The Good, the Bad; and the Ugly, Horrible, Disastrous Dish

At an undisclosed location...

"Almost got it, ha perfect," Death says as he wipes the sweat off of him. He then raises his trident high in the air and gazes at it in its three-pronged glory. The trident has a very... unique style. It has a small, cracked skull hanging off at the end of the trident and the color of the weapon is black and each point of the blade has a different color. It was white, red and purple, the white one is at the left blade while the red is at the right of the blade and the purple one is in the middle of it all, "now I just need to test this bad boy ou- *sniffs* Oh god almighty what's that ratchet smell!" He covers his nose as he went to investigate where it was coming from, apparently, he wasn't the only one that smelled that awful stench, Hishio is using a clip to cover his nose, Cree has a gas mask on and Oga just has like twenty-three air refreshers going on,

"What you too?" Hishio says to Oga as the olog puts another air refresher on him, "okay there might be two theories here, one Amy's cooking or two someone forgot to clean Odin, Hades and Lucy's cage again" Oga says as he and the other two look at Hishio, "what it's not my pet and I already did clean their cage, so it has to be-" "boys, dinners almost ready!" She shouts over as the four peak their heads out to see Amy with an apron and a chefs hat on instead of a witches hat at the moment, the kitchen is a mess and flower was everywhere and what she tried to make is supposed to be pizza but in reality it looks like a monster is being born, "hey um...what today is it exactly" Cree asks "the 18th, why?" Death answered, "ah crap it's on a Wednesday, so that means it's Amy's turn to cook," Cree says as everyone groaned at the news, "I can't take it anymore! I just want some real food!" Hishio says as he grabs Cree by the collar of his shirt and started to shake him.

"Calm down boy, shaking someone isn't going to help. Why not just talk to her about it" Death says as they look at him like he was insane "what are ya fucking nuts!" Cree says as he makes Hishio let go of him, "she can't handle personal opinions, example" makes Hishio go in there and he mimics Hishio "hey about your hair, yeah you did a horrible job on it" He says and as soon he finished that Amy stopped and looked straight into Hishios fear eyes, she then blasts him so far that the doors broke loose and turned into dust, the others looked at her and she switched back to her old self and resume to cook with a smile on her face and singing a tune. "Alright so that's out of the plan B then?" Death asks as the remaining two nodded

3 hours later.....

Hishio managed to get back here and was told the plan and it was set into action, Death walked up to Amy and began a conversation "hey Amy, listen I know we don't talk much but is there something new about you today" he questions her, she then has a wide smile and then began to talk in a fast pace, Cree then cut the power line While Oga and Hishio were up in the roof and were making rain and thundering sounds outside, they even brought a bucket of water for it to work.

"What the- what happened???" She says with a sadden tone, "power must've went out and you were in the middle of making dinner, now that's just a shame" he says with sympathy in his tone, "well good thing I have....MAGIC!" She says as she then castes a fire spell and resume cooking, Death walked away and the others met up outside, "Well did it work" Cree asked? "No it didn't work you absolute dip shit, have you forgotten she has powers" Death says as everyone groaned. "Okay let me try something," Hishio says

Hishio then got on top of a railing with some rope, he threw across and tugged on to see if it's secured, he then jump down while swinging and grabbing the pot, he laughs as he hits against the wall, the pot then fell back to the stove as Amy is humming a tune and didn't realize what just happened, Hishio limps back to the others while Cree and Oga are laughing while Death is just trying to hold his laughter back but failed and joined in, "har har real funny, I like to see you try something you bunch of slackers" he says while he limps back to his room, the laughter died down and then went back to planning, "Okay that didn't work...well it worked for entertainment tho so that's not a total failure" Oga says as he chuckles, "could we just order Chinese or pizza?" Cree asks. The two then looked at Death "I'm not paying your sorry broke-ass" Death says as then Oga now looks at Cree, "what the hell you want from me, my money went down the drain as soon my crew were either dead, missing or thrown to jail" he says as Oga looks at the phone and decides to call a pizza place, he places the order down "hello, yes I would like four pizzas, Sardines on one of them, Extra Cheese on the other and Extra EXTRA Meat on the last one, hey if it's been like 15 minutes would the pizza be free? Oh okay thank you Alright have a good night" he hung up the phone and look at Death and Cree, "Okay got the pizzas already set" Oga says with pride, "Cree. Start. The. Timer." Oga says as Cree sets up his watch and starts the countdown.

