Chapter 21
They spent all morning Gathering these beasts and getting them up Phoenix had to handle most of herself because the other ones couldn't get them to obey them like she could once they loaded them up they went on their way to depending on they made sure to dress it real nice and make sure they were all ready luckily Phoenix wasn't a zombie because I'm not sleeping all night but she made it all the way to the Pentagon fine and Yuki stayed home with her daughter actually because of the fact that she Phoenix is going in for her and she didn't want to take the newest newborn purebred and her mother being as we go she was around that many dangerous creatures but she made sure to bring her strongest Warriors she was not having any mistakes her partner went with her too just to make sure because of how nervous you Phoenix was about doing this and she made sure to bring some of her counsel with her her council members were also Warrior types and they were active Warriors too so it wasn't like they were retiring in fact their oldest Yokai is actually their head of council so he went into represent him for the most part but there were a couple of other members. When they showed up the women's with kids security at first they took a double take but they let him through after being beeped through when they gave the name. The president greeted them and she nervously greeted him he knows that she was nervous and asked her if she everything was all right.
Oh yeah I'm fine I'm not actually I'm very freaking nervous about this and I'm not going to lie because I got a lot of dangerous beings in the back of my truck right now and yeah no that's not safe at all because they are not secure so I had to bring a lot of backup with me and his control I was not taking a chance with this many humans here and with you guys being the position that you guys are I was not chancing one of these first just be skinning loops like when I cannot trust you enough they can reproduce like quick they can't cuz they don't they don't give birth they are made by turning humans like this is way dangerous I'm just stressing you this enough so you understand what type of situation you're putting your people in."
"Come on dear if you're as strong as you say you are you got this you can handle it." He tried to reassure her.
"Says you yes I am exactly how strong I said I am thank you very much but that doesn't mean that a mistake can't happen it does happen mistakes are a thing." She said and he laughed about it. As he took her into the main room of the Pentagon where all the main leader Powers were he brought her to the main Center with all of the world leaders they all got quiet when they seen her in all leaned forward to listen Okay so I got one of their main rollers since none of you guys trust them I figured I'd bring in the real deal I brought in the king of all the mystics that includes every species of Mystic she explained to me something that I didn't know about my six the other day you know you guys were afraid that these guys were dangerous well she just clarified that the real ones are built for Something Completely entirely different these are the pure Bloods and they're called high warrants because they wanted the period genetics."
"Yeah and I hope you guys know that we guys asked me to do is extremely dangerous so I'm just letting you know that in advance so hey you guys know what to do if anybody messes up I am so penalizing you which means no screw up okay we approaching them how strong of Warriors we are and no f*** ups excuse my language okay so here's the thing this chicks are actually not what you think they are at all okay the ones that you guys meant are low once they are literally ones that are made with DNA of humans so much so it's the point where they're Almost Human we are headboards which are ones made the way that we're supposed to only can we produce if they feel feelings of love because it's triggers a chemical reaction it's even better if it is one of their actual soulmate but don't technically have to with some of them unless it's a joke I like us my species is a warrior species that is the oldest and strongest we are calling you okay I am a phoenix my partner is of the other type of Mystic he's a wolf mixed with Fury. We are entirely different from the ones that you're used to that's because all the ones that you're used to have such polluted blood to the point where they're getting diseases getting sick we are mean to all that s*** we don't even get dementia we do not age we are completely immortal. And the power that we have is way stronger than the ones that you're used to. My yokai's are all Warrior types where the other Mystics only certain ones or Warrior time we are literally all wear your tapes we're Made For Fighting we're made for battle were made for conflict we are specifically designed pretty much for f****** War okay now they're actually two different other types of non-humans that are not Mystics they are Rogues and Cryptids cryptos or anything from any nightmares creature that you could ever think of including anything like wendigo's anything that can kill you because these guys eat humans so do ropes roads are their shapeshifters they mimic us but they're normally very feral and very like how does his Primal so they act like wild animals normally and they're also normally very okay not normally they are very violent and very aggressive her bloodthirsty and very dangerous but normally they work solitarily and normally they're not much of a problem on their own but you get them in large groups like they're showing up lately because they're getting smart they're learning and they're fitting them with the general public and they act like normal Banks