Chapter 6
"That is disgusting Simone are you serious did you seriously piss yourself over her just talking to you. You were literally just talking s*** to a wolf while they were Snarling in your face. But you got your pissed yourself she saved you're ungrateful as you should be grateful to or not pissing yourself it's not like you threatened you How could somebody threaten you in such a low tone she obviously was probably trying to calm your ass down. I mean how could you be freaking terrified of somebody that nice and that gorgeous by the way I have no idea that it is does anybody no she is the prettiest person I've ever seen I've never seen her around and I want to be her friend." One of Simone's friends said that was sitting next to her before she got pinned to the ground that was in her click and was actually her best friend.
"Katie shut the hell up you know nothing. I have been talking in a gentle voice in a calm voice but she was 100% threatening me and she didn't insert yourself wait or none of you hurt her she was not trying to calm me down and you might be right about how attractive she is but she who is definitely not being friendly and she only save me from Roxy to Flex to me that was not to save my ass which I don't even know why you did if you were just going to threaten me anyways. That makes the zero sense you save my life then you literally threaten me that makes like zero sense like if you're going to turn on me then do it I don't like to face people they do something nice for me just so they can hurt me but like makes zero sense and people wonder why I don't trust you non-humans.
"Honey who said I was threatening you that was simply a warning okay there's a difference if I threatened you you know that's me politely warning you and watch what you do by the way they can't hear me so have fun trying to convince them that I'm threatening you by the way I did that on purpose honey cuz you can't prove a damn thing. And a little advice my parents are 100% human and they're the ones that raised me not non-humans. And if you look at my blood it reads as human but if you look at my genetic makeup and my DNA I'm definitely a non. So I don't go easy on little girls like you like they do cuz I know you're not as we can help with as you think you are and I never damn fact that you said to your advantage cuz you know that none of these guys will touch you out of fear of getting in trouble. Me on the other hand I have no problem showing you that I'm not going to baby you and let you get away with everything like everybody else does." Phoenix said also in a very gentle town I'm sure she was only one that heard her because she was using a spell that made it sound mute to everybody else the only thing I could tell was the pitch of her tone. And the expression on her face was very calm and Placid so they couldn't tell it she was actually threatening her. But one of the girls nearby who she didn't know his death who was one of the girls at Simone obviously did something wrong too because she was laughing her ass off all of her other friends looked at her when she noticed that all their stuff was in front of her in other words she was small and they were making carry all their s*** but they forced it to hang out with their click in order to pretty much be their slave. This poor girl was laughing so hard she knocked over some of their stuff over that they had piled in front of her their college textbooks that they were making her carry around the store was small for all petite and she was Tiny she was also a human with glasses me tell her she was high quiet girl that everyone picked on at school just by the way that they were going her and getting her hang out with them just so they can bully her and you could tell her she was most likely the one they bullied in the group cuz these girls were like a group of the girls like from Mean Girls like they were those type of girls those type of girls eating you just weren't friendly and were fake and where boys which made phoenixes the blood boil which you could tell cuz her face instantly said that she was pissed where's the girl immediately stop laughing when she seen her face cuz she thought she was mad at her she immediately coward in her chair until Phoenix is expression soft and very gently because she figured that she actually scared the f*** out of her.
"No no Honey honey I did not mean to scare you at I was not mad at you by any means I was not mad at you and I was not making that face cuz I was pissing you." Phoenix said motion to the books in front of her. And the girls expression automatically set it all she looked down and realized what she was pointing at and her face just went blank if she looked back up with her and I've seen that her face was full of empathy and compassion not anger or not Pitty. As Phoenix signed to her.
"Why do you hang out with him is there such jerks you can find any friends you want and be friends with anybody you don't just have to do their crap for them. They're grown as adults they know how to do their own work and if they don't well then they obviously shouldn't be in that class." Phoenix signed her with her hands. Her friends looked absolutely astonished as they look back up her realizing that she was speaking sign language to her. And only one of them could even tell what she was saying because they looked nervously at their friends.
"Holy s*** you know how to sign. I'm sorry you're just the first person that literally spoke to me in sign language without me telling them on deaf. But they normally just make fun of me.
"Well then they're not your friend her friends don't do that. I could speak every language including sign.
And all of you how old are you
"Why.." because bowling a girl is death and on the Spectrum by forcing them to be part of your click so none of the teachers don't notice that you're pretty much making this poor girl be your slave just because she's obviously smarter than you academically unable to do her work on like you just so you can pass your classes will then you shouldn't take the classes how old are you you're old enough to know better that's abuse dude and you obviously had no idea your face says it all she obviously didn't tell you cuz you're already pulling her the way it is and it's a kind of that she's autistic obviously terrified that it will only become worse. You should all be ashamed of yourselves as shame on you. Who raised you a moron I hate people that pick on people that can't stand up for themselves or that bully those that are different. If there's one thing that makes my blood effing boil more than anything it's when somebody picks and nicest person out of any group which she has 90% of the time is The Misfits or somebody that's different like somebody is death or autistic which are the people that are normally bullied the most just for being slightly different from everybody else. Little bit of advice Darlings I'm one of those people I'm the quiet girl who's different so if you think I'm not going to stand up for another quiet girl who's a little different who's been in my shoes cuz I've been bullied tons of times actually 90% of the time that I was in school until I came here. I catch you doing it again you're going to be carrying her books got it." Phoenix said crossing their books to them before she grabbed the girl's hand and pulled her from the table coaxing her to go with her. Which the girl stopped because she was very hesitant she seemed very nervous so Phoenix kneeled down in front of her to calm her down.
It's okay I promise I'm a friend believe it or not I'm actually exactly like you believe it or not I'm the girl that everybody believed I'm the girl that everybody is just a stepping stool. I don't care how other people treat me but I catch the nails train somebody like that especially somebody that technically can't defend themselves or is too afraid to because of the backlash they get if they do of course I'm going to say something why are you hanging out with them and why were you never still leave them why do you put up with it.
She's my cousin parents adopted me when I was the baby because my parents don't want me cuz I'm deaf especially when they figured out I was different as you put it on the Spectrum they didn't want an autistic kid. They yell at me if I say anything bad or do anything let me go against someone so I have no choice but to hang around with her plus I've never really been able to have my freedom to make my own friends because pretty much has me waiting on them hand and foot her parents of course they think they're a little angel can do no wrong so if I would tell them any of that I'd be the one to get yelled at and told that I'm lying anything they punish any time that she does something. Gets accused of a crime or something like she did. Or if I don't participate in anything that she asks me to do. It's not exactly like I have anywhere else to go the rest of the family are already said they won't take me and they don't believe whenever I try to tell them what's been going on because I did try to voice it a couple times but none of them can read sign language. And I'm deaf so they said they can't understand me because I obviously have a speech impediment. So they just mock me instead. She even switches out my school work with her so that way that she gets a good grades and I get her grade why do you think I'm feeling college and she's passing with flying colors in fact she's an honor student she's one of the top of her class.
