Happy Birthday Mommy!

Author's Note: I was planning to have this posted yesterday because that's when Sofia's birthday was, but it wasn't finished by then, so I know this is a day late but I tried my best. Anyway I hope you enjoy this and please let me know what you all thought.

"Should we be doing this," Carlos nervously asked the others as he watched Uma carefully pick up the sleeping toddler from her crib as she handed her over to Jay while Evie was still sound asleep.

"Carlos we're not doing anything bad," Jay told his younger brother who eyed the sleeping blue haired teen as he just knew Evie was going to have a heart attack in the morning when she woke up and Mal was gone.

"Yes we are! She's gonna flip out," Carlos practically screamed out, but Uma covered his mouth stopping him from exposing them. "We need to make her think Mal is missing so she spends time looking around for her and it will give us the perfect amount of time to set up her surprise party. You already know the deal! Stop freaking out now," Uma told Carlos, making him calm down as he knew Uma was right.

"I can't believe my little sister is 17 today. It feels like just yesterday we were meeting for the first time back on the Isle. We were just a small group of suffering children just trying to survive and now look at us. We're in Auradon living the dream and Evie is one year away from adulthood. Wow where did the time go," Jay told the others who were all trying to act like they found Jay's speech sappy, but they actually liked it and agreed.

They would never admit that though because that's admitting how soft they are and they would never do that. "Alright softie save the sap! Just take the kid and get out of here before she wakes up," Uma quickly told Jay and the others who just nodded as they quickly grabbed a few of Mal's stuff they would need and then they left leaving just Uma and Evie in the dorm.

Uma was immediately woken up a few hours later from Evie's screaming of pure panic and terror when Evie had woken up to check on Mal after not hearing her and saw that the crib was completely empty and Mal's dragon was gone too.

"NOOO! NOOO! NOOO! NO! MAL! MAL COME ON WHERE ARE YOU! MAL PLEASE! UMA WAKE UP NOW!" Evie screamed out in panic as she looked everywhere and couldn't find her precious baby anywhere.

Uma just smirked a little knowing the plan was working before she quickly snapped out of it and put on a concerned look. "Ugh princess what's going on," Uma asked Evie who was on the verge of a complete breakdown as just grabbed Uma by her shirt.

"WHERE IS MY BABY! UMA I KNOW YOU THINK THIS FUNNY BUT IT'S NOT! WHERE IS MY BABY!" Evie cried out as couldn't take it. Uma always found it funny to hide Mal from her and make her think she lost her, but normally Evie was able to find Mal right away.

This time was different because she couldn't find Mal anywhere. Uma just watched Evie completely spiral as she knew it was wrong to do this to her, but they needed a distraction and Mal being missing would be the only thing to keep her super distracted and preoccupied.

"WHAT MAL'S MISSING!" Uma screamed out in her best worried voice making Evie look at her in shock as Uma clearly didn't know Mal had been gone either which meant this wasn't a stupid prank that Uma was trying to pull.

"YOU MEAN YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE SHE IS EITHER!" Evie screamed out in panic again and Uma just silently cursed herself for getting herself into this, but it was too late now. "NO WHY WOULD I KNOW WHERE SHE IS! I THOUGHT SHE WAS IN HER CRIB!" Uma told Evie as she continued to just go along with the plan, making Evie start panicking more as she fell to the floor and started sobbing.

"Hey princess it's okay. This isn't the first time she's gotten out we just have to go look for her! I'm sure she couldn't have gotten far. I mean she's tiny," Uma told Evie as she was starting to feel really bad for doing this to her friend even though the end result would be something Evie was going to love.

Evie just immediately jumped up as she quickly wiped away her tears and then looked at Uma.

"You're right we have to go look for her now! Before anything bad happens to her! She's just a baby! God I can't lose her! She's literally my entire world! Uma come on now!" Evie cried out as she quickly grabbed Uma and dragged her out of the dorm, so they could look for Mal who was actually completely safe with Audrey and Jay who were watching her and helping the others set up for Evie's surprise party.

"Oh god we're never gonna find her! We looked everywhere! She's not here! Where could she be! Oh no Uma! What if someone kidnapped her! I'm never going to see my baby again am I! I just want my baby back! This is the worst birthday ever! It's worse than any birthday I ever had!" Evie told Uma as she broke down sobbing and Uma just closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she hated doing this to Evie, but they still needed a little more time.

"Wait, it's your birthday today?" Uma asked Evie as she tried to hide her emotions, making Evie look up at Uma with a look of complete pain and betrayal that her friend forgot her own birthday when Evie remembered Uma's.

Uma wanted to die when she saw Evie give her that look as she felt so guilty and hurt for doing this to her best friend, but she had no choice. It had been her idea to use Mal as a distraction and it was too late to take it back down.

"Yes it's my birthday! You forgot! Well clearly you're not the only one because no one has wished me a Happy Birthday today either. I guess everyone just doesn't even care about me and now I lose the best thing that has ever happened to me! I would do anything to get my baby back right now," Evie cried out as she continued to sob and Uma couldn't do it anymore as she sat down by Evie and pulled her close to her.