so they're getting confused and accidentally mistaken for one of us they're not they're not exclusive same thing and they also eat humans each of them feed all of them and they also reproduced by turning one so if you get one of them they can make several okay they can make a whole entire hoard Within a week by themselves it's just by turning Human After Human After human that's not good because they could honestly eradicate you within a month if you literally do the segregation thing you are literally putting yourself on platter and saying here here's dinner because we are made to protect you weird designed to literally be pretty much like your guardian okay here's the biggest analogy I can give you we are pretty much like cattle dogs we have the same concept we protect the herd the herd being you the block what happens if you put a flock of sheep in a field with Wolves with no sheepdog with no Guardian they are literally a free buffet which is literally what you're doing to everything one of your species if you do this and I'm just being honest with you and because what you are suggesting is extremely dangerous and will probably get your species put on the extinction list okay cuz I'm already going to have to do a work to get the other mistakes back up to what they're supposed to be let alone you guys trying to segregate them that's pretty much like making a free buffet I'm telling you were going to make my job so much worse because the only way that I can practice you is if I can be around you she's ever again doesn't make us going around sectors you're literally making yourselves a vulnerable open buffet and I am not stressing you enough of how much that would happen because they've actually done tests on it I should know cuz I live in the town that they didn't yeah I live in the town is cut off in the rest of the world where they did a bunch of testing on how quickly these bad boys could take over if they segregated there yeah let's just stay within a month the whole entire half of the country was it covered in those bad boys the government covered it up because they had us take care of it because one of the states actually survived and it actually housed the most strongest bloodlines who actually managed to survive by living as equals with the humans the witches and the other Mystics because mine joined in mine was the oldest living Strongest Ones so like you got to imagine I have one that one Yokai that is literally as old as mankind does that man has seen everything and he is here today because he's one of my elders well he's my head Elder so he helps me out with everything and he even said that the bad idea of seeing that should have him before okay once back way back whenever the country was young they literally cut off like one state where they tested it and like I told you it literally spread throughout the entire out of the country they had half the country infested with them and they just could not give them to stop growing out of control my ancestor was the only one that could freaking wipe them out because Phoenix is the only ones that Inferno that entire area to where eliminated and eradicated the whole system but here's the thing when they did that test they did something to the area around my town to where those bad boys show up all the time out of nowhere and there's no way for them to shop because for one that area it is inhabitable like nobody loves her how are they showing up like that and they're always showing up in hords but my point is that it's not a good idea. She said as the older himself pulled up a map of where their town is and she used her phone to show them what they mapped out to show them how quickly it spread like what happened when they did it and wanted it to the area and even show them a close up of their town and showed them what was invested and then showed them where they're showing up at." Yeah I know where that area is and there was a nuclear testing there too I should know that's why they said it was inhabitable." The president said and then she started an actual clips of what they seen when it happened because her older had access to everything that happened because he gathered it from one of the other Mystics that was an original that was around back then and he showed them exactly what they seen and their faces were awful horror I mean the picture wasn't too too clear on what the creatures look like but you got a really good idea and what happened because these whoever seen it was so absolutely petrified that obviously you know that they were they were freaking out like they were moving around so much you can barely get a good view not only that. But when you're running for your life it's hard to get a good picture on what's going on so he pulled up different pictures of that he collected from different elders and that scene when it first happened and one of them got a perfect bird's eye view what was going on that one did Scare the Pentagon they were all talking to each other and then they start asking questions. Okay one of the time I can only answer one answer at a time now these images are based off of memories that I had this elder collect from the Mystics so that way that they didn't have to come up here because I I needed Myspace is to come up with me because we honestly he got 2,000 of these guys it we only need one if it's 20,002 2 now if it's just me I can take out over 111,000 of them by myself one without breaking a sweat but that's besides the point. I can technically take out a whole entire continent without breaking a sweat so yeah no I'm not playing around with this crap and let me tell you those were just Cryptids that I showed you and those aren't even really strong ones they just those are