Chapter 20

At the sound of the principal's voice calling your name you immediately opened the door, stepping timidly into the room as you eyed it for the first time.

There was no one inside when you entered, the dark and antique decorated room seemingly empty of people.

You half-tiptoed into the center of the room, noting the various magical objects placed conspicuously on shelves around the spacious office.

Your name being called by apparently nobody was a faraway thought now as you made your way over to the large dark oak desk.

"Ah, there you are!" A cheerful voice called from behind you.

You jumped and spun around, clutching at your chest in shock.

Standing in the door way you had just come through was the principal herself.

"I was wondering when you would stop by, but perhaps we had a little too much fun last night?" She sang, gliding elegantly into the room so she could sit back behind her desk.

You hadn't uttered a word yet, far too enchanted by her powerful presence to make a sound.

"Have a seat dear" She said, once more breaking the silence in the room and pointing to the empty chair across from her.

You awkwardly shuffled over to it, plopping down and crossing your legs as if you could suddenly make yourself seem presentable in your disheveled state.

You were really starting to feel guilty about not at least putting makeup on or brushing your hair.

Its like you weren't even trying to look like you didn't just wake up.

"Now I can imagine you are still trying to get a grasp on the events that unfolded yesterday, having had such a monumental and might I add, historical, magical breakthrough."

You hummed in response, agreeing with her.

She's got that right.

"We here at the academy, and every other academy for that matter, have never had the pleasure of having a student with three affinities in our ranks, let alone all five. As you can imagine, we are all in a bit of shock over the... situation.
I had a meeting with our professors last evening to discuss what we should do with this new development. Contacting the Elders was, of course, one of the options."

You felt your heart start to quicken in your chest at her last words.

The absolute last thing you wanted was to be outed to the Elders.

The same people who, rumor had it, commanded the hunt of Elemental Enchanters and Enchantress' in all of the old folk tales.

As you shifted uncomfortably in your seat, the principal immediately noticed your discomfort.

"Oh, but not to worry my dear, I wholeheartedly decided against it and I would like to explore this with you one on one, which is why I immediately placed a secrecy charm on our faculty and students after the Ceremony. At least until we have a better understanding of how to move forward."

You let out the breath you didn't know you had been holding in, thankful (and slightly concerned) that the principal was willing to use such an intrusive charm on the school.

"I spent much of last night in our school library, in the ancient archive section, searching for help in this matter. Unfortunately, anything I found was well... unhelpful to say the least. The Myth of Elemental Enchanters and Enchantress' have never had a good light shed on them in our history.
So that leaves the decision to you and I. Which is why I called you here today, in order to propose a.... well, a trial if you will. A test of our ability to adapt through a slightly complicated weekly class schedule.
Rather than subjecting you to 5 extra classes a day, I have decided to have you take one of each, once a day."

You watched as the principal leaned over to a nearby filing cabinet, reaching in to grab a slip of paper before passing it to you.

Eyes scanning the sheet, it was a series of Elemental classes with dates and times written beneath them.

10:00 - 10:55 - Year 3 Fire Affinity

10:00 - 10:55 - Year 2 Water Affinity

10:00 - 10:55 - Year 3 Air Affinity
10:55 - 11:15 - Advanced Elemental Enchantress Studies

10:00 - 10:55 - Year 2 Earth Affinity

10:00 - 10:55 - Spirit Affinity; Specialized Studies

You looked back up at the woman with furrowed brows, confusion written all over your face.

"Why am I placed in Year 3 Fire and Air studies?" You asked curiously, concerned that she might have made a mistake.

"Ah yes, I was very torn over that one. Of course, I can always place you into the Year 2 classes if you wish. However, I thought you would cope with the influx of course-load much easier if you were with your familiars. To ensure you don't fall too far behind, I will have a talk with each of your roommates so they are aware they are to help guide you through these next few weeks."

You nodded your head, trying not to panic as you realized your Fire Affinity class would not only include Yoongi, but also Ji-Hye.

Not to mention she also had the affinity for air, which meant that's TWO classes a week you'd have to see her skanky face.


"You may have also noticed that I've scheduled you for a Elemental Enchantress Study session, which will be held here in my office, with me. As well as your Spirit Affinity class which is also held here, along with your roommate Hoseok."

You smiled, the thought of getting to practice Spirit with Hoseok making you emanate a little bit of his brightness.

"I know this is a great deal of information for one morning, and you are probably eager to get back to enjoying your weekend, so I will dismiss you for now."

