rider was in a rage, punching walls and flipping tables. Two privates who were walking down the road stopped just short of his home. Thankfully, they did just that, because a moment later, a small mini-fridge came flying out the door. The two glanced at each other, and then walk backwards from the house, turning and walking down another road.

I decide it was best, at the point, to call my search off. I would check the forest, and then the Training Dome. I angle back towards the Dorms, and I notice someone different on the ground. A man who was staring up at me with the smallest of smiles. I could only see his mouth, his eyes hidden behind some sort of veil. He was dressed in all black, and no one seemed to notice him, yet they walked around him like he had some sort of aura.

I frown slightly and return to visibility, and his smile grows wider. And his right-hand rises, forming an odd gesture on his chest that I could see. For some reason, I felt I could trust the male in that moment. I circle for a moment, then land at a fair distance, watching the male as he bee-bopped his way over to me like he was some Trailer-Trash version of Michael Jackson, dressed like someone from the Dark Brotherhood in Skyrim.

"Hello there, my dear Light Dragoness. It seems that we can finally meet." He starts. No 'My name is', no 'Who are you'. "You must be concerned about who I am and how I know you, Saber LightWalker."

Okay, now I'm concerned. I growl softly and narrow my eyes at the male. "Who are you, indeed. How do you know that last name?"

"Simple. However, I cannot tell you that information now..." The man says with a regretful look. "You see, Saber, I am not one to go about things without permission... And yet, I find myself meeting you here... Without permission from General Landin. He does not understand the problem that he has created for people like myself. People who he thinks as dead. But, the S-11 cause is yet the same one I remember the day I was supposed to have died."

My eye ridges furrow a bit at that. "What do you mean? Why has he created problems? Who are you? What are you trying to tell me?" I demand, but the man shakes his head. "Oh, right, can't tell me. What can you tell me?"

"Well, I cannot say much, but what I can say is this: There are those who seek to befriend you, and in the end, will lead to your death. There are those who seek to truly help you. I am one of those people who seek to truly help you." He says softly, smiling gently to me. "There are those who can be trusted... and those who must be left behind. You wish to find love, and you shall. But, are you ready to decide yet? Are you sure that you aren't having other drakes chasing you? I give you this warning..." The man takes a breath. "Do not so readily give your heart, when there is more than one man who is longing to receive it."

I frown and go to ask him what he means, but when I do so, I realize that I was alone, just standing there in the roadway. I frown, then shake off the thoughts. Another male saying that I was supposed to love someone else, or not love at all. I won't bow to his wishes, or that of my Rider. I am Saber, and I love who I want.

I walk forward from where I had stopped, and looked around for a long time. Nothing much was going on, I really didn't feel like visiting Jay at the time. I sigh to myself and head back to the Dorms, and I wait for Nightfall. I wait for my chance to be with Drako.

A knock at the door draws my attention, and Tyler comes in. He pauses as he sees me, an odd look in his eyes. "Hey... Can... Can I talk to you, Saber?" He asks, moving inside and closing the door gently behind him.

"Yes, Rider, what is it?" I ask gently, concerned about the look of hopelessness and fear in his eyes, which was mixed with several other things I could not identify... Or maybe I can, but my mind and heart don't want to let me realize what it is.

"Saber... I... I want to apologize for what I said earlier. I was overbearing and overprotective of you. I understand that you really do love Drako, and he loves you back. I just want you to be safe, and you're only a year old. I'm scared that... Well... I'm scared that..." And Tyler oddly falls quiet. I don't understand why, and when I try to see his thoughts, he puts up his mental barriers.


"What I'm trying to say here..." Tyler says while looking at me, finally, in the eyes, "Is that I just think you're too young to love someone. You see me as a fatherly figure, I know it, and you love me, yes... But that is a Different love. That is o'hana... You are my O'hana... You are my family." He looks down. "O'hana protects O'hana... and Family never leaves Family... No matter how stupid they can be sometimes..."

