Chapter 9 | Support
[Professor Red's POV]
I was just doing more late-night research, like yesterday... or I guess it's the other day now, as it's 2 AM.
I was using the data collected from the analysis test from earlier, trying to figure out what this virus could possibly be. I also had the vial of black-and-white sludge from the intruder's meltdown, as I had to keep an eye on it while it was being analyzed in the machine. Right now, it's at 67% of the way... this thing takes forever, I need to work on that. Just another project to do while I wait for results on the virus, I guess.
I then suddenly hear a sound of something glass starting to break, and I immediately rush to where I believe I heard it, not thinking to bring the Assistant with me. I get to the hallway where Sabre's room is, hoping it's not coming from there. Maybe it was a different window, or I didn't hear it where I think I did-
I am however proven wrong, as I hear the window in Sabre's room shatter.
I look over to the door, and I see through the small openings on the top two figures just like the one I experimented on today crawling through his broken window frame, Sabre backed up against the wall. I run to the door, but one of the creatures sees me and blocks the door with itself, making it so I can't get in. I pound on the door, trying to get the creature to move, but it's no use. The thing won't budge. As I keep trying to get through, I yell for backup;
Soon I hear the Assistant quickly rolling over here, and when I turn my head I see he's holding the prototype I made, getting ready to fire it.
The prototype is basically a mini redstone beam cannon, made to be effective against these sludge creatures, as I took another sample of the one that turned into a puddle and tested what it was weak against.
Turning back to the situation, I command the Assistant to get the door open. As he begins hitting the door harder than I could, the creature is already being pushed back, unable to combat against the Assistant's strength. However, I soon hear Sabre coughing again. That other creature is doing something to him, no doubt.
While it might not be much, I start helping the Assistant break down the door once I collect myself. I don't let it show, but I'm panicking. It's just as I feared, there's more than one of these things and they're here to harm Sabre. I should've known they would get in through his window...
Suddenly I hear lighting, then the door to the lab bursting open.
"Professor?!" M calls out.
"What's going on?!" Time also yells.
"Over here, quick!" I answer. "There's creatures in Sabre's room, and they're doing something to him!"
It's not even a second later after saying that, when Time rushes in and screams;
I grab the Assistant and oblige, as Time jumps onto the wall in front of the door and uses it like a launch pad, breaking the door down on impact. Oh, he's angry. And I don't think the sound of Sabre's panicked coughing fit is helping.
M comes rushing in as Time fights the creature, who is using the broken door as a shield to block him from getting further inside. A few other Red Steves come in behind M, worried.
"What's happening here?!" M says, looking into the room.
"More invaders. Got in through the window. They have Sabre. Doing something to him." I say, helping the Assistant fasten the prototype to his arm as intended. I then motion to the other Steves that came in. "You guys, get Light Steve. I don't really know if this'll work."
They nod, and turn to run and get back out so they can teleport. M turns to me.
"If what will work?!" He asks.
I then get the prototype correctly placed, and the Assistant raises his arm, preparing to fire.
"This!" I say, then turn to the Assistant. "Assistant, Invasion Prevention Protocol: Eliminate!"
"Confirm target." The Assistant says, preparing the prototype now attached to his arm.
"The... black-and-white things! Unknown entities!" I say, and the Assistant receives the command.
"Target identified. Two targets fitting description acquired. Now preparing to fire weapon."
M quickly grabs the back of Time's coat and pulls him away from the line of fire.
Time momentarily defies this, but then the Assistant fires the prototype's beam.
And oh boy, is it effective.
The beam goes right through the broken door, and hits the creature right in the torso. It stumbles backward, dropping the door, and Time takes that chance to grab it and fling it outside the room. He's... he's fighting it now, alright then. The Assistant rushes inside the room, and I follow...
Only to see the other creature holding Sabre up by the throat, while he's continuously coughing out blood. It covers the creature's hand, yet it seems unphased by the crimson painting its monochrome arm.
The Assistant suddenly fires another beam, hitting the creature square in the head, but it doesn't do that much damage it looks like. In what seems to be surprise, the creature drops Sabre, however he hits his head on the wall when it does. When Sabre's collapsed on the ground, the creature steps back, trying to get back out the window. The Assistant, however, doesn't let that happen and fires another beam, then grabs the creature and quickly drags it outside of the room. M rushes in as soon as it's out, and he and I check on Sabre.
He's still breathing... but unresponsive. I think he got knocked out when he hit the wall. He's also extremely pale, either from lack of oxygen or all the blood he was just coughing out... or something else. For the love of science, I hope it's not the third thing.
I tell M, and he mutters something as we hear Light and a few Guards arrive. The sounds of spears clashing with the creatures fill the hall, as I watch Light, the Guards, the Assistant, and Time attempt to fight off the swirl-color monsters. I see Time throw one against the wall at one point, I think he said 'yeet'...? What's a 'yeet'?
