Khushi stay here for a while.." Arnav said..
" Okay.." Khushi nodded..
" Thank God Akira true intentions came out. And Ma we were going to believe it." Anjali said sighing..
" Haan Chote I'm really sorry. When I saw you with.. Let it be I don't even want to talk about it.. " Ragini hugged Arnav once again..
" But you should have trusted me.." Arnav looked at his mother..
" I'm sorry" Ragini said with tears threating to come out of her eyes..
" Maa are you really crying? He is just teasing you.." Khushi said smiling.
" My dear ma, you can be angry with me. Its your right" Arnav said hugging his mother, who closed her eyes smiling..
Neil also smiled at Arnav saying sorry. Arnav shakes his head in disbelief: " I just want you all to trust me, that's all.."
" Khushi come to my room. I want to talk with you.." Arnav said heading to his room.
Khushi went behind him. Arnav closed the door and made her sit on the bed..
" We will have to go to Aman's house today.." Arnav said..
" But Arnav we aren't supposed to meet" Khushi frowned..
" Khushi we don't have time, I need to know why is Aman doing all this" Arnav said..
" Okay, and I want to tell you that Akira is also with him, I saw them looking at each other now.." Khushi said worried..
" Really? Akira? Hmm.. Then she will tell us why Aman is doing all this.." Arnav smirked..
" Kya? She will not tell us anything. She is in Aman's side.." Khushi said confused..
" We will force her to say it.." Arnav said caressing her hair..
" Force? No, I'm not a goon Arnav.." Khushi widened her eyes..
" Khushi I will do it, you just support me okay?" Arnav kissed her nose chuckling..
" Hmm" Khushi cheeks turned pink..
* Aman's house:
" If you weren't my cousin, Akira I swear I would kill you" Aman looked angrily at Akira..
" It isn't my fault. I didn't knew Khushi would come there and notice things like that.." Akira said..
" I'm tired.. Very tired.. From the time Khushi came back in our lives, all my plans are failing.. I need to kill her asap.. She has to die.." Aman said breaking the glass in his hands..
" What am I going to do? " Akira asked.
" You, you don't do nothing here.. Stay at your home only. I will arrange a way to kill this girl once and for all, after all Arnav's happiness will be destroyed only if Khushi isn't with him.." Aman smirked..
" What? You can't abandon me like this Aman, I have no job now which I'm sure Arnav will fire me, if Mom and Dad discover I did all this they will throw me out of the house. How am I going to do this? " Akira asked Aman in disbelief, not believing that he is leaving her to face all this alone..
" Okay.. If I need you, I will give you a call.. For now leave me.." Aman said with whatever look..
Arnav and Khushi reached Aman's house..
" Khushi we will have to climb this pipe to reach his room.." Arnav said smiling, he knew Khushi would look at him with big eyes..
" Kyaaa? Are you maaaad husbandji? I'm not going to do this. You go and I will wait here.." Khushi said crossing her arms frowning..
" Wife I can't leave you alone here. If someone sees you, then we will be in danger.." Arnav said placing kisses on her neck to convince her..
" Hmm let's go..." Khushi said still unsure of this plan..
Arnav helped Khushi climb the pipe first then he came behind her..
" DM please save me.. Don't let me die here..My husband wants to kill me " Khushi shut her eyes tightly..
" Khushi shut up.. Go forward na.. I'm waiting.." Arnav sigh in frustration..
Khushi climb the pipe and entered the room jumping " Uff DM thank you.. You saved my life.."
Arnav came there rolling his eyes and whispered: Shhh now.. Aman shouldn't come here with your sounds.. Go and control on the door if someone is coming..
While Khushi was controlling Aman..
Arnav went to Aman's cupboard and started checking there.. He didn't find anything other than Aman's clothes..
Khushi whispering: Kuch mila kya?
Arnav looked angrily at her: I'm starting Khushi, how will I find now? I don't even know what am I looking for..
Khushi pouted: If my Salmanji was here he would have found it in 1 min..
Arnav glared at her: Then call him. I'm waiting..
Khushi looked away controlling Aman..
Arnav went to Aman's bed, still didn't find anything..
Khushi rubbing her hands: Abhi kuch mila kya?
Arnav closed his eyes in frustration: Khushi shut up...
Khushi glared at him: If I shut up here you will be beaten up by Aman here, because I won't tell you when he comes..
Arnav went to Aman's dresser: Meri ma keep quiet..
Khushi pouted: Abhi tak kuch nahin mila kya?
Arnav widened his eyes with Khushi's impatience: I think I will not find anything with your blabberings.. Shut up..
Khushi rolled her eyes: Kuch nahin mila the great ASR.. If my Salman...
Arnav smiled interrupting Khushi: Kuch mila Khushi.. I found it..
