Chapter 9
Seriously dude how old are you you are so freaking pathetic honey roll it I can't even pretend to hit this moron yeah I was bluffing you a****** I was she wasn't I was because I knew that if I hit you one time I would probably shatter your entire f****** face and regardless of how much of an a****** backstabbing loser you are and how much you betrayed me that doesn't change the fact that I did think of you like a brother that doesn't change the fact that I did think of you like family so instead I decided to come up with him way more civil way to teach you a f****** lesson honey roll the clip. I'm before we start on the men are outside they are not incapacitated they didn't hurt them they just knock them out so before anybody starts freaking out they're just sleeping. Because unlike this sad it pathetic excuse of a f****** King I am actually merciful I am actually a good person so guys been wanting you assholes thing I would never harm somebody that's innocent because it doesn't mean that I ain't going to teach somebody less than that it is guilty and yeah I am not going to beat the f***** kill somebody that by the way is weaker than me Granite I can't promise anything about my lover over here she don't give a f*** you hurt me you're she takes it personal and makes it on her agenda me personally I can never hurt somebody that physically can't even defend themselves I mean you seen how pathetic your king is he f****** with himself when I just even draw my hand back he couldn't even take one punch for me I wasn't even going to hit him with full force because I know if I had him for Force I'd probably kill him to be honest I'm half Fury and half wolf and I have power both in front of my parents so you know he doesn't stand a chance against even one punch from me so I was going to Baby tap him and the man that you call your king of kings just pissed himself when I have his actual true Heir right here so let me ask you what's your brother have him freaking or the one that's actually supposed to be on the phone because let me tell you she makes him look like a tadpole now she will make an example of him because she's a Yokai she doesn't give too craps you guys are violent and they're aggressive and they ain't afraid to not only get violent with somebody there not afraid to absolutely destroy somebody to them it's just Child's Play dude she showed us what happens when a regular Yokai it's just playing they're playing makes our fighting look like hopscotch they're playing what makes our physical combat and are Warrior types look like first graders playing hopscotch it makes them look real bad. So yes I might be a fair and just King it might have been blowing fish like I said Honey's keep in mind I am not my partner and she doesn't love so I can't honestly promise you that your king is not going to have a broken job by the time he leaves because she will probably most likely give him one and no offense she's stronger than me by a long shot I am not standing in between her when she is pissed off she can go ahead and beat the crap out of all she wants dude I Fair warned you you're the one that was an idiot and pissed yourself instead. All because I asked for an apology from a little a****** who can't admit that he actually was in the wrong." Bane said mocking the white dragon before his partner smart turning on a projector which projected a scene of one of the memories from her partner's mind of all the memories of the exact occurrences that he was accused of let's just say his whole entire Clan was gasping at the contents of the projection especially when they heard what their King was saying and doing.
Jeremy what is all this you told us that he's the one that pulled the plug on that machine that wiped over Council of s*** and aren't those the documents that you said he shredded after he oh my god did you were you the one that pulled the plug on that poor innocent by standard and then laughed about it.