the mild ones social ranking ones like these are just literally the common ones their name in the freaky ones that can do all kinds of crazy s***. Now the ones that I brought here today those are the ones that can do all kinds of crazy s*** because your president requesting me to bring them so be prepared because they are 10 times more than what you just seen right there first of all I would like you to meet a rogue now these are Rogues this is what they normally do they are extremely dangerous. But they've never normally been a problem because they're normally Solitaire which means they're by themselves they normally aren't close together either so normally one by one they're actually pretty easy and but not if they're like this she said showing them a images of what one of the elders picked up about Rogues and they shouldn't a pretty much a scene that one of the recent Yokai seen the new Rogue is doing and how they were just walking amongst the regular people and nobody noticed them and how they were even hanging out with a bunch of a low-ranking lowborns and when she was able to point out how many of those in that group of like 50 to 80 lowbornes that were actually Rogues in disguise 34. And it also showed how they're starting to learn to think and everything on their own and then she will show them the clip of where they were or where they showed that they were Rogues and not mistakes and then that's when I'm one of the world leaders got real nervous and he immediately slapped his hand on the table to get her attention and he said you you what is those what are those he was one of the foreign country leaders that had a very thick accent and was a little bit harder to tell his English. Why what's wrong have you seen these before" Phoenix ass because of how frantic he was trying to get her attention."yes yes I'll look all over the place in my country they're all over the place what are those you say they are not the same thing as you.' You said clicking his button showing a projection in the middle that showed a clip that he got of a normal normal scene of a gathering in the middle of his City where they're having a celebration we're out of freaking nowhere a whole bunch of what he thought was Mystics came out sitting with the civilians and then I don't know where one of them attacked the civilians and it just cause a little effect where they literally went on a spree where they were attacking every citizen that was near them not all of them died most of them did he said that he lost almost over 300 civilians innocent civilians over that. And it took them so much gunfire to get them down to where they were able to get down another 300 while they were running away from the authorities they had to literally call the Army in and all their special forces and had to literally they had to pretty much had no other choice but to drop bombs on that area like they had to completely eradicate the entire area with bolm drops which was the only thing that I could think of. Oh my goodness I'm so sorry see this is these precisely why we need Mystics and I mean like good Mystics like my type because honestly your face probably invested wasn't at that point if you found that many walking around in civilian areas where they can attack freely no you you're infested with you would be infested.
"How do I know that your people can help. Because at this point I'm getting desperate but at the other time I'm afraid I'm going to end up with the same situation because that's how those guys got even got there I voiced that I needed help I've waste even there was any way than a non-human could help me because I was having issues with the other ones the ones that you cut the Cryptids I was having issues with them so I brought these guys in they seem to get rid of the problem and then they begin the problem." He exclaimed showing me everything that happened including his taxes records of when he was like trying to figure out like anyway he could get rid of those things and he did look up if there was another coming on him that could get rid of them but he didn't realize he was getting Rogues. Oh dear Jesus okay here's what I'm going to do all right because I really do feel for you you got tricked by another species and then making yourself a buffet so I'm going to be nice and I'm going to say I'm I'm not going to send one of my you guys with you...
"What do you mean no my people are dying I thought you said you protect us" he said angrily "you didn't let me finish I'm going to send myself trust me I'm enough to eradicate an entire species you're good" she said in his face just said it all he was so relieved thank you thank you thank you so much are you sure that you're not going to need more than one because if my country is literally riddled with them you're going in one next I got a lot of civilians.
Oh no trust me she you can handle it on her own in fact she's our best one in fact she is not one that we send in unless it is an emergency she is literally last Resort because she is our main King." The Elder said clarifying he seemed very satisfied with this answer.
Although I am going to bring a couple of with me just in case not for me technically it's in case it's like I need them to get you guys in a shelter or something and then have them barricade it because I've had to do that before it was bad. And then I'm going to send up a threat detector like I did and this country which is why they don't have a problem with either one a species because I have a detector that when it detects a horde growing of either species at it alerts me automatically and then I send out people. " she exclaimed as she showed them their program that they set up with the US and he was it very eagerly nodding.
