Chapter 14
"Sis I'm really proud of you for going above and beyond for one hour relatives and going out of your way to make sure that she gets the perfect wedding. See I always tell you how good of a queen you are." Her brother said picking her up kissing her cheek making her laugh as she hugged him when she noticed a group of females secretly watching them when they were pretending to look at Merchandise she became suspiciously suspicious of the fact of why they immediately were trying to head back they were watching every little thing they were doing her brother nervous and walked over and then that's when Phoenix got her answer because the way they reacted as soon as her brother left over the sqealed like a bunch of school girls and then ran off. And sadly Fury is so innocent naive he's literally scratched his head thoughtfully when she asked him what was that all about it was typical school girl Behavior when they like a boy it's like the number one most easiest way to tell if girls like she was when she squeals and runs away. Homemade cannot help himself but laugh which made her brother confused.
I'm going to give you a little darling tip if a girl screams like an elementary school girl like that in the runs away that means they were checking you out they think you're cute.
"Wait what."
"Bro means they like you." Hermit said making her brother absolutely flush red he literally like a bashful school boy a little bit really did the same thing that it took off running he literally pulled it out of the store carrying the things that she had already bought since well obviously he's hugees got enough harm or him to actually carry all the s*** he sat outside the betching a fountain in the middle of the walkway he had listen to his head up relaxed his back against the back of the bench enough to wear you know he was looking over s*** out of him. Snapped out of it and looked around beside him before somebody there so he just minded his own business I'm back to what he was doing and next thing you know he was here a girl nearby is like chocolate or something sounded almost right beside him apparently happened to that they were gone there was nobody there and the next thing you know there's a really pissed off dude.
"Um hi." He said eventually when man hooked getting up in his face a little bit dude back it up okay whatever you're freaking problem is you can take it elsewhere okay you know the queen said not to cause conversation between us. He said literally using his arm to push the dude back before he set up removing has hat and sunglasses revealing that he was a Yokai.
S*** I didn't notice you were a Yokai sorry dude but not cool stealing other people's women is not okay.
To clarify I'm the queen of the yokas biological brother so yeah I wouldn't mess with Phoenix's sibling if you know what's good for you and number two what women what are you even talking about dude I'm sitting over your mind in my own business I came out of the store cuz if you haven't noticed I'm a giant I'm an archangel more 15-ft call dude that's not my fault and by the way I only came out because of the pregnancy feelings are too slow in there I mean you tried bending over the whole time they're in there so whatever nonsense you're talking about I have no idea what you're talking about and what women the only women I know are my sister and that's the only woman I'm around ever.
Seriously my girlfriend was literally just taking pictures with you with a friend. He said as very literally stood all the way up which is when he actually got to see how huge he actually was and this man literally did fall over when he seen how tall he actually was but he looked around looking around to see what he was actually talking about well he accidentally figured out what he was talking about because right behind the benches of bush well he knows to look sticking out then he looked at the dude and said I will I now owe you an apology I didn't know they were there and ladies what the hell are you doing why how the hell are you taking pictures of me first of all that's not consensual you got to ask okay I'm not a member between that is extremely rude by the way and why the hell are you trying to give me beat up by your boyfriend. Now come out please I don't want to have to remove the whole entire brush cuz I will to remove this understanding you almost caused a fist fight between our damn Yokai and sorry dude I don't know what species you were oh vampire oh s*** that would have been a Slaughter no offense but I'm an archangel and you're a vampire who do you think is going to win that one no offense dude sure as hell ain't going to be you. And you know it's forbidden to make the two clients fight the queen and king have already done f****** said that and my sister does not play around about that s*** I should know I'm the Queen's brother so yet you definitely cannot take pictures of me without asking. Hey bro are we cool and by the way can you erase the pictures that she got of me like she's your girlfriend make sure she erases them please otherwise I will have to turn her into the council and trust me you do not want my sister handling that one her soulmate is working so yeah you ain't going to run that argument I don't like my picture being taken.
Oh you don't even like your picture being taken Babe seriously we're taking pictures of him without his consent I am so sorry that was a whole misunderstanding I literally swore to bed you know they were there I mean they were a little practically on your lap for crying out loud yeah I kept on hearing giggling but I couldn't tell where it was coming from cuz I had my head up and every time I looked there was nobody there so your girl over here with him every time that I looked dude because I was looking." Fury assured him. Picking up all of his sister's bags which he had tied together before moving them before he literally ripped the bench out of the ground with just barely the tips of the fingers which means the dudes I just want him pretty good especially when her birthday about making two girls fall ahead of it they immediately looked at him definitely as he tossed the bush to the side and said the bench down you know that's illegal ladies I am not the same species as you you know better and on top of that I'm the Yokai Queens biological brother that is definitely against the rules and plus you are not allowed to take photo graphs of me or any Yokai without consent you do realize she just almost had me in your dude fighting I mean okay he's not from the same thing as me he would have gotten a huge trouble for doing that special symptoms of Queens brother and you are in huge trouble for taking pictures of me without asking you are not allowed to do that you have to have consent and I am not photogenic I do not like people take pictures of me now I'm going to need your name and wherever you were taking the pictures on I going to need to confiscate all that because it has to be brought in for evidence you'll get your whatever device you put it on but they need the pictures off of it so they can use them in court if you don't cooperate you're just going to get more trouble and you will probably get my sister involved or I'll have your boyfriend take it your choice ladies and you have to give reason for why you were doing it and what you were doing and very high depth and you have to give a good reason because if I do not find your reason because it has to get brought up to me in court and if I decide I don't like the reasoning or what you were doing I can press charges no if I see it to be something just innocent that's different but I have to be the one okay not the court because he okay that is the one that happens to is who chooses whether or not you get the punishment understand ladies so you got to watch what you're doing around us make sure you're not messing with the wrong species.
But we coexist dude why is it illegal for me to take a picture because I'm Queen Furious older biological brother and I did not give you consent any Yokai who does not give consent to their picture being taken because we are not a member of your clan don't understand my sisters my clan leader her mate is your clan leader they agreed to do it this way because of you guys being a lot stronger you know that she explained it when we brought in our clan into your clan they went over it several times so I damn well know that you know the rules you are not allowed to intervene with a yokai. I'm an archangel ma'am okay I do not appreciate my picture being taken and just for the record I'm designed like Michael so I'm Authority honey I'm practically my sister's version of the warden I'm the one she put as the enforcer so if I catch you all break in the rules I'll be the one to bring in my sister assigned me that because I'm an archangel I'm a giant it's easier for me to do it then obviously have a New York I do because if you find it you'll come back they'll just kill you me I'll just restrain your ass and throw you over my shoulder no I was being polite so please be polite hey dude I didn't even know they were there and not to be offensive there on my type.". Said looking over at her partner with his hand open while they were trying we're handing over the device they took the pictures on when he said that making them dead stop as both girls Expressions said it all they were absolutely disturb that he just said that they weren't his type like they look so shocked that he literally said they're not my type her boyfriend started laughing he said what I'm not I'm just being honest they're not to be honest bro I have a Pacific type that I'm into thank you very much and no offense your girlfriend's no friends ladies and even close to it and why do you look like you just ate the most sour thing on earth and like you're absolutely disgusted or about ready to puke as some of her boyfriend's friends came running up behind him laughing as he flirted Michelle he just pretty much called you f****** ugly dude we got her his dog going to be even in the freaking bridal store those two females have been literally stalking you all day too trying to get pictures of you or something I don't know but dude that was f****** hilarious you so bluntly no s*** given just straight up said that they were ugly
I mean they're not necessarily ugly but I'm not my type I'm going to be 100% honest to me they're not attractive okay I'm just being I'm just being blunt I'm going to Archangel I can't lie but they're not ugly and I'm just not my type and what I would consider attractive you got to understand that everybody has their own dimmer view on what they think is attractive to me they're not to you maybe to you obviously you're Danger. The girl's mouth practically dropped as her eyes practically shot out of there ice when they hurt him f****** say that he looks absolutely humiliated as her boyfriend lived his arm through furies as he cracked up.
Look dude I don't care if we're two different species or not brother you're freaking hilarious I'm sorry I came at you the wrong way earlier I should just walked up to you and talk to you instead of trying to you know start a fight I apologize that was my fault but I love how blatantly you shut down my girlfriend that was funny as hell like doing this man if another man's female hits on them like that come on now then especially girl like her most of the time they try to you know
Feel them not to be changes subject but have you seen the females I'm around on a daily basis have you seen my damn sister so yeah no I definitely don't find them attractive sorry dude I mean like I said you probably did it that's because you're used to your type of emails I'm used to purebred Yokai women and no offense to me you have women or thousand times more attractive and do they give you a run for your f****** money I'm sorry I like a woman who can hold her own in his feisty know if she can hold her own it up combat now that's even more attractive in other words I like Warrior type females you also got to remember that I was raised with Warrior type females and you got to understand you got to understand that are females or way more exotic then I find
Why are you so attractive to Yokai women you're not technically okay are you you said you weren't Archangel earlier those aren't that type of Yokai.
