Chapter V: The Sage of Water

Impa gives a glass of tea to Zelda, then looks around the room to make sure everyone has one of their own. The heroes are exhausted, and a little shaken from the event that happened a mere few hours ago. Their bodies are finally starting to sober up, meaning they all have headaches and/or stomach aches. Impa sits down, sipping from her own cup. The steam hits her nose, instantly making her feel rehydrated. Ethan unclips three of his healing potions from his belt, allowing everyone to take a few sips. Thankfully, this also helps.

"Okay, I think it's about time that I explain the story about the sages," Purah says, letting out a stressed sigh.

Seeing that her sister isn't ready to talk, Impa stands up and walks toward the wall. There is a beautiful mural strung across it. She gazes at it before turning to the others. "Why don't I start?" Purah gently smiles at the suggestion and lets Impa recall the events of the Six Sages. "It depends on which legend you interpret, but all of them have some truths. Hyrule was founded on the magic of the three goddesses."

"Din, Nayru, and Four?" Gavin asks, remembering the story Ethan told him last night.

"Farore," Zelda corrects him gently.

"The goddesses of Power, Wisdom, and Courage," Impa continues. "When they left for the heavens, they left behind the essence of their power. Three golden triangles, that when put together, could grant anyone's wish. The first king of Hyrule knew that a huge power like this could easily fall into the hands of evil, so he recruited five Sages, each who had extraordinary abilities, to help him protect it. He, himself, was the Sage of Light. The Sage of Wind from the forest, the Sage of Fire from the mountains, the Sage of Water from the lake, the Sage of Shadow from the Sheikah, and the Sage of Spirit from the desert. Together, they protected the Triforce from any evil who might try and possess it. And, that is the origin of the Six Sages."

"Impa and I are the descendants of the Sage of Shadow, but I was given its power," Purah says.

"Ohhh, this makes so much more sense now." Everyone looks at Andrew as he rubs his forehead. "I mean, that's why we recruited a Champion from each race to pilot the Divine Beasts. They're Sages."

"It makes sense that most of them are royalty, I assume," Julia pipes up.

"Yeah, I'd bet you dollars to donuts that Mipha, Daruk, Urbosa, and Revali are four of the Sages. And, that's why they each have special abilities," he responds.

"So, I've always loved math," Gavin chimes in sarcastically, "but that only makes five."

"Yeah, where's the sixth one?" John asks.

"I would assume, based on the story, that It's Zelda's father who is the Light Sage," Ethan says.

"If he is, he never told anyone," Zelda replies. She looks at her lap for a moment, thinking to herself. She shakes her head. "No, I would have noticed something if he was a Sage. He wouldn't be pushing me so hard if he had power himself."

Link puts a hand on her shoulder, making her smile. He wishes he could do something to help, but for the past seven years it's all been the same. Zelda being yelled at to unlock this mysterious power that her mother was able to wield. Meanwhile, Link gets to have fun roaming around the castle, learning to cook, and becoming acquainted with a variety of weapons at the training grounds.

"Okay, here's the plan," Maria starts. "We are splitting up to recruit the Sages, that'll save us time to catch them up to speed, and train together before the Calamity rises."

"I, uh, are you sure splitting up is a good idea?" John asks. "We could barely handle a bunch of zombies when we were in a huge group."

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm with John on this one," Gavin adds. "We split up when that Guardian attacked and Julia almost died."

"Hey, I'm sorry that I'm not used to fighting giant machines," Julia defends.

"Splitting up will help us move quicker and cover more ground. We can't stay together all the time," Ethan argues. "Plus, I have a feeling that's the last Guardian we will face for a while."

Everyone else agrees, making Gavin groan in annoyance. "No one ever listens to me, and just watch, it'll all go to shit."

"Can we at least take a day to recover?" Andrew asks.

"Yes, I think that would be best before we branch out. I'll have a messenger travel back to the castle and inform my father of what we are doing," Zelda says. "I'm sure he will be on board, and send us supplies."

"Alright, then it's settled," Purah says with a nod. "This time tomorrow, we will all be on our way."

The group breaks away to go and relax. Link heads for the inn to take a very needed nap while Zelda visits the Sheikah messenger. Purah meets with Robbie so they can discuss their plans for the Sheikah Slate research, plus analyzing the little Guardian. Impa gets everyone a fresh set of Sheikah clothing that they can wear for the day, since their current attire is torn and filthy.

