" Ahhhh" Khushi woke up trying to open her eyes, she was having a terrible headache because of drinking..
After a lot of attempts to open her eyes she looked around.. " Arnav's room? When did I came here?"
She looked at the right side of the bed and found Arnav sleeping there..
" DM what am I doing here?" Khushi asked gasping..
Arnav woke up hearing her mumblings..
" You slept here.." Arnav said normally..
" With you? I mean I don't remember anything.." Khushi said scratching her head to fill something in her brain, but it was all blank..
" Relax.. And by the way you're going to be my wife.. There is nothing wrong in it.." Arnav said smirking...
" Okay.. " Khushi said suspiciously, what really happened with her? She doesn't remember anything..
She went running to her room..
Arnav smiled and went to freshen up..
Both walked out of the room at the same time, while Arnav was smirking at Khushi. She was embarrassed for sleeping with him..
" Chote today no work okay .. We have to shop.. Clothes for everyone.." Ragini said placing the bread on the table..
Arnav pushed back the chair to sit down: " Haan ma, I will not work today"
Khushi looked at Arnav with big eyes..
" Khushi Aman can't do this..." Neil said as all were in Rohan room chatting about Khushi's discover..
" Yes I don't believe it also.. You're misunderstanding, I know Aman and NK for long time.. There is no reason to doubt them" Rohan said serious to Khushi..
" Please believe me. It was the same voice.. " Khushi said, she was seeing no one was supporting her and why not? Aman seemed to have gained their trust..
" Khushi he has not the same voice of the man that said those things to you.. Maybe the laughter sound was the same, but Aman is not at fault.. " Ragini said harshly to Khushi, then left the room..
Soon one by one started leaving the room, and Khushi cried " Why is no one believing me? I'm sure its Aman... "
Aman came in the room after everyone left laughing: " So you found me!!! OMG Khushi you're very smart.. Just by a laughing sound you reached me.. Impressive..
Aman laughed evily clapping.. " Aww don't cry baby... Go back to your coffee shop, because like Arnav's family didn't believe you, Arnav is also not going to believe you if you tell him.. You lost Khushi.. You lost this game.. I'm the winner.. "
Khushi with sharp eyes: I didn't accept defeat till now.. I will show your truth to Arnav very soon. So what if my family doesn't believe, Arnav I'm sure he will listen to me..
Aman rolled his eyes: Oh come on.. I'm Arnav's best friend. The one who consoled him when you left him, so basically he will be at my side..
Khushi looked at him: Why are you doing this?
Aman laughed: What will do knowing it? When you already lost this game.. There is no need to know why I want my friend to suffer..
Khushi angry: I'm the winner do you get that? DM is with me.. And I will expose you in front of Arnav.. Mark my words..
Khushi left the room wiping her tears with determined eyes..
" Thanks God.. You're really at my side.. I can't believe it, all Raizada family trusted me instead of Khushi. Wow.. " Aman said smirking..
Arnav came near Khushi dressed up to go out: Are you ready?
Khushi nodded: Yes let's go..
Arnav looked at Khushi's eyes " Was she crying? Why?"
Arnav: Were you crying?
Khushi: Arnav if I tell you something bad about someone you trust a lot. Would you believe in me?
Arnav looked at Khushi: No, of course not.. What are talking about?
Khushi looked at him shocked: Don't you trust me?
Arnav: No.. Why should I trust you? You never did something for me to trust you..
Khushi looked at him numb. Arnav looked at her with a sad face " Sorry Khushi, Aman is behind us and I don't want him to know that I'm at your side otherwise he will harm you.."
They went to the shopping..
Reaching there they went to see sarees and jewelry to the ladies, and Neil, Arnav, Rohan, Aman, NK, Shyam and Ayan went to buy sherwanis for them..
" Arnav this one is awesome.. Try it" NK said smiling and handling a white sherwani to Arnav..
Arnav faked a smile, he was looking at the shop opposite where he saw Khushi sad alone, of course she wasn't in mood to shop after what he told her..
" I must change her mood.." Arnav thought..
He left the sherwani and went to the ladies shop..
" Don't you want to marry?" Arnav asked Khushi..
Khushi looked away: No.. Why should I marry you when you don't trust me?
Arnav smiled: Just because of that..