No they're not technically what type of deity in other words we're on the same level of the god so technically in that category and no we're wired to be Authority we are designed to enforce the authority we are designed as a warrior type 2 but no we are not a baby okay but I am a member of because of who my blood relative is their Queen and she is a type of Yokai don't ask how we're relating how we're doing species okay I'm not going to get into my origin but there is a reason why we're taking more species but I'm not getting into it but I will clarify that we are blood relatives and they've taken DNA to some both of us and we are both their biological children so our genetic blood type no b******* is both from her parents so you get the point I was not natural born like my sister though I made in a similar concept of like using a surrogate I was made I was born but not for my mother actually wasn't born from a person at all to be honest don't ask me how the f*** that works I don't know my sister did by accident we can never figure out how she did it she somehow with her power and Magic somehow made a tree that pretty much was a circuit for me yes it was more perfect for you ask I was born from the flower don't ask me how it happened I don't know but they did do anything else because work confused when they see my blood type and they found out that I actually have DNA but my parents do I'm still technically biologically their child they just didn't birth me and to be clarified nobody knows how an archangel is born come on dude there is no like manual that says how an archangels born so apparently they are born from trees and then some mythology they are so with that actually makes us but whatever so I'm not human domain really weird ways.
Actually I've heard of that before and yes actually is written down in the older Testaments and s*** where they actually like you know actually talk about actually Angels instead of the version of angels and made to make the most scared for humans so yet honestly I shouldn't exactly what you were when I looked at you I'm an idiot I've read how the description actually angels are I should have known that because of how intimidating and no offense you're absolutely scary as f*** like yeah you're pretty but you're scary as f*** and I should have noticed by the power radiate it's like that of well when you're so terrified you cannot breathe or you're choking on the air like when you're terrified like when something scares you or is putting so much pressure on you so much where it makes it hard to breathe which I'm guessing is Authority considering that you did say that earlier." Exactly nice job brother hey I'm not to be weird but I actually kind of like talking to you can with friends if it doesn't sound weird
Of course not you're allowed to ask me friends with someone I'm in the way you did it was kind of weird though wait a minute you were nervous I'm sorry that's been a while since I've seen somebody that bashful about asking somebody to be their friend Holy See you never asked me to be around the w****." Houston disbelief when he realized why he was being bashful.
"Please don't make fun of me why do you think I'm embarrassed brother that's not funny yes I'm lame I've never had a friend before okay there's a friend I've ever had is my sister's mate I'm so lame I want to come on my show like my sister did or she came out of her so she had tons of friends she was not afraid to socialize me I'm afraid to say two words to people. And the only other people have been around after that was the okay so yeah I get it if you say no I mean that was no friends kind of uncomfortable to be honest but I'm the reason why I was uncomfortable because I'm uncomfortable asking someone that because also cuz I don't know how to.
Douche you can ask just don't make it so weird and awkward I mean the girls find it cute but the dude's find it weird to make some uncomfortable just come to me next time you need a tip I'll help you one first of all be more relaxed be more straightforward and don't ask will you be my friend that just sounds weird I'm just be like hey dude you want to hang out and then bam hang out with them if you really hit it off of that person then Saturday to go hang out with them next time but don't call it a date that sounds weird too it's very impressive person you've been kind of wanting to work up enough gas to ask if you can hang out with them.
Yeah but every time I I'm around them I don't exactly get to be face to face with them don't ask I'm so shy and bath while I hid behind the branches of a weeping will have every time that would hang out with them and they're convinced I'm a talking tree at this point.". Admitted in the dude just bust a gut. I am so sorry dude I did not pay the lab like that but the way you said now they think I'm a treat at this point I just couldn't imagine you to sign underneath the waving willow tree right have you saved yourself you're freaking huge how the hell do you hide behind the branches of weeping willow.
Easier found a weeping will a big enough to hide myself under obviously see this is what exactly why I'm too scared asking me my friend because I'm laugh at me I get embarrassed easily okay dude and I don't like being made fun of so I'll be asleep I don't want people seeing my weak spots remember Archangel when people see my vulnerabilities is not exactly something I am planned of doing in fact it's actually polar opposite of what we go kart we are desensitized to have no vulnerabilities but see my jackass is so f****** shy I'm too scared to say two words to somebody but I generally just want to be friends with why do you think I literally have no friends except my sister and yes for the majority of our life she was the same way as me she never spoke to anybody the only people that we talked to before that was our clan members that's the only civilization we get were types are not taught to show emotions okay we're taught to be pretty much made of steel don't bendy don't break don't ever let yourself be swayed like we're taught to pretty much be heartless emotionless soldiers at least that's how my sister and me are wired I took so long for us to be able to survive or even find one friend really I can talk to people just fine as long as as I don't want to be their friend so if I'm this bad trying to find a friend I'd hate to see what I'm like trying to want to make Jesus I'm never going to get a girlfriend. I'm f****** Phoenix is older brother and I'm walking by the headache I'm not saying a good example for my little sister and that's not good I need to do better I have to do better I have to break myself of the stupid fear I'm getting close to people and there's a damn anxiety that cripples me around people I hate being like a robot going with the notion it's like I have no ability to actually socialize other people socializing is not just talking it actually opening up getting to know somebody getting close to them man I suck." Furious bat frustratively when the guy realized that he actually generally was very serious about what he was saying that he wasn't just I mean it to say it and they realize how bad it actually bothered him.
Oh come on bro relax okay I didn't mean to make you annoyed with yourself and make you frustrated but what you just described I know exactly who you need to talk to they'll break you in no time I've seen them take the most anxiety ridden introverts that have literally no social life except in their bedroom with their video games and get them to come out of their shells entirely enough to work they could actually care in a conversation with people that wasn't just basic like they were actually able to socialize get to know people become friends don't have the same issue actually with my brother my little brother he was like a cold but he was like 10 times worse than you that boy would not say two words to anybody like we had a hard time like getting him to even come outside the house because it was too scared of running people he didn't know which then led me to find out that one of his older friends who's on the Spectrum was even worse than him I gave them the same referral to the same person that fixed my brother and he did the same thing with mother did he did a complete 180.
Who is this I'll do anything at this point cuz I'm dying to actually make a connection with the person I've been talking to for months I don't even a damn for you I want to be able to talk to them face to face it kills me that I can't because they're my absolute best friend and I don't even know what they look like it bothers me in such a level that is not even funny His sister and her fiance had actually already finished their shopping And it took it off back home The bags that he even sit down he didn't even know he Didn't pick them back up because they jacked them Because they've seen him talking to someone so they decided to leave him alone so he can actually socialize. Come with me bro okay this is an old very old friend of mine that referred me to them and this person is their cousin so when I actually like let their cousin and seen the progress they made on my brother of course I referred them to everybody and anybody that was on the same issues as you but I don't thanks babe ever worked with a Yokai before so first we'll how bad is your anxiety how bad is your crippling and his social tendencies. I've been around my claim members my whole life and I still haven't heard I'm talking to some of them and no it's not like I've never met them like I met them several times my sisters talk to them beside me I just don't talk to anybody about my family to the point where I'm even afraid to talk to someone like members so does that give you any idea I and Beyond crippled with social anxiety to the point where well my sister tried to take me to therapy and it did not work it just made it worse because of how uncomfortable I felt talking to a stranger.
Oh damn that is the worst case I've ever heard of get your ass in here nice job Randall but where the hell did you find this one at and holy s*** you're huge women is a Yokai mail
This is my friend he's actually a big ass teddy bear and yes he has a yoga meal he's actually be okay Queens biological older brother I met him earlier when I caught my girlfriend taking pictures with him I didn't realize he literally just didn't know they were there so like we almost got into it this way okay and this is too as soon as she started off I literally almost s*** myself but isn't he f****** huge like how tall are you dude.
15 ft and I'm an archangel Warrior type and I built strength and the way I was designed is most closely replicated from Michael so yes I'm 15 ft tall which is partially the problem cuz you have no idea how much people use ivy being this talk gets you a lot you don't like to be around other people because everybody stares at you and not being rude I don't like being the center of damn attention.
Yeah when I seen how he was when he asked me to be his friend after we talked because of the fact that I almost beat the s*** out of him his name was beat the s*** out of me cuz we bullshitted afterwards I'm sorry but my heart broke whenever he was s*** asked me to be his friend and just the way that he didn't like it was it's worse than my brother and the other dude I'm telling you he's probably your worst case I'm not going to lie. I'm sorry but come on me he's such a sweetheart I can know that I am inside that's what I seen how much it was not only bothering him but actually causing a huge impact on his wife in general like it's really affecting his personal life and I could tell it tearing him up and I'm being such a nice guy I couldn't just do that so of course I figured I'd bring him over to you see if maybe you can break this one cuz this is Phoenix's brother and he wants to sit a good example of her sister he wants to be a good role model for her even though he knows that she already is a really good roller and everything already." His friend exclaimed
Yes but she's my young girl sister and I'm not going to let my whole life she's pretty much been my role model that is not okay I am her older brother it is time for me to start damn acting like one I want to be a role model for her. I absolutely love my sister she is everything to me of course I want to do everything I can to make sure she flourishes as best as possible. But that also means that I need to fix my damn self first." Fury said full of determination.