Ethan decides to visit a small public eating area, and picks up a plate of egg omelets and cooked herbs. He sits with an older Sheikah man, and the two talk about how crazy it was that the sun shot up into the sky. Ethan explains what happened, and the old man is fascinated by the story.

Julia sits inside a library and finds a few books about the old legends of Hyrule. She is very curious about who the Sage of Light could be in this timeline, but no one besides the king is popping into her head. As she sits down to read, her eyes grow heavy, but decides to keep at it. There has to be an answer somewhere in here.

Gavin walks by the water wheel when a ball hits his leg. He looks around and sees a few kids looking at him nervously, but he smiles, picks up the ball, and tosses it to them. After about three minutes, the game turns into the kids all teaming up on him, chasing him as he runs around trying to throw the ball in the basket.

John decides it's time that he tests out his new magic. He climbs to the top of a ledge, looking down at the village. He merges into a wall, then pushes off of it with his feet, swinging Andrew's trident that he borrowed. However, he miscalculated how much force to use and starts falling down the ledge. Some people gasp as they see him plummet, but his bracelet glows as he merges to the ground. Sweet, no fall damage for him, then.

Maria gets invited to Impa's house to use the space for planning. She thinks long and hard for a few hours on who should go where. For most of them, it's pretty easy and logical to decide which heroes would be most suitable for which areas. During the middle of her day, she is visited by a Rito who was sent to ask what supplies they need. After coming up with a list, he speeds off to gather everything and makes it back near the end of the day. Maria spends the rest of her time splitting up the items so that the next morning can go as smoothly as possible.

Lastly, Andrew makes up his mind and takes a walk. His Sheikah outfit consists of a thick, dark purple scarf that is so big that it falls over his shoulders slightly. He has a black vest on with no sleeves, comfortable pants, and boots. Perfect for a small trip. He takes the southern road, following it all the way to a lake by the West Necluda. There is barely any wind today, and the clouds are so thick that it provides a decent shade most of the time. Andrew finds a rock right at the edge of the water, and stares out at the horizon. He's never really been able to just sit down and admire the scenery of Hyrule. Not without monsters attacking him every five feet. He doesn't even see people around. The emptiness and how calm everything is makes his eyes close, and he falls into a peaceful slumber by the lake.

Thankfully, this time, everyone gets a good night's sleep. Maria is the first to wake up, having been a little anxious about sleeping in too late. She quickly wakes everyone and they all gather into Impa's house to discuss the plan. "Alright, here's what I came up with. I'm going to Gerudo Desert with Zelda to recruit Urbosa, Ethan, John and Impa are going to tackle Death Mountain to talk with Daruk, Julia can just ride to Rito Village and convince Revali to join with her charm-"

"That's a terrible idea."

Maria smirks at her friend, but continues, "Gavin, Link, and Andrew will head to Zora's Domain to recruit Mipha."

"You kidding me? I have to go with Andrew?" Gavin sighs. "Where is he, anyway?"

"Yes, you do. And he, uh..."

"Apparently ran off somewhere," Ethan says, putting his face in his hands.

Link raises his hand and leaves, meaning he either knows where Andrew is, or he's volunteering to go and find him. Maria shakes her head and holds up everyone's outfits. "Okay, let's get changed."

"Changed?" Gavin asks.

"The different areas have different outfits! Some are essential if you want to survive in that climate," Julia says excitedly.

"I didn't know you were an expert on fashion," he responds with a hint of sarcasm. He holds up his, and is worried that it might be a little uncomfortable to wear. It looks like a whole body swimsuit with fins, jewelry strewn across the belts, and a headpiece that will cover his curly locks. But, knowing he needs to wear this for the Zora, he sucks up his pride and goes to change.

Link eventually comes back with Andrew as the others leave the building. He is riding a very light blonde horse, using a saddle and everything.

"Woah, where did you find a horse?" Ethan asks, a tad jealous.

"I spent the night at the stable just south of here. Caught a wild horse just this morning!" he says, dismounting. "Her name is Biscuit. Ooh, is that Zora armor?"