"Hey princess it's okay. I'm sorry I forgot your birthday, but I know what will make you feel better," Uma told Evie who just shook her head no as the only thing she wanted was Mal back.

"The only thing that could make me feel better is getting my baby back! And that's never going to happen! This is why I hate my birthday! Nothing good ever happens on my birthday!" Evie cried out again making Uma sigh as she pulled Evie up and brought her into another hug despite how much Uma hated hugging.

She knew Evie needed this right now besides it is her birthday. "Princess just trust me I think you'll love this. Just follow me," Uma told Evie who didn't even really move as she just didn't care anymore.

All she wanted was her baby and without her all she was feeling was numb. Once Uma led Evie to the meet up spot she quickly gave the signal letting the others know they were there. Audrey and Jay just nodded as they quickly released the toddler and the small girl immediately ran towards Evie.

"MOMMY!" Mal cried out excitedly as she ran as fast as her tiny little legs would allow her as she immediately ran into Evie's arms. "Mal! Oh my god! My baby! You're okay! You're okay! Oh my god I love you so much! I thought I lost you! Mal where did you go! Please never do that to me again! Oh I love you so much! You're my whole world please never do that to mommy again!" Evie rambled out as she just held the small toddler close to her and hugged her tightly in relief as she was so happy that she had her baby back and that Mal was completely safe and okay.

Mal just giggled as she hugged Evie back and soaked in all of her mommy's love before she remembered what she was supposed to say to get her strawberry ring pop. "Haby Bowfay mommy! Supwise!" The small girl told Evie who just looked at the toddler in confusion, but before Evie had time to process it everyone that had been hiding popped out as they all started screaming out Surprise.

Evie just looked at all the decorations and at all the people who were there as she smiled realizing what was going on. "Wait so you all didn't forget my birthday," Evie asked the others in both shock and excitement as she couldn't believe her friends really did all this just for her.

"Oh come on Evie did you really think we would forget your birthday. Come on who do you take us as," Jay playfully told Evie, making her laugh as she hugged him. "Well sorry I was kinda an emotional mess thinking my baby was gone forever," Evie told Jay and the others who all just pointed at Uma who just glared at them all for ratting her out.

"It was you!" Evie asked Uma, feeling even more betrayed as Uma had not only tricked her but it had been her idea. "Okay before you kill me just know it was also my idea for the surprise party and I just wanted you to have a good birthday for once, but we needed time to set everything up. I'll admit it was probably a bad idea to use Mal, but hey it worked right," Uma told Evie, making her smile as she realized Uma really did care about her she just had a different way of showing it.

"Okay I forgive you, but never do that to me again or you will regret it," Evie told Uma as she hugged her, making Uma smile a little as she hugged back. "Alright whatever you say princess, so should we get this party started," Uma told Evie and the others who all smiled and nodded as they all started having a good time together and celebrating Evie's birthday.

"Okay I think it's cake time!" Audrey told the others after a few hours went by of them all celebrating and having a good time. "Yes, cake time!" Carlos screamed out excitedly as he picked up the toddler from Evie bouncing her a little.

"Mal it's cake time!" Carlos cooed out excitedly to the toddler making her giggle as she clapped her hands excitedly. "Yay! Ca!" The small girl excitedly squealed making the others laugh as they watched the young teen play around with the toddler as they found it adorable.

"Aw you two are so cute!" Evie cooed out as she took a few pictures and then pulled Carlos and Mal close to her as they began to sing happy birthday, but before they had a chance the small girl in Evie's arms got a look at the cake as she smiled.

"Ca!" Mal screamed out excitedly as she reached over and grabbed a handful before anyone had time to stop her as she smiled and put it in her mouth making everyone laugh at the innocent little girl who was just too adorable for them to be mad at.

"Aw sweetie you're so silly. You're supposed to wait until after we sing happy birthday," Evie playfully told the toddler who just smiled as she started singing happy birthday and then looked at Evie. "Now," the small girl asked Evie who just laughed again. "Yeah Mal now you can eat it," Evie playfully told the toddler who giggled again. "Yay!" Mal squealed out as she continued to eat the cake again.

"I'm the luckiest girl in the world! I have the most amazing friends ever! And the best big brother a girl could ask for. Oh and I can't forget my adorable and amazing baby brother and my entire pride and joy, my sweet little apple! I love you all and this has been the best birthday ever! I'm so lucky to have you all!" Evie told the others as she hugged them all and blew out her candles once they finished singing happy birthday.

"So what did you wish for," Uma playfully asked Evie, making her smile as she looked around at her family who had all done so much to make her birthday special as she was feeling so loved and appreciated and wouldn't trade any of this for the world.

"It doesn't matter, I already have everything I need," Evie told Uma with a smile as she joined the others again and picked up the toddler pulling them all close to her just enjoying it all. 

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