Oga then whistles and the beast wakes up and burst out of the cage and reveals itself, it's a hydra dragon with the three heads, one on the right has frost coming out of the mouth, fire from the left and the middle has acid coming out of its mouth, "LUCY, HADES AND ODIN, dinner is served" Oga says as the three-headed hydra dragon roars into the sky, and fly off to the city, "What was that!?!?" Amy says in a worried, yet irritated tone, "Hishio watching a horror movie is all!" Oga lied as he smirks while Death just shakes his head, "we still have to deal with Amy and her cooking" Death says as Oga walks pass by him and grabs a cage full of bugs, he dumps it out and Amy screams as she runs upstairs while crying and locking her door, "Okay time for phase two, Cree!" Oga shouts as the creeper then brings out something, he throws it like a grenade and green gas is coming out killing all the bugs, Cree puts on a gas mask and then dumps the pot that contains the dinner and once that was settled Oga then opened the windows and a few minutes later the gas was out.

"You people are sick, you know that" Death says and asks in a disappointing tone, "well hey your working for us remember," Cree says before the two could start an argument they hear Hishio coming out of the room and looking at the Olog, "did the plan work yet?" He asks as Oga looks at the sky, "not yet we still need to" before Oga could finish the timer went off and they hear a knock coming from the now fixed door, Death heads over and peaks out, he sees a young man covered up in charcoal and is shaking, Death opens the door and looks at the kid, "I'm assuming your the pizza delivery guy?" He asks as the nods his head and looks at the pizza, despite all that the pizzas was fine, "since it's been a few minutes late the pizza is free sir and here are your chips and drink" he hands them out and the black knight takes it from him, "have a good night young man and here I know it's free but for the trouble you just went through tonight but you earned it" Death says as he gives him 30.00 dollars, "keep the change" he says and closes the door, the guy looks at it and smiled, at least it wasn't the worst day he had.

A few minutes later...

"I know what we did tonight was awful but this is worth it, for once your plan wasn't complete garbage" he says as he takes a bite out of his extra cheese pizza, "hey I can have good ideas every now and then" Oga says as he ate his slice whole but chewed, "where's Amy anyway, the bugs are dead now so I thought she would've come out by now?" Cree asks as he took a bite and then took a sardine off and ate it, "I'm more worried about your dragon, where did it go anyway, I thought you sent them to eat the pizza guy?" Hishio asks as he took a bite on the pizza Oga and him are splitting, "I'm not that cruel, I always let them out to hunt for dinner, they love to hunt more but I give them an order to slow down the guy by any means necessary" he says, they hear crying as Amy comes down with her makeup running down and is a mess, "nobody likes my cooking" she says with a sniff "hey you had to know eventually" Oga says, Amy cries more and takes a sardine and extra cheese pizza and ate while crying, the hydra dragon came back and is pissed, "uh Oga what does that mean" Cree asked in fear "oh it just means they didn't find anything for dinner" Oga says, the hydra dragon then were ready to kill until they saw Amy's dinner, Lucy licked it and this caused the other dragons to eat more of it, Amy's makeup wasn't running anymore and has the brightest smile and happy laugh and went to get the rest of her cooking and gave it to the dragons, they enjoyed and went back to the cage and fell asleep "they love it, they love it!!! They love my cooking!" She screams in joy and she spun around while the others looked at her like she lost her mind...except for Cree as he smiled for her and the rest enjoyed a nice pizza dinner.

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