You bet there is caught red-handed and putting s*** and the permanent records there is changing our test results there is oh who's that smooching my ex-girlfriend who by the way he slept with and then said I did it the only thing I did with her was kissed her one time and it wasn't even in case it was a peck I don't even counted as a kiss dude. There he is doing all that s*** to the lockers but he then accused me of doing his lockers were actually all of my friends which he did in order to turn them against me I mean why would I write my own name on something if I was doing something I knew I wasn't supposed to like why would I leave evidence I'm not that much of an idiot just saying if it was me which it wasn't cuz obviously look at me I was doing my homework and there he is throwing away all the homework that I was turning in so that way that I would fail the classes so I couldn't come back the next year which by the way I was only there those years mostly years was because I was hanging out with him because if I was my best friend and if I had my back cuz I sure have had his cuz look at me I took the blame for all the s*** he did and then whenever I finally had enough and realize that he was honestly just using me for financial gain and all that s*** I never once held it against the Moon that I and by the way just for the councils awareness ahead of evidence and Records the whole time that he was doing all this s*** in fact I have evidence and Records well wish that he's been doing since then too but did I ever expose this fake ass no I didn't did he ever accuse and false the point the finger at me every single time to someone wrong yes even on s*** that I was nowhere near and had nothing to do with even when I wasn't there which is why I never answered any of your damn letters yeah you thought I didn't have any awareness of it because of the fact that I wasn't there just because I'm not present dumb dumb that's not mean that I'm not watching you secretly or not aware of it and just for your information I'm way more higher than the authority less than you so I have record of everything you did so rather than actually you know gave you the righteous Vengeance I deserve by being the link walk out of you I'm being disabled adult and taking it to the legal system. I'm not a criminal and I'm not a murderer okay I don't do that s***." He said playing through the rest of the clips including even the more recent ones the more they seen the more their eyes whining anymore that their mouths dropped even caught a clip of him having an affair with another woman.
"oh s*** I didn't know I had that one whoops. Sorry Sarah I was actually not going to show that one yet I was actually going to have the Mrs talk to you in private so you weren't embarrassed but yeah that was an accident I forgot what clip it was on and come on I'm not an a****** if I obviously knows what's going on I'm always going to tell you in private not embarrassing or humiliate you in front of the whole clan." He said, as the rest of the clan shows showing all of his infidelities all the crimes he pulled answering the actual footage of every single piece of it answering clips of conversations that he was exposing himself on while talking on the phone. They were all gasping covering their mouths.
" Jeremy what the hell is all this." His grandfather screamed at him making him stop off as he pretty much broke down in tears and she walked over to Bain realizing actually how big he is in person. Damn you grew up be such a fine young man. I'm sorry but he a huge disappointment and excuse for a game and I do apologize on behalf of him since he doesn't have the guts to tell you himself which he should and is going to no matter how much I have to freaking beat the crap out of them he won't make it up to you no matter what I promise you that I am not going to let him slide on this one.
Uncle and another one that I want to apology from your not the one that did all that s*** to me you only believed him because he was your nephew I mean and come on he didn't put on a pretty convincing facade I mean he had everybody f****** pulled so of course I'm not going to get mad that you fell for it although you should have came to me and clarified that they actually happened in like had an actual birth like I did instead of just making false accusations let my point is I said I don't want no excuse for nobody else I don't want an apology from anyone except him he's the one that f***** with my other life and then try to f*** with it some more I only one an apology for men everybody else that was not involved isn't this and I am not mad at them except of course the one that gave him the idea to do to me what his descendants did to her my dad which is exiled them sealed their power and left them for Dead with hords which by the way jokes on you ever single one of those Originals the original guys original Kings yeah we didn't go just like my dad just like my mom the other ended up in my clan which might you guys as little assassination failed that one is an apology to my father and to me for giving that little s*** head that idea cuz he did try to win it to me not realizing that my father is the one they did it too so of course I know it's the same person that he got the idea from because he wasn't even born when that happened to my dad so obviously whoever did that is either a relative or an adult of high power that he is close to it is the closest council member that he was close to that was around the time of my dad was around.
Oh s*** please do not involve him he's an old man I don't know why he did the boy that I did but come on he's a crippled man right now like he's not even Immortal anymore like the dudes dying like do you really want to punish him.
