Sin For Me - "I can't-please-I can't."

Prompt: 92. "I can't-please-I can't."


Angel JM, Demon JK

Top JK, Bottom JM

Forced Seduction

Dubious Consent

First time

Loss of Virginity


Mentions of Magic, invisible restraints

Footnote: (For readers who aren't native english speakers)

Parturition - the act or process of giving birth to children

Collegian - as in undergraduate, coed. Can be used for coeducation as per Google.

Jimin's mentor would often say curiosity killed the cat. He never understood the meaning until now.

From the moment he was born from the fluffiest white cloud on a happy spring morning, he was put under the care of Archangel Cael. He trained religiously to become a guardian angel and it was now time for his final test.

Everyone was certain, Jimin would pass with the highest rank, because he was just so pure—one of the purest to be born in decades. They said he stood a high chance to become an archangel. So Jimin was elated.

That alone shouldn't have been a reason to go celebrate with his friends. When they invited him over, he should have refused. He didn't see anything wrong when they said it was just a trip to collegian. It was a place where every angel and demon alike went.

You see, the angels weren't the only ones who were born in parturition. The ones born from the dark clouds automatically became demons. Occasionally, one would be born from the darkest thundercloud and those would turn out to become the powerful high demons, the one with powers equaled to that of an archangel.

Angels and demons never got along. Jimin never understood why they had to have a common dwelling ground like collegian. It never made sense to him. Why would they put them together if they weren't allowed to talk to each other?

"Come on, Jimin. It'll be fun. Mark has planned some fun games and once you pass the test, you'll be gone forever," Antony persuaded him.

They were right. After the test, he'd be appointed as a guardian angel and would be given a charge who would become his companion on the earth. Jimin would be stuck there unless someone summoned him from heaven.

"Who knows if we will ever meet? Or who can tell where they're gonna post us?" Mark said. "It's our last day, Jimin."

That was how their harmless trip started. The fun games were all copied from the humans, Jimin could tell. They'd gone to earth several times to study humans and their habits. They'd witnessed them playing games and sometimes tried to follow. It was fun for the most part and sometimes they never understood the games.

He hadn't realized when his scavenger hunt led him to the forbidden halls of the demons. Maybe he should have seen where he was going instead of collecting clues. Maybe he should have watched for the signs. Maybe he should have returned the moment he realized he was lost.

It was too late by then.

The dark hall grew considerably hotter and the next thing he knew the only door slammed shut.

"W-Who is there?" He clutched the flowers and notes that were left as a clue, wide eyes scanning around.

His heart raced, ready to explode out of his chest. When he saw no one, he took a few urgent steps toward the door only to pause when a sudden gust of wind blew over him. He shivered, fear clawing at his insides.

"You can't do this here," he said loudly. "I-It's against the rules."

Eerie laughter echoed around him and Jimin almost fainted. It sounded so familiar yet he couldn't pinpoint who it was. He once again tried to approach the door, but he hadn't even taken two steps before he felt the tight grip on his feet.

"I don't play by the rules, little angel."

Jimin froze, his entire body shuddering at the touch of something impure. He tried to break free but his feet didn't budge. The force was several times stronger than him and he couldn't move an inch.

"What are you doing? Let go of me. Cael would be furious." He struggled against the invisible grip.

"I'd like to see you try that."

Jimin's eyes widened.

Oh, no.

"Cael has no power here, little angel. You're in my domain now."

Jimin whirled around seeing no one. But he was damn sure he felt his presence as if he was only inches away from him.

"T-This is a collegian," Jimin tried, swallowing the uneasiness and fear. "You cannot attack me here."

"Who said anything about attacking you?" Another round of laughter echoed around him and this time it sent a cold shiver down his spine. This wasn't good.

"Where are you?" His grip on the flowers tightened as he glanced at the shadows dancing in the corners.

"Interesting question," the voice echoed. "So you know me."

The deep voice sent another round of shivers all over his body. Jimin did know that voice, but he'd rather not speak that name.

A name that was feared and despised by all. A name if spoken out loud meant to bring disaster and plague. A name that belonged to a high demon born from the darkest thundercloud on a stormy night. A night that destroyed thousands of lives in a natural disaster.

No one dared to utter that name. Jimin wasn't about to start.

"What don't want to answer me, little angel?"

"Let me go. I didn't mean to walk in here. I got lost." His heart hammered in his chest, perspiration beading over his forehead. "Please..."

"Ah, come on, you just got here. I thought we were having a nice conversation. No?"

Jimin swallowed a whimper. The heat was growing, which only meant the demon was closer. The scent of brimstone grew thicker.

