Task #6 Campaign

Wind whistled in Artemis' ears as she soared through the clouds. It wasn't a loud irritating whistle. The sound was soft and welcoming. Cool air kissed her check's as she traveled. A smile tugged at her lips. The neak flew at a gentle pace. The gong last sounded over two hours ago. Artemis decided to fly for pleasure since she figured she had already missed the days activities.

Flipping on her back, she watched as the sky became a deeper blue. The morning sun had passed into afternoon. Flipping onto her stomach, she watched as green pillows of various shades raced by. Taking a deep breath, Artemis closed her eyes. When her eyes were closed, her senses became more open to the world around her. Her nostrils could detect the aromas of Lilac, Sweet Pea, and other flowers below her from fifty feet in the air.

Wrinkling her nose, Artemis noticed a pungent odor underlined the sweetness of the flowers. The neak clasped her calcux tight against her chest. The horrible smell continued to invade her nostrils. Burring her nose into Smeagol's strawberry scented scales, Artemis scanned the tree line once more. Green mist began to rise towards her. The neak coughed into the scales from the smell of dead fish and raw sewage. Artemis bathed Smeagol in strawberry scented shampoo. Nothing could keep away the smell.

Closing her wings, Artemis began to decent. The smell worsened as she progressed. Artemis opened her wings at the last second to keep herself from hitting the ground. The neak looked up and watched as the green mist traveled vertically to an unseen source. Artemis flapped her wings and rose higher in the air. Losing her grip on Smeagol, she followed the mist to a clearing where a brunette was standing with her back to her. The female had her arms stretched out towards the heavens.

Glancing around her surroundings, Artemis watched as the stranger made the trees crumble to dust and the grass turn ash by forcing green energy out of them and into her own body. The neak watched as she lowered her arms. Swallowing hard, Artemis hide behind a tree as the female turned to face them. Peering around the trunk, Artemis' eyes widen. The woman's features were to familiar. It was Syra from the Black Dragon Guild.

Squealing, Artemis pulled her head back behind the tree. The neak felt Syra's almond shaped eyes starring into her amber wings. Artemis bit her cheek. The hybrid tried to flap her wings softly so she wouldn't be noticed, however, since she was down so low that proved to be a difficult task.

"I see you, Neak." Syra's voice hissed from behind her.

Before Artemis could react, the tree she hide behind began to shrivel and crumble like the others. The neak spun around. Syra had an evil smirk displayed on her lips. "Syra, why are you doing this? You have never been like this!" Artemis cried out with fear. Taking a deep breath, Artemis smelled the air one last time. The smell was that of evil. Normal people could never detect such a foul oder. This specialty was only possessed of her own kind.

Green mist engulfed the Attorian. Artemis opened her wings to their full extent. With on flap, she pushed herself into the air. Syra smirked. Vines shot out of the ground and wrapped around the the neaks ankle. Artemis cried out in sudden pain. The grip shattered her ankle. With one swift movement, Syra forced the vine to the ground. Artemis wrapped her wings around her torso to protect against the fall.

Moaning escaped Artemis' lips as she forced herself up. Vines wrapped themselves around her body. The neak flapped her wings hard. The vines held her in place. Artemis lifted her eyes and watched as Syra advanced towards her, she was trapped. Biting her lip, Artemis let her Calcux run off. "Get help!" the neak yelled to the cat. Looking up at Syra, thoughts of pain and anger began to flood her mind. Artemis blacked out from the mental tortor.

The following day, the guild walk down the streets to the Palace. The members were somber. Thoughts flooded through their minds. Where they called because they were being kicked or did someone find Artemis and they had bad news to give to the guild master? Either way, heaviness tugged at their hearts.

Dragon Claw wondered through the halls. It was the same halls they traveled for the dance they had been invited to, however, this time was drudgery. Voices echoed as they neared the hall. Lights shone underneath a door to signal this was the room they where supposed to join the others. Dragon Claw entered. The members found all the other guilds had gathered and were standing in groups talking to one another.

Steps echoed as the guild walked in. All eyes turned to them. Crystal from Black Shadow started speaking to Roku but was cut short by the Guild Makers standing on a stage with two magi's standing behind them. "We apologize for bringing you here. on the spur of the moment. We bring terrible tidings. Several Magi's have either died or gone missing."