Khushi looked at him with big eyes: Trust is the most important thing in marriage, do you know?
Arnav nodded: I don't trust anyone... Teach me how to trust..
Khushi glanced at Arnav: If I teach you, will you trust me?
Arnav smirked: Only if my teacher is good, I will give her my good marks.. So don't let me fail..
Khushi smiled.. Arnav: Now go and enjoy!
Khushi nodded and walked to go smiling..
Arnav: Listen.. Buy something red okay?
Khushi looked at Arnav confused: Why?
Before he answered, she remembered and went running from there blushing..
He went to his side again, showing his sherwani to Khushi.. He asked her if she liked it..
She nodded showing thumbs up, Arnav went to try and it fit him perfectly..
Khushi chose a red lehenga for marriage day and others dresses for the rest of ceremonies..
After shopping, Arnav went to keep the bags in the car with NK..
" Wow bro.. You're really happy marrying her right? " NK asked smiling..
" Yeah NK.. I'm happy! And I'm seeing you're very excited (NK nodded vigorously) but Aman isn't hain na?" Arnav asked..
" Aman..yeah you're right, he is so calm. When he was the one who said that when you marry he would be the one who will dance in happiness.. " NK said confused.
" NK did you notice something strange in Aman? I mean his activities something like that.." Arnav hoped to get a response..
" No Nannav.. Just one day he came very late to home.. Seriously I wonder what he does in sleeping hours.." NK said closing the door of the car..
" When NK? " Arnav asked..
" I think before yesterday.." NK said while Arnav looked shocked, so it was really Aman who came to scare Khushi..
" Let's go" they went to a restaurant to lunch..
* Restaurant XYZ:
" Invitations cards!! I completely forgot about it.. " Ragini said holding her head...
" Relax Ma.. I will do this work.." Arnav said drinking his juice..
" I want to choose.." Khushi said smiling cheekily..
" Yes you will choose everything meri ma" Arnav said sarcastically..
Khushi pouted hearing him.. Everyone laughed..
" By the way Rohan are you happy? I mean doesn't it hurt to see ASR with Khushi?" Aman asked smiling only to Rohan, but it was loud enough for Arnav to hear..
" Khushi was written in my destiny Aman.. " Arnav said politely..
" No Aman.. I'm not hurt, I love someone else.." Rohan said smiling..
Aman nodded with a fake smile..
Arnav turned to Khushi who wasn't eating her food: Do you want me to eat your food?
Khushi looked at Arnav: Huh?
Arnav: Eat your food Khushi.. Isn't it good?
Khushi nodded: I'm eating...
Anjali: You both will not meet each other after haldi okay! So we have to arrange a place for Khushi's staying..
Arnav: What the.. No, Khushi can't stay alone.
Neil smiled: Why?
" How can I leave her alone when her life is in danger? Aman will surely use this as a way to kill her.." Arnav thought..
Khushi also looked scared..
Arnav: I have an idea.. Khushi will stay at NK's house..
Khushi smiled..
Anjali: Good idea..
Aman looked at Arnav angrily " Don't worry Arnav even with her NK and Lav by her side, she will be scared.. Because my shadow will kill her.."
All went back, while Neil and Rohan went to see the place the engagement was going to happen..
Arnav: Yeah.. I want you to keep an eye on him, whatever he does everything I want to know... And send some bodyguards to protect Khushi.. No one should notice it..
Arnav finished his talks with his detective and went to Khushi's room..
" Hahaha stop tickling me Khushi Aunty.. " Arnav heard Ayan laughing, and the sound came from the bathroom..
" Khushi" Arnav called her..
" Come in Arnav..." Khushi shouted..
Arnav entered in the bathroom and saw Khushi showering Ayan who was playing with his toys in bathtub..
" Arnav uncle... Come to play with me.." Ayan called Arnav..
Arnav laughed looking at him " Naughty boy"
Khushi also laughed... Arnav came to sit beside them..
" So after two days you will be mine" Arnav said smirking while playing with Ayan..
" Hmm.. " Khushi smiled as her cheeks turned pink..
" Be careful Khushi" Arnav said serious..
Khushi immediately looked at him and his eyes revealed he was telling her something ..
" What do you mean by that? " Khushi asked..