And I'll even do your better one since you live so far away from us and yes we are scatter all over the world but I do not have your mistakes in order so I don't even know how many there are or if there are any cuz I don't know if they eradicated the rest of my six in your area or not if they did well I'm going to have to send in a big guns which means I'm going to have to sit up a I'm going to have to do something that I normally don't do what is your favorite mythological creature I know that is really weird question but just tell me because aren't very many my town that I can really send so I'm going to make you one and yes I can make other mistakes don't ask I am technically born of witches so I have magic and I've created an archangel before like that who's kind of close to Michael like he's built to do the same stuff which is this big guy and the right brother sorry I had in mind the corner cuz he's 15 ft tall. She said as her brother kind of stepped forward and they just all gasped cuz they didn't even notice him and he spread his wings for him giving him a good look and the president just said you made him. yeah by accident when I was for I mean but hey why not and I made him with my DNA so genetically he's my mother and father's child even though he's not birthedral conceive him and he was not artificially made technically I made him from a tree don't ask me how that happened but I made him with my blend DNA so he's literally looks like my twin but he's technically my brother I was obsessed with the Archangel Michael when I was younger cuz my parents thought I was an angel told us for they mistaken me for one didn't realize I was actually a phoenix I mean I had the wings they just they were confused my parents didn't know I mean it wasn't their fault they were human they literally didn't know that my mom had paintings in her blood because my great great great grandfather made his daughter's Phoenix Jean that she carried because he was purebred he made a dormant so he didn't show up until it Gathering a fairy and we went when it did and made my blood to where it shows its human not Phoenix so it disguises me as a human and not a phoenix but if you look at my genetics they're Phoenix. So what's your favorite type of mystical logical creature." He booked away solidly for a minute looking down thinking thinking thinking and they popped an idea he gave her a big ass smile and then he pulled out his book he drew something on it and handed it to her. Oh you want to chimera okay I can do that I can do that but those are great you want one of those thought you might want to pick one that's from your region that was it would be one that's like your type cuz each region has their own different group of Mystics which are native to that area and they're also their strength and like how old they are is based off of which area they're from so I don't know how old Greek is oh never mind they're really old yeah that's a really good idea you got any other ones and give me a couple throw me out more than one I'm going to make your group so you've got to throw me out like as many ideas as you can." She explained him as he went and got to right away that's funny part was that he didn't pick any from his exact area he didn't he picked out Mystics that were more like related to like Greece and like Egypt ones that she wasn't exactly expecting him to pick and he didn't even exactly like pick like a known Mystics mythological usually picked ones that we're not really that heard of and ones that she didn't know too much about honestly I would pick ones that I'm more familiar with because for one I don't know how strong these ones are and what if they don't come out like what does it come out like some of these I don't even recognize." She said as one of the other main head rollers of the world walked over and it was Egypt's world leader actually I know every single one of these I can help you that's right there is a Thunderbird it is known to control storms and weather they're actually pretty strong to be honest and they are from indigenous people they're said to be very sacred and they're there said to be very huge and they're both days are lightning okay now let's see that is picked a Kappa." He asked "The man said showing her what a capital was actually it's probably a bad idea that's a Cryptid she explained in his face just said it all. Sorry I didn't know but thank you for telling me before I had you do that cuz that would have been bad. The other man said embarrassed and then went back to draw on when the other man laying down to her and whispered what about a Cerberus a three-headed Hellhound they're well known they're mythological and whip they have three heads in their huge
"And there a type of shapeshifter Duda Duda. I got a really good idea what about this one they're pretty gnarly and from what my knowledge is actually pretty good I think I'm not sure I've never had to deal with one because they died out before I ever got the chance to." He said drawing at a picture that made the Egyptian leaders face go whoa.
If you make him that that man is going going to be having more than just a field day because if that is what I think it is honey you just give him the Ultimate Weapon in a Mystic because that I know of those guys are they're not a joke."
Hey sir I got a good one for you and yes it is exactly what you think it is because I happen to have a very good connection with the god that made this one and mother is well she's okay with me bringing back one of her babies back in the day whenever Greeks were all over the place and all of their Mystics were all in order I mean like Mystics were you know flourishing there was one side that was from Greek that was known to be the most powerful group mythology and I think you're going to find this one very interesting because you don't happen to dislike snakes do you
No I'm back they actually like them quite a bit my people use cobras to symbolize us why I mean we're in Indian Country we have a lot of influence with snakes.
How do you feel about a Typhon it's one of the Gods Gaia she's Greek it's her child it's a giant serpent and then to be the strongest very angry mythology and the most deadliest and it's a shapeshugger so yes it is a type of Mystic they're back in the day you start Rock the Greeks and I mean like it was their main protector we don't even know what happened to it and why it disappeared like Greeks didn't hunt them down it just disappeared like we asked his mother herself the goddess but she did not want to answer it's like she was too traumatized to answer what happened to her baby so I'm going to ask her if it's okay because this one is very very powerful and it's huge it's massive it's love giant ass serpent it's way bigger than my brother it's pretty much like the like the giant serpent from North mythology it's hugees well its 2,000 feet tall. I mean I can ask her if I can alter him to where he can change his fat body size is that makes you guys feel better cuz sometimes they will let me do that if I ask because this one is her actual child so I will have to ask that first but seeing normal Mystics or not but since you're in such a bad shape I figured I'd give you something I can do some real damage because if I make you him I'm not going to have to make you any other one but they also if I make you him like he's a God's child like if he feels like he wants to leave I will have to take him where he feels comfortable that's why I was going to make him more than one because it will make him enough to get rid of the main in the whole entire population that you got going on over there and then I'm going to figure out where else to put him cuz he's he's too powerful being to sleep in one place and leave him in a human's charge not to be rude but this is a God's child and Mortal men might take advantage of that.
