10: Saber's P.O.V.

Darkness.... The Consuming Darkness...

I couldn't feel anything but pain... searing, stabbing, biting pain all over my body. My wing... My sides... my head... I hurt so badly. It made everything fade to oblivion. So much agony... I beg for myself to escape, trying hard to claw away the Darkness. Push away the pain. All that came to me was more... More and more... I couldn't feel anything else... I felt my conciousness slipping once more and I cry out, hoping for some answer.


And everything fades to away within the agony, and it all fades once more as I slip from reality for the fourth time... In I do not know how long...

---- One Day Later ----

I feel myself returning to consciousness to a gentle beeping. A low, repetitive noise that sparks my interest. Where was it coming from? I weakly open my eyes and groan as light, once my ally, blinds me momentarily. As it clears, my heart starts racing, a odd sense of fear seizing hold. The room I was in was small, with a few machines sitting around, several of them beeping and chirping. It smelled extremely sterile in here, a heavy bleach scent making the air kind of hard to breathe, but it was bearable. I was lying on a platform, made of what appears to be cold, thick steel, wires and small tubes all over my body. I slowly move my head and look down at my battered body in shock and fright.

My abdomen was burnt badly, but it seemed only to be the scales having been charred, and a singed sensation to the skin under. My sides were far worse, the smell of burnt flesh making my stomach clench. The scales there had been utterly devastated, and some were even burnt so bad that they were falling apart as I moved ever so faintly.  I whimper softly and sniff, feeling extremely panicked. One of the bigger machines started beeping rapidly, and a moment later, someone dressed in all white came in quickly.

"Saber, you need to calm down... You're okay, you're safe." The man says gently as he moves over to me quickly. I try to speak, but all that comes out is a painful, raspy meep. "Don't try to speak, it'll hurt you even more... You've been through a lot, you need to rest... The Lights seem to be working with healing you... You took quite a lot of damage, when I first saw you..."

I whimper softly, trying to convey that I wanted Tyler. I want my rider so badly... The man frowns softly, then softly shakes his head.

"Your Rider is okay... They're doing everything they can do, he's going to be just fine... He's worse than you, by a long shot... I hate these Cage Fight Victims... They just come in, worse and worse condition every time... This is a new low..." He says angrily, then sighs. "You'll be fixed up by the end of today... Just focus on the Lights, Saber... Focus on letting your body take in the light..."

I huff weakly. My rider was hurt more than I was?... They were doing everything they could?... That does not sound reassuring. I sigh softly, knowing quite well now that he would say no more about my dear Tyler and listen to him rant. The last part catches me off guard and I weakly tilt my head. Take in the light?... I look at the lights over me, and I realize that somehow I had been absorbing the light they were giving off. I look back at the man and nods faintly.

"Good, you understand. I'm sorry this has happened to you, and I wish that you didn't have to go through all this." And with that, the Doctor walks out of the room, after tapping a few times, and I see something start dripping. I sigh quietly, before something weird starts happening. I feel as though my wings and limbs were getting rather heavy, and my eyelids were weighed down. I grunt in surprise, before closing my eyes and it all fades gently into nothingness once more...

I feel whatever was effecting me wear off, and I open my eyes slowly, what feels like moments later, and I blink in surprise at the time on the clock in the corner. It was 4:35 AM when I went to sleep. It was 11:27 with the letters P.M. on the face! I blink awake fully, then slowly look down, and I get another surprise, this one a bit more pleasant.

My body, once burnt and mutilated horribly, was... healed! The scales  were flawless once more, and the skin, albeit feeling slightly tender and a little painful to move, was freshly healed. I looked slowly along my wings, awestruck by how well the left wing healed. I look at my right wing, and my heart skips a beat.

The bone was broken still, but I could feel it healing, as if it was slowly weaving itself back together somehow. The membrane and feathers on my wing had fully healed, thankfully, no longer looking like someone had made my wings from Swiss Cheese. I relax and purr softly in relief.  My eyes close, and I hear the door open a bit, and my eyes flash back open as I hear a voice. 

"Hey, Saber. You okay?" Colonel Lewis asks as he walks over to me, and I lift my head, purring tiredly.

'Greetings to you in kind, Lewis. Yes... and No....' I reply, and he gently gestures, asking me if he could pet me, and I gently incline my head.