"Yeah, put it on so we can get going," Gavin says, tossing the clothes onto him. While his Zora tunic is mainly red, Andrew's is white. Link also receives his, which is a dark blue color.

"This is so sick," Andrew mutters to himself as he closes the door behind him. Quickly, he gets changed and runs out of the house, swooping back onto Biscuit. "Don't worry, Gavin. I'll catch you a horse on the way."

"I," he laughs, "can catch my own horse, thank you very much."

"You're welcome."

"Okay, everyone, travel well and stay safe!" Maria yells. The group all says their goodbyes and wishes them the best. They give each other two days to return to Hyrule Castle. If there is no word from them after that amount of time, then send help.

Andrew, Gavin, and Link have the shortest distance to travel, Zora's Domain being just north of Kakariko, so they know they can make this journey in two days. Clouds form above their heads, which makes them think it might rain soon. Luckily, it shouldn't bother them given their attire.

Link seems deep in thought, but neither of the boys can tell what he's thinking about. They just leave him to his own devices while they talk about the Zora. "I personally love the area," Andrew says. "I can't believe Julia didn't want to tag along, since she loves swimming so much."

"Someone has to go to the Rito," Gavin reminds him. "I agree, though. This area seems so peaceful. I... can't recall there being any Zora in the land where I'm from."

"I couldn't say," Andrew responds with a shrug. He has never played any of the Zelda games besides Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom. He has seen his siblings play through the first Hyrule Warriors and Ocarina of Time, but that was a long time ago. Speaking of... "Say, what did you think about Maria getting that instrument?"

"I'm guessing that it's her object given from the goddess, like how John has the bracelet."

"Ugh, goddesses, the Triforce, Sages... it all seems so complicated."

As they start to pass the waterfalls, their conversation becomes silent. Andrew leads the way on his horse, knowing exactly where to go, while Gavin grips his ice rod tightly. After what happened in the last battle, he doesn't want to be taken by surprise. Especially now that it's starting to get dark out. He chooses the ice rod over the fire because it starts raining. Luckily, they aren't in the mucky road for too long as they reach the bridge to the domain.

The city seems to be built on pillars overlooking a small lake below it. Untainted silver and blue walkways make the place look like a true fantasy kingdom. There is a large, tented roof over the city (probably because it normally rains here), but that's all of the shelter that they have. The shops are located on the first level of the city after walking past two pools on either side. Two spiral staircases circle up to the second level where the citizens live. Andrew dismounts his horse and takes it over to a stable on the first level while Gavin follows Link up the stairs. They make their way to the tallest peak of the domain where the throne room is.

The two Zora who are guarding the throne instantly recognize Link. They place a fist on their chest and bow in reverence as he walks up to the Zora king.

Gavin's eyes widen as he looks upon the massive Zora. King Dorephan is a giant whale who has to be at least fifteen feet tall. Luckily, the traveler reminds himself to close his jaw as he follows in Link's actions and genuflects.

"Well, this is an unlikely visitation! Link, I am always glad to see you. Who is it that you have brought here?" King Dorephan asks.

Link steps aside so Gavin can introduce himself. "I am Gavin, and I have come to seek aid..."

Andrew wanders around the first level of the domain, looking around at all of the different shops. Only some of the Zora stare at him, but most pay him no mind. This domain is way bigger than it is in the game, and he is having a blast exploring all of the twists and turns. At one point, he comes across a bar and waltzes inside.

There is a group of Zora soldiers inside, being merry and having a great time. Andrew sits at the bar a few seats away from them to give them space, and the bartender walks up to him. "You joining the party?"

"Perhaps I should, I've had a long journey."

"What'll it be?"

"Gin and..." Andrew pauses. "Alright, I've never had gin before. What's good?"

He politely chuckles. "Gin and tonic it is, then." It only takes him a few seconds to make the drink, and Andrew instantly puts a red rupee on the table.

He unwinds for an extended amount of time. The soldiers start asking Andrew what he's doing here and where he came from. After all, he doesn't look like the normal traveling Hylian with the Zora getup and trident on his back. Smiling, he tells them about his endeavors and how he needs to recruit the Zora princess to defeat the Calamity. Unsurprisingly, it's the exact same thing Gavin is telling the king.

"Absolutely not," King Dorephan says strictly. "My daughter will not be participating in your Hylian war."