" You know you love jalebi (Arnav) a lot, and jalebi also loves you lot, he knows it now.. But how can he tell you, jalebi doesn't speak right? Do you know why because Garima aunty keeps watching jalebi and Khushi all the time, that's why he doesn't tell you.. Garima aunty (Aman) will beat you up (kill you) if you eat Jalebi!!
Khushi: What are talking Arnav? I'm not understanding..
Ayan: Khushi Aunty .. Garima aunty is the villain in yours and jalebi story?
Khushi realized what Arnav was trying to tell her and looked at him shocked " He knows the truth?"
Arnav nodded to Khushi then turned to Ayan: Haan do you know Garima aunty doesn't let Khushi eat jalebi..
Khushi couldn't believe it, Arnav knows the truth.. She smiled with tears in her eyes and was about to ask him how he knows it, but stopped seeing Aman through the mirror.. Ohh that's why Arnav was talking like that with her.. That means they are being watched continuously by Aman.. She has to be more alert now.. Now that Arnav is by her side, she isn't scared at all..
Khushi wrapped a towel around Ayan and took him out of the bathroom, Aman immediately left the room..
Arnav went to close the door: He is watching us all the time...
Khushi nodded still shocked: How do you know it?
Arnav smirked sitting in the bed: You told me!
Khushi frowned: When?
Ayan looked at both confused: Whar are you talking about? I'm not understanding anything...
Arnav took Ayan's shirt from Khushi's hand and helped him: That plan you're hiding from uncle.. Uncle knows it now!
Ayan widened his eyes then looked at Khushi who was in the same state..
Ayan & Khushi: How???
Arnav smirked and told how he made Khushi tell him the truth..
Khushi started beating him: You made me drink.. How could you? That's why I was having headache.. I will not leave you.. How can..
Arnav stopped her: Haha.. You looked funny drunk..
Ayan also laughed with Arnav while Khushi was fuming in anger..
Arnav turned serious: Just one thing.. What Aman did that you left me? That you didn't tell me Khushi..
Khushi dressed Ayan and told him to go and play, closing the doors she turned to Arnav..
Khushi: Sit here, I will tell you everything..
Arnav agreed, and Khushi told him everything that happened 2 years ago..
Arnav looked at her shocked: So many things happened, who is that person then? Aman is trying to separate us.. This is a plan you made with my family to expose that person?
Khushi nodded: I didn't want to tell anything because I was scared if that person harms you.. So we decided to keep quiet and expose the person in front of you.. But you already know it..
Arnav: But Aman wants to kill you, not me.. And if he wanted to harm me he could do it long ago.. He never did anything of that sort..
Khushi confused: Maybe he wants something else.. And me, its because he doesn't want me to tell you the truth, but now you know it.
Arnav: But what? I don't remember doing anything bad to him.. What he wants from me? What would he gain separating us?
Khushi shrugged her shoulders: You never know..
Arnav: Okay we will find it out, I kept bodyguards in NK's house for your security, if you feel something strange call me immediately..
Khushi nodded then hugged Arnav..
Arnav hugged her back: Don't be scared.. I'm with you..
Khushi crying: I thought you wouldn't believe in me.. Ma, Papa, Rohan, Di everyone is refusing to believe me.. I know its Aman voice..
Arnav: Shhh don't cry.. Our love will win.. ( After a pause) Khushi.. Tell me those words you were going to say years back if that person didn't came in our lifes..
Khushi wiped her tears smiling: On our engagement day!!
Arnav pouted: I have to wait 2 days for that?
Khushi nodded giggling: Yes.. The day I will be yours..
Arnav went from there with a smile playing on his lips.. Khushi danced in happiness..
" Akira back to work.." Aman said talking on his phone..
" What am I supposed to do?" Akira said..
" I'm in Arnav's house these days, and Khushi will be at NK's house, I want you to go there and fill in her mind that Arnav doesn't love her, make sure she believes it.. " Aman warned her..
" Yeah I will do it, but how will you kill her now?" Akira asked confused..
" Don't worry about that.. " Aman said smirking...
Akira hang up the call and turned to go but her father stopped her..
" Akira you're doing wrong" her father tried to explain her..
" Dad I'm right.. Arnav is mine.." Akira said furrowing her brows.
