Arranged Marriage??
Darkness swallowed them.
Then there was nothing.
They were then swept into the state of unconsciousness.
It all faded away until the girls were left with nothing but darkness.
"Mmm........ Whoa!" Shara screams suddenly, waking up from the world of darkness. She quickly looks around, gasping for air.
"Where..... Where am I?" Shara asks to no one in particular. She wasn't in the world of darkness anymore.
Tatashi slowly woke up to see that Shara was already up and that men were staring at them. "Gabby, get up." Tatashi tries to wake up Gabby up. But... It didn't work. The second attempt she tried was, "SOMEBODY HELP!! I'M GETTING ATTACKED!!"
'Hopefully, that will get her up.' Tatashi thought to herself to see that
"Where?!"Gabby yells out, looking around. "Hey you guys, where are we?"Gabby asked finally calming down.
"H-How am I supposed to know?! Wait... I'll call daddy! We'll be saved!" Shara tries moving but she couldn't. She looked at her current appearance only to see herself tied up and sitting on a wooden chair. In fact, all the girls were sitting on the wooden chair, tied up.
With their hands tied behind their backs and ankles cuffed to the legs of the chair. They try moving, but they obviously can't.
"Guys, we should've left sooner and I'm afraid your dad won't be able to help us when you can't even get to your phone. And I was looking at you, 'person who kidnapped us'." Tatashi glares at the man with the jet black hair.
'You and your curiosity.' Tatashi thought as she turned to look at Gabby.
"Yeah, I know my curiosity gets the best of me." Gabby says, looking in the opposite direction of Tatashi.
"Guys... enough of that. Do you realize the situation we're in?! We. Were. Kidnapped. By. A. Bunch. Of. Weirdoes." Shara states, glaring at the men in front of her. She was scared, but she didn't want to show it.
"Oh, I totally forgot about them."Gabby says, smirking.
"So mean~!" The ginger- haired man pouted, causing Tatashi to smile and say, "Gabby, if I could get up, I'd give you a high- five." With that comment, the blonde looked at the ginger and smiled.
"There's a smile... Now the rest of can at least try." Tatashi stated.
"Hey, enough with the smile. Untie us, you big, fat, grumpy looking bubsters!" Shara yells at the men, shooting icy glares at them. Her gaze was like an act of violence, a glare to stop their hearts.
"Glaring isn't going help, Shara. Who are you, people?" Gabby asks, looking at all the men. There was silence until the jet black-haired man broke the silence.
"She's got a point, who we are is none of your-" he was cut off when Tatashi spoke up:
"You guys are the Black Foxes. Now I don't know too much French, actually very close to none but, without my friend here," Tatashi said, looking from the man with jet black hair to her friend, Shara. "I wouldn't have known that the bar name translates to your group name. Now continue."
"Tu aurais choisi un autre nom pour votre bar. Vous ne pouvez jamais savoir si quelqu'un connaît le français.* " Shara smirks, speaking in French.
"Change our bar name." The blonde headed guy demands as he looks over to the long haired brunette.
"Well most people wouldn't have noticed what it says, and no I won't change the name of the bar." the long haired brunette says, pointing out with a smile.
"Enough with this stupid conversation. I just wanna go home and get enough beauty sleep! Plus, I am so tired. Let me go you creeps!" Shara complains and yells out. She was starting to be a pain for the guys.
"Wait Tatashi and I heard you talk about something with 'her great grandfather' what was that about?" Gabby asked wondering
"Well since you won't be getting out of here anytime soon, 3 men were considered the American Leonardo Da Vinci's, each of them left 1 masterpiece to each of their granddaughters. A ring, a necklace, and a bracelet"
"I've got a ring from my great-grandfather, I'm not sure about the others, though," Gabby said as she slowly understood what was going on.
"Like if I care. But, I did get a necklace from my great-grandfather though..." Shara says, not even bothering to look at the men,
"And I've got a bracelet from my mine. I think we're the ones you're looking for but, how's this gonna work? I mean I won't be handing over my bracelet anytime soon, so..." Tatashi speaks but, get cuts off:
"You can keep your bracelet. We don't have any real proof that you guys are the ones we're after." the long haired brunette explained before Tatashi spoke up once again:
"Not any real proof. Okay then, check out my right wrist and see if it's the right one."
"Tatashi! What are you saying?! Do you really wanna get yourself in the hands of these men?!" Shara yells at Tatashi, mad that she doesn't see the situation they're in.
Shara then looks at the men, and says, "Look here people, can you let us go now? We have nothing to do with your plan, mission or whatever. Untie us. Now."
