♡ Pilot - Kids? ♡
Authors note: If I use italics in a sentence it is her thoughts. Also in the mortal realm, you can have multiple husband/wives and it's normal. No one has magic.... yet 👀
⚠️ Trigger Warning ⚠️
This chapter mentions blood and a car accident towards the end
Season 1 - Episode 1
Medea POV
I gently push the last candle into the pink cake and smile to myself. 6 hours. Six hours to make this triple layer vanilla and buttercream cake. I eye the pink chocolate roses and gold-dusted macaroons. It does look beautiful though. I open the drawer behind me and pull out a small lighter, placing it beside the cake. Then pad over to the radio and put the CD Emma made for our first anniversary in, clicking play. The familiar sound of Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana plays and I hum along with a smile. I glance down to my watch the clock reading 10:35 p.m. Speaking of Em, where is she? Work usually doesn't take this long. A soft arm slings around my waist and I let out a small squeak. Turning around, I see my second wife, Victoria. She has a wide smile and her eyes twinkle as she takes in the room. "She's going to be so excited sweetheart" she whispers before kissing my cheek.
(Emma's cake)
I sigh contently as she threads our hands together and I gently twirl Tori's wedding rings around her finger. I look down to the beautiful diamond that has rose-gold thorns encasing it and tiny diamond's placed delicately on the thorns. My chest warms at the sight of it and memories flit through my mind of us over the years. I glance down at my own rings, I have a large vintage diamond cluster that fans out like a firework. It has a thin band encrusted with diamonds and I have two bands; one for Em and one for Tori.
Victoria's rings
Bottom band from Madea
From Emma
Medea's rings
From Emma
From Victoria
My mind drifts elsewhere again, lost in memories of the years we've had together. I still can't believe we've all been married eight years, though we've known each other since we all met in the orphanage. My thoughts are cut off by the door slamming open and the sound of grunts. I see a pair of red high heels fly through the air before they hit the wall and land on the floor with a thump. I let out a light giggle and go towards the front door with Tori's arms still around me. "Hey baby, how was work?" A pair of hands wrap around my waist before soft lips meet mine. I smile into the kiss before she pulls back and kisses my nose, making me giggle. Then she looks at Tori lovingly, before capturing her lips as well and then placing a kiss on her forehead.
I wrap my arms around her neck and kiss her cheek. While Tori pads back to the kitchen, getting the cake ready for Em. "Hey sweetheart. It was the usual- oh! Hold on I need to put my rings back on the right finger." She quickly takes her wedding rings and switches them to her left hand. "Tori and I made you a cake!" I say with a bright smile. Tori yells from the kitchen "she's lying! All I did was dump the glitter on at the end!" I let out a giggle, sounding like a string of bells. Emma's face lights up but she shakes her head. "You didn't have to do that Dea." I tuck a piece of hair behind her ear and smile up at her. "I wanted to! You only turn 28 once Em." She rolls her eyes but kisses my forehead. "Thanks sweetheart and you too babe! Even if it was just glitter" Emma shouts as we enter the kitchen.
Emma's rings
Lower band from Medea
Band from Victoria
Tori stands in front of the cake with a smile, her cheeks a light pink. Emma walks over to the kitchen counter and drags her finger through the icing on her cake. She quickly sticks her finger in her mouth and winks at me. "Is this home made buttercream? It's so good!" I laugh but Tori and I both swat at her hand. "You have to blow out your candles first Em! That cake took forever!" Tori nods in agreement "and I had to listen to her sing for hours! That's torture in itself!" I flip her my middle finger and she just smirks. Emma chuckles and runs her finger through the icing again. She acts like she's going to eat it but at the last second she wipes it all over Tori and I's face. My mouth drops open as she giggles beside me. I smirk and pick up dollop of icing before smashing it into her face. Her face drops and my smile disappears. Oh no. "It's on!" She smiles and grabs a whole piece of her cake.
