Chapter 17

"Sorry my lord we repent for our sins. You and your people are welcome in our place oh worship and her homes any day." They said dropping for their to their knees bowing their heads spraying. He kneel lifting the priests head. Next time just ask me if you're not sure do not push your prejudices onto one my other Creations just for being different I love all of them equally that one is more valuable than the other. All equally loved in my eyes. All deserve love and mercy. Understand my son." He said kissing his head. He was kind of hard by his actions as if he did not expect him to show them Mercy. They not in and he smiled. Now that I've cleared up and misunderstanding. I must go back to my duties but I will be watching. So remember love thy neighbor. I must bid you farewell for now my dear children. For all my Creations are the embodiment of my love." He said, as his silhouette-fated and nothing. And they stood.  The priest went straight to Fury. "Hello my dear child. You want to help my with the bessing. I will cover it since the bride's mother was so adamant about not letting anybody in that isn't on the guest list I will have her excuse it." And father asked Fury smiled so brightly it was blinding. "Really you'll let me I'd be more then honored to get my assistance. But we are on the guest list the brides my biological cousins. She's my grandfather's niece.  I'm actually is the best man. Phoenix was here she has to be the maid of honor.  He said showing him the whole conversation between her and their cousin answer grandfather handed him the actual invitation turns out he actually was the only one that had a real one but it was before they sent him the fake one they sent him the fake one after he asked about their cousin. That's the introduced into the self to the priest showing them he was hurt my father and the one that was supposed to walk her down the aisle. As you can use her kasune magic. To reverse turn on the doors fixing where they bust them open making it like nothing had even happened. They were extremely grateful. As the priest look through everything in cluding the papers Phoenix brought. The other men over. As I didn't notice their nuns watching from down the hall excitedly at Fury. Cuz they have been watching the whole time. What's the price was obviously aware of because he looked over and wasn't surprised.

"These are all authentic so I'm going to need mother Superior to come clear this up. Because somebody obviously intervened was trying to sabotage pearls wedding. Which in the contract that we agreed when they ask for the venue is that no one shall intervene with the right wishes we must find who it was and bring them forward to the price cousin who made the agreement with her to get the venue. She paid and set up everything for her cousin and was in charge of whole wedding what's the bride and her agreed upon which meant that somebody was sabotaging and went is going to get surprise wishes. And due to the obvious evidence I think I know who." The preistsaid, the head nun walked over. Greet Fury with the most living smile shaking his hand and she about lost it when he hugged her she was so overcome with joy she could barely retain her excitement. Would you get out was not like the Mother Superior because of how everyone reacted her excitement. As she hugged him back especially when he kissed her head snuggling her as she was overwhelmed with happiness. But he uses angelic Divine aura to calm her down when he set her down and she thanked him and greeted Phoenix before looking everything over with the priest.  "No this definitely 100 percent athenic so we must call a halt on the wedding and get the bride and groom to come forward to see if they breach their agreement with Phoenix. And figure out if she aware and allowed anything to do with it because that would be a break in the contract with us as well it would not be allowed to have their wedding here. Now if we find out it was something that she was not aware of or allowed than that yes must be removed immediately in bed from any future events and everything put on the board so all the places affiliated with the church. Any time someones banned for preaching agreement without being allowed  they are band from every place affiliated with our God and will not even be allow in the places of worship. For that is seen as a huge nono in the vadacin to interfere with someone else's Holly matrimony. Which the Vatican does not look kindly upon. So sister's we must call a Holt on the wedding and get this figured out. And see if the bride and groom knowing broke our promise and so they will be held responsible in the same will be done for them they  will not be allowed to marry in any church since they made this deal with the Vatican and the pope is the one that make the deal with. Any agreements broken with him or considered the worst kind of sin. And aren't handled light at all especially since they're having him himself marry them since he agreed upon it so we must have him come out as well. If he sees the bride and groom knowingly guilty he will ban them from all future events or anything having to deal with the church or God. Specially since the bride and groom very affiliated with the Vatican it's no better than treason. The groom is a very closely to the Pope his dad works with him he's one of the Bishops. One of the main heads of the convent itself. He had to pull a lot of strings to get him to fly over here to marry them and since his dad's what's happening involved with the agreement it would also affect him as well." Mother Superior explained Fury was exstemely overjoyed to hear that the pope himself was there. He can barely retain his excitement his mate had to calm him down. She snuggled him as mother Superior smiled at the lovingly and affectionately. Nothing to Phoenix is that his partner she so beautiful she looks like an angel. Phoenix smiled nodding that's his soulmate actually they're not so bonded yet but they're taking their time so bonding is when you on to on to Consciousness your soul itself to your partners for all eternity even after death. It's way more deeper than anything humans go through way more deeper much more meaning and you can only have one your entire life and never another especially after it's been set in Union which is why we do not take saying someone their soulmates very lightly all it's the ultimate Union between two Souls connecting as one. In God's eye. Which is why our species does not take imprinting so bonding or soulmates lightly and is the most strict and regulations on and must be approved of by me I'm the king of every species including their kings because I'm making a Kings of King King. It's a pretty much roll every single one on this planet. Since I'm it's rightful heir. And women have not been form since I overthrew the fake one the council i disbanded and took over put in my grandpa's place illegally because they assassinated him. Phoenix whispered to her. Her eyes widened. As she looked thoughtfully for a minute  well if you need a place to do any place im more than willing to help you." She smiled, as the nuns and making all the wedding music stop. Then a loud bumbling vioce rang out from the venue.