"Please...they would be looking for me. I have to leave."

"They..." the demon drawled. "You mean the so-called friends who set you up for this?"

Jimin's eyes widened at that. "W-What?"

"Mark, is it?" The demon laughed. "I saw that one sneaking in here with those flowers. Didn't think you'd follow the crumbs like a little lamb you are."

What? Did Mark put the clues in the demon's side of the collegian? Oh, God! This was a disaster.

"I apologize. We shouldn't be here. Please..." he pleaded. "Cael doesn't know we are gone. I have to go before he finds out."

The air around him shifted and the warm air ruffled with his robe. "He doesn't know? Why didn't you say so at first?"

Jimin let out a screech when he felt arms wrap around his middle, then his entire world tilted in its axis. When he opened his eyes again, he was in a dark room, specifically on a dark bed, draped in the softest silk sheets he'd ever touched.

The only light in the room came from the glow of the volcanic rocks embedded into the walls of the room.

Volcanic rocks?

They only had those in the underworld.

"Finally, you're where you belong."

Jimin jumped, his head whipping around as he tried to spot the source of that voice. "Stop doing that," he said in a shaky voice. "Let me go this instant."

The demon laughed and he felt the surge of dark energy in the room before he materialized in front of him.

Jimin's heart literally stopped. "J-Jungkook?"

"Thought I'd never hear you say my name."

Jimin's eyes widened, hands flying to clamp over his mouth. He wasn't supposed to say his name. His wings enclosed him, doing its best to hide him from the demon though it was of no use.

Oh, no, no, no.

Jungkook was broader than he remembered and he visible froze upon seeing the two shiny horns on top of his head. His large, black wings such a contrast to his white feathers almost touched the floor. Big, black, and curled toward the back. His presence was larger than the room itself.

"You passed the test," he whispered.

Jungkook's hand went to caress his horns. "That obvious?" He smirked.

Jimin blinked. Even before the test, Jungkook was formidable. No one dared to be in the same room as him. Even the other demons scampered off when he walked inside. He didn't even want to think what he was capable of doing now that he was officially promoted to whatever position it was.

The demon's intense gaze trailed over every inch of his body. "You know you were the only one who said my name out loud in a decade." Jungkook's smirk widened. "Say that one more time."

I messed up.

The tales he heard about the demon replayed in his mind and none of them were good. The one time he witnessed one of the incidents where he set his mentor's wings on fire, the angel hadn't slept all night. It was scary. Jimin shook his head, lips wobbling. Even the feathers in his wings bristled due to fear.

"No?" he cooed. "I'd like to convince you then."

He cowered, scooting as far from his as possible. "P-Please let me go."

Jungkook clicked his tongue. "Ah, come on, little angel. Don't be a party pooper. I thought it'd be nice to celebrate with you. I'm an Archdemon now, you know. Aren't you happy for me?"

Arch- what?

Jimin's eyes comically widened, another visible shudder running through his body.

Jungkook grinned. Somehow, it complimented his handsome features though it instilled fear in him.

"What? Don't like it."

Jimin shook his head.

"No? You're not happy for me?" He pursed his lips to bring that hurtful look to his face. Jimin had seen a few humans do this before. He'd lying if he said that look didn't fit the demon.

Jimin shook his head again. "N-No, not l-like that. C-Congratulations?"

The demon beamed and Jimin felt his heart skip a beat. "Thanks," he said. "So how about we start celebrating now that I have where I want you?"

"Celebrate?" Jimin looked around, realizing he was in the middle of the huge bed.

"Yes." Jungkook's eyes darkened, the black spreading until it swallowed the white part of his eye. "I'm going to enjoy this."

Fear gripped his heart. He shook his head with a soft whimper. There was no way he could escape an arch demon of this caliber. Just what did he have in his mind? Was he going to torture him? Set his wings on fire?

"Please..." he scrambled off the bed, his wings flailing behind him only to be dragged back to the middle of the bed by the invisible hold on his feet. "Please...don't hurt me. I never did anything to you."

The demon laughed. "Oh...don't worry, little angel. You'll love what I'm about to do to you. I'll hurt you so good."

Jimin thrashed against the invisible restraints now spreading his arms and legs wide. The bed dipped and the demon hovered over him. "When this night is over, you'll remember nothing but my name."

The angel sniffled, tugging at the hold. "P-Please...I-I didn't mean it. It was a mistake."

"Didn't mean to walk into my lair or didn't mean to say my name?"

The demon brought his hand to caress his cheek. The touch singed his skin. He jolted but couldn't move too far.