Yeah I know that's understandable yeah with all due respect to the goddess I appreciate it but that would not be a good one to put in my place because for one he would not be able to be stationary you would have to be taking him with you and I need one that can stay there okay thank you yeah but there's a problem I already told her what she already agreed so either way I got to make this big dude so anybody else need or eradication or am I just making this guy for craps and giggles cuz this this big guy's probably On My Level and that means he's probably going to compete with me for the throne and I mean I'm fine with that because there's more than one different type of messages I mean he can wear them more than fine take the other take the other throne if he wants honestly I'd be happy with giving it up because honestly like I said there's a lot of work that I got to do but him being a new one that probably won't be a good idea to just put him as a king right away no I'm not making him as my replacement because I would never do that that's my spot but I think I said with how strong this guy is he's probably going to be around my strength level which is yeah that's going to be a little bit challenging because then he's going to compete with me for the throne you got to understand if you make it being that's as strong as another being they're going to compete over who's going to be boss that's just how we are especially since this big guy is a warrior type too so." She said claimed as she showed that there was something materializing in the middle of the the Pentagon floor that they didn't notice.
"Sorry I told you I already agreed upon it she already agreed upon it I had already started." And then multiple forms to start a materializing where she had started making the ones that he had already asked for. "Can you go ahead and make me a few hellhounds." One of the other world leaders said
Do you got a problem with these guys
No it's just that the mystics that are at my home home country they're playing with them that's a problem like they won't they won't kill the Rogues or the Cryptids they are playing with them it's like mine or too dumb to function that that's what they're that's what they're for so I'm very fed up with them and I'm asking for a refund like they were already in my country but like I literally hunted down all the ones that were in my country literally got them all in one section and then found out they were mixing with both those two and they're freaking like living together and I can't get him to stop and they're not supposed to coexist like that like what the hell. I think that's something's mentally wrong with the ones that are in my home country because they are like stupid anytime that I try to explain something to them it's like they're dumber than a box of rocks." The world leader of Switzerland said as he was pretty irritated.
"Are you sure those aren't just very Advanced Rogues cuz they can seem like us but they're dumb as hell." Cs and he pushed a button that showed a projection of what he caught on video and what she seen was literally exactly what he said like she was honestly speechless the fact that she seen they were actually Mystics like this was not normal behavior for a Mystic and then she knows something was really wrong with the way that they're behaving there was something very off and the fact that they're intelligence was that scrambled like that it was like they were mentally it's like they had a mental disability like a severe one which don't existing on human so she was very confused. "I'm going to have to go check this once out myself like what the freak is oh my goodness what the hell is this those are definitely Mystics what the hell is wrong with them I'm going to have to go check this once out myself like what the freak. I have never seen a Mystic have that much brain damage like I don't know what's wrong with these ones like they are doing the polar opposite but they're supposed to do."Phoenix said.
"I know right I thought so so I brought some I tried them because I was quite concerned with how they were acting so I brought them to for you to look at and figured you might be able to figure out what's wrong with these boneheads." I actually have seen that before in the surveillance I caught it on a bunch of the cameras that I was spying on
Yuki why the hell are you here you're supposed to be at oh my what the hell you brought the baby what I thought I told you to stay home with them and when do I ever listen to you I figured you would be a little scrambled because you literally stayed up all night so yes I came with you regardless of what you wanted deal with it it's my job as your right hand man to make sure you do not screw up anything and you are definitely not going to be on your top a game today cuz you were so nervous." Yugi said as everybody in the Pentagon just smiled because they recognized her name she's not all and said hi and they got excited as heck when they seen that she was holding a newborn.
Oh you had a baby so that's why you were here earlier that's so cute let me see if you do a bundle you were making my favorite investigators" piece of winning the Chinese leader to see her baby when he knows it had nine tails he took a step back in the he looked it again is that a Kissune yuki are you a Kissune. Oh my God what happened to your tails I'm so sorry I just now noticed. So wait a minute you mean to tell me that y'all are Yokai like my okay is the ones from my home country.
"Bing Bing well I took you long enough I mean I thought that as soon as you said you okay you'd be like oh like a tengu or oni."
Wait you haven't oni like an actual oni. We've also got a yukiona you got everything okay that you can name we have over 79,000 of them which are every single population from one step in your country whenever they were hunted to Extinction as you know I was there I remember 55,000 years old and that was only a thousand years ago.
