In which he turns into a she:
Minah yawned as she unlocked the front door to her apartment. It was late at night, her boss had made her take an extra shift at work due to the lack of employees.
She dropped her keys in a bowl near the front door and dragged herself to the kitchen. Minah froze when she saw two pairs of feet hanging off the couch. Minah made her way around the counter and smiled when she saw Kris and Yixing sound asleep on the couch.
Yixing was laying on Kris, his head resting on Kris's chest. Kris had an arm wrapped around Yixing's waist protectively. Minah smiled at the incredibly cute sight and grabbed a blanket that was sitting on the other couch. She covered the two lovebirds under the blanket and turned, almost screaming when she saw a sleepy Luhan standing behind her.
"Yixing made you dinner and he tried to stay up so he could give it to you." Luhan mumbled as he blinked, trying to focus his view on Minah. Minah grinned and hurried to the fridge. She lived for Yixing's home cooked meals.
Luhan chuckled when he heard a whine coming from his room. "Well that's my call, good night Minah."
Minah waved to Luhan as he went back to his room, answering to his boyfriend's desperate calls.
She sat on the kitchen stool, eating her dinner as she scrolled through her social media, occasionally taking a sip of water.
She jumped when her phone started to ring. She clicked the accept button without looking at the name, in fear that she had woken Kris or Yixing.
Yixing was absolutely adorable when he wakes up. He sits in one spot as he rapidly blinks, trying to grasp his surroundings. Kris on the other hand....not so adorable.
Considering how even Baekhyun and Chanyeol try not to wake him, Minah avoided it as well.
"Hello?" Minah whispered into her phone as she grabbed her plate and darted into her room.
"Ahh! Minnie!"
Minah groaned, already feeling a headache starting to form, "Don't call me that mom. I'm too old for that name."
"Nonsense. You'll always be my Minnie."
Minah sighed, "Fine. Why did you call, it's late. Don't old people sleep at like four."
Minah grinned as she heard her mom scoff on the other side of the line, "Don't make me come to your apartment and kick your ass. I just wanted to talk to my daughter, ask her about her roommates. They are girls? Right?"
Minah stiffened. She had completely forgotten how hellbent her mom was on keeping her away from guys. She thinks that if Minah accidentally looks at one, she'd instantly get pregnant or something.
"Uh...yea. Actually just one girl? She's super rich."
Minah could practically see her mom grinning on the other side, "Oh really?! Is she sweet? How is she? You know what. I'll come over tomorrow and have dinner with you guys."
Minah let out a strangled cry as she tried to decline her mom, trying to use homework or projects as an excuse. Her mom was stubborn. Finally, Minah caved. She agreed, hanging up dejectedly as she considered who she should include in her will.
After her mom finds out she lives with six guys, not including the fact that they were all gay....she would not live to see another day.
She moaned in despair, falling backwards on her bed.
A thought struck her as Minah sat straight up. She glanced out her open door, staring daggers at Luhan and Minseok's room.
"Luhan, have I told you how amazing you are?"
"I know. I'm fucking fabulous, what do you want?"
Minah frowned, "What? I can't compliment my favorite roommate without wanting something in return?"
Luhan gave her a pointed look as he flipped a page in the fashion magazine he was reading.
Minah sighed, "Okay look. My mom thinks that I'm rooming with one girl."
Luhan's head snapped up at the word 'girl'.
"Oh hell no. I swore never to dress as a girl ever again. Nope nope nope nope, fuck you."
"I hate you."
"I know."
"I expect you to pay my portion of rent this month."
"I know."
Minah stopped a smile from growing on her face as she applied more lip stain to Luhan's bottom lip. The older male was pouting but he looked so good while doing it.
There were giggles coming from the hallway as dumb and dumber peeked their heads in. They finally stopped once Luhan threw his hair straightener at them.
Minseok looked up from his laptop and smiled at his dolled up boyfriend, "Awh babe, you make me want to go strai-"
"Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence Minseok."
Luhan readjusted the light brown haired wig on his head and made sure he looked flawless. (not that he was never flawless)
"Okay so, your name is Lei and you're from China. Your family is rich because your grandfather somehow made a fortune and you major in chemical engineering, got it?"
Luhan sighed deeply, closing his eyes so he didn't smack Minseok (who was eyeing him like a piece of candy), Baekyeol (who were constantly snorting and giggling at him) or Minah (the person behind all this madness.)
Minah grinned and clapped her hands. Luhan softened at the sight. It wasn't often he saw Minah smile genuinely. He really took a liking to her, taking her as a younger sister he's never had.
Strike that, he had two younger sisters but they were annoying. She gave him a tight squeeze before running out the door, making sure all the rooms looked inhabited and free of all things 'guy'.