I take off towards the living room, almost slipping on the rug and try to jump over the couch but I'm too short; leaving me half on the couch and half off. I hear Emma and Tori let out a loud giggle and my face turns red. "Oh hush! I can't help it that I'm short!" Emma pretends to wipe tears from her eyes and helps me off the couch. While Tori begins to clean up our mess. The doorbell chimes and we both race to the front door, trying to get there first. Tori snorts, shaking her head at us while wiping pink frosting from her hair. "Hey it's my birthday!" I hear Em yell behind me. I roll my eyes and gesture for her to open the door. She smiles and swings the door open. Two dark haired children stand in front of the door.
One is a boy with dark brown hair and light freckles along his face. He has a dark jacket on and a red-striped scarf. The other is a girl with long dark brown hair and bright green-blue eyes. She has a smaller jacket on and a blue-striped scarf that matches her brothers. I eye them warily, something seems.. familiar about them. Emma looks at me and I shrug before turning to the kids. "Um, can we help you?" I ask with a small smile but my heart sinks in my chest. I wonder how... no I shouldn't go down that rabbit hole. Em squeezes my shoulder, knowing my thoughts have slipped elsewhere. "Are you Emma and Medea Swan?" The little girl asks.
My brows furrow "technically I'm a Morn-" Emma rams her elbow into my side making me yelp in pain. "Ouch! You didn't have to hit me!" I gently rub my ribs while she shoots me a apologetic smile. "Not the time for last name issues." She turns back to the kids with a blank face "yes we are. Who are you guys? And why are you alone?" The two share a smile and the boy steps closer. "My name is Henry and this is my twin sister Hera." He gestures to the small girl beside him who smiles lightly before curling into her brothers side. Cute. "And we are your children." My mouth drops and I stumble over my words "w-w-" Emma turns a shade of green and I push her towards the bathroom with the kids right on our heels. The front door slams shut behind us and I sigh.
I lightly shove Emma towards the bathroom as Tori stands by the cake with wide eyes and then turn around to face the kids. "I think you have mistaken us for someone else kids. We don't have any children, let alone twins." The little girl, Hera, rolls her eyes and pushes her brother to the side. "Did you and barf bag give up some kids 10 years ago?" She asks with her hands on her hips. My heart drops and I know, these are our kids. But why do they think they're twins? A hand wraps around my waist and I savor Tori's touch, as it brings a wave of calm around me.
A smile tugs at my lips from Hera's sassy response. Henry sighs and grabs her arm, gently pulling her back. I hear him whisper "be nice" to her and she lets out a small sigh. Tori leans down and whispers "she's definitely yours Dea. No way to deny that. The boy though, he is much nicer than Em. We sure he's her son?" I sigh, rolling my eyes at her but can't keep the grin from my face. The water clicks on in the bathroom and I back up towards the door to check on Emma. "Give us a second kiddos" I say before yanking Tori with me and opening the bathroom door to check on Em.
Emma is wiping water from her face but stops when she sees me. Her face is pale and she's shaking. She meets my eyes, silently asking if they're ours. I nod yes and she lets out a loud sigh. Tori slips through the door and wraps her arms around her. Henry shouts from the kitchen "hey do you guys have any juice? Oh never mind I found it!" I look at Em and Tori with a brow raised. "That juice looks funny Hen" I hear Hera say and my eyes widen. "Oh shit!" I race towards the kitchen leaving a giggling Emma and Tori. "Hey! That's adult juice!" The kids freeze with their empty cups. "Just put it down for the love of satan!" Henry shoots me a weird look but puts the juice back in the fridge.
Emma walks out of the bathroom and wraps a hand around my waist while Tori cuddles into my side. "You know, we should probably get going" Henry says while looking at Em. She raises a brow and looks at me "where are we going?" I shrug and turn back to the kids. "We want you three to come home with us" Hera says quietly. Emma shakes her head and walks towards the phone. "That's it kids, I'm calling the cops." Hera narrows her eyes and jumps down from the chair. "We'll tell them you kidnapped us." Emma's mouth drops open and I have to suppress a giggle while Tori hides her laughter in my chest. Henry notices and smiles then gently grabs my hand. I tense for a second but relax when I see his face light up. Tori gently messes his hair up with a smile "such a sweetheart."