Your high functioning aren't you high functioning are normally very academically smart normally even more so than normal people.
"Ya. Why do you think that whenever they're giving homework I have to do it but in class because we have all the same classes together and we sit beside each other she swaps her papers. And even makes me right my handwriting the same as hers. So they can't tell it's mine but every time when I try to somehow get somebody's helper tell somebody what's actually going on and nobody in this town knows how to speak sign language and there's only two that really do actually know how to speak it the others are really really sloppy aren't exactly accurate so they don't exactly understand what I'm actually trying to say and the other is just mock the way that I talk."
" how old are you hun.
" I turn 19 two days from now." She said, Phoenix smiled at her.
"What a convenient coincidence. Believe it or not I'm turning 19 2 days from now too. We have the same birthday but that means you're not a minor you're an adult which means that you can technically move out whenever you want if you have nobody to stay with your more than welcome to come stay with me I'm it's more than happy to and my parents both know how to do sign language. And they're nice." Phoenix signed.
"But you don't even know me why would you ever help me so much. We're not even the same species. And on top of an aren't you royalty.
"And that has to do with anything how screw what position I have and who cares if I'm a non-human. Hun my parents are human. Plus I'm an only child trust me they ain't going to care especially if they knew you're living arrangements my parents are completely against that because of how much I was bullied pretty much my whole life by everybody because I just refuse to tolerate jerks and to be fair you remind me of a young girl who is it one person that was ever nice to me when I was in school before I came here when I was being bullied aggressively by one of the girls who decided to make me her Target and I couldn't exactly stand up for myself because well for one I'd blow my cover and I was in hiding so I couldn't afford the council figuring out where I was or what I was so I had to pretty much tolerate it congrat my teeth every single time they did it I'm not going to worry when not I'm going to understand how many times I sat in the bathroom crying and you obviously see that I'm not a human and I'm a royal I sat in the bathroom crying well covered in garbage because somebody decided to dump a dust dumpster over my head while I was in the bathroom after accusing me of some b******* about sleeping with her boyfriend which by the way I didn't even know her boyfriend was to be fair so I have no idea why the f*** she decided to say that I was trying to sleep with him. I've never been had a boyfriend till I met my mate so that gives you any hint of how s***** I've been treated by people but only person that even noticed I was in distress and notice what was going on was a young girl who you remind me of but unlike he was she wasn't autistic she had Down syndrome but she was the sweetest little sweetheart ever tiny little thing. She was only one of trackman made sure that I was all right and even brought me in new clothes and gave me a hairbrush and even walked me to the shower. So I can get cleaned up the teachers in the whole thing and did nothing. Yet a little sweetheart noticed what was going on because she was in the bathroom at the same time as me and even though she didn't know me she did not hesitate to help me so I made a vow that day. That if I seen anybody else in the same situation I'd help them. I'd wish that I could return the favor to that young girl but sadly she left one day for school and I never seen her again. So I made a promise to myself that if I send somebody else going through the same crap that I would not just sit back and let it happen that's not me so please do not drag me for being trash or forward even though I don't know you but that doesn't matter to me I can tell you're a sweetheart and a good person."
"I laughed at my cousin when you threatened her. And you think I'm a sweetheart and a good person. That's the first time I've ever heard anybody say that." She chuckled awkwardly. Looking away as trying to revert eye contact.
"Because I'm like those idiots I can see what's in here you might not act like it's there but it's there you might mask it and act like you don't care and might cover it up by acting like that but I can tell what's in your heart and you can't pretend all you want honey I did tell you I am you I was not joking. Do you think I haven't put up the tough guy act before so somebody doesn't think I'm weak. I'm sorry I'm not those ladies over there honey I'm a genuine person who actually gets a crap. So you can drop the ACT. I actually do genuinely want to be your friend whether you believe it or not and just her record your cousin's a b**** she kind of deserve that I mean look at all the crap that she did to you and then laughed about it. So no I'm not going to get mad cuz you left let her get a taste of what she gives you on a daily basis. You guys are raised like sister don't you actually want a real sister cuz I can tell her that's why you hang out with her she's the only closest thing you've had to a family and a friend so of course even though she treats you like s*** you're going to tolerate it." Phoenix said which left the girl completely speechless. Her expression then turned emotional because she see it notice that Phoenix seen right through her no matter how much she tried to mask it. She then ended up hugging her bearing her head in her shoulder in Phoenix just held returns are really impattered her back as she petted her head. Has Rosemary and Wendy ran over and noticing that she was legit crying.
Aww Lizzy don't cry it's okay it's okay what the hell did you say to her I've never seen her walls break down like that before she normally wears tape so stone-faced and shows no emotion nobody can ever tell what she's thinking and she doesn't normally talk because obviously she's deaf."