"Sister's you better you better have a very good reason to interrupt such a momentous occasion." It was the popes vioce and her was not amused. As the priest ran in cause he could tell he was fuming. "Your grace you know we wouldn't with out good reason you know that we take these occasions very seriously. But its come to our knowledge there's been a breach in the agreement. Your agreement and the vaticans. We need to sort out who is responsible due to the rules that you agreement you and bride and groom agreed upon. Your Hollyness because the maid of honor brought it to our attention. She was who was in charge of the whole thing and somebody decided to interfere and take control of the whole winning and her decision which was the agreement the Honor made with the bride she's her biological cousin. She had all the authentic papers and showed us including where they signed it and she's royalty so it's very authentic isn't signed by big guy himself and he confirmed himself in person so obviously it's not a joke and I'm not pulling your life because she's really high power and one  favorite devotees the maid of honor is the main King of every single one of them and even I himself and clarified that if you don't believe me he can tell you himself. So did the Archangel that she brought with her which we know she's lying about because he's a biological brother which means our bride agreed to have as the best man because it's a relative and yes he's a real when is it not right. Fury." The priest said as fur slipped his head in at first pulling the pope just stared at a miss me pushed him in and as soon as you seen those wings he dropped to his knees bowing.

"You don't need to do that your Holiness. I am not worthy to get you to me." Fury said, bowing to him. As he walked down making everyone back as he lowered himself to be eye level with him put his head to his making his body have the same reaction like he did when he hugged the Creator. They guess we're in such a shock at this that they gasped yelped frozen in place, tremble at his Devine presence and some even fainted at the sight of him. But then he shooked to him when he embraced the pope with a warm loving affectionate embrace. Lifting him into his arms nuzzling him. He smiled warmly. "Oh my when you said he was like Michael I didn't expect him to be so affectionate. Never thought I'd have the honor of being in such a magnificent Devine beings presents. I'm sorry my child if I'd known they're Superior Queen Elizabeth related to such a magnificent divine being I would have changed the rule to accommodate him. He's of you are creators soldiers he should be allowed in any of our doors whenever he wants. If I haven't done that he was responsible for the ruckus outside earlier. I would have called off my men they probably give you a hard time. I sincerely apologize if they were to harsh. Hopefully they weren't too harsh on you." The pope as fury nuzzagainst his chest. As he petted his head a lovingly warmly watching him.

"No that would have been me I accidentally made him cry but I sincerely apologize repeatedly. And repented my sins." The  preist admitted hanging his head in shame.  As fury looked down at him explaining one of his own lifting his head. While still embarrassing the pope with his other arm.