Henry grins, his cheeks turning pink and my heart swells. I look at Emma and she smiles sadly at me. She then turns to Hera. "You're not going to do that." Hera notches an eyebrow and puts a hand on her hip "try us barf girl." Henry lightly slaps his sisters arm and shakes his head. Tori cackles then whispers "yep definitely your daughter." A small smile works its way onto Em's face but she quickly wipes it away. "You're both pretty good-" she eyes Hera with a smirk "but here's the thing. There's not a lot I'm great at in life, other than loving my wives-" the kids look at me and Tori with smiles and my cheeks heat up. Emma sends us both a wink and continues "but I have one skill. Let's call it a superpower." The kids lean forward, their eyes widening at the mention of powers.
Emma smirks at the kids and I roll my eyes. So dramatic. "I can tell when anyone is lying and you kids are." Emma starts dialing the police when Hera grabs her hand. "Wait please!" Emma lifts a brow at her "please don't call the cops. Please." Emma sighs and puts the phone back up. I send her a smile and look at Hera, our beautiful daughter. Gods, I never thought I'd see my baby girl again. My eyes drift to Henry who is still gently holding my hand, while playing thumb war with Tori. And our boy. He looks so much like his mother. I turn to Emma and see her looking at the kids as well, lost in though or memories. Hera gently pulls her hand "please come home with us."
Emma sighs and rakes a hand through her hair. "Where's home?" The two kids smile at each other then turn back to her. "Storybrooke, Maine!" Emma scrunches up her nose and I snort. Tori begins to make her way to our room, no doubt to change for the new trip. I cut my eyes back to the kids, who wear large grins on their faces. "Storybrooke? Seriously? That's like four hours from Salem" Emma groans with a scrunched face. The kids nod and Emma shakes her head. "Alright, let's get you kids home."
After a quick outfit change we are on the road. I look down at my dark ripped jeans, black doc martens, and black sweater then glance at Emma's outfit. She has on a tan long sleeve shirt, dark jeans, and her signature red leather jacket. My eyes drift back to Tori, squished between the twins and loving every minute of it. She has on a black turtleneck with deep chestnut colored jeans and black boots. Emma and Tori have such cute styles. I sigh and intertwine our hands. "I'm hungry, can we stop somewhere?"
Medea's outfit
Tori's outfit
Emma grunts and mumbles something under her breath. "Nope. We are getting you two home. By the way, who is the older twin?" Em looks at me with a questioning look and I wave her off. Hera narrows her eyes at me "shouldn't you know?" I shake my head and turn around, leaving the kids to talk quietly to them selves. "We should stop to get them food honey. It's late and their kids.. plus Tori didn't eat dinner" I murmur. Tori's head pops up at the mention of her name or food and smiles. "I could definitely eat!" Emma smiles then squeezes my hand and places a small kiss on it. "Fine, let's grab something quick!"
After a quick stop at Wendy's, we are back on the road. The kids quickly munched through their chicken nuggets, fries, and frosty's. No too long after that, I hear the turning of pages so I turn around and see the kids thumbing through an old book and showing Tori different things. "What's that?" Hera doesn't look up or respond, making henry sigh. "I don't think you guys are ready." Emma glances back and lets out a snort "ready for some fairytales?" While I reply "and Tori is?" Hera sits up and glares at Emma. "They're not fairytales, they're true! Every story in this book actually happened! And Tori believes! Unlike you two" she sneers. Henry pats his sisters back and pulls her back into her seat. Emma rolls her eyes "of course they did." Tori soothingly plays with Hera's hair and holds Henry's hand.