"It's okay I just broke down her walls that's all I let her know that she doesn't have to put them up in front of me. I just told her that she doesn't have to mask it in front of me and that she's safe around me. Just let her know if I can see right through her. So she doesn't have to hide it. That's all I just let her know she's not alone. Later we're going to stop and we're going to let her get her things she needs out of that environment immediately. She's not a minor so they can't hold a captive. And I can give her what they neglected to. I'm not only an only child my whole family knows how to sign and my parents are human they're not non-human guess I am a non-human but my parents are not and as long as my parents are human they are technically allowed to do that if they see that the environment is not fit for her to be in and I'm pretty sure I've already confirmed that I've already got enough evidence that she's giving me enough to say that that's an unfit environment for her to be in and that pretty much child abuse is involved at this point because they've had her ever since she was a baby and just for the record my parents are and have been on a waiting list to Foster to give me a sibling since they probably obviously can't give me a sibling since well when they gave birth to me my mother's a dad who delivered me and is the only one that even is aware that I am a non-human he doesn't know what type though. Or any of the details he said it took so much out of my mom that if she would probably be unable to birth another child considering that I was not the same species as them and not going to lie my mom had a hard time caring me because I wasn't on human and they didn't know why there she was having so many complications until I came out because they literally had no clue I was in non-human and when I came out and he figured out the purebred and no he told her that it would cause too much issues because my mom did not get the proper care cuz she had no idea that she was carrying it on human because see they only get that proper care to another caring and on human baby if they are a donor my mom is not a donor because my biological father is her husband and my dad is human my dad is a sorcerer yes but he's human nonetheless and they did do genetic blood test to see if he was my biological no he is 100% my biological father but my mother also didn't disclose to anybody that she's a direct descendant of Jedidiah but that's also because her family never told her that's cuz they didn't know themselves because he never actually disclosed that he had a biological daughter and see because he was the only Phoenix that had enough were born child and that child was a human like the mother they never knew that she carried the Phoenix Gene or that my bloodline even did turns out it was dormant because my grandfather my great great great great grandfather was him jeded I himself so they literally didn't know that I'm a direct bloodline of him because Phoenix is a normal artificially made which means that they normally get the proper care when the female is carrying the baby so they normally are able to have children afterwards or see phoenixes are such a powerful being that if you don't get the proper care that if she gives birth or is even able to carry them to full term which my grandpa whenever he noticed that I was born up here Braden that she didn't have the proper care he even told her that she was lucky to be able to carry me to full turn in fact he said it was a f****** miracle in fact he was actually dumbfounded that she was even able to do it because most humans if they don't get the proper care that a whether they're a witch or not it would it would kill them and the fact that I'm such a powerful non-human as such a high rank honestly she's lucky as hell it didn't kill her. Which by the way I've got to get a hold of him since my birthday is in 2 days he only comes and sees me during my birthday but he's the only family member that has been involved in my life my entire life even though he has no idea what species I am or rank or how powerful I am so hell like I said none of my family except jedediah's actual daughter was even aware that he was one of our ancestors because they hit it in the family records and it I mean like that b**** was hidden my mom only found out because she looked through the family archives and look through all of our family history till she accidentally came across it and then found out where he hit all his Diaries and luckily because I was already born she was able to get access to his Diaries the team that he had his whole entire library and where he kept all his Diaries because trust me that man kept record of every little thing he did and I mean like he kept documentation of everything which he did lock up in a tomb but the tomb could only be open by it a pure blood Phoenix so my mom was able to get access to that when I was only a baby so she was able to find out very quickly about the truth about her lineage that not even none of her family members knew cuz his daughter made sure to hide her origin and her lineage in a place that no family member of mine would be able to find and he made it to where only a phoenix could even open his tomb so when he handed that diary to his daughter about the location of the Tomb literally none of them knew so this thousand years none of them had any inkling or any idea. Which you're welcome he did that s*** on purpose because he made his daughter's bloodline and lineage and the fact that we carry the Phoenix Gene in other words the DNA and the bloodline of Phoenix dormant and our DNA until it gathered enough strength and power from being passed down from generation to generation until it was powerful enough to produce yours truly because of the fact that he was literally assassinated yeah surprise nobody knows that my grandfather was also assassinated he didn't just die of natural causes he was murdered he was targeted on purpose hence why he freaking hid the fact that he had that he had a biological Natural Born daughter and he made sure that a phoenix would not be born into the family unless it had a certain amount of strength and power he made sure that nobody would be able to touch me trust me I have abilities that normal Phoenix is do not like unlike my grandfather surprise surprise I can give birth to other phoenixes that are purebred naturally how many phoenixes do you know that can do that in history none they had to be artificially made and my grandfather came prepared because when he head the Phoenix DNA and my descendant that was his daughter he altered it to where even if I have a child unlike the other phoenixes I don't die if I have an air you know what that means honey so in retrospect I was pretty much his spit in the face to every single person that wanted him dead because believe it or not Jedidiah was one of those powerful and wise Phoenix has ever to exist but nobody recognized him as that because he didn't bend to them the way that the other phoenixes did the other Phoenix's were naive they yes they might have been legally labeled as like the highest empowering s*** but that's only because they were obedient and they fell for all the stupid s*** that was fed to them my grandfather obviously picked up on that and said f*** that. Yes I know that you already know this but they don't and if they try to come back on me and try to say well you're an on human you're not allowed to technically take in a human yeah b******* technically look at my blood my blood type reads as human because I was born to two human parents and because my grandfather designed my blood type to do that so it can disguise me as a human he designed me to be the perfect little ticking time bomb that they would never be able to find even if they looked he did everything in his power to make for the his daughter and her lineage was safe he made sure that's being explode mine would live on even if it wasn't present physically because it always was it was just dormant and like I said he altered my DNA to where I can even use magic like a witch does so I can do all the s*** that the sorcerers can and I can do it all the s*** that I'm supposed to be able to do is it purebred Phoenix. My grandfather made sure that they would not be able to make my species go extinct because it's what they were trying to do especially whenever they realize that my grandfather was onto their s***. So don't even try getting in my way because you technically legally can't it's not legal for a human to take in another human now is it yes it would technically be if I would to adopt a human but I'm not adopting my parents are technically just taking in another human and that's due to the poor and abusive environment that she was raised in which shouldn't have never have happened and somebody should have stepped in beforehand so I didn't have to but look because nobody paid attention and just ignored it now I have to step in listen to the king or if you were not human has to step in don't you think that the step of maybe something could have been done earlier which is neglect on whoever was legally responsible for her and make sure that she was properly taken care of in a place where she feels safe and secure in a home where she can flourish and be happy and you know healthy not emotionally and physically abused and you're lucky Simone that I don't report your parents for that s*** because if I were to report them to child services and will report everything that I just heard her say you do realize how much s*** you guys would be charged with right you would never be able to have a kid never be able to be allowed around children you'd be marked as a danger around especially if they have special needs because of her being autistic and death you'd be seen as abusive and neglected and your parents same thing and from what I understand your parents are foster parents aren't they so unless you want this to go to the council I suggest you tell your parents not to give me a hard time when I bring her over to come get her fit okay. And you're lucky as hell that she's not a minor or I'd make sure that you are never allowed around a child in your lifetime especially one with special needs. Which makes me or I can't when I said earlier don't be a mom in fact Ben you take care of that baby and you be a good daddy to them if I catch you doing the same s*** that she's doing I will take it you understand I have no tolerance for abuse or neglect if I catch you mistreating it in any way shape or form cuz I will be checking in on you that baby will immediately be taken in place into a better home and a secure household where they are can be safe and taken care of properly and since I understand this job is a non-human because you haven't not even DNA because of you being technically and not able to shift you shouldn't even have it to be honest but if I find out that you are a perfect image father and a good one honey even if you can't shift I will make sure that nobody is able to take that baby from you trust me benefits can come from being friends with me but so can punishments if I catch you doing the wrong thing I can either make your life a living hell or give you the help that everybody's neglecting to give you trust me there are benefits with me being your brother's maid which is the only reason why I didn't even threaten to take the kid even though I found out they're not human I don't care as long as you take care of them as long as you're a good dad as long as you be a proper father which means stop chasing the mom she's obviously piece of crap.
