8.New neighbors

Walking in our house all alone late in the afternoon feels intimidating. My dad insisted on driving me back home, and almost convinced me he would stay with me. He was so worried today after he saw me crying. Thank God he didn't ask any questions during the ride. He parked into the driveway and was ready to come inside but I just got off and thanked him for driving me, reassuring him that I'll be fine.

I turn on all the lights, chasing away any disturbing images from my brain and go to the kitchen. I make sure to clear all thirty missed calls and the few messages the screen displays. If there's anything that can take my mind off of this, it is baking. And angry eating.

I did a great job hiding things from mom and dad but now I feel like everything is coming apart. A week ago, I was thrilled and eager to see Shanon, to get my yearly dose of him. Confessing my love felt like a pleasant and promising idea, like it would open doors for us, or set me free from all the thinking and hiding my feelings. But all it did is ruin us, and break us apart. I never thought that he would do what he did. I put my faith in him. Like a blind person, I let him guide me and he drove me straight to my tomb.

Tears start blurring my vision and I suck them back. I really feel like giving up and crying, and just sleeping it off. Pushing everything to the back of my mind, I splash my face with some cold water and massage my temples as I sit on a chair and take deep breaths.

My phone rings making me jump slightly. At first, anger consumes me, thinking it's him again. But then when I see the caller, anger flies out of the window.

"DEBBY!" I shout as the same time she shouts "JOSY!"

"I'm on a hurry right now but there's a change in plans and I'll be in town tomorrow. I'll come see you at the beach house-" she says as fast as she can.

"I'm back at home alone. Come here instead. There's so much to catch up on."

"Cool. I have so much to tell you. I'll see you tomorrow at noon." With that, the line goes off.

It's weird how one phone call can change your mood. I'm about to wear my apron to make something to eat when a knock is heard on the front door. I debate whether or not to ignore it. Shanon couldn't have come all the way here, it would seem suspicious. Who else could it be?

With a frying pan in hand, I reach for the door handle and pull it slowly, swallowing hard.

"Hello. Oh I'm sorry we didn't mean to scare you..." A woman that looks in her late thirties stands in front of me with a platter of cookies in her hands and a boy next to her. He seems to be taken aback with my action as he playfully raises his arms in surrender, a sweet smile forming on his face.

"Oh no, I'm sorry. I thought it was someone else." I put the pan away and give them a weak smile.

"Oh I'm sorry, I knew it was late. But the cookies couldn't wait till tomorrow." She giggles mostly to herself and hands me the tray. The smell envades my system that I forget to thank her.

"We're new in the neighborhood. I just moved here with my two sons. I'm Vivian Dilorenzo, and this is my son Charles. You can call him Charlie, everybody does." Her warm smile is contagious and spreads a lovely vibe in the air. I instantly feel like we would get along, despite the age difference.

"Ma, stop it." Charles nudges her, a sweet dimple showing on his cheek as he smikes shyly which makes me stare for a little too long but I quickly turn back to her.

"Um...nice to meet you. I'm Joseline but you can call me Josy, everbody does." I see a glimpse of another dimpled smile and I smirk. "Would you like to come in? My family is not here but I can be your host."

"Oh honey, don't worry. I just came here to give you the cookies and introduce myself. It's a little late, I know. How about you come have dinner with us instead? You must feel all lonely in this house. Plus you get to know Charlie and Sean."

Without thinking and as if I was waiting for such an opportunity, I nod to her. I bring my phone and keys and close the door behind us, not bothering to change my comfy shorts nor my light shirt.


"Thanks for the dinner. Can I help you with the dishes aunt Vivian?" I neatly fold my napkin aside and am about to start gathering the dishes on the table when she stops me, her hands on both of my shoulders.

"You don't have to. I'll take care of this. Go!" She ushers me to go with Charlie. After washing my hands, I join the boys in the living room and they are already watching a football game. I stand in the doorway and take in my surroundings. The room is not very large, it is of medium size, a huge plasma TV stuck to the front floral decorated wall, and a wooden low table is centered around some fluffy and inviting sofas.

My eyes land on Charlie since I first saw him today. His eyes are glued to the TV, the remote held tight in his hands. It is only now that I notice his arms are buffed, from shoulder to hand, and it continues down to his chest, making the jersey he's wearing look like it's not his size. He has a serious yet warm look on his face as he watches the game. I wonder what color are his eyes. I take a step forward, trying not to catch his attention nor break anything by my feet.

"Didn't anyone tell you that it's rude to stare?" I stop dead in my tracks, like a thief who was just caught red handed. Sean looks pissed with his hands tucked in his pockets, a cat on his lap. He doesn't move his eyes off the TV, he just caresses the pet with frustration.

"Can you be a little less disrespectful? She's a guest, be nice to her."

"No, thank you very much. Plus, I didn't do anything, she is the rude one, she was staring for too long."

"Jesus, Sean! Any problem with that? Just shut the hell up." Charlie stands from the sofa, after letting a defeated sigh out, and turns to me. "Let's go sit somewhere else." He tells me, a sincere and warm look all over his face.

