Sangeet function:
Arnav and Khushi were sited on chairs place for them..
Arnav smiled: Show me your hand..
Khushi showed him smiling: Find your name..
Arnav started looking for it then frowned: I'm not seeing it..
Khushi glared at him: Should I brings specs for you?
Arnav chuckles: No.. But seriously I'm not finding my name in this complicated design..
Khushi jaws dropped: Aww find it.. I waited so much time for you, didn't eat anything because my hands had Mehndi, and you give up like this..
Arnav smiled: Ohh God Khushi.. You're such a drama queen.. Here it is my name.. (Arnav pointed with his fingers)
Khushi smiled at him: Laad governor if you knew it, why torture me?
Arnav: By the way you know tomorrow is my bachelors party..
Khushi widened her eyes: Nahin you will not go anywhere.. I will pull that chudail's hair if she touches you..
Arnav chuckles: Khushi who told you I will stay with a chudail.. There are many others things to do...
Khushi pouted with a sweet voice: Please don't go..
Arnav shrugged his shoulders: My day Khushi..
Khushi smacked his shoulders: I will come there as a ghost, if you do something wrong I will..
Arnav: I will?
Khushi looked away: Leave me..
Arnav smirked: I didn't hold you Khushi..
Khushi went from there glaring at him.. While Arnav send a flying kiss to her..
Ragini and Neil were the hosts of the sangeet, they started dancing on a romantic song...
Rohan and NK also danced on " Desi boys" song..
Payal on the other side has started developing feelings for Akash. Everytime he flirts with her, she blushes instead of becoming angry..
Both danced together on " Tu meri (Bang bang) " song..
In the end Arnav took the over excited Khushi to the stage, seeing all dancing she was clapping happily ..
He sang and danced with her on " Tum hi ho" song..
At the end both hugged each other with a smile playing on their lips..
The guest were served dinner. While Arnav took Khushi out of the hall to spend time with her..
Arnav held her hand lovingly: You know I never thought you would be in my life like this.. All this seems like a dream for me. First I thought you didn't love me and I would stay my life craving for your love. But look now everything changed..
Khushi smiled: I also thought we will never stay together. But now we are.. Acha.. Arnav I want to caress your face the way I did when I was blind..
Arnav nodded, Khushi closed her eyes and brought her hand closer to his face, she caressed it smiling: I will never forget the moments we spent 2 years ago..
Arnav stared at the beautiful woman in front of him..
Khushi opened her eyes, found Arnav lost in her, she blushed a little then kissed his cheeks to bring him back to the world..
Arnav blinked his eyes smiling, he pulled Khushi into a tight and sweet hug..
Khushi: I just hope Aman doesn't spoil our happiness now..
Arnav frowned: Don't take his name Khushi..
Khushi nodded: Your phone..
Arnav looked at his phone ringing, he picked the call..
" Haan did you find him?" Arnav asked the police..
" Yes sir. We have found both Aman and Akira.. They are in jail right now" police said..
" Really? Good job.." Arnav smiled..
He hang up the call and turned to Khushi: Police found Aman, he is in jail right now..
Khushi: Such a great news..
Arnav: Yeah.. Now we can enjoy our marriage without any problems.
Both went inside to inform the family..
* Next day:
Khushi woke with a foul mood, because today is Arnav's bachelors party and she didn't want him to go..
She went to make breakfast for everyone cursing the women who will dance for him in the party..
" How can he do this with me? " Khushi cried cutting the bread as if she is cutting the women...
Arnav came there: Khushi what are you doing?
Khushi stopped, then looked at Arnav: What are you seeing? I'm cutting the bread..
Arnav: Yeah I can see that, but why so angrily?
Khushi continued her job, without looking at Arnav: You're going there na..
Arnav chuckles realizing what's she is saying, he took a glass and pour water on it not responding to Khushi, which made her more furious at him..
Khushi: Can't you reply back?
Arnav: What kind of reply you want?
Khushi smiled: That you will not go..
Arnav smirked: When I'm going..
Khushi pouted: You're so bad, I will also do my bachelorette party then..
Arnav spilled the water he was drinking and started laughing: Go on..
Khushi widened her eyes, came near Arnav to beat him: I never saw a Laad governor like you..
Arnav hold her tiny hands in his looking deeply in her eyes: If in these two years no one made place in my heart like you did. You think in some bachelors party someone will take your place?
Khushi looked down shaking her head negatively: No..
Arnav brought her face near his: For you I will not go..
Khushi smiled shyly: Thank you..
Arnav smirked: I want something in return..