Henry sits up this time and looks into her eyes through the rear view mirror. "Use your superpower, see if I'm lying." Emma stares at him for a few seconds before shifting her eyes back onto the road and clearing her throat. "Just because you believe something doesn't make it true." I furrow my brows and shake my head at Em. "But isn't that how you make things true?" I murmur so quietly that only Tori hears. Hera sits back up next to Henry "that's exactly what makes it tue! And you, Emma, you should know more than anyone. Well other than Tori." I lift a brow and turn towards them "and why's that?" Henry smiles and opens the book back up. "Because they're in this book."
I lean towards the book with a frown. "Wait! How come I'm not in the story?" The kids look at each other and shrug so I turn around and whisper "homophobic assholes..." Emma snorts but slaps my arm. "Dea! You can't say that in front of the kids!" I look at her with a smirk "What homophobic?" She shakes her head and looks at the road. "What's homophobic mean?" Henry asks.
I let out a chuckle and turn back to him. "Ask your parents when we drop you off." Tori slaps my arm and I cringe back. Hera rolls her eyes and shoots me a dirty look. "We only have one parent and she's never around. " Emma sighs then mumbles "oh kids, you have problems." Tori and I smack her arm at the same time making her hiss in pain. "Em! Don't say that to children!" I hiss while Tori continues to slap her arm aggressively. Her cheeks turn pink and she swats off Tori then looks back at Henry. "I'm sorry kid." Hera sits up again with a scowl on her face "y'know we have names Emma."
She sighs and whispers "I know" under her breath. "Okay kids, how about an address?" Hera looks at me with a smirk "how about 44 not telling you Street?" Emma slams on the brakes making the car squeal before stopping. She aggressively opens the door then slams it closed. "Damn it. You three stay in here, let me talk to Em" I state, not giving Tori anytime to object. I push the door closed with my hip and pull Em into a hug. She instantly relaxes in my arms and burrows her head into my neck. "Dea, what do we do?" I sigh and gently rub her back. Tori then the kids get out of the car so Emma releases me and grabs my hand then Tori's. "Look kids, it's been a long night, it's my birthday, and it's already-" she looks towards the clock tower "8:15?" Her brows furrow and she turns to the kids.
"That clock hasn't moved our whole life. Time is frozen here." I raise a brow and meet Em's eyes. Tori looks a bit wary but doesn't ask any questions. "I'm sorry what?" Hera sighs and looks at Henry. "The evil queen did it with her curse. She sent everyone from the enchanted forest here!" I shake my head with a frown "hang on, why would the evil queen send a bunch of people here?" Henry smiles at me and leans against the car. "She's punishing them, duh. They're stuck, frozen in time and they can't leave." Emma looks at him and raises a brow "so why don't they just leave?" Hera sighs "they can't. If they try bad things happen.."
A man with red hair and glasses walks up to us with his dog, who immediately goes to the kids. What a pretty dog. The Dalmatian walks over to me and sniffs my hand before licking it. I gently pet his head "oh look at you, such a good boy! You are so pretty." Tori gets down beside me, also petting the dog and grins before kissing his snout. Emma clears her throat and we both look up to see everyone staring at us. My cheeks heat up and I grab Tori before stepping back into Em's arms.
"Hera, Henry what are you two doing here?" The man eyes us and he lowers his voice "are you two okay?" I narrow my eyes at him "listen here as-" Tori slaps her hand over my mouth with a smile while Emma chuckles behind us. "Honey, children are present. Try to watch your mouth" Tori whispers in my ear. I roll my eyes and nod yes. She smiles and removes her hand then places a gentle kiss on my lips. "We are fine Archie. We just found our moms. All three of them!" Henry says with a smile. Tori's head snaps towards the kids with wide eyes before a soft smile graces her face. Hera glances at us "speaking of, which one of you is our actual mom?" My mouth dries up and I look to Emma but she has the same look on her face.