Gasps and whispers flooded the hall. The game makers continued. "We have called each of you here to submit your most powerful member or members to help us search for the Zhol's who are attacking our city. For the next three days, we will hold a campaign so to try to keep everyone calm. We do not want panic to encase the city."

Darathos and Verina moved forward, "These magi's have agreed to head up the parties."

Master Roku stepped before everyone. "I nominate Miyuki to join the search."

Miyuki set dropped. They Hybrid didn't want to help but she would do what she must. Miyuki stepped forward. Before she utter a word, Bernard clopped forward and bowed. "I volunteer to take over for the Elf." The centaur stuck his chest out proudly.

Glancing over at the Master, Bernard watched as he gave him an approving nod. The guild maker looked back at the top magi's. They too agreed to this switch. At that sign, the other guilds followed in like manor. Once they have received their recruits, the guild makers dismissed everyone else.

With a heavy heart, Bernard watches as his guild leaves. "Alright," Darathos exclaimed. "We are going to split into two teams. Everybody line up!" Sighing, Bernard stood in a line in front of Vernia. The centaur watched as the mighty warrior starred at the recruits. The elf was looking them over.

"We don't have much time so we're getting to the point. Because of so few volunteers, you are each going to be given a grid of the city where you will be sent to investigate." With those last words, she went around telling who would go to what city sector. Once everyone received their sector they were given permission to venture into the city.

Looking at the paper given him, Bernard heads off to his own grid of the city. The centaur's hooves echo on the cobblestone as he progress through the boulevards. His mind wonders back to Verina tell them to watch for green mists and stay alert to dark magic. Taking a deep breath, he continued on.

Dark energy began to pull to at him. Bernard sense evil close by. Pausing, the ground around him begins to shake and green mist rises form a nearby building. Bernard focused his energy to make his archery equipment appear. Taking a deep breath, the centaur neared the building. Screams and cries broke the still air as he reached for the knob.

Releasing his breath, Bernard ripped the door open and raced inside. Green mist poured from underneath doors into the hallway. The centaur grabbed his head. Terrible thoughts began to race through his mind. Before he could get very far, a zhol pushed a door down with his foot and charged after him.

Bernard gritted his teeth, loaded his bow and began shooting. The zhol laughed as the arrows had no effect against him. The centaur made his equipment disappear and held up his fist ready for hand to hand combat. The zhol made an air tunnel appear and blasted him against the wall. Bernard growled as his body slammed against the wall. The centaur rose to his hooves and charged after the creature.

Through his right fist forward, Bernard gave the Zhol a right upper cross. Screams rang out from upstairs before he could give him another. The centaur gazed at the stairs. Without a second thought, he shoved the Zhol out of the way and rushed to the second floor. Once Bernard stepped on the platform, Zhol's gathered their powers together in a unison raid.

Clearing his throat, Berand summoned his equipment once more. The centaur watched as they joined their magic together to capture him. Nodding his head, Bernard charged forward shooting lighting charge arrows at each on breaking their spells. Once he broke through the hoard, he began to knock on each door till he found the once hiding the girl.

Kicking down a door, Bernard found the girl huddled in a corner weeping. The centaur clopped over to her and held her in his arms. "It's okay, help is here." He told her. The girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and nodded. Shouting came from the hall. The girl tensed up in his arms.

Looking around, Bernard sighed and rushed out the door. Bernard used all his strength to gallop towards the door. As his right hoof touched the pavement outside the door, ice formed under his hooves. The centaur slipped on the ice and fell on his back. Ice began to cover his body. Twisting his body, Bernard watches as the Zhols come for him. "Run!" he cried out. The girl nodded and ran as fast as her legs could carry her. Bernard fell limp on the ground as he was encased in ice.


Master Roku emerged through the Dragon Den's door. He glanced around at the surrounding guild members. "Scarlet, Eldwin, to my side now!" A neak centaur appeared from the crowds along with a male fairy. The guild master looked the two over. "Scarlet, you will replace Artemis and Eldwin, you will replace Bernard for the time being."

"Mind if we ask what happened to them?" Scarlet questioned.

"No, you may not." Master Roku simply stated.

Cordila sat in the corner watching the guild master. The mermaid could tell the master was worried about his daughter. This morning they had awoken to scratching at their door. When they had open it, Smeagol ran inside. The guild master assumed that something must have happened to his daughter. Releasing a sigh, the mermaid smiled at her boy friend Razor.

