Old friends, new information

A week has passed since the gravitonium incident and Peter hasn't really moved past the box of his father's work he took from Quinn's labs. Coulson has given up trying to get him away from it and decides to visit May in the cockpit.

"Maybe I should learn how to fly. It's not too late, right? I could learn." Coulson says, trying to start a conversation with May and she seems keen focused on the sky.

"What do you like best, the freedom? The view?" Coulson asks her.

"The solitude." May answers him.

"Got it, see you in Sweden." Coulson says and leaves her.


In the labs, Ward is looking over their new invention. "I only get one shot. And it has to knock a person back, as well as out." Ward tells them and Fitz has a smile on his face as he shows him the new Night-Night gun.

"Which is why we're perfecting this little beauty. .45-caliber cartridges, semi-automatic. Each mag contains eight therapeutic rounds of dendrotoxin." Fitz explains to him.

"We're gonna have this new night-Night pistol working in no time." He states and leaves.

"Are we seriously calling it that?" Ava asks as she's keeping up her training with a normal punching bag, since Peter hasn't been helping since the labs.

Coulson joins them downstairs. "You've seen Skye?" Coulson asks them.

"Not since weapons training." Ward tells him.

"Has she stopped saying bang when she pulls the trigger?" Coulson wonders.

"Mostly. Now if she could learn the difference between safety release and magazine release, we'll be making progress." Ward says as he leave upstairs.

Coulson looks and sees Ava training by herself. "I'm guessing this means Peter hasn't shown up even to help you train?" Coulson asks her.

"I've tried to talk to him, but all he says is he needs some time." Ava explains to the man.

"Why don't you just go take a break?" Coulson suggests to her and she agreed to it and leaves to shower off.

Coulson approaches the S.H.I.E.L.D. van and knocks on the window and Skye rolls it down and she has her computer with her. "What's up, Phil?" She asks him. "I'd prefer you not call me Phil." Coulson tells her.

"Okay, you're the boss...A.C." Skye says, making a new nickname for him. "Just missing my van a bit, taking a little me time."

"I want your help with something." Coulson tells her. "I'm listening." Skye says and closes her computer.

"Have you ever robbed a bank?" He asks her.

"...no." She answers, a little confused.

"An armored car?" He questions.

Now she doesn't understand where's going. "No."

"How about a casino?" He keeps asking.

"Should I be offended?" She wonders.

"Somebody's stealing millions of dollars in diamonds. They've found a way to crack the security. I want you and Peter to figure out their exploit." He explains himself.

"Peter hasn't been seen much since the whole...last person who actually knew his parents died." Skye states.

"I have him ready as we speak." Coulson states since Peter was eager to get his mind off it.


In Sergel's Square Stockholm, Sweden, they make their way to the train where men were taken down singlehanded.

"Yesterday, 25 men, all military, were hired by one of the largest he, brokers in the world." Coulson explains to them as they make it out the train station and enter the train. "They dressed the men in identical outfits, gave each one a randomly assigned briefcase, and sent them along 25 different routes here in Stockholm. No one knew which briefcase contained the diamonds, but they were still stolen."

"Why the Kabuki theatre?" May asks him, regarding what they were reportedly wearing.

"They we're afraid because somebody's targeting diamonds, an armored car in Milan, safe in mingle Carlo, and now this. Over 30 million total. Each theaft all had heavy security."

"If this person can teach me a few tricks, I wouldn't mind. This guy seems more skilled than me, and I don't like there being someone better at sneaking than me. Aunt Nat gets a pass." Peter states as he looks around the room. "But what about the cameras?"

"Fitz-Simmons is checking. The system was dark for an hour. They think it was hacked." Coulson responds.

"Was it the same thieves each time?" May asks Coulson. "Yes, but it was just one thief. A woman." Coulson tells her.

"My bad for assuming." Peter apologizes.

"And she did it all with her eyes closed." Coulson explains.

"Anyone I.D. her?" May asks Coulson.

"Black, athletic build, late 20s, early 30s." He tells May.

"I have a pitch, but it's outside the box." Skye states to them. "Look at my nephew, I live outside the box." Coulson tells her and Peter just looks offended.

"There are people on the world with superpowers, right? Even said Peter does. What if she has ESP or something?" Skye theorizes.

"There are no credible studies that support precognitions, telepathy, or extrasensory perception." May says and Peter now looks to her.

"Then what do you call my six senses?" Peter asks her.

May thinks for a second and realizes he's right. "My bad, he's right."