That is actually the sweetest thing I've ever heard he really love your little sister watch my older brother love me that much damn I'm jealous I've always tried to do my older brother to love me like that I mean cuz I love my older brother but he can't stand me I don't know why I absolutely adore him he's my role model and everything like I look up to him so much but he calls me annoying and can't stand me and complains better with a little thing I do because I am the nuisance in his life apparently but she knows that's sibling had for you but seriously you're so lucky I would give anything and everything to have a siblings that devoted and close to me. And it's really is hard to find a brother that is like that was his sister to be 100% completely honest it's like a very very slim chance when it does happen but most siblings can't stand each other let alone actually go out of their way to notice that got a problem and have the determination and the drive to want to fix it she really is lucky to have him as a brother but yes we do need to break you up that if you're that bad and if it bothers you that much
Yes it does because I am literally 5 years older than my sister she is supposed to be looking up to me she blossomed matured and came into her full potential on her own she was as bad as me there beforehand and at this point it's pretty much like I'm looking up to my younger sister which is not the how it's supposed to be when we were younger I blame myself for her having anxiety and s*** and problem who was socialization till she came out of Rochelle because I'm telling you what it was because before she used to look up to me and all obviously I never fixed the problem cuz I never knew I had one I mean I don't know it's just like I ignored my whole entire life until I realized it was impacting my sister's life on social level to where you know it was affecting your social life in her mental health and that's just not okay and it was causing some serious problems with how she was going to develop as an adult I mean she's a queen for crying out loud could you imagine a queen that type of social skills hell no they wouldn't be able to do s***. So yeah I'm going to break myself with the curse because I want to Blossom get out of my f****** shell now cuz I seen how immensely it changed my sisters like when she did she was so much more happy and healthy your mentally and not a f****** Fraidy Cat like me I mean I'm an archangel for God's sakes and I'm the biggest sissy I ever met I need to change that s*** especially if I'm going to play my role that my sister gave me my sister gave me the role of warden of the clan so no I definitely need to change that s***..Fury said concerningly person looked up from The Click they had covering there face since they had their head put up he seen them smirk and they shook his hand that's when his friend bet him to do after giving him his contact info and then taking off so he could have his private lessons it's much more effective if you let her then do the treatment one on one so they let him into a big dark room with table with all kinds of crystal balls and s*** that's when realize this was a witch I psychic most likely or a telepath they sat down pattern on it before he went to sit down when they accidentally put down the road and he said they were woman and he jumped up which made her chuckle and she was very pretty woman she was very goth had nose piercings and all that. What's wrong it's okay I'm a friend I won't bite what's the best earlier cuz you didn't know it was a woman.
Not exactly sorry I get a little bit more cautious around women.
Yeah that weird type before I kind of figured you were that type especially when you don't it's okay big guy I got a boyfriend you are handsome but I am already taken but thanks for thinking I'm pretty and splattered but we are here purely professionally as I ain't going to make you feel uncomfortable
It's not even close to the reason why I feel nervous around women he ain't nervous around women because I'm a man how do I say this well my dad breaks me old-fashioned and respect women and all that and the only girl that I've had as a friend is my mom and my sister I don't know I just have such a respect for women plus I'm my sister wired me with an overprotective instinct and it's mainly triggered by women any woman that's around me I just have a tendency to be an over the top gentleman because it's how my sister wired me when she made me when she was four even though she made me 5 years older than her. West subraman knowledge already Empire that did 9 she accidentally made me when she was four okay I'm 5 years older than her I've been nine.
Well there you go there's your answer there's your trigger see you weren't born naturally or had a childhood so therefore you were brought into the world as a legit nine year old you had about as much knowledge as a four year old at that age but you also had no actual experiences yes you had the knowledge that she gave you that was passed down to earth or you know her ancestors but you had no prior actual physical experience or anything that would help your brain development certain ways which could be there reason why you were such an introvert cuz that s*** followed you to doll head because the fact they were so old already whenever she made you yeah no learning experience and no nothing to go off of which is what helps you blossom and you know come out of your shell and s*** you get that from experience of s*** letting your life you came into your life when you were nine of course you're going to have f****** issues. Which yes I can definitely tell him that another I'm looking inside your head I'm a telepath by the way see that's why I do this job cuz I can see inside your thought process in your mind. Just through touch that's why I didn't let you Flinch when you try to pull your hand away and now knowing that that's the trigger I forgot he was breaking of it look when these things happen at like that age because normally these things are broken into Children of the age of like four or five you're nine which would stunt socialization skills mentally cuz you're given any from any experiences children learn how to socialize over time for experiences of having conversation with each other over time. So I'm going to give you something okay and I need you to use it okay this is something for anxiety can only give it to my most extreme cases in fact I actually try to give it to him never but your case is so extreme from your brain reading so I just did that I know you're you're going to need this because some of the socialization skills and all that and that did permanent damage when you were kid so it's might be irreversible at this point might always have those ticks or those crippling so long anxieties so I'm going to medicate you and don't worry it's made by a witch so it's not actually medicine it's a potion what this does is it loosens it and loosens it it's the only formula I found that actually can listen this type of anxiety for overtime it can make it disappear otherwise you'll have it for the rest of your life and it will never get any better and the already get the more permanent becomes wait your 5 years old and your sister how was your sister she's 19 I'm 24.
Oh honey I'm probably going to have to keep you on this permanently then I mean yes I can still give it to you let me know if this is not strong enough if it isn't I've got another type of above it that I've created that's for permanent people like you that were they only have to take a shot once a month and it pretty much reverses the effects but because of being permanent you can't rely on do it. Ask her to give me that back cuz I know that it becomes a permanent after 20 and you already said you're 24 so give me your I'm just going to give you the shot anyways because I know that you only have to take that once a month. And all my patients that have it permanently all gave me the best feedback about it I haven't had one complain about any type of side effects or negative feedback on how it affected their body." She assured him before grabbing his arm what she extended across the table and literally just having a needle into it giving him a good shot and I mean like I was a decent size needle sorry Fury but I had to use a speck of a needle because of how big you are compared to normal not human takes a normal needle you're twice the size of a normal person.
Which means bigger syringe. Now let me know how that works and now go on live your life. She said giving him a drink making him drink it that makes it past acting if you don't want to wait otherwise sometimes I can take a couple hours to actually kick in. She said as she sent him off on his way after giving him a little care package of something he looked at it before he started feeling the effects which made him smile cuz it was like a way washed over him than just when I can feel really good even though the streets are absolutely crowded and there are people pretty much walled them all through the walkways for almost sent him an old panic attack it was his sister's there but this time I didn't bother him at all so he just nosy this way just normal squat it did get working normally does but that was only too surprised his friend he brought a new book because every single time to go there he brings the book and the reason together when he seen his friend sit down this time we're actually facing leaving Willow and I really wish you were a person and I wish I could talk to you going to get me what is the only person after that I've ever been able to open up to on this level it really sucks you're just a tree.
Well what if I told you I wasn't
Wait what but you always told me where tree and I've checked and there was never anybody there
Yeah that's sad because I have really bad crippling Society but the truth is I'm actually a person see I actually just got behind the system so it won't break you out cuz we never actually talk face to face and see I actually because I started with social anxiety really bad because I was mine so long I've never had any friends over my sisters so timing behind the way you know all of us the only way I was able to communicate with you properly before I found out what was actually wrong with me turns out it's permanently stuck in my social skills because that's how old am because I didn't get it fixed before I hit 20 I didn't know there was anything wrong with me I didn't notice my sister just blossomed and then started opening up around like this year so and she's 19 so she was she was young enough to where it was reversed me know they can give me something I can relieve it but because I have it permanently they gave me a shot which correct my social part of my brain so I do apologize for always asking my voice in the email checking you and thinking I was a a tree but there's a reason so please don't hate me for having such bad crippling anxiety I just now figured out how to get it fixed and I didn't know it was this damn effective either or else I would have did it way beforehand the same 24 so it was that they can't reverse it honey and I do apologize you don't understand how badly I wanted to talk to you face to face and how badly I wanted to tell you the truth and I want you to hate me for hiding the fact that I'm an actual person man do you think this is fun for me no it's embarrassing. He said showing his hand before setting it down where she could see it before his friend Place her hand over his that's when he realized his friend is a female he could tell by her hands she was really where her hands very small well for one she had acrylic nails on and what man has a quick Nails on their painted like that. He lifted her hand flipping it when she realized how big his hands were she is how big are your hands. I promise my dear you'll find out in a minute I'm probably still tell you everything and those are really pretty did you get this done the Crush sorry my sister loves getting her nails done too my sister is my best friend.
Oh thank you yeah how's my mom's tree for me she got her nails done honestly I had no idea you were meant to be honest and not to be rude that makes you the first boy ever talk to I'm actually really scared to talk to boys that's funny I'm terrified to talk to women I mean I'm a very respectful woman and yes I am wired to have a very protective instinctive woman and I have a very high respect for them but if it's a woman that's not from my clan and not from my blood as in my mom and my sister again let's just say this I scream like a little school boy and I run off the back and I'm 24 in this f****** pathetic I'll remember you had a girlfriend in my life my sister's so bonded to someone Lucky Duck I will 100% be honest with you yes I am a man how blood does not bother you but I am the most beautiful man ever I guess that I have mainly females I was raised with high respect for women so I'm not the type of guy the you know ignorant or obviously any of the bug she should know you you're the only person I never opened up to I just never let you hear my actual Voice or let you see what I look like because oh honey let me put it to you this way you seen him in my hands are now if I show you why these do not get scared okay I'm sorry but with my parents a lot of people have a tendency getting nervous around me I'm kind of huge and then Warrior type and they am fired with authority of power yeah I radiate it and that's can cripple terrify and also make me extremely intimidating but I promise I'm as gentle as a lamb.
Wait a minute are you not really really freakishly call dude and everybody always points out in the clan that's been showing up around Phoenix
"Yeah that's me and yes that is why I have crippling anxiety because I am a 15 ft tall Giant but that's because I'm an archangel and I am actually Phoenix's older brother I'm Fury." He said coming out of the weeknola branches revealing a very beautiful document that he had never seen before which stopped him to his drugs when she was looking at him she just smiled at him she was such a cute little thing blonde hair and blue eyes really pretty female.