"Nobody else my dad and me an apology and my mom once again all I'm asking for is an apology if every time I ask for an apology it's going to be rejected then I'm not going to accept anybody's apology and let me just tell you this it's just going to make the whole situation in your leg at the other times worse considering that that ass will try to do that to a 15 year old boy. "
Okay so that's about enough I love you my boy I know you deserve an apology but enough I asked for an apology and if I'm not going to get one for my kid my wife and me from that Savage and that mongrel is a damn apology dude either it's going to be me my wife or his fiance which one you want they try to assassinate me and assassinate my 15 year old son but we're not even mad that he tried to assassinate me and my wife we were adults the fact that he tried to Target my innocent son who literally had nothing to do with anything and was literally just a kid money is a business being a kid now it's personal blood if I can't even get a damn apology for all that s*** you can kiss your counsel f****** goodbye. I am not going to beg for an apology or ask anymore I have asked repeatedly politely as nicely as possible if you guys can't even own up to the b******* you do let me introduce you to the darling whose answer you assassinated this is jedidiah's great great granddaughter she's got a bone to pick with you buddy she knows you're the one that set up a man that killed her ancestor you really think she's not going to take that damn personal." Her mates father said angry when he walked up to the man and when the man was kind. Of cowering because of how pissed off his dad was. He was trying to make himself look smaller as I'm trying to make himself ugly he was afraid so they would sympathize with him he just scoffed at him before turning around and walking away stomping off even tapped Phoenix and not from the man was absolutely terrified because she did not hesitate to walk up to him she cracked her knuckle satisfyingly.
Okay murder of any last words.
How was I supposed to know you were related to him.
Holy mother the s***** actually spoke the truth for one well that's the first of today congratulations you grew a f****** pair and you killed him innocent man who happened to be my great great grandfather if you don't think that I found that personal you're 100% wrong because my descendant is his biological daughter his descendant is the reason why I'm a phoenix and he designed me to where you can't even touch me buddy neither can any of the monsters you meet Slaughter my grandfather Yeah you act like I didn't know that well let me give you a little piece of advice idiot he kept record of everything that man Road Diaries and workers and everything that happened in his life and he hit it in a tune which only a phoenix could open that recorded his whole life from day one all the way up until the day that he died so I know every detail from the thoughts in his head to every experience he had including all the b******* and illegal corruption criminal acts that you guys were doing behind closed doors which by the way I had record of physical record and proof of so unless you want me to expose every single crime that you know you're counseling client I've done anybody never even one of your kings you're going to have to do better than that cuz I'm like my grandpa I'm not nice." She said giving him one heck of a right hook but making sure not to put enough power behind it to actually kill him but she made sure they did a whole lot of damage that she knew would take years or may not even ever be able to be reversed. They all gasped at how zero hesitation she had to do in that she had him so hard he got knocked completely unconscious she made sure he was breathing made sure that she did enough damage to get the point across.
I may have gotten him good but I barely touched him and to be 100% he is not dead I just knocked him unconscious that's all broken people then damage to maybe get the freaking point across you mess with my family or anyone I know and I find out about it and you don't own up to it or apologize screw asking you for an apology I'll break your damn skull like I just broke his I may have scrambled up his brains I didn't mean to do that but I have probably did.
Seriously shut the f****** you're calling me the monster he literally slaughtered an innocent man that was defenseless and dying because he was trying to save his daughter and wife so if you want to call anybody in the monster call this a****** and Monster he slaughtered my grandfather for God's sakes and then got away with it and then his associates of my mates dad and mom both killed they sealed their power and strengthen literally made the most vulnerable as a normal purebred and then let them for f****** dead just because they were trying to help them with the hordes and either darn job and not only that who's the real monster somebody that goes over 15 year old boy who literally had nothing to do with it seriously and you want to call me the monster just because I gave him right hook it's not like I made him braided it's not like I kill them it's not what I did anything close to what he did you think it's okay to try to put a assassination attempt on a child that's a minor that's innocent then you're the monster and you deserve to be the same place that he's going to be and by the way just so you're aware I'm and a phoenix you aspiratic moron you do realize I can fix him within like 2 seconds right you do realize Phoenix is being power is healing where were you just born dumb.