Wait are you serious I literally hidden that the whole time from everybody how'd you know and my brother didn't tell you he doesn't even know I literally hid the fact that my child's okay they're purebred but I had that factor from everybody because I didn't want them to be taken away from me it doesn't matter if I'm young which is how a lot of people look at it I try to be the best father I can be at I even got like two jobs to make sure that I can keep my baby and I dropped everything including trying to find a proper partner just because I want to be a good I want to focus and be a good father and my kid
Passing of that that right there that's a good that's an amazing dad that's a father worthy of being a father and that is the precisely the reason why I will make sure that no one can take her from you yes I know she's a girl know your brother didn't tell me I'm and all knowing and all seeing honey which means I already knew before anybody even had to say anything and your little angels got a special little gift doesn't she she's not a normal wolf now is she is she if you're right no but something way more exotic that if anybody found it was busy if you would be they'd be trying to take her which trust me I will definitely further not able to do because I'm assigning myself as your caseworker which means that they can't f****** touch you trust me I'm the king of all I'm the one that's aired the white dragon's actual Throne so yeah I have way more power than he does so if I command it it is law they cannot touch you not in the council they can't go against me because I dare them too I'll take that s*** straight to the top because guess what I am the top there's nobody of a higher position or status than me so they can't go against me even if they wanted to they can try all they want they can bring in any type of lawyer than one even a lawyer can't talk back to my ass just trust me I can turn their life completely upside down and make their life a living hell real quick I mean I can make an original more than one Bend at the knee just because of the power that I radiate could you imagine what I can do a pencil if I just let them feel my authority trust me when my grandpa made me he made me a force to be working with he made me to wear I can't be be touched by anybody honey I am the strongest most powerful being ever created if you were comparing my readings to the readings of every single Phoenix every single being before me I am literally way higher than any of them my grandpa did that s*** on purpose he made me the perfect weapon I dare them to try I'm the closest thing that you're going to get to a living actual God with that it actually being a god and yes I do classify as one but I do not want that position because well for one who wants that f****** responsibility like who does like I'm the all knowing it all seen but the only thing I don't have that I got has is that I can't be multiple places at once all at once I can't do that that's the only thing I can't do. Because unlike the real guys that you guys talk to I have a physical body but I have trace of every single one of them guys so I dare the counselor to try to talk back to me trust me in fact I'm over and I see how good you are with your daughter you are 100% in any of my protection and you 100% be untouchable I guarantee you that.
Brother I freaking love your mate she is the best sister-in-law ever you better marry her I will seriously be pissed at you and I will seriously never forgive you if you decide to break up with her no seriously you are the best you are the only one that was willing to help me that's the only reason why I never let anybody know anything about her
I know it wasn't she she is amazing and yes I do plan on marrying her she is my queen and brother were so bonded you really think I'm going to break up with her it took me this long to find my soulmate and I so bonded with her and then print it on her you really think we're going to break up you're funny I would never break up with this Dane she is my entire world and trust me it was a little bit First Sight with this one like I feel head over heels for way before I even know what she was capable of sheet drive me crazy with how authoritative she is a f****** love it it's hot as hell. I love a woman that can take charge. What can I say I like a woman that's not weak and docile and trust me she's everything I could ever want I would not change her for anything so no you can definitely call her sister-in-law so are we cool now are you going to stop trying to stab me.
No s*** your girl just did something for me I've been literally looking up and down doing all kinds of research trying to find anything loopholes whatever anyone that would be able to help me find a way around me being able to keep my daughter even though I can't shift you know what she is don't you
Yes sir and I know exactly how powerful
kirin are there about as rare as I am normally only one at a time actually are produced and just like my species they were also an extinct one but they come from the same group of non-humans that my species comes from so of course I'm going to take care of my own and they're also just as powerful they're one of the very few non-humans at great wishes and they are considered a Chinese water dragon or a Chinese unicorn considerably they go by both names but they're only called that because of what they look like but they're technically have a dragon but they're the only dragon that have the ability to grant wishes and yes they are extremely powerful they can control like lightning and thunder and s*** they can control the weather and they're very very powerful yeah they might look like not much because a lot of people don't exactly identify them as a dragon because they look honestly like a Chinese unicorn because for one they only have one horn but they're technically if you classify them and look at their classification in the group of non-humans that I come from it's their technically a dragon. Since I know that you actually don't know much about your babies identification including what name of her species is well now you know it's a kirin see the group of beings that we come from are actually called Yokai and Nokia or one of the most powerful monuments actually they are the most powerful non humans their group that actually originates from China well at least that's where the origin of the Yokai comes from but over time they spread all throughout the world so yeah just pretty much like any other non-human they just spread throughout the world which is why their numbers are so low see most you okay there's only most of the time only one of them exist at a time unless you get like one like a yukiana normally more than one of them can't survive at a time and then you'll get ones like kappa's that can't survive more than one at a time but see the highest one that stands at this pedestal and stands at the pedestal of every single species of non-human and not even interest including our group is the Phoenix then it's the Dragon then you go from there so yeah your daughter's literally one ring literally below me so of course I'm going to protect them cuz dragons are so doing very in between especially ones that origin are actually from the original origin which is the okay Clan which by the way is pretty much I'm not going to lie to you we're pretty much extinct Yokai were so powerful back in the day like we have thunder Gods everything we have lightning beasts all that s*** comes from my group which is the Yokai and why do you think the other non-human clients decided to obliterate them because they found out how f****** powerful layer and how hard they are to kill so they decided to Target them and because of the fact that normally only one of each species exist at a time it wasn't that hard to not only separate them from their original Clan but make sure that they isolate them enough to where they can't ban back together because back in the day the Yokai Clan was a full Clan and they were the most powerful Clan and trust me you get a bunch of Yokai together especially purebreds you get and only and all the other species together you got one hell of a party because most you okay they're Warrior Clan which means every single Yokai or Warrior types and they're the most powerful and I mean like if you think you're worth types are f****** badass you should have seen me okay all the you guys would have every other client screaming for their f****** money which is why I plan on resurrecting that Clan I mean I don't have my own Clan anyways and I'm the highest King of Kings why not resurrect my species that way that I can actually have my own clean and actually run a clan that I'm actually proud to run because let's be honest I'm not interested in running non-human clan that my grandfather ran because well for one what they did to him I don't trust those bastards as far as I can throw them I'd rather run a clan than I know I can actually run and then I can know I can actually mold into the type of Clan that I want it to be so yes I've been Gathering up he okay so you are more than