"Shh...I run hot. It won't burn you," the demon said. "Not unless I want you to."

Jimin's tears broke free, heart plummeting into his stomach. "P-Please..."

"Please what, little angel? You haven't answered my question yet." His thumb pressed over his bottom lip. The simple pressure felt too much.

"B-Both. Please...both."

Jungkook hummed, pushing his thumb into his mouth. "You're such a delight, aren't you?"

Jimin was positive now he wasn't going to get out of here alive. Yet, he continued to plead. "P-Please," he said around his thumb. The demon pulled his thumb out. "I-I won't tell anyone," he rushed to say. "Please let me go."

What did I ever do to him?

All these years he made sure to steer clear off him. Whenever they were in the same room for combined classes, he was always aware of his intense gaze on him. Never once did it strike him that the demon would want to hurt him.

The demon on top of him settled his weight over him comfortably. "You see, that's the problem. I can't do that. I've been watching you all these years. Now that I finally have you, I'm not gonna let you go. You're mine now, little angel."

Jimin sobbed. "What do you mean?"

Was the demon going to keep him as a prisoner? Keep him locked in hell? What good was an angel who didn't pass his test?

"I'm gonna ruin you, Jimin. And I want you to tell everyone about this."

A shiver ran through his body and this time definitely not because of fear.

"Oh, that's right. You're absolutely gonna love what I'm gonna do to you."

Jimin thrashed again. "Please...don't...My t-test. I can't—please—I can't." He cried. "I-I need to..."

"You won't need that stupid test, little angel." He leaned closer, face only inches away from him. "Gonna corrupt the purest angel and see what that bastard Cael would do this time."

"W-What? No. No, please." He shook his head fervently.

Jimin had previously heard about the stories of a few corrupted angels. It included committing a sin. Whatever Jungkook had in mind wasn't going to be good. He would never be able to enter the heaven if he was corrupted. He'd forever have to give up his dream of becoming a guardian angel. He'd have to fall. So, he thrashed in his hold.

"D-Don't do it please. Don't do this. They'll never accept me again."

Sobs racked his body and he tugged at his restraints again.

"I-I can't fall. Please...T-They'll kill me."

Jimin didn't even want to think about what would happen if he fell. He would have no place to go. He wouldn't survive this ruthless world. And that was if no demons got to him first. Because to them harming angels was a sport.

The demon cupped his face, causing the entire side of his face to heat up. "I won't let that happen, little angel. No one will harm you."

"Please...don't. Let me go."

The demon chuckled. "Why would I do that, hmm?"

"Y-You said n-no one will harm me. K-Keep your word," he told him, feeling a sudden bout of braveness. Maybe it was because he didn't feel any malicious intent from the demon yet. His aura was still strong and suffocating but it wasn't bad like before.

"Oh, but there's a difference, little angel."

The demon smiled, his thumb caressing the apple of his cheeks. The same invisible force holding him down slithered over his skin, releasing his hands and Jimin immediately pulled them inside his wings that were covering him. Not that it would protect him against the demon but it was the only blanket of security he had at the moment.

However, that sensation didn't last long because he felt the invisible force slowly but gently opening his wings. It tickled his sides in a surprising move, causing him to open the wings and that move was all the demon needed to pin his wings to the bed, leaving him open and vulnerable to him.

Despite the hot temperature in the room and the hottest touch searing his skin, Jimin trembled.

"Please..." He pushed at the demon's chest, immediately retreating his hand because of how hot Jungkook was. "Don't c-corrupt me. P-Please s-show mercy. I-I don't like pain."

He was still an angel with no status. He could easily get hurt and for some reason, he had very little pain tolerance, unlike other angels.

"Ah, I've noticed," the demon drawled with a chuckle. "I often forget how naïve you are." He grabbed his chin, squeezing his cheeks. Jimin's hand flew to grip his forearms. "Maybe this will clarify whatever doubts you have in mind."

That was all the warning he got before the demon pressed his lips to his. The angel froze eyes wide and the grip on the demon's forearm tightened involuntarily. His breath whooshed out when Jungkook pulled back.

Jimin understood. The demon was going to make him sin. Angels weren't allowed to be intimate with anyone. It's an ultimate sin—the forbidden fruit.

The demon grinned, noticing the understanding dawning on his features. "Now you understand," he said in a husky tone that was several octaves lower than his deep baritone was. "I'll make you scream my name tonight until that's all you'll ever remember."

"N-No." Jimin trembled. His heart galloped in his chest, feet kicking in a feeble attempt to break free. "P-Please...I-I can't sin." His tears flowed free. "D-Don't make me sin."