"Jesus well I'm sorry I forgot about that well can you guys come back cuz I really don't like the ones that I'm stuck with they suck I'm pretty sure they're not even Mystics at this point they just they suck they're nothing like the ones from mythology that I'm used to the okay I love you okay are beautiful and strong these guys no they are pathetic. Damn if that's brand new bro you Yokai when I would have freaking hunted you guys down I hate the ones I'm stuck with they're stupid they're like the ones that Switzerland got there's something wrong with him or something I don't know." The leader of China said hitting his button where his men brought in a restrained person so the Switzerland where they were restrained but brought in so she unrestrained a little bit to see what they do and was she tried talking to them all they did was make noises.
What in the world what happened noises that it's like they're girdling or something or trying to grow I don't know what type of not even is anyways
" I don't know I was looking up where to find non-humans and this organization got a hold of me and this is what they give me I don't know." He answered so she won't she knocked him out so she could do a little bit so she could bring over an x-ray and look at everything on the inside as soon as she x-rayed then she brain scanned it and as soon as she brain scanned it and DNA like checked its genetics from a genetic point of view yet nope she got her answer wasn't answering she was hoping for though or even expecting what the f*** yo that's not cool no no no no no no no no these are man-made these are f****** man-made non-humans they're man-made Mystics as in like a human literally took our genetics and did something to him and then strip cloned them their man-made non-humans okay if you're going to do that at least do it like this she said using her Phoenix fire to tweak with his head a little bit and to tweak with his genetics a little bit and the next thing you know that thing pop the size wide open like somebody waking up from a coma and it looked around like curiously."
Hello is there anybody in there hello hello can you answer me.
What the hell are you talking about of course I can't answer you why are you talking to me like that and where am I.
Much better yeah humans have no business messing with our genetics do you remember anything anything at all.
"Other than bits and pieces no I have no clue never seriously Queen why am I here what's going on and first of all like why can't I remember anything before this." He asked like he literally had no memory.
My dear darling you are what happened whenever human tried to clone one of our species you are a Mystic but you're a man-made clone of one I don't know where the hell they got the DNA from though.
Wait so I'm a clone but how the hell do I know how to talk that makes no sense actually no it does cuz you called me a Mystic and I know what a Mystic is wait how I know when Mystic is if I have no memories this is also new to me I don't know how to take this what am I anyways." He I see instruct me set up on the table and they were quite they were clapping cuz they were quite pleased with how he was fixed. "I'm not sure if I love you would have to change for me." She said as he stood up.
"But queen how am I going to know how to do it if I'm never did it." He asked have she turned to the world leaders and then said this is specifically why only non-humans are left in her to making other mistakes got it you need an older one that is that's already been through everything or something to actually be able to teach these guys cuz otherwise they're not going to interject s*** okay darling it's basic things you're going to you're going to just you're going to know just do what comes naturally to you. " she said as he closes us trying to figure it out trying to see if he can focus enough to do it but all sudden he opened his mouth and he shot out fire and his teeth turned to things and she knows that his eyes were slits and then she started clapping. You're a fire breathing dragon nice you're like the ones that they used to terrorized medieval error and the specific Dragon did not stay to one region they were all over the damn place each region had a different variant of dragon and this one pacifically is the one that used to actually from what I can tell oh okay okay I know exactly which one this is is that or is it not a cool that's a nasty one. These guys are called come on you know the answer I'm testing you Yuki.
I know which ones they are their Nightwings they're the ones with the black tails with the white red tips they're the ones that use the terrorism nice guys and they're working huge and they're also severely aggressive and violent nice because they were a warrior type and they are the ones that used to terrorize come on Queen I'm testing you which region." Yuki said to her joking.
Switzerland and the Highlands and anywhere where nordics went as in he's the one that terrorized the Vikings as if he's older than all the other dragons and on top of that he was built to take take more than enough of a beaten I mean not going to live Vikings were very skilled Fighters and they were Naturals at hunting dragons. The specific dragon is made to be able to withstand blades and any one of their weapons so this one's built to be built to be impunishable so he's good. Every human made this I serve someone to know where they got this DNA from you need to give me that organization." Elder Ren helped her tweak with it a bit the Kirin he said as he was like messing with the other one beside him an "here's another one the hell like they're pulling out some really freaking Wicked genetics like I really want to know where they're getting these guys from like this one right here is a gorgon like where the hell did they get a Morgan from they've been dead since well Zeus stop being worshiped what else are we going to pause rabbit out of a hat here fix the restroom Queen please I'll get started on the other one cuz they're starting to pull out the rest of them so you guys literally didn't just gather one you gather them all." Ren
"Yes and good thing we did because you were able to fix them I figured if you were able to fix one we might be able to get you to fix them all and good thing we did cuz you're finding some really wicked ones." One of the other world leaders said as they pulled out theirs turns out they all brought theirs concerns out they all called this place.