" Arnav was hers, you both stole him from her, aren't you ashamed of it?" her father gave her disgusting looks..
" I didn't stole him, Arnav fell in love with me.." Akira said..
" Ohh really.. Aman paid you to behave like Khushi in front of Arnav, and Arnav only accepted you because you were like Khushi and he wanted to forget her.. Are you dumb? If he meets the real Akira, he will not even look at you.." her father shouted..
" Dad stop it.." Akira said not wanting to hear the truth..
" Akira.. Akira.. You're spoiling your life.. I tried to keep Arnav away from you by treating him badly but he never left.. Now that girl is back. I'm scared what will you do.." Akira's father thought worried..
The next day as planned Khushi went to stay in NK's house with NK, Lav and Ayan..
" Welcome bhabhi.. " NK said smiling showing his house to them..
" And this is Nannav means your husband's room here, he loves sleeping here.." NK said proud of his house!!
" Okay! Thank you NK" Khushi said giggling..
" Don't say thank you now.. There is another surprise" NK said..
" Another? " Khushi asked confused!
" Surpriseeeeeeeeee" she heard Garima and Payal screaming to her..
NK smiled nodding: Your family!!
Khushi smiled happily and went running to hug Payal and Garima..
NK picked up the call he was receiving knowing very well who it is..
" Nannav Khushi is very happy seeing her family" NK said..
Arnav on the other side smiled..
" Make sure she only smiles in your house okay" Arnav said..
" Yes Boss!" NK laughed..
" Jijiiiiii DM, I can't believe you both are here.." Khushi said kissing her sister..
" You're going to marry.. And we don't see it, how is it possible?" Garima said happily.
" You don't how happy I'm Khushi.. You are seeing now, you're not blind anymore.. Thank you DM for bringing back the happiness in my daughter life" Garima said crying looking at Khushi..
Khushi also cried hugging her.. Payal joined them: Now you will watch TV alone..
Khushi giggled..
Lav: Heyy guys you're getting emotional.. I will also cry now..
Khushi smiled looking at Lav: Lavanya right?
Lavanya nodded smiling: Yes! This fool's girlfriend.
Everyone laughed while NK pouted..
Akira came there clapping: Congrats Khushi!! After destroying mine and Arnav's love you're happy laughing and all.
Khushi frowned: Look I don't have any enmity with you, so please leave me alone..
Lav looked at Akira: Come on Akira, forget everything now.. Not only you, everyone in the office knows that Arnav loved Khushi but for some unknown reason they separated, now that he found her again you should really forget him. Maybe he never loved you..
Akira laughed: What a friend you are!! Now that Arnav left me, you also want to leave me and be Khushi's friend right? I should have seen your real face earlier..
NK angrily: Stop it Akira.. You're talking nonsense..
Akira ignored them and went near Khushi: Arnav loved me a lot, because of you he is leaving me.. He will put a ring in your hand when he promised to put in mine.. Just because of you! You destroyed our lives Khushi.. Why did you came back?
Khushi with sharp eyes: Arnav is mine Miss.Akira.. You came in between us.. Not me.. He came first in my life, then yours..
Akira: But you didn't accept his love.. I did.
Khushi smiled: So what? I will fall in love with him now.. And the greatest thing is that he loves me already.. While with you he didn't love you..
Akira: Khushi stop it.. What's wrong with you? You have Rohan with you.. I'm not understanding why you broke up with your boyfriend and managed to get mine..
Khushi laughed: Use your brain to find it out then and stop spoiling my happiness..
Khushi went from there with Payal and Garima to her room..
Akira stomped her feet on the floor fuming in anger..
* Khushi / Arnav's room in NK house:
Payal: Khushi are you sure Arnav loves you and not Akira?
Khushi blushed: Yes.. He told me..
Garima: What? Isn't he angry with you?
Khushi: I told him everything about our plan.. But his family doesn't know he knows it, so basically I'm with Arnav now in this mission!
Payal: So Aman is really the villain! Why doesn't Arnav expose him? Take him out of your lives..
Khushi: Because Aman has some reason for doing this.. First I though he wants to harm Arnav but no.. He doesn't harm Arnav, so I and Arnav want to find out why is he doing this..
Payal nodded: Be careful Khushi..
Garima hugged Khushi tightly: We are always here to support you..
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