Eventually, Light and the Guards corner the creatures, but they suddenly teleport away. Everyone turns towards M and I, who are still in the room, as I call over the Assistant.
"What just happened?!" Light asks, as I get the Assistant to pick Sabre up and tell him to bring him to the analysis room.
"Don't know, less talking, more figuring out what those things did!" I say, following the Assistant while M follows me.
"What'd those things do?!" Time asks, worriedly running out next to me as we all rush into the room.
"Like I just said, that's what I'm trying to figure out!" I say, rushing over to the monitor room while the Assistant places Sabre on the table.
Light and the Guards stop at the door, as I boot up all the machines while the Assistant gets all of Sabre's IVs in place. As soon as he gets the oxygen mask in place as well, I pull up the readings from the monitoring wristlet I put on Sabre so I know how his vitals are...
And immediately scream expletives. This guy is in Danger.
"What?! What is it?!" Time yells.
"Those things were making the virus get worse FASTER." I yell. "You all go, this is urgent! I need to work on this in solitude!"
"WHAT-" M yells, but I quickly shove him in the direction of the door.
"GO!" I yell, and they all leave as I quickly gather all I need in order to get the life support systems online.
This might take a while.
Origin, I haven't had that much excitement in the lab for a long time.
I was able to stabilize Sabre. He's mostly doing okay now, although he's still pale. I wasn't able to push back the new hold the virus has on him, but I was able to slow it down exponentially. That should keep it from spreading its effects for a little while. Jeez, that happened fast, I need a break...
I'm interrupted by knocking at the door. It's probably either Time or M, as they've been waiting out there the entire time I've been working on Sabre's condition. Light and the Guards had to leave so they could get back to base, which is understandable. I decide that the situation is handled enough so they can see Sabre, although he's not really conscious right now.
"You can come in." I answer.
Sure enough, Time opens the door and walks in, M following behind him. As soon as they see Sabre, they look more worried, but I explain.
"He's stable now, it's alright." I say. "He's not in danger anymore."
The other two calm down and walk over to me.
"So... what exactly happened back there?" M asks.
"To be honest... I don't really know." I reply. "All I was able to figure out is that those things made the virus progress faster, and now more symptoms are showing up."
"Like what?" Time asks.
"Buddy, it's 4 AM. Can that wait until later?" I say.
Time sighs. "You're right... I guess I should head back home then."
"Yeah, same here." M adds.
"Right then. Seeya later." I say, beginning to leave the room.
"I'm coming back here, y'know." Time says.
"Yeah, I guessed so." I say. "That's why I said 'Seeya later.'"
Time teleports, M leaves the lab, and I go to my personal quarters inside the lab. As I just throw myself onto my bed, I wonder;
Why does this always have to happen on late nights?
[Sabre's POV]
I wake up, seemingly in my room back at mine and Time's house, but when I look out the window I know I'm dreaming.
There's no sky, or anything outside. Just a bright, empty space. As I look around, I notice a familiar one-eyed face staring back at me, sitting at my desk.
"Hello, Sabre."
"Oh, screw off Hypno."
Hypno looks at me with an offended expression.
"Well, that's rude. Especially since I'm helping save your life right now."
"What? What do you mean?" I ask.
"I've been making sure you haven't been in too much pain while this has been happening." Hypno answers. "That tiredness you thought was a symptom? That was my power affecting you."
"...What?" I say, confused.
"Yeah yeah, I know. Me helping you seems extremely unlikely. But Origin would kill me if I did something I'd honestly rather be doing. Besides, if you die because of this virus, it won't end badly for just you."
"Do you know who did this to me?" I ask, still suspicious of him.
"You catch on quick. Yes, I do, but I'm not exactly telling... not that anyone else remembers who he is, anyway. It seems only Origin and I know of his existence."
"Well... can you tell me why he did this, then?"
"That, I can. It's actually really simple; he's jealous."
"Jealous? Of me?"
"You and Origin. You see, the person that did this is a Creator forgotten by everyone... ironic considering what his name is. Basically, he didn't do his job all that well, and Origin punished him for it. This forgotten Creator saw how both you and Origin got to do what he couldn't; Origin being treated with respect and still being a Creator, while you became a hero to this world and was remembered as such. He let his envy get the better of him, and decided to kill two birds with one stone by trying to kill you to spite Origin, as you're very important to him... although you didn't actually know that until now."
"Why are you-" I start to ask, but Hypno cuts me off.
"Whoop, looks like you'll wake up soon. Good, your questions were getting annoying."
"...I hate you." I mutter.
"Feeling's mutual, idiot." Hypno says. "Might see you later in the real world, your suffering is hilarious. Anyway, just wanted to tell you some things. Bye."
And the last thing I see is Hypno waving at me before everything fades white.
...I hate that guy.
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