"Yeah once it have been extinct for thousands of years like how the hell do these guys get a hold of their DNA we can't even do that." Add another one said as she ended up bringing the rest of her okay which they were overwhelmed within seconds because of how many patients they were working on at once they made sure that Fury stayed outside with a monsters though to make sure they don't actually get out while they're doing this the next one they did was a demon like from what we're used to when we say demon Lake horns black wings and a vicious gnarly dark power that was demonic.
"Okay okay you're not supposed to be here but that's cool."
"Oh come on Queen that's not nice. You have an archangel what's the difference between between your Archangel brother and a succubus not much of a difference now is there."
"Touche at least I know you're smarter the other ones don't have any memories at least you know what the hell you were."Phoenix said.
"Thank you" the succubus said if she flew around as they said knowing that they were going to have their hands full "okay you do realize that we're going to have to swap out every single one of these known him is with one with knowledge right because these guys they need to talk these guys have no knowledge or nothing we can not send them back to your country like that is going to be way too dangerous."
"So what do you expect us to do until you get them to where they're able to or whatever."
"Well I'll have to accommodate you with some that I'm going to have to pull I'm going to have to pull I'm going to have to pull them them out of the low barns I do not get enough highborns I do not not even close. And I'm sorry but the beings that were pulling out of these things are these are not low class easy to handle these are high class High freaking power freaking highborns like these are not your one in the middle these are like ask Yokai they are not a joke they are really powerful beings like mostly that I pulled out literally have the same genetics as this Yokai like they are not a toy." Phoenix explained telling them that she would try the best that she could they finally came to an agreement that they were just do that until she is able to get their highborne fixed. Has she finished three more which also came a surprises cuz none of them were any that she was expecting oh great we a griffin. Okay get a hold of these freaking people for me please and get them up here now. Excuse me we had a word that you were having problems with our product. Oh my God what are you doing for the product.
Product my ass I'm going to shove you in a coupon cabinet if you keep it up okay now you better tell me where the hell you got this DNA from before I smite you okay I am there the mystics King and you guys have all kinds of high highborns with pure Bloodlines how the hell did you guys get a hold of these like tell me now or so help me. Because all the species that I'm pulling out of these are literally extinct and have been extinct for Thousand Years how the hell did you get a hold of them and what the hell are you doing to him because when I when they bring them to me they're scrambled eggs they're not acting right they're not doing right and look at what I did to him here you go that's not human now what the f*** you're giving him but they have you know human DNA and I'm so how the hell did that happen.
I am excuse me I don't seem to understand what you're asking me
Lady asked you a question better answer why do we carry DNA of species that are extinct where are you getting this Mystic DNA did they do good Queen." The succubus said and she gave her a good pet on the head yeah he did good you did get him a little honey bun she helps I like her I'm going to call you Lilith." Phoenix said she smiled nuzzling her affectionately if she rubbed her head. The woman that was from the company just like watch this very weirdly "I don't understand what you guys are asking" the woman started confused. "okay well if you don't understand what I'm asking go get your damn bus and go get them now or find the idiot that's doing this or I will find their head and I will stop it on if I can stick. I need answers and I'm getting one way or another whether or not I have to report your whole entire freaking facility or not because these guys all bought them there so therefore I can easily get your address and easily burn that b**** to the ground or you know you're homes which one you want to decide because I'm obviously not going to waste all these highborns I'm obviously going to take them wake them up and then raising the weather supposed to and then put them back in the regions that they're supposed to be in they better give me answers and you better think about it says cuz if I get done you're screwed." Phoenix said irritatively ."Yes ma'am" the woman said running out of the room and taking off down the hole. Hey Lilith make sure that she doesn't run away okay like make sure she doesn't try to leave the building and take run away." Phoenix "of course my queen I'm on it." She smiled flying off in the direction of the woman went. I'm starting to really like that succubus she is so handy and she's so obedient. Yuki said as she was getting fed up with doing all there were a lot of them that were already done that were just standing around watching what they were doing as if they were trying to figure it out or trying to help but a couple of them got in the way cuz they were trying to help.