"Damn you're mean." A man yelled
"And damn you're stupid you're covering for a criminal you do realize it makes you just as guilty as him. They literally use their power to do extremely criminal Acts murder people who by the way were innocent and literally nothing to do with it except that they were trying to do their job and trying to make it better for you stupid people because of the fact that they actually gave a f*** about you and they were sentenced to death for it and you didn't even defend them your notice that they were absent they tried to slaughter a young innocent child who literally had nothing to do with it who has falsely accused of s*** that you guys didn't even look into to make sure was even true and then put a pretty much a bullseye on his back to me if he was anywhere outside of his clan he was pretty much marked for Slaughter he was a child what are you a bunch of freaking Savages my grandfather wasn't innocent that man was really only trying to run the good in fact he was one of their best Kings and back is the best one on record but guess what is he ever recognized for the f*** no in fact they Market this is the worst because they covered up all his achievements and then took the credit and said they did it nobody ever looked into actually make sure they actually did it though so who's the real monster here the Anarchy who's trying to get Justice for the wrongdoings that was inflicted on her loved ones or the Savages who were trying to murder people who literally were just doing the right thing I wonder who's the court going to find guilty why don't you look at the clip idiot." She snapped pressing play on the projector again showing not only the same from her grandfather's memory of him being slaughtered and s*** and would actually happen but the memories of his parents being pretty much sentence the next child and what happened after they were jumped in the hordes and then they played the part over her mate found out he had a pretty much a head on his head he was only 15 he was terrified with wonder he never left his territory until today and fraction measure she also played some more Clips which showed all the other s*** that she pulled from not only records memories of people around her and home of course her ancestor oh no she pulled memories that other kings and queens had over them literally being slaughtered the same way and then she said what was slaughtering them as soon as they seen the base that would responsible for all the kings and King queens and God's coming up missing every time they're replaced let's just say they were absolutely f****** horrified some of them even fainted. Oh but she wasn't done yet she snapped her fingers after the clip had the lights turn on here she had had her yokai's bring something in the room they all jumped up and started running when they seen what it was she had the beast from the clip that they had made to kill the other guys changed by the neck and had her you guys pulling it out yes it was restrained but it's not sure as hell wanted.
So who's the Monster again who's your enemy again who's the criminal and deviant again I'm going to give you one last time to get this right if you don't I'm having them and hook that damn thing and I'm going to give you the same faith that you gave every single one of those poor innocent Souls how about that and for extramural even video take that s*** and broadcast it just for the rest of the council guess the f****** point you make an enemy out of me I make you Seafood by the way this thing was designed to kill even my grandfather they designed it to kill him in fact it is what killed him. Which your counsel and your king that was trying to overthrow him made. So if you think that you're crimes aren't noticed or you got away with it know that you did not oh and by the way this thing might kill my greater grandfather but here's the thing honey buns I can't kill me my blood isn't that up a phoenix instead of a human my DNA is being expect my blood is not my grandfather decide me that way so you're a little thing couldn't do s*** to me isn't that right you ferocious murdering machine." She said as a thing worried at her showing her its teeth and she just straight up let out a what was supposed to be a scream but it was more of a screech that was so high pitched it was more powerful than a Banshee in it made that thing go absolutely insane cuz it made him in so much pain because the stupid monster was that they made the damn thing behind as hell so it's yours where it's only way to figuring out where anything was or it's something vibrations from the floor so of course she figured out that if she makes her Screech high pitch enough it actually does a whole lot of damage to the damn thing.
Wait what the f*** how why is that thing in here how did you get that in here why how are you able to even change it that thing's supposed to be able to kill phoenixes
"Oh Jeremy nephew to join us my boy oh you were here for my intro but yeah here's the thing my grandfather this is the same thing that you guys use to kill him and that you decide to kill him well here's the thing my grandfather made sure that you couldn't pull the same b******* twice so he made sure that my blood was that of a human and none of a phoenix so this monstrosity you made that's no effect on me none and also I know how to make it submit. I also can do this." She said as she carefully undiditch trains and then whistled making it sit like a dog he was absolutely terrified when he seen that it was obeying her and she could control it.