"And I forgave you. Stop beating yourself up over it we all make mistakes you're only human it's part of being human. No one's perfect not even me only the creator is. You know that. All we can do is forgive and learn from our mistakes. You know that father our creator himself said so he loves all his creations big and small we're all deserve his love and mercy. He said so himself directly." Fury assured him as a the lords vioce rang out loudly for all to  hear. "Well said, my dear child. Well said you always were such a good listener. He's such a loyal devoted soldier. Francis I could not be anymore pleased with your reaction to meeting one of my precious creations. You did well my child. You never cease to impress me I am quite pleased. Well done but not to the one that caused them all this trouble since I know they're in this room because I know everything and I'm everywhere. You will repent for your sins and I'm saddened tomorrow night Creations would be so cruel manipulative for this person and nothing but control steal and deceive. This one has grown up not only in the church has depended themselves solely to me so funny but then breaks on my Commandments and does hard want to others which I am not okay with I will not speak these INDIVIDUALS names for they know who they are and they know that they will pay for their deception. For dear Pearl and Anthony did not deserve any of this they just trust to much. They do not deserve to pay for since they did not commit so they did not knowingly do this. And luckily Pearl was smart enough to think of this which is why she made the agreement with Phoenix cuz you know her cousin would prove her innocence. She was aware that she was going to be framed which was very smart of her. I'm guilty please with her thinking two steps ahead. Well done my child well done." He said, she smiled. As she was looking down at them from the altar with her veils over her face. When she ran down tackling Phoenix when she noticed Phoenix peeking from the door way. She laughed embracing her lifting her off the ground rubbing her nose against her nose giving her eskimo kisses. "My goodness you are so much prettier then I ever imagined your so breathtaking. I knew I did the right thing putting my trust in you. I know you'd come through for me sister. Thank you Brother for looking out for me to your amazing. I'm so blessed for sharing the same blood with such amazing people. I knew I made the right call. Told you Anthony we're blood related these are my biological uncle my grandfather's identical twin brothers grandchildren their father is one of his twin Sons children Nathaniel told you about him or these are his biological children and yes they're biological even though he's human and Phoenix explain it to me it's kind of hard to explain see hey mom had a descendant who was biological daughter of Jedidiah which is their literal last king that was a phoenix so they're King of Kings is actually her great great great grandfather so they've always had Phoenix in their blood it was just dormant which is why every single one of his descendants is her mom's bloodline so yes she is biological even though he and she are not human so now does that make more sense to you I'm sorry Anthony was kind of standard office cuz he was like you're not human how do you have no human family members he thought you guys might be a scam or something but I tried explaining to him that genetics do weird things but he didn't quite understand and I told him that when everything comes out I'll explain it to him and as I make more sense so yeah we do have non-human but it's on her mom's side I'm not related to her mom I'm related to her dad so my side does not her side does.

Okay now that you've explained it like that that makes perfect sense but I didn't know I don't know genetics of non-humans I know how it works in humans but I don't know how it works in non-humans so yes I was alone and the office and I do apologize now that she's explained the whole situation to me but she was kind of hush about how you guys were actually related. SoI do apologize for thinking you guys weren't actually he just said you were.