Wait a minute you look familiar
She chuckled as he realized she was one of their models because when she stood up she actually revealed that she's actually really tall like his sister thinking Amazonian she was so petite and her hair was white as snow wait a minute your snow you're one of the wolf females I recognize my sister soulmate is your king you know the original wolf Kings Spain wait a minute aren't you one of his cousins
Close enough and his sister's best friend but see I've never even really opened up to her about how I actually feel about things but we don't really talk she kind of just keeps me around so I just all over like a lost puppy to be honest you're not disappointed it's me are you I mean I know you're from the Yokai Clan and I'm from his.
And your point of course I'm not disappointed you what why would you think I would be disappointed you you're absolutely drop dead gorgeous I actually said that out loud but it's true you're absolutely prettiest wolf I've ever seen I mean you're not disappointed it's me are I mean I get it if you aren't comfortable because I'm ..." he said rubbing his arm nervously whenever she's straight up kissed him to shut him up.
I think you're the most beautiful thing I've ever liked us on what do you mean I don't care figure a giant I actually found like quite attractive to be honest I like tall men the tall the better than my opinion. She said bluntly caressing his cheek assuring him
Wait seriously you don't think I'm a freak
Of course not I think you're the most beautiful thing ever related my iPhone what just because of everything football like I said I like tall men the color the better and your appearance honey you are absolutely drop dead gorgeous woman is crying not to notice that that's to be honest so absolute Obsession of your build I love men there but like Gladiators hot I thought that to be the most attractive thing ever you literally put my exact case to a f****** cake but one question I was Katie taking pictures of you. I seen you when you were over on the bench the other day and she was stuck in pictures
Honey I promise him that involved with any other female she was behind the bushes taking pictures and me I had my eyes closed I didn't actually know I was resting because obviously I was going to take with my sister my cousin's getting married tomorrow so she was gathering of stuff for the wedding I walked outside because I have to crouch and work I'm in there I should hurt my back I'm 15 but tall for crying out loud and not going to lie or call them walking in the boutique they made me uncomfortable so I walked outside I have no clue they were taking or call them walking in the boutique they made me uncomfortable so I walked outside I have no clue they were doing that because every time I did look cuz I kept on hearing giggling and I couldn't tell where it was coming from every time I looked there was nobody there her boyfriend can't even come from that this happened because I actually made friends with him I had to compensate those photos by the the way but no she was taking pictures of me without my consent and then hiding behind the bush with her friends so when I looked I couldn't see them doing it and her boyfriend was the only one that told me what was going on cuz you know I thought there was just one of the clan members laughing or something I mean I was on the walkway there could have been anybody that was my own business and honey I promise 100% I only have eyes for you and I'm only interested in you I'm not interested and you why do you think I went and got the Sean I wanted to be able to talk to you face to face like I said I've never even had a girlfriend or crying around and not going to let you just that kind of took my first kiss so long yeah." He assured her as she kissed him again and then left her next weekend is giving her eskimo kisses.
So why do we change that we obviously really like each other in my face each other's taste perfectly why not just date each other. I mean I've never really had a boyfriend either somebody before but it was it was kid s*** so I don't really count it they were literally children although he still says he's dating me to this day but he's not hasn't been for like the past working 10 years I did in the Middle School when I was younger my first boyfriend you know kid s*** we just decided date whatever blah blah blah and no feelings for each other and then it was like that and I dated him once in high school apparently the Man became obsessed because he pretty much became a stalker at that point still followed me around and chases away any mail that I take interest in or any mail that takes interest in me like he makes sure that he chases them away somehow if I would have known that he would have been like this I would have never updated him and I only dated him because his sister pray for me to do it because of how much you liked me well I also didn't know that he was going to be coming out for later on either I don't know he just after I became a while he became absolutely and obsessed in high school are freshman year and then he left me alone for the next 5 years while the Navy coming out a little works because I became a model I've blossomed at 20 into my full potential which is when my whole non-human power and I fully matured my physical adult body which is when I became a model I didn't think I'd become one of the most sought after ones because of my unique Siberian appearance white wolves are very very rare especially ones that have white hair and the blue eyes like I do so how was I supposed to know that he was going to figure out it was me and then start doing all this crazy s*** I didn't know his sister was one of my fellow models and I'm recognized I'm going to meet her became friends again and then whenever she figured out my name and figure out who I was yeah that's kind of all that s*** happened she's still trying to help me today and him again she does everything in her power to try talk me into that name again how she would try tricking me at one point and they're going to Blind double date that I ended up walking out the other way because she did it to me once or I seen it with him but I didn't see it before I got there well I look in the windows now his sister yes is one of my best friends but she is a little manipulative control freak sometimes I don't know what her obsession is with getting me to date her brother especially after I became a model I mean off started avoiding him now but still like he makes it impossible for me to have a social life or anything he's chasing way my female friends when I just want to have a girl's day for crying a lot I literally have no friends no nothing because none of my clan members will you know say anything because they're awful so it's a it's a whole mess he's got me pretty much isolated and cut off from everybody else because that's how he wants me so I'll end up being forced to be with him again to even be around other people that's what he does because elbows are you know in charge. My best friend that is Bane's sister is the one that's been helping me get away from him cuz she's the only one that's not giving a s*** to put him in his place. Because anytime he tries to s*** she goes gets your sister's name and your sister's name he will not f*** with even though he's younger than her brother her brother is lawyer or like 24 and he will not even try. That's the reason why I'm an only hanging out with her cuz being over everybody else and going to get isolated and you know in prison he also did that to me in prison mean when the other pack so I couldn't f****** leave his sister is the one that saved me and got me the hell out of there." She explained which he kissed her back
"24 honey bun. Trust me with me already going to do that s*** I have zero tolerance from the straight woman and imprisoning a woman just because she won't date you no. Only you guys never did anything did you not being weird I wouldn't judge you even with the case but I'm only asking because some males will do that they'll ever says give us a female into you know not even full-blown intercourse but just like wanted to be I feel like I'm being ignorant by saying that I've seen males do that when they have four play with a female for God's sakes.
I mean you're not wrong yeah I've seen it too no we didn't do s*** but see that's why you're so obsessed with me because I didn't all the other girls gave it to him like it was ping ping pong he wanted to add me to his belt in the whole reason why he's doing all that s*** it's not because he wants to be with me he wants to add my name to his belt because of how exotic my genetics are well with me his is more of he wants to add me to his boat but he also wants to give me a pup the other thing he doesn't want me as a soulmate he doesn't want me as a Soul Bond or anything he doesn't even want me as a wife but he wants to put a baby in me so he has my rare genetics in his bloodline since they're so exotic and rare and hard to come by and hard to produce. You didn't realize he's already got one kid with the a red wolf female. Which is how I knew what he was going to do I'm not stupid I mean it's to the f****** night see it want to be so blonde with somebody want to be very don't want to have a life with the person I choose to do that with not just you know Popeye baby and catch him cuz my Gino's.
What the f*** dude he literally just wants to put a baby in you that's disgusting yeah I'm definitely breaking his teeth then first of all he ain't doing that with my female cuz you don't do that if you're still a Yokai is soulmate that means war bro yes you are mine but I am a gentleman I want to take a slow with you which is why I'm not automatically jumping on the hay let's get sold on I want to do that to you I want to work my way up there because I want to do it the right way okay I hope you're fine with that well I mean something else will jump on the head let's get so hard as soon as they figure out that their soulmate know me I knew that was you when I seen your face but call me old-fashioned I'm going to work my way up there cuz someone is a very serious thing you can't just shove the cork in it you got to weed them out that doesn't mean that I can't imprint on you because I can still 100% do that. Yeah I knew that you were mine too busy I kind of figured that so you're going about you got to remember we've been talking for months honey bun I've gotten a linear personally in and out I know you are the sweetest most possible light and the most well-mannered Gentleman on ever met why do you think I'm so excited when I found it in your man. Do you know how hard it is to find a meal that actually genuinely respects women to the extent that you is almost impossible because they are just so rare only one of like a thousand meals actually is that respectful let alone knows how to be that long of a woman or gentleman most men don't know what show we're being a gentleman is anymore you have all this traits and more and I like it so period isn't going to be a problem that were soulmates from two different cleanses is it.
No my sister is she ain't going to give a s*** she'll just be happy that I found a soulmate she was afraid I was going to die alone." He assured her she agreed to let him imprint on her he let her pick whichever part of her body that she wanted him to imprint on she chose the most visible and noticeable spot front of her neck so he imprinted leaving him work that looked almost like a shower on her neck but the way that it etched because each imprint is different to each being and his looks like wings but the way that it laid on your neck it looks like just tattoo chokers on her neck they were pretty sick and big and it took up a mess wrong with her neck. Satisfied with all the import came on on her neck making sure that was big enough to see dark enough not to fade right away anyways cuz this one was just a temporary for right now but he made it dark enough to work look like a permanent and he made sure that he landed up completely right it only came out as big as it did because he's a giant of course even his imprints are going to come out bigger than normal normal and Prince only take up a small amount of skin Giants apparently or twice the size of that. And because of it being so big it went completely around her neck. Sorry love I didn't mean it to be so big I can't really hope that the majority it's when I pray it just comes out that big I'm sorry.
Are you kidding I love it it looks so pretty and it's really pigmented I'm good did you make it the type of temporary that you're the one that can be removed but does not fade and and you're going to remove it with a certain remedy a very simple Witches Potion No it's not moving water that's too easy I used one of the Moon Lord that are and the Roses with lilac cuz I like to smell good night pick something easy so that you would be able to remove it but I only picked it to be able to be removed with that because of the fact that I don't want that jackass being able able to overpower you in forcefully remove it so I do look short for me but you're going to do a certain things. It'll only last however long you wanted to." He assured her.