"Exactly, and this woman knew impossible things. And why close her eyes? That's either random or totally important." Skye says.

"She's right. When I close my eyes, my other senses become more focused. She could've been listening or sensing something." Peter agrees with Skye.

"Why does H.Q. want us to investigate these heists?" May asks Coulson.

"They don't, I picked this one." Coulson tells her.

"Well, I'm getting full bars down here which means if I were down here and 25 guys were in creepy red masks, you know what I would do?" Skye asks and shows her phone. "Instagram." She states and shows photos of the masked men and their surroundings.


Back on the Bus, they start reviewing all of the photos they could find. "It's just amazing. Every year, this part of the job hets easier." Coulson states as he flicks through the photos. "Between Facebook, Instagram, and Flickr, people are just surveilling themselves." Coulson mocks.

"With many different filters to choose from." Peter joins in the mocking.

"I could do this pretty well when I was hacking for the Rising Tide, but you guys tag and search in ways people never dreamed." Skye states.

"I could run facial recognition software on the photos, cross reference with anyone in our database." Peter offers to them and Coulson turns him down. "Don't need to. That's the thief." Coulson explains and zooms in on a photo.

"Her name's Akela Amador." Coulson explains to them.

"You certain?" May asks him.

"I should be. I trained her." Coulson explains and Peter looks shocked to see she's alive.


Later on they start filling the others on what it is they found and how they know her.

"Akela Amador was a S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent. Seven years ago, she lead a raid on one of Vanchat's gulags. Everyone believed she and the other two agents on the mission were killed. I had doubts, so I sent in a second team, just in case. They could a lot of carnage but couldn't confirm any of it belonged to Amador. Left the possibility of her being alive open." Coulson explains to them.

"She even hanged out with me when Coulson had to leave me places." Peter steps in.

"That's why you chose this op. When you heard about the heists." May interjects.

"There are only a few women in the world who could pull off something so impossible. Since you're here, I thought it had to be her." Coulson tells May.

"Swedish customs confirmed that Amador left the country using an alias on a Swedish passport." Ward says as he pulls up the information. "She flew into Belarus, bought a train ticket to a town called Zloda. I've also put together a list of individuals who could fence that many diamonds."

"She's has had no contact or activity from anyone on this list." Peter states.

"Maybe she's saving them for a rainy day, buying something special for herself." Ava jokes.

"Okay, we need to talk about your proximity to me from now on if you're gonna start cracking jokes." Peter informs her.

"Let's focus on finding Amador." Coulson tells them. "Contact Belarus authorities. Find us a safe place to park the Bus. Put together a list of ins, hotels, and pensions near Zloda. There can't be that many of them."

"She was smart, intelligent, fearless, What's she doing stealing diamonds?" Peter asks Coulson.

"We'll find out when we find her." Coulson tells him and they get to work locating her.


They get a plan together once they've reached Zloda and are all crammed into one van and are driving to a location. "This is exciting. I've dreamed of visiting Zloda since I was a schoolgirl." Simmons tells them.

"Zloda, Belarus? A dream come true, really?" Fitz asks her.

"It's the birthplace of Nobel physicist Zhores Alferov. I mean, technically, he's from Vitebsk, but that's less than an hour from here, and I'm a bit disappointed you didn't know that." Simmons states and they start eating into an argument.

"Do you know how to make them stop?" Ava whispers to Peter.

"I've been trying for about five years, I'll let you know when I crack this safe." Peter tells her.

"Our first and only other time in the field wasn't exactly a picnic, was it?" Fitz asks them all.

"You guys are only here to search for Amador electronically." Coulson reassures him. "You guys won't need to leave the van."

"Bus to short Bus." May calls in from the radio. "Go fro Short Bus." Ward replies.

"Next time, I'll decide what we call ourselves, okay?" Coulson states, hating the name. "No argument here." Peter replies to him.

"H.Q. is requesting an update, I told them we're tracking a potential suspect." May explains to them.

"I owe you one." Coulson tells her.

"More like three." She states and hangs up.

They make it to a clearing and park the van. "Of Amador's here, shell have to contact her buyer." Coulson tells them and gets ready to head out. "Scan for cellphone transmissions, encrypted emails, anomalous broadcasts signatures. Call us if you find anything that indicates her presence." He states and Peter is going with them.

"Maintain radio silence unless you really need help." Ward tells them and goes with them.

"What exactly defines needing help?" Fitz asks but Ward doesn't reply and leaves.