Hey it's okay we all make mistakes and besides like you said you don't know anything about non humans you wouldn't know how our blinds work yeah I know if not human has a child with a human and that bloodline can be dormant especially if it's such a powerful pyramid like my great great grandfather you can have a child that is dormant but that doesn't mean that it's not in the bloodline so again I'm not human descendant you most likely got in your blood so be prepared to have a child that carry that bloodline which means at some point you will have a descendant that is a purebred but if it's dormant that normally means that the one that is born is normally a lot stronger than they normally are because my bloodline took so long to awaken I'm a lot stronger than my ancestor was because with each generation that gives birth to a purebred that purebred is much stronger that's how genetics and non-human's work each other than the last even if your partner is human but only if your soul wanted the right person seen on humans can only reproduce if they are truly in love with one another that love bug is what makes us be able to carry Offspring now if you give an artificial one where there's no love involved then that's when you get a baby that's way weaker and That's genetics are bigger than the last generation than my teacher generation gets weaker and weaker and weaker and more human and more human that's when you get one like that yeah not human genetics are very complicated but it's all triggered by the chemical that love causes in our brain. Because believe it or not hybrids whether or another human or not are actually twice as strong as those species can find so yeah no as long as you're in love you're going to reproduce really really strong offspring but if you're not in your soul bonded the wrong person and you have a child with them that's when it goes downhill. That is why we know in humans take the word love very very seriously and why we don't not just get with just anybody or always didn't before you know the fake King took my ingredient ancestors place then they started that's why all of The Descendants are way weaker than the ones before them cuz if you look at the ones that were alive never mind my grandfather was alive if you look at those Generations you would be amazed at how much car they were that's why I took her over and over to the old Council in the new king that's fake like I kicked him off not only the throne I stuck him and the council in prison I stripped them all their titles because they were literally brainwashing all my people see I'm the king of every single known human I've ever single species across the world so they're all my people so of course I overthrew their Baker I mean they literally butchered my grandfather that's how he died they literally murdered him and I took the thing that they murdered him with and now it's my pet they made a monster that be able to kill a Phoenix cuz that's why phoenixes are our main King cuz I can't be killed well they found a way to do it using the blood of a phoenix and making a monster out of it so I took their little pet because my grandfather did it I was smart enough to design my genetics to work my blood doesn't show up as a phoenix it shows up as a human cuz you can only kill a Phoenix with another Phoenix. So I wasn't planning on taking over because I honestly thought they'd done too much damage for it to be reversed but it would take forever to recuperate what they did do because they literally destroyed our bloodline so bad they're where they're polluted to the point of their Almost Human and to the point of where my species is well I just feel like this and about another 70 years we are probably going to be exchanged because of how much they are repopulating or populating and how quickly they are and with them doing it with only humans with partners that they do not love or do not have any feelings for and being so bonded to the wrong person but they don't love means that they're having weaker and weaker children and these children are also a lot more well I just feel like this they're so weak to where they're getting diseases even when they're purebreds not humans are built towards they are immune to all sicknesses are all elements they if you get the peers bloodline I'm not human they literally do not have any diseases any genetic malachiation for nothing they are perfect specimen of Health look at my mate here honey come here he is from a clan that is separately ran from the other one that is cut off from the rest of the world where it is where we live and mine is too which is where I took my people cuz my people haven't reproduced them well since 500 years because that is when the youngest one was made and the other ones are all like over 1,000 years old and they were all made with not only other of our species. But the fact that they haven't reproduced in that long is due to the fact that we were almost extinct exterminated so all of us scattered all over the world and that was over a thousand years ago because the fact that we were scattered well a lot of them weren't hiding so they didn't have enough time to meet their soulmate or produce an offspring the ones that were producing after the thousand years when we scattered all over the Earth they are purebreds and they are the highest quality because they only reproduced with a soulmate that they loved. So I am going to be kicking back in the old ways so that way that they start reproducing like they differ because all these not humans that now are you know spread across the world they all are Brainwashed the things that they cannot naturally have babies when they can so they've been taking female human donor to carry their offspring with a person that they don't even love so they have not been producing any pure Offspring at all Air polluted as hell and disease like they've been getting physical mutations and s*** which we are known to be immune to cuz we are immortal that's another thing they're losing their mortality any type of non-human or not supposed to grow at all they're immortal they're also not supposed to be able to be killed normally either like you aren't supposed to be able to shoot one and it die the non-human's nowadays that is exactly what they're able to they're able to die I'm not normal causes normal small injuries of human would die from that's how you can tell that you're almost that their blood literally that mutated which is not good because it's causing us to have really unhealthy offspring yes it's going to take me forever to fix but I am determined to correct the Abomination because now we're ending up with hordes which only happens when a human is turned by a non-human but not a purebred see if you get the fears of purebred was the actual good genetics they don't make monsters they make regular non-humans that are purebred Granite they're not going to be able to like