"With all due respect, your highness," Gavin says through gritted teeth, "it's not just Hylians who will suffer if the Calamity rises. We need Mipha's abilities to power the divine beast-"

"Enough! You who lack the qualities and authority to boss me around, I am no idiot. I understand that Ganon is a threat, but we will not provoke him and endanger our people by playing along in this treacherous war! If anything, it's the Gerudo you should be talking to."

"Hoho, and you think I'm the idiot?!" Gavin snaps. "I may not know everything, but one thing is clear. Evil forces are already on the rise. I've been through enough battles in the past few days to know what I'm talking about. Ganon already has a plan, and you're not part of it. So, you're either with us, or against us. But, I digress. Such a wise king already knows such things."

Not allowing another word to be said, Gavin turns on his heels and marches out of the room. All of the Zora present are shocked to their gills, and Link is beet red with embarrassment. He bows profusely for a few moments, signing that he is incredibly sorry, and covers his face as he follows Gavin to find him and scold him.

However, Gavin takes a turn to the path that leads to the back of the domain. There is a second bridge that connects the domain to land. At this point, it's completely dark and raining. Tired and soaked, he makes it halfway across the bridge before collapsing on the railing. Why the fuck does no one listen to me? He thinks to himself angrily. Everyone in a position of power thinks they are above everyone else to the point where they don't feel the need to listen to someone like him. First the king of Hyrule, and now that of the Zora. This was a colossal waste of time.

"Pardon me," a sweet, soft voice says from behind him.

Gavin jerks his head up and spins so his back is against the railing. He recognizes the Zora standing before him. She is mainly red and white, the same color as his current outfit. She wears a few golden chains and ropes around her waist that match her eyes. The symbol of the Zora, which is the same as the Zora Sapphire, hangs on a necklace, resting on her chest. Her head is in the shape that most reminds him of a dolphin.

"I couldn't help but to overhear your conversation with my father," she continues.

"Mipha... Uh, I mean, you must be Princess Mipha!" Gavin replies, making her chuckle. The sound reminds him of quiet, distant bells.

"I see you are already acquainted with me." She walks over and leans on the railing next to him. Together, they stare out into the dark horizon. "I must apologize for my father's arrogance. He can't help but to turn a blind eye to a growing threat when family is involved."

Gavin sighs, leaning on his elbows. "I doubt I need to explain it to you, then. You seem to know what's happening."

"I can fill in the blanks." There is a small pause, but then she seems to gather enough courage to say, "I can not go against my father's will. It would be treason, even for me. But, I wish to help in any way I can. Please, just tell me-"

"Lady Mipha!" a Zora soldier runs up to them, brandishing a spear. "Monsters were sighted on Ploymus Mountain."

Gavin instinctively reaches for his ice rod. "Where?"

"Northeast from here," he explains, gesturing to a large mountain in the distance. "They seem very organized, and we believe they are being led by someone."

"And, what of my father?" Mipha asks.

"He is leading the army to intercept. I was sent to bring you to safety... He said the prince was here with you!"

"Sidon is missing?!" Mipha covers her mouth with her hands.

Gavin puts a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "He's probably back in the domain somewhere."

"I doubt it. I was looking for you everywhere, I would have spotted him," the soldier says.

The hero from another time grits his teeth once more, thinking this Zora is just trying to make the princess worried. "Then, we will go out and look for him. Stay here with the king."

With a nod, the soldier runs back into the domain. Mipha unsheathes her trident from her back and gives Gavin a grateful smile. "Follow me, I know this land like the back of my hand."

Andrew groans when all of his new Zora soldier friends stand up with haste and run out of the bar. With his right hand, he grabs his trident and pounds his fist on the table in front of him. "One day. I want one day where we go traveling and there's no monster army trying to kill us."

He runs out of the building and instantly falls into a pool of water. "AGH!" he yells, paddling to the edge. "Why is the worst swimmer of the family the one who goes to Zora's Domain?" he mumbles to himself and quickly hoists his body out of the water. Inspecting his suit, he is pleased to see all of the water runs right off. "Okay, this probably isn't so bad."

Except for the fact that he dropped his trident in the pool. Andrew looks over the edge and mutters, "Shit..." right as Link comes over. He laughs nervously, "You wouldn't happen to have a spare spear, would you?"