"That does not sound like a good combination..." He says and I shrug a little.

'Well, when one comes out of a place feeling as if they went through hell...' I reply and he softly chuckles, stroking my jaw.

"Well, at least your humor hasn't taken a hit." He admits, and I crack a small smile, purring at his touch. We stay quiet for a long time, then he speaks again. "Jay's been worried sick about you. Won't sleep and barely eats..."

I blink gently, surprised that she was so worried about me. I will have to visit her today. 'If it is all well and good, I wish to visit her later, Colonel Lewis...' I say and he nods.

"Best you do, I think she'd want to see you're okay." He says and I nod. "You look bigger..." He adds after a moment, and I look myself over. He was right, I seemed to have grown quite a bit, the size of a Siberian Husky lying on the table. "What caused that?..."

'I believe that the Lights did... I absorbed the light, and my body must have healed and strengthened itself... I feel strong enough to return to training, if you wonder how I feel about my condition.' I admit, and his eyes brighten.

"Thats... That's amazing! I've never heard of a Light Dragon being able to do that... Then again, only light dragons I know besides you is Mardu, Drako, and Remus... And they don't seem to be able to do that... Maybe its cause you're female..."

I blink in surprise. How odd, my ability seemingly only to occur to myself, and not to the other Light Dragons. 'Are you certain?... Wow, I guess you're correct.' I say gently, and I feel an odd flutter in my chest at Drako's name. I frown softly and shake my head, snorting. Whatever that feeling was, I did not like it... It felt strange... frightening. 'Are you able to dismiss me from Medical? I wish to return to my duties immediately.'

"Whoa, whoa, slow the 'Imma Trump My Training' Train, Saber. You gotta take things easy. Nothing too hard on your body, you just healed..." He says, before nodding. "Yeah, I can clear you for duty. Though I'd put you on Restricted, and not Active." He comments and I shrug.

'Whatever you can do to get me from this room... I want to be outside. I want to visit Jay and find out what has occurred in recent days. I want to see the sun.'

Lewis smiles softly and nods, before calling out for a Doctor. "Captain, I want the Discharge paperwork for Saber. I'm clearing her for release, now!" He says and I purr.

----------> Moments Later.... <------------

I sigh in relief, feeling the cool Alaskan air rush over my scales as I walk out of the Medical Wing of the Barracks. I take a deep breath and purr quietly as I did. It feels good to be free from that place. My head clears of all the painful memories and thoughts of what I had experienced, and I relax, walking quietly along the slightly snowy, ice-covered path to where Colonel Lewis's dragoness Jay lived. I could barely wait to see her, knowing how worried she had been about me. I can't help myself, and I take off running. I feel the wind caress my feathered wings and I open them a bit, jumping off of a few small snow-dunes and I glide a little, giggling quietly to myself.

How funny it is, how something so simple can feel so good.

I open my eyes fully and settle into a walk, looking around at my surroundings as I get closer to where Colonel Lewis and Jay live. All was quiet, which should have been calming, but it set me on edge. My body and mind regarded the silence as dangerous, and my heart pounded like crazy. I take a few soft breaths, trying to calm myself as I walk. 'You're going to be fine, Saber... You're safe... everyone is at training except for Colonel Lewis... You are safe... Just go to Jay... Talk to her...' I order myself and growl. 'They want you to be afraid, Saber... They want to strike fear and insecurity into you... You will not let this happen. You are Saber, Light Dragoness, and Mistress of the Sun...' I say softly, giving myself a title, and I have to say, I like it.

The moment the house comes into view, a feeling of calm falls over me. I made it to my destination, no ills befalling me. I glance around, watching my surroundings for any surprises, and I'm content to find that no one is around. I close my eyes slightly and let out a soft breath before walking forward towards the small house, wings neatly folded and tail waving slowly. I wait a moment as I step up to the door, and then gently raise my paw to knock, calling out. 'Jay?... Jay, it's me, Saber... Are you home?'

There was a very long pause, and then I hear someone, likely Jay, let out a little growl. Then I hear someone rush to the door quickly, and I sigh in happiness as I hear my dear friends voice. "It's my friend! Saber! I'm home!" She called and I hear her paw at the door. "I don't know how to open it." And, as I think about what happened with me healing from the light, an idea strikes me, and I purr softly. 