do certain things that we are like reproduce but if they're not and they're just made by one of these polluted not humans and they tu⁰⁰ going to end up with something nasty like a f****** skinwalker or a wendigo or something denomic as the Christians put it where do you think these monsters are coming from they're coming from us will not necessarily me but you get the point because they're not being top properly do anything happens whenever you're not human is turned by a human and then left to just figure out everything on their own they turn other humans which is what makes your hordes now they're educated and mentored by the master that turned them. I'm only telling you this see you when your guests understand that most of your stereotypical thinking about how we are is not actually how we are it's what you know or have been taught from the buffoons that I overthrew and that's not even close to the truth honey let me show you what your really working with here. Because each region has a different species group of known humans and not even close to the family against my daughter about cuz I want to eat isn't about are actually the polluted ones that are brainwashed into knowledge it is a normal close to the accurate to the truth and they're not even close to what age pure Bloodlines like none of a pure blood and I was going to blow your freaking minds. Their like me and brother. Now compared to the ones that you're taught about we are the complete opposite of your stereotypes so now that you know what the real ones are Lays how do you feel about it my species completely different from how you're taught we do not use humans for only donors and then use them for our benefit that's not how we work in fact we don't even use toners to be honest donors do not exist where we live because we go based off the old teachings not the new mumbo jumbo that you're taught about we're like I said to complete opposite of your stereotypes. We're not screwed greedy or above any other we do not act like our species is more than what yours is in fact ours Tracy each other like equals we live with which is in humans we always just don't even know about each other hell most was to go around and earn on human forms and we don't even give a crap and they are honestly very okay with that and guess what our humans don't break out every time that we're near the meter they treat us like we are no different than the rest of their family because then we are family too even if we're not the same species and we act as equals see your witches they not only living in solitary instead of in a coven and even the ones that you do find in Coven are only in small tiny groups ours work all together yes they will be cutting the groups which are family groups which go by their surname but they also work together they are not against each other like the ones that you guys live with and I should know my parents are both s Sorcerers and they go by the old ways which is you help me I help you they do not use people for their benefit and humans don't use witches for their benefit or an on humans I mean like yes the humans that we have can have the same attributes but we don't use them the same way because none of us use each other we do help each other out which is why our humans are a lot healthier than yours are I'm back to life spans a little while longer nurse back where we live they can live to 500 years old and no it's not due to using the immortality that they share with the human it's due to the fact that we all help each other out and witches use their power to heal where we're at because the witches that we live with are not corrupted they're pure like the pure blood lines what we mean by period that we do not use our power for any of the reason and we also keep each other in Perfect Harmony which means yeah we got wishes of play Black Magic but they don't overthrow our white which is either or white witches and her dark witches are they working perfect harmony therefore the Harmony in our homeland is a lot healthier than what yours is which also affects our crops or food source and everything including our lifespan and our humans don't have cancers or fatal diseases either hello old ones don't even get dementia in fact all timers does not even exist for we live. And if you don't believe me well here's one of our lovely ladies brother can you go get Granny for me this woman Believe it or knows 498 years old healthy is a horse in fact our oldest human actually went way above what they were supposed to because I lived till almost 700 they died at like 698. And they died of nothing else than old age and back some of her humans don't even age at all which is why they live so long not even joking some of ours ever even not even aged and we have one that's worth thousand years old but they have an age since they were 20 because they're so healthy that their brain the part that helps you age literally stopped at 20 because of the environment that they live in because our homeland is so healthy and the environment in the soil everything in it the ecosystem we live in such a perfect harmony and we're so eco-friendly that it's pretty much way more healed on yours is there's no pollution no nothing the health of the trees and everything is well it's healthiest and like nobody's ever used in other words this is healthy it is the cleanest place on the planet as in if you go anywhere else on the earth and you look at how their pollution levels are and all that s*** ours is there's none there's no pollution no anything that would cause earth any harm and are animals and trees live a lot longer and they're all healthy there's no diseases and no we don't take care of them they just literally are just that healthy because we keep our ecosystem that healthy Anna's due to the fact that everything lives in Perfect Harmony where we live it's not even the fact that we do anything different we just live in Perfect Harmony the vibrations that we let off are not corrupted and chaotic like yours are there's no racism there's no prejudice everybody just treats everybody the same we all love each other so yeah of course everything's all in Harmony and then sync. So yeah we are definitely not the warmongering monsters that you guys are familiar with so there's no point in you being even afraid of us we're thinking that we're going to harm you just because we're not human we would never. Even dream of it or even imagine it. So are we cool now because I could already tell that quite a few you were obsolutely terrified when you seen us or unsure so I figured I'd clear the year and admit to you ta.rhat we are not like the ones that you gzzzzzzźzuys are used to because I know that's why none of us were allowed in at first because even the pretty even a minute he thought that we were like the ones that they met." Phoenix exclaimed as the guess became a lot more common when they hurt her say this.