Smirking, Link gestures to the wall behind him where a display of Zora spears are arranged. The soldiers wouldn't mind if he snagged one, right? Andrew takes hold of a silverscale spear, which is a lot lighter than his previous weapon. This might help him dodge more effectively. He turns to Link and nods, and the two of them sprint across the bridge.

"This is not good," Mipha says, her voice shaking. "There are electric kees and lizalfoses everywhere!"

Gavin waves his rod at a hound of incoming kees before they can run into Mipha. They instantly get frozen, and she finishes them off with her trident. "Of course there's another element. What's so bad about electricity?"

"It really hurts our soldiers. Zora skin is way more conductive than Hylians'."

"Aaaand there's water everywhere. And it's raining. Just perfect."

"SOMEONE! HELP!" the voice of a soldier yells.

"Quick, this way!" Mipha starts running with Gavin following closely behind her. He freezes any monster that gets too close, but has no time to follow up with an attack.

The two of them approach a horde of monsters surrounding one Zora, the biggest of which is an electric moblin. Gavin sprints up to it and ducks as he slides between the monster and the Zora. He puts his ice rod up as a shield, blocking a vertical attack from the moblin's spear. Steadying his breath, he quickly grabs his fire rod with his free hand and stabs the end in the side of the moblin, burning it. The moblin yells in pain and stumbles backward. Gavin runs behind it, uses a nearby tree to kick off and gain height, then swings his rods in an X shape to unleash a wave of both fire and ice. The moblin's head comes clean off, and it disintegrates. He only gets one second to breathe before three lizalfoses decide to all run at him.

Mipha kneels beside the soldier and summons a circle of water in her hand. "Hold still," she orders, and covers his wound with the water. It glows with a blue magic before he is instantly healed.

"Ah, thank you," he sighs in relief. The two stand up, the soldier now re-energized and ready to fight. He throws his spear at one of the lizalfoses attacking Gavin, giving the Hylian an opening to freeze the side of the second. Mipha rushes in with her trident to attack its now weak spot as Gavin finishes off the third with his fire rod.

"AGH! I CAN'T HOLD THEM OFF!" another voice yells in the distance. Mipha gasps and is about to run off when the soldier she saved grabs her arm.

"There are electric enemies everywhere. This was planned to lure you out, I guarantee it. You can't-"

"Sidon is out there somewhere, and I'm the best chance any of you have got," she says sternly. It's the first time Gavin has seen her drop her kind attitude, and he's assuming it's the soldier's first time as well. They both freeze while she nods, turning back to the fight. Gavin clears his throat and follows her, now knowing not to ever disagree with the Zora princess.

Link intensely fights two lizalfoses at the same time. He uses his word against one and his shield against the other. They both carry tri-lizal boomerangs, so he can easily slice his sword through the crevice of one and twist it out of its hand. As he does that, he bashes the second lizalfos up across the chin with his shield. Andrew jumps off a tall rock, falling just over Link and stabbing his spear into the neck of the monster.

The two of them stop for a moment to rest, but then Andrew spots a familiar black glint. Turning toward it, he sees that someone is carrying the trident that he used to wield. "Hey!" he yells, gaining the man's attention. "Who are you?"

The being turns his head toward him. Both Hylians ready their weapons. The only features they can see are red, striking eyes behind his purple cloak. Even his hands are covered in gloves. The man squeezes the neck of the trident, and red, glowing letters appear on the staff. Andrew can't make out what it says, for the letters are all in Hylian. But, even that he finds odd. How can he read the books at Hyrule Castle, yet this language is all scribbles? Forcing the thought aside, he watches as the man slams the trident on the ground and more monsters form.

"Your annoying presence ends here, both of you," the man says in a voice Andrew has never heard before.

However, his attention is more focused on the monsters. "Oh no, is that a lynel?"

Link pushes him behind him and readies his sword. Andrew starts almost hyperventilating, looking around for anything that can help them. Right when he feels like all hope is lost, he spots a beige stick in the ground, glistening from the rainwater. Not knowing why he's drawn to it, he picks it up and realizes it's a recorder.

A gift from the goddess? he thinks to himself. Snapping out of his thoughts, he looks at the monsters rushing toward Link and puts the instrument up to his mouth. Somehow, he knows the notes: G A F ... E D A.