Archie looks at us and gently smiles "do you know where they live?" Thank satan. I shake my head no and he nods. "Take a left up here at the stop sign. They live on Miffin Street with a white picket fence. You can't miss it, the mayors house is the biggest one on the block." My eyes widen and I turn to the kids "the mayors house?! We are so dead." Emma chuckles the pulls me and Tori towards the car as the kids finish a conversation with Archie. "Let's get you two home." They get in the back with Tori and I glance back at them. "So Archie.." "we aren't crazy" Hera cuts me off. "I never said that dear. He just doesn't seemed cursed. Maybe he's trying to help you both?" Henry shakes his head at me "he's the one who needs help! He doesn't know who he is." Hera adds on "none of them do. It's the curse."
Emma rolls her eyes and glances in the rear view mirror "convenient. I'll play, who's he?" Jiminy Cricket. My brows furrow at my thoughts, how would I even know that? Henry sits up further up in his seat "he's Jiminy Cricket!" My eyes widen and my mind starts to race. How the hell did I know that? "Right the lying thing. I thought your nose grew a bit." Henry laughs and shakes his head "I'm not Pinocchio!" Tori giggles and adds "yeah get it right!" Emma smiles at him through the rear view mirror "of course not! Because that would be weird.." she whispers. I grab her hand and place a kiss on the back of it. She smiles and places her hand on my leg before driving off. My heart races and blood rushes through my ears as I try to come to a conclusion of why I would know that. Are the kids telling the truth? Are we really cursed?
We pull up to a big white House that looks immaculate. The white picket fence and neatly trimmed lawn making it look almost too perfect. Emma gets out and opens my door while the kids slide out with the help of Tori on the other side. Emma intertwines her hand with mine, then grabs Tori's and pulls us both to the front door. Henry let's out a small whine while Hera just stares sadly at the house in front of us. "Please don't take us back there!" I shake my head and turn towards him "Henry honey, I'm sure your mother is worried sick about you guys." Hera shakes her head and gets a angry look on her face "no she's not, she's evil." I furrow my brows and frown. Evil? What have these kids been through? Em squeezes my hand in reassurance and glances at Henry "kids, I'm sure that's not true."
The door opens and a beautiful, raven haired woman runs out "Henry! Hera! Oh kids!" She runs over to them with a sheriff behind her. I tense up and Em wraps her arm around my waist, pulling me closer to her. Tori curls into the other side of her but grabs my other hand in reassurance. The kids mom wraps them both in a hug with tears streaming down her face. "Are you both okay? Where have you been and what happened?" She glances at us then the sheriff. Henry pulls back, taking Hera with him. "We found our real parents!" Then he runs into the house with his sister. I sigh and look at the mom, her face turns from sad to angry then she puts on a neutral face. "So you are their birth mothers?" She asks, eyes the three of us curiously. I lift a brow and nod yes. She puts on a fake smile and shakes her head yes. "How about a glass of the best apple cider you've ever tasted?" Emma snorts "got anything stronger?"
The kids mom, Regina, walks back into the foyer with three glasses of apple cider and sets them in front of us. Tori sits to my left, her hands intertwined with mine while Emma sits to my left, hands fidgeting with her rings. "How did they find you?" Their mother asks. Emma shrugs and grabs the cider, taking a big gulp. Don't trust any apples. I furrow my brows at my weird thoughts and look at the cup Regina handed me. I gently sit it back on the table without drinking any and Regina narrows her eyes at me. Tori watches me carefully, then does the same and is met with a glare from the woman across from us. "When I adopted the kids their records were sealed and I was told that neither mother wanted any contact." I lift a brow at her "so you do know that the kids aren't twins. Why tell them they are?" Regina shoots me a glare but quickly covers it up. "It's easier to tell the children that they are twins rather than having to explain whatever situation you two were.. or three rather, are in."