"Shut up, idiot. It's not like you're the-" Shara cuts the blonde off by saying, "Excuse me?! Idiot?! You're the idiot here, idiot! Do you not even know who I am? I am Shara Hollister. My mother is CEO of the HS Corporation! My father is the CEO of the IMD Group!"
"I don't even care about who you are, idiot."
"Quit callin' me an idiot you dumb creep!"
"Okay, stop that you two love birds." Gabby says smiling. Shara stops yelling at the blonde man and blushes. "S-Stop that G-Gabby... You know.... I'll never be in love with... w-with a commoner.....!"
"I love you, Gabby and I happen to have done homework on you guys. You're criminals at the top of the list."
"THIEVES!!" all except the long haired brunette yell and, Tatashi looks at them with a face that reads, 'same thing'
"Okay, stop Fucking yelling!" Gabby says, starting to get very annoyed.
"Gabby, mind your language, and you bunch of bumps on a log, untie us. Now." Tatashi looks sternly at the group of men before them, evidently getting them nowhere.
'I knew this was gonna happen.' Tatashi thought to herself.
"Sorry but, that's a can't do." Hiro checks her wrist to see if it's the 'right girl' the man with the jet black hair told Hiro to do while Tatashi just sat there, not moving a muscle.
"Don't do it, or I promise you that you'll find yourselves in jail for a while." Shara says with mean, promising tone.
"It's the real one, Leader." Hiro called out to the jet black haired man. 'Leader, eh?'
Tatashi thought.
"Wait, that guy is the leader? Hahaha, now I feel like I want to make fun of them." Gabby laughs, making Shara roll her eyes.
"Gabby, Tatashi, enough. I just wanna go home now! I don't want to be in a room full of... smelly old men... Eww...." Shara's face read disgust, "Now untie us, all of you weirdoes!"
"Well, I don't want to be in a room full of bratty teenagers. But we can't all get what we want." The man with jet black hair said looking at the three girls.
"We're not brats, and I am one of the ones you guys are looking for so why am I still tied up?" Tatashi questioned their 'leader.'
"You're still tied up because if we untie just you, you will most likely untie your friends and then try to run away. You're staying tied up."
"What the fucking hell?! I don't want to stay tied up! I just want to go home! Home! I'm just asking you that! Is it really that hard to let me do?! Just let us go, dammit! I don't care if you're someone important!"
"You're listening to what we-" The blonde starts off, but of course Shara cuts him off, "You're not my master. No one can tell me what to do! Not even the Queen of England can tell me what to do!"
"We need to shut her mouth." The blonde gets duct tape and puts in on Shara's mouth. Making her give out muffled sounds.
"Takuto, take the tape off her mouth." A tall, muscular brunette sighs. The blonde doesn't listen which makes the brunette rolls his eyes, taking the tape off Shara's mouth.
"... Thank you..." Shara looks directly into the brunette's eyes, which stare straight back. Shara notices the awkwardness and coughs, "Uh..."
"Oh, sorry. Your eyes are beautiful."
"T-Thank you..." Shara blushes, again.
"Kenshi, your flirting?" The 'leader' asks the man who he called 'Kenshi'. The brunette blushes and says, "No... I just said her eyes were... beautiful."
"Oh, whatever." The 'leader' looks away, but Hiro decides to teach Kenshi, "Kenny! If you want to make a girl's heart fly, you have to say something.... Like this..." Hiro looks at Tatashi and Gabby, and adds, "If you want to see the most beautiful thing in the world, look in the mirror."
"No, all I gotta do is look at you, Hiro." Tatashi flirts back with a smile on her face.
Gabby looks at Hiro and says, "Really? That cheesy pickup line? Try doing better than that."
"By the way, what is your name? I'm getting tired of calling you their leader, I need a better name than that." Gabby asks the 'Leader'.
"Riki Yanase." The man answers.
"Wait a minute... You're the bastard my dad said I had to meet tomorrow!"
"Bastard? Shara, language. Forget that, why do you have to meet him?" Gabby asks her friend, who sighs and says:
"I have to... get my marriage fixed with him.... A criminal! I don't want to get married to a criminal! I also don't even want to get married! Now, I don't even wanna go home! I don't even want to stay here! I just wanna die! I don't want to get married to this criminal! I'm still 18! Gabby... can't you take my place and marry this bastard? I just want to die.... I want to die! DIE! Satan..... Just take me now... I want to die..."
"Um... I... I don't, sorry. And... No. He's not my type." Gabby says, trying to think of a good excuse.
"W- well he is cute, but it's a tie between two, anyway I feel sorry for you." Tatashi looked to the side of her as she started smiling.