"Good I love it." She kissed his cheek before she had him go to the normal spot and she seemed like he had brought with them she won't have him sit down by the lake she climbed on her with lap and literally had him read it to her when she told him this is so much better than whenever you use the schedule voice I love your real voice when you read or when you talk so much more husky and deep. It's pretty damn sexy. She said before kiss her head before they started reading where the book tour they Spencer quality time in each other's company his sister gathered up and make sure that all the wedding s*** was in order she made sure that everything before taking off to go on that I can you know do all that nonsense The Pride up there was very boring and the only thing where she lived and seen like fluid in an apartment building in the middle of the city but there was a nearby State Park where she was like to walk to which of course she was his static as Ravens jumped out running up to the front door that she was waiting at with one of the babies who she opened the screen door swapping her taking the keys the baby and wishing her farewell telling her to have it Fun time. As she ran up to the car and getting him beside Yuki who she hugged as they started occur and pulled out as even held the baby and waved at them goodbye before shutting the main door. She was all getting as she directed them to the trailer she goes to which was not normal they thought it was wasn't a state park that was right outside her City it a trail at the photo Mountain that with an unmarked Nature Preserve didn't show anywhere on the GPS is anyways it was clearly and they couldn't even send Nature preserve and it was an official Nature Preserve a list of one point in time but you can tell from the way the trails were made they are still used quite frequently even though the preserve wasn't kept up anymore but she told us that was actually the hometown Mountain itself and the nature preserves for actually a special type of wild cat so you do have to be kind of careful that's what she asked for you to come with her doesn't make it by herself because the Wildcat that it is is a mountain lion and she's actually been chased her one before up here but she just loves the area and it's the nature walk itself is just so pretty but that mountain where the nature person was made with me because it's famously known known to have no matter what reason whatever there's always a mountain lion on it normally never more than one. But she said I want one she seen four. So she did tell them to be careful as Bain's best friend Cole and his mate Carol got out. No ever since her and Bane have been together he has not really had his best friend nor his mate really hang out with her she knew they were but she's never actually like you know hung out with Carol Carol really didn't say much to be honest neither did Cole except to pain and Phoenix yes we're talking socialism people but like Carol just gave her the vibe that she didn't want to be bothered hell she even know so she really didn't talk much even her own mate I mean yeah they did a lot of s*** together but she really doesn't like in general like she just doesn't talk that much." She had reddish brown hair she wasn't near stereotypical look that males would go after because she didn't fit the stereotypical beauty the non-humans have she looked human actually to be honest unless you're looking to figure out one of her parents was half human one of her parents came from a human purebred Union which made her more work than a half breed but not entirely that of a purebred. She could tell us Elizabeth Cole was the total opposite of her he was a tall f****** jock no she was like the nerd quiet girl that everybody walked so worth it glasses and short bobbed hair.
No it's funny we've never really talked
Yeah I'm not much for talking sorry.
Sorry but my mate is your maid's best friend figured out at least try to get to know his name doesn't hurt to try to be friends I mean her boys are always going to hang out together a lot I mean it doesn't hurt right. Phoenix suggestion which made her uncomfortable because she tried walking pastor.
Wait did I say something if I offended you you can just tell me I'm not going to get butt hurt. Phoenix said gently clasping her arm enough to make her stop since the boys were in front of enough to where they got near them
Look amazing world I absolutely love and adore him he told me to close his best friend obviously we don't want her that so at least you can do his honor the fact that I'm with him. Get it as a respect thing so why are you guys acting so weird and what is it that you guys have been distant every time being trust introduce me to you guys.
I would say it's none of your business but that'd be work I mean isn't but that just comes off early ignorant it's just really complicated okay I don't think you'd understand it more so what I was trying to get at not that it's none of your business but more so that you wouldn't you wouldn't understand for each other how would you feel if you got made from me and doesn't even like you I mean look at Cole look at me I mean make him what we're like an epic tragedy waiting to happen I don't really know why we were put together like yeah we do everything together because we have no choice but to during this Moon solstice during the ceremony of when you find your mate for some reason they got us in the moon decided to play a really cruel trick on my ass. I mean unless it was an somehow when Eric said but there were tools they normally don't make accidents any who or not actually soul-bonded or technically branded dates or even imported super spent so much time together to maybe push it to that which is the council pushing for it because the main guy's point of him at me no I think she meant to point him at the girl behind me but they wouldn't listen to me when I drive it down that and they wouldn't do it again to see if it's still pointed at me I'm going to match for him and yeah I found out he's actually really nice guy but he's a jock you really think a Handsome Jock like him likes a girl like me yeah maybe my day dreams who is training being with a handsome guy but I mean come on look at me I'm not exactly pretty nor interesting or has status or anything that makes me unique or even qualified be honest I don't think I have a mate I'm in love with the moon goddess give me one anyways I'm a Loner I'm an introvert and not to be rude but same goes to me and you we're just not set and designed to be friends with each other I mean look at you look at me and you're one of the most beautiful females not to mention most powerful and there's me your type are perfect for the cheerleader position burning or the model position the only thing I'm going to be made for the position of is a desk chair at a desk job if I'm lucky woman with the physical beauty that you have have it easy as hell and you will never understand how much easier this help remember so much more opportunities than I ever will people avoid me because I am not attractive people avoid me because I am actually kind of ugly yes I'm aware of that ugly people do not belong in the same group as beautiful people.
No that right there is a bunch of b******* appearance doesn't mean s*** I mean could you imagine how f****** to bring the world with me if everybody just give a f*** about their parents and not about character personality or who they are the person and that's what makes a person beautiful not what you're looking at honey physical Beauty may make you easier to approach but that doesn't make you beautiful person understand you give me the most beautiful unless elegant woman over physically but be the ugliest person I ever f****** met. I've met somebody as you put a quote on quite ugly once I don't see his ugly at all I seem as beautiful yeah they see themselves as little because of their flaws are in differences that they see as a malfunction in their physical appearance I'll see people for who they are based off of who they are not what they look like I'm the most beautiful woman that you supposedly ever seen but I can be the most nastiest b**** you ever met that can make me look hella ugly but you want to know the truth is if you get to know the real man the man and my brother know me that I ain't knows it doesn't take a genius to see how beautiful I am as a person not because of my appearance. I know to be clarify and I'm going to be blunt with you what makes you ugly isn't your parents it's how it's it's you now what you look like it's your outlook on the way how you are as a person you have a ugly attitude personality but those things can be changed into something beautiful I guarantee you if you fix the things that do make you ugly you would be beautiful because when you are a beautiful person even another see you as ugly when they see you for you they see the real you they see your real Beauty because that does affect your physical appearance and why are you labeling people based on their appearances I mean it's not like not like your Scarface.
Because I'm very subconscious about the fact that I am not pretty you know what I am big girls have beautiful parents I'd kill for that type of body I'd kill for that face I hate my face I buck teeth s***** lips and come on you it's not like you haven't noticed the huge ass mole on the side of my cheek that was a birthmark I've always hated the damn thing always look like a damn bullseye.
How about you close your eyes and shut your mouth. Phoenix federal credit and she just stopped for a minute just do it I'm going to shut you up once and for all that's what we're going do so you stop being so ugly about it. Phoenix said if she did as she was told the Phoenix ran her hands using her magic over and not only her face but her body she molded her into a entirely different physical appearance.
"Not going to lie this feels f****** weird."
Okay but when I'm done I don't ever want to ever hear that s*** come out of your mouth again about people being beautiful pissed off their appearance and that being the only reason why they are allowed to be with their partners because with that type of mind that you're going to so they're now show s*** they're now can you talk to me since you decided to tell me that you can't talk to me because you're supposedly ugly and then as you put it pretty.
Holy mother of God would you do me
I set you up that's what I did you're complaining about your physical appearance so much comparing with the fact that you envy beautiful people so much over there now you're beautiful person this will change how you are as a person problem because you do realize that makes you vain comparing somebody's physical appearance to what actually makes them beautiful that was the most bad thing I've ever heard anybody say and the fact that you envy them so bad well now you want by the way I actually didn't do anything except mold you and how you were supposed to be molded excuse me yeah jokes on you you're actually supposed to be a beautiful person but the reason why you were quote unquote ugly is because you've had a Spell on You ding dong.
Wait what yeah you didn't know she had a body store on you why do you think I said don't want a physical appearances make you pain I was trying to tell you because you're not actually ugly you're beautiful you just had a binding Spell on You for some f****** rod reason it's very powerful by the way so you're welcome that's what you actually look like.
"Happy" Phoenix said as she handed the mirror that she had shown her what her reflection was like on and she could not stop staring at it touching her face. And her hair which was actually who really dark crimson red and was to her shoulders.