"No no no baby no no oh geez having new ones around is such a wreck especially when there are four worm like this this is a hectic s*** show." Phoenix said as the succubus came back flying real fast so I followed the lady and I'm she was talking to a really big dude that did not look normal he freaked me out and I watched him for a while but like he looked over at me and noticed me over there and I kind of panicked I'm sorry I got scared he was really tall or something wrong with his eyes
What do you mean by there's something wrong with his eyes what was wrong with his eyes how big was this dude.
She flew up showing a about the size of Fury. "Oh hell no" Phoenix blurted.
His eyes just I don't know they were scary like they look normal but they were just I don't know there was just something about this freaked me out.
Phoenix she's a demon every freaked her out it's probably an angel figure out why she's got an angel and figure out what.
"Better yet I'll just send my angel to deal with hers oh Fury trading me spots I need you to take care of a big guy I think they got an angel if so I'm going to send an archangel mine's better." Phoenix said as she walked over and walked outside to work here he was at and he gave her a high five.
"Okay I'll be right back yeah we need to figure out if that's an actual Angel because I'm freaked out a demon yeah probably is and yeah that's where I come in." He said walking back into the room where they succubus was she didn't exactly feel comfortable in his presence when you could tell but she calm yourself down enough whenever he asked her honey I need you to show me where this man was a scary eyes was that you seen or the scary like mine." He said as he took off a sunglasses when she was wearing so it didn't bother her looked in the eye and yeah she screamed holy hell.
"Not exactly that intense but here on the same concept." She said as soon as he put his sunglasses back on.
"Thank you darling now you might show me where you at where you seen him." He asked her and she was more than okay to show him she took him front and he pulled it behind her using his divine power to make his armor just in case and fill out his sword you couldn't tell he was wearing Army though it just like normal clothes cuz the padding was underneath his clothes he didn't want them to be able to know so he was prepared he even had his sword just in case we didn't actually need it. Because the chances of an angel fighting another Angel are very very slow Angels don't fight each other. She flew him over to right at the opening where if he peeked right past the bend you could see out will it peaked and the man was no longer there neither was a woman it's like they disappeared. "Shit we need to find that guy s*** s*** s*** my sister's going to kill me." Fury said as he walked out looking around all the way in this big empty white space with several different branched off. Hallways." He walked out to the middle of looking around trying to see if we could figure out where he went. Well this isn't helping s*** I've been little to no help to my sister at all she called me in there to find this dude and I can't find him he said as he spun around looking right as he felt something touched the back of his neck. He slowly went to turn his head back when he heard a voice say. "Don't turn around." You took a deep breath keeping himself calm. Especially when he realized that he had bleed against the back of his neck. "Well you're definitely not one of mine so I'd put that down if I were you." FURY said calmly. With the hand on the blade of his sword which man I didn't notice that he was already handling.
Brother there I think about who's got who cuz far as I'm concerned you're a pretty pinned against the wall." The man said as her brother moves us swiftly that he swung his sword up smacking and hit whatever believe he had against his neck turned out to be nothing more than a dagger.
"That's what you think. You don't and you're dealing with or what you're dealing with to make assumptions that I'm like you I'm a way better fighter I was designed that way." Siri said putting a sword up in the man automatically refers when he seen the carvings on his sword because it was an Angelic Divine sword only one that archangels carry that's when I absolutely so we're just glasses and looked at it somewhere before he looked up
"They get a f****** archangel holy s*** and I thought we were on the same team and you're still as I am we're both Giants and normally I'm the only type of giant I respond that were on the same team now I see the sword you ain't picking that fight I ain't that stupid I know that's where it belongs to archangels only." The man said put in his classes text him on a shirt. "What seriously that's it. You're seriously going to do me like that you're seriously going to pull a knife on me and then give up just like that no you had a knife against the back of my neck that's not fair.
Yeah but the social right now I was talking to an archangel I ain't that stupid I ain't got a Death Wish thank you very much.
"Well what the heck are you I thought you might be an angel cuz how tall you were." Fury Said "I mean your close not necessarily though see I'm a Nephilim Not Angel. So why is an archangel here I thought you guys room is supposed to come to this plane and another why you calling me.
"Because I'm trying to figure out where those damn clones are coming from and you're who's a lady let us to so do you have something to do with it." Fury asked.
"Maybe okay yeah I do a lot actually." Man singing glancing over behind him and he knows that I'm one of the hallways behind him when he looked back the girl was trying to hide it and she was shaking when he looked at her.
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