"Yeah...You should feel sorry for me... Hey, why are we still tied up?! Untie us!" Shara yells, again. She demanded these men to untie her a moment ago, but they didn't listen. She frowns and adds, "I can give a sum of money if that's what you want."
"Um... Shara, I don't think they will unite us no matter how much money you offer them." Gabby says with a frown.
"Well, Shara it looks like you're going to get married tied to a chair." Tatashi starts laughing very hard.
The guys in front of us start laughing with Tatashi, especially the short- haired brunette saying, "Looks like you'll have a shorter person with you, forever this time."
"Hey! How could you guys tease me like that! I don't want to get married to a dwarf!" Shara glares at her friends and the guys. She then adds, "You, Riki! I'm supposed to get married to you... So..." Shara smirks like she had the most brilliant idea in the world.
"Gabby, he's basically my soon-to-be fiance. He can't just tie me up like this... I can just...." Shara whispers to Gabby, then says out loud, "You! Riki! I'm I'm supposed to m-m-m-marry y-y-y-you.... Why can't you just untie me? I'm gonna have to be y-y-y-your... Ew.... W-w-w-w-wife...."
"Why so tense, although I would like to get rid of you kids, I can't." Riki says, looking straight at Shara.
"And why can't you get rid of us? Oh, are you scared that my daddy might bring down your family business? Like... stop all deals he has with your family? Oh please, your family wouldn't like that. Won't they, 'My dear future husband'?" Shara smirks, shooting back at Riki.
Gabby giggles at the fact that they sound like an old married couple.
"Hey didn't you get that song name from..." Tatashi stops what she says forgetting the name of the artist that sings that song. Then she says:
"Anyway, you know what I mean right... Riki untie your future wife, she has no threat against you anyway, except for the fact that she might go run away to Africa just to get out of this arranged marriage thing." Tatashi sighs as she says the last part, not wanting it to actually happen.
"What? I'm not gonna go to Africa! I'm not going anywhere! My parents would just hire people to look for me. They can't find me when I'm dead. So I might as well die. Well, in order to get out of this dumb arranged marriage.... Hey, Riki! Untie your beautiful, innocent, future wife!" Shara orders, again.
"Well, I won't be getting married to someone who's tied to a chair, but I will confiscate your phone and any device you can get in touch with anyone." Riki says as he pulls out a pocket knife and cuts the ropes on only Shara.
"Finally! I'm out of those ropes!" Shara stretches her arms and brushes her side bangs away from her face. She then looks at Riki and says, "Oh thank you! I won't tell daddy about this. But wait... you said you would confiscate my phone and my other devices! Why?!"
Gabby silently glares at Riki.
"Really? How are you really good at influencing people?" Gabby asks Shara.
"Uh... I just do...? Duh..." Shara says, not wanting to say the real answer. She always likes persuading people to act or believe in a way she wants.
"I know that's not the real answer." Tatashi says to Shara.
"Well, whatever. Let's go ho-Ah!" Shara was just about to untie her friends when she felt someone's hand wrap around her waist. It was Riki.
"Hey! What are you doing?! Let me go! I was just about to untie my friends!" Shara tries getting out of the man's arms.
"Hey, let go of her! She is just untying us. I promise we won't try to run away." Gabby says trying to help her friend as much as she can.
"She's going to be my wife. She even used to fact that we're going to be married in order for me to untie her. If she can call me her 'future husband', why can't I touch her?" Riki smirks, pointing the question at both Tatashi and Gabby.
"I'm her 'future husband', correct? I can touch her like this, like this, and like this." Riki touches Shara intimately and she started to get very uncomfortable.
"Even though you guys will 'probably' be married, it still means you can't touch her like that until the wedding day." Tatashi and Gabby say to Riki.
"You know what that means? In a week, we might have our marriage! He's gonna touch me like this! In a week maybe!" Shara rages. She's glad that her friends helped, but the fact that they said 'not touch her yet', got her mad.
"Sorry Shara, we know that got you mad, but one day all of us will have to face the fact that all boys are nothing, but jerks." As Gabby said that, she broke free of the ropes with a hidden knife and got Shara away from Riki.
"Thanks, Gabby... You're my hero... Even though you're a girl..." Shara hugs Gabby and Gabby returns the hug, arms wrapping around her friend.
"Hey, get those girls!" Riki orders and the men start running towards Gabby and Shara. Both girls froze on the spot, not knowing what to do, until Tatashi yells at them, "Run! I have a knife too! I'll catch up with you girls!"
Tatashi breaks free using her pocket knife and runs to the exit of the bar, motioning the girls to come over to her side.