"I'm sorry about my little brother. He can be bitter sometimes." We go sit down at the stairs by the porch, lights surrounding us, and the grass looking all wet and inviting. At he dining table, it was mosly aunt Vivian and I who spoke, she asked me about school and my parents and I learned that her husband passed away when Sean was a baby. The boys were quiet at the table, so I didn't know what to expect.

"It's okay." I try to sound cool, although I'm so embarrassed by being caught staring. First impressions Josy, first impressions!

"He tends to get pissed while watching games. Don't take him too personally."

"You're not like him." We both stare into the oasis of serenity, a sense of tranquility taking over the both of us.

"We are different. I'm not too crazy about football anyway." He lays on his back, and rests his head in his crossed hands.

"What are you crazy about then?"

"I like working out but not watching sports."

"Interesting. I like swimming but not working out."

"Swimming is a way of working out."

"Well if you say so. But I'm not aiming for an athlete body."

"Who cares about athlete bodies? Aren't you happy in your own skin?"

"I guess I am."

"You don't seem so sure."

"No, I am. I just don't consider it a big deal."

"Having an athlete body is not a big deal. Being happy in your own skin is."

Silence falls between us, my brain in awe at his words. I haven't noticed my arms are hugging my knees and the way I'm looking at him, like he's an alien, until he sits back down.

"Are you okay? You seem a little distracted."

"No no, I'm just having fun. I love deep talks, it's been a while since I had one."

"Really? Why has it been a while?"

"It's just that... people change and do things that make you not trust them any longer. It's a fraction of the second really that changes everything. And after it, you'll find that you're withdrawing yourself from that person automatically. Until that relationship is over. And then you become strangers." It's only after I spill all the beans out that I cover my mouth with my hand.

"Do you want to talk about it?" No judgment is clear in his voice, he only eyes me with worry.

"There isn't much to say..." he brings his hand under my chin, surprising me, and lifts my face to look at him, and then quickly remove his hand. Our eyes lock for a moment before he talks.

"Eyes don't lie Joseline. Yours are full of talk." As soon as he says those words, tears gather in my eyes as if on command. For the first time, I want to cry and I'm not bothered by the existence of a new boy next to me. In contrast, tears fall gracefully down my cheeks, and I find pleasure in letting this boy watch me cry and wipe my cheek with his thumb.

"It's okay to cry. You can tell me, only if you want to." I let my body lean in towards his and he places his arm behind my back, letting me discover this new territory, the cozy arms that rub lightly my back. Tears pour on his clothes for a while, accompanied with my quiet sobs.

"There's this boy that I'm in love with. We've been friends for a long time. I just wanted him to know that I love him dearly but he.. he... used me. He knew that I was a virgin and he didn't stop. I-I loved him and everything about him. I just wanted to kiss him like couples do... God I sound so naive..." I break into sobs, not ready to take any criticism or judgment from Charlie. I'm confused how I ever spilled my secrets to a stranger who just moved next door. He could be psychic, he could be a killer, but that's the least of my concerns right now.

"It's okay, you're safe here. Did he hurt you? Are you in pain?" He pats on my hair soothing my pain away, but doesn't look down a me.

"Not in physical pain..." he squeezes me tightly, until I'm all snuggled up into his warm chest. My stomach does a little flip at the foreign touch that feels so amazing.

"It's okay. You're going to be okay. You don't have to see him anymore, do you?"

"That's literally impossible. He is my cousin..." A short gasp is followed by him pulling back from me, and I shiver at the loss of contact, cold breeze blows into my lights clothes. His mouth hungs open for a few seconds but he tries to recover quickly.

"Let's get inside, it's getting chilly." He helps me up and we go into the house, his face holding an neutral look.

"Josy!" Aunt Vivian screams when she sees us emerge inside, his hand on my back. "Are you okay?"

"Of course! It's getting late. I should probably head back home."

"What? And stay there all alone? How about you spend the night here? It's already eleven!"

"It's okay really, I don't want to be a burden."

"Are you serious? You're not a burden at all! I can call your parents if that's what you're worried about."

"I can give you my room and my bed." Charlie chimes in with a grin. Aunt Vivian probably saw hesitation in my eyes that's why she adds "As you wish, honey. I'm not imposing. I don't want a pretty girl like you home alone."

"Come on, I'll show you the room. It's just one night." Charlie pushes me before I can respond, ignoring his mother's words.

I'm pushed throughout the hall to the last room on the right.

"I'm sorry it's a little messy, we just arrived today." He says and moves to remove some boxes out of the way.

"Thanks for listening to my boring rambling instead of watching the game." I say as I plop myself on the bed.

"There are some blankets in the closet if you want. The bathroom is right next door. And I'll be in the living room if you need anything." He ignores my words as if I haven't just said anything. I can't help the admiration I look at him with, such a gentleman.

"I can stay in the living room and you can have your bed."

"No, it's okay, really."

"Thank you for everything Charlie, I honestly appreciate it."

"Thank you for trusting me. Don't be upset, you trusted him, and he cut the ground from under your feet. We'll work something out. Just rest now and forget everything."

"Okay. Good night then."

"Good night Josy. Sleep well." He leaves, shutting the door behind him. I turn lights off and lay back on the bed, my body already drifting to sleep, without overthinking anything.

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