afraid to bring your daughter over to me and have me train her because I'd rather her understand her power and abilities rather than not know how to control it at all I'd rather her be caught by an actual another Yokai especially since she's so high on the totem pole and she has a purebred and she is also one of the most powerful clans of non-human which are my clan I would rather her be trained by me no I will never take her from you if you're a good dad to her and if I say she didn't take care of properly by the way first species unlike most dragons are actually vegetarian so keep that in mind and if you're having a hard time finding a milk that she needs because of the fact that she is a dragon I can help you with that because currents unlike most dragons they actually do drink milk at a an infancy because they are more designed I know sounds weird they're more designs like a horse even though they are a dragon which is why they are vegetarian which is why some people actually call them obviously you get it which is why most people call them Chinese unicorn but they have things teeth like a dragon they shoot lightning from their from their body not like a unicorn they can control the weather like certain dragons but trust me if you ever find a dragon that's born from the Yokai Clan cuz some other plans do have dragons but if you find ones that are born from the okay Clan they're more powerful than any other dragons from the other clans trust me that's why they're forced to be reckon with because they don't just shoot fire from their mouth they're not just your stereotypical dragon like your daughter they can control the weather they can cause it to rain they can grant wishes and I mean like grant wishes wishes like they can perform Miracles that only guys are supposed to be able to do like bring back the Dead if you wish it they can literally make you president they can grant you wealth and prosperity just from you having them in your presence but they can also create extreme misfortune and disaster onto your life if white glitch to see you abuse them they can cause you misfortune and I don't just mean normal Misfortune like they can literally destroy their whole entire life with misfortune they can literally turn your life into you being homeless and being in the worst possible condition of your life just from them being angry with you but they can also bring Prosperity make you the wealthiest man in the world and make you the most powerful man in the world just from them liking you same as currents back in the day were actually captured and given to Kings because of how powerful they are and because the Kings numbers back in they were the only ones that were aware of how powerful currents were and why do you think that all the most powerful Kings all had the same species your daughter is. And they would catch them as babies so that way that way they could raise them up so that they can pretty much make them a pet see most of the king didn't see them as non-humans they seen them as pets they seen them as a beast not realizing they're actually type of shapeshifter but they have immense power and they can grant any type of wishing they can get multiple they can grant endless wishes and less they don't like you if they decide they don't like you you're screwed why do you think I said I would rather her be raised by purebred you okay cuz you give that to any word normal non-human and tell them to raise her oh my God you're just asking for a whole s*** show plus I will have none of that and if I find out how you do or if I find that then you s******* try to take her off of him cuz now you guys know what she is I will step in and I will bury your ass in the sand you understand me I will make sure that you are erased from Oblivion you understand me nobody touches any my claim members because I want to see her as soon as possible I want to Mark her as one of mine so that way that they can't touch her especially her s*** head of a mother who by the way I am marking as never allowed to even step 100 ft around this child I don't give a s*** who or what says that she has access to her child if I find that she's even near her I will take that baby you understand me. so where's the little darling.
Right this way Brother come on when we're going to take her to our house I absolutely adore your future wife she's awesome and actually I did not know that you were a type of you okay that is stupid s*** I've actually heard of you okay before I know what they are and holy f*** are they strong they are actually classified as the most powerful type of creatures they come from the strongest physical and most powerful clan that never been created and there's also the oldest so they are pretty some of them are never been created and there's also the oldest so they are literally as powerful as Gods you do not want to f*** with them. And ironically enough I'm actually trying to figure out if I can locate any of them because of well I did kind of figure out that my daughter was a member of that Clan but I just didn't know how to pronounce you okay I don't judge me I'm dyslexic okay I literally did not know that's how you pronounce it but thank you for all the info I literally didn't know any of that except they were the most powerful and oldest Clan and that's why they were pretty much abolished and hunted down cuz they also have don't they have also have nine-tailed foxes.
Oh brother knows his s*** yes and they're actually called kitsunes and yes they are extremely powerful 800 years they get a tail when you get a nine-tailed one they are Immortal they can grant wishes and they have pretty much thought to do f****** whatever and they're extremely powerful and extremely aggressive and they're mischievous as f*** and yes I have one you're welcome I'd actually been Gathering you okay for a while ever since I found out which clan I come from I've been hunting down every single one I good friend from any bloodline I can get my hands on and let me tell you I got one of every single one of them and they're all purebreds some of them are even hundreds of years old someone even thousands as soon as they found out I was a phoenix they were more than happy to come with me especially since they hadn't been there another Yokai in thousands of years see I keep my clan hidden I actually have quite a few of my members in my client I actually have believer on over 1000 but I keep them heading unless I need them see the only one that's not actually you causes my client is actually my guardian that I created which is actually my brother Fury. Ain't that right brother nowhere to even go that means always disappearing I mean he's a freaking giant you think I'd be able to spot him at a crowd in 2 seconds I mean the dude's 15 ft tall." Phoenix doctor before looking around before he landed behind her and started laughing as she turned around to look at him when she seen everybody literally start freaking out when he landed behind her and she just cracked up and hugged him cuz he made her jump.
Seriously you jackwagon why are you able to hide like that I mean like you're a giant how the hell are you able to hide from me and why do you always do that like you always hide. Relax then he's my guardian he's just an archangel. He's not going to hurt you he's completely harmless unless he thinks you're a threat to me then he's not."
Jesus is huge I mean I'm sorry I mean no offense but you're you're huge I've never seen a giant before I didn't mean to jump damn you're huge.
Never we get it he's huge like she said he's a giant like a literal giant like he's supposed to be huge I mean he's literally an archangel all are canceled sir giant dude they're literally all 15 ft tall that's why there are angels brother what did you expect him to be a little baby with wings that's not what an archangel is archangels or soldiers and this one she designed him to be pretty much like Michael the Archangel she designed him to be a warrior type she decided him to be pretty much designed the same way as Michael because Michael was her maintenance inspiration as a child so in other words he's built to be more like a general the most Dark Angels have one particular thing that they're good at once a Healer which is Raphael one has knowledge Gabriel one causes Force to grow and creates life like animals which is Ariel and Michael is the warrior each one has a role that they play. I mean Granite they all are designed to be Warriors because they are designed to be soldiers but Michael is specifically designed to be the prince of angels so he's designed to be a general so he is literally all combat he doesn't have a separate thing that he does he's also Authority she literally designed this man to pretty much be his twin yes he's not as powerful as the Archangel Michael obviously because this one has a physical body but he's the closest thing that Trevor going to get to what he is and that's only because you cannot 100% make it being exactly like the being before them so yeah he might rank up about as strong as Michael but they're not the same they are two different archangels.