"Thank you, I'll do my best to adjust to the new schedule." You said with an anxious grin, bowing your head slightly out of respect before standing up.

Just as you reached the door you heard you name being called again.

"Oh Y/N! One more thing!"

You paused in the door-frame, looking over your shoulder at the woman, wondering what else could possibly be said after that tirade of information.

"I would also like for you to join the Charmed Enchantress Society, lead by my daughter Ji-Hye. I believe your new affinities will be an excellent addition to the group as well as next week's upcoming Celestial Ritual."

What the fu-

"I've already informed her that you will be joining them in their next meeting on Monday after class in the Year 3 Charms Class. I imagine one of your roommates can help you locate it."

And with that she sat back down, reaching for a nearby book and abruptly ending the conversation.

You didn't know what to say.


You knew what you wanted to say.


But maybe that would be a little dramatic for your first ever meeting with the school principal?

You balled your hands into fists, turning on your heels and stalking down the stairs to the school halls, a cloud of frustration hovering over you.

Not only do you now have to take classes with her, but you also have to join her Witch B**ch club and follow her lead.

To add a cherry on top, you currently have to go back to the dorm and face the two people you seriously did not want to see.

Seriously my life is a god damn mess...

You stared at your feet as you walked mindlessly though the halls of the school, slowing your pace so you didn't have to spend anymore time in the dorm than absolutely necessary.

At least you had to meet Taehyung for dance practice today...

Maybe that could be my saving grace?

When you finally reached the door to your dorm you paused, taking in a deep breath in the small hopes of calming yourself.

Spirit, please let me get through these awkward encounters without dying of a panic attack...

You were half-joking, praying up to no one in particular tended to be a sarcastic habit of yours.

However, the minute you finished your train of thought you felt a wave of calm wash over you, from the tips of your toes all the way up to the top of your head.

It was as if you quite literally exhaled all the negativity and anxieties that were consuming you, the feeling like nothing you had ever experienced before.

"Well sh*t" You muttered to yourself, turning the door handle and waltzing straight into the dorm.

Splayed out on the couch with his mouth hanging open and drool dripping down his face, was none other than your bunk bud.

You smiled to yourself, tip-toeing around him to get to the door to your room.

So far so good, you thought to yourself, the rest of the dorm seemingly empty of your rowdy roommates.

You stepped into your room, eyes fixated on Kookie's sleeping form just to make sure you didn't wake him when you carefully closed the door.

Sauntering over to your trunk and propping open the lip, you began to rifle through its contents, searching for something a little more athletic to wear that didn't involve the school uniform.

"Aha!" You said out loud, pulling out your single piece of workout clothing.

A black Adidas tank, perfect for hiding the sweat from your tiring lack of dance skills.

Without even thinking, you stood up, pulling your hoodie up and over your head and tossing it onto the floor, before doing the same with your t-shirt.

"OH S**T!"

At the sound of another voice in the room, you immediately reached for Jungkook's bunk blanket, quickly pulling it around yourself protectively.

Mortified that one of your roommates had just seen the entirety of the laciest bra in your wardrobe your eyes scanned the room for the source of the voice.

F*ck f*ck f*ck!

Who's life have I just destroyed...

Sure enough, with a pillow smashed against his face, Jimin was sat on the top of his bunk.

How the hell did I not notice him when I came in?!?

You tried your best to force out something, anything that might possibly turn this mortifying situation around.

"Ah- J-Jimin I'm so sorrry I-"

"No, I'm sorry, I was sleeping and I-I didn't notice you were...." He paused, the embarrassment in his voice as clear as day, you didn't even have to see his his face to know it was probably beetroot red.

"Sorry" You muttered again, covering your face with the blanket you were wrapped in to try and hide your flaming red cheeks.

"I'll just uh- leave and-"

"I-Its okay, j-just turn around for a second.." You stuttered out, feeling completely full of guilt over waking the boy in such a way.

I've undoubtedly scarred him for life now...

You peeked over the blanket after a moment of silence, to see Jimin turn around to face the wall, burying his face into the pillows he had grabbed the second he saw you strip.

Jesus f**king Christ

There's no way I can come back from this now.

You quickly threw on the tank, grabbing a sports jacket from your trunk before closing the lid and bolting out of the room.

"Bye!" You called as you left, slamming the dorm door behind you and running over to the couch.

Practically vaulting over it, you landed straight on top of your bunk bud.


Limbs flying wildly at the intrusion, Jungkook startled awake, attempting to fight whoever was attacking him in his sleep.

