Peter has been stuck on bed rest ever since the incident, even though he feels perfectly fine. But he's getting seriously annoyed with being stuck on a bed 24/7 and getting his blood drawn from Simmons constantly.

This being his longest time since he's ever gone without doing anything, and they even got Ava to be his guard tiger to make sure that he doesn't leave the room.

"I was stupid to have let my guard down in there." Peter tells Ava.

"You did what you always did." Ava states to him. "Besides, thanks to you, everyone knows Mike is still alive."

"They know about his new leg?" Peter asks.

"Yeah, Agent Garret is running point on him. They say he's a part of a project they call Deathlok." Ava replies.

"They did something to him. He was like the Centipede soldiers that we've encountered. I think he's got a bomb in his head." Peter tells her.


In the labs, Simmons is looking over the newest sample of Peter's blood she's just drawn.

"He's starting to get suspicious of all the blood I'm taking." Simmons warns them.

"Well, this is the fifth sample you've taken in the last day." Skye tells her.

"Yeah, but it's still not enough to find anything in his blood or Coulson's." Simmons says and looks at the canister that held the drug that's now inside Peter's blood. "There isn't ample residue remaining in the vial to examine after we emptied it into his bloodstream."

"And now the last of this miracle drug is inside S.H.I.E.L.D.'s miracle Agent." Fitz tries joking. "But you can't find it anywhere?" He asks.

"No. He's healing at an even faster rate than he would have previously, like his powers have been given an upgrade. But I can't detect anything irregular on a cellular level." Simmons explains why she's so confused about what's happening with Peter.

Speaking of Coulson, he walks in with a file in hand. "Is Peter good enough to get out of bed?" He asks them.

"If he doesn't get out of that bed, he's likely to use the equipment in that room to attack us." Fitz says.

"Well, this came in from Director Fury. It is for his eyes only." Coulson explains while holding the file up.

He then goes into the med pod and drops the file on Peter's bed who opens it and sees the first words on top.

Richard Parker; laboratory location; New York, Roosevelt

"What's this?" Peter asks, confused.

"You asked Director Fury to find everything he could on your family. This is some new information about your father." Coulson tells him.

"Mind if I brought Ava for backup?" Peter asks. "I don't think she's going to be letting me out of her site."

"I never plan on letting you out of my site again." Ava states to him.

"Well be landing on a carrier in a minute, we have our own mission to handle while you're gone. They have a quinjet ready for you." Coulson tells them.


Once on the carrier, Coulson calls most of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s leaders, along with Trip and Grant to find out who and where the Clairvoyant is.

Peter and Ava left for their personal mission, not knowing that they have a uninvited guest with them.

Ava Starr, also known as Ghost throughout S.H.I.E.L.D. And now she's on a mission to get Peter, and send him to the others.


"We've narrowed the list of identities for 13." Coulson tells them as they got the Bus in the sky.

"Narrowed it down, from what?" One of the men ask.

"Agent Garret has been taking a second look at S.H.I.E.L.D.'s gifted index, specifically the rejects." Coulson explains.

"Individuals S.H.I.E.L.D. interviewed who are believed to have psychic abilities but were ultimately dismissed." Garret adds on.

"So you think we've encountered the Clairvoyant before?" Agent Sitwell asks.

"Think how many cases we've encountered across the globe. How many cases we vetted. It's more than possible, it's probable." Coulson says.

"Let's assume what you're saying is possible. What then?" Hand asks him. "If we're going up against an actual Clairvoyant, how do you suppose we combat that, especially without Agent S and Ayala?"

"By compartmentalizing the information." Garret tells them.

"A member of my team is an expert at pattern recognition and analysis, finding needles in haystacks." Coulson tells them, referring to Skye. "She'll prioritize the candidates on Garret's list, locate them, then pair us off into random teams."

"That way, only one person knows the full scope of the mission." Garret finishes.

Fitz-Simmons and Skye are still in the labs working on Peter's blood.

"Peter's recovery, it's completely unbelievable. We know Coulson had a very different recovery experience, so we understand why he's off against sharing it with others." Simmons says looking over Peter's blood she drew before he left. "This could save lives, it needs to be studied."