A smirk pulled at her lips as Cordila wrapped her arms around the unsuspecting octomer. Razor chuckled and patted her hands. Cordila snuggled her head against his neck as the guild master walked over. "I have given this much thought." Master Roku began, "With Artemis gone, Cordila you will compete in the campaign. 

"Yes, Sir." Cordila sighed. 

Razor smiled and patted her head. "You'll do good, love. One of the game makers has given us a boost by getting us a large gathering. We just need to keep them and get more people." Cordila felt his body shake from his chuckles.

"I know." The mermaid hummed at last. "It's easier said then done though." Cordila sat upright allowing Razor to stand. 

"Let's get started." 

Nodding, Scarlet grabbed Cordila's hand and with upstairs with Miyuki trailing behind. The girls were intent on making her into a beauty queen. Several hours past before Cordila reappeared at the top of the stairs. Her blue dress was no longer simple, it now had outlines of gold glitter on the sleeves and the rim of the dress. 

Cordila grinned with her hair the way teased the way it was, the mermaid felt like a beauty Queen. Eldwin and Razor glanced up at the top of the stairs. The men watched as she made her way down. Reaching the bottom step, her shoe got caught on her dress. The mermaid fell from the step. Chuckling, Razor reached out his arms and caught her before she could reach the floor. "Just the same as ever." The octomer smirked. 

The mermiad blushed and stood upright. The octomer laughed and escorted her out to the podium waiting for her. Cordila blushed. Opal, Benjo and several others where there. The mermaid shook her head. There was no way she could go through with this. The mermaid did any ways. As the mermaid stood there with he others proud, she noticed Razor in the crowd cheering for her. The commentator asked questions and for statements from all three of them. Cordila answered with grace and satisfaction. However, by the end of the week she lost to Opal. 

Sighing, the mermaid stepped off the platform. As she approached her friends they were whispering among themselves. "Whats wrong?" She inquired. 

Razor gazed into her eyes. "The Sirens from Sirens Song have gone missing. No one has heard from them since last night." 

The mermaid looked down. They had always bullied her so she wasn't alarmed. However, it didn't matter how mean they where. She still didn't want to hear about them being gone. Picking her head up, Cordila opened her mouth to speak only to be stopped by Razor. "Also," he continued. "Several of our own members have been found dead. Tiana and Cami were found in the water by some mer-folk. Looks like they were beaten to death then drowned. They assumed Siren Song did it of course." Razor shrugged at the last statement. 

Looking down, Cordila felt emotion weld up inside. "I'm going back to the hotel." Without waiting for a response, she turned and went back to the hotel.


Cries of pain echoed through the halls of an unknown cavern. Bernard moaned as rolled his head against the wall of his cell. His body had been frozen for who knows how long before warmed again. The centaur shook as he tried to grab his shoulders. Chain's kept him from giving himself warmth. Ice began to cover his walls. The centaur took a deep breath. Letting it out, it came out into a puff for white air. 

Thoughts began to run through his mind. Centaurs pranced before him. A mother, a father, and twins boy and girl. The father smiled at his sweet children. The mother pranced around them. Green mist began to engulf them. The twins screamed and galloped away. The mother was over taken by the mist and went missing. 

Bernard closed his eyes. He didn't want to see this any longer. Thoughts of fear flooded through his mind like it did then. Before he thought Zhol's were a mist even when his mother went missing. Now the fear of them were real.  Gritting his teeth, Bernard tried summoning his archery equipment. The centaur was drained of his magic. None would come to him. 

Cries echoed though the hall. It sounded like Artemis. "Artemis!" Bernard cried out. 

"Uncle Bernard. Help me!" 

Bernard struggled against his chains. Artemis screamed more. The centaur used all his strength. It was hopeless. He was to weak and frozen to move. Artemis' screams came to a stop. Bernard's heart sunk to his gut. A Zhol came into his room smirking. "Broken and bitter. Who knew you would actually care for that neak." 

"I know her father well. I see her as family." 

The zhol raised his hand and smacked him across his face. "I don't recall giving you permission to speak." They hissed. 

Bernard dropped his head. "If you want to see your family member alive then give up and become on of us." 

A sigh escaped his lips. Artemis was still alive but to save her he has to become one as well. Bernard nodded then started to empty his body of his Manthos. The centaur screamed as the drain pained him and terrible thoughts entered his mind. Bernard slumped against the wall once all magic was gone. 

The zhol ventured near him and began unlocking his chain.

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