"Sorry for the misunderstanding most of us have had really bad experiences with most of you won't not you but you get the point we've had a bad experience with the ones but we are familiar with." A groomsmen said, walking over and showing her his like shoulder near his neck. And there was a really really scar on it she automatically knows it was fameworks but not from a vampire from something else like a shifter she could tell it wasn't a wolf or a werewolf because it definitely don't look like their work looks more like a wild big cat bite.

"Yeah that looks like a shifter bite." Her mate fantasy walked around the corner.

Yeah which is why I was kind of nervous to come when I heard this there was going to be maybe a non-human my ex was a shifter and I didn't know it Panther black panther she was my first girlfriend we did it for like 6 years I did it all the way up until High School from Lake Elementary School we grew up together before she was my best friend but I didn't know she was a shifter and when we broke up she was so pissed at me that she f****** attacked me and I mean like attacked me like I have scars on my back and everything like she almost killed me try to hurt my throat out luckily I was able to block him on my arm and she got my shoulder instead she was a a psycho and she was a control freak which is why I broke up with her cuz I'm in my current girlfriend and realized that me and her were not going to be good together and then separate was that even worked really hard to slowly let her down. I was in practically in a body cast for 5 months. A year of physical therapy. And I'm still in therapy. Sorry that's why I'm unintentionally trembling being this close to you. My anxiety overwhelms me anytime I'm near one of your species but isn't as bad as it used to be I used to have it so bad. Where I was literally automatically going to in to such a bad  anecity attack. I'd start freaking out and have a mental breakdown or panic attack so bad my breathing and heartbeating so hard the doctor was afraid was going to call me her complication if it was so high I would make myself pass out like going cautious but he said my heart rate and Paul's were way too bad of whack and I was breathing so heavily that they were afraid it was going to cause me her complications and they were afraid of him for myself no heart attack or stroke because I almost did I was like two seconds away from going into a stroke or heart attack when it first started and just over time I got a little more in a little more over my fear of it together I understand I'm absolutely terrified of you guys no offense because of my experience and that was my first time ever meeting it on human and I had no clue that she was one. My parents didn't know and they didn't. Know I was breaking up her and they also didn't know she's the one that attacked me because I was too f****** terrified to tell them so she made it seem like it was a random attack she told them that a random wild animal attacked me while we were hiking because I was camping with her when I told her because I thought every were in a good position like she might not be as mad I didn't know she was going to do that though I expect her to be upset but not that upset she literally stayed by my side the entire time and was secretly threatening me as in every time that I try to say something she literally make sure that I wasn't able to because even the sight of her absolute terrifying me to the point where I couldn't talk or couldn't move I was working with fear the entire time and yes she was threatening me verbally every time they left the room if I said a word but my parents nurse might demeanor as time I want especially after I got all the cast but something was not right especially when they seen how bad I was shaking when she brought me to dinner and had me by the arm they started watching us that I was literally thinking and having anxiety attack every time that she was touch me and I mean it got so bad at the point where I passed out oh she was holding onto my arm and my dad literally read them in their knew something was up especially whenever I started having a mental freaking breakdown really bad because she wouldn't stop touching me like I literally started screaming like a mad man and trying to keep like kick her and s*** while she was holding on to me and then my parents finally asked me what was going on because we were at dinner during Christmas because she would not leave me alone like leave my side or anything she stayed with me every single day and my anxiety just got the best of me every time but I was too terrified to say anything I finally screamed at them that she was the one that f****** did it and they asked me what you mean. She pretended for her call me now I'm telling me that I was doing things and tell me that it was just a wild cat wild animal I yell at her no I know I saw you turned into a giant black panther and attacked me. Panther and attacked me mom she's so freaking shapeshifter and I know that cuz I seen her f****** do it why do you think I'm freaking out trying to f****** kill me because I broke up with her why do you think she won't leave me alone go ahead of the monster you are. She does her crying but my parents seen her eyes blowing cold because she was so angry at me for calling her monster that my parents were pretty freaked out I mean we didn't know anything about non humans so it breaks my parents out pretty bad expensive and they seen her face and then my dad took her to get out or he's going to shoot her I never seen her again and her family moved away. But she was working psycho the reason why I was in the hospital so long is because every time I did try to say something here with hurting me on purpose and because the fact that I had to severe wounds they couldn't tell if it was a new or when they know if it was happening even after outside the casting whenever I started healing my parents didn't put you together until I scream that in fact you're the first one I haven't gotten this close to and honestly I normally worse than this but for some reason I feel a lot more relaxed around you."