Khushi eyes lit up in happiness she went running near Arnav: What?
Arnav looked at the pic: Look these two.. Must be his parents..
Khushi crinkled her nose: Ahn? What they have to do with this?
Arnav: Khushi Aman told me that he never saw his parents. Then how come this pic?
Khushi: Ohh. But still it doesn't make sense..
Arnav smiled sarcastically: Sometimes I really doubt your intelligence. See what's written here: Revenge!!
Khushi frowned: I'm still not understanding anything.
Arnav rolled his eyes: Even I don't know anything other than this Khushi. We have to ask Akira about this..
Khushi nodded: Chalo abhi.. Or else Aman will eat us here..
Arnav glared at Khushi: I'm not scared of my PA..
Khushi laughed: Acha. Then you should have entered directly from the door no?
Arnav: That's because he doesn't know about us..
Khushi giggled: Or you are scared of facing him..
Arnav shook his head and lifted Khushi to go.. But at the same time they heard someone shoes sound..
" Aman.. Its Aman. Arnav put me down.." Khushi shouted silently scared..
Arnav entered Aman's bathroom to hide..They hid behind a basket of clothes..
Arnav covered Khushi's mouth so that she doesn't make any sound..
Aman sigh: Uff what a horrible day..
He went to his bathroom and washed his face, still with his eyes closed, he searched for towel with his hands..
Arnav handled him the towel without makings sounds, and while he took it, both went running from there..
Arnav went with Khushi outside the room and they started running to get out of the house..
" Wow look who we have here.." Akira said smirking..
Arnav and Khushi stopped and looked at each other shocked. They decided to go out of Aman's house by the door because they thought Aman was alone..
" Akira you here?" Arnav asked confused..
" This should be my question Arnav.." Akira said..
Aman came running downstairs hearing sounds..
" ASR what are doing here? " Aman asked..
" Aman stop your drama okay.." Arnav shouted tired of Aman acting..
" Drama? ASR what are you talking about?" Aman made an innocent face..
" Spill the beans Aman.. I know your truth, Khushi told me everything that happened 2 years ago and I believe her.. So what made you separate us?" Arnav asked with sharp eyes..
" Hahahaha so ASR knows it all.. That's why I was failing at all my plans, since both love birds are together in this.. And I like a fool thought you trust me.. Ohh Khushi you're so intelligent.. Impressive, you were two steps ahead of me.. See Akira that's why we were losing all the time.." Aman laughed..
" Shut up Aman. Tell me what would you gain separating us? What do you want? " Arnav shouted..
" I want to see you suffering.. Suffer so much that you will scream in pain but will only get more pain.." Aman went near Arnav smirking..
" You're mad Aman.. What wrong I did to you? " Arnav asked..
" I will not tell you.. Not tell you anything.. Its my secret.. Only my secret.. Between me and my ma.. " Aman said like a mad man..
Arnav looked at Khushi then at the pic in his hand..
Before Arnav could react, Aman pointed a revolver to Arnav, then shifted it to Khushi: You will lose your life darling today.. Today I'm very angry.. Very much angry..
Arnav held Khushi's hand tightly: Try harming her you will face the beast inside me..
Aman laughed: Hahahahahaha.. I'm so scared. My God Akira.. Arnav is a beast..
Akira looked at Aman serious: Aman what are you doing?
Aman laughed: Are you scared? When I said that I would kill Khushi, you accepted it now the chance is here and you're scared? Akira you're so weak.. Get lost from here..
Arnav signaled Khushi to go, both tip toed to go out of the house.
Aman shouted: Stop you both.. Or I will fire..
Arnav sighed: Dammit..
Khushi was looking at him scared of Aman's madness..
Both turned to Aman..
Aman came near them: Khushi what's your last wish?
Arnav furrows his brows: What the.. You should say it, once I leave this house I will make sure you live your life like a hell..
Aman laughed: What will you do? Ahn? I will pull the trigger now. And your Khushi will lose her life..
Aman pointed the revolver to Khushi smiling and pulled the trigger. Arnav pulled Khushi to the floor, she screamed in pain: Ahhhh...
Aman glared angrily at Arnav: Youuuuu...
Arnav pushed Aman with all his force making Aman groan..
He lifted Khushi and went running out of the house..
Aman came running behind them..
" Arnav I can't run.. My leg is hurting.." Khushi winced in pain..
Arnav looked at Aman coming behind them, then at Khushi.. He lifted her again and started running..
Aman came behind them shouting: Stop there Arnav.. You can't escape today.. Khushi will lose her life today..
Arnav left Khushi: Go in this jungle Khushi.. I will come to pick you..
Khushi refused: No I can't leave you alone.
Arnav cupped her face: Nothing will happen with me Khushi. Let me handle this.. You go and hide.. Please do this for me..