"It's just me you goof" You snapped, smacking him on the arm before situating yourself beside him, the adrenaline from the situation earlier still coursing through you.

"I was sleeping, why did you wake me u-"

"Listen!" You interrupted, forcing a smile slightly at his sleepy whiny-baby voice.

Kookie furrowed his brows at you, crossing his arms like an angry toddler.

"I-uh-may have just um... accidentally stripped in front of Jimin..."

You watched Jungkook's facial expression change from angry to shock, his eyes practically bulging out of his head as he took in what you had just said.

"You WHAT!?"

"SHHH!" You hushed, smacking your hand out so you could cover his big mouth.

"Sorry, sorry, but what!?" He repeated, "Why did you do that!?"

"I didn't do it on purpose!" You whined, immediately swatting him for even thinking that, "I didn't know he was in there!"

Jungkook shook his head back and forth, trying to understand what was going on.

"Okay, let me get this straight. What you're saying is, you gave Jimin a strip tease and you're pretending you didn't know he was there. I see-"

"Y/N! There you are! I've been waiting for half an hour for you!" Came Taehyung's voice, interrupting Jungkook's impending execution.

"This isn't over you little sh*t" You snarled at your bunk bud, turning to face Tae with a smile.

"Sorry TaeTae, I didn't know you were waiting on me!" You said sweetly, instantly removing all of the poison that was in your voice only seconds before and standing up off the couch, "I'm ready to go now!"

You followed the boy to the front door, looking back in time to flip your bunk bud off before you disappeared into the hallway.


"Tae, I seriously can't do this!" You whined, leaning over the piano dramatically.

You had been in the practice room for hours, sweating profusely as you tried and tried to mimic the moves Taehyung was trying to teach you.

"Should we scrap the idea and go with a partner dance instead?" He offered, throwing his towel over his shoulder as he walked over to get his water bottle.

You thought back to your last class, remembering how much easier it was when Tae was guiding you instead of having your complete your own part of the routine.

You sighed, standing up so you could stretch before giving in.

"Fine, lets do it"

In no time at all, Taehyung was out in the middle of the floor, playing and replaying the song over and over as he meticulously choreographed a new routine for the both of you.

Despite the fact you weren't entirely happy with the choice of Water as your element inspiration, you were glad that it was an element the both of you had in common.

Even if you could technically say that for any affinity...

I'm amazed I could forget for even a second that I'm a freak now.

"Alright, I think I figured it out!' Taehyung called, panting slightly from his last minute choreography session.

You nodded at him, walking towards the center of the room as you tried to mask your nervousness.

"Think I can pull it off?" You questioned, taking the hand that was held out to you, "You didn't make it too difficult right? I mean, its your well-being on the line after all..."

Taehyung laughed, grabbing your other arm and placing it on his shoulder before his own settled gently on your hip.

"Just follow my lead, remember?" He smirked, catching your gaze so you could focus on him.

You took a deep breath as the music started again, feet immediately following the water boy's as he moved across the floor.

You surprised even yourself at how effortless it felt, letting yourself go and completely giving all control over to Taehyung and his masterful dancing.

It was almost as if his presence was casting a spell on your two left feet.

"See!?" He said with a smile, "I knew you could do it!"

You laughed in pure bliss, looking down at your feet dancing in time to the beat of the music, not stepping on his toes even once.

"You're a miracle worker, Tae!" You said back, a little louder so he could hear you over the music playing from the studio speakers.

When the song finally stopped both of you were full of smiles, clearly pleased with yourselves at your first attempt at the group performance.

"That was amazing!" You said happily, "We're for sure going to win!"

And you actually believed what you were saying for once, a huge contrast to how helpless you felt only minutes before.

"Well... I do have one more idea that might take our performance to the next level" The boy said, eyes narrowing as he focused on his thoughts.

You furrowed your brows as he stalked over to the side of the room, grabbing his water bottle and bringing it back to the center.

"Tae, what are y-"

"Do you trust me?" He asked suddenly, cutting you off mid-sentence, the seriousness in his tone only making you nervous.

"Of course I do, but wh-"

Just as you were about to ask, he had already done it.

The boy took off the cap to his water, tipping the bottle and pouring the entirety of its contents onto the floor at your feet.

"Hear me out," He said, noticing the concerned look plastered all over your face, "I know neither of us have had any water affinity classes yet, but I'm thinking maybe we could give it a try."

You stepped away from the puddle pooling out around your feet, confused and slightly terrified at what he was implying.

