The Toddler Care Project Part 3

Author's Note: Sorry for the long wait again. I've been busy with finals and my other stories. I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you all thought. Also thank you again to PurpleSkys2 for this request from a while back.

"Okay we're sorry please Evie we didn't mean to," Audrey cried out as she thought this girl was Evie in disguise. "Who is Evie?" Lola asked as she had no clue what these two were going on about.

    "You're not Evie?" Jay asked the girl who just shook her head no as she continued to look at the two like they were insane. "No I don't know who this Evie girl is. Wait, you two aren't this kid's parents are you! This Evie girl you keep mentioning is. Oh my gosh you two left someone else's kid in a hot car on purpose. Who does that," Lola told the two other teens with an attitude as she couldn't help it.

     Seeing that baby practically dying in a car because of this couple who couldn't bother to bring her into the store with them was making her upset. And something about this child specifically made her feel even more like she just wanted to protect her.

     Lola still had no clue why, but she didn't really care right now as that wasn't important. "It was only for like 5 minutes. I know we messed up, but please just give her back. We're never going to do that again. Lesson learned," Audrey told the Evie look alike who just sighed as she looked at the purple haired toddler.

     "Hmm now it seems what we have here is a choice. I could give her back and trust that the two people that left a literal baby in a hot car on purpose can handle it or I could just find this Evie girls number and let her know that you two left her baby in a hot car on purpose and she's only alive because me a stranger happened to hear her cries. What to do," Lola told the two as she normally wouldn't be making this big of a deal about something like this, but again this toddler was making her feel something she couldn't explain and it made her want to protect her.

      "Excuse me! How about this you give us our niece back or we just call the cops and let them know a stranger is trying to kidnap our niece. Two can play at this game b*tch," Audrey told Lola back. "Oh you're gonna regret that b*tch!" Lola told Audrey as she was about to launch at her when Jay quickly put himself in the middle as he separated the two and took Mal from Lola.

      "Here's 10 bucks we never met you and you never met us deal," Jay told Lola as he handed her the money and Lola just nodded as she took the money. "Whatever but if I happen to catch this again you two are gonna get it," Lola told Jay and Audrey as she left leaving the couple alone again.

     "Ugh can you believe the nerve of some people," Audrey told Jay who just laughed as he had to admit he did like seeing his girlfriend defending them like that. "I know but it's fine we have Mal back and there's no way Evie will ever find out. Now come on, let's get back to the dorm and baby proof the heck out of that place," Jay playfully told Audrey, making her smile.

     "Yeah you're right but ugh I swear if I ever see that girl again," Audrey began but was interrupted when she felt a toy hit her as she looked over to see the toddler who was crossing her arms.

     "Well I think someone's mad," Jay playfully told his girlfriend who just groaned as she looked at the upset toddler. "Mal, are you mad at us?" Audrey asked the small girl who just nodded as she continued to pout.

      "Aw Mal we're sorry. What can we do to make it up to you?" Jay asked the toddler who smiled as she got an idea. "Paci an oys an anwy!" The young girl called out making the two sigh as they knew the only way to make Mal not mad at them anymore was to get her what she wanted.

     "Okay well looks like we're making a stop at the store," Audrey told the toddler who stopped pouting as she started clapping her hands excitedly. "Yay! Ca we hab baby sawk?" The toddler squealed out, making Audrey nod as she hooked her phone up and played the Baby Shark song even though she couldn't stand it.

     She knew Mal was still mad and she didn't blame her. What they had done was so reckless and dangerous. She honestly couldn't believe they had actually just done something like that.

      "Ugh this song again. Can't we listen to anything but this," Jay called out as he tried to change the radio station, but the small girl who had been giggling and singing along to the song immediately started crying as soon as Jay switched the radio.

       "Nooooo! Baby Sawk! Baby Sawk! Baby Sawk!" Mal cried out. "Okay I'm sorry. Baby Shark it is," Jay told the toddler as he switched it back to Audrey's phone calming the toddler back down.

       "Okay this parenting thing is not as easy as I thought it would be," Jay told Audrey as he parked the car.

       "Yeah no kidding but we can handle this. We're amazing. So we had one set back that's okay I'm sure everyone makes mistakes. And at least we have each other," Audrey told Jay, making him smile.

        "Yeah you're right. We can handle anything together," Jay told Audrey as he unbuckled Mal from her car seat and picked her up, making the small girl giggle as she saw where they were.

      "You're excited huh. Alright come on let's go get you what you want," Audrey told the excited toddler making her clap her hands again as they entered the store.

     "Well today has definitely been eventful," Jay playfully told Audrey once they had gotten back to the dorm and had just finished baby proofing the place while Mal was now passed out on top of them with her new pacifier and clinging to her dragon.

    "Yeah but we got through it. Oh and look at that she's calling again," Audrey told Jay who just laughed as he looked at the phone.

    "I got it this time. Hey sis what's up?" Jay told Evie as he answered the phone. "Oh um I must have accidently called you by mistake. Oh but um while I do have you on would you mind giving the phone to Mal," Evie told Jay making him have to hold back his laughter.

    "Sorry E but she's sleeping," Jay told Evie back over the phone, making Evie groan. "Okay but can you wake her up. It's only for like a second," Evie told Jay who just looked over as he saw the toddler still sleeping, but now Audrey was as well as she had one arm protectively around the small toddler.

    "Good night Evie," Jay told Evie who was about to start arguing but Jay quickly hung up as he got into bed and fell asleep as well with the toddler sleeping peacefully between them.

      Their peaceful sleep was interrupted though when a few hours later the young toddler woke up and decided she was done with sleeping. "Pway! Pway! Pway!" Mal screamed out as she shook the two teens trying to make them get up.

     When that didn't seem to be working Mal just started jumping on the bed and climbing on top of them. "Ugh Mal please go back to sleep," Jay told the toddler who shook her head no as she continued to jump and climb on them.

     "Okay Mal we give up. What's wrong?" Audrey told the toddler who smiled as she held up one of her new toys. "Pway!" Mal called out making Audrey and Jay look at each other as they groaned not knowing how to handle this situation.

     It was late and they just wanted to sleep, but it didn't seem like Mal was going to allow that. "Okay we'll play," Jay told the toddler after the two teens had been staring at each other and communicating through their looks and had come to an agreement.

    "Yay! Pway!" Mal squealed out as she got down and ran off to gather all her toys. "Well there goes our perfect sleep schedule," Audrey told Jay who just laughed as he knew how impossible Audrey's sleep schedule was to her.

     "No, it's fine. You can go back to sleep. I'll stay up with her and play. You need your sleep," Jay told his girlfriend, making her blush before she shook her head no as she looked over to see the happy toddler.

     "Aw you're sweet, but I think it's best if we both stayed up. I mean this is part of parenting right," Audrey told Jay who just laughed as he nodded. "Otay pway now!" The young girl told them both as she handed them some of her toys making the two teens look at each other as they both smiled.

     They knew they weren't getting any sleep tonight, but seeing how happy Mal got to play with them made them forget all about that.

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