"You trained it." He asked. And she snapped her fingers and it stood up she told her hand in it spun around like she was mushing her hand pointing down and making it lay down.
" I'm doing that just with the power I'm a radiating off me I'm radiating so much power off me and directing it in the direction of it so much so that it's forcing me into submission the word has no choice but to listen to me and obey the moment it doesn't I raise the power that I'm radiating high enough causing it to being extreme agony. How's that person in the face." She said if she literally climb on those things back tapping it with her foot making it get up.
"Your I'm not going to kill us are you they're innocent people here that had nothing to do with it."
"Don't know where that why do you think I'm taking your little toy I mean yes just satisfying as it would be to watch it and Munch on you the way the council said the gods and Kings that they were replacing to it yeah I'll be hella satisfying and perfect vengeance but is it the right thing to do now but taking their little playaway is they can't kill her or anybody with it if it ain't theirs now can they know the poor innocent sorcerer that they turn into this monster they were innocent too that it didn't deserve that s*** they didn't ask for it. But are they ever going to get Justice hell no this is a member of the term that one point it was freaking Ellie and nobody even knows that she was missing or cared. Oh wait you're going to ask how I knew that was her. Because you got footage on accident of your grandpa doing it to the poor little darling she was 16 dude she had dreams she had a boyfriend that she loves she had a life that she wanted to live." She said. Making sure that the person that she seen videotaping the whole thing got every single tape of that we're live streaming it to a platform she didn't give a s*** and she made sure that they got a good close up image of this beast and what it looked like and how it is how big and roses and rancid it looked like something in a freaking complete nightmare." But she made sure not to get too close so they wouldn't get too scared.
Yeah I get all the images all the close-ups of the monstrosity disease so-called councils that love you and take care of you are creating to destroy with they don't love you they don't care for you they're greedy they're selfish all they want is power I don't give a f*** who they have to kill to get it or who they have to destroy it to create it they have no mercy they have no empathy they have no compassion so for you think I'm a monster any level s*** like all the s*** that they did all those people that didn't deserve it and they did not hesitate to kill absolutely destroying kill them. This is a young 16 year old witch who didn't deserve s*** they changed her up in a basement and made her a monster and then fed her anyone that they seen as a threat and a king anyone that they put in that God position any of that b******* they literally said to this monster he was a young girl who had a whole life to live that was stolen from it so my point is watching make an enemy and washer you call a monster the real monster can be the one you're trusting with your life watch you trust and watch whose hands you pressure life in they could just squash it I would rather have a leader than I know is being honest is going to do exactly as I say and somebody who lies murders and the stress the last people that were actually trying to just do good somebody who goes after the innocent so what you call a monster the monster might be actually you're only ever survival you know where I stand you know what I'm going to do with these people you don't know if they're going to murder you tomorrow to pay you to an alligator or strip you of everything you have they don't give a s*** they never will you need to learn that. Watch who you put in charge watch you give the throne while she give all that power too cuz I guarantee you will go straight to their effing head." She said, before leaving the Beast out the door as she said on top of it a lot of them are so terrifying the speechless I didn't know what to say. Little did she knows that video that was probably recorded or where she said that and that had the beast on it was it actually being like broadcasted to the General Public so because the people at the wedding weren't just talking about that she didn't know that till she of course look at her phone inside the car and see in front of the broadcast was literally everywhere of reporters and normal everyday citizens literally freaking the hell out when they seen the monster. And no matter where she looked on social media anywhere in any news it was all about the video and them talking about it why then we're demanding that she comes forward to the general public and talk to them a lot of them were trying to say was a hoax some of them are so terrified that they were picking her up talk to them or just tell him it was fake absolutely scared with our lives were thinking of the end of the world or some b*******. She face poems before getting out of the car again because they had not taken off yet. She texted back on the newscast saying Okay who wants to talk to me first and they all or flooding in the reply someone demanding of apology for scaring the general public that bad others demanding her brother was fake and others wanting more answers cuz they were so confused about all the s***.