Khushi raised her brows: What Mr.Raizada?
Arnav: Our first kiss!!!
Khushi immediately left Arnav: What???
Arnav rolled his eyes: Come on Khushi, we are practically husband and wife now. Tomorrow we will marry each other..
Khushi looked away: No. Wait for sometime..
Arnav: Really?? Khushi you're being selfish now. I cancelled my party for you and this is how you return?
Khushi: Then go to your party. You're talking as if you did any favor for me..
Khushi went from there angry.. While Arnav looked at her in disbelief " No one can understand women"
At the breakfast table Arnav tried to talk with Khushi. But she wasn't paying attention to him, Arnav caressed her hand under the table smirking..
Khushi glared at him whispering: Leave me, and don't you dare say you aren't holding me because you are..
Arnav: Acha I'm sorry, take your time. I won't force you to kiss me..
Khushi melted hearing his words, he always have this patience when dealing with her.
Arnav: Are you happy now? Don't be angry with me, we are going to marry tomorrow only... I can wait..
Khushi smiled then thought to herself " I must give him a surprise, he does a lot for me.."
It was afternoon, Anjali, Payal, Ragini, Garima were in a room trying the dresses they are going to wear.. The boys were also in a room making preparations for the party..
Rohan smirked: I called few girls to dance for Bro..
Neil laughed: If your bhabhi finds out, she will kill you Rohan..
Rohan got scared thinking about Khushi..
Arnav laughed: But guys I will not go.. I promised Khushi..
All boys: What????????
Akash: You can't do this Arnav, we made special preparations for your day..
Shyam: Yaar you're spoiling all the fun..
Neil sat on the bed bored: I thought I would enjoy a little..
Khushi came there and listened to their conversations..
Khushi: Arnav?
All boys got up scared, Rohan imagined Khushi killing him, he faked a smile: Bhabhi we aren't forcing him okay. He will stay at home only..
Khushi giggled: Arnav I wanted to tell you if you want you can go.. I have no problem, I trust you..
Arnav smiled, while others sigh in relief..
Rohan jumped in happiness: Yaaaayyy.. Party!!!
Khushi went from there to the girls room now, she found all in the mirror laughing and chatting..
" Thank you DM.. Please keep our family together like this always.." Khushi silently prayed..
She also joined the girls..
At night, boys were all handsome and prepared to go to the party..
Khushi came near Arnav: If some chudail touches you, I will get to know because DM will inform me. I have special connection with her.. Don't take me as dumb..
Arnav chuckles: Khushi you're really funny, okay bye girls are waiting for me..
He winked at Khushi, while Khushi widened her eyes..
After boys left, Khushi went to sleep she needs to rest in order to stay beautiful tomorrow, the big day in her life. The day she will be his..
* In the party:
Rohan was dancing with all girls around him, Shyam joined with Neil.. Akash also went there cheering for them..
Arnav shakes his head smiling..
" Beer?" a girl came near Arnav smiling..
" No thanks" Arnav politely refused. He went out of the party to call Khushi..
" Hi my jalebi" Arnav smiled.
" Hi my Laad governor" Khushi hugged her pillow rubbing her eyes..
" What are you doing? " Arnav asked.
" I'm sleeping. But you destroyed it.." Khushi said.
" Ohhh so sorry.. " Arnav chuckles..
" Aren't you enjoying? Why call me instead of partying? " Khushi raised her brows..
" Khushi you're really bad, tell me who remembers his wife on such parties. I still did and you're complaining.. " Arnav said.
" Acha sorry.." Khushi smiled.
" I'm coming home, come outside.." Arnav said..
" Okay" Khushi blushed..
After some minutes Arnav reached home, Khushi was waiting for him..
Arnav came near her: You look so beautiful sleepy..
Khushi hugged him resting her head on his shoulders: You will put me to sleep now..
Arnav smiled nodding: Yes I will..
Khushi broke the hug then looked at Arnav: Tomorrow is the big day, I'm so excited!! I have to look my best..
Arnav: You are always beautiful for me Khushi. And yeah don't exaggerate in your make up.. Otherwise you look like a ghost
Khushi beat him smiling: Laad governor..
Arnav leaned on his car, and brought Khushi closer to him, Khushi blushed..
Khushi: Someone will see..
Arnav: All are sleeping Khushi..
Khushi didn't say anything, only looked at him smiling..
Arnav whispered: I love you..
Khushi buried her face on his chest, Arnav smirked wrapping his arms around her..
Some time later, Arnav: I'm going back okay..
Khushi looked at him: Okay..