" you know what you're right that does make me vain maybe if I was a beautiful personal woman I I Am The Beautiful People because they will have what I would never have yes it is being pain" "because you had it all along obviously somebody didn't want you to know you were pretty" Phoenix I should check back from the mirror that she was going back. "Wait you're not mad at me are you I'm just 20 minutes ago you were trying to talk to me with my friend and now you don't want to talk to me." She asked concerningly as Phoenix family stop and look better look you made it very clear that only reason why we were allowed to talk to me friends just because you want pretty to me that was the most ugliest thing that anybody has ever said to me and you literally want to let me talk to you or be your friend until I did that and also no matter you can see how this is going to be a problem can't you because of the moment that I heard you say that was a moment that I see how ugly your heart is because who lashes out at somebody that simply just wanted to be their friend when I want to be somebody's friend it's because I genuinely like them as a person because I see the potential in them and because I see how real they are sorry Carol but I cannot with a good conscience know that you prioritize physical Beauty over somebody character. I prioritize character and personality as what depicts whether or not want to be their friend. So now you want to go hang out your cheerleader friends since you compared me to one earlier cuz I ain't no cheerleader or model I'm a damn Queen there's a difference. I think it's time we caught up with some mates." She said hustling her up to where the boys were saying we know that they headphone behind that far because of how much they were talking burritos and ran up to them the boys finally decided to look back check on them whenever her made literally stopped everything that he was doing with his head back well what the hell where is Carol where's Carol.
No serious of where the f*** is Carol.
Cole I'm standing right in front of you. She said as he literally ignored her looking around you've been moving her to see if you can see her behind her which made her so confused when she seen her friend that he was she probably gave him a good slap and yelled coal it's me damn are you deaf.
Carol what the hell what happened to you.
What you don't like it. But I'm pretty now you still think I'm not thinking match what are you talking about I was like you were going to match I actually be honest I thought we were the perfect match didn't expect you to change your parents to drastically and like you just the way you are if I wanted a pretty cheerleader I could have had any woman I wanted but I want to Carol cuz I like Carol. You're joking right literally pulled away from you every time you and wanted to escalate the relationship because I didn't qualify for you because I'm not pretty or attractive like the other She Wolves and everything that you don't like me because no one pretty so if I'm ugly I'm not getting nothing I'm bringing him that good enough when am I working good enough." She literally started crying and he really see her hurt her feelings he gave her a hug. "Brat I always told you they were good enough I didn't need to change to fit me physically or otherwise because I like you for you he said as she noticed the s******* right on Facebook when she just looked over Phoenix okay smart ass I get it I get you taught me my lesson your soulmate is diabolical in order to teach me a lesson make me not vain or envious about other people's appearances because it is being honest you call you or your new guy hated the way that I looked I was very hypersensitive about it. "Yeah I know cuz you refuse to talk to people as you put it let me guess Phoenix she said it to you too and you finally said not today.
"Yeah because she wouldn't stop complaining about how ugly she was and I just got tired of talking about how she was not fit to be your partner because your handsome in a jock and she's just unattractive and a nerd in the best that she could do is probably a desk job like sorry but to be that thing yeah but crappy ass in my future a lesson so what do you want to now." So was there even a binding on me or did you just make that up. She asked
I know you actually did have one on you but I didn't wake up by the way Cole somebody had a binding spell on your girl so that's what she actually looks like.
"Why the hell would somebody have a binding spell on her call your guess is as good as mine I just noticed that I found it when I was looking over her body because I know that she had something on her I just wasn't able to know exactly what it was until I locate The Binding that was literally asking her on her body oh never mind I think I know why hey Cole would get down here. Phoenix said dwelling home around pulling up by her shirt showing call something that made his eyes almost shoot out of his head.
"What is it." She asked. "my dear you have a special working on you." "And what's that what do you mean I'm working what is it on Phoenix to spell it what is it." She demanded Phoenix to tell her. You are the very special little lady that they even got herself marked you're her vessel ding dong that makes you very very special honey because it means that you happen to work the line to the guys herself and no wolf has that. That means you're a descendant of hers and work descendant." Wait what no f****** way that's not on me is it holy s*** are you joking with me right now that's what yeah I miss I'm not good enough for nobody okay we get it Phoenix you made your damn point. Carol said as Cole just lifting her up and spun her around before he kissed her which was really cute. Bain snapped a picture of it. Lahore they walked in and hand down the trail when they did stopped when bain stopped in his track. Emotional them to not make a peep. As he walked to the side of the trail and pulled back up it is just slightly when awesome this random person just came busting up that push making Bane some growling and scaring the f*** out of the random individual that was walking not on the trail but through the woods for some odd reason when like the other people came out of nowhere from behind him all the young ones. Oh s*** sorry I didn't I didn't know Jesus is he growing are those fangs. Unless it's Sherlock what do you think happens when get started the s*** out a wolf obviously I'm going to burn my things common sense I thought you were a damn mountain lion what the heck were you doing off the trail like that.
Oh right there's not lines on the cell I forgot I'm sorry yeah I probably should have announced that I was there what was I supposed to know there's non humans on the hill I have never seen one of you guys before it's not my fault how was I supposed to know you were there I'm human I can't smell her hear y'all."
Yeah well it's a bad idea to scare the s*** out of a purebred kid you were being quiet because every single one of us are purebreds trust me we can't hear you you're being too damn quiet and just for the record somewhere where you guys were whatever the hell you guys were doing yet use I have mountain lion piss on you he smelt it what do you think he thought you were a mountain lion we could tell the difference between a human spell and a mountain lion smell. She might want to go change your clothes because nothing like passes you to mark their territory which means that you were not there territory so I honestly I wouldn't go hiking anymore in this mountain I get the f*** home as soon as possible I mean unless you want to attract a female that put that stuff there cuz I have a female mountains that area Trust me females are a little more pungent.
Oh s*** so that's why you brought me okay did I owe you an apology I honestly did not know that there is mountain lion piss on me like I said I'm human I can't smell that I actually know you said that I am noticing a punching day smell can you tell me where it's at.
Yep after you move out the way darling move move looks like she smelt it." Carol said pushing the humans out the way in the letter b jumping in front of some holy shifting into a two-legged will form and snarling burying her face at a cougar that had been stalking behind them so quietly that they didn't even notice that mountain lion makes things growling she bird hers right back at it and it did lunch for her she straight up where I'm at midair and whacked it and I mean like she gave it one really good wag she loved a huge gash on it enough of a warning to make it run away. Wow that was cool as s***." One of them said as a wolf turned to them retaining it to like it form as it walked right past them back up to her partner. S*** she can't change back we didn't bring extra clothes sorry girl you're going to have to stay like that. Phoenix and she's just granted at her before they took the lead with Phoenix and her partner and the human children decided to follow them as Phoenix turn pointing at his pants. She pissed on your pants you might want to throw those away. By the way don't go back on that area you must have have the best luck because of the fact that we came with the race she was about ready to well take out your friend there she was 2 inches away from getting your back mountain lions are Ambush predators you may not see him out in mind at the mountain lions use you. Never turned it back to mountain lion if you do sadly ever do see one you like guys with that bastard as soon as you see them I knew back up slowly do not run do not break out of contact like I said during which Partners the moment you take your eyes off is the moment you're a dead man. Phoenix and giving them a little lesson and pushing them aside whenever she seen that same thing Mountain line f****** ball with him again she's trying to pushed him out the way and smacked her hands together causing them to turn the big firing wings shouldn't fire at the 10th thing which made them scream before she shot fire from her now sleep running out of Phoenix Screech so loud but it cause such a man's pain to the cougar that it literally went limp and was unconscious she kicked it to make sure it was alive before walking away okay we got like 20 minutes get let's get the f*** off the same time you get rid of your damn pants sorry dude hope you're wearing boxers cuz she's going to keep all of us because yours shorts have her piss on them. She said as the boy didn't even have enough time to pull them off before Cora destroyed up sliced him off with her claws. When they fell to the ground she made him step away so Phoenix could do her thing and shoot fire at it enough to burn it all the way to no crisp in other words she pretty much eradicated all that it is and then she hustled them off the mountain calling Yuki with her Phoenix noises which yuki replied with her fox noises. As they quickly came out the woods where they were all waiting in the parking lot to make sure that children were okay and to make sure they had a ride since you know the one had the ditch his pants got a little walk down the road but just his boxers on that would be irresponsible.
What happened who are they when you look familiar of your lazy boy what are you doing here where's go
It's a long story I accidentally got cougar piss on them thank God for your friends that you brought Sarah because I save my ass more than once that cougar was tracking my shorts hello 100 shift to fight it all for crying out loud by the way sorry that you had to do that. Oh dear she is completely shifted holy hell. Service and making Carol grunt at her. Sir it obviously wasn't intentional she did that to save the kids cuz she's in the cougar before we did and it was literally 2 inches away from one of the girls she showed them all the way and was likely able to shift quick enough to give it one go whack and guess what the damn thing still followed us down the trail Phoenix had to not only do it with her Screech and nothing unconscious for enough time for them to get the kids out there she had to shoot fire at the damn thing that damn thing was on a mission to get those damn shorts like Carol gave it a huge cash on the side in that damn thing still came at her so yeah if you wonder why I called you guys back early that's why that cougar was 100% tracking humans which means it's probably attacked a human before and probably killed one has there any been any random bodies that they found on this mountain.
Actually there was but they found in the cakes so they didn't think anything of it they said it was just an over to see and they said it was just one that they scavenged but they also couldn't tell what I ate it either it was so old and I think about it there's actually before bodies that they found that were like that.
F*** you got a career that's got a taste for human blood well that's not good if they killed on him and it's bad enough that they kill too we're getting into danger if it's three you got a huge problem cuz once an animal gets a taste for human blood it's bad enough but you already said that the other two they weren't eating where they.