'Step back, I can do something about that...' I call, focusing on my body. I remember that, when I had been being beaten by the Riders to try and break me... Some of their blows never connected, like I had just phased out. Maybe, if I focus hard enough, then run at the door, I could phase like I had then, and go right through it... Like Mardu!

I grit my fangs, eyes narrowed at the door as a rush of energy blazes down my back, and the odd tingle I had felt returns. I slowly step forward, then starting walking, then run. I rush forward, closing my eyes and bracing for impact, and there is a funny, sharp tingling for an instant, and then I do impact... just not with the door.

'ACK!' I yelp as I run right into Jay's chest and bounce back, my body shimmering before returning to normal entirely. 'SORRY!'

Jay stumbled a little bite from me running into her but quickly recovered and tackles me to the ground. "Buddy!!!" She cries happily and I yelp in surprise and laugh as I'm tackled by my friend. 

'Hey, Jay~!' I purr, grinning widely and playfully giving off a bark-like noise. 'It's good to see you again~'

"I missed you!" She squeals, nuzzling me, and I welcome the familiar feeling. "Where have you been? You look different. What happened? Where is Tyler?"

I purr happily at her nuzzling, closing my eyes, relaxing fully. Her questions throw me off a bit, but I don't let it get to me. "I've been in the Medical Wing... That Cage Fight that was broken up?... Me and my rider were the main event..." I say quietly, nuzzling my dear friend back before softly sighing. "It's a long story... If you really want to hear it, I can tell you... It's also not my greatest moment... I am ashamed that I was so weak as to be overpowered so easily..." I say.

Jay nods softly, looking down at me, and I take a soft breath, before I begin.

"My rider is still healing... He met Gigantor, the Metal Dragon rider. If not for Justin, Tyler's partner, it is likely that Tyler and I would not be here." I say quietly. "I was kidnapped by Jonathan Rheyes. Tortured..." I start. "Fire dragons have an exceptionally high temperature for their fire, something I experienced first hand... They burned me, broke my right wing, used a Mind dragon to make me see so many things... So many torturous things..." I murmur, before gripping at Jay, eyes closed tightly as my fear returns, a shiver running through me as I remember it all.

How could I ever forget what I saw... what I felt...


Pain really is consuming darkness... If only it could consume me completely and end my suffering. I've been in... where ever this is... for what feels like a month. My head throbs painfully as I feel something within my mind, tearing my thoughts and memories apart over and over. I try to resist once more, whimpering in pain as the presence goes after my memory of Drako saving me from being hurt, and I feel the searing hot tongues of fire that were washing over my side intensify. I can't hold back the scream that tears out of me, the agony causing me to strain and thrash in my bindings. The laughter I hear grows ever louder, and I hear my captor speak.

"I think you should aim more to the left, Jakaress!" Jonathan says and the fire moves up my side, hungrily devouring and nearly incinerating my battered scales. It turns much of my wing feathers to ash almost instantly, embers and cinders fluttering down off of the charred membrane that once held my golden-white feathers. I shake myself, trying to break free, just wanting to escape. I feel a sharp jab into my charred scales, and a wrenching, and I scream once more, a swath of my charred skin and scales being torn off of my body, warm, sticky blood running down my side quickly. I feel tears form in my eyes, and I see my captor's face in my flickering vision.

"Aw, you hurt, little Furry? Huh, you hurt? Awwww, the pooah baaaaaby furry is hurting! How do you think I felt, huh? I know that I can't get Tyler just yet... He'll get his due soon. But I felt like screwing YOU first! I think your rider is gonna love your new look!" I hear and snarl, wrenching to try and free my wings, and I feel my right wing come loose from the bindings, and I jerk it out. I feel a moment of pride and joy as I feel it strike someone, not knowing that it catches Jakaress across the face, and I hear a startled grunt and someone fall off of something. I barely have time to celebrate more, as I feel hands swiftly grasp my extended wing as I go to close it, and I scream loudly as those hands wrench my wing in two different directions, a loud snap sounding out and my vision goes black once more, my body slumping and I know no more.

-Flashback End-

'And... that's what happened to me...' I finish, sniffing. 'I healed using some UV lights and Spot-Lights. Apparently I am a much more powerful Light Dragon than they've had. None of the others can heal using light... Save for Mardu, I think.' I admit quietly. 'And it also made me get a bit bigger. I look older, don't I?'