Actually my dear friend I do have healing abilities like Raphael but that's not my main trait my ring trait is combat because like I said I am her guardian as and I am literally her body hurt anybody messes with her they are dealing with me and sorry I don't like being stare at this why I hide from everybody in public plus I've never exactly shown myself to anybody exist my family or a few people in my sister had me showing myself too and never a large group I don't know I feel weird in public I've never really been allowed to walk around normally in public I'm a giant. Do you even know how most people react to archangels they don't have the most positive reaction in fact 90% of them are terrified I mean we're made to be authorities were made to be terrifying but see unlike the other archangels I'm not wired to be like a computer I'm not wired for one Pacific purpose and to follow that purpose of the way first thing my sisters split and gave me actual Free Will so I can choose when I want to do the other archangels they literally are just programmed to do exactly what they're supposed to and to do it a certain way they're not programmed to have feelings or emotions about certain things they're not programmed to have thoughts or feelings and they are just made to help Mankind and do as their creator to find them to do and wants them to do. And I'm not enough for one either nothing's do have free will and yes they are half Divine witches means that their child of an archangel and a human but that also means that they can be corrupted and Evil and yes they are giants just like me but they don't have three sets of wings and their wings are not white they are like Ashley gray or brown and also on top of that because of the fact that they have free will and a lot of them Baltic corruption because hope they're half human so obviously and that means that a lot of them like a human can follow the green and you know all the s*** that archangels are designed not to do which they're designed like that on purpose because they have free will and they decide to be evil could you imagine how bad that would be if an archangel decided to be evil oh wait I forgot you get the Four Horsemen yeah that's what happens with an archangel Falls from Grace so yes 90% of the time the Free Will is not an option which means most of them are pretty mechanical in the way that they work in other words like they don't have opinions while I Creator which is her actually gave me the ability to choose and everything but she did put one restriction I am not allowed to do anything I know is able anything that I know can make me a fall when I'm not allowed to do that by the way when an archangel becomes a fallen they do lose two of their sets of winks and they power changes completely and they pretty much turn into a fallen which is a fallen angel which means an angel that is turned into a demon and trust me you don't want to mess with the angels that are turned into a demon because believe it or not archangels are actually ranking angel the higher up you go the more not human they angel looks like in the more power it has and the more terrifying their power is so yes I am designed to look more human so that way that I am less scary but I'm divided to be terrifying so they know that I'm Authority in other words I'm an angel's version of a cop if he breaks the rules on the one you deal with the higher up ones deal with a lot of other s*** that you're not allowed to know because obviously you're human and a lot of that evil s*** is way too hard for humans to comprehend or terrifies them too much and makes them scared Angels terrifying demons why do you think that because we're designed to so of course when my Creator design me she all turtle over my things but made sure that I would never turn evil because she wanted me to be an archangel because of the fact that archangels even though they're a little ranking one lesson archangels terrify even the strongest demons can you imagine the higher up higher ranking angels are designed for I'm terrified to know when I don't want to know see if she didn't give me the knowledge that the other archangels have either she designed me to where I learned and I grow like she does because she wanted a brother that she could grow up with but she wanted to make sure that her brother was powerful and strong and able to protect her and for some odd reason she was infactuated with an archangel Michael when she was very young she mean when she was too dude she was too don't judge she was too you got on it for a 2 year old she outdid herself I mean to create something like me from a 2-year-old just because she was infatuated with archangels as a kid cuz I'm not going to lie when she was a child her mom accidentally mistaken her for an Angel that's literally what she thought she was till she got in her records when she was like three and figure out Oh wait s*** so she literally told us off her daughter and herself and her husband everything about angels that there is to know including the s*** that they don't exactly tell you in the books and gave her all that knowledge put them found out that she was not actually that species so hi how you doing how do you think I happened then whenever she realized her mistake and her misidentification yeah that kind of changed the whole ball game I mean and she did go through all the records that her grandfather left by and made sure to 100% verify that she was that species before educating her on everything there is to know about her species and that's because obviously because she accidentally educated her and raised her to think that she was the wrong species only to find out she misidentified her so yeah we 100% do our research now to make sure that she is identifying and classifying each yoga properly and is able to 100% identify them as that exact species see at first when we started collecting you okay I'm not going to lie she did misidentify a few of see at first when we started collecting you okay I'm not going to lie she did misidentify a few non-humans for her clan members but that's only because they closely resemble and the similarity was the closest to the description and identification of the species that she was looking for so yes she picked up a few Strays along the way only to find out she misidentified and found out they were the wrong ones listen she was 10 it was her not her fault she was literally been she's been collecting you okay. Since she was like six ever since she found out she wasn't okay. I mean what do you expect do you expect her to just survive on her own without a clan and go up against the castle f*** no so we created our own Council meet the okay Clan hey Yuki come here you said you wanted to meet a nine-tailed fox.
It's kissune you bonehead for the last time it's not an idea Fox it is pronounced kissune geez you think after being around me for this long and me being as old as I am and me being practically raised with you you think you would have learned how to pronounce my species right you still mess it up every time. Hi honey how's my special little girl who's made her favorite little wahoo. Who's my favorite little Niecy I missed you you haven't called for me lately I haven't seen you in a while and the others are driving me nuts. Oh my goodness is this your mate I heard you had one he's a cutie nice work what is he half Fury damn now the pumpkin mix does his parents are Originals aren't they I can tell sorry I'm Yuki I'm technically the first you okay she found and I'm her auntie I'm over 25,000 years old. So I'm technically her right hand man since I am technically the one that trained her and pretty much helped raise her okay I did help raise her I mean her parents did raise her but come on she's a Yokai they didn't need help a lot of help cuz the human reasoning okay come on if they needed a lot of help so as soon as I found her when she was like six I pretty much took her underneath my wing and adopted her family and I've been with them ever since she's pretty much my little honey bun look I don't have kids she's the closest thing I've ever going to get to a kid and I like I said I practically raised her since she was six with her parents so I absolutely adore her she's my little sweetheart which means anybody that touches my low prices bundle. Will be dealing with me well actually not just me the rest of you okay too because they all freaking love her and by the way honey before you made the rest of you because they are much older than her most of us are over a thousands of years old only a couple of them are actually close to her age and the closest one of her age is literally 500 so do not be surprised that all of them are adults and none of them are kids.
Jesus I know you didn't tell me if they were that powerful I mean that you mentioned a couple of them are a couple of hundred years old but you didn't say thousands. I mean holy crap how old is the oldest one.