The demon didn't respond, instead pressed his lips on him in response. The angel whimpered trying to push him off. Jungkook was strong and no matter how hard he tried he wouldn't move an inch. He tried to turn his face away but that proved to be a mistake because the demon just tilted his head, pushing his tongue past his lips.

Jimin made a throaty sound, thrashing under him, forcing himself to breathe through his nose and the demon began to lick inside his mouth. Confusion washed over him as instead of disgust something foreign enveloped him. There was a tingling sensation all over his skin and he didn't recognize the sound he made in his throat.

What is happening?

The demon rolled his hips, rubbing directly over his crotch and the angel keened. His lips tingled from where they were connected. The sound of his heartbeat was too loud in his ears and so was their combined breathing.

The demon nibbled at his bottom lips, sucking it between his lips and Jimin made that throaty sound again. The wet smack of their lips was doing things to him he couldn't quite explain.

Suddenly it all felt right. Having the weight of the demon on top of him, the said demon claimed his mouth. Suddenly there was heat spreading all over his body and his eyes were rolling back to his skull. Then instead of pushing, his fists clenched around the front of the demon's robe.

When the demon pulled back, he took several gulps of air suddenly feeling self-conscious and guilt washed over him.

Is this how it felt like to sin?

"You make such beautiful sounds," the demon praised. "Makes me wanna tease you more."

Before the angel could protest, the demon leaned forward, kissing his neck. Jimin gasped, having not expected the sudden surge of sensations that caused him to make the same noises as before. This time they were even louder.

He didn't understand what was happening. But it felt so good. Better than anything he'd ever experienced. Perhaps that was why it was a sin. He tried to protest weakly, pushing at the demon once more to stop him. But his fight died with every suck and every lick on his neck.

"Ngh..." He arched into the demon.

The demon chuckled. "You sound so sinful, angel. Moan louder for me."

He continued to switch sides, kissing and sucking all over his neck. Jimin wasn't sure if he was pushing the demon away or pulling him toward him.

" sensitive," he mumbled against his skin. "Let's see how sensitive you're here." He yanked his robe to reveal his chest. Hot air blew across his nipples. " hard already."

The demon wrapped his lips around his nipple. He licked over the sensitive bud and sucked at it.

"Ah...Ah...Ah..." He writhed under him for completely different reasons.

The angel felt as if someone had ignited his skin and he was burning. The sensations the demon elicited from him were foreign yet he wanted more of it. The need to burn in the flame continued to grow. The stray thought that told him to stop everything was weak now. He could barely hear it over his moans.

The demon continued to assault both his nipples, sucking over one and pinching the other. Jimin was breathless by the time he moved down to kiss his navel.


Jimin arched like a bow when his tongue dipped into his belly button.

"Sensitive everywhere," the demon mumbled. The sound of clothes being ripped could be heard and his hot breath fanned over his most intimate area. "Smell like flowers." He inhaled.

Jimin's eyes flew open. "W-What are you doing?" His hips lifted off the bed when the demon's hot mouth descended on him. "That's...oh..."

His chest heaved and his body trembled with the intensity of pleasure that shot through his cock. Never in his life had he imagined something like this.




He continued to moan, his hips moving on their own. The pleasure only continued to grow. It felt as if he was burning inside out.

Suddenly he tried to push the demon away. "W-Wait!" He thrashed. "S-Stop."

The demon only continued to suck harder.

"Please...s-stop. I-I wanna...oh—"

The demon stopped and pulled away enough to speak. "Let go, angel. Don't control."

Then he took him inside his mouth again.

"What?! No! I-shouldn't. Stop! Oh...ngh..."

Whatever control he had snapped and the next thing he knew he was releasing inside the demon's mouth. The said demon slurping it all. Jimin felt shame wash over him, but the demon looked content when he pulled away. He opened his mouth to reveal a whitish-gray substance.

What the heck was that?

Jimin's cheeks burned when the demon made a show of swallowing it down.

"Taste so good, angel," he praised. He ran his hands over his thighs. "Now I need to if you taste this good everywhere. More ripping sounds followed and then he was folded into half, his knees touching his chest.

"What are you doing there?!" he screeched when he felt the demon's breath on his hole next. "Get away you filthy demon!" He struggled in his hold.

"I'm only getting started, little angel. And it's Jungkook for you."

"No!" He tried to kick him off. "Get off me!"

Jungkook lifted his head, looking at him from between his legs. "Why? Weren't you enjoying a while ago?"