Shara nods at Tatashi and starts running towards her, holding Gabby's hand.
"Takkun! They're getting away!" Hiro yells at the man named 'Takkun', who wastes no time yelling back, "I can see that, idiot!"
The men try grabbing Gabby, but Shara blacks them with a chair. "Run up to Tatashi!" She orders and Gabby runs, asking no questions.
"Gabby, let's go, now!" Tatashi said in a somewhat loud voice from adrenaline pumping through her veins. Tatashi looks back to see a van not so far behind them.
Shara throws a few chairs at the guys to either trip them, or to block their path, then she runs towards the girls.
"Guys, split up when I say so!" After a few moments, Tatashi suddenly yells, "NOW!"
The girls start running in different directions.
Shara runs off to the opposite direction of the girls and hops onto a motorbike. She saw the keys were hanging on the seat.
'Who would leave the keys here like that?' Shara wondered. But that wasn't important! She inserts the keys in the ignition of the bike.
She locates and turns on the fuel petcock, and pulls the choke all the way out. "Oh shit!" She mutters. The guys were just a few meters away from her.
Shara then turns the key in the ignition to 'ON' and she squeezes the motorbike's clutch lever with her left hand, all the way to the grip.
The presses the start button with her right thumb and sets the engine fires on. Then she drives off, leaving the some of the guys chasing her, still.
Tatashi runs to a nearby tree and climbs up as fast as she could, not wanting to get caught by the men chasing her.
'Thank you, tree climbing skills I still have when I was little.' Tatashi thought as she climbs to the top of the tree.
"Hey, come back down here!" The man they call 'Kenshi' tells Tatashi, who shakes her head 'no'. "Well then, I'll have to come get you." With that, Kenshi started climbing the tree.
Besides Shara and Tatashi, Gabby runs far to an old warehouse and hides amongst the junk on the second floor.
'Hopefully, they don't find me.' Gabby thought.
On the other hand...
"The branches I'm on are possibly only strong enough to hold me, your added weight will cause us both to fall, and I'm can quickly recover when that happens." Tatashi informs Kenshi.
"Tatashi! Jump onto my bike!" Tatashi hears a familiar voice. She looked down from the tree to see Shara, on the motorbike. Tatashi nods and jumps down from the tree.
Instead of landing on the bike seat, she landed onto the ground. But, at least there weren't any injuries. She quickly got onto 'Shara's bike' and Shara drives away.
"Gabby look at the trackers." Gabby heard 2 quiet voices. They belonged to Tatashi and Shara. Gabby gets up from her hiding spot looks at the trackers.
"Oh good! You guys are here, safe." Gabby runs up to her friends and hugs them. They hug her back and they break the hug. Shara then orders, "Get on the bike."
"You stole the bike, didn't you? I thought you said stealing was disgraceful?" Gabby giggles a bit as she quizzed Shara, who replies, "I know, but I had to save you guys. Knowing you guys are important to me."
"Aw.... Thanks, Shara!" Gabby gives her friend a rib-crushing hug. Shara hugs back, still not liking the rib-crushing part.
"Okay, that's enough of that. We should leave, they're right-"
"Come back here!" We hear a man's voice. 'Oh shit!' Shara curses in her head, 'It's the blonde Takkun guy!'
"Get on!" I say as I get on the bike, starting the engine. The girls hop on the seat and I set the engine fires on.
As I drive away, I hear the men either saying 'We'll get you soon!" Or "We'll come back for you!"
Humph, at least we escaped.
Shara's POV
"Shara, you will marry Riki. He's suitable for the family. His father is a high-class politician. You will marry him, my dear." My father tells me.
"Father... A river is not a river without water in it ... The wind is not the wind without the flow in it ... A marriage is not a marriage without a love story in it." I tell my father, who's upset that I didn't want to marry Riki.
"Dear, I'm sorry, but you don't have a say in this. Your marriage with Riki was decided by his father, your mother and I."
"I'll never marry him! You can't make me!"
"Shara, listen to me... You are getting married to Riki."
"No, an arranged marriage could never last!"
"Are you-"
"What about romantic love? It's an integral part of the human experience!"
"Some people fall in love then get married ... And some people get married then fall in love..."
"..." I was speechless. Father's right. Some people fall in love and get married ... And some people get married and fall in love... No...
But I want to see the smile on father's face. So I will agree to this marriage... I'm only doing this... to make father happy.
"Alright father, I will marry... Riki."
"That's my girl." Father smiles and hugs me. I hug him back, thinking about how my future with Riki is going to be like.
*Translation: You would have chosen another name for your bar. You never know if someone knows the French.
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