So she uploaded on it or broadcast people I am only one person I can only do one thing which one are you expecting me to do okay how was I supposed to know she was broadcasting that to the general public to be fair it wasn't a normal wedding honeys I didn't know they were putting them on the general public how the f*** was I supposed to know that I'm not exactly a guy I can't read minds okay maybe a little bit still that's beside the point I can't read my store freaking telephone though I have to be close to you or touching you for me so how long was I supposed to know that she was recording how was I supposed to know that white dragon was going to invite normal human citizens normal Royals do not do that plus he's a f****** purebred they normally do not do that in fact the two normally stay separated thank you very much a way to forgot his wife a human wasn't she f*** well but I just pretty much expose all of my bad and scared the f*** out of the human population nice one Phoenix genius Phoenix probably just set up a f****** morphinex dumbass look I'm 18 about to turn 19 like 2 days don't judge me I'm working young okay I might be a queen but I'm still freaking young and naive and yes I can be a blonde judge me and we can all be a little dumb sometimes no matter how much you know with her power we have come on we all know that.
Definitely straight and expose our entire existence of the whole entire human population all over the world like you just did honey bun I love you but holy s*** did you mess up they are freaking the hell out which pathway Jeremy ran out and told me that's exactly why he was trying to get you to stop he was trying to tell you that they're human citizens there I told him well yeah probably should have clarified that in the invitation I mean we're not humans different not f****** my readers I mean of course unless she touches someone that means she's not exactly Superman dude look to clarify nobody actually got her or died in any of the situations okay or fair and just rules we don't hurt people all right to be clarified yeah we did knock out a few cards but they were just unconscious not like we hurt them and by the way the Beast was completely underneath the control right over here can control that damn thing don't ask me how she just she just okay and she was taking away from them so they couldn't kill anybody with it all right so tell Clara yeah the base is real but is it dangerous no because we took it away from them and sorry we really legitimately did not mean to call the mass pan if that was not on purpose like I said we did not know that there was human citizens there how are we supposed to know that we're pure words dude. And non-humans to the state separate all right they don't tend to interview like that so technically this white dragon as well so if you want to blame anybody blame him all this happened just because I asked for an apology it's a I'm sorry if he would have just said that I would have left and left him alone so which she is so in my parents but now they refused to do so And to clarify she's a Yokai she's violent and aggressive by Nature she's literally wired that way okay. And to be fair that jackass ready to give me murder at 15 years old by that thing that she took that's why she f****** took it so they can't hurt anybody with it anymore. No like whether or not you believe anything said here whether or not you're okay with it we don't give a s*** we're not going to be in the general public anyways we live in isolated Town that's cut off on the Russian World we live in our own plans like weird literally have no access to any of your s*** so therefore none of this is going to practice anyways besides our people already know about the existence of all this s*** we believe in peace and harmony for Thousand Years you really think a little bit of dish crap's going to mess with us now because we're used to coexisting the other and working together your people I went by the way you just say you know your government's already where all the scrub they've known about it with other beers they just keep it away from you guys because I don't know why probably cuz they're afraid of words showing up like they did to all the times around my client which is why we're cut off for the rest of so yeah no we're not the bad guys and the people who run your government are straight up monsters they mix all the species together but don't teach them how to coexist they teach them how to create the same monster that you see my fiance take out of that when we say so yes say what you want to do tomorrow I don't care I mean it's not like it's going to affect our daily lives. Your the ones that keep each other segregated how is that our fault no it's not so yeah that's on your government you're higher ups and everything because they're aware of each other's existence they've been aware honey why do you think they're so powerful or anything to get that from they don't get it from bills and all that s*** they get it from us yeah. So watch a final finger at that's what I'm saying. Well since English is going to affect any of