No which is why they didn't pin as a cougar kill three of them actually were that bite ones but they weren't able to tell what was wrong but nothing was eating
Which means they're probably more bodies hidden an animal does not get to thatUntil after they've been eating them for a while after a certain amount of times with them killing them for food will start killing them for fun it's just how animals are especially when they get to taste of human blood because humans are easy meal access there are a lot of humans it's easy for them to take him out without nobody noticing if they do it in small intervals but if the larger population starts kind of missing that's when you need to get a problem sounds actually pretty big it'll be hard to get something lay out and figure out exactly how many humans this little s*** has hiding but it's definitely got some bodies underneath it that's for sure because this thing did not hesitate to move it early start stalking like a group of seven people look it's okay the stock a group of one human but you add to it normally the tourism but you have a big group like us that's unheard of and that thing was actively stalking Avenue wanted to kill one of them and they're the m************ again what the hell. Phoenix said accidentally thrown one of the kids to the ground right if she seen a cougar came out of nowhere and lunged on one of the kids and what happened that she Drew her handbag I mean like she put all her force behind the head because whenever she went to swing as that cat was going to grab that kid she just want her arm so fast she literally not only work the Vancouver's mouth when it made impact she broke his entire f****** spine all the way down to its tail killing it on impact she can cause big chunks which try to go f****** flying she actually obliterated all his Hornets too it was like a bomb went off inside of it cuz of the impact of the head that she threw and there was blood everywhere because it also had such combustion whenever she hit it but that s*** literally exploded.
Sorry I didn't mean to hear that hard but no you were like two seconds from that thing having his things in your throat that thing was way too damn quick in the order for it to come up like that and thought that were in the parking lot when I'm in near the woods anymore he literally came out here on purpose it had a f****** agenda. You kids get in the car f*** this s*** I'm not waiting till you call your parents I'll f****** drive you home I don't give a s*** that was way too dangerous. She said getting every single person in the car not giving a f*** especially understand there was more than one f****** to her oh and there was a pretty decent sized group actually and that's what she really said they were hunting with tax and then that's when she realizes weren't cougars I took her two seconds of looking at there eyes and seeing their behavior to figure out this particles those are skinnies. She realized how many of them there were she f****** got in that car quicker than s*** getting getting again those were not f****** cougars there was at least f****** 20 and those were not f****** cougars there's a f****** skinnies dude. F******. Horde kids just walked into a f****** horde. When she pointed at the tree line and the kids look back and seen how many cougars were putting their heads up and then they seen them all stand on two legs and that's when the kids f****** scream bloody murder. Yeah f****** told you f****** told you you kids are lucky as a mother f***** you just ran through a horde of freaking skin walkers. She screamed as she whipped out that parking lot quicker than that's one of the kids will even take the pictures of it especially when it was they stood up on their legs one of them is even jaw even f****** dislocated his s*** and turned into like a python f****** mouth it was like something out of a Horror Story. Making the kid that was taking the picture and recording the video explain bloody murder cuz she was petrified. She was zooming down the street as fast as she f****** couldn't get as far away from that area as possible. Sarah my blessed girl my lovely woman that brought us here you just probably saved her f****** town cuz that's the beginning of a hoard and hordes can get f****** huge and they can they can never get it ever take a city pretty quick and there was at least 20 words can go up to the thousands real quick and luckily for you you should expose that b**** to me quick enough to where I can get rid of it before it becomes a problem I will immediately send some your kind of that one honey call the onies they love getting their hands dirty trust me with the types that I just seen cuz the type that you guys just f****** found we're ravenous is too I was bastards are f****** quick as s*** that's why the thing was able to sneak up on us so fast and on top of their extremely f****** vicious but they're called Robin is because I have f****** faster they're not a f****** joke man doesn't even normal ones you kids found those we're a nest of ravenous like I said my own eyes are going to have fun with that one or they look in their history with those bad boys ravenouses can do some really hardcore damage whenever you're biting them because they the way that they attack and kill is buy overpowering them with their numbers and their speed they're not really big but they're not really a strong but their speed stamina and how quick they are and how many numbers they can rise up in real quick yet no that's how they ever come in and trust me my own is they do not mind getting a few scratches like they actually getting injured those pastors don't give two blocks hell no one broke his arm during training he was laughing his ass off but dress for proper precaution I'm going to send some tengus. But here's the thing I've never seen one that close to a city before that is scary having ones that close to human populations like that no that is too f****** dangerous I mean especially how violent and vicious ravenous is are like they are very violent with their attacks they're very quick they're very violent and they don't stop either like they don't stop till you take them out and you have to take the medicine away remove the head destroy the heart make sure you keep the head away from the body and then burn them and then bear the ashes fun time oh wait that was a windy that you do to kill a Ravi kids which is what we call reminisces for short I guess I'll do it somehow by either removing the had you decapitate the damn thing make sure you keep the head of far and away from the body any of those type you want to make sure that they can't read attach themselves and then you burn the body every f****** piece of the body if you leave one so they're that hell's fire is just going to regenerate itself again but when they regenerate if there's more than two pieces that they were generated from you end up with two not just one that's why I said just burn the damn thing burning it is the most Surefire way to get rid of the whole f****** thing at once just in case if you kids ever run into that s*** again oh by the way you can tell which one's which by the eyes the eyes they're not they're not going to f****** blow normal you know how a cat says go a certain way robinuses don't I also their behavior the behavior is a big significant detail because they are not acting like a normal animal then you get the f****** out of there real quick or if you know something that's abnormal like let's say one's walking around with a broken jaw f****** run away or its heads like upside down yeah run the f*** away that's how I noticed the ones over there William had their head upside down dumbass it didn't have enough time to correct it before I noticed but then but then again these things don't f****** think through who the f*** cares. Okay girl did you get that f****** video. Yep and pictures I also grab videos and pictures when you guys attracted and when it try to take us I only got those so my mom and dad and like the authorities know that we weren't lying when we said he were trying to save us because if you guys being non-humous in my parents not knowing you they might accuse you of something because well one of those in here has no pants and he's a minor so I wouldn't make her eating the answer on something that you did not do. Thank you that's actually why I was asking for the photos you're awesome forward it to me here's my number. Phoenix said passing her back a little card with her number on it before she hurts when was she read it holy s*** you guys are King dude we just got her ass to saved by a king that's dope. Oh yeah who do think runs the non-human Clan groups we do we do I'm the main one though because some of the king king King Kings 2. But my fiance's King of the normal as I call it the one that curious to species are not human Clan he rules that this is domain I rolled the one that's outside of his territory though because that's my s*** impulsa took the king of his pistol because he was dick so I overthrew his ass and the counsel. I mean I was rifleware anyways so he had no business taking that and I and the king of the species group of non-humans the Yokai Clan. So yeah yeah freaking hella lucky he had not only two kings you had a Yokai pretty damn powerful one too the server 55,000 years old that's a nine-tailed fox trust me not to boxes are very powerful they come very much any of you and luckily you guys got me on luckiest f****** hell because Yokai are a warrior type species and the oldest and strongest non-human species on planet and all of mine are purebreds and the youngest is 500 sorry I forgot you guys are just kids I don't have to flex it for you or tell you any of the information I'm so used to have him repeat myself I just do it automatically now sorry I'm so used to doing it. At this point that was not even intentional and I can tell from your excited face what.
Lady sorry I don't know your name I was born in China I was Raising China and then brought over America when I was 12 you no why I'm excited cuz I know what damn Yokai is I grew up reading about their Miss I was obsessed with them as a kid great I always wanted to see one in person but then I was told that a thousand years ago they were exterminated I was heartbroken to find out that they were tipping on human and now you're telling me that you have some what the hell away there's one in the car with me you're so pretty so you're a kissune." She asked as you can just whipped out all nine tails and her fox ears which made her so excited can I get a can I please get a picture with you please please please I am absolutely obsessed with nine tail fox is there 100% of my all-time favorite." She begged when you even noticed her background on her phone was literally her cosplaying as nine-tailed foxes she literally stashed her photos looking at the cosplay. That is very very pretty very accurate by the where you weren't joking when you said how much you nine tails foxes were you. Yes Maia Cricket grandmother actually ran across one her name is Yuki and she was the most beautiful thing with my grandma ever seen she was obsessed with her she worked tons of books on her and thousands of art pieces on her I was always so freaking jealous that she got to see one and my grandma always tried to see if she could track her down again all the way up until she died she only ever got a couple of photos of her but she published in the books that she made and the well let's just say the general public didn't like that then remove them especially when they realize there was a real nine-tailed fox that she got a picture of They confiscated every copy of that book every copy of the picture digital anything anything that was a duplicate and even the original confiscated everything including all the notes that she had gotten when she did proper research on the nine tail fox to make I'm going to get grandmother the one that got the picture I made a foundation after she called that picture does she named save Yuki Foundation which was a foundation founded what she meant when she found out that they were Hunterdon Extinction that bad her living room so much and having so much Drive she literally found all the areas where she mapped out where they were probably go since it matched their natural habitat the most she made a foundation to make them natural reserves so nobody can touch them she made a natural reserve to save their Homeland in the area and all the animals in it because natural reserved you're not allowed to hunt the animals there so she took every single spot she knew where one might make Home or might frequent I made sure that anywhere where they would more commonly be in the wild of China wish she marked off marking them as different types of animal Reserves and nature resource but she always called them save Yuki so they couldn't say anything how they even name the main mountain save Yuki where she got the original picture from..