That's because I'm not the same type I'm repair bloodline hear anything for nothing to show you when you're in trouble when you're not can also sense when one of us have no intentions in other words if you're around one that is trying to hurt you your body is going to react way worse because I have no bad attention for you and I'm also radiating my aura a lot lower than normal because I didn't want to break any you guys out International your primary things can tell that I'm not going to hurt you you're naturally things are always going to tell you when you're in trouble when you're not she's certain non-humans be around them and you feel like that just like a Praying animal if you're around one of those Heaven on humans like the ones that you're used to it's going to trigger there Primal instinct to hunt most non-humans are more like predators most of us have a hunter like primal instinct since the one your used to once again mental genetics and lifestyle and their more animal like their what we the real bloods call feral no better then a Rouge. Rouges are animals violent, ferocious, and aggressive as hell. They have no empathy, compassion, or any emotional feelings. They're nothing running on purely primal raw natural survival instincts like a wild animal. Their normal so feral they can verbally communicate with words. Because her brain is wired for nothing more than barely they're just basic things so they're literally nothing more than a barrel animal you cannot even with them they are not safe to be around. But we've been finding some lately okay a lot more than what we were hoping in other words pretty large number that's very concerning at least on my side of ones that are hiding and playing sight and well let's just say this you want me to tell the difference between a barrel and one of us well one of the ones you guys are familiar with yeah and that's extremely concerning which is why me and my fiance have been giving her on them and once I take it where we are going to get that underneath control because some of them are sneaking  within their regular population. Which the non-humans your use to we'll just call them low borns. Since that their classification is since our is high born since we're the purest bloodline of purebreds. They didn't notice they were mixing in with them. With camouflage with the General Public same as if they're around humans they came with himself in with them see these little roads were in a little lesson because they were smarter and they get things like me and you the other ones can't which we don't know how that happened we think they evolved and we miss. It more and more of them are starting to do it and it means that if I'm like listen anymore. Which is messed up because before they were not doing that. And we are not exactly sure how long it's been going on so you have the numbers worth I'm really really rapidly lately and it's more especially since. The low borns started rapidly declining really bad. We think it does have some things to give us and to come really mean and become the more that their deteriorating their also becoming less High intelligent too so we think that has something to do with my experimentally. Becoming more self aware and conscious intelligent. So much. So that they can almost act exactly like a normal person. Except that their a little mental off like their still developing their skills to blend in. Social skills, communication skills, problem solving, thought process, and decision making. But their good at covering it up by observing others and copying figuring things out so no you're not going to notice that's why I brought it up because you probably were dating one of those and didn't even know it cuz that looks like a rogue work trust me I know what their work looks like compared to one of ours and even lowborns do not attack like that that looks aggressive as hell and it looks violet and I can tell me the marks alone about how violent that one bit you and how much damage it did already so no that looks like the work of broke and they're extremely aggressive like they can lose their temper easily and they when they lose their temper or become angry they lose their cool entirely which means they're going with violence but and it's much similar to like when we movies are rage are typing on humans have something we call a rage which is a chemical in our brain when we release it it pretty much the best I can describe it it's like hitting the Nitro or Overdrive for when a car. You know like when it releases a huge power output.  Makes us pretty much on steroids but time that more effective and affect everything strengthen speed and all that and you know some of my people actually use magic as well yeah it also affects all that stuff too. It's way more than what you think but it's a huge burst that we release when triggered causes us to go intercomplete overtime which we can only trigger if an extreme situation where it's a normal life and death situation or normally when we're are around hordes or Rogues now I'd like to clarify that us and Rogues are completely different species they have a genetic mutation which makes them different from the non humans even the low blood yeah genetically the mutated to look and mimic us physically but now they're starting to mentally act like us which is a problem because they're not the same first of all they can only be made through making them for a human they cannot have Offspring at least we think they can't they might be able to now though cuz now they're starting to socialize more and starting to you know mixing with the general public before they were more of a solitary you'd only find one and they would normally be bad themselves and they would normally so violent and aggressive and Primal but they actually would kill anything around them so now that they're starting to you know living groups and some of them are even living at Family groups which we don't have that that's even possible it's normally there so rot Instinct that they don't think so how would they know how to do family groups it's because they're starting to learn and that's a problem if you look at their genetics they are different from us they got a mutations and s*** so if they start having babies more screwed because of their straight to evolve into what we are you're not going to be able to tell the difference from one from the other unless we get our bloodline fair enough because my generation because they're pure bloodlines we have a stream intelligence superhuman intelligence paper intelligence are species and stuff host of freaking have and everything grows with each generation or supposed to that's because of evolving every single time we're supposed to evolve that's how we're built but now it's starting to go the other way around because our bloodline is going to s*** and like I said if it's continues you're only going to have these guys and Rogues have chemicals in their brain where they don't peel emotion they are just extremely violent and they're killing machines and on top of that their bloodthirsty. They do feel but they sure sacred learning to think and that's a problem. And if we figure out if you're a little ex-girlfriend's one of those well I need is much information from you dear service possible because I'm going to have to talk to you later because I need to know her name I need no all her information and see if I can track her down cuz you know anything that we find one of these guys we got to track them down because I need to catch one I need to study it figure out what the hell is causing this evolution it's not good if they can hide that's a problem it wasn't a problem we could tell him apart and when they were by themselves but if they start bringing and they start getting smart or boned because they can hide normal populations. They could turn into a murderous pack of bloodthirsty oh and that's another thing primation folks are not like us also because they feed off of humans they eat humans. Vampires only paid off of blood they don't eat them. But they're a type of shapeshifter they do shapeshift but not like they do mimic certain forms that we do like some of us are shapes that can turn into animals but some of them look like a horrific monster nightmare because some then we found actually do look entirely different they all take on a different form though that's another thing they don't all work the same. see what these guys they all do and they don't mimic vampires or any humanoid type they only mimic shapeshifters that's also why I said there are completely different species also they don't mix with us either like a broke can I have children with a normal non-human that's also how we know they're not the same species they can't have babies okay let's just go like this you're okay and then other Yokai okay we're like the animals let's put it like that while the Rogues are like insects you get what I'm trying to say. we're not even close to the same category they just are designed to mimic this and the way of the shapes. We'll call ourselves Mystics. Since we're made up of pretty much every mythical creature that humans have in their mythology makes the most sense. Will call the good morning beings that I told you about that I like skinwalkers the monsters made from a being that was turned from a human that turned another we'll call this one's Cryptids because they're pretty much are encrypted they're every nightmares creature that you and may ever know. But there are multiple races in their species in fact we don't even know how many a race is more than one or a group that are all the same type in a species. Like shapeshifters werewolves that sort of thing ones that are all the same and share the same genetics and blood. we'll call the others the Rogues well since there's only one type of them all we got to do is call them Rogues I guess they don't technically need a category cuz they're all the same type we have not found a different race in their group at all they're all the same race they just look different. they're entirely different they have a whole different ball game going on over there and they're not exactly predictable either they're extremely dangerous so and I cannot stress you enough how dangerous they are they are not okay to be a digital Republic and I can tell by your the was a rug wasn't she was a rogue wasn't she." Exclaimed as his face was filled with horror well actually that explains a lot to be honest you get that makes a lot more sense I didn't know there was more than one different species what the hell like there are multiple species with different races then why would you guys be never mind I get it different species so what makes your kind of different from the ones that you call normal.