Khushi cried then went running to the jungle, it was night time now and she was very much scared staying alone there..
Arnav looked at Aman coming behind him..
Aman reached there: Ohh so you hide your princess..
Arnav stood still: Face me first..
Arnav pulled Aman by his shirt's collars: Why are doing this?
Aman punched Arnav on his belly: I won't tell you..
Arnav punched Aman hard on his face: You will..
Aman lips started bleeding, and he laughed like a crazy man: Hahaha.. I will die but won't tell you the reason of it.. Just know I'm doing this for my mother..
Arnav frowned: What your mother has to do with my and Khushi life?
Aman beat Arnav on his back, where he was already hurt.. Arnav screamed in pain: Ahhhhhhhhhhhh..
Aman laughed: Scream Arnav... Scream.. I want to hear you in pain.. You don't know how much I'm happy.. Just have to find your princess and kill her.. Then I swear I will die happily..
Aman looked at the jungle smirking: Khushi darling I'm coming..
Arnav looked at him Aman going towards the jungle and attacked him from behind, he pulled Aman to the ground giving punches on Aman's belly, then beat him up with his leg..
Aman tried to defend himself but Arnav was more stronger.. Aman fell unconscious there.. Arnav left him and started walking to the jungle.. Aman opened his eyes slowly and smiling evily. He took a stick on the road and beat Arnav on his head aggressively..
Arnav shouted: Ahhhhhhh...while losing conscious..
Aman entered the jungle with heavy steps..
" Khushi.. Khushi.. Don't play hide and seek with me.. Come out.." Aman laughed while looking for Khushi..
" Arnav is laying unconscious on the road there, some car will pass from there and will kill him.. Now what about you? Come out.." Aman shouted..
Khushi gasped scared hiding behind a tree..
Aman smiled realizing where she was..
" Khushi you have to be strong.. I promised Arnav that I will.. " Khushi whispered to herself and hold a bunch of leaves on her hand..
Aman approached the tree showing his monster face to her, Khushi screamed and threw the leaves on his face.. She went running from there while Aman rubbed his eyes angrily..
Khushi reached Arnav and saw him unconscious..
" Help.. Someone help us please..." Khushi screamed crying..
" Arnav open your eyes.. He is coming near us Arnav.. Open your eyes.." Khushi patted his cheeks, then looked around crying..
A car stopped in front of her..the old man screamed: Khushi come in..
Khushi looked at him confused: Who are you?
The old man didn't answer and went to help her put Arnav in the car, Khushi sat with Arnav at the back seat placing his head on her lap..
" Here is water.. Splash it on his face.." the old man handle it to Khushi while driving the car..
Khushi took it quickly then did as he said. After sometime Arnav gained conscious. He hissed in pain. Khushi tore her duppata and wrapped around his head to stop it from bleeding..
Khushi: Arnav..
Arnav opened his eyes: Khushi.. Tum theek ho?
Khushi nodded: Haan.. Arnav looked at the man driving realizing who is he: Raj uncle what are you doing here?
Khushi looked at both confused..
Raj: I came to take Akira and ended up witnessing this.. Don't worry today I will tell you why I hate you so much and why Aman does this..
Arnav nodded then looked at Khushi: He is Akira's father...
* Akira's house:
Khushi was caressing Arnav sitting on the sofa. Raj came there with water for both..
Raj also settled on the sofa: I need to tell you why Aman is doing all this. You have to stop him Arnav..
Arnav nodded looking serious at Raj.
Raj told him Aman's past, Khushi and Arnav looked shocked after hearing this.
" And he wants to make you suffer the way his mother suffered. That's why he mimicked an old man voice to Khushi and separated you both, then came here to convince Akira to act like Khushi. I heard all their plannings. I used to talk with you badly Arnav. So that you leave Akira, I wanted to save you from this trouble but you never listened to me, today I'm really repenting not telling you the real truth. My daughter wants to kill someone.. Shii.. Please take Aman to jail. He will destroy everything and Akira's life also.. " Raj said crying..
Arnav stood there numb not knowing what to say, his best friend wants to destroy his life just because his father loved Ragini.. What is this nonsense?
Khushi patted Arnav back: Arnav are you okay?
Arnav nodded still shocked, they went from there..
They reached home..
" What? Aman wants to do this because Pratap loved me? " Ragini looked confused at Arnav..
" Haan ma. All this is planned by him only. He wants revenge for his mother's death.. He thinks you're responsible for it, that's why he wants to destroy the life of your favorite son, means me.." Arnav said..
" Wow.. I can't believe this, where did this Aman took this logic? " Rohan scratched his neck confused about the whole incident..
" I don't know, but you all have to stay alert. He is wandering around so our lives is at danger.. " Arnav said..
" I considered him as my son, Khushi told us, still I didn't believe her and this is what he does in return.. " Ragini said sadly..