Before Arnav turned to go, Khushi stopped him bringing her face near him, Arnav looked at her confused.. Khushi blushed then pecked his lips..
And went from there running, Arnav touched his lips smiling..
* Marriage Day:
The groom's procession reached the place the marriage would take place..
All were dancing around him happily..
Arnav reached there smiling. Ragini came to him smiling, today she has no words to say, she is so happy to see his son marry, Arnav was always close to her heart and today seeing him about to start a new journey in his life, brought tears in her eyes..
She helped him sit in mandap, and he was being told to wait for Khushi to come..
Arnav was more than excited to see Khushi, as his bride in red lehenga!! Today his wish will be fulfilled, today both will start a new life together, from now on Khushi will be with him always, like his mother is with his father.. He would wake up every morning seeing that angelic face.. Uff.. He just can't wait to make her his...
Khushi reached the place with a group of girls holding her dress..
Khushi went near Arnav smiling at him, he was just staring at her lost in her beauty..
All the girls laughed seeing Arnav's state..
Ragini: Arnav close your mouth, she will be your wife only..
All laughed and Arnav smiled embarrassed.. Khushi blushed looking down..
Payal and Garima greeted him, and helped Khushi to enter in the mandap..
Arnav and Khushi exchanged garlands..
Arnav helped Khushi to sit, making everyone look at him with Aww-look..
As the priest said, both joined their hands making circles around the agni..
Then got up to take the seven steps with vows..
After promising each other to support and stay together. Arnav applied the vermillion on Khushi's forehead while she close her eyes smiling..
He tied the mangalsutra around her neck smiling..
The priest declared them husband and wife now..
All clapped for the couple, Khushi hugged Arnav happily..
Garima and Payal smiled while tears left their eyes..
The couple went to take blessings from the elders..
When reached to Garima, Khushi cried heavily hugging her and Payal..
Arnav felt tears coming out of his eyes too..
Garima placed kisses on Khushi's forehead: Be happy dear..
Khushi cried more remembering her moments lived with Garima and Payal..
Arnav held Khushi to support her: Tell this pagli not to cry Payal.. She will see all of you everyday..
Khushi smiled a little, Arnav hugged her mumbling: You're coming to my family, but I promise I will never make you forget yours.. Ma and Payal will always be a part of us. You will always meet them and I won't come in between...
Khushi hugged him tightly.. Now everyone were in tears..
After the bidaai, Arnav and Khushi left the place..
In the car Arnav was consoling Khushi, who was better now..
Arnav: Why are you crying? I promise you will be with them always..
Khushi: You will not understand Arnav..
Arnav raised his brows: I will. I saw my Di's wedding too..
Khushi hugged him: I love you.. You're the best husband one can get..
Arnav smiled at the compliment..
Khushi rested her head on his chest, wiping her tears..
Arnav looked at the driver: Drive well. What are you doing?
The driver continued..
Arnav shouted: What are you doing dammit? Can't you see a cliff there? Are you drunk?
Khushi looked shocked, this driver was going towards the cliff only..
Arnav also realized something was wrong here..
Arnav shouted: Stop the car.. Aren't you hearing? I said stop the car.. Stop the car dammit..
The driver laughed evily, hearing this voice Arnav and Khushi were shocked: Aman?
Aman turned to them: Yes!! Today no one can save you Khushi.. Hahahaha...
Arnav tried to stop the car, and both started fighting. The car was going towards the cliff..
Arnav stopped fighting with Aman realizing that they were going to fall there..
Arnav looked at Khushi: Jump Khushi.. Go out of the car..
Aman laughed trying to close the door: There is no way here!!
Arnav started beating him while shouting to Khushi: Jump Khushi.. Just go away.. Go...Jump off the car.. Khushi gooo..
Khushi stood there numb not knowing what to do..
Khushi: I will not leave you alone..
The car was now falling slowly, Arnav shut his eyes tightly: Khushi gooooo..
Aman tried to stop Khushi, while Arnav held his hands so that he doesn't close the door for Khushi..
Khushi looked at Arnav crying: Arnav.. Don't leave me..
Arnav shakes his head negatively: We will meet again Khushi.. I will be with your DM.. Now please goo..
Khushi refused, Arnav had no other option but to open the door and pushed her away..
The car fell on the cliff, making Khushi scream: Arnaaaaaaaaaaavvvvvvvvvvvv
Khushi cried seeing the scene in front of her, she went near the cliff and saw the car falling...
Khushi crying: Nooooooooooooo... Arnaaaaaaaaaavvvvv... Don't leaaaaaaaaveeeeeee meeeee... Noooooo...
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