Minseok watched as Luhan slumped in his seat, nitpicking at how his fake boobs looked.
"You really care for her." He said out loud.
Luhan snapped his head up, eyes wide. "Well of course. She took us in, no questions asked. Which is hard to believe. I mean, Minnie, imagine having six incredibly hot gay guys move in with you. Especially if two of them were Baekhyun and Chanyeol." Minseok rolled his eyes. Luhan ignored him and continued, "That's it, I'm adopting her."
Minseok raised an eyebrow, "Is that...even legal?"
Luhan nodded, "In my world yes. You're the father, I'm the mother Kim Luhan, and her name is now Kim Minah."
Minseok chuckled at his boyfriend's antics, "You might want to check with our daughter" He made quotation marks around the word daughter, "-first before you finalize things."
Luhan opened his mouth to respond when the doorbell rang. They heard a loud scream and thumping. Luhan snorted as he stuck his head out the room. He burst out laughing when he saw Minah trying to push Baekhyun and Chanyeol in a closet and Yixing and Kris in another as she straightened up the living room.
Luhan shoved Minseok out the room and into the closet with Baekyeol. He winced at the glare he got as he shut the door on them.
"Okay I'll take my mom on a tour and you guys head out okay?"
She smiled when she heard four muffled okay's. She turned to Luhan, who was already sweating balls.
"Showtime Lei-lei!"
Luhan tried very hard not to strangle Minah on the spot.
He was expecting many things. Maybe an uptight woman who thought everything was below her, maybe a hippy mom who was chill, but he was not expecting an over sized woman bursting through the door, immediately attaching herself to Minah. Luhan stifled a laugh as Minah was lifted off the ground.
Luhan's smug expression hit the floor the moment Momma Yoon turned to his direction. Her eyes squinted, as she (shamelessly) looked Luhan up and down. All he could do was pray his boobs didn't look too fake.
"Hello Ma'am...My name is Lu- Lei...Lei." Luhan stumbled over his words as the woman's gaze tore through him.
"Where are you from?"
"China." Not a lie.
"How old are you?"
"24." Not a lie.
"So, you're a girl right?"
Minah's mouth dropped at her mom's rash question, "MOM!"
Luhan played with his fingers nervously as he nodded, "Ha ha, yes ma'am. Last time I checked I had a vag-....I'm a girl ma'am." Lie lie lie lie lie.
Minah's mom frowned as she held up a shoe....Minseok's shoe. "Then what's this?"
Luhan gulped as he took the shoe, "That's my boyfriend's shoe."
"Boyfriend? Has he visited? Minah you better not have a boyfriend."
Minah rolled her eyes as she sighed, "No mom. I don't have a boyfriend. And no. Minseok hasn't visited. Lei just bought it as a gift and she wanted to customize it before giving it to him."
Minah's mom nodded as she looked around, "Mind giving me a tour?"
Minah's eyes lit up as she dragged her mom away. Luhan gave a quick shout, saying that he would ready dinner. He waited till the older woman disappeared into Minah's room before rushing to the closet. He threw it open, desperately trying to hush the three boys that toppeled out of the confined space.
"I'm sorry, I love you." Luhan muttered against Minseok's lips before pushing him out the apartment. He rushed to the other closet, pulling it open. He held back a laugh as he saw a grumpy Kris on his phone with an asleep Yixing in his lap. Kris raised an eyebrow as he looked up from his phone.
Grumbling, he slipped the phone in his back pocket and standing up, holding Yixing steady in his arms.
"I hate you." Kris mumbled as he brushed past Luhan, heading out of the penthouse. Luhan sighed as he hit his head against the closet door.
Why did he get involved?
Why was he such a nice person?
Luhan scowled. No more being nice for him.
Luhan tore his wig off the second the door closed behind Mrs. Yoon.
"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you." Luhan chanted as he striped from the disgustingly girlish clothes on his body. Minah sat on a kitchen stool, her back facing Luhan as he shed his disguise.
"Thanks Lu, seriously. I owe you."
Luhan grinned mischievously as he pulled on his shirt, "I know what you can do."
And that's how Minah got pulled into taking a 'family' picture with Luhan and Minseok.
It would have been okay if she wasn't wearing a tight, hot pink shirt that said
"Child of Kim Minseok and Kim Luhan."
"Smiilleee!!!!" Chanyeol cooed, enjoying himself way too much. Minah forced a smile as Minseok and Luhan held onto her.
"You are now my child." Luhan stated proudly as he clung to Minah.
Please help me. She mouthed to Yixing who just shrugged and pulled out his phone, taking a picture for himself.
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