my daily life or anything in any way it's just going to affect all of you I'm going home where we live in Perfect Harmony and not corrupting each other and destroying everything and murdering everybody just for power and all that other crap because let me tell you who's more powerful species here not the ones that you work for they don't know s*** their offspring or made her officer are the main naturally with two non-human parents there's a major officially but the human donor and we also have much more pair of an older bloodlines also on top of that I have the biggest and most strongest and oldest clan that literally is called mingling with mine and yes our humans in my before you ask answer our witches so yeah we literally have every single species in my clan including the one that was extinct that's the most powerful and oldest one and do we do half of the crap that the ones that you guys work for do or kill people the way they do now we don't we work together and we treat each other like family. Since one of your little comment said monster and dominant monsters no honey we're not technically monsters we're technically not humans you know mythological creatures you know the creatures you have in your Legends and folklore yeah that's weird honey send them technically you've known about us your whole lives she just desire existence that's on you that's not on this look I don't even have to tell you any of this I don't but you know to me it's normal I grew up with that dude to me being segregated is not normal it's an abnormality so would you rather be blind what's actually going on or would you rather actually knew that's all up to you dude I mean I'm granting in a 90% of this is going to say oh it's fake and you guys are just going to go back to your everyday lives like everybody always does that's why it's not helping me any it's not like I give a crap wait a minute Phoenix read that comment holy s*** one of them just asked you for an interview what the hell. And she wants it to be in person honey I don't come from around here I'm not going to use to all this segregation crap. Are you really sure you want to meet us in person." He asked. As his fiance read the reply.
" okay Kim Kim fine win the one question why you yeah bullying and targeting me you do realize they're like a thousand you're not even way closer to you that you could probably honestly get a hold of me quicker than me why are you want interview me and look I'm not getting interviewed by anybody rude Mr Jackson so you can forget about that one Now Kim on the other hand was very nice and polite about it and asked politely. Plus she seems really sweet I like nice humans but I don't like rude an arrogant wants to any of you that got snooty booty with me you can forget about it I have a zero tolerance for disrespect and jerks so yeah if you are going to be polite and just ask me nicely and you don't you can forget about even asking me. And who the hell is Tammy I freaking love this girls reply she is hilarious I absolutely love you and thank you for sticking up for me you were such a honey bun I absolutely love how sassy you are and you have such an amazing sense of humor. You tell him girl okay so which one do you want to see first I've got Kim and Tammy which one of them is closer." She said if she look for her screaming real quick when she read another message.
"Hunny bring up your GPS real quick." She asked us her partner pulled out his phone. And gave it to her she typed in the coordinates. Before letting out a little squeal. Tammy you are literally like not even 5 minutes away from there sorry she is the closest. And also she's the only one that gave me directions. I'm not from around here I'm not going to know more anything that unless you give me directions which I try to explain into a couple of you through text but didn't seem like you caught on what I was trying to say because you still just gave me a stored and tell me where any of that like how am I supposed to know where the store is like how do you have to figure out what I'm going and not to be inconsiderate that I'm not going out of my way to drive like 3 hours just running a few when Tammy is like literally 5 minutes away from me. And once again like I said I'm only going to even consider going to Once if I like how they talk to me none of the rude Mr Jimmy ever here who's designed to tell me coordinates even though he was just literally insulting me like 5 months ago well she can't stop me for 5 minutes and then expect you to let me interview me or my partner that's not happening okay just to clarify I'm like an interview I have feelings if you're not going to treat me with consideration treat me the way that I treat you I don't expect me to honor your request cuz I don't have to do anything for anyone if I feel like they don't deserve my time Mr that is completely bogus fake and as a puppet how can I sit on a puppet make it makes sense y'all in the whole grown ass woman you expect me to be able to smell something metal they're definitely not a person in there but okay Jackie which is exactly why even though