"T-That's different!" Jimin's chest heaved. "I-I'm dirty." He struggled once more to prove his point.

The demon only chuckled. "So you want me to stop?"

"Yes." His voice came bolder than he expected.

"Then you have to say my name, angel."

Before he could protest, he felt the same force from earlier grabbing his legs, keeping him still and the demon kissed him down there.

"No! Aaaaah!"

But the demon wasn't listening. He licked over his hole once, twice, and thrice.


The demon only hummed before he began to suck at his rim, twirling his hot tongue over it. It felt weird but the warmth and tingling sensation spreading had him bite his lips.



The demon stopped. "Ah, come on, angel. I was just getting started." His dark gaze flicked to his hole. "You taste so good." He smacked his lips.

Jimin clenched, caught off guard because he wasn't expecting the demon to stop and he suddenly couldn't remember why he called his name. Maybe it was because it just felt right.

"One more time?" Jungkook coaxed.

The angel nodded wordlessly. Everything was just too sinful and he didn't want it to stop. It was all new to him and he realized he liked it so far.

The demon's smile was blinding when he went down on him again. "I'll make it so good for you, angel." His lips were on him again, kissing him in the most intimate way possible.


He pushed his tongue inside, past his tight ring of muscles, and Jimin's vision blurred. He gasped as the pleasure he'd never known before engulfed him. This was so different from what Jungkook did before. As he got used to the new sensation, he could only moan.


"Mmm...J-Jungkook, oh..." His toes curled and he made a protesting noise when the demon pulled back. Jimin blinked realizing he called his name again. "D-Don't stop," he whimpered. "Please...don't stop."

Jungkook smiled—a satisfied smile that lifted both the corners of his lips. "Didn't plan to." Then he was on it again.

The angel was a blubbering mess, overwhelmed with all the sensations he never thought was possible to experience. Sexual intimacy was new to him. Unlike a few others in his group, he had never even accidentally bumped into humans doing the deed. His knowledge was zero. But if this was how it felt, he could resonate with the ones who sinned.

There was no right or wrong with what he was feeling. He wanted to protest because what was being done to him was everything against his mentor's teachings. But he also wanted to surrender fully to the demons because the pleasure was just so tempting.

His toes curled and he realized the demon had spread him more, his face shoved between his ass cheeks. Jimin flushed just by looking at the mop of dark curls and the thick horns protruding from between his things. It was all too much.

Jimin had heard of the word addiction. Only now, he understood what it actually meant. He could get addicted to this feeling. It even incited a different sort of thrill he used to experience while performing some training tasks on earth. Maybe that was why it was a sin. Because there were no straight thoughts in his mind anymore. He didn't even know two men could do this to each other. It should have been impossible, no?

He had cum once more, spraying that weird whitish-gray thing all over the demon's face, who in turn slurped it like it was the best thing he tasted ever. Jimin was breathing raggedly, thinking it was all over. But the demon just wiped his mouth with the back of his sleeve, wiggling his fingers in the air, and then his hand was back in his hole.

The angel gasped, his hole clenching around the thick digit as something cold and slippery was massaging inside him. His mouth opened in a silent scream as he thrashed on the bed, fists tugging hardly at the sheets.

One finger became two, then three, and then four. Jimin felt like someone knocked the breath out of him. The stretch burned but he also kinda wanted more.

Jungkook pulled away to undress and all Jimin could do was watch. With his wings and legs pinned to the bed at such an odd angle, there wasn't really anything he could do. His gaze widened seeing another man naked for the very first time and his cheeks stung. His cheeks were hotter than when Jungkook caressed him earlier.

The demon was broad and muscular. The ropes of muscles in his abdomen were taut and built like those brick walls he had seen in the human world. Two huge wings covered his entire back. His entire body was chiseled and looked as if it was sculpted out of a polished stone.

When his gaze slid down to his cock, Jimin swallowed.

So big.

It was rock hard, slightly curved at the tip as it rested against his abdomen.

"Like what you see?"

His gaze jerked to the demon's face and he gaped. Shame burned inside of him and he weakly tugged at his restraints.

"Ah, don't be shy now," the demon cooed. He climbed between his legs again, the restraints loosening a bit. Jungkook grabbed the back of his thighs. "So pretty and pink all over," he whispered. "You're better than I ever imagined."

Jimin whimpered when he spread him even more, pressing the head of his cock at his entrance, his intention crystal clear.

He is going to put it inside me?

Oh, my God!

He's going to split me open!

I'm going to die.

The demon might have sensed his panic because he was shushing him, silencing his soft whimpers with a kiss. "You'll enjoy this. I promise," he whispered against his lips.