I am honestly lost for a moment, then I realize something. He was basically coming to me on hands and knees, begging for my forgiveness! I tilt my head gently and murmur. "Does this mean that you are going to let me see Drako?" I ask, and Tyler looks down.

"All I'm saying with this Forbidding thing... You're too young... Wait a little while... That's all I'm saying..." He says quietly, still looking down. What that sounded like to me, for that moment, was 'I'm asking forgiveness, but I'm not changing my mind'.

"So, I still don't get to be with Drako, and yet you want me to forgive you for breaking both his, and my own heart?" I snort slightly. "Come on, Tyler... You know that- "

"Don't bring up Fox... I... I learned some... unwelcome news about things. I don't want to hear her name from you... not right now, at least..." He says with a sniff. Oh dear, was that the Un-Happy meal moment I felt from him earlier? Did she hurt him? Did something happen?! "I just... I just want to go to sleep... If you don't want to forgive me, that's okay... I'll see you in the morning... I-I hope..."

He hopes to see me in the morning? What, will he die in his sleep or something? I frown and go to ask him what he means, but he turns over and closes his eyes, and I can tell that he doesn't want to talk any more. But, above all, I can sense him crying. My heart kind of skips a few beats and I feel a sudden, burning desire to just wrap my wings around him and comfort him. I watch my Tyler, my dear Rider, fall asleep in tears. And I realize I'm the one to blame.

I am one evil son -I mean Daughter- of a bitch...

I look out the window, wondering where Drako was. I hope he wasn't hurting aswell. If he was, I would feel so horrible. I hurt two of my favorite beings... Inone fell moment. With that thought in mind, I slip from my Rider's bed and moveto the window sill, looking back at Tyler as he sleeps.

'I forgive you, Tyler... But I do not forget.' I think to myself, and it seemed to feel as though a massive darkness had been lifted slightly. I felt a little less sick and unpleasant. I think to myself of what I'm about to do, before leaping from the window, gliding down to the ground and keeping low to the ground. I scent the air, eyes closed as I focus. I would have to check the Training Dome. I take a small breath, and race through the snow, wings tight and stride smooth as I run towards the Training Dome.

I slow as the doors slide open, then I skid to a stop just outside the entry, and I move to go inside, sniffing. The air was a bit odd, and I could tell that someone had just cleaned in here. The smell of Clorox Bleach was evident heavily. The lights were out, except for the ones that always were on, in case of someone wanting to train late at night. Or, as I was certain, the Cleaning Crew forgot to turn it off. I hear the familiar sound of something being struck repeatedly, and I look around desperately, calling out, aloud, softly in my soft, musical voice. The voice my Rider didn't know I could speak with.

"Drako?... Drako, my love?... Drako?... It's me, Saber... Please, where are you?" I call out, and a sound I heard stops, and a voice I so loved, and hoped to hear, calls back to me as I see a faint glowing in the dark.

"I'm here, Saber," Drako calls back as I hear him move closer.

My heart started racing again, like when he had caught me just the morning of the same day. I quickly move forward, trying to follow his voice inside the Training Dome, and I stop as my ears pick up his footsteps. "Drako~! Goddess, I've missed you..." I call softly, moving towards his footsteps. And the moment I see him, I catch my breath again. I should be used to seeing him, but it just doesn't stop my reaction to seeing the handsome dragon he was.

I just couldn't help myself. He was like a magnet that always drew me right back his way. Like my internal compass didn't point north. It pointed to Drako. I knew my Rider had forbidden this to happen. I knew he'd have a fit. But this was me I'm talking about. All Rebel. And Forbidden is my thing.

He won't get between me and Drako. Now that I know he loves me, nothing can stop me. I will be his. He will be mine. End of story. When I see Drako, it wasn't two seconds later I was on my back, purring up at him lovingly, and my wings gently go around us. He purred softly in content. "I'm glad you came to find me," he tells me.

"As I am glad I came to find you..." I whisper gently back, "I won't ever leave you,Drako." I purr, gently nuzzling him. My heart was beating like a samba,and I swear... Being Rebellious never felt so good.