you packed for an interview at face and we train that convincing them pretending to be all sweet and leaving nasty messages like that somehow thinking I couldn't see it for some other reason I'm guessing cuz you keep on believing it but I had already seen it honey bun which means you were definitely not getting an interview. Okay Tammy meet you outside I'm in your parking lot by the way I'm not bringing the Beast only because one reason I had my people take it home because everything is very unpredictable and is very dangerous I don't want it to accidentally end up hurting somebody you don't understand the things extremely dangerous." Phoenix said as I got out the car and a woman with her phone like she was talking to from her side said damn I was really wanting to see anonymous I'm sorry I've been trying to further existence but God knows how long they were going to keep going to call me crazy so hoping if I got a picture of that beast and we might be able to convince somebody... oh my God...." a beautiful young lady and Ginger came walking out with a cameraman as she was talking to her obviously cameraman who was reporting the whole thing when she looked it from her phone and seeing Phoenix looking at her and it was like she just froze in her tracks real quick and tried to take a double paper for walking up and getting a close with a very straight they was just standing there awkwardly because she was literally just walking around in the examining room making sure that they weren't wearing anything fake.
Yo why you put one on my ear darling yeah there's a permanent Year please leave that alone and half wolf my ears what are you doing Tammy okay honey that is really uncomfortable why are you checking out my ears bad.
Holy s*** I don't see no Surgical scarring from an alternate years plastic surgery can sometimes do that.
Honey I'm being polite placed I'm doing well that does not feel good I promise you this not plastic surgery I was born like that thank you very much you're not going to find no scar tissue I just said I'm half wolf that pointed ears nothing everybody knew that I forgot you from the normies."
Yeah not really starting to regret agreeing to this I mean if you're just going to try to prove that we're fake then I'm leaving bye cuz someone out on my way to come up here cuz I can actually like a nice person
Oh no honey honey I'm not calling fake or anything like that and I'm not being rude examining making sure me and no idea how many people have came up to me convinced me that they were and turned that they just had plastic surgery it's a lot more common than what you think. Do you mind if I continue to do or does it just bother you do that bad.
"Look if you want to make sure that we're really you could just always ask us to shift we are both shapeshifters you do know that right you can legit just ask us. I mean as long as we like you you're pulling your nice about it we don't mind doing that I mean like I said I grew up in a town where you humans not humans and all that s*** live together and feel mingle and always have I've actually never known him to be segregated so yeah you guys as normal lifestyle is weird to me I'm used to coexisting with other species and you know living in harmony with other things of different species I'm not used to them actually being separated to me that's weird." He said that she look to remember a bit more before moving on to his partner.
"You my little nervous too because I feel like you might burn me." She said hesitantly.
You know I'm mine I mean I am a Phoenix next and they are making me feel uncomfortable. I'm not to be rude I don't exactly appreciate the way that you're touching all of them a man I mean not to read anything but I look more non-human than he does with my human appearance like you can tell just by looking at me and then I'm not human but yet you want straight for the one that looks more human I can tell that you just wanted to touch my mate which is not respectful at all and that's Crossing an extreme battery I'm so bonded to that mail that's really disrespectful especially since we're engaged. Phoenix said Crossing her arms showing her that she pissed her off the girl immediately retracted and realizing what she ticked her off. First of all when you are approaching one of us like that you don't go straight for their maid you know I'm so interesting to me like you just didn't want any definitely do not touch all over them like you just did tonight first of all you warm up to the female first we're not human so of course unless you want to get bitten by the hand that fed you he makes friends with a female first otherwise that just means you were after the mail which by the way pause off cuz he's marrying me that's what I give her being nice to somebody I think is actually genuinely good person this is why I don't make friends with people. She said he could tell how upset she was he immediately raised him to comfort her and as soon as she seen how hermit reacted to her upsetting his partner her expressing entirely changed.
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