A demon should never be trusted, especially an Arch demon like Jungkook. But Jimin strangely felt assured and there was just so much sincerity in his eyes that he couldn't look away. Maybe he'd pay the price later for his naivety, but the demon hadn't hurt him physically.


"I'm going to push in," Jungkook said.

The angel bit his lips, clenching tighter around him.

"Shh...relax. Don't fight it." His hands were running along his sides in a soft caress. "Just let go."

They were kissing then and Jimin relaxed, feeling Jungkook opening him inch by inch. It wasn't long before their hips met and Jimin was panting.

"Gonna move now."

The demon moved slowly and once again Jimin flinched. It felt weird to have him inside of him. But as seconds passed he felt the strange sensation build back again. His cock rubbed against something inside and he jolted only to be held back down by the restraints.

The angel moaned, pleasure-filled gasps and whimpers punched out of him with every thrust. The sounds of their skin slapping against each other and the wet squelch were too much. It made everything even sinful and Jimin felt like he was burning up.

The drag of his cock against his inner walls was doing things to him. If that wasn't enough, the demon just fell forward, taking one of his nipples into his mouth. The angel felt the ball of tension tightening in his lower abdomen again. He embarrassingly exploded one more time.

The demon kept going until he was grinding inside him, his features twisted in pleasure, his mouth parted and eyes rolled to the back of his head. It was such a vision. Jimin shook his head, his vision blurring with exhaustion. He wanted nothing more than to curl into a ball and fall asleep.

Jungkook pulled out and the angel slumped against the mattress, ready to nod off, only to be woken up rudely when the demon flipped him on his stomach.

"I'm not yet done with you, little angel."

That was all the warning he received before he was sliding inside him again. His large hand pressed flat between his shoulder blades right where his wings originated.

The demon began to thrust inside him and simultaneously caress his wings. His body shuddered violently having not expected his wings to be so sensitive.

His moans were so loud that Jimin couldn't believe he had it in him. Most of the words tumbling out of his mouth didn't make sense to him. And if he focused enough, he could hear himself chant Jungkook's name.

The demon must have cursed him or used a spell that was all he could think at that point. Because never in his life had he felt so out of it that his own thoughts made no sense. When the demon drew out another orgasm, he felt sleep tug at him.

A soft chuckle was all he heard before passing out like a light.


Jimin woke up in the strange room, feeling as if he was so out of place. He felt well-rested but there was also a slight ache all over his body. He stirred, slowly coming to his senses.

The first thing he noticed was that he wasn't in his room and it smelled like brimstone.


His eyes flew open and he gasped noticing he was lying on a large bed, black sheets draped over his naked form.

Oh, my God!

That wasn't a dream. He sat upright with a hand clamped over his mouth to stop the scream he wanted to let out. It wasn't a dream. He frantically looked around, clutching the sheets around him in a vice grip. He stumbled out of the bed, his lower back and ass aching, reminding him of the sinful things that demons did to him.

Oh, no, no, no.

The restraints were off and he was alone in the room. He looked behind him, specifically at his wings. This time nothing could stop his scream.

I have fallen.

His once pure white wings were now grey. It had lost all that glow. With sobs racking his body, he rushed to what looked like a crystal mirror. He was right. His hair was no longer white silver. It was grayish-silver just like his wings. Even his eyes had changed color.

"No, no, no."

He covered his face, shaking his head furiously. He was now a fallen angel and he had no place to go.

Oh, God! Show mercy!

Forgive me.

He cried, his knees giving out as fell to the floor unceremoniously. There was no going back. There was no way he could attend the test or pass to become a guardian angel. With all his dreams shattered and his future uncertain, he hugged his knees to his chest, crying out loud.


Jungkook heard the sobs even before stepping his foot into the room. His entire body froze when the heart-wrenching cries of the angel assaulted him at full force.

He had just come back from performing his demon duties and maybe had a celebratory drink or two in honor of causing an angel to fall. And that too the purest one like Jimin who was on his way to becoming an archangel eventually.

But he didn't expect to come back to see the broken angel crying his heart out in the middle of his room. He didn't know what caused it. Jimin was asleep when he left him and he made sure the angel was comfortable before he went out.

Did someone hurt him?

He frowned as he slowly approached the angel. Jimin's wings were now gray, just like his hair. Even with this new look, he looked gorgeous as ever.

"Hey, little angel," he called, kneeling in front of the angel.

Jimin's head whipped up, gray eyes instead of glowing silver now looking back at him. "I fell," he wailed. "I can't go back now."