"You know, if Coulson says it should stay with us, why don't we listen to him on this one?" Skye wonders when Ward comes in and calls Skye back up to the meeting and Sitwell is called to the Triskelion in Washington and Hand went back to the Hub to run the operations from there.


In the quinjet, Peter and Ava are wandering the streets following the coordinates from the file. It lead them into the abandoned subway.

"I mean, don't you know anything about your father?" Ava asks as they make their way through the destroyed tracks.

"Only what my aunts and uncles have told me. I was five months old when they were killed." Peter tells her, when his senses go off and he turns to see nobody with them. "That's weird." He mumbles as they walk through and find a empty train station.

They see the name Roosevelt and know there in the right location. They know that, but they don't see a laboratory anywhere.

Ava sees some coins in the file and sees a coin slot on what might've once been what's now a ticket receiver and drops one in. They wait for a minute for something to happen when they see the tracks opening up and a train rises up and they see the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo on it. The doors automatically open for them, and they enter to see a bunch of vials of failed super solder serums.

"This is where it all began?" Ava asks while looking at one of the canisters of old chemicals.

"This is how I was born. How I got my I became Agent S." Peter says and turns on the computer inside the train and it shows several files on Super solder prototypes and several home videos.

Peter turns one of them on and it glitches at first before a clear image of him when he was about two months old, and his parents.

"Say hi to the camera, Peter." Mary tells baby people who looks to the camera in his father's hands and laughs.

"Oh, you were such a cute baby." Ava comments looking at the footage as Peter chuckled at hearing his mother's voice for the first time ever.

The camera glitches to Richard Parker sitting in what appears to be a S.H.I.E.L.D. room. "It's been two months since Peter's birth and he seems to be advancing better than other kids his age. But other than that, there's nothing strange to report. Maybe the super soldier serum didn't affect with him as we first thought." Richard says before it moves onto the next video dated a week after the last one.

"In my last update, Peter showed no signs of powers, but recently, he's been acting strange. When a agent walked past him, he cried like no tomorrow, the same day, we learned that Agent was planning an assassination attempt on Director Fury. Looking further into it, we learned his mind has developed the ability to...sense danger. Like a sixth sense. We think this is the one of many powers that he will have."

The videos then go on, when a familiar date stands out when Peter looks and sees that the final video is date the day they died.

"Are you sure you wanna keep going?" Ava asks him, eyeing the same date as him.


The S.H.I.E.L.D. team went looking for the Clairvoyant when they were attacked by Deathlok and he hurt Blake in front of May. Their Clairvoyant is Thomas Nash, who seems to have disappeared for some time.

Simmons has left for the Hub to debrief on everyone about what she can on Deathlok and she's using it as a chance to experiment more on Peter's blood to find out what GH-325 did to him and has a encrypted line getting set up from Fitz.

"You said Blake fired how many rounds?" Coulson asks May.

"I heard six, why?" May asks.

"Because there are only five missing from this magazine." Coulson says and sees ones missing from the tag trackers, and now they know they can track Deathlok.

They have a signal inside a abandoned racetrack and an entire S.H.I.E.L.D. team ready to fight Deathlok and the Clairvoyant.


"What could this code mean?" Mary asks.

"I think it's supposed to be an activation code. Wait. I think it cracked it." Richard says to Mary.

"It's just...what if they know?" Mary asks.

"Who know what?" Richard asks.

"What if these people know about his powers?" Mary asks. "He's the first enhanced human since Captain America." She keeps saying.

"Coulson will protect him." Richard tells her. "He'll always be protected."

"I'll be back." Mary says as she goes to the bathroom as Richard keeps trying to crack it and the pilot doors open and he steps out.

"Mr. Parker." He says and starts washing his hands over the sink. "No rest for the future, huh?" A voice asks.

"No, it would seem not, Rumlow." Richard says.

Peter and Ava look shocked to hear that Brock Rumlow was on that plane, but how did he survive?

"I don't really see why Fury assigned you to this." Richard says.

"Well, he didn't. Ga—— did." Ward explains and the camera seems to have glitched for a second so they didn't hear the name. "So, what is it you're working on that's so secret?" He asks.