Well for one we're not in the same type see we're much older much more stronger feces but we call ourselves a species consider our different races like pizza names in them they're all different races you can have the right species that are similar or are the same but they can be different like how a raccoon is not the same thing as a red panda or how a mama said is not the same thing as a chimp but they look similar to they not.

Are there any others that we need to know about so we don't get the mixed up with you guys again because the group I'm in all had encounters with the same thing and they literally thought the roads were the same thing as you guys that's why you guys have such a bad reputation in the general public because we didn't know there was a freaking difference we didn't know your species was that much more advanced from the other two we didn't know there was a difference in my group literally don't know any of that information but they all mention that they all said the word rogue because every single person in my group dated one and had the same thing happen our group is literally made up of people recovering from non-human attacks and everything wanted to mentioned that they all the what the authorities called Rogues so yeah you might want to clear that up with the media player because they're saying that you guys and so does everybody else that's why they're starting to not last segregate everybody said that way that there's separations and are able to monitor each of them and make sure they're not mixing especially since it's not a general public when it's exist they're starting to make a lot of rules and I happen to work for a news place I can put down everything that you just told me especially since they caught on camera I mean they are video tape in the wedding."

The other reason because I can't have them putting down my people we're already going extinct the way it is plus you'd be helping an endangered species cuz my species is now going extinct see my species is meant to keep the Cryptids and the Rogues under control they are way too too strong and way too much for a human to handle why do you think that we were made to protect and Guy humans we're not just made for s**** and giggles were made this pretty much perfect and guard you guys we're pretty much the same concept of why llamas are always with alpacas it keeps the wild dogs aways. So Mister who's reporting this for me cuz I'm sorry I don't know your name yeah no we need to be around him is the best that's exactly what we're made for a woman to protect them so yeah the segregation thing will get your species put on a platter we are what protects you you get rid of I see you are literally screwing yourself and putting your species in the extermination list pretty much because Cryptids feed off of humans too they all do and why do you think we're literally made and designed to take our boards and trust me Cryptids and robes can reproduce and repopulate them very very quickly and they can take over entire cities within like weeks honestly they're both take about the same incubation period it takes only one to make an entire pad or an entire colony like it does not take much all she needs one to make a whole entire mess and I was music or humans but neither of them can touch a mistake because they cannot breed and they also cannot turn one of us we are something they can in touch even though Cryptids are technically made from someone that we turned they're not the same thing though genetically and even through blood test even through all the other tests and everything they are completely different species probably because we Mystics are a magical creature it wouldn't surprise me that we can turn something into something."

Wait wait what you mean you told me that if you're telling me if that's what you guys are designed to do wow do we look like assholes in and then yeah that's probably not a good idea to segregate yeah I know that's probably not a good idea that's pretty much is a sentence the human race that's definitely not work why do you think I'm trying to save the low borns because he's Queen cannot afford to lose how many numbers especially. Since they've already almost drove. In this Extinction is confident used to have their own species. Because in each continent they've been hunted till literally Extinction or near Extinction so they just ended up missing mixing with the general public I'm going to find each one and figure out who goes with who. Vampires and werewolves come from Romania. Fae and is anything classified as fae they're literally the largest population there's hundreds and hundreds of them the company ireland in Scotland same as leprechauns us as a real thing I know but they're not with you guys think they are they're not with love for that in fact they are actually kind of entirely different than what you guys have. But my point is is that the different groups are very very different and they're all arranged but how old they are like each one showed up at different time than the other the order the type the the stronger one you're going to get. You just got to look at work each mythical creature comes from where cuz they match like which one they are matches their mythology. They made us to protect you who do you think that is who do you pray to the God's and goddess they love man man so much. They made us to protect their flock but the he used the human imagination to create mystics. They made us the cattle dogs to protect you the cattle. Another one that can exterminate before it Rogue or Cryptid Salmon at a grizzly bear and you'd be the salmon. What happens if you put them in a group of them. Infront of an population that can spread like a virus to a host." Phoenix said.

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