It was obvious I just made someones night, as Drako cooed softly to me, giving me a gentle nuzzle. He obviously could barely contain his happiness, His eyes glowing that deep, beautiful gold flecked color that I love so much, and his body gave off an overall aura of intense joy. "Did your rider let you come find me?" He asked.

I blush at his question and quietly shake my head. "No... I-I don't want him controlling who I love and when. He must learn that Love isn't meant to be controlled... it is meant to control." I admit. "I couldn't stay away... now that I know... now that I don't have to hide my feelings... My Rider may be furious if he finds out... but he won't. He won't ever find out. No other dragon can see us, save for Caedmon, and he can be trusted. He's my training friend, I can trust him fully. He won't talk. No one will know we're together. Drako, I can't be happy without you. I... I can't live correctly. It's like a sky with no sun..." I say quietly. "Please, don't be mad, Drako. I want you, and I know Tyler forbids it... forbids us... but.... for me... Rebel... let's Rebel... together..."    

There wasn't a moment of indecision... A moment of conflict never arose within Drako's eyes. However, I could see something else. A worry, for a moment, that things were going to become very difficult. "I would love to Saber... But we can't tell anyone. We've got to be careful. There are dragons everywhere that would have no mercy and would tell Tyler as soon as they found out. And..." He looks a little embarrassed for a moment, and then stands a bit straighter over me, looking down with a odd new light in his eyes. "It may be really rather early... But I've had other dragons swoop down and steal others away from me... There is something that Light Dragons can do..." Drako looks away, then back at me. "... An Oath..."

I tilt my head a bit. An Oath? That sounded rather easy, and simple to hold up and live by. "Whatever it takes to be together, Drako." I say gently, and Drako smiles warmly, and gently put a paw to my chest, right over my heart.

"I have to warn you, Saber, my love... This Oath is Unbreakable... If you were to break this, or if I were to break it... We would both suffer immensely." He says gently. "Are you ready?"

There isn't a moment of indecision within me. I look up into his eyes, determination burning within my heart. "I am ready, my love..." I say gently, and Drako closes his eyes gently, pressing his paw against my chest. "What is your last name, sweetheart?" He asks gently, and I purr.


"I, Drako DawnHunter, swear upon my love and my life to be mated to you, Saber LightSeeker.. If I am to break away from this vow, my hearts desires will be forever forfeit." He states with a gentle growl, and then moved a talon to his chest and gently dug it into his scales, my eyes widening faintly as he drew his own blood. He nods to me softly, holding up his paw with the blood on it.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes gently, moving a paw to press it against his chest, over his heart.

"I, Saber LightSeeker, swear upon my love and my life to be mated to you, Drako DawnHunter... If I am to break away from this vow, my hearts desires will be forever forfeit." I say, moving my paw to my chest, and I dig a talon into my armor. I grit my fangs at the small stinging feeling, then I get my blood on my paw, and I gently slide it into Drako's paw. Almost instantly, a sharp jolt ran through my body, and an intense fire burned in my heart.

Drako's eyes open after a long moment, and a gentle smile graced his maw. "... And now, we're mates."

"And now, we're mates." I whisper, heart racing. I had my Drako. I had the male of my dreams, and I felt incredibly content with myself taking the Oath. Things, I knew, would get better. I just hoped that I wasn't wrong.


Hello, boys and girls

Admin from the Dark here

Looks like this is chapter one of two that I'm gonna get out before I head out for my future. Made it a bit longer than normal. Can't promise the other will be longer as well. But, who wonders some things about what I had earlier.

What happened with Tyler?

What was the Unpleasant News he learned about Fox?

Looks like you're on that all-to-familiar cliff once more... Would you like me to install a ladder and a fully-stocked bar? Cause I'm really not too good at not ending on some form of a cliff hanger... Sorry~!

Well, I gotta hit the sack, ladies and gents, boys and girls. Till next time.

Stay Purely
Stay Fully
Stay Awesome

And dark. Stay Awesome and Dark.

-The Admin

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