Coulson, Peter and Ward walk into town to check on some of the locations where Amador could possibly be hiding. "I can only imagine how painful this must one for you, sir. Betrayed by someone you trained and believed in." Ward states to them.

"We don't have all of the facts yet." Peter states, not believing Amador's doing this by herself.

"Sure, but I have to assume the worst, that Amador sold out the other two agents on her mission. Wonder what she got in exchange." Ward explains his suspicions.

"I don't know, big until we do, like Peter said, don't assume anything until you have facts." Coulson tells him and they finally reach the town.


In the van, Ava wishes she went with. "There's barely electricity in this town." Simmons states as she and Fitz get to work on locating her buyers. "It can't be that hard to find our mystery woman."

"Unless she already knows we're here." Skye states to them.

"You're not suggesting some sort of precognition or telepathy, because only person on this planet who can do something like that, and even still has limitations, is Peter." Simmons informs her.

"Well, not too long ago, I would have dumped ESP in the aliens are for crazy people file. But now...and also the fact that she wears some rock that gives her animal instincts." Skye states and points to Ava.

"It's an amulet, not a rock." Ava corrects Skye as they finally get connected to a server.

"Finally, were in." Fitz states and does his thing.


Back in the town, Coulson has a talk with one of the people if they've seen anyone who fits the description and get nothing. They were just walking around when Ward's phone rings and he answers. "Did you locate Amador?" He asks them.


"What?" Skye asks, confused since that's not why she called. "No, not yet. But we've found a broadcast with some weird signal encrypted into it." She explains.

"You think Amador might be communicating on that signal?"

"Maybe, but I called with an equally pressing question for you, my S.O." Skye says and Ava can't believe there asking it. "What are we supposed to do wit we have to use the bathroom?"


"You broke protocol because you need a bathroom break?" Ward asks them.

"It was a seriously long drive, and everyone's nervous." Skye defends breaking protocol.

"There a container on the bottom of the blue chest." Ward states and Peter is trying to figure out...oh.


They then search through the chest and find something at the bottom and...it's a water bottle.

"Please don't tell me you're talking about the bottle." Ava says into the phone. "Because I've never done the whole camping thing, and I'm NOT DOING THIS." Ava warns them.


"Agent S, Coulson and I are trying to find a dangerous criminal. If there's nothing else..." Ward states, ready for this convention to end.

"One last thing, Fitz wants to know if you packed some snacks?" Skye asks but Ward doesn't answer and just hangs up. They then make it to a hotel where she's been spotted.

"Dobryy den." Coulson says to the woman working the counter.

"Good afternoon." She greets to them.

"I'm Agent Coulson. These are is agents S and Ward." Coulson greets them to her. "We're looking for this young woman." Coulson explains while taking the picture of Amador.

"Oh, she's my angel." The counter woman states to them with a smile.

"What's that mean?" Peter asks her, not understanding.

"She has gift. She knows things. She told me to go to doctor. He found a tumor. I'm having surgery next week." She explains to them and they're completely confused. "This girl saved me."


Back at the van, Fitz-Simmons are working on the signal and is getting nothing except tv signal. "I can't stabilize it. There's an encrypted local signal competing." Fitz states.

"Mirror it over. I've a couple of Rising Tide exploits that could help." Skye offers and Fitz does as she asks. It only took her a quick minute until she was able to stabilize it easily. "And you're welcome." Skye states to them.


"It's very important that we talk with her." Coulson tells the counter woman.

"With her gift, I'm sure she knows you're coming." She tells them and that's when Peter's senses go off. Except it's not to warn him about them. The others are in danger.


In the van they're watch the footage and see it come to a stop at a white van. "Russian tv is really boring." Skye jokes when Ava realizes something about the van.

"Guys...does that van look ominously familiar?" Ava asks them, when the screen changes into some x-ray vision. In the van is four figures crouched around a corner.

"What are we looking at?" Skye asks as Ava stands up and sees one of the figures on the screen copying her.

"We're looking at ourselves." Simmons realizes when the camera zooms in on them and they realize they're being rammed. Seconds later, the van gets hit and sends them flying.

"Let's get out of here!" Skye says and moves to the front of the van to drive. She tries reaching for the pedals and she's not tall enough. "Stupid tall people. Call Coulson, get the gun." She tells them and Simmons passes the gun while Ava looks for her amulet to have her strength.

"Safety off." Skye says and accidentally hits the safety release and drops the mag on her lap as Amador comes in for another hit and sends the van tumbling.

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