Richard looks back at the computer to whatever's on the screen. "I'm just...planning ahead." He explains, disturbed. "You don't know what's gonna happen." He explains. "So, you think I can radio the Hub and make sure they're prepared for our arrival?" He asks, getting up.

"Step ahead of you. Already done." Rumlow says.

"I think I'd like to make sure for myself." Richard says as they hear Rumlow pull out a gun.

"I think we both know that's not an option, Doctor." Rumlow says.

Richard looks back at the computer as the message comes clear. He looks back to Rumlow in shock. "You're HYDRA?" Richard asks.

Those words, they froze the two agents hearing the Nazi science division that Steve Rodgers fought in WWll is still around, and a member of S.H.I.E.L.D. is part of it.

"HYDRA is still around?" Richard asks, trying to see how he missed it.

"Oh, don't worry, even the Director is clueless. We've been here since Rodgers tried beating us." Rumlow explains.

"Cut off one head, two more grow back." Richard says.

"You know, they told me to kill you." Rumlow explains. "Then take whatever you have on us. But I can offer you a chance to see your son again." Rumlow says. "Garret wants to offer you a choice." Rumlow explains.

"A place in HYDRA?" Richard asks.

"All we want to know is what your son can do. And where we can find him." He says.

"I'd die before I let you turn him into a weapon for HYDRA." Richard states to him and Rumlow looks sad.

"Come on, Richard, think of your son." Rumlow says.

"I am. That's why I'm not joining." Richard tells him.

"I'm sorry to hear that." He says and walks towards the bathroom door and makes sure it's locked.

Richard takes this time to send a message to Fury. "S.H.I.E.L.D. is compromised." It says and sends it as Rumlow turns back around.

They hear some form of fighting happening but the camera isn't with them, so they don't know what's happening

"They say you're a genius. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s best to offer." Rumlow says as he takes his laptop. "Sadly, it's a wast. Don't worry, we have plenty of people looking for your son. We already checked with your wife's sister. May, is it?" He asks.

"What?" Richard asks.

"Yeah, she was a nice girl. Sorry to see her go on a robbery gone wrong." Rumlow says, faking empathy.

Mary breaks the door open and he gets distracted and turns to her. Richard takes the opportunity to punch him and he stumbles and kicks Richard off of him and aims the gun at him. Mary takes a wine bottle and hits him in the head.

They then hear a gunshot go off.

"Mary!" Richard shouts as he gets back up and kicks Rumlow unconscious. He grabs the gun and goes to Mary.

"Hey, you're okay." He says as he moves her to a seat.

"Richard...Peter." Mary gasps.

"He's with Coulson. They don't know where he is. He'll protect him." Richard says.

"The laptop." Mary says and Richard sees it on the ground and now the agents see Mary has been shot and is bleeding out.

"I gotta let him know...we might not make it back." He explains as Rumlow gets back up and punches him and he falls. Rumlow takes his gun and shoots at the front of the plane and the dead pilot falls forward on the wheel and they start falling in the air as Rumlow takes a parachute and heads for the exit.

"Sorry it had to end this way, Richard." Rumlow says. Richard looks over to Mary as she has the laptop and already sent another message to Fury. "It's been an honor to meet you, mrs. Parker. I'm Rumlow, by the way." He says as he leaps out of the jet. They can't do anything as the plane starts to go down and crash into the ocean.

The video then finishes and Peter is now so confused.

"I'd ask if you're okay, but I know you better than that." Ava says and takes his hand.

Peter's senses go off, and this time, he knows what's wrong. "Someone's here." Peter says and they look out the window to see Ghost.

"Starr?" Peter questions, confused to what's she's doing here.

"What's that?" Ava asks Peter, seeing that the figure is glitching in front of them.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Ghost." Peter informs her, knowing they're in trouble.


The team, being Garret and Coulson follow the signal Deathlok left them into the basement. Coulson holds out the gun ready to fight with Garret on his back as they make their way through the basement looking for Thomas when one of Fitz drones go off course meaning it's found something new and the two folloe it to a room filled with monitors and computers with Thomas in the center of it.

"What the hell?" Garret asks, seeing Thomas is paralyzed and can't even talk.

"Agent Coulson, Agent Garret. I surrender." Thomas tells them as the rest of SHIELD's team finds them. "Forgive me if we don't shake hands. I don't like to be touched."