Yes I remember the little sweetheart I I remember that picture you didn't catch when my queen said how old I am did you
No I did not 30. Nope 55,000 years old and my name is Yuki I'm the 910 Fox she took the picture of because I let her take that picture believe it or not you're a great great grandmother was actually a very good friend of mine she came to visit me quite quite quite often and I mean a lot she never once told anybody that she actually was my friend see one day on that Mountainside I got my horse back in a box trap she was the one that I did it she banished my leg and took care of me that picture was right after she did that she wrote my foot up and stuff if you look at the very end look see see is it around my ankle your grandma was the one in the nursery back to health she was very nice woman she also fed me a lot of chicken and peasants and I was happy as hell about it because I wonder which is my I got stuck in a box tried to be with I was starving to death she realized that and saved my life so I owe her mind which is why I let her take the picture I am so honored she managed to somehow smuggle away the original negative she took you if you don't believe me look at the very last picture on that funeral there's actually another one and I post for that one and that one was never revealed to anybody but me and her it was her little dirty little secret if you said pulling the negatives after she had gotten the pictures from that she had had developed over in her wallet which she was kept the negatives into she rolled it all the way to the very end and where she had never suspected and had no idea there was a picture there was a legit negative picture she held it up in the light in the cross eyes f****** wind so big that I read it was a picture of her grandma standing behind you again and her human form and she looked exactly the same and they're smiling you can listen in front of her planning out her tails and her ears while her grandma was standing behind her with her hand on her shoulder holding a flower I gave her that flower your grandma was my she was my best friend and I found out that she got in trouble with her taking my picture I felt so bad especially when I realized how much in trouble she got which is why we could always get that picture as a Dirty Little Secret and if you look above it that's why I'm more that was me and your grandma those made my human form that's why she never got those ones developed she did not on purpose she said well I already got in trouble for the other one thank God I didn't develop the other ones I had to get my ass kicked because look at the Third it shows me and my four kissing their form my huge nine tail fox form I even let her take a picture of that one and that's only picture on record of an actual case in the in full form because there's no photographer was able to ever capture one. Showed her as she showed her but generally there was more pictures there was another one that was as promised a giant night-tailed Fox with flaming tip tails and her grandma smiling posing in front of the nine-tailed fox as she kissed his cheek to show how exactly huge this Ninetales was this little girl was beyond for the moon whenever she seen although secrets that he was showing her because she latched on her and her so tight when you get really mad or so happy she cried.
It's okay it's okay you didn't know it was me
Thank you so much I'm so getting this developed I hope you know that you are amazing I can't believe you're the same one my grandma was friends with that's absolutely crazy what are the odds of me finding you after you were best friends with my grandma I am so speechless can I please have you meet my parents my grandma my great great grandma was with me which was her daughter she was raised in stories of you and me in the world to her she knew that the fox and her grandma beloved and adored was not just not a hoax but also living breathing one and just like me I think she'll be touched by that story that you told me because honestly I really touch my heart and my Great Grandma home she'll probably cry to know the actual story behind the actual picture and if I know nothing little hitting once you guys snuck.
Yeah I'd love to I actually met her once right before my best friend died which was here at a great great great grandma I actually used to help her with her when she was a baby because of her husband being a war especially after he died no more she probably won't let me remember me though she was only like that but I'm like fun I was disguised as a human whenever she seen me she never seen me in my true form before. Then I got something very precious let her mother gave it to me years ago to give to her now that will make her cry because believe it or not me and her mother made a photo album of everything that we didn't share publicly and that we kept hidden in secret you think we only took like four pictures Hello darling we knew each other for over 20 years we were best friends we took pictures a lot and each picture had a story Lucas and whipping out LOL leather book she was confused at first I just looked it up in my showed printed pictures of every single one of the negatives and ones that they had no idea of an existed because it were no negatives of each one was pictures with captions that they all work on the back of them like she wrote One her grandma wrote One to tell what that picture was from and I mean like there was thousands of pictures of the children together and yes 90% that show you key in her natural state not disgusting human but yes there were a couple that did show her discusses him and like the ones with her holding her grandma her daughter. The fact that when she had the baby and her husband died she actually lived with it for a while and then she pulled out a journal and everything and handed to the young girl who read through everything that they had went to each other and if I can ask it was her Grandma's writing brought tear to the little girl before she hugged her when she also handed her note which was addressed to her best friend's daughter which concealed letters her grandma had written for her daughter before he died and even concealed some letters that you be made for the daughter right before her mom died which also concealed a giant picture of Yukon her mom standing behind her with you Kiana and Oliver Glory Ninetales out years out and in a really pretty they were both holding flowers with fireworks looking up for it at the nice guy cuz they were at a festival which on the date is what my little girl smile I'll kiss you realized it was the time that her Grandma's Mom was pregnant for her and red she's been there for you since the beginning and she'll be there for you till the end. She did it for me as I did it for her love your aunt Yuki a gift from me and your mother to you of the day we found out about you."she read.
"Get to realize my grandma's been looking for this picture for centuries is how long and you had it the whole time. Her mom left a letter about it.
"That's why I'm having you return it to her daughter. "Yuki said.
"We live next to eachother." Onekid said directed them to their homes.
their parents. We're all waiting outside.
"I got ahold of their parents told them we had their children." Sarah said, getting out first.
"I'm sorry we had to bring them home but then I promise they are completely safe I had incident with a mountain lion with when nobody got hurt people that I was hiking with found your kids before anything happened. Thank God. They were able to catch the damn thing before it got to them..
" sorry for the inconvenience but it was stalling them in the woods it tried to attack them three times. We literally caught iz6gedd,its rxehx6x zone ez6y,zge,g,v,g6,,,gegzy,g,e6,g,6gg,gg2zrgyg,2t right as it was laundry passing on yeeezour kids luckily we're faster then wzzww some stupid wild cats. But one of your son' ,,s got their their urine on his ⁶⁷??,,,,,,,,, is how it started stalking in the first place. So after nursing what you still chasing them we had he him take them off I insinuated ,. ,, XXL The damn thing chased us. To the parking lot. But we were lucky their to protect them. We put out ourselves betweenzero the wzzwwthem and them. So I assure you themare completely 100% find. I did have to push one out of the way. But we made sure there were completely unharming and they even clarified that they were okay sorry don't blame Tara we were the ones I found your kids walking out the side of the trail while we were hiking I came out to talk to you see you guys don'm.9ot freak out okay cuz it's really not her fault we only grab them up because of the fact that we realized what was actually hunting them and it wasn't a f****** cougar and you're lucky as hell that we were the ones that figured it out because of normal person can't stand s*** against the f****** skinwalker up in the hill where the trail is the one with the mountain lions yeah those are mountain lions honey I'm the one that verified that it's a heart of skinwalkers and they're ravenous there are types that is extremely fast extremely vicious and a repopulate very quickly so now if I normally would have found them or if we want to find her kids in this very second that we did you wouldn't have any we're telling you this you don't like your kids up in that mountain till I get it searched out I'm sending my my own clan members up there are exterminate them for you guys. I was just letting you know that those are not mountain lions and there was at least 20 of them and they can populate pretty f****** quickly in the thousands real quick and they've been going to take out entire town with that mountain being as close as it is to your home I know it's being connected to your backyards watch letting anything in those woods till I get everything searched out.
"Jesus I told you something was very wrong with the mountain lion I seen running out of the woods and was in my back yard ha. See is this one." A woman carrying a dog. Showing her a w
Video she caught from her window. Of a cougar with an arrow through its head and its when she noticed it was miss a paw and seen its side what iseem which it should have been dead. Fuckthank you I'm the king king King Kings I'm Queen Phoenix we appreciate you coming forward. I wasn't wanting to do this. Love push the panic button. Deploy and the active warriors. She bowed to her. Revealing she was purebred non-human. Her yelled Bain through the announce Entercom as a loud siren went ooff. Through the entire town is an announcement this is a code red Panic alert code red paint color. This is not a troll I repeat this is not a trip to not come outside there is a hoard in the vicinity just waiting until the authorities can hear the AOK after the authorities eradicate the threat I repeat this is not Adriel stay inside your house. Till froth notice. Till Phoenix the charge who's handling this detected threat." It was repeatedly played on loop. As Yuki kicked in action. Hustling the kids out and over to their parents.
"Queen?" She paused . As Phoenix stripped off their coat. Revealing her huge flaming wings. Which she spread them . Before she looking back at Yuki. By glancing back at her. Her eyes widened.
"Get them ing each of the families. Bain I'm going to take one side you take the other. Go full rampage, full release and release of your rage .My cousin's weddings days tomorrow. We already know they've reached the General Public. And has spread far enough for the general public to notice the name of the situation is probably much worse. Then they're aware of because they caught one on tape by accident could you imagine what they would catch if they purposely started looking them. Hope they hide in the woods to where nobody can know so or not that far they spread or help large their numbers have gotten. I can't risk it interfering with her ceremony so why bring several into it if I could just handle it on my own and exterminate it at the store all at once within twice as little time. So yes I'm volunteeraly handling the detective threat myself I can get done and so much more little time than what it would take to bring them down here and have them do it which would take both that way to a month to make sure it's clear when I can just take the threats out I don't like quicker efficient and all at once within their time. So you guys going to come and make sure that everything's all fixed up and we'll take care of it at the source and erraticate all of it in one Fall Swoop. Instead of dealing with each section individually which would take forever giving enough time to not only recover but spread and engulf hometown extending their numbers quick enough the whole neighboring areas golfing the whole entire town and even spreading to neighboring town causing it to karate control causing a bigger problem when it would be if I just hand over myself." She answered shifting her whole physical body in her true from as a phoenix. A huge flaming Eagle creature twist the size of a human. Which made the human families of the children. They saved take cover in their homes with clan member that walked them into their home they lock the doors of nature is everything was Secure before going over to the one doesn't marching from there making sure that the mortals stayed in a safe corner of the house away from all the windows they had set up a barrier around.
Yuki had the Chinese girls family.
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