Jungkook's frown deepened. Didn't they establish that already?

"I have no place in this world." Jimin rocked back and forth. "Everyone will hate me."


"You!" He lunged, grabbing his robes and shaking him violently. "You did this to me. Why? What did I ever do to you?"

His tears fell freely and all Jungkook could think was how beautiful the angel looked even when he was distraught. But strangely, the tears were tugging something inside of him. Made his heart clench painfully. He clutched his chest as if he was in physical pain.

"They'll kill me. Are you happy now?" Jimin shook him again. "What did you ever gain from doing this?" He pulled back, scampering away. "Why am I even asking you this? You demons are vile. This is what you do."


"What are you waiting for? Just throw me to your demons and get done with it. Let them rip my wings and then my flesh. It'll be easier that way." He hugged his knees, turning his body away from Jungkook. "I'll never survive in the world alone anyway. They'll hunt me down. They'll kill me."

Every word he spoke felt like a dagger slicing through his chest. Jungkook couldn't bear it anymore. He gathered the crying angel in his arms, pulled him on his lap, and buried his nose into his hair.

"I'll never let anyone harm you," he growled.

Jimin laughed hysterically. "You demons do joke," he said bitterly. "What do you think will happen to fallen angels like me?" He grabbed his wings, sobbing again. His sadness washed over him. "It's all over."

"Jimin, little angel, it's not like that," he tried to explain.

"Just kill me already. What are you even waiting for? Didn't you get what you wanted?"

Not really. Jungkook sighed. You see, the demon has always been obsessed with the angel ever since he first saw him in his class. He stood out to him for some reason. Even when he was so young to understand the reasons, he found himself trailing after the angel, stalking him in the shadows whenever possible.

But Jimin was afraid of him just like everyone else. There were several times he wanted to take the angel away and hide him in his realm, but it was against the rules. It'd start the war and disrupt the peace they had for the past century. So he held back.

However, when Jimin ventured into his side in the collegian where angels had no control over, Jungkook being the weak demon he gave in. He had snatched the angel and brought him home. Because all he could think about was how he could make Jimin his.

"I'm not throwing you anywhere. You're mine now," he said in a stern voice. "I'll protect you from everything. If they want to hurt you, they need to get through me first."

Jimin stopped crying. "What?" he asked in a small voice. "What does that mean?"

"It means this is your home now. I'll keep you safe."

Jimin shook his head, trying to move away. "You must be crazy."

"Yes, I am," he admitted, much to the angel's surprise. "I'm crazy for you, little angel. Had been for as long as I could remember."

Jimin's lips wobbled. "B-But you hurt me. You made me sin."

Jungkook sighed. Their definitions of sin and hurt were so different just like their worlds. "I made love to you," he said in a desperate voice. "I never wanted to hurt you."


The demon nodded. "I had to make you sin. That's the only way I could keep you. I had to make you fall."


"I don't want you to be afraid of me. I'll never hurt you. Ever."

Jimin stared at him in disbelief. "You must be kidding me. An angel cannot live in hell. This place will kill me." He was hysterical. "My body isn't made for this. It'll suck my soul and kill me eventually."

Jungkook stared in stunned silence. He never knew that.

"This place is evil. It'll feed on my soul. We can never coexist." Jimin covered his face and continued to cry.

He didn't know. His shoulders slumped as he continued to stare at the crying angel. He didn't want to believe his words, but angels never lied. They couldn't even if they tried. He needed to talk to others.

He jumped to his feet and stormed off to find the one demon he'd grown to trust, leaving the crying angel behind.


"Jimin, what a surprise!"

Jimin whirled around to see Mark and Antony towering over him, flexing their white wings, beaming smiles almost blinding.

"We didn't think we would run into you here," Mark said.

"Yeah. It's great to see you." Antony looked him up and down. "We thought...I mean...after you fell...ah..."

"You can say it, Antony. I'm sure Jimin doesn't mind." Mark smirked.

They both looked great, draped in white robes. Now there was a shiny badge pinned to their chest, which said they were guardian angels.

"I'm sorry about what happened, Jimin. You wouldn't have gone to the collegian if it weren't for us. We looked for you everywhere. When we couldn't find you, we immediately reported back to Cael, but then..."

He looked remorseful, unlike Mark.

"It was too late," Mark continued. "Cael said you fell."

Jimin lifted the paper bags in his hand to hug them against his chest. They were in a less crowded street. He was returning from shopping when he ran into them. The humans wouldn't be able to see their wings but Jimin could.

"Your hair is gray," Antony said, his expression turning grim.