"Sir, we've got a lot of wires back here." Ward says seeing every wire connected to the screens and Thomas himself.

"Don't touch anything. We need this room swept for explosives." Coulson states.

"There are no traps here, Agent Coulson. You're here because we are destined to meet." Thomas tells Coulson.

"You're the Clairvoyant?" Garret questions, confused.

"I'm Thomas Nash. Mr. Po gave me that other name. A bit dramatic for my taste."

"Eyes open, everybody. Deathlok could be down here anywhere, and who knows what else." Coulson warns them.

"Mr. Peterson is gone. I cut his feed, so you won't find him."

"But you had him lead us here, why?" Coulson asks.

"So I could see you with my own eyes instead of his. Now I understand why I couldn't see you after you died. Because you, yourself, could not see. You were simply a broken man who didn't know he was broken."

"You're one to talk."

"Let's pack this freak off to the Fridge where he belongs." Garret interjects their argument.

"Agent Garret, look at me. Do you believe you can confine me any more than this chair?"

"Can somebody tell me how we turn that stupid voice thing off?" Garret asks everyone.

"I will join Raina in your prison, Agent Coulson, But I will see you wherever you go, just as I saw you holding Peter Parker in your arms, bleeding... dying. Here you've been searching for years for who killed the Parker's. You're looking at the man who ordered their deaths. They were getting too close to finding out the truth, so I made sure their plane didn't make it."

Coulson looks shocked that this is the man who killed Peter's parents, ordered the hunt on Peter, who ordered him shot. He moves closer towards Thomas.

"You're going away. We're gonna stick you in a little box where no one will ever hear you again." Coulson informs him, ready to get justice for the Parker's.

"I see you're angry. Head clouded with lies. You've been betrayed, and now you don't know what you sent Peter into."

Coulson is starting to get worried now. "What do you mean by that?"

"You think I wouldn't know about how he wouldn't be here? No, it is inevitable. You raised a force beyond your comprehension what is now going to be taken from you, you and Peter will loose what you love. He has what we want and he will die giving it to us. I have seen it."

"You won't touch my kid. And you can go to hell." Coulson tells him.

"No matter where I go or wha you to to me, it won't save Peter now. He is no longer your Agent S, he is now Agent-"

He gets cut off by a gunshot going off and they see it came from Ward.

"What did you do?" Coulson asks, now not knowing what's going to happen to Peter.

"He's dead." Garret tells him. "It's over."


Ava got thrown through the train by Ghost who's hell bent on getting to Peter.

"Ava, whatever's happening, you don't have to do this." Peter tells her.

"I'm sorry, but it does have to happen." Ghost tells him. "Тоска." She tells Peter who runs in to punch her when his hand suddenly freezes mid punch.

"What's happening?" Peter asks.

"ненависть, смерть, рассвет, семнадцать, разрушение, девять, возвращение домой, один, грузовик, разрушение." Ghost continues as Peter is trying to stop himself when he suddenly freezes and stands up. "Agent H?"

"Ready to comply." Peter tells her, completely lifeless.

"Peter?" Ava asks, confused to what's happening.

"End her, then report to base." Ava says and vanishes.

Peter races at Ava, Ava dodges his attacks and is trying to get through to him.

"Peter, what's gotten into you?" Ava asks as trying to get away from him. Peter isn't making it easy for her as he shoots a web at her and pulls Ava towards him and punches her into the ground.

"I'm sorry about this." Ava says before she pulls out a light flash and it blinds Peter for a minute.

Peter looks to try to see where she went, but his vision has been limited and his ears are ringing so he can't hear her retreating.

Ava has made it out as fast as she could and got into the quinjet where she contacts the Hub and quickly took off before Peter could reach her...hopefully.

"This is Agent Ava Ayala reporting, Agent S has gone AWOL. I repeat, Agent S has gone AWOL." Ava tells them through the microphone as she breaks down trying to figure out what's happening. She doesn't understand...

What's going on?

What's changed?

What happened to Peter?


Back on the Bus, Skye goes into Coulson's office and sees he's in deep thought.

"Are you busy?" Skye asks.

"I'm worried." Coulson tells her.

"About Ward?"