" I also considered him as my brother ma.. I'm quite shocked as your are.. " Arnav said sitting beside Ragini..
" Khushi its better for you to stay here with us.." Neil said caressing Khushi's head..
Khushi nodded and went to inform Payal and Garima...
* Mehndi Day:
Payal, Garima, NK, Lav and Khushi's friends came to Arnav's mansion, as the Mehndi ceremony would occur there now..
Arnav went out to find Aman with the help of police..
Khushi was worried for him, still had to fake a smile to everyone..
" What name should I write ma'am? " the girl asked Khushi smiling..
" Huh? Ohh name.. Write Arnav.." Khushi said faking a smile, her heart was beating fast. She was scared thinking what Aman would do..
" DM please protect my Arnav.. Don't let anything bad happen to him.. Please be with him" Khushi prayed silently..
Payal saw the low mood of everyone and decided to dance to make them little happy..
Payal danced with Khushi's friends: " Mehndi hai rachnewali
Hathon mein gehri laali
Kahin sakhiyaan ab kaliyaan
Hathon mein khilne wali hain
Tere manko jeevan ko
Nai khushiyan milne wali hai"
The girls came to take Khushi to the centre of the room to dance...
Garima also came to sing for Khushi, Khushi smiled a little: " O hariyali banno
Le jane tujhko gooeeyan
Aane wale hain sahiyan
Thamenge aake baiyan, goonjegi sahnaiyan
Anganai anganai"
Khushi hugged her mother while few tears left her eyes..
Garima wiped her tears, indicating her to stop crying...
Khushi smiled wiping her remaining tears.
She stopped dancing and went near Ayan..
Khushi: Ayan come here..
Ayan came there eating his chocolate: Dji aunty.
Khushi indicated to her phone: Please use my phone and call Arnav uncle for me..
Ayan nodded and went to take her phone, he came back running to Khushi and called Arnav as per as Khushi indications then put it on loudspeaker mode..
Khushi smiled at him: Thank you baby..
Ayan smiled, Arnav picked the call: Haan Khushi..
Khushi: Arnav.. Are you okay? Did you find him?
Arnav: I'm fine Khushi, enjoy your Mehndi..
Khushi: Did you find him?
Arnav sighed: No Khushi, he escaped.. He isn't in his house anymore.. We are still looking for him..
Khushi got worried: Arnav be careful, please take care of yourself..
Arnav: Okay, be alert you too.. He maybe be around us..
Khushi: And Akira? Where is she?
Arnav: Aman is very smart, he took Akira with him, he knew she could help us reach him..
Khushi nodded and disconnected the call..
Ayan looked at Khushi: Aunty that Devil is winning?
Khushi nodded sideways: No baby, devils never win Ayan..
Ayan nodded and went from there...
Khushi continued with her Mehndi..
Arnav was with the police trying to find Aman location..
Police: I think he will come to your mansion sir, we have to be alert. And when the right time comes catch him
Arnav nodded: I also think so.. But continue searching for him.. I'm sure he is somewhere near us..
Police nodded and went from there, while Arnav headed to his mansion..
Khushi was waiting for her Mehndi to dry in her room with Payal and Anjali.
Ragini, Garima, Neil, Shyam and Rohan were discussing about the marriage day..
Arnav reached there tired, Ragini looked at him: Find him Chote?
Arnav sigh: No ma.. He escaped, we have to wait till he comes out, until then police are trying to find him
Ragini worried: Then we have to be alert now. He is mad, he can do anything to Khushi..
Rohan nodded: Its better to keep some police men here also Bro..
Arnav: I already kept them Rohan, I just want you all to stay together.. You never know when he attacks who.. He can harm ma also, not only Khushi's life is in danger...
Neil: You should take care of yourself too Arnav..
Arnav nodded: But he doesn't want to kill me, I know he could have done that long ago..
Garima hugged Arnav: Thank you beta, you're doing so much for our daughter..
Arnav: Ma.. If she is in this situation its only because of me.. I must save her.. (turned to everyone) don't worry enjoy the marriage ceremonies, I will make sure Aman doesn't succeeded in his evil plans..
Arnav smiled and headed to his room to dress up, as they decided they would keep the sangeet on the same day..
Khushi went to wash her hands smiling hoping that it is dark..
Anjali and Payal also went with her unable to keep their excitements..
" Today we will get to know how much Chote loves you.." Anjali said giggling..
Khushi face turned red, she washed it smiling and seeing the color of her Mehndi made her blush more..
" Wow its so dark.." Payal smiled side hugging Khushi..
" Acha now get ready fast, we have to go to sangeet.. I will leave now with Rohan to check everything there" Anjali patted Khushi's cheeks leaving from there..
Payal and Khushi went to get ready..
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