"So are his eyes and wings," Mark interrupted. "Don't you know that's what happens when you fall?"

Antony glared at Mark, effectively shutting him up. He turned to face Jimin. "How have you been?" He looked him up and down. "I heard fallen angels had it hard."

"He is fine," another voice came from their side, and both their wings bristled, eyes going wide as their bodies went stiff.

Jungkook emerged from the shadows of the setting sun, his frame towering even Mark and Antony. His wings were larger than them and his horns let out of a puff of smoke like they did when he was furious.

"Oh, my God!" Antony gasped. "Jimin, get behind me."

Mark looked pale as if he had seen a ghost.

"Jimin, why aren't you running?" Antony hissed. "Get behind me. Now!" He unsheathed his weapon.

Jimin just smiled, touched by his gesture.

"Antony, what are you doing?" Mark hissed. "He's an Archdemon. We stand no chance against him. We must leave now."

"We can't leave Jimin." Antony wrenched his hand free. "Leave, demon. You have no business here."

Jungkook lifted a brow in amusement. "Yeah?" He chuckled. "What are you going to do, guardian angel? You're no match to me."

"Antony, come on, let's go." Mark tugged at him again.

Antony ignored him and got into a fighting position. "We will see about that."

Jungkook shook his head. "Looks like not all your friends are bad, Jimin," he said to him. "This one is still trying to protect you." He pointed at Antony. "Does he know his other friend is the reason you fell?"

Antony blinked. "What?"

Jimin sighed, trudging up to the Archdemon and thrust the paper bags in his arms. "It's irrelevant." He turned to Antony. "Thank you, Antony. It's nice to meet you too. Jungkook won't harm me. You don't have to fight him."

"What?" His brows shot up to his hairline. Antony looked even more confused. "What do you mean he won't harm you? Demons feed on the angels, especially the fallen ones. You're not safe here. And why are you saying his name? No one says his name." He looked extremely uncomfortable.

"Oh, I feed on him plenty," Jungkook retorted. "Not sure if you'd want to be enlightened."

"Jungkook!" The fallen angel slapped at his chest. "Don't say that."

"Oops...sorry, little angel." Jungkook turned his attention to the other two guardian angels. "Maybe the right question to ask here is why your friend over there sneaked scavenger hunt clues into the forbidden parts of the collegian. Places where you shouldn't be in the first place and places angels had no control over."

Antony blinked. He looked between Mark and Jungkook. "I-I don't understand. Is it about that day Jimin went missing?"

Jungkook's lips stretched into that devious grin. "Exactly that. But who am I to complain?" He shrugged. "I wouldn't have found Jimin or corrupted him if it wasn't for him," he continued in a smooth tone. "So I'm grateful."


"Yeah, let's go." He grabbed Jimin's hand. "It's nice meeting you guys. But stay away from my angel. He's no longer your concern." His features hardened. "He belongs to me now."

Antony and Mark looked shell-shocked. Jimin could only smile.

"What is he talking about, Mark? You purposefully left clues in their place?" He turned toward Mark just as Jungkook began to guide Jimin away.

"I-It's not true. He's lying!"

Their voices carried over.

"He is not. Jimin would have said something if that's the case." They heard a grunt. "I'm informing Cael."

"What? No!"

"Antony! Come back!"

Jimin exhaled as he turned around the corner, his grip on Jungkook's elbow tight. "You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

The demon shrugged. "What would have happened if you had run into someone else that day?" he asked. "He deserves what's coming his way for doing what he did."

Jimin shook his head, used to his shenanigans. "So, what do you want for dinner tonight?"

"We're going out. There's this nice restaurant that opened in town. Heard every human talk about their food a lot lately."

"Oh, I'd love to check them out."

Jungkook grinned—a smile he only saved for him. Jimin couldn't help but smile back. He was happy. They had moved to live with humans shortly after his fall. Jungkook had said they both could coexist here and Jimin could do whatever he wanted. To his surprise, Jungkook even got him a job in a daycare center where he had to care for human babies.

"Why waste your time on one human when you can be the guardian angel for a hundred other babies?"

It may not have been what Jimin wanted but it was the next best thing he could get. Not to mention the attentive boyfriend turned husband. They had married as per human customs because the demon kept insisting they had to do that.

They lived pretty much like humans and were very much in love. Jimin beamed at his husband and tugged him, puckering his lips. A kiss was immediately granted.

Yes. Much better than how his life would have been if he had become a guardian angel.

The couple continued to walk down the path toward their home where Jimin had his own garden, happily chattering as the sunset for the day, leaving a golden glow to the sky. 

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