Jay looks as if she couldn't believe someone had the heart to hurt me. I so wish that was true. "You shouldn't be ashamed..." she said. "It could happen to anyone, and I hope Tyler heals fast. But, at least you have that skill to heal quickly... And I love the change! You're even more beautiful."

I feel my cheeks heat up a little and I purr quietly. 'T-Thank you, Jay~ I... I just thought I looked older...' I admit, and smile softly to her. 'So, I best get going... I need to sleep...' I say softly, and Jay whines.

"But you just got here~" Jay says. "Five more minutes? Please?" She pleas, giving me a puppy-eyed look, and I sigh, smiling.

'Very well... I didn't really want to leave anyway. I just know I should be resting...'

"YAY! Okay, okay, you can rest here if you want!" She says, grinning widely, and I softly laugh, nodding slightly. "DOUBLE YAY!"

May I just say that my friend is the cutest adult Water Dragoness I have ever met?

I can?

Jay is the cutest adult Water Dragoness I have ever met. Runes to your Disciple.

'So, now that I'm staying for a bit, what would you like to do?' I ask, before I get tackled playfully, and I laugh. 'Oh, you wanna play, huh?~ Okay, let's play!'

And for about three hours, we do exactly that, tumbling and wrestling around, Jay being careful, and I not being so careful. I could heal using Sunlight, I can just rough it up all I want! Soon, we're both laying there, me on top of Jay, panting heavily and laughing hysterically. I couldn't stop making that annoying, rather adorable 'Meep' noise, and it just made us both laugh all the harder.

"Oh, buddy, you sound funnyyyyy!~" She cries, trying to stop laughing.

"Meep?!~" I gasp out, and we both laugh loudly. I decide to stuff my paw in my mouth to stop myself and pant through my nose, finally calming down. 'That... w-was... c-crazy, Jay! I-I couldn't s-st-stop!' I laugh and she nods, then lets me climb down from her chest. 'I'm gonna go for a walk... I'll be back later, don't worry.' I purr and Jay nods softly, and I turn away, walking through the door once again, finding it quite easy this time, and I walk down the path. I glance around as I feel a stirring in my chest, and I spot Drako nearby, making me duck behind a snow-bank. I peek over and watch in fright as I hear his rider, Gordon I think, yelling.


"Rider, I don't want to claim her! I know she has no feelings for me! I know that you just want to be able to say I'm the mate of the only Female Light that you've ever seen, and I won't give you that privileged!" He whimpers, evading a swinging foot, and I know that he'll get caught eventually. I have to do something... I have to stop Gordon!

I reach for the power within me, summoning a small bolt of plasma into my throat, and I take aim at the raised fist that I know Drako won't be able to evade, as his rider stomps down on his tail. Drako's cry of pain sends my vision dark red and I jump forward from the snowbank, firing the pent up Plasma shot in my throat as I get mid-leap, and I land behind another Snow-bank as the bolt hits its abusive Rider mark.

Gordon howls in pain, swiftly yanking his fist from the air and hugging it to his chest, crying as he stares at the bubbling, hissing burnt skin. "REMUS!" He yells, and I snicker, watching as Drako looks around, and I know he sees me, because his eyes widen and his jaw drops.

I jerk my chin and he unfreezes, taking off into the shadows to hide from Gordon as the man charges off, yelling for Remus' rider. "I'M GONNA BEAT YEH BLACK N' BLUH!" He yells, and as soon as he's out of eye sight, I laugh softly, gently touching my stomach with a paw. The poor bastard won't find Remus, I know that much... and he'll be in for a shock when he strikes Remus' rider for nothing. I quickly rush from the Snowbank and take off towards the woods, now that I was free to do as I wanted.

And I want to fly.


Boys and Girls, welcome to the next chapter of agent!

Sorry folks, for the long wait, and thanks for hanging in there! Life is going better since last we talked, friends. And soon, I shall go on a journey without rest...

KIDDING, But nice Dark Souls 2 Reference, no?

I am going to be starting on a path that may lead me into serving my country, and I am ready to begin. That does mean Agent will be updated a lot slower... but I will be updating it.





A Dashing Boy and his Dragon?



Well, looks like next chapters gonna be a fun one! See y'all then! And as always



Spread the Love

And Stay Chillin' Like Villains!


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