It's not like your childhood fear of water just evaporated the second you became an Elemental Enchantress, even if it was just a puddle...

"I overheard the swim team captain talking about how he just has to think about what he wants water to do and the action manifests itself from there! Kind of like he's talking to his element through his mind... I just need you to trust me"

"O-okay. I trust you," you eventually uttered out.

What harm can a small puddle of water do anyways?

And if it's going to help our chances with this project, I should take every chance I can get.

You watched curiously as Taehyung crouched down, eyes staring intently at the puddle of water.

"I'm sure that's how it works for everyone, every book I've ever read kind of describes it that way, and I think that's what we go to classes for. So we can learn how to communicate with our elements. But I'm thinking that maybe, just maybe, if the two of us try our best we can create even a small bit of magic, something that will integrate into our dance!"

As the air around you fell silent, Taehyung closed his eyes, his eyebrows scrunching up as he concentrated.

Your eyes darted from the puddle to the boy, curious if his theory would play out like he had hoped.

Sure  enough, not even a few moments later, the puddle rippled, a small wave manifesting from the still water on the floor.

"You did it Tae!" You called, snapping him out of his concentration, "You made a wave in the water!"

Opening his eyes back up with a smile, Taehyung jumped to his feet.

"I knew it!" He shouted, reaching out for you and pulling you into a hug, "Lets try it with the dance, shall we?"

You nodded at him, surprised at yourself for being so supportive despite the fact you actually hated water and everything about it.

Should you really be saying that when it's literally bonded to you and tattooed on your arm?

Probably not.

But oh well.

Your heart raced as the music began again, eyes looking down as you started your dance once more.

Just like before, you let the boy guide your movements completely, the feeling of bliss washing over you again as you stepped in time to the beat.

"Okay, ready?" He called over the music, "Concentrate on making the water dance with us!"

You shut your eyes, which in hindsight could have been the worst idea in the world, as you tried to imagine the water from the center of the room following your steps.

Please, Water, follow my two left feet for my friend's sake, you pleaded in your mind.

Your body being pulled around by Taehyung, you were scared to look down again in case the plan wasn't working.

However, when you heard a small gasp from in front of you, your eyes shot open.

Gaze plastered on the floor, Taehyung's face looked completely full of shock.

You followed his line-of-sight, what you were met with completely taking your breath away.

Down at your feet, surrounding you and up to your ankles, was delicate droplets of water, floating mid-air.

They bounced off the floor and twirled around you as if they were actually dancing with you, flying back and forth between yourself and Taehyung as you danced around the room together.

"Wow.." You breathed, completely taken by the feeling this element was giving you.

You didn't look back up once through the whole song, not even breaking your stare as the song ended and the water returned to a mere puddle on the floor.

"That was amazing." You whispered again, unable to think of anything else beyond what you had just experienced.

"We're going to win for sure" Taehyung said suddenly, snapping you out of your trance as you looked back up at the boy, a bright boxy smile gracing his face.

You smiled back, so thankful to have such a great dance partner and friend.

Out of no where, the boy reached a hand up, tucking a fly-away strand of your hair behind your ear, his eyes flickering to yours as he did so.

You held your breath in surprise as his fingers grazed lightly against your ear, trailing softly down your cheek before returning to his side.

"Y/N, I-"

Before he could finish his sentence, the door to the studio flew open.

"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt but me and Jung-soo rented this space out for the next hour!"


Oh sh*t

Shocked over how late the time grew, you whipped your head around at the source of the sound, your gaze meeting that of two Second year boys, ones you recognized from your creative studies class.

"Sorry!" You called back, ducking around Taehyung to go grab your jacket before making your way out into the hall.

Your mind was so preoccupied with whatever moment you just had with Taehyung that you couldn't even speak as the two of you made your way back towards the dorms.

You had no idea what was just about to happen, had you not been interrupted so suddenly, but you couldn't help to feel both curious and grateful for it.

The last thing you needed was for any more unwanted tension in the boys dorm.

But he didn't seem to notice your apparent silence as he launched into conversation about the outfits he planned on coordinating for the two of you and your performance.


I seriously need to get my shit sorted out...


Hello everyone! How are you all?

We're so excited to be getting back into this story, we're falling in love with the idea all over again! 

We think the break was definitely necessary, to rediscover our original passion for this story and now we feel like we can fully get back to the grind of everything. 

Hope you all like this new update and where it's going!

Please feel free to leave lots of comments or feedback, we love reading all of your comments!

Lots of love,

x Katie and Sisi x

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