The wind picks up so much that Andrew's brown hair starts whipping around in all directions, obstructing his view. Link puts an arm over his eyes, trying to keep them open to see what's going on. A giant tornado forms past some trees and flies toward the two. Andrew panics when his feet leave the ground. He quickly realizes that it isn't affecting Link, so he grabs the prince's arm. The two get whisked away, escaping the mountain of monsters. The man in the cloak yells in rage and vanishes.

They land in a river, but the current doesn't affect them due to the Zora armor they wear. Andrew gasps for air, and Link helps him stabilize himself due to not being that strong of a swimmer. He helps both of them get to land.

"Th-thanks," Andrew stutters, now starting to get cold. With the rain and the amount of times he's fallen in water, his face and hands have been drenched to the point of freezing.

Link looks at the recorder in his hands and points to it with a confused look. "I don't know," Andrew responds. "I just... found it."

"Hey!" Gavin's voice snatches their attention, and they quickly stand as they see him and Mipha approach.

"Lady Mipha," Andrew says with a bow.

"What are the two of you doing here? The fight is at the domain!" Gavin scolds.

"Oh, nothing. We were just on top of Ploymus Mountain when a guy summoned a lynel on us," Andrew responds bitterly. "Almost died, but we're fine, by the way."

"Oh, Link! I'm so glad you're safe," Mipha exclaims, crushing him in a hug. "We must head back to the mountain. A soldier said they saw Sidon running up there."

"Did you see him up there?" Gavin asks.

"No. I was too busy trying not to get torn in half by a LYNEL."

"Ugh, of course you ran away without finding the prince first. Come on, Mipha. Let's keep going!" Gavin continues to run up the pathway, Mipha giving Link one last hug before she follows him.

Link turns to Andrew and nods his head in the direction of his friends, making the hero roll his eyes. "Just rush in without a plan. What could go wrong?"

Right as Gavin and Mipha make it to the top, they instantly spot Sidon. He is holding a spear that is way too big for him, shakily pointing it at the lynel. The half lion half horse growls as it looks down on the young Zora, holding its sword above its head and ready to strike.

"Sidon! No!" Mipha yells. She is too far away to do anything. Out of instinct, she makes a bunch of rainwater pile together and shoots it between her brother and the monster. Right as the lynel strikes, it hits the water and it makes some sort of shield. The lynel looks very confused as its weapon gets stuck in the stream, so Gavin takes this moment to freeze the water.

Link jumps out from behind them, slides across the ice, and slashes his sword at the monster's face. It gets scratched and jumps back, letting out a roar so loud that it shatters the ice and makes the rain colder. From off its back, it takes a bow and notches a few electric arrows.

More monsters surround them, all of them fueled with electricity. Moblins, lizalfoses, even wizzrobs. Gavin unsheathes his other rod and mouths, "Shit."

The lynel shoots some arrows at Mipha and Sidon, making all of the monsters attack. The Zora princess creates a big shield of water, making an explosion of electricity. Gavin neutralizes it with fire and runs in front of the two, shooting more fire at the lynel. Some lizalfoses come up from behind Mipha, so she quickly turns and stabs a few of them before they can get too close. Link stays low and swipes the feet off a few moblins before finishing them off. The lynel decides to shoot more arrows at him instead, but he parries them away with his shield. He gets shocked a bit, since his shield is made of metal, and cringes from the pain. Gavin takes this opportunity to get closer to the beast, but a wizzrobe summons lightning behind him.

Gavin doesn't have much time to turn around, and shields his face with his rods, waiting for impact. Andrew appears from a tornado in the air and cuts the wizzrobe's arm off with his spear. It screeches and vanishes. Andrew lands in a kneel, and picks up the rod it dropped. "Here, I think you could use it more than me," he says, handing it to Gavin.

He sighs, but takes the weapon. "Just because you saved me doesn't mean I automatically think you're cool."

"Uh huh." Andrew takes out his recorder and plays the six notes again. The tornado comes, but this time he pulls Gavin into it.


"Strike the lynel from above!" Andrew says. He lets go of him, and Gavin falls out of the tornado. He looks toward the ground, his gaze only focused on the monster. His new weapon sparkling in his hand, he points it down at the lynel and blasts it, frying it to its core.