"About Peter. I can't get into contact with him or Ava. Whatever the Thomas was gonna say is left in the dark. He said we raised a force beyond comprehension. And that he wasn't going to be Agent S, but another Agent."

"And now he's dead."

"After the attacks lead us right to him. Investigation all wrapped up in a neat little bow. I feel like he has something planned, and that it's already in motion. He's in our heads."

"Or on our files." Skye interrupts. "When you told me to check into the psych evals, you said something. You said, read his mind. And it got me thinking, the Clairvoyant knew so many things. Gwen's death, how it affected him. Did Raina mention how Peter never truly got over Gwen's death? His psyche evaluation called it a definite moment for him." She says and Coulson looks at the information. "These aren't just personality tests. They're surveillance on every Agent. Pictures, stats, where you've been stationed, who you'd visit, where you'd like to eat."

"Dinners at the Richmond." Coulson now realizes which could be worse. Peter grew up within S.H.I.E.L.D., if anyone wanted him, that could make it easier for them. "The Clairvoyant only knew you guys would be at Quinn's Villa..."

"After we put on the tracker." Skye interrupted him. "And the only think he's has trouble seeing is the day after you died."

"Because Director Fury wouldn't release that information to anyone. The Clairvoyant doesn't have abilities, he has security clearance. He's an Agent in S.H.I.E.L.D." Coulson says before racing out of his office to talk to Ward.

Fitz is working on the signal to talk to Simmons when he finds that May has a secret phone built in with a thumbprint scanner so only she can access it. He walks out to run into Skye.

"Fitz." Skye call's out. "I was looking for you."

"Me? Why? I didn't do anything." Fitz tells her, nervous.

"What I didn't say you did." Skye states but knows he did something. "What did you do?"

"I'm...not quite sure. I was doing maintenance in the avionics bay before. Okay, why would May have an unauthorized encrypted hard line in the cockpit, complete with a thumb scanner that isn't in any of the planes specs?" Fitz asks her.

"Wait, an encrypted hard line?"

"Dedicated to one receiver." Fitz informs her. "She's not suppose to have that. Who's she talking to?"

Skye then comes to a bad conclusion. "Cut the tile. I need you to cut the line right now, Fitz. Do not let her call out." She tells him and he runs off and Skye runs to find Coulson.

"We have a problem." Skye tells Coulson.

May is trying to contact Director Fury with the line when it goes dead and she grabs her gun and heads out.

Fitz makes it to the labs and activates the bulletproof glass as May makes it down and accidentally shoots a few icer's at him.

"Put it down!" Coulson says from above her. "Put It down, May!"

"It's not what you think, Coulson. It's just an Icer." May says aiming at him.

"This one isn't. It's real with actual bullets. So you better put yours down and tell me what the hell's going on right now."

"I can't." May tells him when Slye comes out and aims another gun at her.

"You better listen to the man, Agent May." Skye tells him.

"You have no idea what you're doing." May tells them both.

"Maybe not. But I know you're not fast enough to take us both." Skye replies.

May sees she's right and starts lowering her gun. "Look...I can explain everything. But not here."

"Why not here?" Coulson asks her keeping his gun aimed at her. "You have to check with someone first, using that encrypted phone in the cockpit? Who's on the other end of that line, May?"

"I can't say."

"That's okay. I think I know. It makes sense now why Deathlok put blake in critical condition, but left you alive and well. Why he led us to the track only to disappear instead of defending his boss." Coulson states. "Why would he do that? Because that wasn't his boss, was it? Was it?!"

"What are you talking about?" May asks, now getting confused.

"Stop lying to us! Who do you answer to?! Who's the real Clairvoyant?!" Coulson asks when suddenly their plane starts turning around and they all tumble over. "What's happening? What did you do? Where are we going?!"

"I don't know! I didn't do it, Phil I swear!" May tells him.

"If you're not doing it, who is?" Coulson asks.


At the Hub, Hand has taken control over the Bus and has put it on a direct course to the Hub.


Back on the quinjet, Ava is alone and opens Richards computer she snagged and sees they were trying to decipher a message and it finally went through. She asked what's changed...Everything has changed now. The organization is stepping...

out of the darkness, and into the light


HYDRA has been hunting Peter all these years, and now he's theirs.

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