I feel a fire ignite in my chest and fury bubbles up. My body tenses at the raw rage in my chest and open my mouth to tell the Evil Queen off but Emma cuts me off. "Look, we should probably get going. We all have work in the morning." The sheriff walks into the room and smiles at Regina. "You can relax madam mayor. Other than being two tired little kids, they're fine." Regina smiles and pulls the sheriff down to sit. "I'm sorry the kids drug you away from your lives. I'm not sure what's gotten into the two of them." I raise a brow and look at Em. Tori has her head buried in my shoulder, no doubt tired of this conversation. "They just seem a little lost. Maybe it's the fairytale book?" I ask. Regina shakes her head with a genuine look of confusion on her face "what fairytale book?" Emma and I share a look and stand up. Tori sighs, muttering "finally" before standing up beside me. "You know what, it's none of our business. Henry and Hera are your children and we should really be leaving" I mumble.
Emma grabs my hand as I grab Tori's then pulls us both to the door. I look up the stairs to see both kids on the steps with tears in their eyes. They were listening. I shoot them an apologetic smile as tears fill my eyes. I shake my head and quickly walk to the car, trying to get their sad faces out of my mind. Emma starts the car and leans back to grab my hand while Tori leans back from the passenger side and kisses my cheek. "I'm sorry Dea. I know this isn't easy" Em whispers. I send her a small smile and kiss her cheek. "It's not easy for you either Em." She hums and turns the windshield wipers on. "This rain is crazy." I nod at her as Tori clicks the radio on, quickly flipping through the channels. "Nothing good, where are the CD's?" Tori asks. Emma points to the backseat and I unbuckle myself so I can grab the CD holder that's shoved underneath the driver seat.
A thick book catches my attention and a small smile comes to my face. "That little booger!" At that moment Emma and Tori both gasp. The car groans as Emma slams on the breaks. The car begins to lose control and quickly turns, throwing me into the back windshield. My head hits the glass with a sickening crack and I wildly try to grab onto something solid. Our tires squeal as we slam into something hard and I get thrown against the door. A groan escapes my lips and I touch my forehead, feeling something wet. I wince at the touch and pull my hand back, now covered in blood. "Well shit." I lift myself up and check on Em, who is passed out with her head on the steering wheel. While Tori has a long scratch down her face, with blood tricking down and her head rests against the broken window. I check both of their pulses and let out a small sigh at the strong beating of their hearts.
I gently lean my head against the seat and hear the faint sounds of sirens before everything goes...
Authors note: Hey everyone! I'm back with one of my favorite OUAT book ideas! I have reimagined the whole plot line and have changed major things, including the soulmates. I also added new things in for a couple of different characters. I hope you enjoy the changes!
Anyways, How did you like the first chapter? I know there's not a lot going on and only a few changes have been made but I don't want to rush this one like I do my others.
• What do you think of Medea's character so far? What about Tori?
• Do you like her, Tori, and Emma's relationship?
• When do you think the kids will find out they're not twins or have they already? And do you think they'll see Tori as their mother too?
• It's way too early but I want to know everyone's guesses, who do you think Madea or Tori's parents are?
• And finally any questions, comments, or requests? Or anything regarding the furor of this book?
Thanks my dears. 🖤 Please check out my other books:
- Abomination a 100 WTS book
- Apathetic a Twilight book
- Asperse a Percy Jackson book on BuckyVerstappen98 page :)
- Avenoir a 'future stories' book
(You can request a future story in this book)
- Autophobia a The Walking Dead book
- Acerbus a Marvel/Avengers book
- Alexithymia a Shadowhunters book
- Munificence a Santa Clause book
- Latibule a Sons of Anarchy book
- Aviothic a Fourth Wing book
- Crudêl a Chilling Adventures of Sabrina book
- Bellicostic a Game Of Thrones book
- Aeonian a House Of Night book
- Agathokakological a Once Upon A Time book
Please check them out and don't forget to vote/comment! Also I post a lot of stuff on my Pinterest Page.
Check it out for cool outfits, sneak peeks, and a lot of other stuff! Thanks again my lovelies 🖤
*and Henry & Hera :)
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