The monster breathes raggedly, gripping an arrow in one of its hands and glaring at Mipha. She stands in front of her brother protectively, water droplets spinning around her feet. Link and Andrew run up to the beast, one on each side, and stab their respective weapons into it. The lynel finally falls and vanishes, making all of the other monsters scurry away.

"Are you two okay?" Gavin asks. He runs past Link and Andrew, hurrying to Mipha's side.

Her eyes widen, and she stutters, "O-oh! Yes, we are fine. Thank you so much for protecting my brother!"

"Not to be that guy, but I don't think we should be celebrating quite yet," Andrew says, gesturing to the domain below them. All the monsters that fled are now attacking the Zora's front lines.

"No! Father, what should we-?" Mipha is cut off by Link frantically tapping her shoulder. She turns to him, but then sees where he is pointing. A giant, mechanical elephant emerges from the East Reservoir, glowing blue. "What... is that?"

"The Divine Beast Vah Ruta..." Andrew says in awe. "No way."

"I call shotgun," Gavin says instantly, running up to the machine. Andrew smirks and uses his instrument to warp to the top of the elephant. Once the others meet up with him, Gavin mutters, "You're getting way too used to that thing."

"Okay, if I can figure this out, we can use it to wipe out all of the monsters attacking our people," Mipha says, mostly to herself.

A control panel emerges when she steps up to the head. There is a map of the area, many buttons she can press, and a control stick. She tries clicking something, but nothing happens. "W-what?"

"The Divine Beasts are supposed to only be controlled by the Sages," Andrew realizes. "Use the power that makes you the Water Sage."

Mipha nods and hovers her hands over the controls. Her yellow eyes turn blue as water seeps through the buttons and over the dial. She can feel it, no, she can see it. Every crevice, wheel, and terminal in her machine. Slowly, she wills it to step forward.

Gavin instantly picks up Sidon and holds him protectively while Link and Andrew fall from lack of seatbelts. "Maybe move a bit slower!" Andrew yells.

Mipha doesn't hear him, having the time of her life. As she approaches some monsters, she blasts them with water from the elephant's trunk. "Haha! This is wonderful! Let's take the shorter path, and get to the domain faster."

As the Zora fight alongside their king, they see a blue light in the distance. Some of the monsters stop when a stomping noise can be heard in the distance, and the ground starts to shake, giving the Zora time to go on the offensive. But, soon everyone pauses to see a mechanical elephant break through the mountains, targeting monsters with its tusks. In only a few moments, all of the monsters are washed away and everyone can see Mipha standing at the helm.

Everyone dismounts off the elephant, and the soldiers cheer at reuniting with their princess and prince. The king smiles gently, seeing his daughter reaching her full potential. "Let us revel in this victory!" he says to his people. They cheer even more, rushing back into the domain, but then the king turns to the group. "Not you four. Stay here, I must have a word."

Surprisingly, the king does not want to go back into the domain. Instead, Andrew, Link, and Gavin help set up a small campsite with fire under the shelter of some trees. The rain has stopped, but the wood is still wet, so Gavin lights the fire with his rod.

"I must thank you all for saving the domain," the king starts, "but I owe an apology to this young one." He looks toward Gavin, who is a bit shocked at the statement. "You were right. The forces of evil are a lot more present than I could even begin to fathom. Which is why, I am appointing you, Sir Gavin, as Mipha's personal knight. Let nothing happen to my daughter."

"Wait, woah, so you're saying-"

"Mipha, as the Sage of Water, it is your duty to repel this evil. We do not know who the Hero of the Master Sword is yet, but the time will come when he is to appear. At that time, you will aid him in sealing the darkness."

"I-I will, father," Mipha says, nodding. She smiles at the others.

"And, like I said, I want Gavin to be your knight." The king turns once again to the Hero of Tracks. "You must vow that you will protect her with your life."

"I will," Gavin says, not hesitating. "No harm will come to her."

"Good," the king responds with a simple head nod. He stands and turns to the domain. "I must head back to my people. Give King Rhoam my regards."

With that, he picks up Sidon and leaves. Everyone is speechless for a while. Andrew and Link go to catch some fish they can quickly cook while Mipha and Gavin guard their things by the fire. This is not how the princess thought today would go, but now she gets to protect Hyrule alongside her best childhood friend and make her father proud.

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