Let's see that would be our kirin he's like 80,000 years old and I mean like he's been a long as round as long as the Earth has. Yet the jerk still looks like he's 25 that is so not fair. And then we have one that's called a Thunder God it's actually got a different name but they call it a Thunder God and he's 72,000 years old but he has a lightning beast that's 71,000 years old and she's spicy as hell so warning don't pet her she's a lightning Beast for a reason she is designed to protect her master which is the Thunder God they're called a Pacific name don't judge me it's been a long time since I've actually said it and because this one couldn't say we just always call them Thunder godwe always called the other one lightning beast but they have actual names and before anybody tries to correct me and say that it's not an actual God no this one is some Yokai are actually classified as actual Gods I mean like you said we are the closest thing to what an actual Living God is out of any of the non-humans plans and that are actually classified as such lightning Beast is called a Raijuu. While the Thunder God is Raiju. Their names are similar because the lightning Beast is a companion of the Thunder God so their names are almost exactly the same but they are not the same do not get into confused because he will take very much offense to it okay the lightning Beast does not shift they do not have a human form they are just lightning Beast so that's why I said don't touch it it's it's a non-human but it's a beast so anytime we have a UK that can't shift in his technically just a beast we call them a mythical Beast because we'll obviously they're not a normal piece because it's not an animal that was a no but it's pretty much like the non-human version of an animal so they're on the same level as a non-human but they they're not built to be like a human they're not built to do the s*** shifters do and stuff. You know that most miserable beasts are like better actually hunted down that's why you don't see any in any other clans they're actually used to be but the other clans during the like Medieval Age and s*** decided that they were going to slaughter them see everyone on him and had coexisted with a mythical Beast is their version of an animal but you know because they more humanoid or cut and shift into a human from a lot of them got slaughtered because you know if it's an animal why not Slaughter it. But if you want to be technical they're actually called divide Beast because like I said they have more in common with an animal than they do a person. You never long time they thought that kissune is we're the same as a Divine Beast because humans were too stupid and thought that we couldn't shift so they slaughtered us on site. But see because they didn't know that we could shift we were able to obviously blend into the human population without them noticing in other words seemingly disappearing off the face of the record and just saying that we have four other kissunes and all of them are over a thousand years old. We have six tongues. One kirrin 6 onis, three Chinese water dragons otherwise known as the famously popular good luck dragons and yes they look just like their description before you ask and they bring Prosperity good luck and Longevity to whoever they blessed their gifts with and just like the current they give them good luck that's why they're called a good luck dragon but they do not grant wishes. Which is why they're only three because they were highly sought after because of how much good luck and prosperity and Longevity they can give you they give you literally good luck on everything you do they're pretty much like a four leaf Clover except in Dragon form. They're like our version of a rabbit's foot so yes every person of high power was wanting to get their hands on them see sadly where we came from humans that we used to live in harmony with turned on us and started hunting us all down because they were convinced that we were evil no we didn't actually start attacking them to lay checked us and started killing us off sorry yes we got violent and thought back I mean we're a warrior Clan where the most powerful Warrior Clan and were the oldest one of course we're going to fight back if you start killing him all off so yes of course when we found her beautiful little Phoenix and no so she was collecting you okay of course we are more than willing to help her and me having the most knowledge of every single yokia of course I'm going to help her locate every single one of them. By the way honey if me and her ever disappear with a couple of the other okay you're more than welcome to come with us we're just Gathering up more you okay because anytime that we locate them and go travel and get them you would not believe all the places we've had to go just to collect Yokai that we accidentally found mixed in with the other not humans or the human population that were discussing themself as normal once we found a lot that's because we're not allowed to live in our homeland because they know about us and they well they almost cut us to Extinction which is why we left her Homeland and why we scattered all over the Earth because we were trying to disappear and to miss Anthology so they would stop believing that we exist and actually you know give us the f*** alone even went to China back to our homeland even had to sneak back into our homeland because we found out and located a couple of our clan members which did manage to somehow survive there even though the place is pretty much well it's pretty much a Slaughter ground because I need him to stay identify any individuals as being a Yokai they will slaughter them on site but somehow some of them actually manage to hide there that's where we found one of the onis speaking of which by the way Ichigo you mind telling me how the hell you survived that.
Hiding f*** those people they're f****** animals no seriously they hid in the woods for like 3,000 years up in the mountains of Hiroshima and you know after the radiation explosion yes I went there because there was radiation none of them could come near me sucks for them I'm not human that s*** don't affect me no trust me you're home that is dead spot you don't want to go there hey nice to meet you so this is your man huh you do surprise me little fan actually yes seriously picked a wolf I actually expected I don't know I never expected you to be wolf not being rude I mean granted you look like you're a descendant of an original by the way I'm a I need to go if you ever need somebody to beat the s*** out of you call me okay
Don't ask he's a violent knucklehead I told you where a warrior Clan most of our people are Fighters but ownies no they are the heavy weightlifters if you want something the hell Bond and you want a hoard f****** taken out you bring this guy one of them can take on it's like three quarts by themselves or can wear that entire Army within like 2 seconds their type of demon. Put their physical strength is stamina is nothing that you ever see out of another non-human I tell you that that's why humans were absolutely terrified of them especially since it won't obviously are Homeland they know that their a type of demon.
Yeah and your point they call 10 Jews a demon Crow but they don't freaking shoot them as kind of do they or kill them on say anytime that I respond in my homeland and was located by a human they would bring an entire Army just to try to take my ass out I demolished every single one of them you're welcome. By the way there's a reason why we're so violently going to a thing called a rage why do you think we're so damn destructive. I mean what would you expect whenever you bring in a whole clan of warrior types I mean do you know any Clan that's literally the classified as a warrior types no my dear sister no you do not.
Okay smart-ass anybody that's going to point though but see our clan isn't just all by physical strength we all so have a well we're also able to use magic like which does cuz if there's more powerful and more effective and we're Immortal haha awesome we're extremely incredibly hard to kill like my species for instant you can only kill us one way and yeah have fun trying to figure out how to do it cuz well we have none of them and you have to figure out which one's the main one which is impossible because if you mess up and get the wrong one the first time will be done f***** up there and she can still grow back that tail so yeah killing us is like well if it's like killing your girlfriend over here it's impossible. Plus we use Magic similar to a sorcerer makes it more powerful that's why I said one f****** and you're done LOL shapeshift and we can't even make herself invisible so 90% of the time you guys might not see me but I'm always beside her but she didn't know I've been following around the whole day have you that's because I can do this." If you said making her entire body invisible and translucent to where you literally can no longer see her it was as if she wasn't even there but yet you should go and being a smart ass and walked up and poked her and said but you're still here and she bit his hand. He quickly retracted his hand.
"Oh I didn't mean bite me damn I was just showing them that you're still physically there they just can't see you know you didn't have to bite me you got some sharp ass teeth." He said as a humanoid pain with huge black wings flew down laughing his ass off at him and he looked up at him and flipped him off.
"Come on brother that wasn't nice." He cackled as he flew down beside Phoenix before pecking her on the head giving her a kiss on the head and an affectionate hug. She just smirked before facepalming.
"Oh my goodness and you guys wonder why I don't bring y'all out in front of everybody cuz y'all don't know how to behave see this is why I don't bring all these boneheads the only one that behaves is Yuki and that's on a good day but once again she's a nine-tailed fox she has a tendency of being mischievous it's just in her nature she's a fox what do you expect. Please forgive them darling I know they can be a handful but they mean well and they're my family and I mean I've been Gathering them since I was six and they became my family I absolutely love and adore them even though they can give me gray hair." She said as a bunch of them came out of nowhere and just started laughing everyone that was an eyesight of what was going on was absolutely dumbfounded of how many there were coming out and I mean they were coming out from all the Woodworks and they were all built like Warriors like they were all built like Warrior types and the males were huge especially the onis you are the biggest males and they were over 7 ft tall almost eight and nothing but muscle covered in tattoos. With huge horns and when fully showing their non human form cuz they can make themselves appear more human their skin was actually more red and they escorted sharp tusks from their bottom jar pretty much like reverse vampire things except bigger but then they all switched to their more humanoid form that looked more human the other size was the same but their skin was normal their tusks where tucked away and they're non-human characteristics were resolved into looking more like a human's the only way that you could tell them apart from a normal human words or body build like there's no way that are normal humans naturally bodybuilt like that. And most of them could shape shift into a form that masked their non-human characteristics since most of them were humanoid already but you could clearly tell that they were not human in their true forms but they can mask it by making themselves look human. And the lightning beast in the Divine Beast could mask themselves to look like normal animals even though they were far from it.
Hey you came one question can more than one kirin exist.
To be honest I don't know that honey some of these species there's only been one member of that species so we've never actually found out if they can be more than one like the one that we have is the only one that I've ever came across or known about to existence like I said some of them are just there's only been one of them so we're not entirely sure how that works.
Well can somebody find ours for me cuz I'm we found a baby one and it is not for me okay bloodline so yeah I need him to come with me to clarify that it is one of his species I am 99% sure that it is but you know I've made that mistake before so I'd rather have him confirm it. Since he's our oldest living Yokai.
Right here little princess I was trying to do is say my name oh wait I forgot you can't pronounce it I'm just messing with you but seriously how is it they remember so long but you still can't pronounce my name correctly I mean I love picking on you for it but I feel bad now cuz now it just sounds mean.
Listen I will always call you Joe till the day I die because I cannot pronounce your actual name and you know that your name is Chinese dude how do you expect me to pronounce that I don't speak Chinese and not to be mean Uncle have you even seen how long and hard to pronounce your name is your name is the longest name out of any of our clan members I don't want to hear it.
Well can you at least let me pick my own name than I hate the name Joe I'm not being mean I know you were stepping when you picked it out but I would rather be called by different name if you don't mind.
Okay you know I have no problem by you guys picking up another name it's just the one we have such a complex Chinese name and me not being able to speak Chinese or you know pronounce it why do you think I renamed you something easy or give you an easy nickname because it's just so much easier I'm sorry I was raised in America my bad. Do you know how hard it is to teach an American Chinese.
"Especially one who we've talked to speak every type of Chinese who just let you refuses to use it honey we know how to speak Chinese you know how to say Chinese names we've taught you you don't even have to speak Mandarin for crying out loud you just at this point refuse to use our Natural Born names."
Yeah because once again it was raised in America I love every single one of you and you are my family but do you know how complex some of your names are holy crap I mean yes I can pronounce them but do you really want me calling you that every single time I call your name if your name is like 20 words long and yes you know I'm being sarcastic but seriously your name is literally that long.
I know which is why we let you get away with calling us by nicknames that you gave us when we first met and we just learned to live with it at this point cuz we know you can say it would know you can pronounce it we just know that you're too stubborn to actually sit down and say it every single time that you want to yell our name and that's because you tried that crap and you won't got confusing mixed our names up and couldn't figure out which name went to who.
And Uncle if you remember I was also 9 years old when you guys started teaching me your actual names and yes I got confused cuz I got used to Calling You by another name and you of all tried to get me a call you bye you're correct names and I still end up calling you by your nicknames so at this point you might as well just live with it what nickname would you rather go by." Phoenix asked.
"Jin is fine. Oh wait now I understand why you weren't calling us by our actual names you weren't saying that because you didn't want to call us back I'm an idiot you're made to American he doesn't know how to speak Chinese wow that was an a****** move of me dumbass you would think for being as old as I am not be able to notice something so noticeable you okay I'm stupid she's introducing us to her mate and I'm arguing with her about calling us by our actual names I'm dumb.
"It's okay it's okay Jin but what do you think she was trying to hunt you at she wasn't saying she's American she was trying to say he's American but she didn't want to sound like she was insulting her Mage but she was trying to write about wait till you he's American he doesn't speak Mandarin or Chinese and I guarantee you that none of them know how to speak it either. You might be our oldest and wisest member but you can sometimes be in your head I mean she didn't want to insult any of them cuz they don't have to speak Chinese I mean cuz how would you deal with somebody said oh well they don't want to speak Chinese or Mandarin or any other type of Chinese do you get how much that sounds like you're saying they are dumb and don't know how to speak any other language but American.
I'm but to clarify we don't see this area this town is a none of us are a foreigner so none of us speak another language none of us are bilingual we don't even offer that as a class in our college for crying out loud we're small cut off isolated town we don't exactly no other languages I apologize let alone Chinese and only one of us can speak Spanish only three of us can speak sign language. And one of us one can speak Italian and I don't mean like actually speak it she can speak like three words basic Yes No Maybe but she can't have a complex sentence conversation with you we've tried telling her that that's not speaking Italian but she argues this doesn't wants to say that she speaks fluent Italian so we just kind of let her do her thing.
Does the that speaks Spanish at least speak fluent Spanish."
" how fluent do you want it she can speak of basic sentences basic questions basic things that you would use during conversation she cannot speak complex conversations or sentences or paragraphs like somebody would be fluent of it but to us that's our version of somebody that's multivilingual even though they're just educated on the basics well let us speak anything else except English so yeah none of us ever learned any other languages so we do apologize since oh you are naturally bilingual considering that you're from your home land so we do apologize if we can't speak your language but at least you can speak English." One of her mates pack member said making Jin facepalm himself and shake his head while the rest of your snickered.
"Give it up old man you're never going to find any of them that actually want to learn another language." Ren one of the Chinese water dragon said.
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